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We modelled the thickness and seismic anisotropy of the subcrustal lithosphere from the variations of P-wave delay times and the shear-wave splitting observed at seismological observatories and portable stations in the western part of the Bohemian Massif. The Saxothuringian lithosphere is characterized by a total thickness between 90 and 120 km, the Moldanubian lithosphere is generally thicker –120-140 km, on the average. The subcrustal lithosphere of both units is characterised by divergently dipping anisotropic structures and the suture between them is marked by a lithosphere thinning to about 80km. Within the subcrustal lithosphere a complex structure of the transition of both units extends to about 150 km toward the south. We suggest that the Saxothuringian-Moldanubian suture has created a zone of mechanical predisposition for the Tertiary Ohe (Eger) Graben, as well as for the occurrence of earthquake swarms in the region. Most earthquakes occur within the brittle part of the upper crust above the crossing of the suture between the Saxothuringian in the north and the Moldanubian and the Tepl´-Barrandian in the south, with the tectonically active Mariánské Lázn fault.  相似文献   

Our objective is to look for deep paths of Cenozoic volcanism and migration routes of active mantle volatiles through the lithosphere of the western Bohemian Massif. We show that the rejuvenated junction of three mantle domains, delimited by different orientation of seismic anisotropy and belonging to originally separated microplates — the Saxothuringian (ST), Moldanubian (MD) and Teplá-Barrandian (TB) — can provide the easiest upward routes of fluids through the deep lithosphere. Geographic distribution of mantle-fluid escapes at the surface suggests fluid migration through the ductile lower crust and through partly open faults in the rigid upper crust, which is locally detached and shifted from its lower part and from the mantle lithosphere. Present-day escapes of mantle-derived helium and CO2 concentrate mainly in two tectonically different crust edifices — in the Cheb Basin (CHB) and in an allochtonous block called the Mariánské Lázně Complex (MLC). Crystalline basement of the CHB developed above the Variscan ‘triple junction’ of the mantle lithosphere domains. The basement was extended during the Cenozoic and dissected by systems of faults into small partly sunken blocks. Thanks to buoyancy the mantle fluids migrate upwards along the lithosphere junction into the faulted basement of the CHB. The highest CO2 flow and the highest 3He/4He ratios are observed at intersections of major normal faults and along the southern boundary of the Smrčiny (Fichtelgebirge) granite Pluton. The fluid escapes are separated from the earthquake swarm epicentres. Routes of the fluids to the MLC are longer and more complicated. Surface escapes tap the mantle fluids mainly from the Mariánské Lázně Fault (MLF) and from the tectonic boundaries along which the MLC block of the TB lower crust was thrust over the ST complexes. Hypocentres of earthquake swarms of the two major focal areas at Novy Kostel and Lazy, located mainly at depths of 6–13 km, reside either in granite or in underlying gneiss, while the escapes of mantle fluids follow major faults or boundaries of crystalline units outside the Smrčiny and Karlovy Vary granite Plutons. We suggest that primarily those parts of faults in the upper crust, which is strengthened by granite magmatism and rigid enough to selectively accumulate stresses, are seismoactive. On the other hand, other parts of the faults tapping ascending mantle volatiles are ‘lubricated’ by the fluids and secondary mineralogical changes, and thus they cannot accumulate sufficient stresses to be released by earthquakes. A comparison of the most probable paths of the mantle fluids with the space-time distribution of the Novy Kostel hypocentres does not seem to support the model of the earthquake swarms triggered by pressurized fluids of mantle origin.  相似文献   

A target of our study was the Bohemian Massif in Central Europe that was emplaced during the Variscan orogeny. We used teleseismic records from ten broadband stations lying within and around the massif. Different techniques of receiver function interpretation were applied, including 1-D inversion of R- and Q-components, forward modelling of V s velocity, and simultaneous determination of Moho depth and Poissons ratio in the crust. These results provide new, independent information about the distribution of S wave velocity down to about 60 km depth. In the area of Bohemian Massif, the crustal thickness varies from 29 km in the NW to 40 km in the SE. A relatively simple velocity structure with gradually increasing velocities in the crust and uppermost mantle is observed in the eastern part of the Bohemian Massif. The western part of the massif is characterized by more complicated structure with low S wave velocities in the upper crust, as well as in the uppermost mantle. This could be related to tectono-magmatic activity in the Eger rift that started in the uppermost Cretaceous and was active in the West Bohemia-Vogland area till the late Cenozoic.  相似文献   

The routine location of regional seismic events using data from the Czech National Seismological Network (CNSN) is based on Pn, Pg, Sn, Sg phases. A simple velocity model derived from Kárník's (1953) interpretation of an earthquake in Northern Hungary in 1951 has hitherto been used. At present, numerous local seismic networks record and locate local events, which are occasionally recorded at regional distances as well. Due to the relatively small dimensions of local networks, hypocenters (and origin times) determined by a local network might be considered as nearly exact from the point of view of regional-scale CNSN. The comparison of common locations performed by CNSN and by a local network enables us to estimate the accuracy of CNSN locations, as well as to optimize a simple velocity model. The joint interpretation of the CNSN bulletin and the catalogues of four local seismic networks WEBNET, OSTRAVA, KLADNO and LUBIN produced a new ID velocity model. The most frequent epicentral error in this model is less than 5 km, and most foci lie up to 15 km from the true position. The performed analysis indicates bimodal distribution of Sn residuals.  相似文献   

The Variscan Bohemian Massif is disrupted by the NW-SE striking Elbe Fault System in its northern part. The increased tectonic activity associated with this structure is manifested by increased seismicity in the eastern part of the Sudetes. With the use of a temporary local seismic network, the total number of micro-earthquakes located in this region increased to 153 for the period 1996–2003. The local magnitudes vary between −0.6 and 1.8 and the seismic energy was often released in swarm-like sequences. Five seismic events with well-defined P-onset polarities at five or six stations enabled the estimation of focal mechanisms. The present-day activity of the WNW-ESE to NNW-SSE fault systems is discussed on the basis of source mechanisms, the alignment of the epicentres, as well as morphological and geological evidence. The majority of the recent seismic activity is concentrated in a 40–60 km wide zone of a generally NW-SE trend. This structure represents a regional zone of weakness within the SE termination of the Elbe Fault System, defined by a mesh of interconnected faults, of which many are deep-seated and highly permeable and some are associated with light to moderate historical earthquakes. Both in the areas due south and due north of this zone the present-day seismic activity is very low. The increased tectonic activity can be interpreted as a result of the abundance of suitably oriented faults and their interconnection into major fault systems, the proximity of the Outer Carpathian indentor and the Cainozoic volcanic and associated recent post-volcanic activity. The similar character of swarms and their coincidence with the post-volcanic activity in the southeastern part of the Elbe Fault System and in some focal zones of the western Bohemian seismically active area suggests that overpressurized fluids may represent a potential swarm-triggering mechanism.  相似文献   

青藏高原因其复杂的结构和演化历史,一直都是研究大陆碰撞、构造运动及其动力学的热点区域。本文采用三重震相波形拟合技术,基于中国地震观测台网和大型流动台阵记录到的某地震P波垂向记录,获得了包括拉萨、南羌塘和松潘甘孜地块在内的青藏高原上地幔P波速度结构。结果表明:①拉萨和南羌塘地块下方地幔过渡带存在高速异常,推测是俯冲的印度板片滞留体,过渡带底部的板片残余温度较低,使得660-km相变滞后约3~8km。而松潘甘孜地块下方过渡带同样存在高速异常,可能是欧亚岩石圈发生拆沉进入地幔过渡带所致。这说明印度板块俯冲作用的影响已经到达地幔过渡带,其俯冲前缘位于班公怒江缝合带附近。②从拉萨、南羌塘到松潘甘孜地块,200km之上的地幔岩石圈高速盖层速度由南向北逐渐减小,松潘甘孜地块则出现盖层缺失。推测受小规模地幔对流或者热不稳定性的影响,在南羌塘和松潘甘孜地块,增厚的欧亚岩石圈发生拆沉作用,岩石圈被减薄和弱化,造成羌塘地块上地幔低速和松潘甘孜地块上地幔高速盖层缺失。拆沉的冷的欧亚岩石圈可能部分停留在410-km上方,使得410-km抬升约10km,部分沉入地幔过渡带,表现为松潘甘孜地块地幔过渡带中存在高速异常。低温造成660-km下沉约8km,导致地幔过渡带增厚。  相似文献   

张艺  高原  赵镇岭 《中国地震》2018,34(2):207-218
根据川滇地区已有的地震各向异性研究结果,利用体波、面波资料的结果,分析川滇地区不同构造尺度、不同深度的地震各向异性特征。对比不同方法研究川滇地区介质各向异性的特点,探讨了该地区的介质连续性及壳幔耦合状态。分析认为,地壳上地幔各向异性的差异表明,川滇地区具有复杂的地壳及上地幔形变机制。因此,对于川滇地区壳幔地震各向异性的深入理解,需在理论上和高密度数据资料基础上加强量化分析和综合研究。  相似文献   

We are proposing a hypothesis that earthquake swarms in the West Bohemia/Vogtland seismoactive region are generated by magmatic activity currently transported to the upper crustal layers. We assume that the injection of magma and/or related fluids and gases causes hydraulic fracturing which is manifested as an earthquake swarm at the surface. Our statements are supported by three spheres of evidence coming from the western part of the Bohemian Massif: characteristic manifestations of recent geodynamic activity, the information from the neighbouring KTB deep drilling project and from the 9HR seismic reflection profile, and the detailed analysis of local seismological data. (1) Recent manifestations of geodynamic activity include Quaternary volcanism, rich CO 2 emissions, anomalies of mantle-derived 3 He, mineral springs, moffets, etc. (2) The fluid injection experiment in the neighbouring KTB deep borehole at a depth of 9 km induced hundreds of micro-earthquakes. This indicates that the Earth's crust is near frictional failure in the western part of the Bohemian Massif and an addition of a small amount of energy to the tectonic stress is enough to induce an earthquake. Some pronounced reflections in the closely passing 9HR seismic reflection profile are interpreted as being caused by recent magmatic sills in the crust. (3) The local broadband seismological network WEBNET provides high quality data that enable precise localization of seismic events. The events of the January 1997 earthquake swarm are confined to an extremely narrow volume at depths of about 9 km. Their seismograms display pronounced reflections of P- and S-waves in the upper crust. The analysis of the process of faulting has disclosed a considerable variability of the source mechanism during the swarm. We conclude that the mechanism of intraplate earthquake swarms generated by magma intrusions is similar to that of induced seismicity. As the recent tectonic processes and manifestations of geodynamic activity are similar in European areas with repeated earthquake swarm occurrence (Bohemian Massif, French Massif Central, Rhine Graben), we assume that magma intrusions and related fluid and gas release at depths of about 10 km are the universal cause of intraplate earthquake swarm generation  相似文献   

Locations of the Eger Rift, Cheb Basin, Quaternary volcanoes, crustal earthquake swarms and exhalation centers of CO2 and 3He of mantle origin correlate with the tectonic fabric of the mantle lithosphere modelled from seismic anisotropy. We suggest that positions of the seismic and volcanic phenomena, as well as of the Cenozoic sedimentary basins, correlate with a “triple junction” of three mantle lithospheres distinguished by different orientations of their tectonic fabric consistent within each unit. The three mantle domains most probably belong to the originally separated microcontinents – the Saxothuringian, Teplá-Barrandian and Moldanubian – assembled during the Variscan orogeny. Cenozoic extension reactivated the junction and locally thinned the crust and mantle lithosphere. The rigid part of the crust, characterized by the presence of earthquake foci, decoupled near the junction from the mantle probably during the Variscan. The boundaries (transitions) of three mantle domains provided open pathways for Quaternary volcanism and the ascent of 3He- and CO2-rich fluids released from the asthenosphere. The deepest earthquakes, interpreted as an upper limit of the brittle–ductile transition in the crust, are shallower above the junction of the mantle blocks (at about 12 km) than above the more stable Saxothuringian mantle lithosphere (at about 20 km), probably due to a higher heat flow and presence of fluids.  相似文献   

The elastic properties of granites from Western Bohemia which we measured and published earlier have been supplemented with measurements of olivine nephelinite from the same region and with data on lherzolitic xenolith from the vicinity of elezný Brod. The set of velocities measured under laboratory conditions has been compared with depth profiles suggested for the purpose of locating seismic swarm events which occur in this region. P-wave velocities were measured under pressures of up to 400 MPa. This pressure corresponds to depths of about 15 km for this region. The data were extrapolated for larger depths. Comparing laboratory measurements and seismic profiles, we can conclude that the rocks under study may be constituents of crust structures.  相似文献   

Vertical variations in magnetic fabric and paragenesis of the ferrimagnetic minerals for a virtually upright dyke of the Altenberg syenogranite porphyry were investigated using profile data of borehole E-16 to a depth of 922.7 m (Eastern Kru né hory Mts., NW Bohemia). It was revealed that this dyke likely consists of two magma pulses indicated both by magnetic fabric and by opaque mineralogy. In most of the profile, the magnetite grains are oriented parallel to the sub-vertical dyke. Only at the base of the upper magma pulse, in a depth interval of 200–400 m, are these grains oriented sub-horizontally being thus perpendicular to the dyke walls. This pattern can be interpreted as a consequence of a static vertical compaction of the magma of the basal portions of the upper pulse due to the pressure of the ascending lower pulse. The large planes of the ferrimagnetic minerals are oriented perpendicular to the shortening direction.  相似文献   

Summary Statistical evaluation of palaeomagnetic data from the Early Carboniferous to the Middle Triassic rocks in Europe, north of the Alpine tectonic belt, confirmed previously defined palaeotectonic stability of the whole European Plate since the Early Permian. The Trans-European Suture Zone represents a plate boundary, SW of which the Early Variscan and pre-Variscan formations show different degrees of palaeotectonic rotations, predominantly rotations of clockwise sense. A theoretical model simulating the translation and rotation movements was proposed showing that the West European Variscides underwent Hercynian palaeotectonic rotations comparable with the rotations derived for the Alpine tectonic belt.  相似文献   

鲍子文  高原 《中国地震》2019,35(4):589-601
天山构造带及邻区的深部动力学机制是地球动力学研究的热点,而地震各向异性是区域构造深部动力学机制的一个重要性质。研究表明,天山构造带上地壳各向异性结果呈现区域性分区,受到构造带与断裂走向和区域应力影响;上地幔各向异性的结果认为快波偏振方向和构造带走向基本平行,但在伊塞克湖附近、塔里木盆地和准噶尔盆地挤压区域各向异性快波方向变化复杂,垂直方向上的变化可能由区域性双层各向异性引起,但局部复杂性原因有待进一步探讨。诸多研究支持天山构造带的地壳与上地幔垂直连贯变形机制。此外,地幔柱、软流圈变形、小尺度地幔对流等概念均被用来解释天山构造带的动力学背景,表明该地区的深部动力学机制非常复杂,需要更深入的探讨。  相似文献   

简要介绍了地球介质各向异性研究的发展历程,重点介绍了国内外有关上地幔各向异性的研究工作及成果;阐述了上地幔各向异性的起源及其地球动力学意义;较详细地分析了上地幔各向异性研究的各种方法及其优缺点;论述了川滇地区各向异性研究的意义和目的,并提出了整个研究工作的内容和步骤.  相似文献   

Seismic anisotropy of upper mantle in eastern China   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Based on the polarization analysis of teleseismic SKS waveform data recorded at 65 seismic stations which respectively involved in the permanent and temporary broadband seismograph networks deployed in eastern China, the SKS fast-wave direction and the delay time between the fast and slow shear waves at each station were determined by use of SC method and the stacking analysis method, and then the image of upper mantle anisotropy in eastern China was acquired. In the study region, from south to north, the fast-wave polarization directions are basically EW in South China, gradually clockwise rotate to NWW-SEE in North China, then to NW-SE in Northeast China. The delay time falls into the interval [0.41 s, 1.52 s]. Anisotropic characteristics in eastern China indicate that the upper mantle anisotropy is possibly caused by both the collision between the Indian and Eurasian Plates and the subduction from the Pacific and Philippine Sea Plates to the Eurasian Plate. The collision between two plates made the crust of western China thickening and uplifting and the material eastwards extruding, and then caused the upper mantle flow eastwards and southeastwards. The subduction of Pacific Plate and Philippine Sea Plate has resulted in the lithosphere and the asthenosphere deformation in eastern China, and made the alignment of upper mantle peridotite lattice parallel to the deformation direction. The fast-wave polarization direction is consistent with the direction of lithosphere extension and the GPS velocity direction, implying that the crust-upper mantle deformation is possibly a vertically coherent deformation. Supported by Special Project for the Fundamental R & D of Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration (Grant No. DQJB06B06), Special Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant No. 2006FY110100), China Digital Earthquake Observation Network Project “North China Seismic Array”, and National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40334041 and 40774037)  相似文献   

高世玉  张廉强 《中国地震》1995,11(3):204-211
本文根据白家疃台60年代以来的短周期地震记录图,分析了区域震相的强度比。研究表明:Sn/Lg波的强度比波传播路径上岩石层热结构、热状态及强地震活动等均有相关性,并就这种相关性对于强地震成因及其预测研究的直接意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

2006年7月24—27日在北京召开了2006年西太平洋地球物理会议,本文简介了这次会议的概况,介绍了东亚地震各向异性专题中的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

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