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Even casual observations of continental hot springs reveal that photosynthesis has its limits. In an effort to explore the transition to photosynthesis, field measurements of temperature and pH were made at 996 hot spring locations at Yellowstone National Park ranging from 14° to 94 °C and pH from 0.8 to 9.7. In addition, sulfide measurements were made in 426 of these locations showing concentrations up to 8820 μg L? 1 total sulfide. These data indicate that the previously established upper temperature (73–75 °C) for the transition to photosynthesis is reached in many basic hot springs, but that the transition occurs at lower temperature with decreasing pH below ~ 6.5. As an example, no strong evidence for photosynthesis was found above 45 °C at pH ~ 2. In several locations, photosynthesis appears to be suppressed despite temperatures and pH values that permit photosynthesis elsewhere. Sulfide concentrations may be responsible for the suppression of photosynthesis at these sites. Total sulfide concentrations were observed to decrease downstream in hot spring outflow channels. Abiotic processes (degassing, oxidation, mineral precipitation, etc.) are too slow to account for these decreases, suggesting an explanation from microbial sulfide oxidation that is supported by field experiments. Microbial sulfide oxidation may determine the ultimate suitability of some hot springs for microbial photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Evidence shows that high field strength (HFS) elements commonly used to index chemical weathering are variably mobile. This mobility may be linked to redistribution of suspended solids. A mass-balance model is presented that can quantify such redistribution without assuming immobility for any single element. Two tropical weathering profiles on quartz diorite and basalt are examined and redistribution of the HFS elements Zr and Ti is documented, along with potential corrections for the resulting changes in measured concentrations.  相似文献   

A persistent problem in the study of garnet geochemistry is that the consideration of major elements alone excludes a wealth of information preserved by trace elements, particularly the rare-earth elements (REEs). This is despite the fact that trace elements are generally less vulnerable to diffusive resetting, and are sensitive to a broader spectrum of geochemical interactions involving the entire mineral assemblage, including the growth and/or dissolution of accessory minerals. We outline a technique for the routine acquisition of high-resolution 2D trace element maps by LA-ICP-MS, and introduce an extension of the software package XMapTools for rapid processing of LA-ICP-MS data to visualise and interpret compositional zoning patterns. These methods form the basis for investigating the mechanisms controlling geochemical mobility in garnet, which are argued to be largely dependent on the interplay between element fractionation, mineral reactions and partitioning, and the length scales of intergranular transport. Samples from the Peaked Hill shear zone, Reynolds Range, central Australia, exhibit contrasting trace element distributions that can be linked to a detailed sequence of growth and dissolution events. Trace element mapping is thus employed to place garnet evolution in a specific paragenetic context and derive absolute age information by integration with existing U–Pb monazite and Sm–Nd garnet geochronology. Ultimately, the remarkable preservation of original growth zoning and its subtle modification by subsequent re-equilibration is used to ‘see through’ multiple superimposed events, thereby revealing a previously obscure petrological and temporal record of metamorphism, metasomatism, and deformation.  相似文献   

The probability of the occurrence of urban flash floods has increased appreciably in recent years. Scientists have published various articles related to the estimation of the vulnerability of people and vehicles in urban areas resulting from flash floods. However, most published works are based on research performed using numerical models and laboratory experiments. This paper presents a novel approach that combines the implementation of image velocimetry technique (large-scale particle image velocimetry—LSPIV) using a flash flood video recorded by the public locally and the estimation of the vulnerability of people and vehicles to high water velocities in urban areas. A numerical one‐dimensional hydrodynamic model has also been used in this approach for water velocity characterization. The results presented in this paper correspond to a flash flood resulting on November 29, 2012, in the city of Asunción in Paraguay. During this flash flood, people and vehicles were observed being carried away because of high water velocities. Various sequences of the recorded flash flood video were characterized using LSPIV. The results obtained in this work validate the existing vulnerability criterion based on the effect of the flash flood and resulting high water velocities on people and vehicles.  相似文献   

The biomineralization of U(VI) phosphate as a result of microbial phosphatase activity is a promising new bioremediation approach to immobilize uranium in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. In contrast to reduced uranium minerals such as uraninite, uranium phosphate precipitates are not susceptible to changes in oxidation conditions and may represent a long-term sink for uranium in contaminated environments. So far, the biomineralization of U(VI) phosphate has been demonstrated with pure cultures only. In this study, two uranium contaminated soils from the Department of Energy Oak Ridge Field Research Center (ORFRC) were amended with glycerol phosphate as model organophosphate source in small flow-through columns under aerobic conditions to determine whether natural phosphatase activity of indigenous soil bacteria was able to promote the precipitation of uranium(VI) at pH 5.5 and 7.0. High concentrations of phosphate (1-3 mM) were detected in the effluent of these columns at both pH compared to control columns amended with U(VI) only, suggesting that phosphatase-liberating microorganisms were readily stimulated by the organophosphate substrate. Net phosphate production rates were higher in the low pH soil (0.73 ± 0.17 mM d−1) compared to the circumneutral pH soil (0.43 ± 0.31 mM d−1), suggesting that non-specific acid phosphatase activity was expressed constitutively in these soils. A sequential solid-phase extraction scheme and X-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements were combined to demonstrate that U(VI) was primarily precipitated as uranyl phosphate minerals at low pH, whereas it was mainly adsorbed to iron oxides and partially precipitated as uranyl phosphate at circumneutral pH. These findings suggest that, in the presence of organophosphates, microbial phosphatase activity can contribute to uranium immobilization in both low and circumneutral pH soils through the formation of stable uranyl phosphate minerals.  相似文献   

To assess microbial behavior at anticipated repositories of nitrate-containing radioactive waste such as TRU waste, we set up an anoxic single horizontal column filled with Pleistocene sand with indigenous microorganisms as model samples. The column was supplied with artificial groundwater containing nitrate and acetate for 9 weeks (Run 1) or nitrate-amended groundwater from the same Pleistocene stratum for 6 weeks (Run 2). Bacterial communities, including culturable denitrifiers, were established in the sand bed, resulting in acridine orange direct counts per pore water of 3 × 108 cell mL−1 in Run 1 and 5 × 107 cell mL−1 in Run 2 and nitrate-reducing activity per pore water of roughly 13 mg L−1 d−1 in Run 1 and 1–4 mg L−1 d−1 in Run 2. Eh and hydraulic conductivity declined in Run 1, indicating microbial activity capable of retarding radionuclide transport. However, the ratio of bacterial cell concentration found in the effluent water (free-living bacteria) to the total bacterial concentration in sand (Rmobile) exceeded 2%. This finding is relevant to the increase in radionuclide transport associated with free-living cells. As a tool for quantifying this influence, we introduced an index, Kd,att (distribution coefficient for microbes on sand particles), and calculated this value from the Rmobile value. By sensitivity analysis using a numerical simulation model (MINT), we then demonstrated that higher Kd,att values would suppress the detrimental effects of the free-living bacteria. Quantification of microbial influences can be made more realistic by obtaining Kd,att values in a column experiment and incorporating this index into radionuclide transport models.  相似文献   

To demonstrate the potential of model microbial assemblages in studies of the biogeochemistry of complex organic molecules, anaerobic microbial populations capable of degrading cholesterol (cholest-5-en-3β-ol) have been enriched from marine sediment sources. The bacterial enrichments actively mineralized the C-4 nucleus of the cholesterol ring system to carbon dioxide when nitrate was present as the terminal electron acceptor. Nitrite was found as an intermediate in the reduction of nitrate, indicating the presence of denitrifying bacteria in the enrichments. When sulfate was supplied as the sole electron acceptor, active dissimilation of cholesterol was not observed. In enrichments containing 5 mM nitrate, 95–98% of the added cholesterol was recovered as carbon dioxide (2–5%), transformation products (20–30%), or as the unmodified sterol (70–80%). Cholesterol transformation products thus far identified include 5α- and 5β-cholestan-3β-ol, cholest-4-en-3-one, 5α-androstan-3, 17-dione and androst-4-en-3, 17 dione.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(6):571-581
A soil, containing waste material from an industrially contaminated site, was found to be heavily contaminated with several heavy metals and As. A risk assessment for As leaching from this material has been carried out in several stages, collation and examination of historical records, solid-phase characterization and chemical modelling. The historical record indicates that the most probable source of As was arsenopyrite. However, the solid phase characterization of the soil, using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy-dispersive microanalysis (EDAX), did not yield any direct evidence for pyritic phases, although there was clear evidence of known pyrite-weathering products, such as jarosite. The relative stability of pyrite and arsenopyrite have been modelled for the range of acidity and redox potentials likely to be encountered on the site. For adsorption modelling, a surface complexation model was used to predict arsenate desorption as a function of pH. It was assumed that the principal reactive adsorbent for As was hydrous ferric oxide (HFO) and this assumption was supported by the results of direct and indirect measurements and by the mineral stability calculations. This approach was successful at predicting the increased mobility of As at increasingly alkaline conditions. The modelling predictions were supported by results from batch equilibration experiments. Thus, it was possible to link direct observations of mineralogy, mineral stability calculations and adsorption models in order to predict the mobility of As. The success of this approach was dependent on identifying the reactive phase in this particular soil and having the appropriate data required for the adsorption modelling.  相似文献   

Temperature profiles from 25 boreholes were used to understand the spatial and vertical groundwater flow systems in the Western Nile Delta region of Egypt, as a case study of a semi-arid region. The study area is located between the Nile River and Wadi El Natrun. The recharge areas, which are located in the northeastern and the northwestern parts of the study area, have low subsurface temperatures. The discharge areas, which are located in the western (Wadi El Natrun) and southern (Moghra aquifer) parts of the study area, have higher subsurface temperatures. In the deeper zones, the effects of faults and the recharge area in the northeastern direction disappear at 80 m below sea level. For that depth, one main recharge and one main discharge area are recognized. The recharge area is located to the north in the Quaternary aquifer, and the discharge area is located to the south in the Miocene aquifer. Two-dimensional groundwater-flow and heat-transport models reveal that the sealing faults are the major factor disturbing the regional subsurface thermal regime in the study area. Besides the main recharge and discharge areas, the low permeability of the faults creates local discharge areas in its up-throw side and local recharge areas in its down-throw side. The estimated average linear groundwater velocity in the recharge area is 0.9 mm/day to the eastern direction and 14 mm/day to the northwest. The average linear groundwater discharge velocities range from 0.4 to 0.9 mm/day in the southern part.  相似文献   

Risk assessment of metals associated to airborne particulate matter (PM) has usually been based on the analysis of their total concentrations, which is a poor indicator of metal mobility. Chemical fractionation processes may provide an additional level of information, however, chemical complexity and small sample sizes do not allow to combine several extraction methods. Additionally, analysing the metal concentrations during the extractions exceptionally provides restricted information about metals’ speciation. To overcome these limitations we collected total suspended particulate matter (TSP) samples from the air filters placed in the air supply channel of methane-heated turbines of thermal power stations which allows collecting large amounts of TSP materials. Additionally, we combined single and sequential chemical extractions in which not only the concentrations of potentially toxic elements (PTE) (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) but also that of the major chemical components (Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, S, Ti) were analysed. Our aims were to study these metals’ mobility and speciation through the study of their association to major chemical components.Accumulation of the studied PTEs in the TSP material suggests moderate contamination for Ni, Cd and Cr whereas a heavy one for Cu, Zn and Pb. Three groups of these PTEs could be distinguished based on their mobility. The highly mobile Zn and Cd (large ratios of water and weak acid soluble fractions) can be considered as especially harmful elements to environment. The moderately mobile Pb and Cu (large ratios of reducible and oxidizable fractions, respectively) may potentially have a negative effect on the environment, whereas the immobile Cr and Ni cannot be expected to pose a serious risk. Based on the statistical evaluation of extraction data, the potential phases for Zn and Cu are presented by metal-sulphates, -nitrates, -chlorides, -carbonates and -hydroxides, as well as sorbed forms. Lead primarily hosted by metal-carbonates and sorbed forms, as well as by -hydroxides, whereas Cu by organic matter. Finally, Cr and Ni are mostly incorporated into very resistant phases, most probably by magnetite or other resistant metal-oxides.Combination of single and sequential extractions, as well as that of the analysis of not only the target elements but also the major chemical components were found to be a very effective tool to study the host phases of PTEs in the TSP material. The necessity for relatively large sample amounts for such analyses could be fulfilled using special sampling methodology; however, obvious disadvantages of this kind of sampling must be taken into account when resulted data are evaluated.  相似文献   

The truncated shifted Pareto (TSP) distribution, a variant of the two-parameter Pareto distribution, in which one parameter is added to shift the distribution right and left and the right-hand side is truncated, is used to model size distributions of oil and gas fields for resource assessment. Assumptions about limits to the left-hand and right-hand side reduce the number of parameters to two. The TSP distribution has advantages over the more customary lognormal distribution because it has a simple analytic expression, allowing exact computation of several statistics of interest, has a J-shape, and has more flexibility in the thickness of the right-hand tail. Oil field sizes from the Minnelusa play in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana, are used as a case study. Probability plotting procedures allow easy visualization of the fit and help the assessment.This paper was presented at Emerging Concepts, MGUS-87 Conference, Redwood City, California, 13–15 April 1987.  相似文献   

上海市浅层地下水环境地球化学背景值研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
文章就文章在简要介绍上海市浅层地下水水文地质条件的基础上,就上海市浅层地下水环境地球化学调查的方法进行了论述。针对浅层地下水环境背景值进行分析,指出本市浅层地下水环境的主要污染类型属综合性有机污染。  相似文献   

The ability of Chromolaena odorata to accumulate and serve as biomarker to lead and cadmium metals pollution load had been revealed by this study. Samples of soils and Siam weed were collected to assess impacts of solid waste disposal and traffic density on the environment. Composite sample were collected from a solid waste dumpsite, three traffic polluted areas with varying traffic density and a background site distant from traffic. Concentration of eight elements: cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, iron, nickel, lead and zinc were determined in soil and plant samples and correlated together. Accumulative factors like pollution load index, transfer factor, contamination factor, enrichment factor were calculated for the metals in both plants and soils and used as basis for interpreting the state of the environment and ability of C. odorata to accumulate metals. The accumulative factors of plants were generally greater than that of soil samples indicating increased accumulative capacity of the plant. The accumulations of lead and cadmium in C. odorata were remarkable with contamination factor 10.51 and 23.50, respectively and mean enrichment factors 3.52 and 6.93, respectively. Other metals had lower accumulative factors. The distribution of metals and calculated factors placed solid waste disposal site as the most polluted site while the trend observed in areas with traffic pollution depicts the ability of C. odorata to clean up metal pollution by accumulating them. It can therefore be suggested that solid waste disposal negatively affects the environment more than traffic pollution subject to the volume of traffic.  相似文献   

In the southern part of the Slovensky Kras Mountains, located on the Hungarian–Slovakian border, a transboundary karstic aquifer Dolny vrch/Alsóhegy underlies the structure and discharges groundwater flow to 15 major karst springs around its margin. Hydrograph recession curves from nine-gauged springs on the Slovak part of the aquifer were analysed, and for each individual spring, depletion hydrograph equations were classified into different categories based on recessional parameters quantitatively describing individual groundwater flow sub–regimes. Discharge depletion was used to create recessional equations, and these were linked to karstification degree, a qualitative scale ranging from 1 to 10. A new application of hydrograph separation was based on examining and combining pairs of springs that likely fit into the category of overflow/underflow springs for a single groundwater reservoir. Recession-curve analysis performed on coupled discharges of two pairs of neighbouring springs was conducted to examine their possible linkage as a single groundwater reservoir, with an overflow outlet and underflow outlet. In the process of discharge coupling, discharges of the springs, hypothesized to be branches of the same source and observed at the same time were simply added together. By analyzing the resulting new time series, a new classification of sub-regimes could be generated. Surprisingly, new facts were revealed about the overflow/underflow springs, which primarily were not recognized previously as being connected components of a single groundwater reservoir. Summations of combined overflow/underflow discharge volumes of a single spring reservoir led to discovery of apparent presence of turbulent flow sub-regimes on the coupled recession curve. Presence of possible overflow/underflow springs of a single groundwater basin should be considered during hydrograph analyses if the springs have attributes that suggest they may be part of a combined flow system. Treating these springs as separate entities as a result can produce significant misinterpretation of drainage parameters. Furthermore, identification of overflow branches facilitates the generation of new research ideas for further speleological investigations nearby, and for assessing the system in a more effective manner.  相似文献   

We monitored near-surface atmospheric fallout (15-cm above ground) and soil solution (at 15, 35 and 55 cm below ground) derived nanoparticles over an 8-month period by collecting the particles directly onto TEM grids in anthropogenically-influenced (vineyard) and pristine (native forest) sites in France. Particle clusters trapped on the grid were selected randomly and individual particles were binned into eight different groups (euhedral clays, weathered clays, salts, oxi-hydroxides, bacteria, non-living organic matter, aggregates and undetermined). Bacteria represent 9–23% of the collected nanoparticle area (ave. 9.4% and 18% for two atmospheric collection sites and ave. 23% for soil infiltration samples). Bacteria were most often associated with non-living organic matter and comprised a variety of morpho-types. Interestingly, 45% of all the bacteria analyzed by transmission electron microscopy and electron dispersive spectroscopy (TEM-EDX) showed the presence of intracellular grains significantly enriched in lead and phosphorus. Intracellular sequestration of Pb into polyphosphate bodies has been observed in the laboratory, but this is the first observation of this phenomenon in a natural environment. Furthermore, this suggests that microbial-bound Pb may be an important transport mechanism in subsurface environments.  相似文献   

The concept of the Borehole Diffusive Flux Apparatus (BDFA) is presented herein. The BDFA is an innovative apparatus designed to provide continuous direct access to an undisturbed column of sediment that can be monitored at multiple discrete vertical intervals to provide high-resolution characterization of local-scale mass transfer and attenuation. The conceptual basis and technical design of the device are presented, along with an example of borehole design and installation at a field site. Mathematical simulations are used to illustrate its application for two scenarios. The results of these simulations indicate that test periods of several weeks to a few months should be sufficient to obtain robust results. The device has the potential to improve our ability to characterize critical mass-transfer and attenuation processes and to quantify the associated rates. This information is key to the evaluation of remediation alternatives, for enhancing the accuracy of mathematical models, and to support more effective long-term management of large groundwater contaminant plumes present at many sites.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring landslides can be difficult to characterize and often exhibit anomalies in controlling geometry and consistency. The characterization of landslides in engineering geology practice is usually based on program of subsurface exploration; focused on identifying subsurface materials, structure and stratigraphy, hydrologic conditions, and appropriate strength parameters. On native slopes bereft of anthropogenic modification (excavation), geomorphic evidence of previous movement and its relative depth and scale are often discernible to the experienced eye. This paper seeks to describe the various techniques that have been successfully employed in site-specific subsurface investigations of prehistoric landslides. These include considerations of limiting geometry (for planning subsurface exploration and sampling), overcoming problems with site access, exploratory trenches, small diameter borings, downhole logging of large diameter borings, and geophysical techniques. These procedures can be combined to develop more realistic cross sections along the vector of maximum landslide movement, so the displaced mass can be realistically analyzed. The respective advantages and disadvantages of these techniques are discussed, with baseline references on subsurface exploration.  相似文献   

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