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《Applied Geochemistry》1999,14(7):917-925
The origin of salinity within the Äspö groundwater system is investigated by combining interpretations of conservative dissolved ions and of stable isotope ratios in water. The interpretation concludes that the groundwater salinity results from a mixing between Baltic Sea water intrusion and a deep seated saline groundwater of marine origin. This conclusion supports the geochemical model developed for the Äspö site. The residence time of the deep salinity is assessed by comparing the 36Cl content of dissolved salt at different depths and the secular equilibrium value of the host rock. The 36Cl of deepest levels corresponding to the highest salinity, is in equilibrium with rock, suggesting a penetration of the deep salinity into the host rock more than 1.5 Ma ago.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1999,14(7):819-834
The site of the underground facility, the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, was excavated at a depth of 450 m below the island of Äspö and has been extensively investigated by geological, hydrogeological and hydrochemical methods as part of the geoscientific research for disposal of nuclear waste in Sweden. The geological history of the area dates back to 1.85 Ga and is dominated by granitoids belonging to the Trans-Scandinavian Igneous Belt but also includes basic sheets and xenoliths and dikes of fine-grained granite. Seven tectonic episodes, giving rise to fracture mineralization, are recognised. The major discontinuities and fracture zones were characterised from surface investigations before the tunnel construction work started. These structural features were also identified in the tunnel and are, as predicted, the major water conducting features. Sets of open fractures in the NNW–NW and N–S directions and the brittle fine-grained granite are other important water conductors. Groundwater flow modelling shows that the location of Äspö island has a major impact on the current distribution of groundwater salinity due to varying hydraulic/boundary/conditions in the late and post glacial period.  相似文献   

Geoengineering prognoses are often based on data from a limited number of investigations of soil and rock mass. There is generally a desire to reduce the uncertainty in the prognoses while minimising the investigation costs. Value of Information Analysis (VOIA) is a support for decisions regarding investigation strategies and the aim of this paper is to present methodology for VOIA that takes into account four decision alternatives where the input data could be provided by experts. The methodology will be applied in a case study where the value of information related to an investigation borehole will be calculated. The results indicate that the value of information of the borehole is low compared with the realisation costs of the investigation. It was found that models for VOIA in underground construction projects are complex but that the analysis can be simplified with extensive use of expert knowledge and calculations of the value of perfect information as a benchmark for investigation strategies.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the transport behavior of radionuclides in groundwater is needed for both groundwater protection and remediation of abandoned uranium mines and milling sites. Dispersion, diffusion, mixing, recharge to the aquifer, and chemical interactions, as well as radioactive decay, should be taken into account to obtain reliable predictions on transport of primordial nuclides in groundwater. This paper demonstrates the need for carrying out rehabilitation strategies before closure of the Königstein in-situ leaching uranium mine near Dresden, Germany. Column experiments on drilling cores with uranium-enriched tap water provided data about the exchange behavior of uranium. Uranium breakthrough was observed after more than 20 pore volumes. This strong retardation is due to the exchange of positively charged uranium ions. The code TReAC is a 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D reactive transport code that was modified to take into account the radioactive decay of uranium and the most important daughter nuclides, and to include double-porosity flow. TReAC satisfactorily simulated the breakthrough curves of the column experiments and provided a first approximation of exchange parameters. Groundwater flow in the region of the Königstein mine was simulated using the FLOWPATH code. Reactive transport behavior was simulated with TReAC in one dimension along a 6000-m path line. Results show that uranium migration is relatively slow, but that due to decay of uranium, the concentration of radium along the flow path increases. Results are highly sensitive to the influence of double-porosity flow.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional transport model was developed to reconstruct historical conservative transport of chloride and δ37Cl in pore water of sediments from a former brackish lagoon in The Netherlands, an area now covered by the freshwater Lakes IJssel and Marken. Knowledge of the mechanism of historical solute transport in the sediments and environmental conditions during transport is critical in understanding observed pore water chemistry and will form a basis for simulating effects of changing environmental (climate change) conditions. The model synthesizes present knowledge of geology and historical information on storm surges in the area and takes into account processes such as erosion of sediments, mixing of pore water, sedimentation, and diffusion (EMSD). The chemistry of pore water from one particular boring in the area was found to be mainly controlled by alternating seawater and freshwater diffusion. Models with a constant (averaged) porosity (? = 0.55) and tortuosity factor (τ = 0.3) showed similar results as models incorporating the measured bulk porosity variations (? = 0.4-0.8) and variable tortuosity factors calculated with Archie’s law, τ = ?. The relatively small tortuosity factor either results from anion exclusion or from the heterogeneous build-up of the profile in which a peaty layer in the middle part may obstruct diffusion. Diffusion of 35Cl was found to be 1.0017 times faster than of 37Cl. Seawater diffusion into the sediments started at least 400 years ago and refreshening took place since the lagoon was isolated from the sea by a dam in 1932.  相似文献   

Groundwater modelling is an important management tool to study the behaviour of aquifer system under various hydrological stresses. Present study was carried out in deltaic regions of the Cauvery river, with an objective of estimating the minimum river flow required to improve the groundwater quality by numerical modelling. Cauvery river delta is the most productive agricultural plains of south India, but the agricultural activities during the last few decades have decreased due to limited flow in the river and increasing concentration of solutes in groundwater in the eastern parts. In order to understand the causes for increasing concentration, a three-layered finite-difference flow model was formulated to simulate the groundwater head and solute transport. The model was used to simulate the groundwater flow and solute transport for 5 years from July 2007 to June 2012. There was a fairly good agreement between the computed and observed groundwater heads. The chloride and nitrate ions were considered for solute transport modelling. Observed and simulated temporal variation in chloride and nitrate concentrations were comparable. The simulated solute concentrations from July 2007 to June 2012 showed an accumulation of solutes in groundwater of coastal part of the study area. The model was used to find the flow to be maintained in the river and rainfall recharge required to flush the ions into the sea. This can be achieved by maintaining minimal flow in the river and through regulation of fertilizer use as well as by creating awareness of sustainable use of groundwater in this area.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2000,15(5):667-686
Interstitial water from the Boom clay Formation around the HADES (high activity disposal experimental site, an underground research facility belonging to the Nuclear research centre, SCK·CEN, at Mol-Dessel, Belgium.) underground research facility at Mol, Belgium, and waters sampled at different locations in the Rupelian aquifer, underlying the clay formation, have been studied. The Boom clay is a Tertiary mudrock containing about 55 % clay and the Rupelian aquifer is located in a silty layer. Special care was taken to adapt or improve measurement, sampling, conservation and analysis methods to get a reliable regional and local database, for the purpose of testing a general model describing the regulation and acquisition of the composition of these fluids. The isotopic and chemical composition of the waters allows them to be assigned to a common origin, namely mixing between a marine endmember and the clay interstitial water, followed by reequilibration with the host rock through dissolution–precipitation reactions involving identified secondary minerals. Oxidation–reduction state and trace element behavior are also discussed and the limits of the model are outlined.  相似文献   

Pristine diorite drill cores, obtained from the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (HRL, Sweden), were used to study the retention properties of fresh, anoxic crystalline rock material towards the redox-sensitive uranium. Batch sorption experiments and spectroscopic methods were applied for this study. The impact of various parameters, such as solid-to-liquid ratio (2–200 g/L), grain size (0.063–0.2 mm, 0.5–1 mm, 1–2 mm), temperature (room temperature and 10 °C), contact time (5–108 days), initial U(VI) concentration (3 × 10−9 to 6 × 10−5 M), and background electrolyte (synthetic Äspö groundwater and 0.1 M NaClO4) on the U(VI) sorption onto anoxic diorite was studied under anoxic conditions (N2). Comparatively, U(VI) sorption onto oxidized diorite material was studied under ambient atmosphere (pCO2 = 10−3.5 atm). Conventional distribution coefficients, Kd, and surface area normalized distribution coefficients, Ka, were determined. The Kd value for the U(VI) sorption onto anoxic diorite in synthetic Äspö groundwater under anoxic conditions by investigating the sorption isotherm amounts to 3.8 ± 0.6 L/kg which corresponds to Ka = 0.0030 ± 0.0005 cm (grain size 1–2 mm). This indicates a weak U sorption onto diorite which can be attributed to the occurrence of the neutral complex Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq) in solution. This complex was verified as predominating U species in synthetic Äspö groundwater by time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TRLFS). Compared to U sorption at room temperature under anoxic conditions, U sorption is further reduced at decreased temperature (10 °C) and under ambient atmosphere. The U species in aqueous solution as well as sorbed on diorite were studied by in situ time-resolved attenuated total reflection Fourier-transform infrared (ATR FT-IR) spectroscopy. A predominant sorbing species containing a UO2(CO3)34− moiety was identified. The extent of U sorption onto diorite was found to depend more on the low sorption affinity of the Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq) complex than on reduction processes of uranium.  相似文献   

In this study, the chemical and Sr isotopic compositions of shallow groundwater and rainwater in the Ordos Desert Plateau, North China, and river water from the nearby Yellow River, are investigated to determine the dissolved Sr source and water–rock interactions, and quantify the relative Sr contribution from each end-member. Three groundwater systems have been identified, namely, GWS-1, GWS-2 and GWS-3 according to the watershed distribution in the Ordos Desert Plateau. Ca2+ and Mg2+ are the most dominant cations in GWS-1, while Na+ is dominant in GWS-3. In addition, there is more SO42− and less Cl in GWS-1 than in GWS-3. The shallow groundwater in GWS-2 seems to be geochemically between that in GWS-1 and GWS-3. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the shallow groundwater are high in GWS-1 and GWS-2 and are low in GWS-3. By geochemically comparing the nearby Yellow River, local precipitation and deep groundwater, the shallow groundwater is recharged only by local precipitation. The ionic and isotopic ratios indicate that carbonate dissolution is an important process controlling the chemistry of the shallow groundwater. The intensity of the water–rock interactions varies among the three groundwater systems and even within each groundwater system. Three end-members controlling the groundwater chemistry are isotopically identified: (1) precipitation infiltration, (2) carbonate dissolution and (3) silicate weathering. The relative Sr contributions of the three end-members show that precipitation infiltration and carbonate dissolution are the primary sources of the shallow groundwater Sr in GWS-3 whereas only carbonate dissolution is responsible for the shallow groundwater Sr in GWS-1 and GWS-2. Silicate weathering seems insignificant towards the shallow groundwater's chemistry in the Ordos Desert Plateau. This study is helpful for understanding groundwater chemistry and managing water resources.  相似文献   

A stochastic discrete-fracture model was used by Cacas et al.a,b to interpret flow measurements and transport experiments in a fractured crystalline rock mass at Fanay-Augères. They considered continuum models to be incapable of properly interpreting small-scale measurements or tracer tests in fractured systems, which, in their view, require three-dimensional modeling of numerous discrete channels; in their opinion, continuum modeling applies only to average flow on a relatively large scale. Cacas et al. considered their discrete fracture model to have been validated by its demonstrated ability to reproduce selected experimental results. In this paper, flow and transport at Fanay-Augères are modeled by viewing the fractured rock as a stochastic continuum in a manner originally proposed by Neumanc,d. The stochastic continuum approach obviates the need for detailed information about fracture geometry or assumptions about how individual fractures control flow and transport. All it requires is the delineation of a few dominant features, which can be embedded into the stochastic continuum model as heterogeneous porous slabs. Though a fault zone has been identified at the Fanay-Augères experimental site, it has been modeled neither by Cacas et al. nor in this paper. In fact, in this paper, a larger selection of experimental results than those considered by Cacas et al. are reproduced merely by modeling the rock as a statistically homogeneous continuum in two dimensions. These results demonstrate that a continuum approach may be well suited for the analysis of flow and transport in fractured rock. This does not constitute a validation of the continuum approach, just as the results of Cacas et al. fall short of validating the discrete fracture approach. Instead, the two sets of results illustrate jointly the well-established principle that an open system, especially one as complex as fractured hydrogeologic environments tend to be, cannot be described uniquely on the basis of sparse data and need not be described in great detail to capture its salient behavior by a model.a Cacas MC, Ledoux E, de Marsily G, Barbreau A, Calmels P, Gaillard B, Margritta R (1990a) Modelling fracture flow with a stochastic discrete fracture network: calibration and validation. 1. The flow model. Water Resour Res 26(3):479–489b Cacas MC, Ledoux E, de Marsily G, Barbreau A, Calmels P, Gaillard B, Margritta R (1990b) Modelling fracture flow with a stochastic discrete fracture network: calibration and validation. 2. The transport model. Water Resour Res 26(3):491–500c Neuman SP (1987) Stochastic continuum representation of fractured rock permeability as an alternative to the REV and fracture network concepts, in Rock Mechanics. In: Farmer IW, Daemen JJK, Desai CS, Glass CE, Neuman SP (eds) Proceedings of the 28th U.S. Symposium, Tucson, Arizona. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp 533–561d Neuman SP (1988) A proposed conceptual framework and methodology for investigating flow and transport in Swedish crystalline rocks. SKB Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co., Stockholm, September, Arbetsrapport 88–37, 39 pp  相似文献   

The Barind Integrated Area Development Project (BIADP), NW Bangladesh launched in late eighties of last century boosted cropping intensity from 117% in pre-BIADP to about 200% at present. Increasing trend of rainfall for the period 1980–2006 in the southern portion had a positive impact on BIADP, but in the northeastern part, reverse trend is indicated. The groundwater outflow from the central part following the surface gradient is indicative of effluent drainage characteristics. Although rainfall has increased in the southern part, there has been progressive decline in groundwater level due to increase in irrigation demand. In the northern part there has been decline in groundwater level due to less resource potential. The PET, ETcrops and net irrigation requirement generally has decreased from pre- to post-Project implementation stages and rainwater has been the supplementary irrigation resource and thus dependency on groundwater has been reduced with exception in northwestern part. While the southern part is marching towards humid condition, north is creeping towards semi-aridity. Proper groundwater resource management with ecological balance is warranted for the sustainability of BIADP.  相似文献   

Investigations were undertaken in the riparian zone near Shangba village, an AMD area, in southern China to determine the effects that river–groundwater interactions and groundwater residence time have had on environmental quality and geochemical evolution of groundwater. Based on the Darcy’s law and ionic mass balances as well as the method of isotopic tracer, the results showed that there were active interactions between AMD-contaminated river water and groundwater in the riparian zone in the study area. River water was found to be the main source of groundwater recharge in the northwestern part of the study area, whereas groundwater was found to be discharging into the river in the southeastern part of the study area throughout the year. End-member mixing analysis quantified that the contributions of river water to groundwater decreased gradually from 35.9% to negligible levels along the flow path. The calculated mixing concentrations of major ions indicated that water–rock reactions were the most important influence on groundwater quality. The wide range of Ca2+?+?Mg2+ and HCO3? ratios and the change of groundwater type from Ca2+–SO42? type to a chemical composition dominated by Ca2+–HCO3? type indicated a change of the major water–rock reaction process from the influence of H2SO4 (AMD) to that of CO2 (soil respiration) along a groundwater flow path. Furthermore, the kinetics interpretation of SO42? and HCO3? concentrations suggested that the overlapping time of their kinetics triggered the hydrochemical evolution and the change of major weathering agent. This process might take approximately 8 years and this kinetic time will be continued when a steady source of contamination enter the aquifer.  相似文献   

The geoelectric structural trends (GST) derived from the spatial analysis (rotation/decomposition) of MT and GDS data in the vicinity of active deformation zones, exhibit remarkable correlation with seismotectonic trends and nodal planes of earthquake mechanism solutions, in practically all the cases we have examined in Greece and abroad. In the upper crust of an active domain, the GST may be explained in terms of conductors formed by water infiltrating through fault planes and related discontinuities, aligned microcracks and anastomosing shear zones. If this interpretation is correct, the GST should be good indicators of the corresponding trends and location of active faulting. In this context, the spatial analysis of geoelectromagnetic data is important in constraining the geometry of active faulting and hence, the modes of deformation. Two characteristic examples are presented and discussed from the island of Milos, Greece, located in the Hellenic Volcanic Arc and experiencing extensional tectonics and the island of Terceira, the Azores, simultaneously experiencing normal and strike-slip faulting.  相似文献   

Groundwater in the Cambrian–Vendian aquifer system has a strongly depleted stable isotope composition (δ18O values of about −22‰) and a low radiocarbon concentration, which suggests that the water is of glacial origin from the last Ice Age. The aim of this paper was to elucidate the timing of infiltration of glacial waters and to understand the geochemical evolution of this groundwater. The composition of the dissolved inorganic C (DIC) in Cambrian–Vendian groundwater is influenced by complex reactions and isotope exchange processes between water, organic materials and rock matrix. The δ13C composition of dissolved inorganic C in Cambrian–Vendian water also indicates a bacterial modification of the isotope system. The corrected radiocarbon ages of groundwater are between 14,000 and 27,000 radiocarbon years, which is coeval with the advance of the Weichselian Glacier in the area.  相似文献   

In a series of timed experiments, monazite inclusions are induced to form in the Durango fluorapatite using 1 and 2 N HCl and H2SO4 solutions at temperatures of 300, 600, and 900°C and pressures of 500 and 1,000 MPa. The monazite inclusions form only in reacted areas, i.e. depleted in (Y+REE)+Si+Na+S+Cl. In the HCl experiments, the reaction front between the reacted and unreacted regions is sharp, whereas in the H2SO4 experiments it ranges from sharp to diffuse. In the 1 N HCl experiments, Ostwald ripening of the monazite inclusions took place both as a function of increased reaction time as well as increased temperature and pressure. Monazite growth was more sluggish in the H2SO4 experiments. Transmission electron microscopic (TEM) investigation of foils cut across the reaction boundary in a fluorapatite from the 1 N HCl experiment (600°C and 500 MPa) indicate that the reacted region along the reaction front is characterized by numerous, sub-parallel, 10–20 nm diameter nano-channels. TEM investigation of foils cut from a reacted region in a fluorapatite from the 1 N H2SO4 experiment at 900°C and 1,000 MPa indicates a pervasive nano-porosity, with the monazite inclusions being in direct contact with the surrounding fluorapatite. For either set of experiments, reacted areas in the fluorapatite are interpreted as replacement reactions, which proceed via a moving interface or reaction front associated with what is essentially a simultaneous dissolution–reprecipitation process. The formation of a micro- and nano-porosity in the metasomatised regions of the fluorapatite allows fluids to permeate the reacted areas. This permits rapid mass transfer in the form of fluid-aided diffusion of cations to and from the growing monazite inclusions. Nano-channels and nano-pores also serve as sites for nucleation and the subsequent growth of the monazite inclusions.  相似文献   

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