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The present paper reports the species composition and quantitative distribution of the Euphausiacea. The materials for study were taken from the western Taiwan Strait (22°22. 9′~25°43. 0′ N;116°40.0′~120°30.0′E) by the Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration during the investigations in May, August, November, 1984 and February, 1985.  相似文献   

The analysis of 103 samples collected quantitatively from the southern Taiwan Strait (22°4'-24°3'N, 117°5'-119°9'E), China, in August 1997 indicates that the abundance of heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) ranges from 391 to 1 846 ×103 cell/dm3, with an average of 949 × 103 cell/dm3, and 96.2% of cells are in size of 2-22 μm in all HNF met in the samples. The HNF cells are 9.83-45.79 μg/dm3 after conversion from cell number to carbon content, with an average of 22.82 μg/dm3 . The HNF abundance is relatively low in comparison with other areas. The nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients of the water are lower than previous investigations, which may be caused by the El Nino. The biomass of HNF is higher in southern waters, where cell concentration is 3-5 folds higher than that in other waters, and nearly 2-fold as high as the average of the investigated areas. The HNF is mainly habitat in 0-30 m water layer. Both horizontal and vertical HNF distribution must be influenced by hy-drographical dynamic pro  相似文献   

Concerning the ecological studies of the Hydromedusae and Ctenophores in Taiwan Strait, we have only two papers available on these studies in the southwest of Taiwan Strait. Throughout the western Taiwan Strait, for the first time the paper reports species composition, seasonal change, hori zontal distribution, ecological characteristics of the Hydromedusae and Ctenophores and their relationship to the environmental factors.  相似文献   

This study is based on 172 planktonic samples collected by vertical hauls of planktonic net from the bottom to the surface in the Western Taiwan Strait (116°40′~120°30′E, 22°22′. 9~26°43′N) in four seasonal months from May 1984 to February 1985.  相似文献   

AstudyonbenthiccommunitystructureinwestoftheTaiwanStraitandneartheTaiwanShoals¥WuQiquan;JiangJinxiang;XuHuizhou;CaiErxiandLin...  相似文献   

SpeciescompositionanddistributionoftheplanktonicdiatomsinthewesternTaiwanStrait¥YangQingliang(ThirdInstituteofOceanography,St...  相似文献   

ThebasicfeaturesofzooplanktoninthewesternwatersofTaiwanStraitINTRODUCTIONTheessayusesthedatafromacomprehensivesurveycarriedou...  相似文献   

INTRODUTION ln the ocean environrnent prediction nurnerital medels in the China seas, the TaiwanStrait was usually considered as oPen boundary either in the study of the East China Ai or thefouth China As, so it is difficult to get a satisfactory predicted result in this strait area.Recently many stud1es on the Taiwan Strait have been made, arid the predlction serviceproects of the drine prediction stage are increasing and have achieved high--favorable econodricbenefit. Nevertheless, t…  相似文献   

Fish species are abundant in the southern waters of the Taiwan Strait and its adjacent areas where 678 species in all are presnt, mostly belonging to 18 families such as Carangidae, Sciaenidae, Serranidae, Goboodae and others. In the composition of species, 73% of them are those distributing in the Indo-Malayan Region and the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific Region. The fish faunas have greater similarity to those in the northern waters of the South China Sea, 96% being in common. Species  相似文献   

I~IOW~ne nelnatode is a ban gIOup of benthic OrgAnsrns. Abbot 5 000 spotes Of free-livingnelnatedes have ben dedbo so far, and it has ho estimated that abbot 20 (XX) are as yetunknoWn. Chinese bothologist has Paid attention to marine nelnatodes in China seas in yare. The spatial distribution and shoes commotion of marine nelnatedes in the HUanghe EstUary, Qinhuangdao waters, QingdaO Bay and Xiamen ~ have ho reported (Zhang etal., 1990, 1991, 1993; ac and Li, 1998). ~ new shoes in the…  相似文献   

Based on the data of four seasonal surveys in 1980 and 1981,this paper analyses,forthe first time,the structure and distribution of benthic fauna and the relationship betweenbenthic fauna and the environmental factors.The results show that the benthic fauna communities in the survey area are quite complicated with eight community distribution areas,three ecological community types and four community structure types.  相似文献   

The distribution of dissolved oxygen in the western Taiwan Strait was discussed by using the method of harmonic analysis. The periodic variation of dissolved oxygen in seawatcr can be expressed by the Fourier series:whereto is annual average value; Am andφm are amplitude and phase of constituent, respectively. The distribution of A0 and the annual and semiannual constants (Am, φm) of dissolved oxygen in the surface, bottom and vertical section of the western Taiwan Strait were described. The effect of the various currents on the distribution of dissolved oxygen was also discussed.  相似文献   

I~IOWDuceetal.(1980)calculatedthattheair-seaexchangeprocesscouldsupply80%--90%ofthediforedironinputtothephotcrzoneoftheSargassoAsfromairand16%--76%tothecentralNorthPacific.CuisessentialtotheTnarineorganisms,butexcessiveCuistoxictOtheOrganisms.CdandPh...  相似文献   

鲸豚类是大型的海洋哺乳动物,是海洋中的重点保护生物。在制定相应的保护政策前,应较为充分地了解其种群特征。而分析一个地区的鲸豚搁浅等信息,则能够为该地区提供其组成和物种多样性等基本信息。本研究收集了2010-2015年台湾海峡西岸发生的鲸豚类的搁浅、误捕和救护等资料和样本。结果共记录了48例事件,其中包括37例搁浅事件,8例误捕事件和3例救护事件,共涵盖了13个鲸豚物种。其中,中华白海豚和江豚占较大比例,分别为31.3%和25%。值得注意的是,其中10起事件(20.8%)发生在平潭岛,而且包含了3种须鲸和4种齿鲸。另外,我们还比较了台湾海峡东西两侧鲸豚物种的组成,发现共有31种鲸豚物种生活在台湾海峡,说明该地区的鲸豚物种丰富度较高。通过这些信息的收集和分析,我们基本摸清了台湾海峡的鲸豚物种分布。今后,我们将通过开展野外调查来系统地分析台湾海峡的鲸类物种组成,种群大小和栖息地状况等基础资料,为提供更好的保护管理打下良好基础。  相似文献   

The stalemate since 2012 over the establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs) in the Southern Ocean has been a source of debate within and outside the Commission for Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). In 2015, China's support for the proposal for the establishment of a Ross Sea MPA was commended as a major step forward. As the newest Member of the CCAMLR, China refrained itself from commenting specifically on the issue of MPAs in the previous years, and had not articulated clearly its basic position until 2014. In light of its basic position and practices, China may become more active, maintain its basic position and take a case-by-case approach in relation to other MPA proposals. Moreover, bilateral interaction is helpful in finding practical solutions.  相似文献   

I\rnooUcrIoxThe drpdric fish species cor-npositlon is an imPOrtant element 1n the study of fish ecologyand plays an important guiding role ln fishery preduction and roouLrces rnanagement. Lin(l988) and Zhang (1994 and l995) have studied the simi1drities of mpulation COtwsition ofame s1ngle species of different yea-rs including hairtail Trichuras haumee and yellDw cndertwinena cmi. But no rePOrt is available on the discridrination of the sidrildrities amongmuLlt1ple sPecies composition of…  相似文献   

INTRoDUCTIONAdiagnosticmodel(WangandYuan,1997)hasbeenusedtocalculatethecurrentintheTaiwanStrait(TS)duringsummer.Astothesemidiagnosticmodel,SarkisyanandYu(1983)firstlysetupasemidiagnosticmodel,whichisalsocalledanadjustablem0del,andtheyusedittocalculatethecirculati0n0vertheAtlanticOcean.YuanandPan(l995)alsodevelopedathree-di-mensi0nalsemidiagnosticmodelandcalculatedthecirculationovertheEastChinaSea.Theprog-mpticm0dlfortheoceans,whichissimilartothesemidiagnosticmodel,wasstudiedearlierby…  相似文献   

TheclusteranalysisofthewatermassesinwesternTaiwanStraitfromhydrologicandchemicalfactors¥HuangZiqiangandJiWeidong(ReceivedAugu...  相似文献   

ThisstudywassupportedbytheStateEducationalCommittee(SEC)ofChina.INTRODUCTIONThedissolvedorganiccarbon(DOC),ordissolvedorganicmatter(DOM),isoneofthemostimPortantorganiccarbonreservoiroftheworld,whichmayaffectthecontentofCO2intheatmospherewithatime-scaleof1OOO~1OOOOyears(Hedges,1992).Theratesofproduction,degradationortransPortationofDOCareseveralmaindynamicalparametersofDOCintheeu-photiclayer.Inthispaper,wefocusonthediurnalvariationsofDOCinordertoestimatetheseparameters.METso…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONAsthefundamentalbasisofthewholebiogeOChemicalcyclingofcarbon,primaryproduction.TIsWOrkwassupportedbyfUndsfmtheStateEducation~ssboandFujianaudienceFOUndstion.processesswitchontheflowofmaterialsandenergyintheoceanicecosystem,supportlargeamountoffisheryproductiononwhichourhumanbeingsrelyonfacesupply.Althoughconsistingonly8%oftheglobaloceanarea,coastalregionssupply26%oftheglobaloceanicbiologicalproductsand2/3--3/4oftotalfisheryresources.Therefore,theinvestigationsonphytoplank…  相似文献   

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