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The problem of the action of the solar radiation on the motion of interplanetary dust particle is discussed. Differences between the action of electromagnetic solar radiation and that of the solar wind are explained not only from the point of view of the physical nature of these phenomena but also from the point of view of dust particle's orbital evolution. As for the electromagnetic solar radiation, general equation of motion for the particle is written and the most important consequences are: (i) the process of inspiralling toward the Sun is not the only possible motion - even spiralling from the Sun is also possible, and, (ii) the orbital plane of the particle (its inclination) may change in time. As for the solar wind, the effect corresponding to the fact that solar wind particles spread out from the Sun in nonradial direction causes that the process of inspiralling toward the Sun is in more than 50% less effective than for radial spread out; in the region of the asteroid belt (long period orbits) the process of inspiralling is changed into offspiralling. Also shift in the perihelion of dust particle's orbit exists. 相似文献
The action of the solar electromagnetic radiation on the motion of interplanetary dust particle of the plane mirror form is investigated. It is shown that for rapidly rotating plane mirror the speed of inspiralling toward the Sun is about a factor of 4 lower than that for spherical mirror of the same cross-sectional area. In principle, it is also possible that the plane mirror can be expelled from the inner part of the Solar System. Presented derivation is a little more general - it is considered that some parts of the incident radiation can be also absorbed or transmitted, not only reflected.Obtained results show that the Poynting-Robertson effect is strongly model-dependent. It is suggested that for real irregular porous particles the speed of inspiralling toward the Sun can be smaller than that for perfectly absorbing sphere. Orbital plane can change in time. 相似文献
Motion of the interplanetary dust particle under the action of collisions with much smaller interplanetary dust particles is investigated. The equation of motion is derived. Perturbation equations of celestial mechanics are also discussed. The results are compared with the Poynting-Robertson effect and the effect of solar wind on the motion of the interplanetary dust particles, from the point of view of observational data. 相似文献
We calculate the expected counting rate of a flat micrometeoroid detector of finite sensitivity passing in hyperbolic orbit near a planet. We assume that the distribution of particle sizes, s, can be expressed as a power law spectrum of index p, i.e. dN( s) = Cs?pds, and also that the particles encounter the sphere of influence of the planet with a certain speed v∞. The results of the calculations are then compared with the results returned by Pioneer 10 in its flyby of Jupiter. The observed increase in impact rate near Jupiter can be completely explained in terms of gravitational “focusing” of particles which are in heliocentric orbits; i.e., they are not in orbit about Jupiter. The absolute concentration of particles near the orbit of Jupiter is of the same order as at 1 AU: the exact ratio being a function of particle speed and spectral index. Data from one flyby are insufficient to determine a unique value for both the spectral index, p, and the particle velocity, v∞, but limits can be set. For reasonable encounter speeds (corresponding to eccentricities and inclinations of dust particles experienced near the Earth), the particles near Jupiter are characterized by a spectrum of index p ~ 3. The spectral index which best fits the data increases with increasing encounter speeds. 相似文献
Abrupt or gradual disintegration of the interplanetary dust particle causes increase of its distance from the Sun due to the solar radiation pressure. The problem of the orbital evolution of the interplanetary dust particles under such disintegration processes is discussed. The process of gradual disintegration due to the solar wind particles is calculated in detail. Obtained results represent corrections to the changes of orbital elements for the Poynting-Robertson effect and effect of the solar wind. 相似文献
A new class of disturbance in the interplanetary magnetic field has been discovered. This disturbance consists of an enhancement in the magnetic field strength lasting tens of minutes to hours. The strength of the enhancement is variable ranging up to over double the background field strength. The peak field pressure can be as high as 10% of the solar wind dynamic pressure. These events occur randomly with respect to the position of the spacecraft relative to Venus but not randomly with respect to Venus solar ecliptic longitude. There is a significant tendency for these events to cluster near certain ecliptic longitudes. The field distortion is often greater in the direction perpendicular to the solar wind flow rather than along it. These characteristics suggest that the source of the disturbances are weakly outgassing objects, possibly dispersed along their orbits such as in meteor streams. 相似文献
A relationship was found earlier (Basu, 1982, 1992) between the solar neutrino flux and the flux of solar wind particles received on the Earth. However, the data used in these analyses have recently been revised and extended. This prompted us to re-examine the relationship using the new updated solar neutrino data base. The present analysis confirms the earlier findings and establishes that the two quantities are related at statistically significant levels. This suggests that the two may have a common cause of origin in the interior of the solar atmosphere and needs further investigation. 相似文献
A new class of magnetic field signatures in the solar wind has been studied using interplanetary data obtained in the vicinity of Earth. Typical behavior of these signatures is a slow rise of the total magnetic field to a sharp peak and then a gradual and almost symmetric decrease to the background interplanetary magnetic field. These events last from a minimum of 30 min to a maximum of more than 11 hr. The background magnetic field is enhanced from 13 to up to 168%. However, there is no correlation between the amplification of the background field and the duration of each event. A total of 45 events have thus been found in a survey of the magnetometer data of two spacecraft (ISEE-3 and IMP-8), corresponding to a total of more than 6 years of available survey data. The peak magnetic pressure of these events is always less than the solar wind dynamic pressure by a factor of 10 or more. These signatures are similar to those observed at Venus by the Pioneer Venus Orbiter. Based on these observations and the previously discovered signatures at Venus, the cause of these events is postulated to be small outgassing bodies which have passed by the spacecraft. These bodies must outgas enough to produce the field distortion observed and yet they must be small enough to be generally undetected by observers on Earth. 相似文献
Analyses of the data from the Meteoroid Detection Experiment (MDE) and the Imaging Photopolarimeter (IPP) aboard Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 have led to contradictory conclusions. While the MDE indicates a significant particle environment in the outer solar system (out to at least 5 AU), the IPP sees no zodiacal light (therefore implying no small particles) past 3.3 AU. We reconcile the two results by noting that the spectral index, p [relating particle radius, s, and particle concentration, n( s), i.e., dn( s) = Cs?pds], is not a constant in the solar system, but changes from p < 2 near 1 AU to p > 2.5 at 5 AU for particles in the range of 10 μm. The MDE value of p = 1.8 at 1 AU is in agreement with previous satellite measurements, while our earlier analysis of the Pioneer 10 Jovian encounter data indicated p > 2.5 at 5 AU. A joint analysis of the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 MDE data also indicates that p > 2.5 in the outer solar system. We show that a varying spectral index violates a major assumption used in the interpretation of the IPP data, which in turn had led to the conclusion that zodiacal dust is absent beyond 3.3 AU. With p a function of solar distance, the MDE data is now consistent with the IPP data, thus indicating a significant particle concentration in the outer solar system. 相似文献
The relationship between solar radio emissions and transient interplanetary phenomena is reviewed. It is believed that the most significant advance in recent years has come from coordinated studies of coronal mass ejections and moving type IV bursts, where the evidence appears to favour the Langmuir wave hypothesis as the emission mechanism. Type II bursts are not generally a signature of the main energetic particle acceleration in flares. They do, however, occasionally propagate to 1 AU, and beyond, where they are normally accompanied by protons in the 20 MeV region. Apart from the impulsive microwave burst, there is no reliable radio signature associated with energetic particle acceleration in flares, although many phenomena have high correlations with radio emissions. The exceptions suggest that such correlations may be incidental. Therefore, it is concluded that attention should also be given to events with a positive absence of radio emission in order to make progress in understanding solar processes.Proceedings of the Workshop on Radio Continua during Solar Flares, held at Duino (Trieste), Italy, 27–31 May, 1985. 相似文献
Abstract— We report mass‐spectrometric measurements of light noble gases pyrolytically extracted from 28 interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) and discuss these new data in the context of earlier analyses of 44 IDPs at the University of Minnesota. The noble gas database for IDPs is still very sparse, especially given their wide mineralogic and chemical variability, but two intriguing differences from isotopic distributions observed in lunar and meteoritic regolith grains are already apparent. First are puzzling overabundances of 3He, manifested as often strikingly elevated 3He/ 4He ratios—up to >40x the solar‐wind value—‐and found primarily but not exclusively in shards of some of the larger IDPs (“cluster particles”) that fragmented on impact with the collectors carried by high‐altitude aircraft. It is difficult to attribute these high ratios to 3He production by cosmic‐ray‐induced spallation during estimated space residence times of IDPs, or by direct implantation of solar‐flare He. Minimum exposure ages inferred from the 3He excesses range from ~50 Ma to an impossible >10 Ga, compared to Poynting‐Robertson drag lifetimes for low‐density 20–30 μm particles on the order of ~0.1 Ma for an asteroidal source and ~10 Ma for origin in the Kuiper belt. The second difference is a dominant contribution of solar‐energetic‐particle (SEP) gases, to the virtual exclusion of solar‐wind (SW) components, in several particles scattered throughout the various datasets but most clearly and consistently observed in recent measurements of a group of individual and cluster IDPs from three different collectors. Values of the SEP/SW fluence ratio in interplanetary space from a simple model utilizing these data are ~1% of the relative SEP/SW abundances observed in lunar regolith grains, but still factors of approximately 10–100 above estimates for this ratio in low‐energy solar particle emission. 相似文献
Particle fluxes and pitch angle distributions of relativistic solar protons at Earth's orbit have been determined by Monte Carlo calculations. The analysis covers two hours after the release of the particles from the Sun and total of 8 × 10 6 particle trajectories were simulated. The pitch angle scattering was assumed to be isotropic and the scattering mean free path was varied from 0.1 to 4 AU.The intensity-time profiles after a delta-like injection from the Sun show that the interplanetary propagation is clearly non-diffusive at scattering mean-free paths above 0.5 AU. All pitch angle distributions have a steady minimum at 90 °, and they become similar about 20 min after the arrival of first particles.As an application, the solar injection profile and the interplanetary scattering mean-free path of particles that gave rise to the GLE on 7 May, 1978 were determined. In contrast to the values of 3–5 AU published by other authors, the average scattering mean-free path was found to be about 1 AU. 相似文献
An attempt is made to infer parameters of the solar corona and the solar wind by means of a numerical, self-consistent MHD simulation. Boundary conditions for the magnetic field are given from the observations of the large-scale magnetic field at the Sun. A two-region, planar (the ecliptic plane is assumed) model for the solar wind flow is considered. Region I of transonic flow is assumed to cover the distances from the solar surface up to 10 R
S ( R
S is the radius of the Sun). Region II of supersonic, super-Alfvénic flow extends between 10 R
S and the Earth's orbit. Treatment for region I is that for a mixed initial-boundary value problem. The solution procedure is similar to that discussed by Endler (1971) and Steinolfson, Suess, and Wu (1982): a steady-state solution is sought as a relaxation to the dynamic equilibrium of an initial state. To obtain a solution to the initial value problem in region II with the initial distribution of dependent variables at 10 R
S (deduced from the solution for region I), a numerical scheme similar to that used by Pizzo (1978, 1982) is applied. Solar rotation is taken into account for region II; hence, the interaction between fast and slow solar wind streams is self-consistently treated. As a test example for the proposed formulation and numerical technique, a solution for the problem similar to that discussed by Steinolfson, Suess, and Wu (1982) is obtained. To demonstrate the applicability of our scheme to experimental data, solar magnetic field observations at Stanford University for Carrington rotation 1682 are used to prescribe boundary conditions for the magnetic field at the solar surface. The steady-state solution appropriate for the given boundary conditions was obtained for region I and then traced to the Earth's orbit through region II. We compare the calculated and spacecraft-observed solar wind velocity, radial magnetic field, and number density and find that general trends during the solar rotation are reproduced fairly well although the magnitudes of the density in comparison are vastly different. 相似文献
Abstract We present Kr and Xe isotope data obtained by closed system stepped etching of ilmenite separates from two lunar samples exposed to the solar corpuscular radiation at different epochs. Helium, neon, and argon in the same samples were reported to consist of two components: isotopically unfractionated solar wind (SW) released in the first steps, and an isotopically heavier component (SEP) released later and, thus, sited at larger depth. The same release characteristic is now observed for the heavy noble gases. We also conclude that solar Kr and Xe consist of two isotopically different components, implanted with different energies. The SW-Kr in a recently irradiated soil has a composition very close to atmospheric Kr, which agrees with other newly reported data from stepped etch- and combustion runs. No clear evidence for temporally variable SW-Kr or SW-Xe spectra was found. “Surface correlated” Kr and Xe components “SUCOR” and “BEOC 12001” are a mixture of SW and SEP. The isotopic fractionation factors relating SW and SEP are close to the square of the mass ratios for all five noble gases. We infer that the measured Kr/Xe ratio in ilmenite is essentially identical to this ratio in the solar corpuscular radiation. 相似文献
In coronal holes the electron (proton) density is low, and heating of the proton gas produces a rapidly increasing proton temperature in the inner corona. In models with a reasonable electron density in the upper transition region the proton gas becomes collisionless some 0.2 to 0.3 solar radii into the corona. In the collisionless region the proton heat flux is outwards, along the temperature gradient. The thermal coupling to electrons is weak in coronal holes, so the heat flux into the transition region is too small to supply the energy needed to heat the solar wind plasma to coronal temperatures. Our model studies indicate that in models with proton heating the inward heat conduction may be so inefficient that some of the energy flux must be deposited in the transition region to produce the proton fluxes that are observed in the solar wind. If we allow for coronal electron heating, the energy that is needed in the transition region to heat the solar wind to coronal temperatures, may be supplied by heat conduction from the corona. 相似文献
The suggestion that significant quantities of interplanetary dust are produced by both main-belt asteroids and comets is based on the Infrared Astronomical Satellite detection of dust trails or bands associated with these objects. Gravitational focusing strongly biases all near-Earth collections of interplanetary dust in favor of particles with the lowest geocentric velocities, that is the dust from main-belt asteroids spiraling into the Sun under the influence of Poynting-Robertson radiation drag. The major dust bands in the main-belt appear to be associated with the catastrophic disruptions which produced the Eos, Themis and Koronis families of asteroids. If dust particles are produced in the catastrophic collision process, then Poynting-Robertson radiation drag is such an efficient transport mechanism from the main-belt to 1 AU that near-Earth collections of interplanetary dust should include, and perhaps be dominated by, this material. The physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of this asteroidal dust can provide constraints on the properties of the asteroidal parent bodies. Interplanetary dust particles from 5 to 100 μm in diameter have been recovered from the stratosphere of the Earth by NASA sampling aircraft since the mid1970s. The densities of a large fraction of these interplanetary dust particles are significantly lower than the densities of their constituent silicate mineral phases, indicating significant porosities. Direct examination of ultra-microtome thin-sections of interplanetary dust particles also shows significant porosities. The majority of the particles are chemically and mineralogically similar to, but not identical to, the carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. Most stony interplanetary dust particles have carbon contents exceeding those of Allende, a carbonaceous chondrite meteorite having a low albedo. The population of interplanetary dust does not appear to exhibit the full range of compositional diversity inferred from reflection spectroscopy of the main-belt asteroids. In particular, higher albedo particles corresponding to S-type asteroids are underrepresented or absent from the stratospheric collections, and primitive carbonaceous particles seem to be overrepresented in the stratospheric collections compared to the fraction of mainbelt asteroids classified as primitive. This suggests that much of the interplanetary dust may be generated by a stochastic process, probably preferentially sampling a few most recent collisional events. 相似文献
Time-dependent solutions of a one-fluid model of the interplanetary medium are investigated. This set of unsteady hydrodynamic equations has been written in conservation form in order to apply the Lax-Wendroff method for the solution of this problem. The initial disturbance is specified by a pulse at 0.08 AU (astronomical units). Physically, this pulse can be interpreted as having been caused by a solar flare, surge, or any other solar disturbance. The equilibrium condition is determined to be the steady solution of the governing equations and represents the quiet solar wind. The results are presented in terms of density, temperature, and velocity profiles of the interplanetary gas flow at heliocentric distances up to 6 AU at several times. Also, the trajectories of disturbances for various initial pulses are shown. Finally, we have used some June 1972 interplanetary observational data to compare with these theoretical calculations. On the basis of these results, the effects of solar disturbances on the interplanetary environment (such as the generation of large non-linear wave trains in the shocks' wakes) can be inferred. 相似文献
During its cruise phase, prior to encountering Jupiter, the Cosmic Dust Analyser (CDA) onboard the Cassini spacecraft returned time of flight mass spectra (TOF MS) of two interplanetary dust particles. Both particles were found to be iron-rich, with possible traces of hydrogen, carbon, nickel, chromium, manganese, titanium, vanadium and minor silicates. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and potassium are also present as possible contaminants of the impact target of CDA. Silicates and magnesium do not feature predominantly in the spectra; this is surprising considering the expected dominance of silicate-rich minerals in interplanetary dust particles. The particle masses are and . The corresponding radii ranges for the particles, assuming densities from 7874-2500 kg m −3 are 0.7-4 μm and 2.6-6.8 μm, respectively. With the same density assumptions the β values (ratio of radiation pressure to gravitational force) are estimated as 0.027-0.21 and 0.016-0.06 respectively, allowing possible orbits to be calculated. The resulting orbits are bound and prograde with semi-major axes, eccentricities and inclinations in the region of 0.3-1.26 AU, 0.4-1.0 and 0-60° for the first particle and 0.8-2.5 AU, 0.2-0.9 and 0-30° for the second. The more probable orbits within these ranges indicate that the first particle is in an Aten-like orbit, whilst the second particle is in an Apollo-like orbit, despite both grains having very similar, predominantly metallic compositions. Other possible orbital solutions for both particles encompass orbits which more closely resemble those of Jupiter-family comets. 相似文献