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Summary. We present a model of the magnetic field at the core–mantle boundary, for epoch 1959.5, based on a large set of observatory and survey measurements. Formal error estimates for the radial field at the core are 50 μT, compared with 30 and 40 μT for our previous MAGSAT (1980) and POGO (1970) models.
Current work on the determination of the velocity of the core fluid relies on the assumption that the core behaves as a perfect conductor, so that the field lines remain frozen to the fluid at the core surface. This frozen-flux condition requires that the integrated flux over patches of the core surface bounded by contours of zero radial field remain constant in time. A new method is presented for constructing core fields that satisfy these frozen-flux constraints. The constraints are non-linear when applied to main field data, unlike the case of secular variation which was considered in an earlier paper. The method is applied to datasets from epochs 1969.5 and 1959.5 to produce fields with the same flux integrals as the 1980 model.
The frozen-flux hypothesis is tested by comparing the changes in the flux integrals between 1980/1969.5, 1969.5/1959.5 and 1980/1959.5 with their errors. We find that the hypothesis can be rejected with 95 per cent confidence. The main evidence for flux diffusion is in the South Atlantic region, where a new null flux curve appears between 1960 and 1970, and continues to grow at a rapid rate from 1970 to 1980. However, the statistical result depends critically on our error estimates for the field at the core surface, which are difficult to assess with any certainty; indeed, doubling the error estimates negates the statistical argument. The conclusion is therefore, at this stage, tentative, and requires further evidence, either from older data, if good enough, or from future satellite measurements.  相似文献   

We derive two new types of invariant that must be obeyed by the radial magnetic field at the core-mantle boundary if the hypothesis of frozen flux is valid and the fluid motion is either toroidal or tangentially geostrophic there. These general invariants incorporate specific invariants that are already known and can, in principle, be tested using magnetic data that cover an interval of time.  相似文献   

We incorporate a maximum entropy image reconstruction technique into the process of modelling the time-dependent geomagnetic field at the core–mantle boundary (CMB). In order to deal with unconstrained small lengthscales in the process of inverting the data, some core field models are regularized using a priori quadratic norms in both space and time. This artificial damping leads to the underestimation of power at large wavenumbers, and to a loss of contrast in the reconstructed picture of the field at the CMB. The entropy norm, recently introduced to regularize magnetic field maps, provides models with better contrast, and involves a minimum of a priori information about the field structure. However, this technique was developed to build only snapshots of the magnetic field. Previously described in the spatial domain, we show here how to implement this technique in the spherical harmonic domain, and we extend it to the time-dependent problem where both spatial and temporal regularizations are required. We apply our method to model the field over the interval 1840–1990 from a compilation of historical observations. Applying the maximum entropy method in space—for a fit to the data similar to that obtained with a quadratic regularization—effectively reorganizes the magnetic field lines in order to have a map with better contrast. This is associated with a less rapidly decaying spectrum at large wavenumbers. Applying the maximum entropy method in time permits us to model sharper temporal changes, associated with larger spatial gradients in the secular variation, without producing spurious fluctuations on short timescales. This method avoids the smearing back in time of field features that are not constrained by the data. Perspectives concerning future applications of the method are also discussed.  相似文献   

We describe a new technique for implementing the constraints on magnetic fields arising from two hypotheses about the fluid core of the Earth, namely the frozen-flux hypothesis and the hypothesis that the core is in magnetostrophic force balance with negligible leakage of current into the mantle. These hypotheses lead to time-independence of the integrated flux through certain 'null-flux patches' on the core surface, and to time-independence of their radial vorticity. Although the frozen-flux hypothesis has received attention before, constraining the radial vorticity has not previously been attempted. We describe a parametrization and an algorithm for preserving topology of radial magnetic fields at the core surface while allowing morphological changes. The parametrization is a spherical triangle tesselation of the core surface. Topology with respect to a reference model (based on data from the Oersted satellite) is preserved as models at different epochs are perturbed to optimize the fit to the data; the topology preservation is achieved by the imposition of inequality constraints on the model, and the optimization at each iteration is cast as a bounded value least-squares problem. For epochs 2000, 1980, 1945, 1915 and 1882 we are able to produce models of the core field which are consistent with flux and radial vorticity conservation, thus providing no observational evidence for the failure of the underlying assumptions. These models are a step towards the production of models which are optimal for the retrieval of frozen-flux velocity fields at the core surface.  相似文献   

Measured changes in the Earth's length of day on a decadal timescale are usually attributed to the exchange of angular momentum between the solid mantle and fluid core. One of several possible mechanisms for this exchange is electromagnetic coupling between the core and a weakly conducting mantle. This mechanism is included in recent numerical models of the geodynamo. The 'advective torque', associated with the mantle toroidal field produced by flux rearrangement at the core–mantle boundary (CMB), is likely to be an important part of the torque for matching variations in length of day. This can be calculated from a model of the fluid flow at the top of the outer core; however, results have generally shown little correspondence between the observed and calculated torques. There is a formal non-uniqueness in the determination of the flow from measurements of magnetic secular variation, and unfortunately the part of the flow contributing to the torque is precisely that which is not constrained by the data. Thus, the forward modelling approach is unlikely to be useful. Instead, we solve an inverse problem: assuming that mantle conductivity is concentrated in a thin layer at the CMB (perhaps D"), we seek flows that both explain the observed secular variation and generate the observed changes in length of day. We obtain flows that satisfy both constraints and are also almost steady and almost geostrophic, and therefore assert that electromagnetic coupling is capable of explaining the observed changes in length of day.  相似文献   

A region of enhanced conductivity at the base of the mantle is modelled by an infinitesimally thin sheet of uniform effective conductance adjacent to the core–mantle boundary. Currents induced in this sheet by the temporally varying magnetic field produced by the geodynamo give rise to a discontinuity in the horizontal components of the poloidal magnetic field on crossing the sheet, while the radial component is continuous across the sheet. Treating the rest of the mantle as an insulator, the horizontal components of the poloidal magnetic field and their secular variation at the top of the core are determined from geomagnetic field, secular variation and secular acceleration models. It is seen that for an assumed effective conductance of the sheet of 108  S, which may be not unrealistic, the changes produced in the horizontal components of the poloidal field at the top of the core are usually ≤10 per cent, but corrections to the secular variation in these components at the top of the core are typically 40 per cent, which is greater than the differences that exist between different secular variation models for the same epoch. Given the assumption that all the conductivity of the mantle is concentrated into a thin shell, the present method is not restricted to a weakly conducting mantle. Results obtained are compared with perturbation solutions.  相似文献   

A six-parameter statistical model of the non-dipole geomagnetic field is fitted to 2597 harmonic coefficients determined by Cain, Holter & Sandee (1990) from MAGSAT data. The model includes sources in the core, sources in the crust, and instrument errors. External fields are included with instrument errors. The core and instrument statistics are invariant under rotation about the centre of the Earth, and one of the six parameters describes the deviation of the crustal statistics from rotational invariance. The model treats the harmonic coefficients as independent random samples drawn from a Gaussian distribution. The statistical model of the core field has a correlation length of about 500 km at the core-mantle boundary, too long to be attributed to a white noise source just below the boundary layers at the top of the core. The estimate of instrument errors obtained from the statistical model is in good agreement with an independent estimate based on tests of the instruments (Langel, Ousley & Berbert 1982).  相似文献   

Summary. The method of stochastic inversion, previously applied to secular variation data, is applied to main field data. Adaptations to the method are required: non-linear, as well as linear, data are used; allowance is made for crustal components in the observatory data; and the prior information is specified differently. The requirement that the models should satisfy a finite lower bound on the Ohmic heating in the core provides strong prior information and gives finite error estimates at the core—mantle boundary.
The new method is applied to data from the epochs 1969.5 and 1980.0. The resulting field models are very much more complex than other models, such as the IGRF models extrapolated to the core, and show considerable small-scale detail which, on the basis of the error analysis, can be believed.
The flux integral over the northern hemisphere is computed at each epoch; the difference between the two epochs is approximately one standard deviation, suggesting that the question as to whether the decay of the dipole is consistent with the frozen-flux hypothesis has been resolved in favour of the hypothesis.  相似文献   

A whole mantle SH velocity model is obtained by using a unique data set and techniques. Body and surface waveforms including major and multi-orbit phases are used as a data set and are inverted by using 3-D Born kernels. The resultant model, SH18CE, reveals the different natures of the two major upwelling systems: the strong low velocity anomalies beneath Africa extend for more than 1000 km from the core–mantle boundary (CMB), whereas those beneath the Pacific are restricted to 300–400 km from the CMB. The results also show the variable natures of stagnant slabs on the 670 discontinuity around Japan: the depths of the strongest high velocity anomalies within the stagnant slabs are different region by region, which is consistent with the detailed delay time tomography model in this area.  相似文献   

We invert ISC PcP and PKP absolute and differential traveltimes in an attempt to infer the long-wavelength topography of the core-mantle boundary (CMB). The data selection and processing methods are described and evaluated. These travel-time data are very noisy and the geographic distribution of the data is highly non-uniform, inhibiting reliable inference of CMB topography. Spatial averaging enhances the coherent component of the residual variance (related to heterogeneity), however, the random component of the variance is much larger than the coherent component. We show that for PcP data the coherent signal due to mantle heterogeneity overshadows that arising from the CMB, and that the effects of mantle heterogeneity are mapped into our inferred CMB solutions. The PcP data are not correlated across the spatial averaging bins and seem to have a strong bias due to small-scale structure and/or noise. The non-uniform geographic sampling of the data plays a role in the mapping of mantle heterogeneity onto the CMB. Spatial patterns of CMB models inferred from different phases do not agree. Amplitudes of seismically inferred CMB undulations vary greatly. The sensitivity of inferred CMB models to the processing, spatial averaging procedure, and inversion techniques are investigated. Topographic amplitudes increase strongly with increasing input residual variance. The power spectrum of inferred topography indicates that there are unmodelled heterogeneities that must be described with spherical harmonics of degree 6 and higher. Based on this work, we conclude that reliable inference of long-wavelength CMB topography is not likely with the current ISC data set or with a spherical harmonic expansion truncated to degree and order 6.  相似文献   

summary . The magnetic observatories at Vysokaya Dubrava and at Arti in Sverdlovsk region have operated in parallel since 1972 January. In spite of the rather small distance between them (160 km), it has been established that during that time, there have been differences in the geomagnetic field variations over a wide range of frequencies. The secular variation also differs appreciably. Over a period of four years the difference in the horizontal component between the observatories increased by 3 nT, the difference in the vertical component by 4 nT and the difference in the total intensity by 6 nT, while the difference in declination decreased by 0.6 min. Besides the normal geomagnetic secular variation, governed by processes in the Earth's core, secular-variation anomalies (SVA) linked with processes in the lithosphere may also take place. The intensity of the local SVAs reaches 10–2 nT/yr, whilst their size does not exceed 15 km. It is undesirable to locate an observatory in a region where an SVA exists since this will distort the normal secular-Variation pattern. It is therefore important to know to what extent observations at the observatory reflect the mean value of the secular variation for that area. For this purpose we would recommend performing a highly accurate survey, for example the total intensity in a network of radial lines in a region around the observatory of radius 50–100 km. Such investigations have been performed around the Arti observatory with an accuracy of the repeated measurements of ±0.3 nT in 1974 and ±0.2 nT in 1975. Ten local SVAs with intensities from 2–14 nT/yr were revealed around the observatory. The observatory of Arti is situated in a quiet region.  相似文献   

Summary. A model for the geomagnetic secular variation field is given, consisting of a series of magnetic monopoles at the surface of the Earth's core. These are distributed according to the density of the data to allow more detailed representation in areas where the density of observations is high, without introducing spurious detail where data are sparse. A monopole model is calculated from observatory secular change data for the epoch 1957.5–1962.5 and its usefulness assessed.  相似文献   

The modern geomagnetic field is usually expressed as a spherical harmonic expansion. Although the palaeomagnetic record is very incomplete in both space and time, sufficient data are available from a span of ages to generate time-averaged spherical harmonic field models with many degrees of freedom. Here three data sets are considered: directional measurements from lavas, inclination measurements from ocean sediments, and intensity measurements from lavas. Individual data are analysed, as well as site-averages, using the same methods that have been developed for the modern field, to give models for the past 5 Myr. The normal-polarity field model has an axial-dipole intensity similar to that of the modern-day field, whilst the equatorial-dipole component is very much smaller. The field is not axisymmetric, but shows flux concentrations at the core's surface under Canada and Siberia similar to those observed in the field over historical timescales. Tests on synthetic data show that it is unlikely that these similarities result from the overprinting of the palaeomagnetic field due to inadequate cleaning of the samples. The reverse-polarity field model does not show such obvious features, but this may be due to the sparsity of the data.
The patterns observed in the normal-polarity field, with persistent features in the northern hemisphere and a smooth southern hemisphere, could be explained if the present pattern of secular variation is typical of the past several million years. This would reveal itself as large variations over time in the direction of the magnetic vector in regions of high secular variation, with relatively little change over quieter regions. However, we have been unable to find any evidence for a geographical pattern of secular variation in the data.  相似文献   

The degree-one deformation of the Earth (and the induced discrepancy between the figure centre and the mass centre of the Earth) is computed using a theoretical approach (Love numbers formalism) at short timescales (where the Earth has an elastic behaviour) as well as at long timescales (where the Earth has a viscoelastic or quasi-fluid behaviour). For a Maxwell model of rheology, the degree-one relaxation modes associated with the viscoelastic Love numbers have been investigated: the Mo mode does not exist and there is only one transition mode (instead of two) generated by a viscosity discontinuity.
The translations at each interface of the incompressible layers of the earth model [surface, 670 km depth discontinuity, core-mantle boundary (CMB) and inner-core boundary (ICB)] are computed. They are elastic with an order of magnitude of about 1 mm when the excitation source is the atmospheric continental loading or a magnetic pressure acting at the CMB. They are viscoelastic when the earth is submitted to Pleistocene deglaciation, with an order of magnitude of about 1 m. In a quasi-fluid approximation (Newtonian fluid) because of the mantle density heterogeneity their order of magnitude is about 100 m (except for the ICB, which is in quasi-hydrostatic equilibrium at this timescale).  相似文献   

summary . A formulation is given for the seismic-wave scattering by a rough solid—liquid interface, in analogy to results derived for a solid—solid interface and a heterogeneous volume. Using Kennett's approach and the reciprocity theorem, the scattering is formulated as the excitation by an equivalent dislocation. Using interface parameters relevant to the core—mantle boundary (CMB), computational results for several types of body-wave scattering are given and compared to scattering by a heterogeneous volume. In an application to the generation of PKP precursors it is concluded that, whereas some data groups point to heterogeneity (which may not be small) in the lower mantle above CMB, in other cases a rough CMB may be considered equally feasible. Scattering at the source or receiver side of the core by both a slightly rough CMB (radial variations up to a few hundred metres) and a slightly heterogeneous lower mantle (relative variations in physical parameters up to a few per cent) produces the energy level that is observed in most of the PKP precursors; also the relevant scale lengths of variation are about the same ie both mechanisms (10–20 km with possibly somewhat higher values at relatively long epicentral distances).  相似文献   

A secular variation record of the geomagnetic field direction for the last 6.5  kyr has been obtained from the magnetization of sediment cores from Erhai Lake, southwest China. In order to make a comparison with this record, secular variation in east-central China was investigated by combining available magnetic field data from historical records and archaeomagnetic measurements since about 350 bc . The secular variation in Erhai Lake shows features consistent with the combined record, except for the oldest three observed declination swings in Sian from 720 to 900 ad . Many features of declination and inclination in China also occur in Japan. From 500 to 1000 ad , declination was westerly ranging from about −20° to −5° in Erhai Lake, east-central China, and Japan.  相似文献   

Summary The problems of reducing geomagnetic observations from ships at sea in areas influenced by the effect of the equatorial electrojet are discussed. In particular, observations within the Gulf of Aden have been corrected for daily variation and secular variation for the purposes of constructing a contoured magnetic anomaly chart.
An empirical formula is given with which the range of daily variation at different latitudes within the Gulf was estimated for the purpose of correcting the data for daily variation. The observed secular variation, which was used to correct the data, is—11 γ/yr. which differs from the secular variation of +19 γ/yr. in the Gulf of Aden given by the recently adopted International Geomagnetic Reference Field (Zmuda 1969).  相似文献   

Summary. A precision magnetic survey for the investigation of current activity in the Earth's lithosphere has been carried out in the Urals and in the Carpathians. As a result of this research three types of time variation of the total field were discovered. These are:
(1) The normal field variation reflecting the general pattern of secular variation. The difference of initial and repeat observation where only this type of variation operates, is rather small and usually does not exceed 0.2–0.3 nT. The field changes in such regions can be used only to evaluate the observation errors and to provide the regional pattern of secular variation.
(2) The slow but localized'anomalous field'change from year to year corresponding, presumably, to anomalies of a tectonomagnetic nature. The normal pattern of the secular variation field here is disturbed by sources located in the upper part of the lithosphere.
(3) Irregular time changes of the field with rather large amplitudes (up to 10–20 nT). Repeated observations of such anomalies show that the field changes significantly here even during one day. Both in the Urals and Carpathians these anomalies form extended elongated structures with widths up to 10–30 km. These anomalies usually coincide with those deep faults where the strongest recent crustal movements have been determined by means of geodetic observations. The analysis of the results of precision geomagnetic surveys in the Urals and in the Carpathians shows that geomagnetic investigations can be used for the exploration of tectonically active zones.  相似文献   

Summary. A 10 000 yr continuous secular variation record from intensively dated lake sediments in SE Australia has been subjected to periodogram and maximum entropy method analysis. Tests on synthetic data reveal some of the limitations of the latter method, particularly when applied to complex number series. Anticlockwise precession of the magnetic vector at a period of 5000 ± 1000 yr is tentatively ascribed to dipole precession, and clockwise precession at a period of about 2800 yr is probably due to westward drift of features of the non-dipole field.
The effect of calibrating the radiocarbon time-scale is important and results in periodicity shifts of up to 25 per cent. Even for well-dated lacustrine sequences power spectra are poorly constrained: it is thus possible that the geomagnetic secular variation on a time-scale of thousands of years is more uniform than often supposed. Mismatches between declination and inclination spectra can arise as a natural consequence of certain types of source mechanism and should not be simply attributed to figments of the analysis employed.  相似文献   

Summary. Using a very large body of post-1955 data, a spherical harmonic model of the geomagnetic field and its secular variation is derived for 1965.0. This model is compared with the original International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) and with individual models used, or proposed for use, in producing the IGRF. Positions of the dip-poles, the geomagnetic poles and the eccentric dipole are derived from the model, together with their rates of change, and comparisons are made with other estimates of these positions.  相似文献   

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