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海洋石油开发过程中面临着复杂多样的储层环境,对油套管的强度、密封性等性能提出了严格要求,合理选择适合的油套管对油气钻采至关重要。本文首先对渤海、东海、南海东部、南海西部海域进行了基础数据的收集,主要包括油田分布情况、油气藏特点;并进行双变量相关性分析,明确了海况参数与油套管技术参数的相关性。在此基础上,根据不同储层地质特点和差异建立了适用于各海域的海上油田油套管推荐体系;采用Django+MySQL为开发工具进行开发,形成一套基于Web前端的海上油田油套管数据库管理系统;最后通过渤海海域埕北油田M1井应用案例测试,获得合适的油套管推荐方案,验证了该海上油田油套管数据库的实用性。海上油田油套管管理系统的建立能够高效、科学的管理油套管的应用信息,有利于未来海上油田的开发。  相似文献   

预应力钢筒混凝土管(PCCP)是一种优质复合管材,已经应用于海底输油等领域。由于PCCP中含有混凝土、钢筒、预应力钢丝,结点构造和地下埋置工况复杂,对于PCCP的受力机理认识尚不统一。根据环形预应力作用机理,结合多层圆筒轴对称平面形变理论,研究建立了单层预应力作用下埋置式PCCP受力模型,并根据PCCP使用阶段抗裂要求,分析提出使用阶段PCCP预应力计算公式。采用数值分析法,以内压力等为变量,研究使用阶段不同内压力作用下PCCP的应力变化。分析结果与提出模型进行对比,建议预应力计算公式乘以增大系数1.2。预应力计算结果与国内外规范比较说明公式是合理的。  相似文献   

The dynamic analysis of a pipe system is one of the most crucial problems for the entire mining system.A discrete element method(DEM)is proposed for the analysis of a deep-ocean mining pipe system,including the lift pipe,pump,buffer and flexible hose.By the discrete element method,the pipe is divided into some rigid elements that are linked by flexible connectors.First,two examples representing static analysis and dynamic analysis respectively are given to show that the DEM model is feasible.Then the three-dimensional DEM model is used for dynamic analysis of the mining pipe system.The dynamic motions of the entire mining pipe system under different work conditions are discussed.Some suggestions are made for the actual operation of deep-ocean mining systems.  相似文献   

机载遥感海上溢油监测系统在发达国家中已得到有力证实,本文通过运用此项技术,结合我国实际情况,研究与设计了一种新型,小型的监测系统,试图在港口,港区环境中应用,以利海洋环境的保护。文中对系统的技术指标和功能实现,做了详尽的分析和介绍。  相似文献   

水槽造流系统水力计算与泵机选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提供一种完整的用于试验水槽造流系统的水力计算和泵机选择方法 ,可用于其他类似工程设计。  相似文献   

LI  Wen-long 《中国海洋工程》2003,17(4):541-550
The floating oil storage system has been proposed as a new facility for Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) in China. Mooring is one of the key technologies to ensure the safety, reliability, and performance of the oil storage system. This paper describes the concept, analysis, design and reliability of the mooring system. For mooring system design of these oil vessels, analysis is essential of the behavior of the vessel in connection with mooring facilities of nonlinear resilience. A nonlinear mathematical model for analyzing a moored vessel is established and solved. Some results of numerical simulations are presented. Assessment of the safety regarding the mooring system in terms of failure probability is carried out. Another simulation model for calculating the failure probability of the mooring system is proposed. The design parameters that have an influence on the characteristics of the failure probability have been identified. The simulation results show that the mooring system has an annual reliab  相似文献   

在进行了充分需求分析基础上,对渤海油田示范区地理信息系统的数据库和应用系统进行了详细设计,数据库的设计主要是本着对象模型和关系模型相结合的原则进行的,而应用系统的设计主要考虑了以下原则,即先进性和实用性、开放性和标准性、可扩展性和可维护性、安全性和保密性、可靠性和稳定性以及具有良好的二次开发能力等。对于系统的体系结构设计,主要从系统的层次结构、硬件体系结构和软件体系结构等方面作了详细的规划设计。  相似文献   

针对遥感溢油识别的电子海图显示应用系统的开发,进行功能需求分析并提出系统设计方案。在分析了几种常见的电子海图显示平台开发模式的基础上,基于MapObjects组件开发实现了电子海图显示应用平台,具备海图显示、数据叠加、海图分析、添加标注、地图输出等功能。  相似文献   

作为浮式结构最常采用的两种系泊方式,悬链式系泊和张紧式系泊皆存在不足。本文提出了一种新型系泊系统,并以一深水FPSO为例,采用完全时域耦合分析方法,对不同工作水深情况下的浮体及新型系泊系统的运动性能进行了数值模拟,并将该新型系泊系统的仿真结果与传统的张紧式系泊系统进行了比较,分析了新型系泊系统在浮体运动性能、缆索张力等方面的改善,同时探讨了该新型系泊系统的最佳工作水深。  相似文献   

网毯式油气成藏体系仓储层运移机理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究网毯式油气成藏体系仓储层运移油的机理,揭示断层幕式排烃期仓储层运移油的机理,以油气二次运移理论为指导,开展了油沿断裂纵向运移及油在仓储层内横向运移的定量研究.首先根据地质模型,建立断层内油压力衰减梯度的数学模型,根据能量守恒原理,推导出油沿断层纵向运移的压力梯度公式,计算出油沿断裂进入仓储层的初始压力,再根据仓储层的地质模型,建立油在仓储层内横向运移的压力衰减模型及上网层开启时的泄压模型,推导出油沿仓储层横向运移的压力梯度公式及泄压公式,最终得出仓储层运移油的合力公式.并指出当运移动力大于运移阻力,即运移合力为正时,仓储层以运移油为主,当运移动力等于或小于运移阻力,即运移合力为负时,仓储层以临时仓储(成毯)、成藏为主.通过对运移合力的计算,可以判断油在仓储层内运移、成毯和成藏的状态,预测仓储层运移、成毯或成藏的范围,从而指导该体系隐蔽油气藏的勘探.  相似文献   

采用卷管法铺设管道时,管道和铺设设备之间的接触作用十分复杂,并且管道在弯曲过程中将会产生塑性变形并可能发生局部屈曲,导致管道失效。基于有限元模型(FEM)实时模拟卷管法安装的整个过程,研究管道与铺设设备之间的接触作用;分析管道对于环境载荷和船体运动的动态响应;获得管道的应力应变值以校核局部屈曲。研究结果表明,管道弯矩大部分来源于管道与安装设备间的接触作用,而环境载荷及船体运动对管道的弯曲应力影响较小。  相似文献   

Unbonded flexible pipe is one of the important pieces of equipment in floating production systems for transport of oil and gas between floaters and subsea wells located in deep water. To assure safety over a long-term service period, analysis of fatigue behavior under alternative bending is a key requirement. An analytical model for prediction of bending behavior is essential for understanding the mechanism of the local stress distribution in the helical wires of the tension armor layers under alternative curvatures and rapid estimation of the service life of flexible pipes for designers in engineering practice. In this paper, seven analytical models available in the literature are selected and summarized. Although the experimental results reported in the literature are limited, a three-dimensional finite element model is developed for investigation of the seven models, and the validity and limitations of these models for different structural parameters of helical wire are discussed, i.e., the width-thickness ratio of the wire section and helical angle. The analytical model based on spring theory resulted in a satisfactory estimation of bending stress for most cases and is recommended as a tool for the basic design of the helical armor wire structures in flexible pipes.  相似文献   

Owing to the ageing of the existing structures worldwide and the lack of codes for the continued safely management of structures during their lifetime, it is very necessary to develop a tool to evaluate their system reliability over a time interval. In this paper, a method is proposed to analyze system reliability of existing jacket platforms. The influences of dint, crack and corrosion are considered. The mechanics characteristics of the existing jacket platforms to extreme loads are analyzed by use of the nonlinear mechanical analysis. The nonlinear interaction of pile-soil-structure is taken into consideration in the analysis. By use of FEM method and Monte Carlo simulation, the system reliability of the existing jacket platforul can be obtained. The method has been illustrated through application to BZ28-1 three jacket platforms which have operated for sixteen years. Advantages of the proposed method for analyzing the system reliability of the existing jacket platform is also highlighted.  相似文献   

为使深海采矿作业更为高效、环保,提出了一种用于深海采矿的循环式水力集矿系统设计方案。该系统主要由集矿头、矿-沙分离器、水-沙分离器、水泵以及连接各部件的管道组成。采用基于欧拉法的液固两相流计算模型对该系统的关键问题,即矿-沙分离器和水-沙分离器的泥沙颗粒流动进行数值研究。相间拖曳力采用Richardson-Zaki模型。液相与固相湍流分别采用标准k-ε模型和Tchen湍流响应模型。该模型经验证对于直径0.165 mm与0.27 mm细颗粒具有较高精度。利用该模型,以0.165 mm泥沙颗粒为例,得到了两种分离器的分离效果与入口流速之间的规律,分析了两者颗粒浓度分布与流场特征。结果表明,两种分离器的性能均与入口流速有关,在选取适当入口条件时均可取得良好效果。  相似文献   

A web-based distributed system for monitoring and forecasting of the marine environment has been developed in line with INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe (INSPIRE) and Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) recommendations for a European Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). This system, called DISPRO, enables integration and distribution of multi-source data from satellites, aircraft, and in situ instruments, as well as results from numerical models. Geographic data and metadata are stored on a set of distributed computer nodes and retrieved and integrated by a web GIS client by means of Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Server (WMS) technologies. A profile of ISO 19115 was developed for metadata handling, using eXtensible Markup Language (XML) as a platform independent encoding mechanism. DISPRO has been demonstrated in six European coastal zone and ocean regions in the spring and summer of 2005. The overall positive experiences of both service providers and end users indicate that the system should be further developed into an operational GMES service.  相似文献   

设计了一种新型网箱浮架系统,利用SESAM对其进行了频域水动力分析以及考虑不规则波浪、风、流载荷和系泊共同作用的时域耦合分析,并与传统双浮管网箱浮架系统进行了分析对比,得到方形网箱与圆形网箱的水动力特性的差异以及各自的优缺点,对实际中网箱的开发设计有一定的借鉴意义;通过计算,证明新型网箱浮架系统在工作海况能正常工作,在极端海况下也能满足安全性的要求;最后对4种常见系泊方式进行了时域耦合分析,得到了四种系泊方式的系泊特性,对实际工程中系泊方式的选择有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

卫星遥感(技术)已经成为快速、大范围侦察与监视的有效的高技术手段。探讨了FY系列、NOAA系列和EOS/MODIS系列等多卫星数据处理技术,其中包括多卫星联合处理程序、数据库、Windows sockets机制等。该系统能够自动为海上活动提供海表温度、叶绿素、悬浮泥沙浓度、海水透明度、潜艇光学隐蔽深度、植被指数等遥感数据,满足海上活动对卫星数据的需求。  相似文献   

波、流共同作用下的泥沙起动   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
对波、流共存时的床面剪切力及摩阻系数等作了探讨,根据泥沙起动试验,建立了泥沙起动Shields曲线,导出了波、流共同作用下层流和紊流时的泥沙起动公式和起动波高、起动水深.  相似文献   

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