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Recent VLBA observation indicates the existence of an elongated (jet) structure in the compact radio source Sgr A*. This is hard to explain in the context of advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) model for this source. On the other hand, the mass accretion rate favoured by ADAF is 10–20 times smaller than that favoured by the hydrodynamical simulation based on Bondi capture. If the latter were adopted, the predicted radio flux would significantly exceed the observation. A similar situation exists in the case of nearby giant ellipticals, where the canonical ADAF model – the widely assumed standard model for these sources – also significantly overpredicts the radio flux. Based on these facts, in this paper we propose a truncated ADAF model for Sgr A* and three ellipticals M87, NGC 4649 and NGC 4636. We assume that the accretion disc is truncated at a certain radius R tr within which the jet forms by extracting the energy of the disc. The radio flux is greatly suppressed owing to the radiative truncation of the disc and the fits to the observational data are excellent. For example, for Sgr A*, the model fits the observational spectrum very well from radio including the 'excess' below the break frequency to hard X-ray under a high accretion rate near the simulation value, and the predicted size-frequency relationship is also in excellent agreement with the observation; for M87, the predicted upper limit of the jet location is 24 R g, in excellent agreement with the observational result that the jet is formed on scales smaller than 30 R g, and the ≈20 per cent variability at ∼1 keV – which is hard to explain in another model that succeeded in explaining the low radio flux of M87 – is also marginally interpreted. The success of the model supplies possible evidence for the disc rather than the hole origin for the powering of jets.  相似文献   

We find a new two-temperature hot branch of equilibrium solutions for stationary accretion discs around black holes. In units of Eddington accretion rate defined as 10 L Edd c 2, the accretion rates to which these solutions correspond are within the range ̇ 1≲ ̇ ≲1, where ̇ 1 is the critical rate of advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF). In these solutions, the energy loss rate of the ions by Coulomb energy transfer between the ions and electrons is larger than the viscously heating rate and it is the advective heating together with the viscous dissipation that balances the Coulomb cooling of ions. When ̇ 1≲ ̇ ≲ ̇ 2, where ̇ 2∼5 ̇ 1<1, the accretion flow remains hot throughout the disc. When ̇ 2≲ ̇ ≲1, Coulomb interaction will cool the inner region of the disc within a certain radius ( r tr∼several tens of Schwarzschild radii or larger depending on the accretion rate and the outer boundary condition) and the disc will collapse on to the equatorial plane and form an optically thick cold annulus. Compared with ADAF, these hot solutions are much more luminous because of the high accretion rate and efficiency; therefore, we call them luminous hot accretion discs.  相似文献   

In this paper I propose that the inner part of a black hole accretion inflow (< 100 rg) may enter a magnetically dominated, magnetosphere-like phase in which the strong, well-ordered fields play a more important role than weak, turbulent fields. In the low/hard state this flow is interior to the standard ADAF usually invoked to explain the observed hot, optically thin emission. Preliminary solutions for these new MDAFs are presented. Time-dependent X-ray and radio observations give considerable insight into these processes, and a new interpretation of the X-ray power spectrum (as arising from many disk radii) may be in order. While an evaporative ADAF model explains the noise power above 0.01 Hz, an inner MDAF is needed to explain the high-frequency cutoff near 1 Hz, the presence of a QPO, and the production of a jet. The MDAF scenario also is consistent with the phenomonological models presented at this meeting by several authors.  相似文献   

The observation of the hot gas surrounding Sgr A * and a few other nearby galactic nuclei imply that electron and proton mean free paths are comparable to the gas capture radius. So, the hot accretion flows are likely to proceed under week-collision conditions. Hence, thermal conduction has been suggested as a possible mechanism by which the sufficient extra heating is provided in hot advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) accretion discs. We consider the effects of thermal conduction in the presence of a toroidal magnetic field in an ADAF around a compact object. For a steady-state structure of such accretion flows, a set of self-similar solutions are presented. We find two types of solutions which represent high and slow accretion rate. They have different behaviours with saturated thermal conduction parameter, φ.  相似文献   

We report here on a calculation of thermalization time-scale of the two temperature advection dominated accretion flow (ADAF) model. It is established that time required to equalize the electron and ion temperatures via electron-ion collisions in the ADAF with plausible physical parameters greatly exceeds the accretion time, which corroborates validity one of the crucial assumptions of the ADAF model, namely the existence of a hot two temperature plasma. This work is motivated by the recent success of the ADAF model [Nature 394 (1998) 651; MNRAS 304 (1999) 501] in explaining the emitted spectrum of Sgr A*, and it is complementary to the similar analysis of Mahadevan and Quataert [ApJ 490 (1997) 605].  相似文献   

黑洞的吸积是天体物理学中最重要的基础理论之一。近年来该理论取得了引人瞩目的重大进展,具体表现在两个方面。其一是根据黑洞吸积必定跨声速这一特性,提出在一定条件下吸积流中会出现激波,这可称为含激波的吸积理论;其二是基于对一种局域致冷机制-贮导(advection)致冷的作用的重新认识而建立的,称为ADAF理论。在吸积盘的光学厚度很小或很大两种情况下,粘滞产生的大部分热量没有像在标准薄盘模型中那样辐射出去,而是贮存在流体中随流体的径向运动进入黑洞。与标准薄盘模型相比,贮导吸积盘具有高得多的温度和大得多的径向速度,但角动量小于开普勒角动量,吸积致能的效率要低得多。  相似文献   

I discuss the status of the soft X-ray transient model. First, I discuss and then compare with observations the assumption that the geometrically thin disc evaporates into an ADAF. Second, I address the problems created by the recent determinations of the distance to SS Cyg, according to which the disc instability model does not apply to this famous dwarf-nova, thus casting doubt on the application of this model to any system at all.  相似文献   

The key aspect of the very successful truncated disc model for the low/hard X-ray spectral state in black hole binaries is that the geometrically thin disc recedes from the last stable orbit at the transition to this state. This has recently been challenged by direct observations of the low/hard state disc from CCD data. We reanalyse the Swift and RXTE campaign covering the 2006 outburst of XTE J1817−330, and show that these data actually strongly support the truncated disc model as the transition spectra unambiguously show that the disc begins to recede as the source leaves the disc-dominated soft state. The disc radius inferred for the proper low/hard state is less clear-cut, but we show that the effect of irradiation from the energetically dominant hot plasma leads to an underestimate of the disc radius by a factor of 2–3 in this state. This may also produce the soft excess reported in some hard-state spectra. The inferred radius becomes still larger when the potential difference in stress at the inner boundary, increased colour temperature correction from incomplete thermalization of the irradiation, and loss of observable disc photons from Comptonization in the hot plasma is taken into account. We conclude that the inner disc radius in XTE J1817−330 in the low/hard spectral state is at least six to eight times that seen in the disc-dominated high/soft state, and that recession of the inner disc is the trigger for the soft-hard-state transition, as predicted by the truncated disc models.  相似文献   

用径移主导吸积流模型(ADAF)不仅可以成功解释很多低吸积率天体的连续谱辐射,也可以说明X射线波段的谱线发射,而后者目前尚少有讨论.以黑洞X射线双星GX339-4处在低吸积率的宁静态情况为例,计算了它的铁线发射,表明在ADAF情况下的确可以产生足够强的可以在观测上检测的类氢和类氦铁Kα线.  相似文献   

We numerically construct slim, global, vertically integrated models of optically thin, transonic accretion discs around black holes, assuming a regularity condition at the sonic radius and boundary conditions at the outer radius of the disc and near the black hole. In agreement with several previous studies, we find two branches of shock-free solutions, in which the cooling is dominated either by advection or by local radiation. We also confirm that the part of the accretion flow where advection dominates is in some circumstances limited in size: it does not extend beyond a certain outer limiting radius. New results found in our paper concern the location of the limiting radius and the properties of the flow near to it. In particular, we find that beyond the limiting radius the advective-dominated solutions match on to Shapiro, Lightman &38; Eardley (SLE) discs through a smooth transition region. Therefore, the full global solutions are shock-free and unlimited in size. There is no need to postulate an extra physical effect (e.g. evaporation) for triggering the ADAF–SLE transition. It occurs as a result of standard accretion processes described by the classic slim disc equations.  相似文献   

At luminosities below a few percent of Eddington, accreting black holes switch to a hard spectral state which is very different from the soft blackbody-like spectral state that is found at higher luminosities. The hard state is well-described by a two-temperature, optically thin, geometrically thick, advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) in which the ions are extremely hot (up to 1012 K near the black hole), the electrons are also hot (∼109−10.5 K), and thermal Comptonization dominates the X-ray emission. The radiative efficiency of an ADAF decreases rapidly with decreasing mass accretion rate, becoming extremely low when a source reaches quiescence. ADAFs are expected to have strong outflows, which may explain why relativistic jets are often inferred from the radio emission of these sources. It has been suggested that most of the X-ray emission also comes from a jet, but this is less well established.  相似文献   

CygX-1 X辐射的功率谱   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
运用自回归功率谱研究CygX-1X辐射的频谱特征,结果显示CygX-1转换态和高/软态时变频谱的连续成分,可以统一由有截断的幂律加噪声成分描述,转换态存在小于3Hz的宽峰结构及准周期振荡(QPO)成分(4-12Hz),而高/软态完全可由截断幂律谱描述,不存在显著的QPO.截断频率在各态都相当稳定,在不同态的演化与平流为主的吸积流模型(ADAF)预期的情形一致.本文结果表明,自回归功率港分析是研究X射线双星光变特征的一个有效的方法.  相似文献   

The power of jets from black holes is expected to depend on both the spin of the black hole and the structure of the accretion disc in the region of the last stable orbit. We investigate these dependencies using two different physical models for the jet power: the classical Blandford–Znajek (BZ) model and a hybrid model developed by Meier. In the BZ case, the jets are powered by magnetic fields directly threading the spinning black hole while in the hybrid model, the jet energy is extracted from both the accretion disc as well as the black hole via magnetic fields anchored to the accretion flow inside and outside the hole's ergosphere. The hybrid model takes advantage of the strengths of both the Blandford–Payne and BZ mechanisms, while avoiding the more controversial features of the latter. We develop these models more fully to account for general relativistic effects and to focus on advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs) for which the jet power is expected to be a significant fraction of the accreted rest mass energy.
We apply the models to elliptical galaxies, in order to see if these models can explain the observed correlation between the Bondi accretion rates and the total jet powers. For typical values of the disc viscosity parameter  α∼ 0.04 –0.3  and mass accretion rates consistent with ADAF model expectations, we find that the observed correlation requires   j ≳ 0.9  ; that is, it implies that the black holes are rapidly spinning. Our results suggest that the central black holes in the cores of clusters of galaxies must be rapidly rotating in order to drive jets powerful enough to heat the intracluster medium and quench cooling flows.  相似文献   

We study the vertical structure of the transition layer between an accretion disc and a corona in the context of the existence of a two-phase medium in thermally unstable regions. The disc is illuminated by hard X-ray radiation, and satisfies the condition of hydrostatic equilibrium. We take into account the energy exchange between the hot, Compton-heated corona (∼108 K) and cool disc (∼104 K) arising from both radiative processes and thermal conduction. In the case including thermal conduction, we perform a local stability analysis, and conclude that thermal conduction does not suppress thermal instability. In spite of the continuous temperature profile T ( τ ) there are regions of strong temperature gradient, in which spontaneous perturbations can lead to cloud condensation in the transition layer. We determine the minimum size λ TC of such a perturbation.  相似文献   

We systematically analyse all the available X-ray spectra of disc accreting neutron stars (atolls and millisecond pulsars) from the RXTE data base. We show that while all these have similar spectral evolution as a function of mass accretion rate, there are also subtle differences. There are two different types of hard/soft transition, those where the spectrum softens at all energies, leading to a diagonal track on a colour–colour diagram, and those where only the higher energy spectrum softens, giving a vertical track. The luminosity at which the transition occurs is correlated with this spectral behaviour, with the vertical transition at   L / L Edd∼ 0.02  while the diagonal one is at ∼0.1. Superimposed on this is the well-known hysteresis effect, but we show that classic, large-scale hysteresis occurs only in the outbursting sources, indicating that its origin is in the dramatic rate of change of mass accretion rate during the disc instability. We show that the long-term mass accretion rate correlates with the transition behaviour, and speculate that this is due to the magnetic field being able to emerge from the neutron star surface for low average mass accretion rates. While this is not strong enough to collimate the flow except in the millisecond pulsars, its presence may affect the inner accretion flow by changing the properties of the jet.  相似文献   

The problem of magnetic field generation and advection in accretion discs is considered, in the context of wind launching and angular momentum extraction. A dipole-symmetry solution of the dynamo equations is found, with force-free boundary conditions appropriate for matching to a wind solution. Consideration of the curved field geometry and diffusive nature of the disc enables the position of the sonic point to be calculated and related to the field inclination at the disc surface. A critical inclination of 20° to the horizontal results, for which the sonic point lies in the disc surface and there is no potential barrier to wind launching. Hence the wind mass-loss rate will only become excessive, leading to disc disruption, for large field bending. The compressional effect of the horizontal magnetic field enhances the wind mass flux.  相似文献   

Using the archived optical spectra of NGC 5548 between 1989 and 2001, we derived the optical spectral index by fitting the spectra in wavelength windows unaffected by strong emission lines. We found that the index is anti-correlated with the continuum luminosity at 5100 A with a correlation coefficient of -0.8. Based on the standard thin accretion disk model, we investigated whether the correlation is related to the variations of the dimensionless accretion rate m (mass accretion rate in Eddington unit), or the inner radius of the accretion disk Rin, or both. The correlation can be modeled well using a co-variable mode of Rin/Rs = 12.5m-0.8 (Rs is Schwarzschild radius). As luminosity increases, m increases from 0.05 to 0.16 and at the same time Rin decreases from 133.9.RS to 55.5.RS, consistent with the prediction for a transition radius within which an ADAF structure exists. We concluded that the change of both inner accretion radius and the dimensionless accretion rate are key factors for the variation  相似文献   

Wind flows and collimated jets are believed to be a feature of a range of disc accreting systems. These include active galactic nuclei, T Tauri stars, X-ray binaries and cataclysmic variables. The observed collimation implies large-scale magnetic fields and it is known that dipole-symmetry fields of sufficient strength can channel wind flows emanating from the surfaces of a disc. The disc inflow leads to the bending of the poloidal magnetic field lines, and centrifugally driven magnetic winds can be launched when the bending exceeds a critical value. Such winds can result in angular momentum transport at least as effective as turbulent viscosity, and hence they can play a major part in driving the disc inflow.
It is shown here that if the standard boundary condition of vanishing viscous stress close to the stellar surface is applied, together with the standard connection between viscosity and magnetic diffusivity, then poloidal magnetic field bending increases as the star is approached with a corresponding increase in the wind mass loss rate. A significant amount of material can be lost from the system via the enhanced wind from a narrow region close to the stellar surface. This occurs for a Keplerian angular velocity distribution and for a modified form of angular velocity, which allows for matching of the disc and stellar rotation rates through a boundary layer above the stellar surface. The enhanced mass loss is significantly affected by the behaviour of the disc angular velocity as the stellar surface is approached, and hence by the stellar rotation rate. Such a mechanism may be related to the production of jets from the inner regions of disc accreting systems.  相似文献   

We present high-time-resolution multicolour observations of the quiescent soft X-ray transient V404 Cyg obtained with ULTRACAM. Superimposed on the ellipsoidal modulation of the secondary star are large flares on time-scales of a few hours, as well as several distinct rapid flares on time-scales of tens of minutes. The rapid flares, most of which show further variability and unresolved peaks, cover shorter time-scales than those reported in previous observations. The power density spectrum of the 5-s time-resolution data shows a quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) feature at 0.78 mHz (=21.5 min). Assuming this periodicity represents the Keplerian period at the transition between the thin and advective disc regions, we determine the transition radius. We discuss the possible origins for the QPO feature in the context of the advection-dominated accretion flow model.
We determine the colour of the large flares and find that the i '-band flux per unit frequency interval is larger than that in the g ' band. The colour is consistent with optically thin gas with a temperature of ∼8000 K arising from a region with an equivalent blackbody radius of at least  2 R  , which covers 3 per cent of the surface of the accretion disc. Our timing and spectral analysis results support the idea that the rapid flares (i.e. the QPO feature) most likely arise from regions near the transition radius.  相似文献   

In this paper we present Physical Parameter Eclipse Mapping (PPEM) of UBVRI eclipse light curves of UU Aqr from high to low states. We used a simple, pure hydrogen LTE model to derive the temperature and surface density distribution in the accretion disc. The reconstructed effective temperatures in the disc range between 9000 K and 15000 K in the inner part of the disc and below 7000 K in the outer parts. In the higher states it shows a more or less prominent bright spot with Teff between about 7000 K and 8000 K. The inner part of the disc (R < 0.3R) isL1 optically thick at all times, while the outer parts of the disc up to the disc edge (0.51 ± 0.04RL1 in the high state and 0.40 ± 0.03RL1 in the low state) deviate from a simple black body spectrum indicating that either the outer disc is optically thin or it shows a temperature inversion in the vertical direction. While during high state the disc is variable, it appears rather stable in low state. The variation during high state affects the size of the optically thick part of the disc, the white dwarf or boundary layer temperature and the uneclipsed component (originating in a disc chromosphere and/or cool disc wind), while the actual size of the disc remains constant. The difference between high and low state is expressed as a change in disc size that also affects the size of the optically thick part of the disc and the presence of the bright spot. Using the PPEM method we retrieve a distance for UU Aqr of 207±10 pc, compatible with previous estimates.  相似文献   

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