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Saline groundwater has three principal origins in Denmark: 1) Seawater infiltration into nearcoastal aquifers, 2) saline formation water in aquifers of marine sedimentary origin, and 3) intrusion of brines from deep saline formation waters and evaporitic deposits in the subsurface. Strontium-isotope studies of chloride-contaminated groundwater from a Quaternary sandy aquifer at Stautrup Waterworks, Denmark, indicate that the groundwater is heavily influenced by saline formation water from underlying Oligocene marine mica clay. Thus, strontium isotopic hydrochemical criteria were successfully used to identify the sources of saline groundwater.
RESUMEN: La salinidad en las aguas subterráneas de Dinamarca tiene tres orígenes principales: 1) Infiltración de agua marina en acuíferos costeros, 2) agua de formación salina en acuíferos de origen sedimentario marino, y 3) intrusión de salmueras procedentes de aguas salinas de formaciones profundas y de depósitos evaporíticos subterráneos. Estudios isotópicos del estronico en las aguas subterráneas contaminadas or cloruros en un acuífero arenoso Cuaternario en Stautrup Waterworks, Dinamarca, indican que el agua está fuertement influenciada por el agua de formación salina correspondiente a una capa inferior de micas arcillosas oligocénicas. Por tanto, los criterios hidroquímicos isotópicos se pudieron utilizar satisfactoriamente para identificar las fuentes de salinidad de las aguas subterráneas.

RéSUMé: La salinité des aux souterraines du Danemark possède trois origines principales: 1) l'intrusion d'eau de mer dans les aquifères littoraux, 2) les eaux connées des sédiments marins constituant l'aquifère, 3) la remontée dans les aquifères superficiels de saumures provenant d'eaux connées de sédiments et de formations évaporitiques profonds. L'étude des isotopes du strontium d'eaux souterraines chargées en chlorures d'un aquifère sableux du Quaternaire du champ captant de Stautrup (Danemark) montre que le chimisme des eaux souterraines est fortement marqué par les eaux connées des argiles micacées marines sous-jacentes de l'Oligocène. Des critères hydrochimiques des isotopes du strontium ont par conséquent permis d'identifier les sources de la salinité d'eaux souterraines.

Elevated salinity in groundwater (over 250?mg/l chloride) in a fractured chalk aquifer in the municipality of Greve, Denmark, has been attributed to seawater intrusion from the Baltic Sea, resulting in the closure of a number of wells nearest to the coastline. However, a recent study in eastern Denmark shows that the salinity could also be from ancient connate pore waters. Historical chemistry data from bulk-water samples collected from wells have been used to determine the source. The sample data were studied with respect to their historical changes and temporal trends in chloride, carbonate, sulfate, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Wells in the southern third of the municipality are relatively low in sodium and carbonate and high in chloride and calcium/magnesium, indicating waters undergoing saline intrusion. Wells in the northern two-thirds of the municipality are high in carbonate and sodium, but low in chloride and calcium/magnesium, indicating a freshening of the aquifer. This is confirmed by the temporal trends in chloride, where chloride levels in the northern wells remain constant, whereas in the south, chloride increases as abstraction continues. Therefore close monitoring for seawater intrusion should be conducted in the southern third of the municipality.  相似文献   

CCOP stands for Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia—an intergovernmental organization comprising of eleven Member Countries: Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. CCOP’s mission is to facilitate and coordinate the implementation of applied geoscience programmes in the region to contribute to economic development and an improved quality of life within the region. As an intergovernmental geoscience organization, CCOP organizes its activities in seven programmes, including the groundwater programme, which promotes capacity building, technology transfer, exchange of information and institutional linkages for sustainable groundwater resource development in CCOP Member Countries. The overview of the status of groundwater development within the CCOP Member Countries will be elaborated highlighting quantity and quality challenges for its sustainable development. Some examples of challenges are the large numbers of people in these regions that still have no access to an improved water source; decline in the availability of freshwater, particularly in large river basins due to global warming; saltwater intrusion; arsenic pollution of groundwater, etc. Finally, the emphasis of the importance of capacity building in sound groundwater management will be shown as the contribution of CCOP to its members. The recommendation to capture the opportunities for groundwater development in CCOP Member Countries will be presented and discussed.  相似文献   

地下水水质监测与评价   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:11  
地下水由于分布广、水质好且开发费用低而成为全世界重要的供水水源。中国北方生活供水的一半来自地下水,地下水也是干旱期重要的农业灌溉水源。然而,地下水水质日益面临来自农业、工业和城市污染源的威胁。地下水水质监测是评价水质状况最可靠的方法,并可作为供水水源保护的早期预警系统。它为水管理部门和水用户提供可靠的科学数据以便更好地管理和保护地下水资源。世界上正在执行两个巨大的地下水质监测和评价项目:一个是欧盟的水框架计划;另一个是美国的国家水质评价计划。文章评述了地下水水质监测的现状,介绍了地下水易污性评价、地下水污染源分级和地下水污染风险评价的方法。地下水易污性分区图是土地利用规划和供水水源保护的基础。地下水污染源分级结果为污染源治理提供了优先顺序。地下水污染风险分区图圈划出地下水污染的高风险区,为地下水资源保护和地下水污染监测提供重要的依据。  相似文献   

本文主要针对目前地下水观测网存在的层次不清问题,提出了基于信息熵理论新的分类方法.文章列举了观测网层次问题的表现,原因和可能造成的后果,提出地下水观测网的层次性应该对应地下水流动系统的层次性.认为地下水观测网就是一种信号通讯网,水位信号具有可传递性、差异性以及衰减性等特征,可以运用信息熵理论中的互信息概念,定量刻画观测孔之间的信息联系,并以这种信息联系程度作为观测孔层次分类的主要依据.作者以河北平原地下水观测网为实例,研究了区域尺度和局部尺度观测网的分类,结果表明信息熵方法可以很好地解决此类问题.  相似文献   

Groundwater is crucial for the livelihoods and food security of millions of people, and yet, knowledge formation in the field of groundwater has remained asymmetrical. While, scientific knowledge in the discipline (hydrology and hydrogeology) has advanced remarkably, relatively little is known about the socio-economic impacts and institutions that govern groundwater use. This paper therefore has two objectives. The first is to provide a balanced view of the plus and the down side of groundwater use, especially in agriculture. In doing so, examples are drawn from countries such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Spain and Mexico—all of which make very intensive use of groundwater. Second, institutions and policies that influence groundwater use are analyzed in order to understand how groundwater is governed in these countries and whether successful models of governance could be replicated elsewhere. Finally, the authors argue that there is a need for a paradigm shift in the way groundwater is presently perceived and managed—from management to governance mode. In this attempt, a number of instruments such as direct regulation, indirect policy levers, livelihood adaptation and peoples participation will have to be deployed simultaneously in a quest for better governance.
Tushaar ShahEmail:

The various sources of pyrogenic and coalified carbon (black carbon, BC) in soil have considerable structural heterogeneity, making the quantification of BC a challenge. This study was aimed at evaluating the capability of different detection procedures to recover different types of BC from soil. We added defined quantities of urban dust (UD, NIST SRM1649a), diesel particulate matter (DPM, NIST SRM2975), charcoal, lignite, bituminous coal and wood to four topsoil samples. Mixtures were analyzed by way of chemo-thermal oxidation (CTO), thermal gradient oxidation (ThG), the benzene polycarboxylic acid method (BPCA) and mid-infrared spectroscopy (MIRS). CTO returned good quantification of soot BC in the pure DPM, yet the recovery of soot BC from soil was unsatisfactory (18–270%). ThG gave good precision but lower values for pure soot BC. It severely overestimated the BC content for all soil-standard mixtures. The BPCA method gave a low return for soot BC, but for the spiked soil it reliably detected charcoal and coalified C (69–107% avg. recovery) but underestimated soot BC (52–90% recovery of DPM). Linear coherence in specific MIR vibrations was found in one component soil-BC mixtures for each BC type. Applying these standard calibrations to multi-component mixtures allowed detecting charcoal and a quantification of soot BC (88% avg. recovery) via MIRS, but ignored the presence of diagenetic C. We see the greatest potential in differentiating soot from charcoal in soil by employing a combination of chemical and thermal oxidation and MIRS, while the differentiation from diagenetic C is not possible yet.  相似文献   

还原性矽卡岩型金矿以独立金矿形式赋存于钙质沉积岩中,以金品位高(5~15 g/t)著称。目前,该类型金矿的总体研究程度较低,在成矿背景、还原性岩浆源区及成因、金高效富集机制等方面仍缺乏理解。笔者对该类型金矿的地质特征、时空分布规律、成矿机理、找矿标识等方面进行了系统梳理,探讨了该类金矿的研究难点及其在中国的成矿潜力和找矿前景。还原性矽卡岩型金矿具有以下特征:① 独特的Au-Bi-Te-As±Co元素组合,缺乏Cu等贱金属;② 矽卡岩以钙铁辉石为主,其次为石榴子石?③ 成矿岩体属于还原性钛铁矿系列,包括辉长闪长岩、闪长岩和花岗闪长岩等;④ 代表性低硫逸度的金属矿物,包括斜方砷铁矿、黑铋金矿、贫S的Te-Bi矿物。关键问题或薄弱环节主要有:① 还原性岩浆存在温度、盐度、氧逸度、硫逸度、含水量、还原性组分类型及含量等多种属性,这些属性对还原性矽卡岩型金矿的形成有哪些影响?② Au可能以氯络合物、硫络合物、Bi-Te熔体、纳米絮状物等多种方式运移,还原性岩浆流体中Au的高效迁移及富集方式有哪些;③ 还原性成矿岩浆的氧化-还原性质有争议,部分学者认为岩浆始终为还原性,另一些学者认为母岩浆为氧化性,后期混入还原性物质;④ 存在深部W-Mo矿化、浅部Au-Sb-Bi矿化的金属元素分带现象,这种分带规律受哪些因素控制?总之,还原性矽卡岩型金矿在中国有着良好的成矿潜力和找矿前景,其中中国东部W/Sn成矿区(带)和Au成矿区(带)的叠加区域、西部还原性岩体分布区是该类金矿的有利勘探区。  相似文献   

In the Baltic countries — Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania — groundwater is the principal and only source of clean drinking water. Its safe yield is rather large — 6.7 mln m3/d. At present, consumption does not reach half of this amount. Therefore, the resources available will be sufficient for a rather remote future, provided that groundwater is not polluted. Under Soviet rule, insufficient attention was paid to ecological problems in the Baltic States. As a result, due to constantly increasing surface pollution, groundwater quality is decreasing. The topmost, unconfined aquifer is unfit for use, especially in many urbanized areas. Moreover, pollutants, especially organics, are starting to enter the lower, artesian aquifers. To determine and forecast groundwater quality, a monitoring system has been worked out. However, in order to protect groundwater, besides monitoring, new laws, regulations, and guarantees for their implementation are necessary.  相似文献   

The link between natural resources and economic development is more and more regarded as a fact today even though the whole process of development is only partially understood. The awareness has now spread to the developing countries of the world where resources have yet to be developed to bring about an improvement in standards of living especially for rural populations, as well as a general improvement in the quality of life for the people. Unfortunately many of the resources of these countries are still to be surveyed and development planning is often based on flimsy, inadequate or even unreliable natural resource data. The improvement of data base for resource planning would go a long way to ensure more knowledge about natural resources in developing countries and better use and management of the available resources. There are economic, technological and environmental difficulties to be overcome before more efficient natural resource utilization in these countries could be achieved. The role of population growth in resource realization is still clouded with an inconclusive debate. But even more important is the need for technological assistance and the application of modern technology to food and agriculture and to other resources to ensure a better life for the populations of developing countries. Developments in agriculture will need the greatest attention since it is a primary resource which provides employment for large proportions of the population, food for the rural and urban populations and exportable surpluses required for the purchase of industrial goods for use in the other sectors of the economy. The activities of transnational corporations distort developments in agriculture and mining in many developing countries and many of these countries are today making greater moves to realize full sovereignty over their natural resources as a first step towards more efficient and meaningful planning for economic growth and development. Energy resources, and in particular the development of new and renewable sources of energy, present one of the greatest challenges to developing countries. Examples of the development of rural energy systems in China and India are promising to open the way to alternative forms of energy for the rural masses of other similarly placed developing countries. Finally, new developments in the natural resources debate concerned with the sharing of the resources of the oceans as seen in the Law of the Sea Conference are a pointer to a more equitable approach to the use of global resources for the continued development of the developed as well as the developing countries of the world.The view expressed in this paper are those of the author alone and do not necessarily represent those of the United Nations University.  相似文献   

Over the last decades, groundwater irrigation has become commonplace in many arid and semiarid regions worldwide, including Spain. This is largely a consequence of the advances in drilling and pumping technologies, and of the development of Hydrogeology. Compared with traditional surface water irrigation systems, groundwater irrigation offers more reliable supplies, lesser vulnerability to droughts, and ready accessibility for individual users. Economic forces influence the groundwater irrigation sector and its development. In Spain's Mediterranean regions, abstraction costs often amount to a very small fraction of the value of crops. In the inner areas, groundwater irrigation supports a more stable flow of farm income than rainfed agriculture. The social (jobs/m3) and economic (€/m3) value of groundwater irrigation generally exceeds that of surface water irrigation systems. However, poor groundwater management and legal controversies are currently at the base of Spain's social disputes over water. A thorough and transparent assessment of the relative socio-economic value of groundwater in relation to surface water irrigation might contribute to mitigate or avoid potential future conflicts. Enforcement of the European Union's Water Framework Directive may deliver better groundwater governance and a more sustainable use.
Resumen Durante las últimas décadas, la irrigación con agua subterránea se ha vuelto común en muchas regiones áridas y semiáridas alrededor del mundo, incluyendo a España. Ésta es en gran medida una consecuencia de los adelantos en las tecnologías de perforación y bombeo, y del desarrollo de la Hidrogeología. Comparada con los sistemas tradicionales de irrigación con agua superficial, la irrigación con agua subterránea ofrece suministros más fiables, la vulnerabilidad es menor a las sequías, y posee accesibilidad inmediata para los usuarios individuales. Las fuerzas económicas influyen el sector de irrigación con agua subterránea y su desarrollo. En las regiones mediterráneas de España, los costos de extracción suman a menudo una parte muy pequeña del valor de las cosechas. En las áreas internas, la irrigación con agua subterránea constituye un flujo más estable de ingresos para la granja, que la agricultura dependiente del agua lluvia. El valor social (empleos/m3) y económico (€/m3) de la irrigación con agua subterránea, generalmente excede a aquél con sistemas de irrigación de agua superficial. Sin embargo, la gestión pobre del agua subterránea y las controversias legales están actualmente en la base de las disputas sociales en España acerca del agua. Una evaluación completa y transparente del valor socio-económico relativo de agua subterránea respecto a la irrigación con agua superficial, podría contribuir mitigar o evitar los conflictos potenciales del futuro. La entrada en vigor del Marco Reglamentario de Agua de la Unión Europea, puede conllevar a una administración mejor del agua subterránea y a un uso más sostenible.

Résumé Depuis les dernières décennies, l’irrigation avec l’eau souterraine est devenue commune dans plusieurs régions arides et semi-arides, incluant l’Espagne. Ceci est largement une conséquence due à l’avancement aux technologies de forages et des pompages, et au développement de l’Hydrogéologie. Comparé avec des systèmes traditionnels d’irrigation utilisant l’eau de surface, l’irrigation avec l’eau souterraine offre une technique d’alimentation plus fiable, une vulnérabilité à la sécheresse moins grande, et une accessibilité plus aisée pour chaque utilisateur. Les forces économiques influencent le secteur de l’irrigation par l’eau souterraine et son développement. Dans les régions de l’Espagne Méditerranéenne, les coûts d’exploitation représentent toujours une petite fraction de la valeur des cultures. Dans les régions intérieures, l’irrigation par l’eau souterraine supporte une agriculture plus stable et continue qu’une agriculture reposant sur l’eau de pluie. La valeur sociale (emploi/m3) et économique (€/m3) de l’irrigation avec l’eau souterraine, excède généralement celle des systèmes d’irrigation avec l’eau de surface. Néanmoins, des gestions pauvres de l’eau souterraine et des controverses légales sont couramment à la base de disputes sociales sur l’eau. Un bilan transparent et minutieux des valeurs relatives socio-économiques de l’eau souterraine en relation avec l’eau de surface d’irrigation, devrait contribuer à éviter de potentiels et futurs conflits. Un renforcement de la Directive Cadre de l’Union Européenne devrait apporter une meilleure gouvernance et un usage plus durable.

海底滑坡及其触发的海啸是海洋地质灾害的重要组成部分.随着海洋工程设施及沿海地区人口及经济的快速增长,海洋地质灾害研究和评估变得越来越重要和紧迫.根据高精度地球物理资料(地震和多波束),在南海北部主要含油气盆地(珠江口盆地和琼东南盆地)中发现大量的海底滑坡.这些海底滑坡形成于上新世至第四纪,它们多以杂乱或空白的地震反射为...  相似文献   

《Cretaceous Research》1986,7(2):161-196
Chalk was deposited in southwestern Arkansas during the Campanian and Maastrichtian. The Saratoga Formation was deposited in a middle-shelf environment during a transgression, with deposition of a condensed facies during the initial transgressive pulse, followed by deposition of sandy chalk and marly chalk. The Annona Formation, which was deposited in a middle- to outer-shelf environment, was also deposited during a transgression, with initial deposition of a condensed facies followed by local accumulation of calcarenitic chalk and then deposition of a substantial thickness of chalk-marly chalk.The Saratoga and Annona, deposited in the western portion of the Late Cretaceous Mississippi embayment, are comparable in lithology to the Campanian-Maastrichtian Demopolis and Prairie Bluff Formations, found on the eastern side of the embayment. The sandy chalk facies is perhaps more conspicuous in the Mississippi embayment than in any other area of Late Cretaceous chalk deposition. In general, North American chalk is characterised by relatively greater input of terrigenous detritus than European chalk. Because of greater dilution by terrigeneous detritus, North American chalk generally was deposited in restricted areas only in periods of transgressive maxima during the worldwide Late Cretaceous transgression.  相似文献   

The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) has driven the protection of groundwater and characterization of water bodies. Development of appropriate and efficient approaches which consider the special features of the hydrologic regime is essential. The results of different projects that have been carried out to integrate characterization and protection of water bodies are summarized herein. In the Les eaux de la Mediterranée (AQUAMED) Project, applicability to the Mediterranean Region of guidelines provided by the European Commission to facilitate the WFD implementation has been verified. The Background criteria for the identification of groundwater thresholds (BRIDGE) Project developed a methodology to establish threshold values of pollutants contributing to the chemical status of groundwater bodies. This method has been applied to pollutants used to classify groundwater bodies as at risk of not achieving objectives of the WFD. Selected features of protection areas for drinking water and safeguard zones are analyzed, as well as the possibility of using wellhead protection areas.  相似文献   

Particle size and geochemical data have been used to investigate the development of a large cliff-top dune at Rubjerg Knude, located on the western coast of Jutland, Denmark. Textural parameters and geochemical ratios provided useful indicators of the dune sediment provenance and mode of evolution of the dune. The dune sediments themselves showed no significant spatial particle size trends and reflect a number of processes, including grainfall, wind-ripple migration and avalanching (grainflow), which formed a high proportion of the deposits on both the stoss and lee sides of the present dune. Fine grainfall sediments, which have accumulated to form a sandplain in the lee of the dune, show fining and improved sorting with distance, and extend more than 2 km downwind of the dune crest. Comparison of the textural and geochemical data from Rubjerg Knude and other locations on the Jutland coast indicates that, although there is a contribution of sand to the dune from local marine sources, the main source of sand to the cliff-top dune and sand plain sediments has been provided by the wind erosion of the underlying cliffs, which are composed of Weichselian age sandy glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine deposits. Optically stimulated luminescence dating indicated an apparent age for the sand at the base of 274 ± 14 years. If this date is reliable, it suggests that accumulation of the aeolian sand in this area began within approximately the last 300 years. Map and photographic evidence indicate that the modern high dune only began to form after 1885, apparently associated with an acceleration in the rate of coastal cliff retreat.  相似文献   

A geochemical study of groundwater of the pampa in the province of Córdoba, Argentina, was performed; the area covered approximately 10,000 km2.Physical-chemical parameters, dissolved solids, and seven trace elements were determined in 60 selected water samples. Systematic and accurate measurements of arsenic, flourine, and vanadium were performed for the first time. Three trace element contaminants not reported earlier were found: an important one, selenium, and two others of less known effects, uranium and molybdenum.Eighty-four percent of the water analyzed showed arsenic contents over 0.05 mg/L, maximum contaminant level established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1982). The frequency distribution of trace elements was analyzed, and its fit to the lognormal distribution was proved by means of the Pearson and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test; the geographic distribution of the seven trace elements was mapped and its correlation with the anion-cation composition of the water was studied.The maximum arsenic, fluorine, vanadium, and uranium contents were found in the western part of the area under study, in waters containing dominant alkali metals in the cation composition. Maximum selenium and antimony contents were found in the eastern part of the area, while molybdenum distribution does not show any relationship with the other two groups. In addition, the geographic distribution of the trace elements seems to be related to the subsurface structure, which has been inferred using interactive digital analysis of Landsat imagery. The movements of the subsoil have disturbed surface and subsurface drainage influencing the water salinity and trace element contents.In order to investigate the origin of the contamination, 54 loess samples were collected in wells at depths ranging from the surface down to the water table. This loess, which has a high proportion of volcanic components, mainly rhyolitic glass, exhibits a chemical composition corresponding to that of a dacite.The loess and the volcanic glass show anomalous contents of all contaminant trace elements, mainly arsenic and selenium. For this reason loess is considered the most important contamination source in the groundwater under study.  相似文献   

G. Rasula  M. Rasula   《Engineering Geology》2001,60(1-4):351-360
Protection of groundwater already is and will also be in the future, a particularly important environmental, socio-economic, social welfare and political task. The fact that the costs of preventive measures are 10–20 times lower than the funds needed to clean up and revitalize polluted aquifers, as well as the fact that the area to be occupied with transport communications and other infrastructure facilities will aggravate protection, both call for an urgent introduction of modern methods of monitoring and preserving all the existing and potential groundwater resources. The basic principle of groundwater protection against pollution means constant control and preventive measures of protection, namely prevention of incidental and other kinds of pollution. The very construction of communications and all accompanying facilities changes and degrades the existent natural geological environment, and when in use they may become structures in whose immediate surrounds surface and ground waters may be polluted by the toxic and waste substances transported. The experience gained through the following activities: the ‘pilot model’ for groundwater monitoring in the zone of Makis, the investigations and monitoring of critical sites polluted with xylene (CIP, Belgrade, 1994/95), and information on the latest achievements in this field in the world (obtained while working on the study of methodology of hydrogeological investigations needed for groundwater quality monitoring system — Jaroslav Cerni Institute for the Development of Water Resources, Belgrade, 1998), stresses a necessity to obligatory design and construct operational systems for groundwater quality monitoring, particularly in the zones of infrastructure facilities (roads, railway, gas pipelines, oil pipelines), which can be considered as potential linear polluters. In that light, this paper is a contribution to developing hydrogeological investigation methodology for designing and operating a monitoring system in the zones of roads, and its legal and practical incorporation in the technical documents of each project. Besides, an emphasis is put on multidisciplinary approach to system implementation, its full automation, rational management, and effective and optimal measures for groundwater protection.  相似文献   

济南岩溶泉域地下水水质监测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于GIS手段,利用欧洲方法编制的济南泉域岩溶含水层易污性评价图显示,济南泉域岩溶含水层总体易污性强,地下水容易受到污染。结合泉域污染源调查结果以及地下水补给、径流、排泄系统与水质监测网的现状,设计了51个监测点组成的地下水水质监测网,其中地表水监测点6个,第四系孔隙水监测点8个,变质岩裂隙水监测点1个,泉水监测点4个,岩溶水水源地监测点6个,岩溶地下水监测点26个,并对其监测频率及监测内容进行了分析。  相似文献   

Hourly monitoring of electrical conductivity (EC) of groundwater along with groundwater levels in the 210 m deep boreholes (specially drilled for pore pressure/earthquake studies) and soil Rn gas at 60 cm below ground level in real time, in the Koyna-Warna region (characterized by basaltic rocks, >1500 m thick, and dotted with several sets of fault systems), western India, provided strong precursory signatures in response to two earthquakes (M 4.7 on 14/11/09, and M 5.1 on 12/12/09) that occurred in the study region. The EC measured in Govare well water showed precursory perturbations about 40 h prior to the M 5.1 earthquake and continued further for about 20 h after the earthquake. In response to the M 4.7 earthquake, there were EC perturbations 8 days after the earthquake. In another well (Koyna) which is located 4 km north of Govare well, no precursory signatures were found for the M 4.7 earthquake, while for M 5.1 earthquake, post-seismic precursors were found 18 days after the earthquake. Increased porosity and reduced pressure head accompanied by mixing of a freshwater component from the top zone due to earthquakes are the suggested mechanisms responsible for the observed anomalies in EC. Another parameter, soil Rn gas showed relatively proportional strength signals corresponding to these two earthquakes. In both the cases, the pre-seismic increase in Rn concentration started about 20 days in advance. The co-seismic drop in Rn levels was less by 30% from its peak value for the M 4.7 earthquake and 50% for the M 5.1 earthquake. The Rn anomalies are attributed to the opening and closing of micro-fractures before and during the earthquake. On line monitoring of these two parameters may be useful to check the entire chemistry change due to earthquake which may help to forecast impending earthquakes.  相似文献   

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