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A new traveltime tomographic method was developed with hierarchical shape functions of the finite element method as slowness or velocity interpolation functions. The degree of the approximation of velocity modelling is adjusted by selecting a set of hierarchical shape functions in each element. The ray density parameter of each element controls the selection to make the approximation fine or coarse in the high- or low-ray-density area. The proposed method is applied to both synthetic traveltime data and actual data. The AIC is used to determine the number of model parameters. The result of the synthetic data shows that low-resolution model parameters can be eliminated by the ray density parameter. The result of the actual data shows that the velocity pattern is approximately the same in the fine approximation area and that the velocity fluctuation is suppressed in the coarse approximation area, compared with that obtained from a full set of hierarchical shape functions. The number of model parameters is drastically reduced. The resolution can be estimated by the checkerboard restoration test. The result of the real data set was compared with that of the linear velocity grid model.  相似文献   

We investigate the reconstruction of a conductive target using crosswell time-domain electromagnetic tomography in the diffusive limit. The work is a natural extension of our ongoing research in the modification of time-domain methods for the rugged marine mid-ocean-ridge environment, an environment characterized by extreme topography and pronounced variations in crustal conductivity on all scales. We have proved both in theory and in practice that 'traveltime', the time taken for an electromagnetic signal to be identified at a receiver following a change of current in the transmitter, is an excellent, robust estimator of average conductivity on a path between transmitter and receiver. A simple estimate of the traveltime for a parallel electric dipole-dipole system is the time at which the derivative of the electric field with respect to logarithmic time at the receiver reaches its maximum. We have derived the fundamental relationship between the traveltime and the conductivity of the medium for a uniform whole-space. We have applied the concept of the traveltime inversion to the related crosswell problem and demonstrated reconstructions of finite targets based on tomographic analyses. Results show that the crosswell time-domain electromagnetic tomography can supply useful information, such as the location and shape of a conductive target.  相似文献   

Wavepath traveltime tomography   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The elastic-wave equation is used to construct sensitivity kernels relating perturbations in elastic parameters to traveltime deviations. Computation of the functions requires a correlation of the forward-propagating seismic wavefield with a backward propagation of the residual wavefield. The computation of the wavefields is accomplished using a finite difference algorithm and is efficiently executed on a CM-2 parallel processor. The source and receiver locations have maximum sensitivity to velocity structure. The sensitivity kernels or wavepaths are well suited for transmission traveltime inversion such as cross-borehole tomography and vertical seismic profiling. Conventional ray tomography and wavepath tomography are applied to a set of P -wave arrival times, from a cross-borehole experiment at Kesterson, California. Because the wavepaths have increased sensitivity near the source and receiver there are differences in resolution of the velocity structure. Both techniques recover the same relative variations in velocity where the coverage is adequate. The wavepath solution is more laterally continuous and the dominant variation is vertical, as is expected for the layered sediments in this region.  相似文献   

This paper presents a non-linear algorithmic approach for seismic traveltime. It is based on large-scale optimization using non-linear least-squares and trust-region methods. These methods provide a natural way to stabilize algorithms based on Newton's iteration for non-linear minimization. They also correspond to an alternative (and often more efficient) view of the Levenberg-Marquardt method. Numerical experience on synthetic data and on real borehole-to-borehole problems are presented. In particular, results produced by the new algorithm are compared with those of Ivansson (1985) for the Kråkemåla experiment.  相似文献   

In an accompanying paper, we used waveform tomography to obtain a velocity model between two boreholes from a real crosshole seismic experiment. As for all inversions of geophysical data, it is important to make an assessment of the final model, to determine which parts of the model are well-resolved and can confidently be used for geological interpretation. In this paper we use checkerboard tests to provide a quantitative estimate of the performance of the inversion and the reliability of the final velocity model. We use the output from the checkerboard tests to determine resolvability across the velocity model. Such tests can act as good guides for designing appropriate inversion strategies. Here we discovered that, by including both reference-model and smoothing constraints in initial inversions, and then relaxing the smoothing constraint for later inversions, an optimum velocity image was obtained. Additionally, we noticed that the performance of the inversion was dependent on a relationship between velocity perturbation and checkerboard grid-size: larger velocity perturbations were better-resolved when the grid-size was also increased. Our results suggest that model assessment is an essential step prior to interpreting features in waveform tomographic images.  相似文献   

The presence of anisotropy requires that tomographic methods be generalized to account for anisotropy. This generalization allows geological structure to be correctly imaged and allows the anisotropic parameters to be estimated. Use of isotropic inversion for imaging anisotropic structures gives systematic trends in the traveltime and polarization residuals. However, due to the limited directional coverage, the traveltimes along may not be sufficient to study the anisotropic properties of the structure. Polarizations can provide independent information on the structure. Traveltime and polarization inversion are applied to synthetic examples simulating VSP experiments. Transverse isotropy and 1-D structure are assumed. Plots of traveltime and polarization residuals are an important tool to detect the anomalies due to the presence of anisotropy. For receivers located in anisotropic layers, polarization residuals display consistent anomalies of several degrees. The synthetic examples show that even the simple 1-D problem is difficult, when using direct arrivals only. Large a posteriori errors in anisotropic parameters are obtained by traveltime inversion in layers where available incidence angles are less than 45°. Resolution of the tomographic image of VSP data is greatly improved by a combination of traveltime and polarization information. In order to obtain accurate inversion results, the measurement error of polarization data should be kept to within a few degrees.  相似文献   

Seismic velocity structure of the San Francisco Bay region crust is derived using measurements of finite-frequency traveltimes. A total of 57 801 relative traveltimes are measured by cross-correlation over the frequency range 0.5–1.5 Hz. From these are derived 4862 'summary' traveltimes, which are used to derive 3-D P -wave velocity structure over a 341 × 140 km2 area from the surface to 25 km depth. The seismic tomography is based on sensitivity kernels calculated on a spherically symmetric reference model. Robust elements of the derived P -wave velocity structure are: a pronounced velocity contrast across the San Andreas fault in the south Bay region (west side faster); a moderate velocity contrast across the Hayward fault (west side faster); moderately low velocity crust around the Quien Sabe volcanic field and the Sacramento River delta; very low velocity crust around Lake Berryessa. These features are generally explicable with surface rock types being extrapolated to depth ∼10 km in the upper crust. Generally high mid-lower crust velocity and high inferred Poisson's ratio suggest a mafic lower crust.  相似文献   

A tomographic inversion technique that inverts traveltimes to obtain a model of the subsurface in terms of velocities and interfaces is presented. It uses a combination of refraction, wide-angle reflection and normal-incidence data, it simultaneously inverts for velocities and interface depths, and it is able to quantify the errors and trade-offs in the final model. The technique uses an iterative linearized approach to the non-linear traveltime inversion problem. The subsurface is represented as a set of layers separated by interfaces, across which the velocity may be discontinuous. Within each layer the velocity varies in two dimensions and has a continuous first derivative. Rays are traced in this medium using a technique based on ray perturbation theory, and two-point ray tracing is avoided by interpolating the traveltimes to the receivers from a roughly equidistant fan of rays. The calculated traveltimes are inverted by simultaneously minimizing the misfit between the data and calculated traveltimes, and the roughness of the model. This 'smoothing regularization' stabilizes the solution of the inverse problem. In practice, the first iterations are performed with a high level of smoothing. As the inversion proceeds, the level of smoothing is gradually reduced until the traveltime residual is at the estimated level of noise in the data. At this point, a minimum-feature solution is obtained, which should contain only those features discernible over the noise.
The technique is tested on a synthetic data set, demonstrating its accuracy and stability and also illustrating the desirability of including a large number of different ray types in an inversion.  相似文献   

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