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Groundwater discharge and non-point source (NPS) loading were evaluated along an urban reach of an eastern-slopes Rocky Mountains river (Bow River, Canada) to understand sources of water-quality impacts and baseflow. The discharge did not increase measurably over a 16-km reach. Groundwater in the river-connected alluvial aquifer was a mixture of river and prairie groundwater, with elevated chloride concentrations (average 379 mg L–1) from road salt. Alluvial groundwater was the major NPS of chloride discharging to the river. Although the mass-flux based estimates of groundwater discharge were small (mean 0.02 m3 s–1 km–1, SD = 0.04 m3 s–1 km–1, n?=?30), the associated chloride mass flux over 16 km was significant (equivalent to that discharged from the city’s largest wastewater-treatment-plant effluent). Although local groundwater baseflow was previously thought to contribute significantly to overwinter baseflow in this reach, little contribution was measured in this study. Low baseflow generation is consistent with long-term river discharge data that show almost all of the baseflow generation occurs in the Rocky Mountain reach. Thus, local watershed areas are important for water-quality protection, but climate change in the headwaters is most salient to long-term flow.  相似文献   

Deposits of the ancestral Rio Grande (aRG) belonging to the Camp Rice Formation are preserved and exposed in the uplifted southern portion of the Robledo Mountains horst of the southern Rio Grande rift. The sediments are dated palaeomagnetically to the Gauss chron (upper Pliocene). The lower part of the succession lies in a newly discovered palaeocanyon cut into underlying Eocene rocks whose margins are progressively onlapped by the upper part. Detailed sedimentological studies reveal the presence of numerous river channel and floodplain lithofacies, indicative of varied deposition in channel bar complexes of low‐sinuosity, pebbly sandbed channels that traversed generally dryland floodplains and shifted in and out of the study area five times over the 1 Myr or so recorded by the succession. Notable discoveries in the deposits are: (1) complexes of initial avulsion breakout channels at the base of major sandstone storeys; (2) common low‐angle bedsets ascribed to deposition over low‐angle dunes in active channels; (3) palaeocanyon floodplain environments with evidence of fluctuating near‐surface water tables. Sand‐body architecture is generally multistorey, with palaeocurrents indicative of funnelling of initial avulsive and main fluvial discharge from the neighbouring Mesilla basin through a narrow topographic gap into the palaeocanyon and out over the study area. An avulsion node was evidently located at the stationary southern tip to the East Robledo fault during Gauss times, with aRG channels to the north flowing close to the fault and preventing fan progradation. Subsequent Matuyama growth of the fault caused (1) deposition to cease as the whole succession was uplifted in its footwall, (2) development of a thick petrocalcic horizon, and (3) fan progradation into the Mesilla basin. Parameters for the whole aRG fluvial system are estimated as: active single channels 2 m deep and 25 m wide; valley slope 0·24–0·065°; maximum mean aggradation rate 0·05 mm year–1; major channel belt avulsion interval 200 ky; individual channel recurrence interval 100 ky; minimum bankfull mean flow velocity 1·54 m s–1, minimum single‐channel discharge 77 m3 s–1, bed shear stress 22·3 N m–2; and stream power 34·3 W m–2.  相似文献   

In the tidal Potomac River, high river discharges during the spring are associated with high chlorophylla concentrations in the following in the following summer, assuming that summertime light and temperature conditions are favorable. Spring floods deliver large loads of particulate N and P to the tidal river. This particulate N and P could be mineralized by bacteria to inorganic N and P and released to the water column where it is available for phytoplankton use during summertime. However, during the study period relatively low concentrations of chlorophylla (less than 50 μg l?1 occurred in the tidal river if average monthly discharge during July or August exceeded 200 m3s?1. Discharge and other conditions combined to produce conditions favorable for nuisance levels of chlorophylla (greater than 100 μg l?1 approximately one year out of four. Chlorophylla maxima occurred in the Potomac River transition zone and estuary during late winter (dinoflagellates) and spring (diatoms). Typical seasonal peak concentrations were achieved at discharges as high as 970 m3 s?1, but sustained discharges greater than 1,100 m3 s?1 retarded development. Optimum growth conditions occurred following runoff events of 10 to 15 d duration which produced transit times to the transition zone of 7 to 10 d. Wet years with numerous moderate-sized runoff events, such as 1980, tend to produce greater biomass in the transition zone and estuary than do dry years such as 1981.  相似文献   

Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is an important pathway for groundwater and associated chemicals to discharge to the sea. Groundwater levels monitored along a transect perpendicular to the shoreline are used to calculate SGD flux from the nearshore aquifer to Tolo Harbor, Hong Kong (China). The calculated SGD flux—recharge/discharge measured with Darcy’s Law methods—agrees well with estimates based on geo-tracer techniques and seepage meter in Tolo Harbor during previous studies. The estimated freshwater SGD is 1.69–2.0 m2/d at the study site and 0.3?±?0.04 cm/d for the whole of Tolo Harbor, which is comparable to the river discharge (0.25?±?0.07 cm/d) and precipitation (0.45?±?0.15 cm/d). The tide-driven SGD in the intertidal zone is 13.98–17.59 m2/d at the study site and 2.42?±?0.56 cm/d for the whole of Tolo Harbor. The SGD occurring in the subtidal zone and the bottom of Tolo Harbor is 3.12?±?4.63 cm/d. Fresh SGD accounts for ~5% of the total SGD, while the rest (~95%) is contributed by saline SGD driven by various forces. About 96% of the tide-driven SGD in the intertidal zone occurs in the ebbing tide period because the head difference between the groundwater level and sea level is great during this period. Tide-driven SGD in the spring tide is ~1.2 times that during neap tide. The tidal fluctuation amplitude and tide-driven SGD in the intertidal zone are positively correlated to each other; thus, a spring neap variation of the tide-driven SGD is observed.  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial distribution and variability of geochemical tracers is crucial for estimating groundwater influxes into a river and can contribute to better future water management strategies. Because of the much higher radon (222Rn) activities in groundwater compared to river water, 222Rn was used as the main tracer to estimate groundwater influxes to river discharge over a 323-km distance of the Big Sioux River, eastern South Dakota, USA; these influx estimates were compared to the estimates using Cl? concentrations. In the reaches overall, groundwater influxes using the 222Rn activity approach ranged between 0.3 and 6.4 m3/m/day (mean 1.8 m3/m/day) and the cumulative groundwater influx estimated during the study period was 3,982–146,594 m3/day (mean 40,568 m3/day), accounting for 0.2–41.9% (mean 12.5%) of the total river flow rate. The mean groundwater influx derived using the 222Rn activity approach was lower than that calculated based on Cl? concentration (35.6 m3/m/day) for most of the reaches. Based on the Cl? approach, groundwater accounted for 37.3% of the total river flow rate. The difference between the method estimates may be associated with minimal differences between groundwater and river Cl? concentrations. These assessments will provide a better understanding of estimates used for the allocation of water resources to sustain agricultural productivity in the basin. However, a more detailed sampling program is necessary for accurate influx estimation, and also to understand the influence of seasonal variation on groundwater influxes into the basin.  相似文献   

The main discharging sources of the Pabdeh karstic anticline in the southwest of Iran are two closely spaced springs called Bibitalkhone and Gariveh. Both springs have emerged about 200 m apart at the trend of a crushed zone resulted from the hidden Pabdeh thrust fault and a contact with salty-gypsum layers. Although superficially similar geological conditions of these springs, their discharge and water quality are different. The discharge, electrical conductivity (EC), and water type of the Bibitalkhone Spring are more than 2 m3/s, over 1000 μS/cm, and Cl–Na, respectively, while those of Gariveh Spring presented in order are 0.05 m3/s, less than 500 μS/cm, and HCO3–Ca (Mg). Hydrogeological, hydrochemical, tectonic, geomorphologic, and geophysical data were used to verify these diversities. The results marked that geological and tectonic settings of the area is governing different discharge rates and chemistry of the springs.  相似文献   

Multiple streamflow measurements were made at coupled discharge measurement stations to quantify rates of aquifer recharge and discharge on two reaches of the Souhegan River, New Hampshire, USA, flowing within a glacial-drift river-valley aquifer. The reaches included a predominantly losing (aquifer recharge) reach and a variable (aquifer recharge and discharge) reach located downstream of the former reach. River leakage, the differential between coupled upstream and downstream streamflow measurements along a reach, varied by almost 30 cubic feet per second (ft3/s) (0.85 m3/s) along the two reaches. The upper reach averaged 3.94 ft3/s (0.11 m3/s) loss whereas the lower reach averaged 4.85 ft3/s (0.14 m3/s) gain. At the upper reach, 13 losses were measured out of 19 coupled measurements. At the lower reach, ten out of 13 coupled measurements indicated gains in flow and suggest that this reach is primarily a gaining river reach. An important factor in river leakage appears to be antecedent trends in river stage. At the upper reach, gains were measured only during periods of declining river stage. Conversely, at the lower reach, streamflow loss was measured primarily during periods of rising river stage. Although some tendencies exist, several factors complicate the analysis of river leakage, most notably the inaccuracies in computed stream discharge.  相似文献   

The Outardes Estuary (Quebec) is a regressive sandy system developed in a sub-boreal climatic setting. The Outardes River drains an area of 18 780 km2 and was dammed for hydroelectric purposes in the 1960s and‘70s. By reconstructing the hydrographs and mapping the morphology of the estuary from aerial photographs over a period of 21 years, we have documented the changes in the estuary resulting from the modification of the hydrologic regime. Until the mid-1960s, a catastrophic spring freshet (1800–2800 m33s-1) controlled the morphology of the estuary. The mouth was dominated by a disorganized, braided channel pattern, and large fluvial discharge-generated transverse bars. Peripheral channel areas in the upper estuary were zones of transport at flood stages. For 18 months in 1968 and‘69 the river discharge was drastically reduced (50 m3s-1) to accomplish the main reservoir filling. Tidal currents and waves filled and remodelled the morphology of the mouth of the estuary, while the peripheral zones in the upper estuary experienced low-energy sedimentation. Since the generating plants were brought on-line in 1969, the fluvial discharge has been unable to modify substantially the sand body geometry in the mouth of the estuary. In the upper estuary the peripheral regions continue to be filled in, but the thalweg is being eroded. Based on the results of our coring programme, we suggest that major environmental changes may leave a sedimentary signature (addition or subtraction of size modes) which can be identified by the detailed analysis of grain size distributions.  相似文献   

The Patos Lagoon estuary is an important environment for the life cycle of many species, including the pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus paulensis. This area acts as a nursery ground for the shrimp larvae, which are spawned in a coastal area and transported into the lagoon during spring and early summer (September to December). Harvesting of shrimp occurs from January to May, and yields have varied from around 1,000 to 8,000 tons year?1. This study is based on analysis of river discharge, pink shrimp catches, and wind velocity time series from 1964 to 2004. Negative correlation between pink shrimp catches and river runoff reflects the influence of discharge on the lagoon circulation and, consequently, on the intrusion of salt water and larvae. When river discharge is below average, landward currents forced by SW winds can enhance larval transport into the estuarine area, leading to an increase in pink shrimp captures. Above average river input would force a seaward flow that works as a barrier to ingress of larvae. This is unusual when compared to many other estuarine systems, and the main factor that accounts for this behavior is the morphology (choking) of Patos Lagoon. Interannual variability related to El Niño/Southern Oscillation events also influence pink shrimp production in this area. Low/high shrimp catches are related to El Niño (flood)/La Niña (drought) events. Wind can also impact production through its effect on the southward displacement of larvae from the spawning area. Long-term trends indicate an increase in river discharge around 20 m3 s?1year?1 and a decrease in shrimp catches on the order of 57 tons year?1.  相似文献   

River discharge, tide, wind, topography and other factors all have great impacts on the saltwater intrusion of Modaomen Waterway (MW), a major outlet of the Pearl River Estuary. A coupled 1D–3D numerical model was applied in this study to account for the dynamic characteristics of saltwater intrusion in the MW, and the impacts of tide and river discharge on the length of saltwater intrusion were uncovered. Results are as the followings: (1) River discharge from upstream induces an obvious dilution of salinity along the MW, whereas tide can exert a positive force that pushes salt water landward. The effects of river discharge and tide on the length of saltwater intrusion can be well described by a regression function; (2) the saltwater intrusion along the MW is generally aggravated by increases in tidal range from the South China Sea. The length of saltwater intrusion usually reaches a maximum 2 or 3 days before spring tide, and the hourly length of saltwater intrusion along the MW usually slows the tidal process for approximately 4 h, which can provide important information that the pumping operation along the MW to store freshwater in the backup storages needs to be at least 3 days ahead of the spring tide so as to avoid serious impact from saltwater intrusion; (3) the length of saltwater intrusion generally decreases with increasing river discharge. In 2005, 2009 and 2010, the average river discharge from upstream was 2680, 2630 and 3160 m3/s, respectively, with corresponding average lengths of saltwater intrusion of 32.7, 42.3 and 21.4 km. The inverse correlation between the water flow and the length of saltwater intrusion may provide some guidance for operations to maintain enough upstream flow to dilute the salinity and therefore satisfy the domestic water supply.  相似文献   

A study was conducted between April 2004 and September 2005 to estimate groundwater and nutrient discharge to the Neuse River estuary in North Carolina. The largest groundwater fluxes were observed to occur generally within 20 m of the shoreline. Groundwater flux estimates based on seepage meter measurements ranged from 2.86?×?108 to 4.33?×?108 m3 annually and are comparable to estimates made using radon, a simple water-budget method, and estimates derived by using Darcy’s Law and previously published general aquifer characteristics of the area. The lower groundwater flux estimate (equal to about 9 m3 s?1), which assumed the narrowest groundwater discharge zone (20 m) of three zone widths selected for an area west of New Bern, North Carolina, most closely agrees with groundwater flux estimates made using radon (3–9 m3 s?1) and Darcy’s Law (about 9 m3 s?1). A groundwater flux of 9 m3 s?1 is about 40% of the surface-water flow to the Neuse River estuary between Streets Ferry and the mouth of the estuary and about 7% of the surface-water inflow from areas upstream. Estimates of annual nitrogen (333 tonnes) and phosphorus (66 tonnes) fluxes from groundwater to the estuary, based on this analysis, are less than 6% of the nitrogen and phosphorus inputs derived from all sources (excluding oceanic inputs), and approximately 8% of the nitrogen and 17% of the phosphorus annual inputs from surface-water inflow to the Neuse River estuary assuming a mean annual precipitation of 1.27 m. We provide quantitative evidence, derived from three methods, that the contribution of water and nutrients from groundwater discharge to the Neuse River estuary is relatively minor, particularly compared with upstream sources of water and nutrients and with bottom sediment sources of nutrients. Locally high groundwater discharges do occur, however, and could help explain the occurrence of localized phytoplankton blooms, submerged aquatic vegetation, or fish kills.  相似文献   

Measurements of groundwater-dissolved inorganic nitrogen (nitrate?+?nitrite?+?ammonia) and phosphate concentrations were combined with recent, radium-based, submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) fluxes and prior estimates of SGD determined from Darcy’s Law, a hydrologic model, and total recharge to yield corresponding SGD nutrient fluxes to Ninigret, Point Judith, Quonochontaug, and Winnapaug ponds, located in southern Rhode Island. Results range from 80 to279 mmol N m?2 year?1 and 4 to 15 mmol P m?2 year?1 for Ninigret, 48 to 265 mmol N m?2 year?1 and 4 to 23 mmol P m?2 year?1 for Point Judith, 31 to 62 mmol N m?2 year?1 and 1 to 2 mmol P m?2 y?1 for Quonochontaug, and 668 to 1,586 mmol N m?2 year?1 and 29 to 70 mmol P m?2 year?1 for Winnapaug ponds, respectively. On a daily basis, the SGD supply of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus is estimated to represent ~1–6 % of the total amount of these nutrients in surface waters of Ninigret, Point Judith, and Quonochontaug ponds and up to 84 and 17 % for Winnapaug, respectively, which may reflect a greater SGD nutrient supply to this pond because of the proximity of fertilized golf courses. With regard to the total external input of these essential nutrients, SGD represents 29–45 % of dissolved inorganic nitrogen input to Ninigret, Point Judith, and Quonochontaug ponds and as much as 93 % for Winnapaug pond. For phosphorus, the contribution from SGD represents 59–85 % of the total external input for Ninigret, Point Judith, and Quonochontaug ponds and essentially all of the phosphorus input to Winnapaug pond. Estimated rates of primary productivity potentially supported by the average supply of dissolved inorganic nitrogen from SGD range from 10 g C m?2 year?1 for Ninigret, 13 g C m?2 year?1 for Point Judith, 4 g C m?2 year?1 for Quonochontaug, and as high as 84 g C m?2 y?1 for Winnapaug pond. The imputed SGD-derived rates of primary productivity represent 4–9 % of water column primary production for Ninigret, Point Judith, and Quonochontaug ponds, and 74 % for Winnapaug pond, a result that is reasonably comparable to several other coastal environments where estimates of SGD nutrient supply have been reported. The implication is that SGD represents an ecologically significant source of dissolved nutrients to the coastal salt ponds of southern Rhode Island and, by inference, other coastal systems.  相似文献   

A nutrient mass balance for the tidal freshwater segment of the James River was used to assess sources of nutrients supporting phytoplankton production and the importance of the tidal freshwater zone in mitigating nutrient transport to marine waters. Monthly mass balances for 2007–2010 were based on riverine inputs, local point sources (including sewer overflow events), ungauged inputs, riverine outputs, and tidal exchange. The tidal freshwater James River received exceptionally high areal loads (446 mg TN m?2 day?1 and 55 mg TP m?2 day?1) compared to other estuaries in the region and elsewhere. P inputs were principally from riverine sources (84 %) whereas point sources contributed appreciably (54 %) to high N loads. Despite high loading rates and short water residence time, areal mass retention was high (143 mg TN m?2 day?1 and 33 mg TP m?2 day?1). Retention of particulate fractions occurred during high discharge, whereas dissolved inorganic fractions were retained during low discharge when chlorophyll-a concentrations were high. On an annualized basis, P was retained more effectively (59 %) than N (32 %). P was retained by abiotic mechanisms via trapping of particulate forms, whereas N was retained through biological assimilation of dissolved inorganic forms. Results from a limited suite of stable isotope determinations suggest that DIN from point sources was preferentially retained. Combined inputs from diffuse and point sources accounted for only 20 % and 36 % (respectively) of estimated algal N and P demand, indicating that internal nutrient recycling was important to sustaining high rates of phytoplankton production in the tidal freshwater zone.  相似文献   

Surat city of India, situated 100 km downstream of Ukai Dam and 19.4 km upstream from the mouth of River Tapi, has experienced the largest flood in 2006. The peak discharge of about 25,770 m3 s?1 released from the Ukai Dam was responsible for a disaster. To assess the flood and find inundation in low-lying areas, simulation work is carried out under the 1D/2D couple hydrodynamic modeling. Two hundred ninety-nine cross sections, two hydraulic structures and five major bridges across the river are considered for 1D modeling, whereas a topographic map at 0.5 m contour interval was used to produce a 5 m grid, and SRTM (30 and 90 m) grid has been considered for Surat and the Lower Tapi Basin. The tidal level at the river mouth and the release from the Ukai Dam during 2006 flood are considered as the downstream and upstream boundaries, respectively. The model is simulated under the unsteady flow condition and validated for the year 2006. The simulated result shows that 9th August was the worst day in terms of flooding for Surat city and a maximum 75–77% area was under inundation. Out of seven zones, the west zone had the deepest flood and inundated under 4–5 m. Furthermore, inundation is simulated under the bank protection work (i.e., levees, retaining wall) constructed after the 2006 flood. The simulated results show that the major zones are safe against the inundation under 14,430 m3 s?1 water releases from Ukai Dam except for the west zone. The study shows the 2D capability of new HEC-RAS 5 for flood inundation mapping and management studies.  相似文献   

A 17-year record (1995–2012) of a suite of environmental tracer concentrations in discharge from 34 springs located along the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Shenandoah National Park (SNP), Virginia, USA, reveals patterns and trends that can be related to climatic and environmental conditions. These data include a 12-year time series of monthly sampling at five springs, with measurements of temperature, specific conductance, pH, and discharge recorded at 30-min intervals. The monthly measurements include age tracers (CFC-11, CFC-12, CFC-113, CFC-13, SF6, and SF5CF3), dissolved gases (N2, O2, Ar, CO2, and CH4), stable isotopes of water, and major and trace inorganic constituents. The chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) concentrations (in pptv) in spring discharge closely follow the concurrent monthly measurements of their atmospheric mixing ratios measured at the Air Monitoring Station at Big Meadows, SNP, indicating waters 0–3 years in age. A 2-year (2001–2003) record of unsaturated zone air displayed seasonal deviations from North American Air of ±10 % for CFC-11 and CFC-113, with excess CFC-11 and CFC-113 in peak summer and depletion in peak winter. The pattern in unsaturated zone soil CFCs is a function of gas solubility in soil water and seasonal unsaturated zone temperatures. Using the increase in the SF6 atmospheric mixing ratio, the apparent (piston flow) SF6 age of the water varied seasonally between about 0 (modern) in January and up to 3 years in July–August. The SF6 concentration and concentrations of dissolved solutes (SiO2, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, Cl?, and HCO3 ?) in spring discharge demonstrate a fraction of recent recharge following large precipitation events. The output of solutes in the discharge of springs minus the input from atmospheric deposition per hectare of watershed area (mol ha?1 a?1) were approximately twofold greater in watersheds draining the regolith of Catoctin metabasalts than that of granitic gneisses and granitoid crystalline rocks. The stable isotopic composition of water in spring discharge broadly correlates with the Oceanic Niño Index. Below normal precipitation and enriched stable isotopic composition were observed during El Niño years.  相似文献   

Water samples from the river network and from some shallow and brackish springs located in a tectonic window of the northern Apennines of Italy were studied in the frame of a comprehensive hydrogeological investigation in order to better understand the origin and the mixing processes between the two water types noticed also in previous studies (Ca–HCO3 and Na–Cl). A sampling campaign covering the drought period during year 2010 was planned to gather electric conductivity, temperature and redox potential data along the river network and on groundwater occurrences located inside the tectonic structure. Additionally, eight water samples were collected for hydrochemical (major anions and cations: Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3 ?, Cl?, SO4 2? and trace ion Btot) and isotopic (δ18O, δ2H, 3H) analyses and compared with other eighteen samples from shallow and brackish springs collected near the study site during the period 2005–2012. Moreover, river discharge and water balance estimations were carried out. Results confirmed the presence of old Na–Cl water with salinity progressively increasing up to 5.5 g l?1 at the northern termination of the tectonic window. These values are in agreement with the ions contents of the most mineralized spring (Macognano spring: salinity of 7.6 g l?1), which has been considered as having the deepest and longest flow-path. Stable isotopes and trace ions contents are consistent with rainfall and snowmelt water mixed with brines associated with a hydrocarbon reservoir hosted at depth. Considering as end-member the more mineralized Na–Cl water, a cumulate inflow in the range of 12.9 ± 5.9 l s?1 has been estimated. This aliquot is released into the river network with different mixing proportions by the groundwater occurrences discharging from the autochthonous flysch unit.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2000,15(4):425-438
The dissolution of silica and diffusion of reactive dissolved Si in the porewaters of river sediments are investigated using sediments of different physical and chemical properties. Three sediments are considered: (a) from sectioned cores taken from a river-bed, (b) fine organic-rich surface sediment (<5 cm depth) installed in a fluvarium channel and, (c) coarse river sediment of low organic matter content also installed in a fluvarium channel. Dissolution rates of silica are measured at 10°C using batches of suspended material. The derived dissolution rate constants show large differences between the sediments. The river bed-sediment cores had vertical concentration profiles of dissolved Si that are consistent with the diffusion and dissolution of biogenic silica. Experiments in a fluvarium channel enabled Si fluxes to be calculated from a mass-balance of the overlying solution. The results are consistent with the attainment of a steady-state concentration profile of dissolved Si in the sediment. There are no discernible effects of water velocity over the sediment between 5 and 11 cm s−1. However, at 20 cm s−1, the flux increases as a result of either entrainment of fine particles at the surface or advective effects in the surface sediment. A fluvarium experiment with the fine sediment (<125 μm) over 61 days, produced a concentration profile with the highest concentration of 1025 μmol dm−3 at a depth of 4–5 cm in the sediment. A FORTRAN program is used to model the results of the increase in dissolved Si in the overlying water and development of a concentration profile in the porewater. This leads to a sediment diffusion coefficient of 1.21×10−9 m2 s−1 at 8.8°C at the beginning of the experiment and rate constant k=13.1×10−7 s−1 at pH=7.82 and average temperature of 7.6°C for the entire experiment. Fluxes measured at the sediment–surface interface and calculated assuming steady-state profiles had developed are typically 0.01–0.04 μmol m−2 (of river bed) s−1. The approach enables the efflux of dissolved Si from bottom-sediments to be estimated from dissolution rates measured using suspensions of bed-sediment.  相似文献   

Five similar glacial-lake outburst floods (GLOFs) occurred in April, October, December 2008, March and September 2009 in the Northern Patagonia Icefield. On each occasion, Cachet 2 Lake, dammed by the Colonia Glacier, released circa 200-million m3 water into the Colonia River. Refilling has occurred rapidly, such that further outbreak floods can be expected. Pipeflow calculations of the subglacial tunnel drainage and 1D hydraulic models of the river flood give consistent results, with an estimated peak discharge surpassing 3,000 m3 s?1. These floods were larger in magnitude than any flood on record, according to gauged data since 1963. However, geomorphological analysis of the Colonia valley shows physical evidence of former catastrophic outburst floods from a larger glacial-lake, with flood discharges possibly as high as 16,000 m3 s?1. Due to potential impacts of climate change on glacier dynamics in the area, jökulhlaups may increase future flood risks for infrastructure and population. This is particularly relevant in view of the current development of hydropower projects in Chilean Patagonia.  相似文献   

The reported study contributes to research on earthquake prediction. Between 2007 and 2009, changes were observed in two geothermal and mineral springs located in Eskipazar (~3–5 km to the north of the North Anatolian Fault Zone) in Turkey, in relation to small-magnitude earthquakes. During pre-seismic and post-seismic activities, variations were observed in the hydrogeological parameters of the spring waters. Temperature increases of 0.4–1°C were measured in one of the springs prior to three different earthquakes. There was a slight increase in the spring discharge with respect to the first earthquake, which occurred closest to the spring. This led to a reduction in electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), Ca, HCO3, δ13C, Al, Mn, and Fe concentrations in the spring water, whereas tritium and Se values increased. Several days before the third earthquake, which occurred at a shallower depth, a decrease was observed in the discharge, which led to a reduction in tritium, δ13C and Si concentrations. These variations could be explained by changes in the mixing ratio of waters of different genesis, depending on changes in permeability, pore pressure, and flow paths of the aquifer due to regional stress changes.  相似文献   

The presence of domoic acid (DA) toxin from multiple species of Pseudo-nitzschia is a concern in the highly productive food webs of the northern Gulf of Mexico. We documented the Pseudo-nitzschia presence, abundance, blooms, and toxicity over three years along a transect ~100 km west of the Mississippi River Delta on the continental shelf. Pseudo-nitzschia were present throughout the year and occurred in high abundances (>104 cells l?1) in the early spring months during high Mississippi River (MSR) flow (~20,000 m3 s?1) but were most abundant (>106 cells l?1) when MSR discharge was relatively lower among the spring months. A high particulate toxin production (maximum reaching 13 μg DA l?1) was associated with the high cell abundances and exceeded, by an order of magnitude, prior reports of particulate DA concentrations in Louisiana coastal waters. Differences in Pseudo-nitzschia peak times and its toxicity were correlated mainly with the timing and magnitude of MSR discharge and changes in associated parameters such as nutrient stoichiometry and salinity. A negative relationship between high MSR discharge and Pseudo-nitzschia and particulate DA concentrations was documented. These riverine dynamics have the potential to influence DA contamination in pelagic and benthic food webs in the coastal waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

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