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1962-2011年长江流域极端气温事件分析   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
根据1962-2011 年长江流域115 个气象站点的逐日最高气温、日最低气温资料,利用线性倾向估计法、主成分分析及相关分析法,并根据选取的16 个极端气温指标,分析了该地区极端气温的时间变化趋势和空间分布规律。结果表明:(1) 冷昼日数、冷夜日数、冰冻日数、霜冻日数、冷持续日数分别以-0.84、-2.78、-0.48、-3.29、-0.67 d·(10a)-1的趋势减小,而暖昼日数、暖夜日数、夏季日数、热夜日数、暖持续日数、生物生长季以2.24、2.86、2.93、1.80、0.83 、2.30 d·(10a)-1的趋势增加,日最高(低) 气温的极低值、日最高(低) 气温的极高值和极端气温日较差的倾向率分别为0.33、0.47、0.16、0.19、-0.07 ℃·(10a)-1;(2) 冷指数(冷夜日数、日最高气温的极低值、日最低气温的极低值)的变暖幅度明显大于暖指数(暖夜日数、日最高气温的极高值、日最低气温的极高值),夜指数(暖夜日数、冷夜日数) 的变暖幅度明显大于昼指数(暖昼日数、冷昼日数);(3) 空间分布上,长江上游区域冷指数的平均值大于其中下游区域,而暖指数和生物生长季则是中下游多年平均值大于上游区域(暖持续日数除外);(4) 因子分析的结果表明,除了极端气温日较差之外,各极端气温指数之间均呈现很好的相关性。  相似文献   

Based on daily maximum and minimum temperature observed by the China Mete- orological Administration at 115 meteorological stations in the Yangtze River Basin from 1962 to 2011, the methods of linear regression, principal component analysis and correlation analysis are employed to investigate the temporal variability and spatial distribution of tem- perature extremes. Sixteen indices of extreme temperature are selected. The results are as follows: (1) The occurrence of cold days, cold nights, ice days, frost days and cold spell du- ration indicator has significantly decreased by -0.84, -2.78, -0.48, -3.29 and -0.67 days per decade, respectively. While the occurrence of warm days, warm nights, summer days, tropi- cal nights, warm spell duration indicator and growing season length shows statistically sig- nificant increasing trends at rates of 2.24, 2.86, 2.93, 1.80, 0.83 and 2.30 days per decade, respectively. The tendency rate of the coldest day, coldest night, warmest day, warmest night and diurnal temperature range is 0.33, 0.47, 0.16, 0.19 and -0.07~C per decade, respectively (2) The magnitudes of changes in cold indices (cold nights, coldest day and coldest night) are obviously greater than those of warm indices (warm nights, warmest day and warmest night). The change ranges of night indices (warm nights and cold nights) are larger than those of day indices (warm days and cold days), which indicates that the change of day and night tem- perature is asymmetrical. (3) Spatially, the regionally averaged values of cold indices in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River Basin are larger than those in the middle and lower reaches. However, the regionally averaged values of most warm indices (except warm spell duration indicator) and growing season length in the middle and lower reaches are larger than those in the upper reaches. (4) The extreme temperature indices are well correlated with each other except diurnal temperature range.  相似文献   

Based on daily maximum and minimum temperature observed by the China Meteorological Administration at 115 meteorological stations in the Yangtze River Basin from 1962 to 2011,the methods of linear regression,principal component analysis and correlation analysis are employed to investigate the temporal variability and spatial distribution of temperature extremes.Sixteen indices of extreme temperature are selected.The results are as follows:(1) The occurrence of cold days,cold nights,ice days,frost days and cold spell duration indicator has significantly decreased by –0.84,–2.78,–0.48,–3.29 and –0.67 days per decade,respectively.While the occurrence of warm days,warm nights,summer days,tropical nights,warm spell duration indicator and growing season length shows statistically significant increasing trends at rates of 2.24,2.86,2.93,1.80,0.83 and 2.30 days per decade,respectively.The tendency rate of the coldest day,coldest night,warmest day,warmest night and diurnal temperature range is 0.33,0.47,0.16,0.19 and –0.07℃ per decade,respectively.(2) The magnitudes of changes in cold indices(cold nights,coldest day and coldest night) are obviously greater than those of warm indices(warm nights,warmest day and warmest night).The change ranges of night indices(warm nights and cold nights) are larger than those of day indices(warm days and cold days),which indicates that the change of day and night temperature is asymmetrical.(3) Spatially,the regionally averaged values of cold indices in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River Basin are larger than those in the middle and lower reaches.However,the regionally averaged values of most warm indices(except warm spell duration indicator) and growing season length in the middle and lower reaches are larger than those in the upper reaches.(4) The extreme temperature indices are well correlated with each other except diurnal temperature range.  相似文献   

1960~2014年淮河流域极端气温和降水时空变化特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
王怀军  潘莹萍  陈忠升 《地理科学》2017,37(12):1900-1908
基于淮河流域33个气象站点1960~2014年逐日气温和降水数据,利用Mann-Kendall检验和克里金插值法分析了极端气温、降水指数的时空变化规律。结果表明: 近55 a来,冷极值呈显著下降趋势,暖极值表现为波动上升趋势;日较差(DTR)呈显著下降趋势,这与最低气温的增加幅度比最高气温大有关;总降水量(PRCPTOT)和强降水日数(R10,R20)表现为缓慢下降趋势,1 d最大降水量(RX1day)、连续5 d最大降水(RX5day)以及降水强度(SDII)呈缓慢上升趋势,但变化趋势均不显著; 空间变化上来看,霜冻日数(FD0)、冷夜日数(TN10p)、热夜日数(TR20)和暖夜日数(TN90p)在流域大部分地区变化趋势显著,而降水极值在全流域未表现出一致上升或下降趋势,且变化趋势在全流域均不显著; 基于流域当前气象站点数据,极端气温、降水指数变化趋势未表现出高程相依性; 流域大部分极端气温、降水指数变化趋势介于中国南北方流域之间,表现出一定的南北过渡带特色。  相似文献   

冲沟侵蚀是中国西部山区一个重要的环境问题。小流域研究表明,黄河和长江中的泥沙主要是冲沟侵蚀引起的。目前,长江上游80%的冲沟因被幼林草植被覆盖而处于非活跃期。到底这些冲沟系统是什么时候形成的?未来的暴雨和径流是否会激活这些冲沟系统?土地利用与景观结构对冲沟系统的发生、演变有何关系?基于这些问题,近几年来在中科院山地环境学“百人计划”和“国外引进杰出人才”项目及德国洪堡基金的资助下,中德科学工作者进行了合作研究。本文介绍了长江上游地区土地利用变化与冲沟发生、演变的部分研究成果。我们在西昌安宁河干暖河谷选择了两个冲沟系统一个位于西溪乡长山岭,一个位于大青梁子。为了定量评价土地利用对冲沟发育的影响,我们对研究小流域的航片、土壤剖面、泥沙堆积与土地利用历史等进行了详尽的综合对比分析。同时,对两个冲沟系统的大小和土壤流失的体积进行了详细的野外调查、测定和计算。据此,获得了研究流域的冲沟侵蚀速率。研究结果表明,长江上游数百年的持续景观演变,尤其是20世纪中期人为强烈的不合理农业垦殖和利用土地,造成了四川西南部大量冲沟系统的形成和发展,研究流域的冲沟侵蚀速率高达375t/hm2*a-1。采取成功的水土保持措施以控制冲沟侵蚀,对中国西南山地退化环境的生态修复具有重大实践意义。  相似文献   

长江、黄河流域生态系统服务变化及权衡协同关系研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
长江、黄河流域是中国重要的生态屏障,近几十年来强烈的人类活动改变了长江、黄河流域的自然景观,使生态系统功能遭到破坏,了解流域内生态系统服务的变化、相互作用和驱动因素是流域生态系统管理和调控的重要基础.本文利用土地利用、土壤类型和气象等数据,对2000-2016年长江、黄河流域的NPP、土壤保持和产水服务进行时空变化分析...  相似文献   

WenWen Wang 《寒旱区科学》2013,5(2):0240-0250
Based on daily maximum and minimum surface air temperature and precipitation records at 48 meteorological stations in Xinjiang, the spatial and temporal distributions of climate extreme indices have been analyzed during 1961-2008. Twelve temperature extreme indices and six precipitation extreme indices are studied. Temperature extremes are highly correlated to annual mean temperature, which appears to be significantly increasing by 0.08 °C per year, indicating that changes in temperature extremes reflect consistent warming. The warming tendency is clearer at stations in northern Xinjiang as reflected by mean temperature. The frequencies of cold days and nights have both decreased, respectively by 0.86 and 2.45 d/decade, but the frequencies of warm days and nights have both increased, respectively by +1.62 and +4.85 d/decade. Over the same period, the number of frost days shows a statistically significant decreasing trend of 2.54 d/decade. The growing season length and the number of summer days exhibit significant increasing trends at rates of +2.62 and +2.86 d/decade, respectively. The diurnal temperature range has decreased by 0.28 °C/decade. Both annual extreme low and high temperatures exhibit significant increasing trend, with the former clearly larger than the latter. For precipitation indices, regional annual total precipitation shows an increasing trend and most other precipitation indices are strongly correlated with annual total precipitation. Average wet day precipitation, maximum 1-day and 5-day precipitation, and heavy precipitation days show increasing trends, but only the last is statistically significant. A decreasing trend is found for consecutive dry days. For all precipitation indices, stations in northwestern Xinjiang have the largest positive trend magnitudes, while stations in northern Xinjiang have the largest negative magnitudes.  相似文献   

基于1960―2015年长江流域128个站点的月风速观测数据,结合地形特点将长江流域分成5个子区域,并运用一元线性回归、相关分析和修正的Mann-Kendall(MMK)检验对长江流域风速变化趋势的时空特征进行研究,结果表明:1)1960―2015年长江流域年平均风速以-0.006 5 m/s·a的速率显著下降,5个子区域中,区域中下游丘陵与平原区(R1)下降最显著,上游青藏高原区(R5)次之,上游盆地区(R3)变化最小。2)季节上,全区风速春季下降最快,夏季最慢。而子区域除R1冬季降幅最大外,其余区域季节风速变化速率也为春季降幅最大,夏季最小。逐月变化上,流域整体风速3月下降最快,8月最慢,各子区域风速最大降幅也集中在3月。3)空间分布上,长江流域年平均风速降幅呈现东部大、中部小、西部较大的特点,全区50%的站点下降趋势显著,且这些站点集中分布于R1地区。此外,4个季节风速与年风速的变化趋势呈现相似的空间分布特征。4)长江流域风速下降与北极涛动(AO)指数上升、区域气候变暖和城市化加速等有关。  相似文献   

SRM融雪径流模型在长江源区冬克玛底河流域的应用   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
刘俊峰  杨建平  陈仁升  阳勇 《地理学报》2006,61(11):1149-1159
冬克玛底河流域作为青藏高原腹地长江源区典型代表性高寒山区流域,有较大面积的冰川、积雪存在。本文以冬克玛底河流域2005年5~10月的实测水文、气象资料为基础,运用SRM融雪径流模型对不同分带数对融雪径流模拟效果的影响和不同测站气温分别作为气温驱动变量对融雪径流模拟效果的影响分别进行了模拟试验。结果表明:不同分带会对SRM模型融雪径流量模拟产生一定的影响;而不同的气温作为驱动变量对模拟的效果影响很大,这表明SRM模型对气温驱动变量非常敏感。同样根据流域内径流与气温降水的相关分析看到日径流量与气温相关性较好,线性相关系数最好达到0.72,而径流与降水线性相关系数为0.20。根据以上模拟实验和相关分析选择合适的分带和具有代表性的站点气温,SRM模型模拟的两个优度指标最好可达到Nash-Sutcliffe 系数 (R2) = 0.83和体积差 (Dv) = 0.95%。 考虑到SRM 模型对气温的敏感性,利用最终选择的模拟方案并结合气温升高1 oC气候情景假设来考虑气温、降水和径流之间的关系。模拟结果表明:气温升高1 oC后,(1) 模拟时期内的径流总量由原来模拟的25.5 × 106 m3增加到33 × 106 m3;(2) 冰川物质平衡线从原来的 5600上升到5750米,冰川消融区从5.8 km2增大到13.5 km2,冰川消融量增加,对径流量的贡献明显增大。(3) 气温的升高加速积雪融化并改变降水形态是径流在5~6月变大的主导因素。7~10月份的径流变大则主要是由于冰川消融。  相似文献   

杨蓉华  李佳佳  贺新光 《热带地理》2022,42(12):2098-2109
基于长江流域148个气象站1980—2017年的蒸发皿观测数据,将旋转经验正交函数(REOF)和模糊C均值聚类(FCM)相结合,对流域蒸发皿蒸发量(PE)进行分区,然后运用Modified Mann-Kendall检验和多元逐步回归等方法,分析各子区域PE的变化特征并识别其主要影响因子。结果表明:1) REOF的前4个空间模态显示流域PE存在5个主要的异常敏感区,基于这4个空间模态,流域PE在空间上可划分为9个子区域。2)在年尺度上,各区PE呈不同程度的增加趋势,其中中部盆地区上升速率最大(111.28 mm/10 a),西部高原区上升速率最小(12.5 mm/10 a);而在季节尺度上,秋、冬季流域PE呈显著上升趋势,春、夏季PE的变化具有明显的区域差异性,部分地区PE为下降趋势。3)影响PE变化的主要因子因地而异,但大多子区域的PE变化与平均气温和饱和水汽压差的变化显著相关。  相似文献   

祁连山讨赖河流域1957—2012年极端气候变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高妍  冯起  李宗省  王钰  宋智渊  张晗 《中国沙漠》2014,34(3):814-826
全球气候变化背景下,极端气候事件发生的频率逐年增大,由此引发的气象灾害事件也随之增加。鉴此,本文利用祁连山讨赖河流域1957—2012年的气象观测资料,对该流域23个极端气候指数的时空变化特征做了研究。结果表明:(1)极端气温升高趋势明显,夜间和白天极端低温日数显著减少,极端气温昼指数显著增大;气温日较差变化幅度很小,霜冻日数显著减少,生长季长度明显加长,冰冻日数2000年后增加;夜指数增大幅度大于昼指数,秋、冬季极端气温升高幅度大于春、夏季。(2)极端降水指数增大趋势明显,雨日降水总量、连续五日降水总量和中雨天数均展现出增大态势,反映出连续降水事件的增加;极端降水量事件增大显著,但雨日降水强度变化不大;除最多连续无降水日数外,极端降水日数指数展现出增大趋势;降水日数夏、秋季节分配趋向均匀化;降水量的增加主要是单次降水时间持续加长和中雨日数增加的贡献;高海拔区极端降水事件发生的频次较大。  相似文献   

Rapeseed is one of the major oil crops in China and it is very sensitive to climate change. The Yangtze River Basin is the main rapeseed production area in China. Therefore, a better understanding of the impact of climate change on rapeseed production in the basin is of both scientific and practical importance to Chinese oil industry and food security. In this study, based on climate data from 5 General Circulation Models (GCMs) with 4 representative concentration pathways (RCPs) in 2011–2040 (2020s), 2041–2070 (2050s) and 2071–2100 (2080s), we assessed the changes in rapeseed production potential between the baseline climatology of 1981–2010 and the future climatology of the 2020s, 2050s, and 2080s, respectively. The key modelling tool – the AEZ model – was updated and validated based on the observation records of 10 representative sites in the basin. Our simulations revealed that: (1) the uncertainty of the impact of climate change on rapeseed production increases with time; (2) in the middle of this century (2050s), total rapeseed production would increase significantly; (3) the average production potential increase in the 2050s for the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin is 0.939, 1.639 and 0.339 million tons respectively; (4) areas showing most significant increases in production include southern Shaanxi, central and eastern Hubei, northern Hunan, central Anhui and eastern Jiangsu.  相似文献   

Changes in ground surface thermal regimes play a vital role in surface and subsurface hydrology, ecosystem diversity and productivity, and global thermal, water and carbon budgets as well as climate change. Estimating spring, summer, autumn and winter air temperatures and mean annual air temperature(MAAT) from 1960 through 2008 over the Heihe River Basin reveals a statistically significant trend of 0.31 °C/decade, 0.28 °C/decade, 0.37 °C/decade, 0.50 °C/decade, and 0.37 °C /decade, respectively. The averaged time series of mean annual ground surface temperature(MAGST) and maximum annual ground surface temperature(MaxAGST) for 1972–2006 over the basin indicates a statistically significant trend of 0.58 °C/decade and 1.27 °C/decade, respectively. The minimum annual ground surface temperature(MinAGST) in the same period remains unchanged as a whole. Estimating surface freezing/thawing index as well as the ratio of freezing index to thawing index(RFT) in the period between 1959 and 2006 over the basin indicates a statistically significant trend of-42.5 °C-day/decade, 85.4 °C-day/decade and-0.018/decade, respectively.  相似文献   

长江流域国土空间开发适宜性综合评价   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
唐常春  孙威 《地理学报》2012,67(12):1587-1598
国土空间开发适宜性评价是国土开发格局优化与区域协调发展的科学基础,开展长江 流域国土空间综合评价,可以加强和深化对流域国土空间合理开发的科学认知,指导流域治 理与可持续发展实践。根据“3步骤4原则”首次界定长江流域覆盖的县级行政区域范围,从 长江流域实际出发,采用Delphi与AHP方法,构建国土空间开发适宜性综合评价指标体系, 建立以724个县级行政区为基本单元的长江流域综合数据库。在此基础上,结合专业知识与 GIS 空间聚类方法进行单因子分级评价,运用动态加权求和法建立测度模型开展综合评价,构 建耦合差系数模型进行人口-经济空间耦合度分析。研究结果表明:全流域开发约束总体水 平较高,高值区 (V~VIII级) 主要分布在上中游地区。开发强度和开发潜力的空间集中度高, 区域发展差异呈继续扩大态势。综合评价分级高值区土地面积比重为22.95%,表明适宜开发 区域仅占少部分流域国土面积;人口-GDP耦合差系数 (D值) 为8.70,流域人口与经济空间 耦合度较低;上中下游开发适宜性存在显著差异,适宜性高值区主要包括长江三角洲、合肥 与皖江沿线地区、武汉城市圈、荆州-宜昌长江沿线地区、襄阳-南阳地区、长株潭城市 群、南昌-九江-新余地区、成渝城市群、贵阳-安顺地区、昆明市及大部分地级城市。  相似文献   

长江流域实际蒸发量的变化趋势   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
王艳君  姜彤  刘波 《地理学报》2010,65(9):1079-1088
采用经过参数率定的区域蒸散互补关系原理AA模型和全球海气耦合模式ECHAM5/MPI-OM估算长江流域1961-2007 年的实际蒸发量,运用线性回归法和非参数Mann-Kendall 秩次相关检验法对2 种方法估算的实际蒸发量进行年、年代际和季节变化特征分析与对比,揭示长江流域实际蒸发量的变化规律。结果表明:长江流域年实际蒸发量呈现显著的下降趋势,2种方法估算的结果分别以-9.3 mm/10a 和-3.6 mm/10a 的速度下降,从20 世纪90 年代开始实际蒸发量的下降幅度明显增大;在季节变化上,2 种方法估算的结果在春、秋季均呈现显著的下降趋势,在夏、冬季表现为相反的变化趋势;在空间差异上,流域各地区的变化趋势总体较一致,其中以中下游地区的变化趋势最为显著。  相似文献   

Global solar radiation(GSR) is the most direct source and form of global energy, and calculation of its quantity is highly complex due to influences of local topography and terrain inter-shielding. Digital elevation model(DEM) data as a representation of the complex terrain and multiplicity condition produces a series of topographic factors(e.g. slope, aspect, etc.). Based on 1 km resolution DEM data, meteorological observations and NOAA-AVHRR remote sensing data, a distributed model for the calculation of GSR over rugged terrain within the Yangtze River Basin has been developed. The overarching model permits calculation of astronomical solar radiation for rugged topography and comprises a distributed direct solar radiation model, a distributed diffuse radiation model and a distributed terrain reflectance radiation model. Using the developed model, a quantitative simulation of the GSR space distribution and visualization has been undertaken, with results subsequently analyzed with respect to locality and terrain. Analyses suggest that GSR magnitude is seasonally affected, while the degree of influence was found to increase in concurrence with increasing altitude. Moreover, GSR magnitude exhibited clear spatial variation with respect to the dominant local aspect; GSR values associated with the sunny southern slopes were significantly greater than those associated with shaded slopes. Error analysis indicates a mean absolute error of 12.983 MJm-2 and a mean relative error of 3.608%, while the results based on a site authentication procedure display an absolute error of 22.621 MJm-2 and a relative error of 4.626%.  相似文献   

Study on hydroclimatological changes in the mountainous river basins has attracted great interest in recent years. Changes in temperature, precipitation and river discharge pattern could be considered as indicators of hydroclimatological changes of the river basins. In this study, the temperatures (maximum and minimum), precipitation, and discharge data from 1980 to 2009 were used to detect the hydroclimatological changes in the Bagmati River Basin, Nepal. Simple linear regression and Mann-Kendall test statistic were used to examine the significant trend of temperature, precipitation, and discharge. Increasing trend of temperature was found in all seasons, although the change rate was different in different seasons for both minimum and maximum temperatures. However, stronger warming trend was found in maximum temperature in comparison to the minimum in the whole basin. Both precipitation and discharge trend were increasing in the pre-monsoon season, but decreasing in the post-monsoon season. The significant trend of precipitation could not be observed in winter, although discharge trend was decreasing. Furthermore, the intensity of peak discharge was increasing, though there was not an obvious change in the intensity of maximum precipitation events. It is expected that all these changes have effects on agriculture, hydropower plant, and natural biodiversity in the mountainous river basin of Nepal.  相似文献   

The Yangtze River is the third largest river in the world and the longest and largest river in China.China has adopted a national strategy to protect the Yangtze River.A better understanding of the ecosystem services value along the Yangtze River would provide support for the Yangtze River protection strategy.Using Costanza’s method to estimate the ecosystem services value,the value of 10 ecosystem services was estimated within 1 km and 2 km from the Yangtze River in 2017.These 10 services were derived from the four established groupings of provisioning,regulating,supporting,and cultural services.This study compared and analyzed the changes in the ecosystem services value in the upper,middle,and lower reaches of the river,and in provinces,cities,and villages along the Yangtze River.The total ecosystem services value within 1 km and 2 km from the river was 37.208 and 43.769 billion yuan,respectively.Within 1 km,the ecosystem services value in the middle reaches was 12.93 billion yuan,while the next highest value was in the upper reaches at 12.45 billion yuan,and the downstream area had the smallest value of 11.855 billion yuan.Within 2 km,the value of upstream ecosystem services was the highest at 16.31 billion yuan,while the second highest value was in the middle reaches at 14.376 billion yuan,and the smallest value was in the downstream area at 13.083 billion yuan.In the Yangtze River Basin,regulating services played a leading role,accounting for 81.6%and 78.9%of the ecosystem services value within 1 km and 2 km from the river,respectively.Among the 10 ecosystem services,hydrological regulation was the most important,while the value of raw material production made the smallest contribution.Among the provinces and cities along the Yangtze River,the highest ecosystem services value was in Hubei Province,while the lowest values were in Shanghai and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.If villages within 1 km and 2 km from the river were to be relocated,the total regional ecological value would increase by 527 and 975 million yuan,respectively.  相似文献   

人类活动对长江上游近期输沙变化的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用1956-2007年径流—输沙序列,分期定量研究了长江上游近期主要干支流输沙变化及其原因,结果显示:①长江上游1994-2002年输沙量减少1.43亿t/a,人为减沙占91.2%,主要来自嘉陵江措施减沙;2003-2007年减沙4.50亿t/a,径流减沙占14.1%,前期持续的人类活动减沙占39.8%,三峡水库蓄水拦沙、金沙江措施减沙等新增人为减沙占46.2%。②金沙江1983-2000年输沙量增加0.48亿t/a,人为增沙占74.7%,主要是工程增沙;2001-2007年输沙量减小1.183亿t/a,全部为人为减沙,包括二滩等各型水库拦沙、水保减沙和工程增沙减少。③嘉陵江1985-1993年输沙减少0.827亿t/a,人为减沙占81.4%,主要人为减沙包括农村社会经济因素变化导致的土壤减蚀和水库拦沙;1994-2007年输沙量减少1.285亿t/a,其中自然径流减沙占29.6%,前期持续人类活动减沙占42.1%,宝珠寺等新增水库拦沙和水保减沙占23.4%,另有4.9%的人为减水减沙。  相似文献   

长江上游生态服务功能区域差异研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
提出了生态服务功能及生态服务功能缺失的概念,明确了众多生态学术语之间的关系.并以长江上游为例,探讨生态系统服务功能的区域差异,即分析同一区域不同生态系统服务功能的差异和同一生态服务功能在不同区域贡献率的差异,为生态建设总体规划,重点生态工程选择和布局,生态建设时序确定等提供科学依据.  相似文献   

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