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海洋水文观测中,表层海水温度及表层海水盐度是重要的测量参数。提出了一种可防缠绕的温盐传感器浮子,浮子由浮体、转轴、减摇板、阻流板等构成。浮子的浮体部分可以脱离温盐传感器转动,减少了因流急使整个温盐系统和电缆随着转动而发生缠绕的问题;减摇板可增加浮子的稳定性;阻流板既可以阻止浮子转动,也可以保护浮子不会受到撞击。对"滑轮式"安装方式进行改装,加装导向杆,使浮子沿导向杆上下直线运动,配合改进的"滑轮式"安装方式,浮子转动小,可有效防止温盐浮子转动而造成电缆缠绕。该方法简单可靠,可在海洋站推广使用。  相似文献   

本文介绍了国内首次研制的表层漂流浮标的基本情况,包括结构设计、传感器选择及海上实验,该浮标目前仅测量海流和水温二个参数。文中给出了22天的水温实测数据和ARGOS系统对浮标的定位数据。  相似文献   

为解决温盐传感器在海洋站应用中存在的电缆缠绕和壳体磨损等问题,保障传感器的长期业务化运行,文章提出改进温盐传感器安装方式的缓冲止旋方法。研究结果表明:在实验室环境下,通过以螺旋电缆代替直线电缆和设计缓冲浮子装置二者结合的温盐传感器安装方式,可有效减少电缆缠绕、避免传感器磕碰磨损和减小海流影响,同时安装简单、便于维护和具有广泛应用性。该方法仍须在海洋站实际应用中进一步验证和完善。  相似文献   

一种精细化的海洋浮标数据质量控制方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对海洋浮标数据获取特点及常见数据错情,本文提出了一种精细化的海洋浮标温盐数据质量控制方法。通过范围检验、尖峰检验、莱因达准则等六个步骤实现浮标数据质量控制,其创新性在于有效集成了多种质量检验法,并且研究了一种融合传统尖峰检验与莱因达准则的质量检验新方法;并以中国近海观测研究网络黄、东海站浮标温盐观测数据为例,验证了本方法的有效性和适用性。该方法可广泛用于海洋浮标温盐观测数据的质量控制,识别出长时间序列数据的异常值。经过本方法质控后的浮标观测数据对于海洋科学研究、海洋气象预报、海洋灾害预警以及渔业发展等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

感应式温盐传感器基于电导率法测盐,可以实现现场测量与实时测量。测量盐度时需要首先计算海水温度、海水电导率和海水压力,表层感应式温盐传感器对压力量不予考虑,温度、电导率的精度却直接关系到盐度测量结果的准确度,因此使用传感器前必须进行温度和盐度的标定。分析了温盐传感器的工作原理,设计温度、电导率的标定校准步骤,包括回归曲线的选择和回归方程系数的计算,其中温度、电导率和温度补偿的标定回归曲线采用多项式形式,用实验室高精度盐度计和铂电阻温度仪测得5~7组数据,然后对多项式最小二乘法回归,电导率回归过程中由温度和盐度求电导率用到了二分法,最后论述了标定回归方程的误差范围。  相似文献   

Argo浮标技术研究初探   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
1 引言近年来世界沿海国家对 Argo计划响应迅速 ,该计划欲用 3年时间 (2 0 0 0~ 2 0 0 2年 )在全球大洋每隔 3个经、纬度布放一台 Argos卫星跟踪浮标 ,总计为 3 0 0 0台 (现已修订为至 2 0 0 4年布放 3 3 0 0台 ) ,组成一个庞大的 Argo全球观测网。我国当前已经开展或即将开展的几个大型海洋调查研究项目均要求收集南海、西北太平洋、赤道海域乃至整个太平洋和全球海洋次表层的一手资料 ,因此 ,发展我国的 Argo剖面浮标技术 ,不仅可以为我国开展的海洋调查提供技术支持 ,而且还可为我国正式加入全球的 Argo计划做技术储备。图 1  Argo…  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了研制自动采水浮标的目的意义及其结构、工作原理、主要性能,其次通过几次试用条件及结果的讨论,说明这种自动采水浮标结构简单,操作方便,获取的资料可靠,是研究大风浪条件下悬沙运移的一种新型简易的理想仪器,最后根据实用情况提出了改进和完善的方向。  相似文献   

为了有效借助分布广泛的海洋志愿船舶,构建完整的海洋横纵向温度盐度数值体检图,本文设计了一种船舶搭载的表层温盐测量仪。该仪器基于三电极原理设计,具备传感器防生物附着能力,其测量水路由海水泵、进出水管路和阀门组成,可以搭载于调查船、商船、渔船等各种类型船舶,并在多次海试中随船舶航行同时实现了快速、隐蔽、大范围的测量海洋表层温度和盐度数据,获取沿航线分布的高水平密度、精细的海洋水文资料。海试结果表明,船载表层温盐测量仪是一种新型海洋观测设备,可以极大节约海洋调查成本,特别适用于海上大范围科学调查和争议海区的海上军事测量活动,对提高我国远海观测能力有重要意义,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

本文从传感器检定时如何保证准确地测量其输出信号的角度出发,分析了过去几年我国检定MAREX浮标传感器工作中在测量方面存在的问题,介绍了为解决这些问题而研制的“HJF1-1型浮标传感器检定用测量装置”的工作原理、基本组成和设计思想,并列举了两个实例比较不同测量、计算方法对检定结果的影响,从而提出了在海洋环境自动监测系统的传感器检定工作中一个值得注意的普遍性问题。  相似文献   

机载投弃式温盐深浮标中的三项关键技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机载投弃式温盐深浮标,是机载投弃式温盐深浮标技术系统中的核心部分,本文在对整个技术系统做一般简要介绍基础上,重点介绍了机载投弃式温盐深浮标中三项关键技术和一项关键工艺的研究结果。  相似文献   

温盐深数据在海洋观测、海洋资源开发、国防军事领域都发挥着重要作用, 为研究海洋过程、开发海洋资源、保护海洋生态等重要领域提供基础水质数据。为实现温盐深传感器中各类数据的实时采集、实时显示和数据储存等功能, 本文基于LabVIEW(Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering) 软件, USB 数据采集卡、温度传感器、压力传感器、电导率传感器、计算机等硬件, 通过设计采集程序, 实现各类传感器与计算机的通信交互, 最终完成基于LabVIEW 水下温盐深数据采集程序一体化设计。经过多次测试验证, 该程序具有性能稳定、通用性强等特点, 同时在测量精度方面, 温度和深度数据与实际测量数据基本一致, 盐度数据平均误差为2.33%, 基本满足设备要求, 为水下温盐深数据采集提供新的思路。  相似文献   

Stability of Temperature and Conductivity Sensors of Argo Profiling Floats   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
After recalibration of the temperature and conductivity sensors of three Argo profiling floats recovered after operations for four to nine months, the results indicate that the floats basically showed no significant drift, either in temperature or salinity, and adequately fulfilled the accuracy requirement of the Argo project (0.005°C for temperature and 0.01 psu for salinity). Only the third float showed a significant offset in salinity of about −0.02 psu, as expected from comparison between the float data and the shipboard conductivity-temperature-depth data. This offset was caused by the operational error of the PROVOR-type float, in which the surface water was pumped immediately after the launch, fouling the conductivity sensor cell. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

M. Nagaraj 《Marine Ecology》1992,13(3):233-241
Abstract. Larval development of the crab Liocarcinus puber was studied from hatching to the megalopa stage under 12 different temperature and salinity combinations, 10°C, 15°C, and 20°C (T): 20, 25, 30, and 35% (S), with a view to establishing optimum conditions for zoeal development. High larval mortalities were recorded at 10°C in all the experimental salinities, indicating the sensitivity of the larvae to low temperatures. Highest zoeal survival was obtained in the higher salinity and temperature combinations. First zoeae completed their development in all T-S combinations tested, while successive stages showed increased sensitivity and suffered high mortalities in lower salinities at 15° and 20°C and in all salinities at 10°C. The duration of zoeal development decreased with increasing temperature, whilst the lower salinities delayed development. Q10 values did not differ much at higher salinities, with values ranging from 1.5 to 2.6.  相似文献   

研究海冰的声学探测技术需要实际海冰和低温环境。介绍了设计制造模拟海水结冰的试验装置的方法。采用人工制冷技术在实验室环境下实现了封闭容器里海水表面冻结一定厚度的海冰。试验结果表明,将容器中接近冰点的海水持续冻结32h后,海冰的厚度达到20cm。对容器里的海冰进行了声波信号探测冰水界面的试验,为测冰声呐技术研究和测冰试验创造了有利条件。  相似文献   

调研了近几年光纤传感器在海洋探测方面的研究进展,主要包括测量海水温度、压力、盐度、叶绿素、pH值和溶解氧的相关光纤传感器以及光纤水听器。简要介绍了光纤传感器的基本原理、结构及性能,同时跟踪了国内外相关的最新研究进展,并与传统的测量方法进行了比较,分析得出光纤传感器是对现有传统海洋探测器的重要补充,并在一些探测领域具有独特的优势。文章最后,探讨了光纤传感技术的未来发展趋势,认为在海洋温度、压力、叶绿素、水听器等领域可能会率先突破技术瓶颈并实现商用,同时提出了未来海洋光纤探测技术新的研究方向。  相似文献   

Taiwan Strait Tunnel (TST) will be an extra-long tunnel or tunnel-bridge complex, running over 150?km of seafloor geologic body with complicated topographic and geologic units. It is therefore necessary to measure and monitor the strain distribution along the TST. In this article, the Brillouin optical time-domain reflectometer (BOTDR), a newly developed strain measurement and monitoring technology, is introduced, and the feasibility of its application in the strain monitoring for TST is analyzed through the monitoring achievement with BOTDR of a tunnel located in Nanjing City, China. The results indicate that the BOTDR has many unique merits such as distributed measurement, long-distance, real-time, and resistibility for strain monitoring application in a tunnel such as TST. Finally, apreliminary scheme for BOTDR application in TST monitoring is proposed.  相似文献   

Taiwan Strait Tunnel (TST) will be an extra-long tunnel or tunnel-bridge complex, running over 150 km of seafloor geologic body with complicated topographic and geologic units. It is therefore necessary to measure and monitor the strain distribution along the TST. In this article, the Brillouin optical time-domain reflectometer (BOTDR), a newly developed strain measurement and monitoring technology, is introduced, and the feasibility of its application in the strain monitoring for TST is analyzed through the monitoring achievement with BOTDR of a tunnel located in Nanjing City, China. The results indicate that the BOTDR has many unique merits such as distributed measurement, long-distance, real-time, and resistibility for strain monitoring application in a tunnel such as TST. Finally, apreliminary scheme for BOTDR application in TST monitoring is proposed.  相似文献   

王晶  王项南 《海洋技术学报》2006,25(2):21-22,72
文章从理论上分析了布里渊散射光的频移和强度与海水温度和应力的关系,针对分布式布里渊散射光纤传感器测量海水温度和压力的测量原理进行了论述,对该测量系统的构成以及测量的实现进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Maldives, a South Asian small island nation in the northern part of the Indian Ocean is extremely vulnerable to the impacts of Sea Level Rise (SLR) due to its low altitude from the mean sea level. This artricle attempts to estimate the recent rates of SLR in Maldives during different seasons of the year with the help of existing tidal data recorded in the Maldives coast. Corresponding Sea Surface Temperature (SST) trends, utilizing reliable satellite climatology, have also been obtained. The relationships between the SST and mean sea level have been comprehensively investigated. Results show that recent sea level trends in the Maldives coast are very high. At Male, the capital of the Republic of Maldives, the rising rates of Mean Tidal Level (MTL) are: 8.5, 7.6, and 5.8 mm/year during the postmonsoon (October-December), Premonsoon (March-May) and southwest monsoon (June-September) seasons respectively. At Gan, a station very close to the equator, the increasing rate of MTL is maximum during the period from June to September (which is 6.2 mm/year). These rising trends in MTL along the Maldives coast are certainly alarming for this small developing island nation, which is hardly one meter above the mean sea level. Thus there is a need for careful monitoring of future sea level changes in the Maldives coast. The trends presented are based on the available time-series of MTL for the Maldives coast, which are rather short. These trends need not necessarily reflect the long-term scenario. SST in the Maldives coast has also registered significant increasing trend during the period from June to September. There are large seasonal variations in the SST trends at Gan but SST and MTL trends at Male are consistently increasing during all the seasons and the rising rates are very high. The interannual mode of variation is prominent both in SST as well as MTL. Annual profile of MTL along the Maldives coast is bimodal, having two maxima during April and July. The April Mode is by far the dominant one. The SST appears to be the main factor governing the sea level variations along the Maldives coast. The influence of SST and sea level is more near the equatorial region (i.e., at Gan). There is lag of about two months for the maximum influence of SST on the sea level. The correlation coefficient between the smoothed SST and mean tidal level at Gan with lag of two months is as high as ~ +0.8, which is highly significant. The corresponding correlation coefficients at Male with the lags of one and two months are +0.5 and +0.3, respectively. Thus, the important finding of the present work for the Maldives coast is the dominance of SST factor in sea level variation, especially near the region close to the equator.  相似文献   

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