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Ensemble forecasting systems have become an important tool for estimating the uncertainties in initial conditions and model formulations and they are receiving increased attention from various applications. The Regional Ensemble Prediction System(REPS), which has operated at the Beijing Meteorological Service(BMS) since 2017, allows for probabilistic forecasts. However, it still suffers from systematic deficiencies during the first couple of forecast hours. This paper presents an integrated prob...  相似文献   

The mesoscale ensemble prediction system based on the Tropical Regional Atmosphere Model for the South China Sea (CMA-TRAMS (EPS)) has been pre-operational since April 2020 at South China Regional Meteorological Center (SCRMC), which was developed by the Guangzhou Institute of Tropical and Marine Meteorology (GITMM). To better understand the performance of the CMA-TRAMS (EPS) and provide guidance to forecasters, we assess the performance of this system on both deterministic and probabilistic forecasts from April to September 2020 in this study through objective verification. Compared with the control (deterministic) forecasts, the ensemble mean of the CMATRAMS (EPS) shows advantages in most non-precipitation variables. In addition, the threat score indicates that the CMA-TRAMS (EPS) obviously improves light and heavy rainfall forecasts in terms of the probability-matched mean. Compared with the European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasts operational ensemble prediction system (ECMWF-EPS), the CMA-TRAMS (EPS) improves the probabilistic forecasts of light rainfall in terms of accuracy, reliability and discrimination, and this system also improves the heavy rainfall forecasts in terms of discrimination. Moreover, two typical heavy rainfall cases in south China during the pre-summer rainy season are investigated to visually demonstrate the deterministic and probabilistic forecasts, and the results of these two cases indicate the differences and advantages (deficiencies) of the two ensemble systems.  相似文献   

On 21 July 2012, an extreme rainfall event that recorded a maximum rainfall amount over 24 hours of 460 mm, occurred in Beijing, China. Most operational models failed to predict such an extreme amount. In this study, a convective-permitting ensemble forecast system (CEFS), at 4-km grid spacing, covering the entire mainland of China, is applied to this extreme rainfall case. CEFS consists of 22 members and uses multiple physics parameterizations. For the event, the predicted maximum is 415 mm d-1 in the probability-matched ensemble mean. The predicted high-probability heavy rain region is located in southwest Beijing, as was observed. Ensemble-based verification scores are then investigated. For a small verification domain covering Beijing and its surrounding areas, the precipitation rank histogram of CEFS is much flatter than that of a reference global ensemble. CEFS has a lower (higher) Brier score and a higher resolution than the global ensemble for precipitation, indicating more reliable probabilistic forecasting by CEFS. Additionally, forecasts of different ensemble members are compared and discussed. Most of the extreme rainfall comes from convection in the warm sector east of an approaching cold front. A few members of CEFS successfully reproduce such precipitation, and orographic lift of highly moist low-level flows with a significantly southeasterly component is suggested to have played important roles in producing the initial convection. Comparisons between good and bad forecast members indicate a strong sensitivity of the extreme rainfall to the mesoscale environmental conditions, and, to less of an extent, the model physics.  相似文献   

An initial conditions (ICs) perturbation method was developed with the aim to improve an operational regional ensemble prediction system (REPS). Three issues were identified and investigated: (2) the impacts of perturbation scale on the ensemble spread and forecast skill of the REPS; (3) the scale characteristic of the IC perturbations of the REPS; and (4) whether the REPS's skill could be improved by adding large-scale information to the IC perturbations. Numerical experiments were conducted to reveal the impact of perturbation scale on the ensemble spread and forecast skill. The scales of IC perturbations from the REPS and an operational global ensemble prediction system (GEPS) were analyzed. A "multi-scale blending" (MSB) IC perturbation scheme was developed, and the main findings can be summarized as follows: The growth rates of the ensemble spread of the REPS are sensitive to the scale of the IC perturbations; the ensemble forecast skills can benefit from large-scale perturbations; the global ensemble IC perturbations exhibit more power at larger scales, while the regional ensemble IC perturbations contain more power at smaller scales; the MSB method can generate IC perturbations by combining the small-scale component from the REPS and the large-scale component from the GEPS; the energy norm growth of the MSB-generated perturbations can be appropriate at all forecast lead times; and the MSB-based REPS shows higher skill than the original system, as determined by ensemble forecast verification.  相似文献   

Based on The Observing System Research and Predictability Experiment (THORPEX) Interactive Grand Global Ensemble (TIGGE) dataset,using various verification methods,the performances of four typical ense...  相似文献   

常规降水检验受空间及时间微小差异所带来的"双重惩罚"影响严重,邻域空间检验FSS(Fraction Skill Score)方法在确定性预报中已体现出弥补这一不足的明显优势.随着集合预报分辨率的不断提高,集合降水预报同样存在与确定性预报相似的问题.本研究将FSS方法拓展至集合预报领域,构建适用于集合预报的降水空间检验指...  相似文献   

利用TIGGE资料集下欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)、日本气象厅(JMA)、美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)、中国气象局(CMA)和英国气象局(UKMO)5个模式预报的结果,对基于卡尔曼滤波的气温和降水的多模式集成预报进行研究。结果表明,卡尔曼滤波方法的预报效果优于消除偏差集合平均(BREM)和单模式的预报,但是对于地面气温和降水,其预报效果也存在一定的差异。在中国区域2 m气温的预报中,卡尔曼滤波的预报结果最优。而对于24 h累积降水预报,尽管卡尔曼滤波在所有量级下的TS评分均优于BREM,但随着预报时效增加,其在大雨及以上量级的TS评分跟最佳单模式UKMO预报相当,改进效果不明显。卡尔曼滤波在地面气温和24 h累积降水每个预报时效下的均方根误差均最优,预报效果更佳且稳定。  相似文献   

受季风槽影响,2018年8月30—31日华南地区出现一次极端暴雨过程,单日站点累计降水量达1?056.7 mm,刷新了广东有历史纪录以来新的极值。对于此次极端降水事件,常用的业务模式包括欧洲中期天气预报中心全球模式(ECMWF)、日本气象厅谱模式(JMA)和中国气象局广东快速更新同化数值预报系统(CMA-GD),都低估了降水强度。利用深圳市气象局业务对流尺度集合预报系统分析了此次特大暴雨过程,结果表明:对流尺度集合预报系统对本次特大暴雨过程具有比较好的预报能力,概率匹配平均最大雨量达348.7 mm·(24 h)-1,集合平均的强降水中心和观测基本一致,观测极值附近区域发生大暴雨(≥150 mm)概率最大值达到80%。选取了较“好”和较“差”集合成员预报进行对比分析,发现较“好”成员预报的强降水中心位置和观测基本一致,而较“差”成员预报的降水中心位置则偏向福建地区。较 “好”成员预报出莲花山南侧地面中尺度辐合线较长时间的维持和缓慢移动,导致强降水雨团在莲花山脉附近不断地触发和维持,同时地形的阻挡作用使得对流系统在地形附近区域持续维持,造成了罕见的特大暴雨;而较“差”成员辐合区位于莲花山以北,对流形成后向东、向北移动,最终导致强降水预报位置偏向福建地区。  相似文献   

针对B08RDP(The Beijing 2008 Olympics Research and Development Project)5套区域集合预报资料,系统分析了各套集合预报温度场的预报质量。在此基础上运用集合预报的综合偏差订正方法对温度场进行偏差订正,并对其效果进行了分析讨论。结果显示:5套B08RDP区域集合预报中,美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)区域集合预报温度场的整体预报质量最高,平均预报误差最小,离散度也最为合理,预报可信度和可辨识度均较优;而中国气象科学研究院(CAMS)的温度预报误差过大,预报质量最差。整体上看,除NCEP之外的4套集合预报的温度场均存在集合离散度偏小的问题;综合偏差订正能有效减小各集合预报温度场的集合平均均方根误差,改善集合离散度的质量,显示出综合偏差订正方案对集合预报温度场偏差订正的良好能力。  相似文献   

基于WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式,选取河南“21·7”特大暴雨事件,采用局地增长模培育法(Local Breeding Growth Mode,LBGM)生成对流尺度集合预报系统,在此基础上对24 h累积降水量进行SAL(Structure,Amplitude and Location)检验,结合预报成功指数(Threat Score,TS)、公平成功指数(Equitable Threat Score,ETS)评分等评分结果进行对比分析,综合评估集合预报成员的预报效果,表明:1)基于局地增长模培育法生成初始扰动的集合预报系统成员对于强降水预报有一定优势,在降水强度和位置的预报上与实况较接近;2)经检验,成员e003的TS和ETS评分在20日00时—21日00时(北京时,下同)和21日08时—22日08时两个强降水时段内表现最佳,并在SAL检验中对应较好的降雨强度A和雨区位置L,而成员e008暴雨TS、ETS评分最低,对应SAL检验中具有一定的位置偏差,即TS、ETS评分和SAL检验之间存在相关性,将二者有机结合,可以为业务工作中定量评估模式降水预报效果提供参考;3)通过对比整体评分表现较好的成员e003和较差的成员e008,两者预报的位势高度场与ERA5(ECMWF reanalysis v5,ERA5)再分析资料之间的差值,可以验证降水预报误差主要源于对低涡系统的预报偏差,同时预报评分较好的成员其位势高度偏差较小,综合评估效果更佳。  相似文献   

陈博宇  郭云谦  代刊  钱奇峰 《气象》2016,42(12):1465-1475
本文以2013—2015年主要登陆台风暴雨过程为研究对象,利用ECMWF降水和台风路径集合预报以及中央气象台实时业务台风中心定位资料,在统计分析的基础上,提出一种业务上可用的针对单模式集合预报的台风降水实时订正技术(简称集合成员优选技术)。结果表明,在登陆台风暴雨过程预报中,集合成员优选技术对改进集合统计量降水产品有明显的帮助,并较ECMWF确定性预报产品有一定优势;该方法对改进短期时效预报产品的效果优于中期时效预报,对大暴雨评分的改进高于暴雨和大雨评分。另外,本文基于概率匹配平均(Probability Matching average,PM)和融合(FUSE)产品的计算原理,提出融合匹配平均(Fuse Matching average,FM)产品,结果表明,对36 h时效预报,优选10~15个成员的PM产品TS(Threat Scores)评分可达最优,大暴雨评分较确定性预报提高近10%;对60和84 h时效预报,FM产品大暴雨评分较确定性预报提高超过20%。  相似文献   

2019年第9号台风“利奇马”在8月10日登陆后引发了远距离大范围的暴雨,本文利用ECMWF(EC)和GRAPES全球集合预报模式等资料对暴雨短期预报的误差及原因进行了分析。此次台风远距离暴雨主要集中在8月10日夜间的山东中部地区,EC集合预报对该区域的降水量预报效果总体优于GRAPES集合预报。集合敏感性分析可以识别出和预报变量高相关(敏感)的天气系统,结果表明山东区域平均降水量对同期500 hPa副高、台风西北侧海平面气压和山东北部低层温度较为敏感,而对流层高层的高度及经向风存在更大范围的敏感区。根据暴雨预报TS评分选取EC集合预报成员作为优势组和劣势组,结果表明优势组预报成员表现为山东上空300 hPa低槽前倾,北侧高空偏南急流更强,同时配合低层台风外围偏东风急流,形成高层辐散、低层辐合的有利条件。另外,优势组预报的中纬度低层冷空气和斜压锋区更强,导致优势组在山东中部预报出暴雨,更加接近于实况。  相似文献   

Using the Met Office Global and Regional Ensemble Prediction System (MOGREPS) implemented at the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA), the effect of doubling the ensemble size on the performance of ensemble prediction in the warm season was evaluated. Because a finite ensemble size causes sampling error in the full forecast probability distribution function (PDF), ensemble size is closely related to the efficiency of the ensemble prediction system. Prediction capability according to doubling the ensemble size was evaluated by increasing the number of ensembles from 24 to 48 in MOGREPS implemented at the KMA. The initial analysis perturbations generated by the Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (ETKF) were integrated for 10 days from 22 May to 23 June 2009. Several statistical verification scores were used to measure the accuracy, reliability, and resolution of ensemble probabilistic forecasts for 24 and 48 ensemble member forecasts. Even though the results were not significant, the accuracy of ensemble prediction improved slightly as ensemble size increased, especially for longer forecast times in the Northern Hemisphere. While increasing the number of ensemble members resulted in a slight improvement in resolution as forecast time increased, inconsistent results were obtained for the scores assessing the reliability of ensemble prediction. The overall performance of ensemble prediction in terms of accuracy, resolution, and reliability increased slightly with ensemble size, especially for longer forecast times.  相似文献   

基于WRF集合预报系统开发了概率匹配平均降水产品,选取了山东省2014—2016年共13次强降水过程,检验评估了概率匹配平均法在山东省强降水预报中的综合表现。结果表明:对于不同的强降水过程,各预报产品的预报能力差异较大,尤其是对暴雨以上量级降水的预报存在较大偏差;概率匹配平均相对集合平均,对大雨以上量级降水预报有明显改善,较WRF确定性预报产品也有一定提高,对强降水预报具有一定指示意义;该方法的改进主要体现在对不同量级降水的调整上,尤其是强降水的落区,相对集合平均增大了强降水的范围和强度,但对整个区域的总降水量预报没有很好的改进作用。  相似文献   

王国荣  平凡  翟亮 《大气科学》2019,43(4):895-914
局地触发及组织化发展中尺度系统的生消演变是影响对流性降水临近预报的核心和关键。本文结合雷达外推预报、专家系统以及快速循环更新的高分辨数值模式系统,发展和构造了一种适合北京地区的基于数值模式预报诊断自适应的对流性降水临近集合预报新方法(APEN)。APEN基于降水外推预报结果,采用模糊逻辑算法,利用北京市气象局快速循环更新同化系统(RMAPS-IN)提供的对流诊断因子,计算对流系统发展演变(新生、增加和减弱)概率;在此基础上,扰动诊断因子阈值和权重,形成对流发展的集合概率预报;最后综合专家经验,根据对流集合概率,在降水外推预报基础上进行对流性降水调整。应用APEN,针对北京两次强弱降水过程,进行了降水的临近预报试验,结果表明:基于RMAPS-IN多种诊断因子的对流发展集合概率在强弱两种天气背景下,都能较好的反映对流系统在临近时段的发展趋势;基于专家经验模型的三种对流发展状态(对流新生、增加和减弱)下的降水调整,能合理的表征对流系统发展演变对降水的影响。APEN降水预报和RMAPS-IN的业务预报的对比显示:无论是系统性对流过程还是局地激发对流过程,APEN预报的降水落区和强度都更接近于实况,尤其是考虑对流发展演变影响的降水强度预报明显优于RMAPS-IN,APEN在北京地区对流性降水的临近预报中有明显的优势和应用潜力。  相似文献   

According to the Anderson-Darling principle, a method for forecast of extremely heavy rainfall (abbreviated as extreme rainfall/precipitation) was developed based on the ensemble forecast data of the T213 global ensemble prediction system (EPS) of the China Meteorological Administration (CMA). Using the T213 forecast precipitation data during 2007-2010 and the observed rainfall data in June-August of 2001-2010, characteristics of the cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of the observed and the T213 EPS forecast precipitation were analyzed. Accordingly, in the light of the continuous differences of the CDFs between model climate and EPS forecasts, a mathematical model of Extreme Precipitation Forecast Index (EPFI) was established and applied to forecast experiments of several extreme rainfall events in China during 17-31 July 2011. The results show that the EPFI has taken advantage of the tail information of the model climatic CDF and provided agreeable forecasts of extreme rainfalls. The EPFI based on the T213 EPS is useful for issuing early warnings of extreme rainfalls 3-7 days in advance. With extension of the forecast lead time, the EPFI becomes less skillful. The results also demonstrate that the rationality of the model climate CDF was of vital importance to the skill of EPFI.  相似文献   

针对当前暴雨预报检验采用二分类事件检验方法存在较严重的“空报”“漏报”双重惩罚,没有考虑暴雨时空分布不均和预报评分可比性不够等问题,在分析预报员对暴雨预报评分期望值基础上,设计了一种基于可预报性的暴雨预报检验评分新方法和计算模型,分析了理想评分,并对2015-2016年4-10月中国中央气象台5 km×5 km定量降水格点预报和降水落区等级暴雨预报进行评分试验,获得了以下结果和结论:(1)预报员对暴雨预报评分期望值呈现梯级下降特征,与传统的TS评分存在显著差异;(2)设计了一种基于可预报性的暴雨预报检验新方法,通过引入e指数函数构建暴雨预报评分基函数,进而构建暴雨评分模型,该模型可以较好地拟合预报员对暴雨预报评分的期望值,同时改善了评分在不同量级阈值处的断崖式突变情况;(3)提出了预报与观测的邻域匹配方法,即一个预报点与所定义邻域中的一组观测相匹配,并利用距离加权最大值法确定暴雨评分值权重系数,预报与观测距离越近,距离权重系数越大,评分值权重越大,提高了评分的合理性,避免了距离较远的匹配站点得高分不利于鼓励预报员提高预报精度的问题;(4)对中国中央气象台逐日5 km×5 km水平分辨率的定量降水格点预报产品和中央气象台定量降水落区等级预报产品进行了评分试验,暴雨预报准确率全国平均值大于60分。基于可预报性的暴雨预报检验新评分与传统暴雨预报TS评分逐日演变特征相似,但可以较好地解析TS为0的预报评分,解析后的新评分与预报员和公众的心理预期更为接近。   相似文献   

Early and effective flood warning is essential for reducing loss of life and economic damage.Three global ensemble weather prediction systems of the China Meteorological Administration (CMA),the Europe...  相似文献   

尺度分解技术在定量降水临近预报检验中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采用2004年Casati提出的强度-尺度检验技术,选取2008年汛期代表不同类型降水(对流云降水、层状云降水、混合云降水)的4个降水过程,从尺度分解角度入手,对"世界气象组织天气研究计划——北京奥运会预报示范项目"(WWRP B08FDP)项目中4个I临近预报参加系统(BJANC,GRAPES-SWIFT,STEPS,CARDS)的1h定量降水预报进行时空尺度分解检验,研究降水预报技巧与降水时空尺度和强度之间的关系。结果表明:尽管目前国际先进的临近预报系统的水平分辨率已高达1~2km,但其有技巧的临近预报能力主要集中于空间尺度大于32km、时间尺度大于1h的降水系统,而对小于这些尺度的降水系统预报能力仍非常有限;在不同时空尺度的临近预报降水误差中,60%以上的误差来自于空间尺度小于8km的降水,85%以上的误差来自于时间尺度小于1h的降水,传统的外推技术不能满足这些较小时空尺度降水预报的需求,要发展有效的预报方法来提高较小时空尺度降水的预报能力。将基于外推的临近预报和基于稠密观测资料、快速更新的数值预报的潜势预报相结合可能是一条有效的解决途径。  相似文献   

Traditional precipitation skill scores are affected by the well-known“double penalty”problem caused by the slight spatial or temporal mismatches between forecasts and observations. The fuzzy (neighborhood) method has been proposed for deterministic simulations and shown some ability to solve this problem. The increasing resolution of ensemble forecasts of precipitation means that they now have similar problems as deterministic forecasts. We developed an ensemble precipitation verification skill score, i.e., the Spatial Continuous Ranked Probability Score (SCRPS), and used it to extend spatial verification from deterministic into ensemble forecasts. The SCRPS is a spatial technique based on the Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS) and the fuzzy method. A fast binomial random variation generator was used to obtain random indexes based on the climatological mean observed frequency, which were then used in the reference score to calculate the skill score of the SCRPS. The verification results obtained using daily forecast products from the ECMWF ensemble forecasts and quantitative precipitation estimation products from the OPERA datasets during June-August 2018 shows that the spatial score is not affected by the number of ensemble forecast members and that a consistent assessment can be obtained. The score can reflect the performance of ensemble forecasts in modeling precipitation and thus can be widely used.  相似文献   

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