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The current evolutionary stage of the binary systems IC 10 X-1 and NGC 300 X-1, which contain a massive black hole and a Wolf–Rayet star with a strong stellar wind that does not fill its Roche lobe, is considered. The high X-ray luminosity and X-ray properties testify to the presence of accretion disks in these systems. The consistency of the conditions for the existence of such a disk and the possibility of reproducing the observed X-ray luminosity in the framework of the Bondi–Hoyle–Littleton theory for a spherically symmetric stellar wind is analyzed. A brief review of information about the mass-loss rates of Wolf–Rayet stars and the speeds of their stellar winds is given. The evolution of these systems at the current stage is computed. Estimates made using the derived parameters show that it is not possible to achieve consistency, since the conditions for the existence of an accretion disk require that the speed of the Wolf–Rayetwind be appreciably lower than is required to reproduce the observedX-ray luminosity. Several explanations of this situation are possible: (1) the real pattern of the motion of the stellar-wind material in the binary is substantially more complex than is assumed in the Bondi–Hoyle–Littleton theory, changing the conditions for the formation of an accretion disk and influencing the accretion rate onto the black hole; (2) some of the accreting material leaves the accretor due to X-ray heating; (3) the accretion efficiency in these systems is nearly an order of magnitude lower than in the case of accretion through a thin disk onto a non-rotating black hole; (4) the intensity of the Wolf–Rayet wind is one to two orders of magnitude lower than has been suggested by modern studies.  相似文献   

A brief review of the observed parameters of binary systems with black holes is presented. We discuss in detail the evolutionary status of the X-ray binary GRS 1915+105, which contains a massive black hole. Numerical simulations of the evolution of GRS 1915+105 at the X-ray stage indicate that the most probable initial mass of the optical component (donor star) is (1.5–)M. Two possible scenarios are suggested for the evolution of the system prior to the formation of the black hole. If the initial mass of the optical component was (2.5–)M, the system underwent a common-envelope phase; in this case, the initial mass of the black hole progenitor did not exceed ~50M. If the initial mass of the donor was (1.5–2.5)M, a scenario without a common envelope is possible, with the initial mass of the black hole progenitor being smaller than ~50M. The lack of information about the initial mass-ratio distribution for binary components for small q and the uncertainty of the system parameters make it impossible to give preference to a particular scenario for the system's prior evolution.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - This work considers the Early Carboniferous coal-bearing deposits of the karst-erosional paleo-downcuttings of the Volga–Ural oil and gas basin. The depth of their...  相似文献   

S. TING 《地质学报》1943,(Z2):191-202
正 We owe to Davis the conception that a landform is the function of processes, structure and time. Among these three independent variables, process is a dynamic variable, structure a spatial variable and time a time variable.  相似文献   

A sodium bentonite is being used in the basal-isolation of landfills installed on strongly fractured granitic rocks of N Portugal (NW Iberia). To evaluate the performance of this clay as the ultimate impermeable basal barrier, a detailed study was carried out of the granite fracture network; the Na-bentonite was tested to characterize its mechanical and geotechnical behavior; geophysical surveys were made to search for landfill leakage and the waters found around the landfill were geochemically characterized. Fractures in the granite are usually open and devoid of mineral infillings or clay materials and, thus, permeability of the granite is very high. Dispersal of contaminants can be further enhanced by the position of the landfill on a high steep-sided ridge. Geophysical and geochemical data show evidence for seepage and dispersion of pollutants, which means that the clay failed as an ultimate isolation barrier against seepage. This investigation shows that this can be due to fracturing of the clay under load and/or to its non-homogeneous saturation and extreme shrinking character upon drying, which are accompanied by the formation of extensive cracking. Observations and experimental results suggest that the use of synthetic clays in the safe building of landfill bottom liners needs further research, and extreme care should be taken in preventing that clay water content suffers large variations after saturation, as this process considerably degrades the mechanical behavior and sealing properties of the studied Na-bentonite.  相似文献   

The first results of experimental study of diamond dissolution in a S-bearing Fe melt at high PT parameters are reported and the morphology of partially dissolved crystals is compared with that of natural diamonds. Our results show that under the experimental conditions (4 GPa, 1400°C), flat-faced octahedral diamond crystals are transformed into curve-faced octahedroids with morphological features similar to those of natural diamonds.  相似文献   

This work is one of the stages of study of the deep C-O-H fluid and investigates the behavior of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) under conditions of the Earth’s mantle. The composition of the C-O-H fluid in the upper mantle is estimated as a mixture of H2O and CH4 with a minor amount of H2 and heavier hydrocarbons. Some theoretical calculations show that the stability of heavy hydrocarbons (alkanes, alkenes, and PAHs) increases with an increase in temperature. This paper presents the results of an XRD study of PAHs stability in multianvil presses on a Spring-8 accelerator (Japan). The primary compositions were chosen according to the abundance of PAHs in nature. In situ diffraction spectrums were recorded to determine the PAHs stability field. It was established that the PAHs become unstable at a pressure of 6–9 GPa and a temperature of 873–1073 K.  相似文献   

Na–H3O jarosite was synthesized hydrothermally at 413 K for 8 days and investigated using single-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD) and electron microprobe analysis (EMPA). The chemical composition of the studied crystal is [Na0.57(3) (H3O)0.36 (H2O)0.07]A Fe2.93(3) (SO4)2 (OH)5.70 (H2O)0.30, and Fe deficiency was confirmed by both EMPA and XRD analysis. The single-crystal XRD data were collected at 298 and 102 K, and crystal structures were refined in space group \( R\overline{3}m\). The room-temperature data match structural trends of the jarosite group, which vary linearly with the c axis. The low-temperature structure at 102 K shows an anisotropic decrease in the unit cell parameters, with c and a decreasing by 0.45 and 0.03 %, respectively. Structural changes are mainly confined to the A site environment. Only minor changes occur in FeO6 and SO4 polyhedra. The structure responds upon cooling by increasing bond length distortion and by decreasing quadratic elongation of the large AO12 polyhedra. The structural parameters at low temperature follow very similar patterns to structural changes that correspond to compositional variation in the jarosite group, which is characterised by the flexibility of AO12 polyhedra and rigidity of Fe(OH)4O2–SO4 layers. The most flexible areas in the jarosite structure are localized at AO12 edges that are not shared with neighbouring FeO6 octahedra. Importantly, for the application of XRD in planetary settings, the temperature-related changes in jarosite can mimic compositional change.  相似文献   

Ediacaran and Early Cambrian sedimentary rocks from NW Iberia have been investigated for detrital zircon U–Pb ages. A total of 1,161 concordant U–Pb ages were obtained in zircons separated from four Ediacaran samples (3 from the Cantabrian Zone and one from the Central Iberian zone) and two Lower Cambrian samples (one from the Cantabrian Zone and one from the Central Iberian Zone). Major and trace elements including REE and Sm–Nd isotopes were also analyzed on the same set of samples. The stratigraphically older Ediacaran sequence in the Cantabrian Zone has a maximum sedimentation age of ca. 600 Ma based on detrital zircon content and is intruded by ca. 590–580 Ma granitoids constraining the deposition of this part of the sequence between ca. 600 and 580 Ma. The stratigraphically younger Ediacaran sequence in the Cantabrian Zone has a maximum sedimentation age of ca. 553 Ma. The Ediacaran sample from the Central Iberian Zone has an identical within error maximum sedimentation age of ca. 555 Ma. The detrital zircon U–Pb age patterns are very similar in all the Ediacaran samples from both zones including the main age groups ca. 0.55–0.75 Ga, ca. 0.85–1.15 Ga and minor Paleoproterozoic (ca. 1.9–2.1 Ga) and Archean (ca. 2.4–2.6 Ga) populations. Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistical tests performed on this set of samples indicate that they all were derived from the same parent population (i.e., same source area). The same can be said on the basis of Nd isotopes, REE patterns and trace element concentrations. The two Cambrian samples, however, show contrasting signatures: The sample from the Cantabrian Zone lacks the ca. 0.85–1.15 Ga population and has a high proportion of Paleoproterozoic and Archean zircons (>60 %) and a more negative ε Nd and higher T DM values than the Ediacaran samples. The Early Cambrian sample from the Central Iberian Zone has the same U–Pb detrital zircon age distribution (based on KS tests) as all the Ediacaran samples but has a significantly more negative ε Nd value. These data suggest apparently continuous sedimentation in the NW Iberian realm of northern Gondwana between ca. 600 and 550 Ma and changes in the detrital influx around the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary. The nature and origin of these changes cannot be determined with available data, but they must involve tectonic activity on the margin as evidenced by the angular unconformity separating the Ediacaran and Lower Cambrian strata in the Cantabrian Zone. The absence of this unconformity and the apparent continuity of detrital zircon age distribution between Ediacaran and Cambrian rocks in the Central Iberian Zone suggest that the margin became segmented with significant transport and sedimentation flux changes in relatively short distances. As to the paleoposition of NW Iberia in Ediacaran–Early Cambrian times, comparison of the data presented herein with a wealth of relevant data from the literature both on the European peri-Gondwanan terranes and on the terranes of northern Africa suggests that NW Iberia may have lain closer to the present-day Egypt–Israel–Jordan area and that the potential source of the hitherto enigmatic Tonian–Stenian zircons could be traced to exposed segments of arc terranes such as that described in the Sinai Peninsula (Be’eri-Shlevin et al. in Geology 40:403–406, 2012).  相似文献   

We recorded the photoelectron spectra of various crystalline calcium silicate hydrates (C–S–Hs) and have examined their O 1 s photoelectron spectra. The spectra are asymmetric, with contributions assigned primarily to bridging and non-bridging oxygen species. There is an increased contribution due to the presence of non-bonding oxygen atoms with increasing calcium:silicon ratio. Additionally, there are slight changes in theO 1s-binding energies with changes in calcium:silicon ratio. These changes are explained in terms of bonding and silicate structure.  相似文献   

Shustov  B. M.  Zolotarev  R. V.  Busarev  V. V.  Shcherbina  M. P. 《Astronomy Reports》2022,66(11):1098-1110
Astronomy Reports - As was shown in papers [1, 2] and other studies of these authors, sublimation–dust activity in some primitive-type asteroids of the Main asteroid belt (MAB) correlates...  相似文献   

Zhou  Bo  Ku  Quan  Li  Changheng  Wang  Huabin  Dong  Youkou  Cheng  Zhuang 《Acta Geotechnica》2022,17(8):3195-3209

This paper investigates the particle breakage behaviour of a carbonate sand based on single-particle compression experiments with in situ X-ray microtomography scanning (μCT) and a combined finite–discrete element method (FDEM). Specifically, X-ray μCT is applied to extract the information on grain morphology and intra-particle pores of carbonate sand particles to establish an FDEM model. The model is first calibrated by comparing the simulation results of two carbonate sand grains with the corresponding single-particle compression experiment results and then applied to model the stress evolution, cracking propagation and failure of other carbonate sand particles under single-particle compression. To study the influence of intra-particle pores, FDEM modelling of carbonate sands with completely filled intra-particle pores is also performed. The particle strength of carbonate sands both with and without pore filling is found to follow a Weibull distribution, with that of the sand with pore filling being considerably higher. This behaviour is associated with lower stress concentration, resulting in later crack development in the pore-filled sand than in the sand without pore filling. The cracks are found to usually pass through the intra-particle pores. Consequently, a larger proportion of particles fail in the fragmentation mode in the sand without pore filling.


Chamov  N. P. 《Geotectonics》2021,55(5):755-777
Geotectonics - The article overviews the existing data and ideas about the structure of the Atlantic–Arctic rift system, the youngest segment of which is the Western Arctic. The main...  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The Tiksheozero ultramafic–alkaline–carbonatite intrusive complex, like numerous carbonatite-bearing complexes of similar composition, is a part of a large...  相似文献   

The central question of this article is What does the urban and architectural design of The Hague tell us about the Dutch political and administrative ambitions in representing the state and national identity from 1814–1917? In this period many European capital cities grew fast, governmentas acquired new ambitions and new powers, and nationalism spread. Many governments developed impressive national building activities. In The Netherlands there was hardly any urge to emphasize the state power by transforming the urban landscape even in its governmental center The Hague. One reason is that the dominant liberal politics refrained from social and economic interventions. A second reason is that the various population groups had difficulty to agree on one national building style. Accompanied by a strong ideological discussion, the Dutch polity finally succeeded in producing a governmental architecture (from ca. 1880–1815) in the so-called Dutch Renaissance style. Although the different population groups (orthodox Protestants, Liberals, Catholics) could, each for their own reasons, accept this national style, its characteristics (picturesque, simple and small) lent itself poorly to public governmental commissions on a grand scale.  相似文献   

New factual materials on methane eruptions into the water of Lake Baikal in August 1912 are considered. The regional press is used as the information source. The spatio-temporal relationship between the gas eruptions and earthquakes, observed in South Baikal in 1912, is revealed, which permits us to consider this effect as a consequence of seismic activity intensification. Intensive methane discharge into water is a potential danger for the lake’s ecosystem as was proved by massive death of water organisms in South Baikal in 1912 during the described phenomena.  相似文献   

Rapid and progressive reaction of alkaline–carbonatitic tuffs with magmatic and crustal fluids disguises their initial character and origin. This is collectively indicated from (a) the extensive literature on zeolite formation from volcanic glass precursors and alkaline fluids, (b) mineralogical characteristics of specific zeolite species, (c) a comparative review of global distributions of alkaline–carbonatite suites and of zeolite minerals, and (d) new trace element data from zeolite samples. A unifying conceptual model based on tectonic and geological settings, hydrological regime and mineralogy is presented that helps to explain the global distributions and current understanding of occurrences. The model will assist in resource exploration by contributing deeper understanding of the economically important bedded zeolite deposits and further, serve as a guide to the discovery of new alkaline–carbonatitic suites, potentially of economic significance (metallic ores and rare earth elements). It follows that future testing of the hypothesis will impact on models of natural carbon cycling as volcanic contributions of CO2 are reviewed.  相似文献   

The extreme depletion of the Earth’s mantle in sulfur is commonly seen as a signature of metal segregation from Earth’s mantle to Earth’s core. However, in addition to S, the mantle contains other elements as volatile as S that are hardly depleted relative to the lithophile volatility trend although they are potentially as siderophile as sulfur. We report experiments in metal-sulfide–silicate systems to show that the CI normalized abundances of S, Pb, and Sn in Earth’s mantle cannot be reproduced by element partitioning in Fe ± S–silicate systems, neither at low nor at high pressure. Much of the volatile inventory of the Earth’s mantle must have been added late in the accretion history, when metal melt segregation to the core had become largely inactive. The great depletion in S is attributed to the selective segregation of a late sulfide matte from an oxidized and largely crystalline mantle. Apparently, the volatile abundances of Earth’s mantle are not in redox equilibrium with Earth’s core.  相似文献   

The paper discusses geological, mineralogical, petrographic, and geochemical data on the Ureg Nuur volcanoplutonic association of high-Mg volcanic and subvolcanic rocks located among Vendian–Cambrian accretionary structures in the Mongolian Altay. These rocks have a high potassium alkalinity (K2O/Na2O up to 1.2), are enriched in LILE and Sr, and have negative Zr–Hf and Nb anomalies in multielement spectra; this confirms the suprasubduction type of the source of melts. The geological setting and established age (512.4 ± 6.1 Ma, 39Ar–40Ar dating of biotite phenocrysts) evidence picritic magmatism at the accretionary stage of the development of the Altay fragment of the Paleoasian ocean. This indicates a large igneous province related to a mantle plume.  相似文献   

High-temperature X-ray diffraction experiments have been performed on melilite solid solutions, on single crystal and powder samples. In åkermanite–gehlenite series, the volumetric thermal expansion increases from gehlenite, 26.5(2) E-06 K-1, to åkermanite, 31.2(1) E-06 K-1. The variation is related to the cation content in the tetrahedral T1 site of the structure, and the linear expansion along the a axis has the greatest variation as a function of composition. The expansion perpendicular to the tetrahedral layers does not present any significant variation as a function of composition. In the åkermanite–Na melilite series, the presence of Na in the [8]-coordinated site strongly increases the linear expansion along the c axis, while the volumetric expansion decreases from åkermanite to Na melilite, whose value can be extrapolated to 27.4 E-06 K-1  相似文献   

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