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New trilobite material and the first graptolites from outcrop are described from the Am5 member of the Amdeh Formation near Al Fleij in northeast Oman. The sediments in which these faunas occur are interpreted as distal-shelf deposits with storm beds packed with brachiopods and orthoconic nautiloids. The deposits and its faunas are considered of late Darriwilian age and younger than the shallower-water Am5 deposits known from other outcrops. No palynomorphs could be recovered to confirm this due to the increased burial temperature the Al Fleij area has experienced.The trilobites are of considerable palaeo-biogeographic interest as few faunas of this age are known from the Arabian Plate, though their preservation precludes the establishment of new species. They include Isabelinia aff. glabrata, Liomegalaspides sp., Neseuretus tristani, Neseuretinus sp. and the deeper-water forms, Cyclopyge cf. C. bohemica, Arthrorhachis sp. and Brachypleura sp. The graptolites are pendent Didymograptus spp. of later Darriwilian type.Rare elements of the conodonts Nordiora, Amorphognathus and Microzarkodina have been recovered from shell beds that occur interbedded with the faunas. They too indicate a late Darriwilian age and differ from richer, restricted, shallow-water faunas known from the Am5 at other locations, and the more cosmopolitan shelf fauna from the Ayim Member of the Rann Formation of the United Arab Emirates.A coarser, 80 m-thick, terrestrial sequence containing igneous pebbles, included in the Am5 in the 1980s, is shown from the occurrence of fossil plants to be of Permian age and probably equivalent to the Basal Saiq Clastics of Jabal al Akhdar.  相似文献   

Borehole 2506 drilled in the northern area of the Arkhangelsk Oblast penetrated through the Paleozoic sedimentary block isolated in the Vendian thick sequence. A diverse acritarch assemblage has been established within the depth interval of 119.9–217.5 m. The assemblage comprises more than 70 taxa, including species characteristic of the boundary interval between the Volkhov and Kunda horizons of the East European Platform (the graptolite Didymograptus hirundo Zone). Stratigraphic position of host deposits was established within the Darriwilian Stage of the Middle Ordovician. The described assemblage of microphytofossils is similar to coeval assemblages from NW Russia, Baltic region, and Scandinavia, being typical of the Baltic phytoplankton province of temperate latitudes. A great number of species in common suggests that the assemblage under consideration is correlative with coeval assemblages of southern China thus offering a possibility of remote correlation.  相似文献   

The base of the Middle Ordovician (i.e. Dapingian Stage) has been defined at the first appearance datum (FAD) of conodont Baltoniodus? triangularis at Huanghuachang, Yichang, China, but the precise correlation of the boundary to regions of other facies remain to be resolved. Herein we review the biostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy of the Huanghuachang Global Standard Stratotype-Section and Point (GSSP) section, and present our latest stratigraphic work on the nearby Chenjiahe section in Yichang, and the Hengtang Quarry section, Jiangshan, Zhejiang, which is regarded as representative of slope facies. The conodont and graptolite biostratigraphy as well as chemostratigraphy of the Chenjiahe section indicate that the base of the Middle Ordovician also falls within the graptolite Azygograptus suecicus Zone, and coincides with a high or maximum δ13C value within a minor positive carbon isotope excursion, suggesting that the base boundary can be readily recognized across the entire Yangtze Gorges area. The integrated graptolite and conodont biostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy of the Hengtang section, Jiangshan, indicates that the basal boundary probably falls within the graptolite Isograptus caduceus imitatus Zone that overlies the Azygograptus suecicus Zone, and coincides with a remarkable drop of δ13C. This difference indicates that a multi-disciplinary approach is critical to identify the base boundary in those regions where the Baltoniodus? triangularis is absent.  相似文献   

笔者等在充分调研的基础上,通过开展大量的野外勘察以及牙形石生物地层研究,结合露头和钻井资料对上扬子区中奥陶世牯牛潭组与十字铺组的定义与时空分布特征进行了系统的梳理与总结。结果表明:十字铺组为中奥陶世达瑞威尔期晚期(Dw3)的一套以页岩为主的地层,呈条带状近东西向分布于黔北、川东南及滇东北等地区。牯牛潭组是达瑞威尔期(Dw1—Dw3)的一套灰岩相沉积,与下伏和上覆地层的接触关系类型存在四种情况。在其中三种情况下,该组可能与上覆地层之间存在地层缺失。该组底、顶界穿时明显:底界主要介于Dw1晚期至Dw2早期之间,对应牙形石Lenodus antivariabilis带至Lenodus variabilis带;顶界最晚可达Dw3晚期,对应牙形石Pygodus anserinus带,最早仅到Dw1晚期(L.antivariabilis带)。在研究区该组主要分布于川东、重庆大部、黔北、黔东北、鄂西及湘西北地区。在部分地区,牯牛潭组上部可与十字铺组对比。  相似文献   

Detailed analysis of the Late Cretaceous Vilquechico Group (formerly Vilquechico Formation) of the Southern Andes allows the recognition of three major sedimentary sequences, defining Lower, Middle and Upper Vilquechico lithologic formations (LVF, MVF and UVF respectively). Some of them (MVF and UVF) include in turn minor sedimentary sequences. In addition to dinosaur trackways, they contain a marine fauna (selachians, actinopterygians, molluscs) in their transgressive basal parts, and lacustrine fossils (charophytes, ostracods, gastropods) in their regressive continental upper parts. Two charophyte biozones characterize the MVF and the UVF respectively. The lithologic and sedimentary features of the major sequences, as well as their palaeontological contents allow large-scale correlations with other Andean series. Such correlations permit us to tentatively ascribe the unfossiliferous LVF to the Coniacian-early Santonian (?) time-span, and the MVF to the Santonian late Campanian interval. The UVF is of latest Campanian-late Maastrichtian age. As a consequence, the assumed correlations between the Vilquechico Group and some of the vertebrate-bearing Andean localities are revised.  相似文献   

晚奥陶世北秦岭弧后盆地放射虫组合   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
崔智林  华洪 《地质学报》2000,74(3):254-258
陕西渭北地区旬奥陶世裂陷成深水环境9,构成北秦岭弧后盆地的一部分,接受了一套碳酸盐岩斜坡相沉积。在其下部地层首次分离出一个保存良好,属种丰富的放射虫化石化合Inanibigutta aff.inconstans-Syntagentactinia biocculosa组合,计有7科、14属、23种、4新种,以Inaniguttidae、Haplentactiniidae、Polyentactinii  相似文献   

哈拉湖地区奥陶纪花岗岩相对富钠(Na2O>K2O),具有中钾-高钾钙碱性系列特征,岩石类型以辉长闪长岩和花岗闪长岩为主。岩石稀土及微量元素特征均显示物质来源有地幔物质参与,构造环境判别图显示形成于大洋俯冲的环境。利用LA-ICP-MS进行锆石U-Pb同位素年龄测定,样品锆石206Pb/238U年龄加权平均值为466±4 Ma,限定该花岗岩的形成时代为中奥陶世,该时期北祁连洋发生双向扩张俯冲,南部中祁连陆块遭受俯冲挤压,导致地幔物质上涌,同时陆壳部分熔融,岩体为两者混合形成的产物,该岩体年龄的确定为祁连洋的多阶段俯冲提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

A collection of numerous crinoid pluricolumnals from the uppermost Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) of Tibet were derived from one biological species of crinoid. The specimens were collected from well‐lithified, bioclastic shelf limestones of the upper part of the Lower Chiatsun Group, Pygodus serra Biozone; coeval rocks of similar lithology outcrop at the summit of Everest. A new crinoid morphospecies, Segmentocolumnus (col.) hanshessi, is tentatively considered a ‘stem‐group cladid’, perhaps a dendrocrinid. The proxistele is broad and pentagonal in section with a broad, pentagonal axial canal; the mesistele of similar gross morphology is more slender with a regularly heteromorphic column and a similarly wide axial canal; the dististele is a terminal dendritic radice with a pentastellate axial canal. In the mesistele, the meric sutures correspond to the centres of the sides of the column, but in the dististele they occur in the angles. This range of morphologies would have led to their inclusion in at least two morphogenera if they had not been closely associated; as they belong to a single biological species, they have been ‘lumped’ together herein. This is a rare contribution to our knowledge of the early crinoids from a region outside Europe and North America. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In Korea,trilobites are among the most intensively studied fossil groups in the past century and provide invaluable information about lower Paleozoic stratigraphy,paleogeography,and tectonics of the Korean Peninsula. Trilobites occur in the lower Paleozoic Joseon Supergroup of the Taebaeksan Basin which was part of the Sino-Korean Craton in the Paleozoic. The Joseon Supergroup is divided into the Taebaek,Yeongwol,and Mungyeong groups. The Taebaek and Yeongwol groups are richly fossiliferous,while the Mungyeong Group is poorly fossiliferous. Contrasting trilobite faunal contents of the Taebaek and Yeongwol groups resulted in two separate biostratigraphic schemes for the Cambrian–Ordovician of the Taebaeksan Basin. A total of 22 biozones or fossiliferous horizons were recognized in the Taebaek Group; 19 zones were established in the Yeongwol Group; and four biozones were known from the Mungyeong Group. These trilobite biozones of the Taebaeksan Basin indicate the Joseon Supergroup ranges in age from the Cambrian Series 2 to Middle Ordovician and can be correlated well with the formations of North China,South China,and Australia.  相似文献   

在下/中奥陶统界线附近笔石的生物地层学研究基础上,笔者选择了华南地区奥陶系台地相、盆地相和位于二者之间的过渡相等不同沉积相区5条典型地层剖面,开展了华南下/中奥陶统界线附近笔石动物群的图形对比研究,通过这项研究,进一步明确了华南奥陶系下/中奥陶统界线附近笔石动物群的延限和不同相区笔石动物群的精确对比关系,为开展不同相区之间地层的精确对比奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The Maggol Limestone of Ordovician age was deposited in the Taebaeksan (Taebacksan) Basin which occupies the northeastern flank of the Okcheon (Ogcheon) Belt of South Korea. Carbonate facies analysis in conjunction with conodont biostratigraphy suggests that an overall regression toward the top of the Maggol Limestone probably culminated in subaerial exposure of platform carbonates in the early Middle Ordovician (earliest Darriwilian). Elsewhere this subaerial exposure event is manifested as a major paleokarst unconformity at the Sauk-Tippecanoe sequence boundary beneath the Middle Ordovician succession and its equivalents, most in notably North America and North China. Due to its global extent, this paleokarst unconformity has been viewed as a product of second- or third-order eustatic sea level fall during the early Middle Ordovician. The Sauk-Tippecanoe sequence boundary in South Korea, however, appears to be a discrete marine-flooding surface in the upper Maggol Limestone. Strata beneath this surface represent by a thinning-upward stack of exposure-capped tidal flat-dominated cycles that are closely associated with multiple occurrences of paleokarst-related solution-collapse breccias. This marine-flooding surface is onlapped by a thick succession of thin-bedded micritic limestone that is eventually overlain by a Middle Ordovician condensed section. This physical stratigraphic relationship suggest that second- and third-order eustatic sea level fall may have been significantly tempered by regional tectonic subsidence near the end of Maggol deposition. The tectonic subsidence is also evidenced by the occurrence of coeval off-platform lowstand siliciclastic quartzite lenses as well as debris flow carbonate breccias (i.e., the Yemi Breccia) in the basin. With continued tectonic subsidence, a subsequent rise in the eustatic cycle caused drowning and deep flooding of the carbonate platform, forming a discrete marine-flooding surface that may be referred to as a drowning unconformity. This tectonic interpretation contrasts notably with the slowly subsiding carbonate platform model for the basin as has been previously suggested. Thus, it is proposed that the Taebaeksan Basin in the northeastern flank on the Okcheon Belt evolved from a slowly subsiding carbonate platform to a rapidly subsiding intracontinental rift basin during the early Middle Ordovician.  相似文献   

正1 Introduction As one of the major zooplanktonic organisms in the Ordovician and Silurian marine ecosystems,graptolites played a unique role in the GOBE (Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event) and underwent a considerable variation of diversities both in lifestyle and in speciation through the Ordovician (Sadler et al.,2011;Cooper et al.,2014).Graptolites are among the early  相似文献   

中上扬子地区上奥陶统主要发育庙坡组、宝塔组、临湘组(涧草沟组)、五峰组和观音桥组。笔者通过对研究区野外露头及钻井剖面的考察,总结前人研究成果,利用岩石学、古生物学、生态学及室内分析等方法将其划分为潮坪相、浅海陆棚相和深水盆地相3种沉积相类型。潮坪相以沉积灰岩、白云岩、钙质粉砂岩和粉砂岩等为特征。浅海陆棚相主要沉积龟裂纹灰岩、瘤状灰岩、页岩和粉砂质页岩。深水盆地相主要岩性为黑色碳质页岩、粉砂质页岩与硅质页岩,产以营漂浮生活的笔石为主的生物组合。岩相古地理研究表明,晚奥陶世桑比-凯迪早中期,受加里东构造运动影响,华南板内碰撞挤压作用显著,汉南隆起、川中隆起、川西-滇中-黔中-雪峰隆起不断抬升扩大,中上扬子地区表现为海平面相对上升,原本镶边型碳酸盐台地被淹没,沉积了大范围的浅海陆棚相龟裂纹灰岩和瘤状灰岩。凯迪晚期-赫南特期,隆起面积继续扩大,构造围限作用加剧,中上扬子地区发育大面积黑色碳质页岩、粉砂质页岩和硅质页岩。尤其川东南宜宾-泸州,川北旺苍-南江及黔北渝东武隆道真地区五峰组黑色碳质和硅质页岩,具很好的生烃潜力,应视为下一步烃源岩及页岩气勘探开发的重点研究区域。  相似文献   

何心一  陈建强 《地学前缘》2006,13(6):145-152
对扬子区中奥陶世至晚志留世四射珊瑚已发表的属种进行全面清理和厘定。现统计扬子区中奥陶世至晚志留世四射珊瑚约有117个属,其中以晚奥陶世和早志留世珊瑚属数最多。117个属中至少有30个属最早出现在扬子区中、晚奥陶世和早志留世地层。因此,扬子区被认为是奥陶纪、志留纪四射珊瑚起源中心之一。完善和修订扬子区中奥陶世至晚志留世四射珊瑚组合序列,使地层时代划分上均与国际通行标准(统、阶)接轨。尤其对扬子区早志留世Rhuddanian晚期,Aeronian早、晚期以及Telychian早、晚期四射珊瑚组合的重新建立和细分。最新资料表明晚奥陶世观音桥四射珊瑚动物群不但有更多的北欧同期的珊瑚分子,而且还产有北美标准属种Salvadorea,Brachyelasmasubregulare等说明两者也存在一定的联系。扬子区早志留世(Llandovery)的众多四射珊瑚属均为世界广布的,但也有许多地方性属(约有22个,占总数的23·4%)。就珊瑚生物古地理关系,它与同期的西伯利亚、哈萨克斯坦和澳大利亚珊瑚群较密切。  相似文献   

华南地区下奥陶统仑山组为奥陶系最底部的岩石地层单位之一,其以大套白云岩为主要特征,广泛分布于下扬子区。通过对安徽池州洪家剖面仑山组的系统分析,并结合下扬子区多个相关剖面的资料,进一步确定仑山组岩性为白云岩、灰质白云岩和白云质灰岩,夹有部分亮晶颗粒灰岩和亮泥晶颗粒灰岩。整体上以亮晶生屑灰岩或泥晶生屑灰岩的出现作为仑山组顶界,在下扬子区内部、北部及东南部地区以白云质灰岩或灰质白云岩出现为其底界,而在下扬子区西南部大部分地区则以白云岩化出现为其底界。整个仑山组所含生物化石种类和数量较少,自下而上可建立5个牙形石带,分别是Monocostatus sevierensis带、Acanthodus lineatus-A. costatus带、Scolopodus? pseudoplanus带、Glyptoconus quadraplicatus带和Paltodus deltifer-Tripodus proteus带,推测其时代为早奥陶世特马豆克早期。仑山组主要形成于浅潮下带至深潮下带环境中,其地层总厚度和其中的白云岩厚度受到古地理因素的控制。通过岩石学特征分析,推断仑山组白云岩主要为准同生条件下的多种白云岩化作用叠加中等埋藏条件下的白云岩化形成。  相似文献   

Since 1985, samples with a total weight of more than 14,000 kg, mainly from three key sections in western and northwestern Hunan, South China, have been processed for conodonts. In strata older than the late Late Cambrian paraconodonts have proved useful for stratigraphic subdivision and correlation. Thirteen conodont zones are proposed in the Middle Cambrian through lowermost Ordovician. The correlation between these zones and those of North China, western U. S.A., western Newfoundland, Canada, and Iran is discussed. In ascending order, these 13 zones are as follows: The Gapparodus bisulcatus-Westergaardodina brevidens Zone, Shandongodus priscus-Hunanognathus tricuspidatus Zone, Westergaardodina quadrata Zone, Westergaardodina matsushitai-W. grandidens Zone, Westergaardodina lui-W. am Zone, Westergaardodina cf. calix-Prooneotodus rotundatus Zone, Proconodontus tenuiserratus Zone, Proconodontus Zone, Eoconodontus Zone, Cordylodus proavus Zone, Cordylodus intermedius Zone, Cordylodus lindstromi Zone, and  相似文献   

New morphologic information permits systematic revision of trilobites from the Middle Ordovician Klimoli Formation of the Zhuozishan area, Ordos Basin, Inner Mongolia. The new assemblage is composed of 10 species of the Raphiophoridae, Nileidae, Asaphidae, and Telephinidae.? An asaphid, aff. Mioptychopyge lashachungensis (previously Paraptychopyge lashachungensis) displays an intermediate morphology between the Chinese nobiliasaphine genera Mioptychopyge and Zhenganites. The pygidial doublure is regarded as the most significant character to differentiate Symphysurus klimoliensis (previously Nileus klimoliensis) of the Nileidae from such closely allied taxa as Poronileus. A nileid, cf. Peraspis kujandensis displays typical nileid morphology, unlike the type species, Peraspis lineolata, which might turn out to be an asaphid. Ampyx gongwusuensis sp. nov. of the Raphiophoridae is the first record of the genus in the Zhuozishan area and reveals morphologic details that might be employed to resolve Ampyx taxonomy in China. Morphologic differences between A. gongwusuensis and Abulbaspis ordosensis might represent a case of sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

A robust stratigraphic framework and a coherent depositional ramp model for the Zitai, Dawan, Meitan and Ningkuo formations of Floian–Darriwilian age (Early–Middle Ordovician) in the Yangtze (Daoba, Xiangshuidong, Daling, Gudongkou and Honghuayuan sections) and Jiangnan regions (Nanba section) was created based on lithofacies and major element analysis. Three siliciclastic (LF1–3) and six carbonate (LF4–9) lithofacies are recognized representing sediments that were deposited in mixed siliciclastic and carbonate ramp environment. The intensity of mixed sedimentation and terrigenous input were evaluated using the elemental proxies Intensity of Mixed sedimentation (IM) and Aluminum Accumulation Rate (AlAR), as well as their mean values during certain time intervals. Mixed sediments are most well-developed along the marginal Yangtze region, strongly impacted by recurrent influx of westerly derived terrigenous materials in response to global eustatic changes and regional tectonic movements, shaping the gently southeast-dipping morphology. Regular terrigenous influx resulted in periods of enhanced primary productivity on the Yangtze Ramp as evidenced by matching biodiversity peaks in planktonic organisms, i.e., chitinozoans and acritarchs. Brachiopods and other shelly fauna were also able to proliferate as new niches developed along the gently dipping ramp floor with substrate changes. The biodiversification patterns suggest that terrigenous influx controlled in part by regional tectonics played a more important role than previously thought in the development of Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event in South China.  相似文献   

西藏申扎地区奥陶纪鹦鹉螺化石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
申扎地区塔尔玛桥东-扎扛一带的奥陶系是藏北地区有可靠古生物化石依据的第二个出露区。地层发育好,含化石门类多,数量大,时代依据可靠,界线清楚,是藏北地区目前已知研究奥陶系(纪)的最理想地区。经鉴定,该区鹦鹉螺化石有29种,10未定种,分别隶属3目8科15属,其中3新属9新种。这为该区奥陶纪地层划分、对比及研究古地理格局,探讨藏北地质构造演化提供了重要资料。文中仅描述了1新属6新种,老属种描述从略。  相似文献   

华南造山带下寒武统和中奥陶统发现放射虫   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在华南造山带江西萍乡下寒武统牛角河组泥质板岩和湖南永州中奥陶统烟溪组硅质岩中首次发现放射虫。放射虫的发现表明萍乡—永州一带寒武纪—中奥陶世存在相当规模的处于低纬度的海盆。  相似文献   

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