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Concerns about police militarization have become an important public policy issue since the aggressive police response to the 2014 protests in Ferguson, Missouri, where police officers used military-style equipment to confront protestors. This event was a stark visual reminder that many U.S. police departments have used federal programs to acquire surplus military equipment, including weapons, armored vehicles, and body armor. We explore the geographies and histories of one the most important programs, called 1033, which supplies police with military equipment under the rationale of prosecuting the War on Drugs. We show that the legal blurring of the police and the military has been ongoing for decades at the national scale but this has resulted in an uneven landscape of police militarization at the county scale. We also investigate one of the most common global arguments for why police become militarized, which is the presence of Special Weapons and Tactics-style paramilitary teams, finding little support for that claim. More geographic inquiry is needed to understand the trajectories, causes, and consequences of police militarization.  相似文献   

美国的区域政策及其对我国西部开发的启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文分析了美国区域政策的特点:区域政策的核心是提高受援地区的社会福利;致力于改善落后的投资环境;突出重点,实施增长中心战略;注重培育欠发达地区的自我发展能力;依靠法制化管理,保障援阻工作顺利进行。在此基础上,提出解决我国地区发展不平衡问题的一些措施。  相似文献   

"水资源域"为在某一时段向河口或某一地点,传送水、水中营养物、泥沙或其它物质的空间范围。这一新概念与"流域"概念既相似又不同:1)流域边界以地貌特征来确定,相对稳定。而水资源域的边界以水文事件中的水和物质传播范围来确定,随时空而变化;2)流域强调给定空间范围内水和物质的时间分布,而水资源域强调水和物质随时间和空间二者相互变化的动态分布;3)水资源域综合考虑了不同尺度的时空即时变化对水资源及物质传播的影响。这一新概念应用遥感、空间分析、追踪及模拟技术分析流域空间模式与过程,为水资源探索、分析、模拟及预测提供了一种全新的方法与途径。该文以美国伊利湖茅密河为例,应用分布式大流域模型计算了水资源域的分布。  相似文献   

美国占领菲律宾伊始就带有明显的地缘政治因素。二战后,美国出于"冷战"的需要,把菲律宾变成亚洲"遏制"战略中的一个重要地缘前哨。随着冷战的结束,美在菲律宾的军事基地被取消,美-菲同盟关系也陷入谷底。21世纪之初,全球经济重心开始向亚太地区转移,美国也加快实施战略东移,开始重新审视其东亚地缘战略。近几年,美菲不断加强军事合作,大搞联合军演,借口所谓的南海航行自由,极力在南海搅局,其中明显带有制衡中国的因素。在美国急于实施"亚太再平衡"战略的背景下,菲律宾为美国在东亚地区的一个重要地缘支点。然而,菲新政府积极改善对华关系,一定程度上影响到了美-菲同盟关系的发展。  相似文献   

中美两国之间激烈的贸易竞争不仅集中在双边贸易领域,而且延伸为全球市场范围内的博弈。尤其在中国周边地区,厘清两国贸易影响力此消彼长的竞争态势,对维护中国的经济安全与发展具有重要现实意义。基于1996—2017年国家间商品贸易数据,利用时间约束聚类识别中国及周边地区贸易发展的阶段,构建贸易网络对比各阶段中美两国在中国周边地区的贸易发展及影响力变化。研究发现:①1996—2017年间中国及周边地区贸易呈三阶段跳跃式发展,贸易规模不断扩大。②中国在周边地区贸易的总体规模和覆盖程度均超越美国,中国在周边地区贸易收支中普遍存在日益扩大的顺差,而美国在中国周边地区始终保持着稳定大量的贸易逆差。③中国在周边地区的贸易影响力实现了对美国的赶超,中国的出口影响力优势突出,而美国仍旧拥有不俗的进口影响力。④中国与日本的贸易呈阶段式跳跃发展,而美国与日本始终保持着稳定的贸易联系。中国同日本在机电产品上的垂直型产业内贸易发达,但处于产业分工下游的相对不利地位,美国是日本的机电制成品和运输设备等高端产品的最终消费市场。研究结果对于中国维护周边地区经贸合作的稳定与发展和应对美国的冲击有所启示。  相似文献   

采用GDP核算体系衡量国家和区域的发展存在明显的缺陷,真实发展指数GPI包括经济、社会和环境三个子帐户,包含了一些被GDP所忽略的成本和价值,构建了可量度的可持续发展指标体系来衡量区域经济健康程度和可持续发展能力。本文介绍了GPI的产生和组成帐户.对GPI核算框架与计算方法进行了研究,评介了美国不同区域尺度上的GPI核算应用案例,总结了GPI核算的优点与实施难点,并对在我国开展GPI核算提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine if metrics for ant species assemblages can be used as indicators of rangeland condition, and to determine the influence of vegetation and ground cover variables, factors often influenced by livestock grazing, on ant communities. The study was conducted in two areas in the Great Basin: a sagebrush-steppe in southeastern Idaho (n=30 sites), and a salt-desert shrub in western Utah (n=27 sites). Sites were selected based on known rangeland condition (i.e. good, fair, poor) associated with livestock grazing. Ant communities differed considerably between the two study areas. Collectively, more ant species occurred at the Idaho sites (30) than at the Utah sites (21), relatively few species (eight) occurred in both areas, species richness was significantly greater at the Idaho sites (mean=12·0 species) than the Utah sites (mean=6·9 species), and Formica spp. were diverse (total of 15 species) at the Idaho sites but rare (one species) at the Utah sites. In Idaho, all species collectively, generalists, and Formica spp. were significantly less abundant on sites in poor condition than that on sites in good or fair condition, whereas in Utah, seed harvesters and Pheidole spp. were significantly more abundant on sites in poor condition than that on sites in good or fair condition. In Idaho, species richness was significantly lower on sites in poor condition. In Idaho, species richness and relative abundances of several ant groups were significantly related to bare patch size and parameters for cover or species richness of several vegetation groups. In contrast to the comparisons involving sites in poor condition, no differences in ant communities in either Idaho or Utah were evident between sites in good and fair condition. Thus, the ant communities responded only to large changes in rangeland condition and to large differences in climatic/edaphic conditions between the two areas. Hence, ant community metrics appear to have limited utility as indicators of rangeland condition in the Great Basin.  相似文献   

"This report presents the results and assumptions of a set of projections of the population of the USSR, 1979-2025. Trends in population size and age-sex composition as well as fertility, mortality, and emigration are discussed.... The projections show that the population of the USSR will grow throughout the period to 2025. The working age population will grow very slowly for at least the next 10 years, and will not recapture the rapid growth experienced in the 1970s. The pension-age population will double in size between 1980 and 2025."  相似文献   

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