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Ancient settlement patterns in central Tonga, at the southeastern limit of Lapita expansion into Remote Oceania ˜3 ka, were conditioned by island geomorphology as controlled by spatial geotectonic features and temporal changes in relative sea level on island coasts. Volcanic islands provided lithic resources, but human populations were concentrated on nonvolcanic forearc islands underlain by limestone covered by airfall tephra blankets that weathered to form rich agricultural soils and eroded to provide terrigenous sand for ceramic temper. The forearc islands lie along the Tonga platform, a linear tract of shoals uplifted diachronously by subduction of the buoyant Louisville Ridge at the Tonga Trench. Multiple transverse structural discontinuities break the forearc into discrete structural blocks, some tectonically stable during late Holocene time but others undergoing postuplift subsidence. Understanding the paleoenvironmental settings of Tongan archaeological sites requires reconstructing the contrasting geologic histories of different forearc island clusters. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Two variations of the integration of geology and archaeology have been proposed in the literature—archaeological geology and geoarchaeology. However, there is no agreement among practitioners as to the legitimacy of the distinctions that have been made. This disagreement suggests that the objectives and assumptions of this interdisciplinary field have not been adequately discussed among its practitioners. The published definitions of both of these subfields emphasize their geological and historical aspects rather than their anthropological and processual aspects. A comparison with zooarchaeology and paleoethnobotany suggests that the significance of geoarchaeology to anthropological archaeology has been slighted. This results from a failure to recognize the symbolic character of humans' interaction with their geologic environment. An attempt is made here to clarify the distinction between archaeological geology and geoarchaeology and to define objectives for the latter subfield that have anthropological significance.  相似文献   

This study examines the Holocene history of a glacially-sculpted Maine embayment using both geological and archaeological data bases. High-resolution seismic profiling, in combination with vibracores and Holocene sea-level curves, were used to develop the Holocene stratigraphy and paleogeographic evolution of Johns Bay and Pemaquid Beach, Maine. These geological databases were, whenever possible, integrated with the Johns Bay archaeological database and general archaeological settlement paradigms for coastal Maine. As sea level has risen from its -65 m lowstand at the beginning of the Holocene, Johns Bay has evolved from a narrow fluvial system, to an estuary, to its present form of an open embayment. Over roughly the last 4000 years, the Pemaquid Beach area has changed from a forested upland, to a bedrock-pinned freshwater wetland, to a pocket barrier fronting a small salt marsh. The barrier continues to migrate over the salt marsh, which is transgressing the freshwater environments. The first evidence of human settlement in Johns Bay is at 4000–5000 yr B.P. Archaeological site distribution around Johns Bay has been examined in light of an estuarine embayment evolution model developed for the Maine coast. Sites are concentrated in zone 1 (the inner embayment). This zone is currently experiencing sediment accumulation. Zone 2 (middle embayment) is undergoing erosion, and zone 3 (outer embayment) has been stripped of sediment. Archaeological sites in these outer areas have been eroded. The Pemaquid Beach area has a history of occupation dating back 4000–5000 years. The last 2000 years of this record is found in stratigraphic context in the Nahanada site. The first 3000 years is represented by a collection of artifacts found out of context on the beach in front of the Nahanada site. The artifacts, dated by morphology, present a time continuum from 4000–5000 yr B.P. until the occupation of the Nahanada site. Thus, it is suggested that the Nahanada site represents the back of a chronologically shingeled settlement area that extended to the 5000 yr B.P. shoreline. Finally, a model for the development of chronologically shingled sites is suggested.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary hillslope and valley evolution of the loess-mantled uplands between the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers has produced a landscape composed of surfaces of different ages. Archaeological remains occur in a variety of geological contexts, including intact surfaces that predate the artifacts upon them, as lag on surfaces formed by subsequent erosion, and buried within alluvium, colluvium, and upland loess soil profiles. Holocene channel belts are largely confined to trenches formed by deep stream incision during the late Pleistocene, and much of the alluvial record is intact, especially in valleys with aggraded floodplains. Modest Holocene hillslope retreat in backslope and shoulder landscape settings and temporary storage of footslope colluvium is documented at some sites. Historic land use practices have resulted in severe hillslope retreat and near complete burial of Holocene valleys with a 0.5-1-m-thick veneer of historic sediment. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic exposures in natural profiles, archaeological excavation units, backhoe trenches, and an uncased water well from the Laguna Seca Chapala basin in the Central Desert of Baja California (29°N, 115°W) record lake level and climate changes and provide a context for prehistoric occupation predating 9070 yr B.P. and extending through the Holocene. Lithofacies analysis points to the presence of a large (ca. 66 km2) lake prior to 9070 yr B.P., which desiccated by 7.45 ka yr B.P., promoting rapid dune growth. New dating and redefinition of stratigraphic units in the basin refutes earlier models of lacustrine history and prehistoric occupation including a proposed series of Pleistocene lake levels with associated cultural occupations. The geologic record from the Laguna Seca Chapala basin compares well with other paleoenvironmental records in southwestern North America, supporting interpretations of wet and cool conditions in Baja California during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Analysis of the microstratigraphy, geomorphology, and soils within an Aztec site in the piedmont of Texcoco provides information on the ecological context of the dispersed village during the Late Aztec phase (A.D. 1350–1520). Two erosional phases are identified, the first in the period between A.D. 500 and 1000, and the second in the 1600s. The two erosional events are correlated with the transition from dispersed settlements, with relatively high population density, to nucleated settlements marking a decline in population. Land reclamation by Aztec settlers is attested by the remains of the semiterracing system of metepantli and rock-faced terraces, which are features discussed in the context of anthropogenic soils identified within the site. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The transition from full glacial to interglacial conditions along the southern margin of the Laurentide ice sheet resulted in dramatic changes in landscapes and biotic habitats. Strata and landforms resulting from the Wisconsin Episode of glaciation in the area directly west of Lake Superior indicate a context for late Pleistocene biota (including human populations) connected to ice margins, proglacial lakes, and postglacial drainage systems. Late Glacial landscape features that have the potential for revealing the presence of Paleoindian artifacts include abandoned shorelines of proglacial lakes in the Superior and Agassiz basins and interior drainages on deglaciated terrains. The linkage between Late Pleistocene human populations and Rancholabrean fauna has yet to be demonstrated in the western Lake Superior region, although isolated remains of mammoth ( Mammuthus) have been documented, as well as fluted points assigned to Clovis, Folsom, and Holcombe‐like artifact forms. Agate Basin and Hell Gap (Plano‐type) artifacts also imply the presence of human groups in Late Glacial landscapes associated with the Agassiz and Superior basins. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Investigations were conducted along the middle South Platte River to better define the geomorphic contexts of Paleoindian sites and to reconstruct the alluvial and eolian geochronology. Paleoindian sites are associated with the Kersey terrace (the downstream equivalent of the Broadway terrace). The Kersey alluvium was deposited during Clovis occupation and the surface stabilized by 10,000 B.P. Post-Clovis sites post-date aggradation and stream downcutting may have started as early as 10,500 B.P. Subsequent floodplain development and downcutting formed the Kuner terrace (the possible downstream equivalent of the Piney Creek terrace) no later than 3000 B.P. and the Hardin terrace probably within the last 1000 years. Soils on the Kersey terrace are Ustochrepts (gravelly alluvium) or Haplustalfs (sandy and clayey alluvium). Soils on the Kuner terrace are cumulic Ustorthents and Ustochrepts. Soils on the Hardin terrace are Ustorthents with no obvious horizonation. Eolian sands began accumulating in the region by 10,000 B.P., but most are probably late Holocene deposits and are indicative of drier post-Pleistocene climate. Correlations with deposits in low order tributaries and other drainages can be difficult to make a) using soils because soil development varies as a function of parent material texture and b) because aggradation and degradation may be out-of-phase.  相似文献   

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