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An approach is presented for the analysis of the unconfined steady-state seepage through homogeneous trapezoidal dams based on a bijective mapping between the flow domain, having an unknown shape, and a fixed triangular domain. It is shown that the geometrically non-linear unconfined analysis is equivalent to the problem of determining the unknown distribution of permeability, within a triangular domain with known shape, that satisfies the set of transformed boundary conditions. The flow problem in the triangular domain is solved through a finite-element technique analogous to that adopted for confined analyses and, on the basis of this solution, the shape of the free surface in the physical space is evaluated. The proposed approach is applied to the determination of the influence of the water levels in the upper and lower reservoirs on the elevation of the free surface seepage point.  相似文献   

朱凤贤  周翠英 《岩土力学》2009,30(7):1955-1959
针对目前地层数字连线中处理地层缺失和倒转困难的问题,考虑6种地层缺失和倒转情形,提出了纵、横向结合地层分界线控制点搜索算法。将剖面图绘制视为一个多层地层区域组合叠加的过程,在保持地层连续性的前提下兼顾各地层相互之间的影响,有效处理了地层倒转、缺失问题,在此基础上提出一种增加虚拟点、微调已有点的新算法。结合3次样条插值函数,对绘制出的剖面图进行修正,实现了地层光滑连线,达到了地层无缝、无重叠组合的效果。将提出的复杂地层连线新方法应用于广东梅河高速公路工程数字制图中,构造出的地层分布图像准确性好,比较符合实际,可以为工程的勘察、设计和施工提供参考。  相似文献   

一种大坝渗透系数分区反演新方法研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘先珊  费文平  张林 《岩土力学》2004,25(11):1823-1827
基于人工神经网络的非线性映射特征,在渗流有限元计算的基础上,结合水头和渗流量等实测资料提出了大坝渗透系数的反演方法。为了克服经典神经网络存在的缺陷,提出了模拟退火的交替迭代算法神经网络新方法。在相同的初始条件下,用该新方法和经典网络进行了比较,得出前者的优越性和有效性。同时将该方法用于大坝的渗流反分析,利用反演出的渗透系数进行渗流场计算。数值计算结果表明,这种方法对大坝渗透系数反演问题具有较高的识别精度,反演结果可靠,可以用于实际工程。  相似文献   

A multilayer feed‐forward neural network, trained with a gradient descent, back‐propagation algorithm, is used to estimate the favourability for gold deposits using a raster GIS database for the Tenterfield 1:100 000 sheet area, New South Wales. The database consists of solid geology, regional faults, airborne magnetic and gamma‐ray survey data (U, Th, K and total count channels), and 63 deposit and occurrence locations. Input to the neural network consists of feature vectors formed by combining the values from co‐registered grid cells in each GIS thematic layer. The network was trained using binary target values to indicate the presence or absence of deposits. Although the neural network was trained as a binary classifier, output values for the trained network are in the range [0.1, 0.9] and are interpreted to indicate the degree of similarity of each input vector to a composite of all the deposit vectors used in training. These values are rescaled to produce a multiclass prospectivity map. To validate and assess the effectiveness of the neural‐network method, mineral‐prospectivity maps are also prepared using the empirical weights of evidence and the conceptual fuzzy‐logic methods. The neural‐network method produces a geologically plausible mineral‐prospectivity map similar, but superior, to the fuzzy logic and weights of evidence maps. The results of this study indicate that the use of neural networks for the integration of large multisource datasets used in regional mineral exploration, and for prediction of mineral prospectivity, offers several advantages over existing methods. These include the ability of neural networks to: (i) respond to critical combinations of parameters rather than increase the estimated prospectivity in response to each individual favourable parameter; (ii) combine datasets without the loss of information inherent in existing methods; and (iii) produce results that are relatively unaffected by redundant data, spurious data and data containing multiple populations. Statistical measures of map quality indicate that the neural‐network method performs as well as, or better than, existing methods while using approximately one‐third less data than the weights of evidence method.  相似文献   

A novel finite element method has been proposed in this paper for the solution of seepage problems economically and accurately. In this method the governing equation and the prescribed boundary conditions are transformed so that they refer to a suitable logarithmically condensed ‘image’ space; the physical problem domain is also mapped into the image space. The transformed equation is then solved in the image space using standard finite elements, subject to the transformed boundary conditions. Because physical space is logarithmically condensed in the image space, the proposed method is capable of dealing with large or very large aspect ratio seepage problems economically and accurately. The validity of the method has been demonstrated by means of a number of examples including anisotropy and non-linearity. In all cases an excellent degree of accuracy was achieved, efficiently and economically.  相似文献   

A new method to calculate the transport of dissolved species in aquifers is presented. This approach is an extension of the stream tubes which are used for flow computation. The flux tubes defined here are conservative for solutes, but not for water mass. The flux tubes are first defined in a general domain and then calculated in a two-dimensional uniform flow field. The tubes?? computation is based on a parametric solution. The method is extended further in order to deal with heterogeneous media. A particle-tracking algorithm is used where the deviation of the flux-tube boundaries due to dispersion is accounted for. The approximate solution obtained by this approach is compared to classical numerical solutions given by a finite difference code (RT3D) and a finite element code (FEFLOW). This comparison was performed for several test cases with increasing complexity. The differences between the flux-tube approach and the other methods always remain small, even regarding mass conservation. The major advantage of the flux-tube approach is the ability to reach a solution quickly, as the method is hundreds to thousands of times faster than classical finite difference or finite element models.  相似文献   

提出了饱和模型非稳定流的有限元算法,并对自由面流量补给项提出一种简单的处理方法,从而避免了在迭代中求解自由面的位置,最后给出了计算实例。  相似文献   

提出了计算渗流场流量的虚拟单元法,推导了虚拟单元法有限元方程,并探讨了虚拟单元法的有限元实现方法,建立了虚拟单元法求解渗流流量的理论和方法体系。二维径向渗流和平底坝基算例比较分析表明,虚拟单元法具有计算精度高及有限元实现简单并容易编写通用程序等优点。虚拟单元法与中线法计算流量具有相同的精度,但在应用上虚拟单元法有一定优势。  相似文献   

剖面二维裂隙网络渗流计算方法   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
本文针对剖面裂隙网络渗流问题,采用全区域不变网络分析方法,并引用初流量概念,化非线性分析为线性分析,成功的解决了岩体剖面上有自由面的裂隙网络渗流计算问题。  相似文献   

A mapping finite element method is proposed for the solution of elastic problems in two-dimensions. This method, based on the logarithmic condensation of physical space, is found to give significantly greater accuracy than when the problem is solved in the physical plane using the standard FEM. Logarithmic condensation of space also permits the solution of large aspect-ratio problems of this type, accurately and economically.  相似文献   

Summary The loads acting on an arch dam are transmitted into the rock mass abutments in concentrated form by thrust. Seepage forces resulting from flow through the bedrock have the effect on the dam of leading to a pronounced interaction between the structure and the rock mass. It is shown that it is important to incorporate the effects of seepage flow into the analysis of the structure thus creating a step forward compared to current engineering practice.  相似文献   

In the past studies on pile vibrations, the soil around the pile is mainly regarded as homogeneous or multi‐layered piecewise homogeneous. However, under most engineering conditions, the surrounding soil becomes seriously disturbed due to construction effects. This may strengthen or weaken the shear modulus of the soil resulting in the soil becoming radially inhomogeneous. As a consequence of this, El Naggar extended Novak's plane‐strain model to account for the radial inhomogeneity by the use of multiple springs connected in series. Rather than using this approach, this paper proposes a new model which is thought to be theoretically more rigorous and one which may be described as complex stiffness transfer model. It is shown that the solution developed in this study agrees well with the more limited solutions of Novak and Dotson and Veletsos under several special conditions. Finally, the scope of application has been enlarged as a result of the generalizations made in the present model. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Vertical drains are widely used in soft ground improvements to accelerate the consolidation process. This paper develops a new simplified Hypothesis B method for calculating the consolidation settlement of a soil layer improved by vertical drains under the instant and ramp loadings. As a comparison, the traditional Hypothesis A method is also used to calculate the settlement. Then, a fully coupled finite element consolidation analysis is utilized to examine and verify this simplified method and Hypothesis A method. For the instant loading, Carrillo‐Barron method and Zhu‐Yin method are used to obtain the average degree of consolidation for vertical drain system. Typical parameters, such as over‐consolidation ratio (OCR), smear zone, and space ratio of vertical drains, are considered. It is found that the calculation results from the new simplified method in this study agree well with finite element simulations, and relative errors are in the range of 0.1% to 12.3%. Comparatively, there are obvious differences between the calculated results from Hypothesis A method and finite element results. Carrillo‐Olson method and Zhu‐Yin method are utilized to obtain the average degree of consolidation for the vertical drain system to consider the ramp loading. Equivalent time is determined from half of the construction period to calculate the creep compression under the ramp loading. The accuracy of this simplified Hypothesis B method using both Carrillo‐Olson method and Zhu‐Yin method is acceptable with the relative errors less than 9.4%.  相似文献   

模拟裂隙多孔介质中变饱和渗流的广义等效连续体方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
项彦勇 《岩土力学》2005,26(5):750-754
描述了一种计算裂隙多孔介质中变饱和渗流的广义等效连续体方法。这种方法忽略裂隙的毛细作用,设定一个与某孔隙饱和度相对应的综合饱和度极限值,并假定:(1)如果裂隙多孔介质的综合饱和度小于该极限值,水只在孔隙中存在并流动,而裂隙中则没有水的流动;(2)如果综合饱和度等于或大于该极限值,水将进入裂隙,并在裂隙内运动。分析比较了等效连续体模型的不同计算方法,并给出了一个模拟裂隙岩体中变饱和渗流与传热耦合问题的应用算例。结果表明,所述方法具有一般性,可以有效地模拟裂隙多孔介质中变饱和渗流的基本特征。  相似文献   

Based on a combination of instrumental and macroseismic data, a method for calculating maximum seismic intensities is developed and applied to Sweden for the period 1951–1976. The method is particularly useful for areas with a low seismicity and a sparse population. Tectonophysical and engineering aspects on the resulting map are discussed.  相似文献   

岩体渗流分析的无网格方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩体的渗透破坏、岩体中石油渗流、地下工程的防渗设计等无不与渗流计算有关。但由于岩体渗流介质的非均质性和各向异性特性、边界条件和几何形状的复杂性、初始条件的不确定性等因素制约着解析法在渗流计算中的广泛应用。应用无网格方法来求解岩体的渗流问题,通过变分原理详细推导无网格方法求解岩体渗流的离散方程及相关的计算公式,并利用有限元耦合方法对边界条件进行了处理。通过两个数值算例说明该方法的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

Various analytical theories of consolidation for soils with vertical drains have been proposed in the past. Most conventional theories are based on a cylindrical unit cell that contains only a single vertical drain. This paper described a new analytical model where a vertical drain located at the centre (the ‘inner vertical drain’) and is surrounded by two or three vertical drains (the ‘outer vertical drains’), the number of which depends on whether the configuration is triangular or rectangular. Both types of drains are combined into a cylindrical unit cell, and the water is assumed to flow both inwards to the inner vertical drain and outwards to the outer vertical drains distributed around the circumference. The outer radial boundary of the unit cell is regarded as a permeable boundary, with a drainage capacity of two or three separate vertical drains for triangular and rectangular configurations, respectively. The smear effects and the drainage resistances for both the inner and outer vertical drains are considered in the analysis as well. In this way, the equations governing the consolidation process with multiple vertical drains are derived, and the corresponding analytical solutions are obtained for instantaneously loading, ramp loading and multi‐stage of instantaneously loading and multi‐stage of ramp loading. The present solutions are finally compared with several conventional solutions for a single vertical drain in the literature. The results show that the present model predicts the same average degree of consolidation as conventional models do, which verifies the correctness of this new model. Finally, the settlement predicted by the present solution is compared with the measured settlement from a field test at the Port of Brisbane, Australia, which shows a good agreement between them. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过野外地质调查与机器学习方法的有机融合,提出了一种基于梯度提升决策树算法的岩性单元填图方法.研究以多龙矿集区为模型试验区,选择1:5万勘查地球化学数据为基础预测数据,以1:5万区域地质图为参考,进行基于梯度提升决策树算法的岩性预测填图模型试验.首先选择研究区内小范围空白区开展野外填图,建立原始数据集并初步构建岩性单元...  相似文献   

By extending Darcy's law to the dry domain above the free surface and specifying the boundary condition on the potential seepage surfaces as Signorini's type, a partial differential equation (PDE) defined in the entire domain of interest is formulated for non‐steady seepage flow problems with free surfaces. A new parabolic variational inequality (PVI) formulation equivalent to the PDE formulation is then proposed, in which the flux part of the complementary condition of Signorini's type in the PDE formulation is transformed into natural boundary condition. Consequently, the singularity at the seepage points is eliminated and the difficulty in selecting the trial functions is significantly reduced. By introducing an adaptive penalized Heaviside function in the finite element analysis, the numerical stability of the discrete PVI formulation is well guaranteed. The proposed approach is validated by the existing laboratory tests with sudden rise and dropdown of water heads, and then applied to capture the non‐steady seepage flow behaviors in a homogeneous rectangular dam with five drainage tunnels during a linear dropdown of upstream water head. The non‐steady seepage flow in the surrounding rocks of the underground powerhouse in the Shuibuya Hydropower Project is further modeled, in which a complex seepage control system is involved. Comparisons with the in situ monitoring data show that the calculation results well illustrate the non‐steady seepage flow process during impounding and the operation of the reservoir as well as the seepage control effects of the drainage hole arrays and drainage tunnels. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了探究新型管幕冻结法是否能够对河堤进行有效的防渗加固,利用有限元软件基于温度场对新型管幕冻结法在防渗固堤中的应用展开研究,设置4条分析路径,对冻土帷幕的基本情况和各路径的冻结效果特征进行分析。结果表明:冻土帷幕自冻结管处形成后向周围蔓延,从第8天起,0.5 m深度上侧的冻土帷幕发展开始“加速”,相较于另一侧冻土帷幕,其发展更快、强度更高、冻结更密实。冻结完成后,0.5 m深度上侧冻土帷幕均匀密实,坡面上温度最低可降至?25.34℃,各观测点温度均在?24℃以下,最终冻结温度和降温速率均呈现出“M”形特征;堤面最快可在第11天开始冻结,在第14天冻土覆盖整个堤面,土体最终冻结温度与深度之间呈指数函数关系。管幕钢管边界冻结差异较大,最高温点与最低温点温度分别为?24.94℃和?2.89℃,相差约22℃,冻土帷幕最小厚度约0.78 m。所得结果可为将来的相关实际工程提供参考依据。   相似文献   

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