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RS与GIS在海洋地质调查中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几十年来,海洋的重要性愈来愈明显,海洋地质调查作为获取海洋数据的重要手段逐渐受到关注。海洋数据与陆地数据相比,具有多样性和时空复杂性的特点。近年来遥感技术和地理信息系统技术发展迅速,遥感的实时性、大面积监测性的特点以及地理信息系统对空间数据的有序管理及支持辅助决策的功能为海洋地质调查开辟了新的前景。笔者结合遥感和地理信息系统的特点、发展趋势,介绍了其在海洋地质调查领域中的应用,并对其应用前景做出展望。  相似文献   

Exploratory data analysis of a high‐resolution (hook‐by‐hook), 6‐year time series (1993–98) of observed longline catch data for tunas was used to investigate fine‐scale spatial patterns along individual sets that may be indicative of social behaviour (i.e., schooling) and/or the response of individual fish to favourable extrinsic conditions (i.e., aggregation). Methods of spatial data analysis (i.e., nearest neighbour analysis) that have previously been applied in various other sciences (e.g., forestry and astronomy) were used. Results indicate strong clustering of individual tunas at characteristic scales within the set. Mean Nearest Neighbour Distances (NNDs) were between 100 and 200 m, compared with NNDs of 200–700 m predicted by a heterogeneous Poisson process on the same spatial domain. The results suggest that these adult tunas were either schooling or aggregating at the time of capture; this may therefore be related either to social behaviour or to sub‐mesoscale oceanographic features. An aggregation index was derived from the NNDs, giving a classification method that may be used for similar data and the development of empirical models attempting to relate patterns in fish catch distributions to environmental variables. The success of such models will ultimately depend on elucidating the ecological processes reflected in oceanographic features at biologically meaningful spatial scales.  相似文献   

空间数据查询效率的优劣决定着三层体系结构空间信息系统的应用效果。空间数据缓存技术是提高空间数据查询效率的有效方法之一。在数据缓存技术逐渐成熟的今天,如何利用数据缓存技术来构建空间数据缓存是目前研究的热点。基于Microsoft新的数据缓存技术,借助常用的格网索引,在客户端和应用服务器端开辟空间数据缓存区,以降低数据的传输量,减少用户的请求响应时间,从而提高空间数据查询效率。在利用版本控制技术实现空间数据缓存的同时,解决客户端、应用服务器和数据库服务器的数据一致性问题,确保空间数据的有效性和可用性。  相似文献   

High-frequency (HF) radar systems are remote sensing tools that can be used to measure oceanographic parameters. Problems can occur when using the conventional periodogram (PG) method for computing power spectral estimates from backscattered radar signals. Temporal and spatial inhomogeneities within the radar measurement region can cause distortion in the spectra. This paper describes an instantaneous-frequency (IF) filtering technique that has been developed to measure the first-order modulation contained within the radar signal. Successful removal of this modulation is shown to yield an increased quality and quantity of ocean measurements  相似文献   

Since the heterogeneity of oceanographic conditions drives abundance, distribution, and availability of prey, it is essential to understand how foraging predators interact with their dynamic environment at various spatial and temporal scales. We examined the spatio-temporal relationships between oceanographic features and abundance of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus), the largest free-ranging predator in the Western Mediterranean Sea (WM), through two independent approaches. First, spatial modeling was used to estimate whale density, using waiting distance (the distance between detections) for fin whales along ferry routes across the WM, in relation to remotely sensed oceanographic parameters. At a large scale (basin and year), fin whales exhibited fidelity to the northern WM with a summer-aggregated and winter-dispersed pattern. At mesoscale (20–100 km), whales were found in colder, saltier (from an on-board system) and dynamic areas defined by steep altimetric and temperature gradients. Second, using an independent fin whale satellite tracking dataset, we showed that tracked whales were effectively preferentially located in favorable habitats, i.e. in areas of high predicted densities as identified by our previous model using oceanographic data contemporaneous to the tracking period. We suggest that the large-scale fidelity corresponds to temporally and spatially predictable habitat of whale favorite prey, the northern krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica), while mesoscale relationships are likely to identify areas of high prey concentration and availability.  相似文献   

The relatively wide KwaZulu-Natal Bight between St Lucia and Durban on the north-east shelf of South Africa is characterised by several circulation features driven by the Agulhas Current, wind and coastal inputs. A large multidisciplinary programme investigated the sources and relative influences of nutrients on the shelf. Within this, and to address a critical knowledge gap, this study describes macrobenthic (<1 mm) composition and frequency from 16 stations, assigned amongst four oceanographic focus areas. The areas were predetermined across the disciplines to represent upwelling, outwelling and a semi-persistent eddy, with nutrients and primary productivity being measured at each. Environmental variables such as sediment distribution, sediment TOC and bottom water physico-chemistry were determined at a significantly larger spatial scale. Our study postulated that oceanographic focus areas support significantly different macrobenthic assemblages, and that composition and relative distribution is due to measurable habitat attributes at each. Macrofauna were relatively abundant and particularly rich at >1 000 taxa. Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Sipuncula and Cnidaria (>50 taxa each) were the dominant macrobenthic groups in the bight. Annelida were dominated by the polychaete families Spionidae, Terrebelidae and Cirratullidae, which were generally associated with outwelling and a mud depocentre off the Thukela River. Two unique and distinctive assemblages were found, one in the Thukela Mouth focus area and another on the midshelf between Thukela and Durban. The latter is influenced by poorly sorted, coarse sand and with probable influences from the Durban Eddy. There assemblages were abundant, rich and specific to this habitat. Correlation, PERMANOVA and CAP analyses showed assemblage fidelity to the focus areas. Medium sand, fine sand, mud and the variance of overall sediment type were the habitat drivers underlying macrofaunal abundance distributions.  相似文献   

The performance of various directional instruments for practical oceanographic and coastal engineering applications is examined. The emphasis is put on the application of conventional current meters equipped with high resolution pressure sensors and three element arrays. Two simulation techniques have been used to produce input data with known frequency spectrum and known directional spreading. The directional spreading is determined by the maximum likelihood method and the resulting spreading is compared with the input spreading. The performance of a conventional current meter equipped with a high resolution pressure sensor depends on the width of the directional spreading of surface waves and on the frequencies under consideration. Even for very narrow directional spreading, the current meter response is acceptable for practical applications and for shallow water deployment. In general, the current meter directional response does not depend on the direction of the incident waves. The spatial array of three wave staffs deployed in shallow water shows a similar performance to that of the current meters when the dimension of the spatial array is of the order of 1 m. This performance also does not depend on the direction of the incident waves.  相似文献   

缺乏现场海洋观测数据是限制我们进一步认识海洋的瓶颈之一。文章设计了具备远程遥测功能的全自动海洋监测平台, 该平台无人值守、采用走航观测方式自动获取长时间序列海洋监测数据。此研究还对该平台进行了近海和远洋走航共两次验证测试。结果表明, 该平台稳定可靠、兼容性好, 走航数据符合所监测水域的水体特征, 可用于探讨相关参数的变化特征, 揭示事件和过程的机制机理。如果将该平台搭载于轮渡、渔船等非科考船, 则可以在现有海洋技术条件下, 高效地获取更大的空间和时间尺度的实时大数据, 为解决海洋观测数据缺乏的问题, 提供一种技术手段。  相似文献   

在进行大数据量海洋调查数据处理的过程中,以通常的普通文件操作的方式读取这些数据往往需要应用程序持续不断地努力执行与硬盘间的大量数据交换任务,其不但占用大量计算机内存,而且完成的效率之低往往令人难以忍受。为满足大数据量海洋调查数据计算机处理工作的需要,利用内存映射文件的方法实现了对大数据量海洋调查数据进行高效率读取和分析的软件设计。文中阐述了该软件的设计思路和内存映射文件方法的具体实现过程。通过实际应用证明该软件稳定可靠,在运行效率上较普通应用程序方式有显著提高。  相似文献   

随着海洋仪器在海洋调查、海洋监测、海洋科研等领域的广泛应用,开展海洋仪器的计量检定校准工作成为了国家海洋计量站最基本的业务工作之一。“海洋仪器计量检定校准数据处理系统”是专门为海洋仪器计量检定、校准数据的处理而设计的软件系统,文章详细介绍了该系统的结构和功能。  相似文献   

A spatial statistical method has been developed from the well-known Kriging technique in geostatistics, as a way of providing quantitative comparison between a pair of spatial data sets, and a measure for such a comparison. This residual analysis method is applied to oceanographic data in order to compare Iceland-Faeroes Front (IFF) model predictions against appropriate field observations, with an aim to assess the IFF model performance and its prediction accuracy. The method is also used to evaluate the model-generated dynamical variability within the model predictions, as well as the natural variability within the frontal observations. From the results, it has been found that the IFF model is highly robust, and gives better predictions at depth 150–350 m than elsewhere. Within such a depth (i.e. 250–350 m), there is also evidence to suggest that the main frontal region is most active above the IF Ridge. The natural variability obtained from the observations appears to be comparable to the model-generated dynamical variability after 20 days of integration, indicating a certain degree of accuracy in the model predictions. The method reported in this paper could also be extended for further use in model data assimilation. Thus, the work not only demonstrates how spatial statistics can be applied to oceanographic data, but also opens up new statistical tools for data handling in ocean modelling.  相似文献   

Global climatic oscillations have shaped the contemporary genetic structure of marine taxa in different ways. Previous demographic studies have indicated that various intertidal marine species display genetic signatures of demographic expansion that either pre- or postdate the Last Glacial Maximum. Such expansions and the ability of species to colonise new habitats will influence their genetic structure, but the link between scales of larval dispersal and the strength of phylogeographic structure is not always clear. We analysed a fragment of the mitochondrial COI gene of 11 sympatric species of intertidal southern African patellid limpets to investigate how ancient oceanographic dynamics have shaped and maintained their contemporary spatial genetic variation. Our data show that the patellid limpets investigated display congruent evidence of spatial expansion during the Late Pleistocene or Early Holocene, which corresponds with the establishment of the contemporary southern African shoreline. We argue that closely related and co-distributed southern African intertidal invertebrates responded to ancient climatic oscillations as a cohesive group. In contrast, contemporary oceanographic circulation has shaped the phylogeographic patterns of these limpets in different ways. We show close relationships between phylogeography and biogeography for some species, but not for others, despite the similarities in their life histories and exposure to the same climatic changes.  相似文献   

ArcSDE在数字海底系统中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在数字海底系统中的开发中,应用了ArcSDE对渤海工程地质空间数据和属性数据在Oracle中进行了统一存储和管理,并以此数据库为基础,实现了渤海工程地质空间数据的查询显示、虚拟现实等应用。文章重点讨论了ArcSDE的原理及其在数字海底系统中的应用。  相似文献   

在随机海洋资料的分析中,需要从大量的实际数据中提取出有用的信息来建立或检验各种海洋理论模型,因此我们要正确运用适当的手段来分析处理各种实际数据。文中简要介绍了数据挖掘中一项新的技术支持向量机,着重介绍了最优化问题的求解算法,以及如何应用于海洋资料的分析处理。  相似文献   

通过参加第18届国际海道测量大会的所见所闻,分析了以海洋调查船为测量平台的未来海洋调查的发展趋势,并对我国海洋调查测量的发展提出了思考和建议。未来我国的海洋调查应结合发展具有前瞻性的硬件平台和着眼大局的和谐软环境建设,提高海战场环境的建设能力。  相似文献   

卫星遥感接收数据是遥感影像应用的重要数据来源,因此对特殊格式的海量接收数据的存储和管理成为卫星遥感应用的重要环节。采用多层存储模式对数据分类、分级存储,建立空间数据库管理空间数据和属性数据。基于ArcEngine开发技术建立卫星接收数据管理平台,实现空间数据的快速查询和属性数据的自动入库等高效管理功能。  相似文献   

This paper applies computer vision techniques to underwater video images of bioluminescent biota for quantifying, tracking, and identification. Active contour models are adapted for computerized image segmentation, labeling, tracking, and mapping of the bioluminescent plankton recorded by low-light-level video techniques. The system automatically identifies luminous events and extracts features such as duration, size, and coordinates of the point of impact, and uses this information to taxonomically classify the plankton species. This automatic classification can aid oceanographic researchers in characterizing the in situ spatial and temporal relationships of these organisms in their underwater environment. Experiments with real oceanographic data are reported. The results indicate that the approach yields performance comparable to human expert level capability. Furthermore, because the described technique has the potential to rapidly process vast quantities of video data, it may prove valuable for other similar applications  相似文献   

Traditionally, it was assumed that major spawning activity of Illex argentinus occurs in discrete pulses along the outer-shelf/slope off Argentina/southern Brazil during late-fall/winter and that early life stages develop near the Brazil–Malvinas Confluence (BMC). However, a novel hypothesis of the population structuring of the species was proposed that states that coastal waters may be important as spawning and feeding grounds. Here, we analyzed the spatial distribution of Illex argentinus inside San Matias Gulf based on the position of the CPUE of jiggers in order to improve the knowledge of the population structuring in coastal regions. Squids were mainly concentrated on the northern region of the gulf where favorable oceanographic conditions (e.g. water stratification, chlorophyll-a concentration peaks) to feeding and spawning are present. These results provided empirical evidences that individuals of I. argentinus use Argentinean coastal waters, particularly San Matias Gulf, as permanent feeding and spawning grounds which supports the new hypothesis.  相似文献   

通过简要回顾半个世纪以来海洋雷达技术发展历程的特点和规律,结合海洋雷达技术发展现状,介绍海洋雷达涉及的关键技术并进行应用场景分析。总结我国海洋雷达技术近30 a来的发展及其与国际水平的主要差距,提出"十三五"期间我国海洋雷达技术优先发展项目的建议,即超视距雷达广域海洋监测技术、浮动/机动平台高分辨率海洋雷达技术、新体制微波海洋雷达技术以及海洋雷达数据管理与应用技术等。  相似文献   

通过2003年参加德国"太阳号"远洋科学考察活动,了解了"太阳号"科考船科学的综合质量管理方法,分析了标准和计量在德国海洋科学调查研究中的作用。  相似文献   

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