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The island of Lundy forms the southernmost igneous complex of the British Tertiary Volcanic Province (BTVP) and consists of granite (≈ 90%) emplaced into deformed Devonian sedimentary rocks (Pilton Shale) and associated with a swarm of dykes of dolerite/basalt, minor trachyte and rhyolite composition. The dolerites are of varied olivine basalt composition and are associated with peralkaline trachyte and subalkaline/peralkaline rhyolite with alkali feldspar and quartz ± alkali amphibole ± pyroxene mineralogy. The dyke swarm is therefore an anorogenic bimodal dolerite/basalt–trachyte/rhyolite BTVP association. Although the dyke association is bimodal in major element terms between dolerite/basalt and minor trachyte/rhyolite, the mineralogy and trace element geochemistry indicate that the dykes may be regarded as a cogenetic dolerite—peralkaline trachyte/rhyolite association with minor subalkaline rhyolites. Sr and Nd isotope data indicate derivation of these magmas from a similar BTVP mantle source (with or without minor contamination by Pilton Shale, or possibly Lundy granite). The petrogenesis of the Lundy dyke association is therefore interpreted in terms of extensive fractional crystallization of basaltic magma in a magma chamber of complex geometry below the (exposed) Lundy granite. Fractional crystallization of a representative dolerite magma (olivine ± clinopyroxene ± plagioclase) yields trachyte magma from which the crystallization of alkali feldspar (anorthoclase) ± plagioclase (oligoclase) + Fe–Ti oxide + apatite results in peralkaline rhyolite. Rarer subalkaline rhyolites result from fractionation from a similar dolerite source which did not achieve a peralkaline composition so allowing the crystallization and fractionation of zircon. The basalt–(minor trachyte)/rhyolite bimodality reflects rapid crystallization of basalt magma to trachyte (and rhyolite) over a relatively small temperature interval (mass fraction of melt, F = ≈ 0.15). The rapid high level emplacement of basalt, trachyte and rhyolite dyke magmas is likely to have been associated with the development of a substantial composite bimodal basalt–(minor trachytel)/rhyolite volcano above the BTVP Lundy granite in the Bristol Channel. 相似文献
The Tertiary flood-basalt sequence of eastern Iceland is intermittentlydisturbed by central volcanic activity with the voluminous eruptionof acid magma. Associated with one of these central volcanoes,described in this paper, is an intense swarm of acid and basicdykes, a set of acid cone-sheets, and extensive superimposedhydrothermal alteration. The lavas and intrusions which makeup the volcano grade in composition from olivine-tholeiites,through olivine-free tholeiites, basaltic-andesites, and andesites(icelandites), to rhyolites. This series is unusually rich iniron, titanium, and manganese, and poor in magnesium; aluminaand total alkalis also tend to be low in the basic members.Magnetite ( sensu lato) plays a varied role in the order of crystallization,and it is only in the intermediate stages of this fractionatedseries that magnetite is available for crystal fractionation.The otherwise progressive enrichment of iron relative to magnesiumthroughout the successive liquids of the series is halted duringan intermediate stage, as magnetite becomes an early-crystallizingphase. 相似文献
Moroto Mountain is one of the Tertiary alkaline volcanoes ofeastern Uganda. Two differentiated series of alkaline undersaturatedrocks occur in the volcano: a nephelinite series which is commonto all the volcanoes of the province, and an alkaline olivinebasalt series which occurs only at Moroto. It is proposed that the nephelinite series derives from theincongruent melting of pargasite. Since pargasite occurs inhydrated ultrabasic rocks, it is also suggested that the twoseries are formed from the partial melting of hydrated peridotite:the nephelinites from the homblendic portions and the alkalineolivine basalts from the less volatile-rich portions. The two series of the Moroto volcano typify the two major associationsof East African alkaline vulcanicity and, spatially, the volcanolies between regions each characterized by one of these twomajor associations. It may be that the volcano lies above azone of transition in the upper mantle between a relativelyanhydrous, volatile-poor portion and a hydrated, volatile-richportion where hornblendites are developed. 相似文献
Since the discovery of the basal sauropodomorph dinosaur Thecodontosaurus in the 1830s, the associated fauna from the Triassic fissures at Durdham Down (Bristol, UK) has not been investigated, largely because the quarries are built over. Other fissure sites around the Bristol Channel show that dinosaurs represented a minor part of the fauna of the Late Triassic archipelago. Here we present data on microvertebrates from the original Durdham Down fissure rocks, which considerably expand the taxonomic diversity of the island fauna, revealing that it was dominated by the sphenodontian Diphydontosaurus, and that archosauromorphs, including sphenosuchian crocodylomorphs, coelophysoid theropods, and the basal sauropodomorph Thecodontosaurus, were diverse. Importantly, a few fish teeth provide new information about the debated age of the fissure deposit, which is identified as lower Rhaetian. Thecodontosaurus had been assigned an age range over 20–25 Myr of the Late Triassic, so this narrower age determination (209.5–204 Myr) is important for studies of early dinosaurian evolution. 相似文献
浙江青田燕山晚期黑云母花岗岩中有许多石英闪长质岩石包体,它们大小不一,形态各异,以微细粒结构、具冷凝边构造、并发育针状磷灰石为特征。岩石包体与寄主花岗岩的主要氧化物、微量元素的变化趋势呈线性关系。岩石学、矿物学、岩石化学及地球化学等特征的研究表明,石英闪长质岩石包体属淬冷包体,由玄武质岩浆和花岗质岩浆通过不均匀的混合作用而形成。 相似文献
Chemical, spectrographic, and isotopic analyses are presentedfor the Franzfontein alkali granite and constituent minerals.This rock has the chemical character of granties produced byliquid crystal equilibrium. Dated at 1, 700?70m.y. by the constituentzircon, its crystallization formed part of a major period (theHuabian episode) of batholithic granite emplacement in northernSouth-West Africa. The occurrence of these crystalline rocksin the core of the Huab anticline defines the maximum possibleage of the overlying Otavi Facies sediments, precluding theircorrelation with the Transvaal System of South Africa. The imprint of the Damara metamorphism (Damaran episode) isreflected in the Sr/Rb age (560?30 m.y.) obtained for the biotite:the inversion of biotite to stilpnomelane and chlorite probablyrepresents the mineralogical effects of that metamorphis. Isotopicdata indicate that changes in the relative concentrations ofRb and Sr differed significantly in plagioclase and microcline;such data from feldspars in metamorphic rocks should, therefore,be interpreted with caution. 相似文献
以湖南宏厦桥花岗岩体作为研究区,对地下水化学分析资料进行了研究,发现区内地下水系超淡、极软的、弱-中性的重碳酸型水,其化学组成以ca2+、Mg2+、K+、Na+、HCO3-为主.与株洲地区的地下水相比,可溶性SiO2、K+、Na+和游离CO2明显偏高,而且,在水中Mg2+、K+、Na+、HCO3-所占比重更大,meq%平均比值分别是株洲地区地下水的2.23、1.27、1.16倍,表现出典型的花岗岩地区地下水相应的化学组成.研究还发现,区内地下水化学的分布具有较强的水平分带性.研究认为:区内地下水化学的形成和迁移受岩性、大气降水及影响水交替强度的地形、地貌、地表水系、断裂构造的控制,同时受其他气候要素及植被、人类活动等生物作用的影响;区内地下水化学成分的形成以硅酸盐矿物的分解和水解等化学风化作用为主,风化过程中CO2的积极参与起作关键性的促进作用.同时水中CO2的减少和阴离子以HCO3-离子占绝对优势地位,进一步说明花岗岩的化学风化过程是一个净碳汇的过程. 相似文献
骑田岭岩体的竹枧水花岗岩是我国南岭地区最早进行同位素年龄测定的花岗岩之一,20世纪60年代初期获得的黑云母K—Ar年龄数据,曾用来作为骑田岭花岗岩属于印支期的主要依据。最近对其进行了锆石SHRIMPU—Pb年龄测定及岩石学和地球化学研究,测得其结晶年龄为160±2Ma,属燕山早期。它富碱富钾,富含LILE和HFSE,具壳幔混合来源,形成于华南大陆内部后造山阶段拉张减薄的构造环境。 相似文献
通过对赣中于都县形成于加里东期的古嶂花岗岩岩体的岩相学及岩石地球化学特征进行了系统的研究,探讨其岩石类型、岩石成因及岩浆演化过程,并对其形成的构造背景进行了初步的探讨。岩相学上,古嶂花岗岩主要由石英,钾长石,斜长石,黑云母和白云母组成,其中白云母多为自形-半自形,中-粗粒,应为原生白云母;在地球化学特征方面,SiO_2含量较高,K>Na,CaO含量较低,其A/CNK>1.1,属于强过铝质花岗岩;微量元素组成上,古嶂花岗岩岩体中相对富集Rb、Th、U和稀土元素Ce、Sm、Nd,相对亏损Ba、Sr、Nb,属于低Ba-Sr范畴花岗岩。岩体稀土总量较低,相对富集轻稀土,有明显的Eu亏损,古嶂花岗岩应属于S型花岗岩。本文研究的古嶂花岗岩应为在后碰撞伸展环境中地壳物质在较低温度下部分熔融形成S型花岗岩岩浆,经结晶分异后形成。 相似文献
通过对赣中于都县形成于加里东期的古嶂花岗岩岩体的岩相学及岩石地球化学特征进行了系统的研究,探讨其岩石类型、岩石成因及岩浆演化过程,并对其形成的构造背景进行了初步的探讨。岩相学上,古嶂花岗岩主要由石英,钾长石,斜长石,黑云母和白云母组成,其中白云母多为自形-半自形,中-粗粒,应为原生白云母;在地球化学特征方面,SiO_2含量较高,K>Na,CaO含量较低,其A/CNK>1.1,属于强过铝质花岗岩;微量元素组成上,古嶂花岗岩岩体中相对富集Rb、Th、U和稀土元素Ce、Sm、Nd,相对亏损Ba、Sr、Nb,属于低Ba-Sr范畴花岗岩。岩体稀土总量较低,相对富集轻稀土,有明显的Eu亏损,古嶂花岗岩应属于S型花岗岩。本文研究的古嶂花岗岩应为在后碰撞伸展环境中地壳物质在较低温度下部分熔融形成S型花岗岩岩浆,经结晶分异后形成。 相似文献
薄竹山花岗岩体分两期侵入,第一期岩石类型主要为中粒黑云母二长花岗岩,SiO_2含量介于64.82%~72.01%,平均68.72%,总碱度K_2O+Na_2O=5.51%~8.2%,平均6.92%,A/CNK平均1.14,富集Rb、U、Th等微量元素和轻稀土元素,中等的Eu负异常,δEu=0.37~0.55,属过铝质花岗岩,主要形成于同碰撞阶段;第二期主要为细粒二长花岗岩,SiO_2含量变化范围75.94%~76.89%,平均76.33%,总碱度K_2O+Na_2O=7.58%~8.82%,平均8.22%,A/CNK.A/NK图上主要落在准铝质范围,微量元素Nb、Ta、Y富集,显著亏损Sr、Ba,强烈的Eu负异常,δEu=0.06~0.11,形成于板内的伸展环境.第二期花岗岩Ba、Sr亏损明显,这与强烈的Eu负异常相对应,说明第二期花岗岩经历了高度演化. 相似文献
A detailed analysis has been made of the Rb-Sr geochronologyof an area of regional metamorpnism at Cooma, N.S.W. The areacontains a central granite mass surrounded by meta-morphic zonesdecreasing radially in metamorphic grade. RbSr measurements on total-rock and mineral samples definea high uniform Sr 87/Sr 86 ratio, 0?7179?0?0005, in the graniteat 415?12 m.yrs. This indicates either the inheritance of radiogenicSr, if the 415 m.yr age represents the time of formation ofthe granite, or else a re-arrangement of radiogenic Sr withinthe granite after its formation. The values for the indicated age and initial Sr 87/Sr 86 of thehigh-grade metasediments are very close to those of the granite,suggesting a genetic relationship between the two. In contrastto this, the more distant greenschist facies metasediments havea significantly greater age, 460?11 m.yrs, and a lower initialSr 87/Sr 86, 0?710?0?002. By considering the movement of strontium isotopes necessaryto produce the linear correlations between Sr 87/Sr 86 and Rb 87/Sr 86observed in the various samples, and the restrictions to suchmovement apparently set by geological evidence, it is concludedthat no extensive rearrangement of isotopes occurred at Coomalater than the high-grade metamorphism. The high initial Sr 87/Sr 86in the granite is therefore regarded as an original feature. The age and Sr/Rb ratios of the adjacent metasedimentary rocksyield a range in the Sr 87/ Sr 86 values at the times of graniteformation whose mean value would approximate to the primaryvalue observed in the granite. Production of the granite byanatexis of these sediments is, therefore, quite compatiblewith its particular Sr 87 abundance. 相似文献
<正>The Muchang composite intrusion is located about 14 km southeast of the Fengwei town and south of the Baoshan-Zhenkang block.The rift-related intrusion consists of the early-stage riebeckite nordmarkite in the east and west sides and the discontinuous marginal zone,the late-stage main body of dominant riebeckite granite,and minor aegirine granite.Studies on petrological geochemistry and LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of the late-stage riebeckite granite,origin and evolution of the Muchang alkali granite and the relationship between the granite and the associated skarn-type Luziyuan Pb-Zn deposit are discussed in this paper.The results show that the Muchang alkali granites belong to A-type granites,which are characterized by enrichment in Al_2O_3,SiO_2,total alkali and Fe, depletion in MgO and CaO contents with high FeO_T/MgO ratios.The REE concentrations are relatively high,exhibiting highly fractionated LREE patterns with significantly Eu negative anomaly. The Muchang granites are obviously enriched in lithophile elements(e.g.,Rb,K,U and Th) and high field strength elements(e.g.,Zr,Hf,Nb,Y and Ga) with high 10000×Ga/Al ratios and depleted in Sr, Ba,Ti,Cr and Ni,which are similar to those of the A-type granites and quite different from those of S-type andⅠ-type granites.The LA-ICP-MS zircon dating results of the Muchang granite gave a weighted mean age of 266.2±5.4 Ma(2σ),suggesting that they were formed in the stage of extension at the end of post-collision at Middle Permian and the consumption of Paleo-Tethys ocean took place before 266 Ma. It is suggested that the unexposed intermediate-acid intrusive rocks in the Luziyuan ore district,which is the sister rocks material of the Muchang granites and related closely to Luziyuan Pb-Zn mineralization,were the product of Middle Permian. 相似文献
Vesteris Seamount is a solitary alkaline volcano in the GreenlandBasin some 280 km NW of Jan Mayen. Topographic and geophysicalstudies have shown no sign of an associated plume trace. Evidencefrom ash layers in sediment cores around the volcano and datingof dredged samples show that it has been active in Quaternarytimes. The lavas from Vesteris studied here consist of basanites,tephrites, mugearite, and alkali basalts. Crystal fractionationmodels are consistent with the generation of the tephrites andmugearite from a basanitic parent. Extensive kaersutite fractionationis required late in the fractionation sequence to produce theextreme mugearite composition. Na-Al-Fe-rich green cores tomany clinopyroxene phenocrysts at Vesteris suggest a fractionationhistory beginning at high pressure in the mantle. Differencesbetween Vesteris and Jan Mayen in the ratios of highly incompatibletrace elements such as Ce/Pb and Rb/Cs, which will not normallybe fractionated from one another during mantle melting, suggestthat the two are not derived from the same source. Relativelyunradiogenic Sr isotope ratios (compared with Bulk Earth), andhighly incompatible trace element patterns similar to thosefor St. Helena, suggest that Vesteris magmas are derived froma depleted, asthenospheric source. We propose that the Vesterisbasanites are very low degree partial melts ({small tilde}1%)of this source, most probably those which give rise to the seismiclow-velocity zone (LVZ). Such small-degree melts may preferentiallytap small-scale heterogeneities in the asthenosphere. Vesterislies at the intersection of two major structural trends in theGreenland Basin(1) a zone of major reorientation of spreadingdirection on the Mohns Ridge north of Jan Mayen and (2) theextension of the Kolbeinsey Ridge axis. We propose that a combinationof the extensional stress fields related to these two lineamentsproduces sufficient dilation of the lithosphere at Vesteristo allow magmas from the LVZ to reach the surface. 相似文献
Tertiary basaltic magmatism in Serbia occurred through three episodes: (i) Paleocene/Eocene, when mostly east Serbian mafic alkaline rocks (ESPEMAR) formed, (ii) Oligocene/Miocene, dominated by high-K calc–alkaline basalts, shoshonites (HKCA–SHO) and ultrapotassic (UP) rocks, and (iii) Pliocene episode when rocks similar to (ii) originated. In this study, the geodynamics inferred from petrogenesis of the (i) and (ii) episodes are discussed. The ESPEMAR (62–39 Ma) occur mainly as mantle xenolith-bearing basanites. Their geochemical features, such as the REE patterns, elevated HFSE contents and depleted Sr–Nd isotope signatures, indicate a relatively small degree of melting of an isotopically depleted mantle source. Their mantle-normalized trace element patterns are flat to concave and “bell-shaped”, characteristic of an OIB source free of subduction component. 87Sr/86Sri and 143Nd/144Ndi isotope ratios (0.7030–0.7047 and 0.5127–0.5129, respectively) indicate a depleted source for the ESPEMAR similar to the European Asthenospheric Reservoir (EAR). The HKCA–SHO rocks (30–21 Ma) occur as basalts, basaltic andesites and trachyandesites. They show enrichment in LILE and depletion in HFSE with all the distinctive features of calc–alkaline arc-type magmatism. This is coupled with somewhat enriched Sr–Nd isotope signature (87Sr/86Sri=0.7047–0.7064, 143Nd/144Ndi=0.5124–0.5126). All these features are characteristic of subduction-related metasomatism and fluxing of the HKCA–SHO mantle source with fluids/melts released from subducted sedimentary material. UP rocks (35–21 Ma) appear as (i) Si-rich lamproites and related rocks and (ii) olivine leucitites and related rocks. UP rocks have high-LILE/HFSE ratios with enrichment for some LILE around 1000× primitive mantle, troughs at Nb and Ti, and peaks of Pb in their mantle-normalized patterns. They also show highly fractionated REE patterns (La/Yb up to 27, LaN up to 400). The isotopic ratios approach crustal values (87Sr/86Sri=0.7059–0.7115 and 143Nd/144Ndi=0.5122–0.5126), and that signature is typical for ultrapotassic rocks worldwide. The Paleocene/Eocene episode and formation of the ESPEMAR is referred to as asthenospheric-derived magmatism. This magmatism originated through passive riftlike structures related to possible short relaxational phases during predominantly collisional and compressional conditions. The Oligocene/Miocene episode and formation of HKCA–SHO and UP rocks were dominated by lithospheric-controlled magmatism. Its origin is connected with the activity of a wide dextral wrench corridor generated along the axis of the Dinaride orogen which collapsed in response to thickened crust caused by earlier compressional processes. To explain conditions of these two magmatic events, a three-stage geodynamic model has been proposed: (1) subduction–termination/collision stage (Paleocene/Eocene), (2) collision stage (Eocene) and (3) postcollision/collapse stage (Oligocene/early Miocene). 相似文献
The generalized stratigraphic sequence (2021.8 m.y.)of the northern flank of the Tweed Volcano is: Beechmont Basalt(base)Rhyolite (composed of two distinct units, the Springbrookand Binna Burra rhyolites)Hobwee Basalt. In addition,comendite occurs as a postrhyolite intrusive phase. Chemicallyand mineralogically, the basalts are tholeiiticandesites, which are conveniently divided into olivine-normativeand quartz-normative types. Phenocryst mineralogy is olivineand labradorite (microphenocrystic) in the olivine-normativelavas, and plagioclase plus rare augite in the quartz-normativelavas. Rhyolites (which constitute some 7 vol. per cent of the TweedShield volume) are of the potassic two-feldspar type; theseare characterized by highly fractionated trace element patterns,which are most extreme in the Binna Burra rhyolites. The latter,for example, have low K/Rb (<100) and La/Yb, highly depletedEu, Ba, Sr, V, Ni, Cr, and variably enriched Rb, U, Th, Pb,Nb, and Zn. Phenocryst phases are: quartz, oligoclase, sanidine,ilmenite, ferrohypersthene (Springbrook rhyolite), and quartz,sanidine, oligoclase, ilmenite, rare Fe-rich fluor-biotite,and very rare resorbed grains of extremely ulvöspinel-richtitanomagnetite (Binna Burra rhyolite). Phenocryst equilibrationtemperatures are estimated to be in the range 9001050°C for the Springbrook rhyolite and 800950 °Cfor the Binna Burra rhyolite, at oxygen fugacities in proximityto the WM buffer. The comendites are characterised by sanidine,quartz, fluor-arfvedsonite, minor acmite, and ilmenite. Pb isotopic compositions indicate at least two distinct groupsof mafic lavas; certain olivine-normative tholeiitic andesiteswith compositions less radiogenic than modern oceanridge basalts(possibly indicative of lower crustal contamination), and asecond more radiogenic group including the remaining isotopicallyanalysed tholeiitic andesites. Sr isotopes reveal small differencesbetween the Beechmont and Hobwee Groups. Pb and Sr isotopiccompositions of the three rhyolitic groups are distinct, andall more radiogenic than the mafic lavas. It is concluded that the tholeiitic andesites represent thefractionation products from an olivine-normative tholeiiticbasalt, and calculations suggest that olivine-plagioclase-aluminousclinopyroxene-Fe-Ti oxides were the likely fractionating mineralphases. The potassic rhyolites are interpreted also in termsof fractionation from a basaltic parent, although the geochemistryof the Binna Burra rhyolite has been further modified by continuedfractionation at the quartz-feldspar minimum. Chemical and mineralogicaldata, however, suggest some modification of the rhyolitic magmasby crustal equilibration (possibly lower crust). Although thecomendite is isotopically distinct from the exposed rhyolites,various least squares mixing calculations suggest that the comenditemay have developed by continued late stage quartz-feldspar ternaryminimum fractionation of rhyolitic magma. 相似文献
The geochemistry of the Leisure Bay Formation, Natal Metamorphic Province suggests that its protoliths were greywackes, pelites and arkoses that were deposited in an oceanic island arc environment. These rocks contain the mineral assemblage biotite + hypersthene + cordierite (with hercynite inclusions) + garnet + quartz + feldspar. Numerous generations of garnet genesis are evident from which a long history of metamorphism can be interpreted. M 1 involved syn-D 1 high temperature/low pressure metamorphism (4kb and >850 oC) and dehydration melting to produce essentially anhydrous assemblages particularly in the vicinity of, and probably related to the intrusion of the Munster Suite sills. The inclusions of hercynite in cordierite and the garnet + quartz symplectites after hypersthene + plagioclase (550 oC and 5kb) suggests isobaric cooling after M 1. This indicates an anticlockwise P-T loop related to the early intrusion of subduction related calc-alkaline magmatic rocks. M 2 involved syn-D 2 dehydration melting of hydrous assemblages possibly related to the emplacement of many A-type rapakivi charnockite granitoids, which provided heat and loading. The D 2 tectonism post-dated all lithologies in the region, except for syn- to late-D 2 granitoid plutons, and is interpreted as a transpressional tectonothermal reworking of pre-existing (Proterozoic) crust at 1030Ma. 相似文献