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Through a systematic observation of water level and temperature, and a comprehensive analysis of the data on major/trace elements, nitrite, hydrogen-oxygen isotopes, the conclusion has been drawn that there are two relatively independent groundwater systems (cool water and hot water), and the geochemical indicators of hot/cool waters are described. The cool water system is relatively enriched in Ca2 , Mg2 and HCO3-. Its TDS is relatively low, about 1400–1800 mg/L. The hot water system is relatively enriched in K , Na , Cl- and SO42-. Its TDS is relatively high, about 2200–2300 mg/L. The cool water system is enriched in Ba, Ga, Cd, and the hot water system is enriched in B, Ti, Cr, Ni, Cu, Mo, Rb, and Cs, relatively. Especially, the contents of Rb and Cs in the hot water system are more than five times as high as those in the cool water system. The NO3- contents of cool water discharged from the gold mine are relatively high, and those of hot water are extremely low. The δD and δ18O values follow an increasing order of surface water>mine cool water>mine hot water. The cool water comes mainly from the lateral supply of phreatic water, while the hot water comes mainly from the vertical supply of deeply circulating structure-fracture water. The ratio of cool water over hot water was estimated to be about 1:1 by a water quality model..  相似文献   

In this study, geochemical characteristics of acid mine drainage (AMD) and its sediments from the Malan and Sitai coalmines, Shanxi Province, China, were investigated. Many analytical approaches such as IC, ICP-MS, XRD, XRF, and modeling calculation of hydrogeochemistry using PHREEQCI software were employed. The AMD is characterized by higher concentrations of iron and sulfate, a low pH, and elevated concentrations of a wide variety of heavy metals. The results of modeling calculation by PHREEQCI software demonstrate the metals in AMD are present mainly as Me^n+ and MeSO4^n-2 species. The sediments of AMD are composed mainly of iron-beating minerals such as goethite and schwertmannite, which are controlled by pH, Fe and SO4^2- concentrations. The schwertmannite mineral has been found for the first time in China.  相似文献   

The Rushan gold deposit, explored in recent years in the Jiaodong area, Shandong Province, is a quartz vein-type gold deposit hosted in granite. The temperature of its major mineralization episode is between 220°C and 280°C. The salinity of the ore-forming fluid is 5 % to 9% NaCl equivalent, with H2O and CO2 as the dominant gas constituents. The fluid is rich in Na+, Ca2+ and Cl, but relatively impoverished in K+ and F, characterized by either Ca2+ > Na+ > K+ (in three samples) or Na+ > Ca2+ > K+ (in six samples). Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in the ore-forming fluid are highly variable with δ18 ranging between − 7.70‰ and 5. 97‰ and between − 128‰ and − 71‰. The possibility of lamprophyre serving as the source of gold can be excluded in view of its low gold content on the order of 2.5 × 10−9. Rb-Sr isochron ages of the deposit and the host Kunyushan granite are ( 104.8 ± 1.5) Ma and 134.6 Ma respectively with the respective initial Sr ratios of 0. 71307 and 0.7096. It is considered that the emplacement of the lamprophyre under a tensile environment had provided sufficient heat energy to facilitate deep circulation of meteoric water by which ore metals were extracted from the Kunyushan granite through long-term water-rock reaction. This project was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

本文统计了豫西熊耳山地区53个金矿床(点),编绘了熊耳山地区金矿床分布图。系统的野外矿床地质观察以及熊耳山地区矿床分布图都显示,该区金矿的主要控矿要素为太华群变质结晶基底、北西向和北东向断裂构造,以及燕山期酸性侵入岩。太华群处于熊耳山核部,南北两侧以不整合接触带分别与熊耳群及新生代地层相拆离。矿集区45%的金矿床分布于太华群内,从鲁山、熊耳山到小秦岭.金矿化程度增强,而太华群中的金丰度依次降底,显示太华群提供了部分成矿物质。近东西向马超营断裂为熊耳山地区一级构造单元,其北侧发育一系列北东向次级断层。区内金矿床主要分布于马超营断裂以北,明显沿北东向断层成带分布,且矿床的控矿构造也呈北东向,暗示了北东向断层的控矿特征。研究区内发育有花山、五丈山、合峪、太山庙等大花岗岩体和大量石英斑岩脉和花岗斑岩岩脉。花山岩体和五丈山岩体与地层外接触带是控制金矿床产出重要区域,36%的金矿床产出于岩体附近或角砾岩体内,小型岩脉则广泛发育于各金矿床内。本区1:20万区域化探金含量存在七个异常区,分别与该区金矿床集中分布区相吻合。  相似文献   

Auriferous cherts in the Middle Carboniferous Jinchang Formation are the dominant host rocks of auriferous quartz veins and mixed orebodies comprised of gold-bearing quartz veins and cherts in the Mojiang gold deposit.The rocks exhibit sedimentary texture and structure and are composed of hot-water deposited minerals.The FeO,Fe2O3,Au and Ag contents of the auriferous cherts are high;the Cr,Ni and Co contents are also high but significantly variable;MnO/TiO2 and TFe/TiO2 ratios are relatively higy.As viewed from a few diagrams that distinguish different chert formations,the auriferous cherts are in or near the range of hot-water deposited cherts.Because the correlation coefficients between Au contents and those of Cr, Ni of the rocks are negative,a great Au amount in the cherts might not be brought about by later hydrothermal alterations.The rare-earth elements,O and Si isotopic compositions of the auriferous cherts demonstrate that the cherts belong to hot-water deposited rocks.The later hydrothermal alterations made the petrochemical compositions of the cherts deviate from the characteristics of hot-water deposition.In general,the geological and geochemical features of the auriferous cherts demonstrate that the rocks were formed by hot water deposition.  相似文献   

The ores of the Yata gold mine in China are rich in arsenic and antimony, so the exploitation of this mine may also lead to the release of As and Sb to adjacent environments, such as stream water, stream sediment, soil, plants, and crops. To understand the environmental impact of mine tailings, samples of water, sediment, soil, plant and crop were collected and analyzed. In summer of 2005, the tailings dump was seriously flushed by a heavy flood, and the mine waste was transported far away. Samples were collected in December of 2004 and January of 2006, respectively, and the impact of the flood on the release of toxic elements was evaluated. The result shows that the Yata creek, which drains the mining area, was severely contaminated by As and Sb. The dissolved As and Sb in water are 86-1140 μg/L and 65-370 μg/L, the particulate As and Sb are 38-2100 μg/L and 25-420 μg/L, whereas As and Sb in the sediment are 190-760 μg/g and 69-210 μg/g, respectively. In water environment, As and Sb show a similar feature to SO4^2- since As and Sb exist dominantly as anions--H2AsO4^-, HAsO4^2- and SbO3^-. In contrast to Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, which migrate mostly in particulate form, As and Sb tend to transport in dissolved form.  相似文献   

Acid mine drainage (AMD) has been recognized as a major environmental pollution problem over past decades. This pollutant effluent is complex and is characterized by elevated concentrations of iron and sulfate, low pH, and high concentrations of a wide variety of metals depending on the host rock geology. Massive inadvertent discharges from acid mines have given rise to dramatic cases of ecological damage. These events indicate an improved understanding of the mechanism controlling metal transport to the river is important, since the aquatic ecology will be affected, to some degree, dependent on the phase (dissolved or particulate) in which the metal is transported. In this study, polluted water samples were collected along the Hengshi River near the Dabaoshan mine, Guangdong, China, in April 2005. The concentrations of dissolved Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb have been determined using ICP-MS and the chemical speciation of those metals in suspended particles was examined using BCR methods and SEM/EDX mineralogical analysis. Combining these two sets of data, the intention was to develop geochemical concepts, which explain the behavior of Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb in particle-water interactions of heavy metals in AMD. The results show that the dissolved heavy metals exhibited non-conservative behavior in the Hengshi River. The dissolved and particulate Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb have the similar spatial distribution, which decreased gradually along the river except in the lower reaches because of the absorption-desorption between dissolved and particulate phases. Although the metal concentrations in both phases were elevated, dissolved metals were dominant and had the maximum concentrations in the low pH region.  相似文献   

马力  韦志刚  李娴茹  王欢  郭仕侗 《冰川冻土》2022,44(6):1757-1772
Based on the daily minimum temperature data in China from 1961 to 2018, using n-order polynomial fitting, sliding t-test, empirical Orthogonal Function analysis, Morlet wavelet transform and other methods, this paper reveals the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of the number of cold surge (CS) day, CS frequency and CS intensity by time and region. The results are as follows. On a national level, the number of CS day, CS frequency, and CS intensity decreased from 1962 to 2000. Specifically, the trend of every element of CS has changed from a previous decrease trend to an increase trend, and the inflection point was around 2000. The CS activity occurred more frequently, became more strengthen, and last for longer time after 2000. There are obvious spatial differences in the number of CS days, CS frequency, CS intensity and their changing trends in China. The number of CS days and CS frequency reach the maximum value in northeast China and northern Inner Mongolia. Meanwhile, the CS intensity value is low in the southeast China and high in the northwest China, with the exception of southern Xinjiang. The changes in the number of CS day and the CS frequency are mainly manifested as the “Northeast, Southwest Reverse Pattern”, the CS intensity is mainly manifested as the “Uniform Change Pattern”. The number of CS day, CS frequency, and CS intensity did not change significantly after, but a significant transition point was detected in 1980. On a regional scale, from 1962 to 2018, the number of CS day, frequency and intensity of cold surge in all regions showed a decreasing trend, while they increased after 2000. In the northern and northeastern of China, mean of three elements of cold surge increased after 2000. The transition year was different in different regions. The transition year of three elements of cold surge in Northeast China were the earliest. Mean value of the number of CS day, CS frequency, and CS intensity have an oscillation period of 3~5 years in total China and all regions. In addition, the periodic oscillations of the number of CS day and CS frequency in all regions are basically the consistent. © 2022 Science Press (China).  相似文献   

The composition of quartz inclusions and trace elements in ore indicate that gold-bearing fluid in the Xiadian gold deposit,Shandong Province,stemmed from both mantle and magma,belonging to a composite origin.Based on theoretical analysis and high temperature and high pressure experimental studies,gold-bearing fluid initiative localization mechanism and the forming environment of ore-host rocks are discussed in the present paper.The composite fluid extracted gold from rocks because of its expanding and injecting forces and injecting forces and flew through ore-conducive structures,leading to the breakup of rocks.The generation of ore-host faults and the precipitation of gold-bearing fluid occurred almost simultaneously.This study provides fur-ther information about the relationships between gold ore veins and basic-ultrabasic vein rocks and intermediate vein rocks,the spatial distribution of gold ore veins and the rules governing the migration of ore fluids.  相似文献   

Located in Alxa Zuoqi (Left Banner) of Inner Mongolia, China, the Zhulazhaga gold deposit is the first largescale gold deposit that was found in the middle-upper Proterozoic strata along the north margin of the North China craton in recent years. It was discovered by the No. l Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration Party of Inner Mongolia as a result of prospecting a geochemical anomaly. By now, over 50 tonnes of gold has been defined, with an average Au grade of 4 g/t. The ore bodies occur in the first lithological unit of the Mesoproterozoic Zhulazhagamaodao Formation (MZF), which is composed mainly of epimetamorphic sandstone and siltstone and partly of volcanic rocks. With high concentration of gold,the first lithological unit of the MZF became the source bed for the late-stage ore formation. Controlled by the interstratal fracture zones, the ore bodies mostly appear along the bedding with occurrence similar to that of the strata. The primitiveore types are predominantly the altered rock type with minor ore belonging to the quartz veins type. There are also some oxidized ore near the surface. The metallic minerals are composed mainly of pyrite, pyrrhotite and arsenopyrite with minor chalcopyrite, galena and limonite. Most gold minerals appear as native gold and electrum. Hydrothermal alterations associated with the ore formation are actinolitization, silicatization, sulfidation and carbonation. A total of 100 two-phase H2O-rich and 7 three-phase daughter crystal-beating inclusions were measured in seven goldbearing quartz samples from the Zhulazhaga gold deposit. The homogenization temperatures of the two-phase H2O-rich inclusions range from 155 to 401℃, with an average temperature of 284℃ and bimodal distributions from 240 to 260℃ and 300 to 320℃ respectively. The salinities of the two-phase H2O-rich inclusions vary from 9.22wt% to 24.30wt% NaCl eqniv, with a mode between 23 wt% and 24wt% NaC1 equiv. Comparatively, the homogenization temperatures of the threephase daughter crystal-beating inclusions vary from 210 to 435℃ and the salinities from 29.13wt% to 32.62wt% NaCl equiv. It indicates that the ore-forming fluid is meso-hypothermal and characterized by high salinity, which is apparently different from the metamorphic origin with low salinity. It suggests a magmatic origin of the gold-bearing fluid. The δ^18O values of quartz from auriferous veins range from 11.9 to 16.3 per mil, and the calculated δ^18OH2O values in equilibrium with quartz vary from 1.06 to 9.60 per mil, which fall between the values of meteoric water and magmatic water. It reflects that the ore-forming fluid may be the product of mixing of meteoric water and magmatic water.Based on geological and geochemical studies of the Zhulazhaga gold deposit, it is supposed that the volcanism in the Mesoproterozoic might make gold pre-concentrate in the strata. The extensive and intensive Hercynian tectono-magmatic activity not only brought along a large number of ore-forming materials, but also made the gold from the strata rework. It can be concluded that the ore bodies were mainly formed in late hydrothermal reworking stage. Compared with typical gold deposits associated with epimetamorphic clastic rocks, the Zhulazhaga deposit has similar features in occurrence of ore bodies, ore-controlling structure, wall-rock alterations and mineral assemblages. Therefore, the Zhulazhaga gold deposit belongs to the epimetamorphic clastic rock type.  相似文献   

Detailed mineralogical and petrochemical studies show that the Laoniugou gneiss of the Jiapigou gold mine is composed mainly of plagioclase gneiss and irregular to lentiform plagioclase amphibolite melanic enclaves.The major element contents show an obvious bimodal and trondhjemitic series evolutional trend.This situation is significantly different from that encountered in bimodal calc-alkalic volcanic rocks in the rift-type Archaean greenstone belt.The contents of Rb,Sr and Ba are 7-21 ppm,153-363ppm and 201-1451 ppm respectively ,close to those of common Archaean grey gneisses.All the samples of plagioclase gneisses show positive Eu anomalies (even up to 4.6).The protoliths of the plagioclase gneiss are high-Al2O3 trondhjemitic series rocks,belonging to typical TTG of Archaean high-grade metamorphic terrain .The gneiss is quite similar to the B-type Amitsoq gneiss of W.Greenland .The authors believe that the plagioclase amphibolite enclaves are the relics of ancient oceanic crust while the plagioclase gneiss is the TTG ancient intrusive rock resulting from partial melting of the oceanic crust.  相似文献   

Well Zheng-1 is located in the combined area of the central uplift and the north Tianshan piedmont depression in the Junggar Basin. Two oil-bearing beds are recognized at 4788–4797 m of the Lower Cretaceous Tugulu Formation (K1tg) and 4808.5–4812.5 m of the Lower Jurassic Sangonghe Formation (J1s). The geochemical characteristics of family composition, carbon isotopic composition, saturated hydrocarbons, sterane and terpane biomarkers and carotane of two crude oils are described in this paper. The results show that the geochemical characteristics of the two crude oils are basically similar to each other, indicating they were all derived mainly from the high mature, brine, algae-rich lake facies sediments. Oil-source correlation revealed that crude oils of the two beds were derived mainly from the source rocks of Permian and mixed by the oil derived from the source rocks of Jurassic and Triassic. This is consistent with the geological background with several sets of source rocks in the area studied.  相似文献   

Mine water inrush is one of the main hazards in coal mining industry. The mechanism and the processes are complex. Investigation of the spatiotemporal development of the hydrological process could lead to a better understanding of mine water inrush and effective countermeasures. For this reason, we investigated spatial and temporal characteristics (i.e., the changes of flow rate, groundwater level, and water quality) during a water inrush event in China, which had a flow rate of 730 m3/h at maximum and 300m3/h under a steady condition. The result shows that the water inrush developed in several stages. A mathematical model of the dynamic change between the water table and the inrush flow rate was constructed. Based on this model, we found the relationship of highly conductive flow channels between some observation boreholes and the water inrush point. In addition, the recharge velocity of the highly conductive flow channels and the equivalent mean flow velocity of the whole mine were determined. A comprehensive analysis of geological, hydrodynamic, and crustal stress conditions was conducted to study the development of the water channel near the F13 fault and the nonlinear process from seepage stage to inrush stage. The result reveals the water inrush is likely caused by activation of faults under combined influences of high crustal stress and high hydraulic pressure.  相似文献   

Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy, hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry, emission spectrometry, X fluorescence spectrometry, and X-ray diffraction were employed to study the geochemistry and mineralogy of coal gangues from Nos. 2, 3, and 8 coal seams of the Du’erping coal mine, Xishan coalfield, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. The study revealed that compared with the sedimentary cover, upper continent crust, Carboniferous-Permian coal from North China, as well as most coal in China, coal gangues from Nos. 2 and 3 coal seams are rich in Li, Be, Sc, Cr, Cu, Ga, Ba, Th, Nb, Cd, Pb, Ta and rare-earth elements, and coal gangues from No. 8 coal seam are rich in Li, Sc, V, Cr, Ga, U, and rare-earth elements. Compared with the Carboniferous-Permian coal from North China and most coal in China, coal gangues from Nos. 2, 3 and 8 seams are rich in Rb, V, Cs and Sr. Therefore, The Du’erping coal gangues in the Xishan coalfield are rich in most hazardous trace elements and rare-earth elements, wherein the contents of Ga and Li reach the industrial grade and have significance for industrial utilization. On the whole, coal gangues of the Shanxi Formation from the Permian are rich in more trace elements than those of the Carboniferous Taiyuan Formation. The distributions of REE show obviously dipping rightwards with negative Eu anomalies. The contents of rare-earth elements in the three seams are quite different. All of the above indicate that the source of the rare-earth elements is terrigenous debris. Minerals in No. 2 seam identified by X-ray diffraction mainly include quartz, kaolinite, in addition to calcite, pyrite, apatite, epidote, and epsomite. No. 3 seam mainly contains quartz, kaolinite, in addition to a small amount of sodium feldspar, calcium nitrate, iron ore, gypsum, and vivianite. No. 8 seam mainly contains kaolinite, dickite, quartz, illite, and a small amount of hematite and U. The correlations between major elements and trace elements in coal gangues of the Du’erping coal mine analyzed by using SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) indicate that the trace alkali elements and rare-earth elements occur mainly in such clay minerals as kaolinite.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method of establishing a hydrothermal ore-forming reaction system.On the basis of the study of four typical hydrothermal deposits,the following conclusions concerning geochemical dynamic controlling during hydrothermal mineralization have been sions concerning geochemical dynaamic controlling during hydrothermal mineralization have been drawn:(1)The regional tectonic activities control the concentration and dispersion of elements in the ore-forming process in terms of their effects on the thermodynamic nature and conditions of the ore-forming reaction system.(2)During hydrothermal mineralization the activites of ore-bearing faults can be divideb into two stages:the brittle splitting stage and the brittle-tough tensing stage,which would create characteristically different geodynamic conditions for the geochemical thermodynamic ore-forming system.(3)The hydrothermal ore-forming reaaction system is an open dynamic system.At the brittle splitting stage the system was so strongly supersaturated and unequilibrated as to speed up and enhance the crystallization and differentiation of ore-forming fluids.And at the brittle-tough tensing stage,the ore-forming system was in a weak supersaturated state;with decreasing temperature and pressure the crystallization of oreforming material would show down,and it can be regarded as an equilibrated state.(4)In the lates stages of hydrothermal evolution,gold would be concentrated in the residual ore-forming solution.The pulsating fracture activite in this stage led to the crush of pyrite ore and it was then filled with gold-enriched solution,forming high-grage“fissure”gold ore.This ore-forming process could be called the coupling mechanism of ore formation.  相似文献   

西岭金矿床是胶东金矿集区内近来新发现的超大型破碎蚀变岩型金矿床(475吨@4.56 g/t),位于著名的三山岛金矿床的东侧。本文在详实的野外地质观察的基础上,系统介绍了西岭金矿床的基础地质特征,并运用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察,结合电子探针分析,系统研究了西岭金矿床金的赋存状态。西岭金矿床大量金矿物(银金矿和自然金)主要赋存在Ⅱ阶段石英-黄铁矿和Ⅲ阶段灰石英-多金属硫化物脉中。西岭金矿床金矿物主要有晶隙金、裂隙金和包体金三种赋存状态,以晶隙金为主。金的主要载体矿物为黄铁矿,次为石英、黄铜矿和方铅矿等。金矿物粒度大小包括粗粒金、中粒金、细粒金和微粒金,以细粒-微粒为主。金矿物形态有粒状、叶片状、线状、钩状、枝杈状和哑铃状等,以粒状为主。金矿物成分以Au和Ag为主,含微量的Cu、Cr、Fe、Ni、Te、S等元素。金成色为685~831,以银金矿为主,含少量自然金。综合地质和地球化学特征,西岭金矿床为蚀变岩型金矿床,是由早白垩世中温岩浆热液充填-交代形成。  相似文献   

Water samples from precipitation, glacier melt, snow melt, glacial lake, streams and karst springs were collected across SE of Kashmir Valley, to understand the hydrogeochemical processes governing the evolution of the water in a natural and non-industrial area of western Himalayas. The time series data on solute chemistry suggest that the hydrochemical processes controlling the chemistry of spring waters is more complex than the surface water. This is attributed to more time available for infiltrating water to interact with the diverse host lithology. Total dissolved solids (TDS), in general, increases with decrease in altitude. However, high TDS of some streams at higher altitudes and low TDS of some springs at lower altitudes indicated contribution of high TDS waters from glacial lakes and low TDS waters from streams, respectively. The results show that some karst springs are recharged by surface water; Achabalnag by the Bringi stream and Andernag and Martandnag by the Liddar stream. Calcite dissolution, dedolomitization and silicate weathering were found to be the main processes controlling the chemistry of the spring waters and calcite dissolution as the dominant process in controlling the chemistry of the surface waters. The spring waters were undersaturated with respect to calcite and dolomite in most of the seasons except in November, which is attributed to the replenishment of the CO2 by recharging waters during most of the seasons.  相似文献   

The Wendeng gold deposit is located 30 km northwest of Wendeng City,Shandong Province, occurring in a brecciated alteration zone in the foot wall of the NNE-striking fault(F1). It consists of quartz, pyrite, specularite, potash feldspar, sericite, carbonates and chlorite hosted in Proterozoic biotite-plagioclasee gneiss. Three generations of quartz are recognized based on cathodoluminescence and micro morphology. Systematic studies of fluid inclusions provide data to establish P-T-V-X relations for the fluid evolution in mineralization process.It is concluded that the ore-forming solution was evolved from meteoric water through ghermal events during Mesozoic tectonics. The precipitation of gold was related to two boiling events.  相似文献   

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