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Check dams are widely used worldwide for the soil and water conservation. Many of them have no spillways, resulting in frequent dam breach failures during heavy rainfall events. This paper proposes a new geobag stepped spillway for small check dams. The structure of the spillway primarily consists of a stepped chute created from geobags filled with local soil compacted and consolidated with a small amount of cement. The developed composite geosynthetic material exhibits water erosion resistance,...  相似文献   

Severe soil erosion occurs on the Loess Plateau in China, which makes the Yellow River the most sediment-laden river in the world. Construction of about 60,000 sediment check dams has remarkably controlled soil erosion on the Loess Plateau and reduced the sediment load of the middle and lower Yellow River. Nonetheless, little is known about the mechanism of erosion control and vegetation development of sediment check dams. The function of a single check dam mainly is trapping sediment, while the function of a train of check dams comprising dozens of or over hundreds of check dams in a gully encompasses controlling bed incision and reducing erosion energy. A formula was proposed to calculate the potential energy of bank failure and slope failure in a gully, which essentially constitutes the erosion energy. The erosion energy increases when gully incision occurs, which is induced by the incision of the Yellow River and its tributaries on the Loess Plateau. Sediment deposition in many gullies due to construction of check dams reduces the erosion energy to almost zero, which in turn greatly reduces soil erosion and sediment yield. Construction of check dams promotes vegetation development. The vegetation-erosion dynamics model was used to study the effect of check dams on vegetation development. Simulation results show that reforestation without check dam construction might result in an increase of vegetation cover in the first ten years and then a drop of vegetation cover to less than 10% in the later years. The check dams provide a foundation for vegetation development.  相似文献   

Coarse sediment retention by check dams is analyzed for five typical catchments in the Hekou-Longmen section of the midstream of the Yellow River, which is an area of high .coarse sediment concentration. The catchments are the Huangfuchuan, Kuye, Wuding, Sanchuan and Qiushui River Basins. The amount of coarse sediment retained by check clams in these areas for different periods was measured. Sediment reduction due to check clams is compared with other soil conservation measures and the results show that check clams are the most effective to rapidly reduce the amount of coarse sediment entering the Yellow River. If the average percentage of the drainage area with check clams for the five typical catchments reaches 3.0%, the average sediment reduction ratio can reach 60%. Therefore, to rapidly and effectively reduce the amount of sediment, especially coarse sediment, entering the Yellow River, the area percentage of check clams in the Hekou-Longmen section should be kept around 3%. The Kuye and Huangfuchuan River Basins are the preferred main catchments in which such water conservation measures are implemented.  相似文献   

Scouring and deposition processes resulting from variable rainfall and typhoon occurrence in tropical climatic conditions induce significant changes in the riverbeds of Taiwan. Along the Pachang River of western Taiwan, severe damage occurs during typhoons due to large and sudden variations in discharge, erosion, sediment transport and deposition. In order to simulate this process, the NETSTARS numerical modeling tool was used in the present paper. The influence of existing and planned check dam structures on flow control was also analyzed to determine their capacity to resist river erosion or to not be buried beneath sediments. Not only does the modeling tool allow calculation of the erosion-deposition behavior at the scale of the whole river, but it also provides local determination of the optimum location and characteristics such as foundation depth and lateral encroachment of future check dams. The results of a 10-year, long-term modeling simulation in terms of riverbed stability and scouring potential thus provide insights about unsafe future behavior at 4 sites. This numerical model provides a better general understanding and useful information for the optimal prevention of both the scouring damage and the burial related to sediment deposition with large changes in discharge and sediment transport.  相似文献   

The magnitude of soil erosion and sediment load reduction efficiency of check dams under extreme rainstorms is a long-standing concern. The current paper aims to use check dams to deduce the amount of soil erosion under extreme rainstorms in a watershed and to identify the difference in sediment interception efficiency of different types of check dams. Based on the sediment deposition at 12 check dams with 100% sediment interception efficiency and sub-catchment clustering by taking 12 dam-controlled catchments as clustering criteria, the amount of soil erosion resulting from an extreme rainstorm event on July 26, 2017 (named “7·26” extreme rainstorm) was estimated in the Chabagou watershed in the hill and gully region of the Loess Plateau. The differences in the sediment interception efficiency among the check dams in the watershed were analyzed according to field observations at 17 check dams. The results show that the average erosion intensity under the “7–26” extreme rainstorm was approximately 2.03 × 104 t/km2, which was 5 times that in the second largest erosive rainfall in 2017 (4.15 × 103 t/km2) and 11–384 times that for storms in 2018 (0.53 × 102 t/km2 - 1.81 × 103 t/km2). Under the “7–26” extreme rainstorm, the amount of soil erosion in the Chabagou watershed above the Caoping hydrological station was 4.20 × 106 t. The sediment interception efficiency of the check dams with drainage canals (including the destroyed check dams) and with drainage culverts was 6.48 and 39.49%, respectively. The total actual sediment amount trapped by the check dams was 1.11 × 106 t, accounting for 26.36% of the total amount of soil erosion. In contrast, 3.09 × 106 t of sediment were input to the downstream channel, and the sediment deposition in the channel was 2.23 × 106 t, accounting for 53.15% of the total amount of soil erosion. The amount of sediment transport at the hydrological station was 8.60 × 105 t. The Sediment Delivery Ratio (SDR) under the “7·26” extreme rainstorm was 0.21. The results indicated that the amount of soil erosion was huge, and the sediment interception efficiency of the check dams was greatly reduced under extreme rainstorms. It is necessary to strengthen the management and construction technology standards of check dams to improve the sediment interception efficiency and flood safety in the watershed.  相似文献   

The determination of sediment yield in catchments based on the sediment trapped by check dams is becoming a subject of interest.In fact,several methods have been developed in recent years to estimate the sediment retained by check dams.The complexity,precision and accuracy of each method vary greatly.In this study,we evaluate the sediment trapped by check dams comparing the Sections method respect to the Prism,Pyramid,DTMs and Trapezoid methods.We analyzed a sample of 25 check dams(α-1=90%;ε=10%) in the Saldana badlands(Spain).The results showed that the Sections method offered a volume of retained sediment between the others,which gave an absolute variation from 22%to40%.The high variability of the check dam and sediment wedge sizes made necessary to compare methods in groups combining both characteristics.No significant differences in sediment volumes could be found between the methods for very small(height(h):1.8-2.3 m;trapped volume(V):6-102 m~3) or large check dams(h 2.3 m;V:165-387 m~3),while significant differences are found for small(h 1.5 m;V:1-229 m~3) or middle-sized check dams(h:2.2-3.2 m;V:65-235 m3).Nevertheless,volume differences between groups ranged up to + 25%.For these reason,the size of the check dam,the shape of the sediment wedge and the accuracy of the measure methods must considered when selecting an appropriate method to obtain the volume of retained sediment by check dams.A correct estimation of the sediment retention is needed to evaluate the role and efficiency of check dams in restoration projects or to estimate sediment yields.  相似文献   

A new plastic-damage constitutive model for cyclic loading of concrete has been developed for the earthquake analysis of concrete dams. The rate-independent model consistently includes the effects of strain softening, represented by separate damage variables for tension and compression. A simple scalar degradation model simulates the effects of damage on the elastic stiffness and the recovery of stiffness after cracks close. To simulate large crack opening displacements, the evolution of inelastic strain is stopped beyond a critical value for the tensile damage variable. Subsequent deformation can be recovered upon crack closing. The rate-independent plastic-damage model forms the backbone model for a rate-dependent viscoplastic extension. The rate-dependent regularization is necessary to obtain a unique and mesh objective numerical solution. Damping is represented as a linear viscoelastic behaviour proportional to the elastic stiffness including the degradation damage. The plastic-damage constitutive model is used to evaluate the response of Koyna dam in the 1967 Koyna earthquake. The analysis shows two localized cracks forming and then joining at the change in geometry of the upper part of the dam. The upper portion of the dam vibrates essentially as rigid-body rocking motion after the upper cracks form, but the dam remains stable. The vertical component of ground motion influences the post-cracking response. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The growth in computer processing power has made it possible to use time-consuming analysis methods such as incremental dynamic analysis(IDA) with higher accuracy in less time.In an IDA study,a series of earthquake records are applied to a structure at successively increasing intensity levels,which causes the structure to shift from the elastic state into the inelastic state and finally into collapse.In this way,the limit-states and capacity of a structure can be determined.In the present research,the IDA of a concrete gravity dam considering a nonlinear concrete behavior,and sliding planes within the dam body and at the dam-foundation interface,is performed.The influence of the friction angle and lift joint slope on the response parameters are investigated and the various limit-states of the dam are recognized.It is observed that by introducing a lift joint,the tensile damage can be avoided for the dam structure.The lift joint sliding is essentially independent of the base joint friction angle and the upper ligament over the inclined lift joint slides into the upstream direction in strong earthquakes.  相似文献   

In the Brazilian drylands, there are tens of thousands of small dams. Despite their paramount importance to the rural population, they are rarely monitored. Water demand increases with time while, simultaneously, siltation reduces reservoir water capacity and availability. Reservoir siltation models are, therefore, mandatory to manage the numerous ungauged small dams in these drylands. The objective of the current study is to improve sediment trap efficiency (TE) modeling by including resuspension as a key probabilistic process. The Shannon entropy was used to estimate the sediment resuspension probability, which was merged with the Camp model and generated the RETSED entropy model. To validate the RETSED model, an experimental check dam (ECD, 300 m³), located in the Gilbués desertification site, Brazil, was monitored hourly during one hydrological year (July 2018–July 2019). Measurements show that the annual volumetric decline of the check dam was 12%; and that the average trap efficiency equaled 86%. Only 9.5% of the hourly sediment concentration outflow exceeded the average plus one standard deviation, showing that the reservoir is well mixed; a fact which highlights the relevance of the resuspension process. Three empirical models failed to mimic the experimental results: Churchill (TE = 99%), Brune (TE = 75%), and Maryland (TE = 94%). According to the RETSED entropy model, the resuspension probability during the experiment was 10% and TE = 81%, a value only 6% below the measured one. The Camp model simulated TE = 89%, only 3% higher than the measured value, but confirmed the Camp model's tendency to overestimate TE due to a disregard of resuspension. The deterministic model showed low sensitivity concerning the hydrodynamic effects, whereas the entropy formulation proved to be more consistent with physical behavior: the resuspension probability clearly increased and trap efficiency decreased with rising reservoir discharge.  相似文献   

An approximate procedure for seismic analysis of concrete arch dams which is based on the smeared crack method is described. Features include construction sequence modelling, water and foundation interaction, crack formation, opening and closing of joints and cracks, frictional sliding, presence of shear keys, action of internal water pressure, and a reliable solution algorithm. Complete solutions can be obtained in an hour on a fast workstation computer, allowing parameter studies to be run. Results suggest that an arch dam can suffer significant cracking during strong ground shaking and still remain stable. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The advance of technology has led to more competent countermeasures, but lives and properties still continue to suffer from water‐induced disasters, such as floods, landslides, and debris flows. To increase the effectiveness of counter systems, improved methods of planning and designing such systems are prerequisite. This paper describes briefly a methodological approach for predicting debris flow characteristics, and proposes techniques for evaluating and improving the mitigative effectiveness of check dams against debris flows in steep mountain torrents. Additionally, a non‐dimensional parameter, namely potential storage volume, is introduced to generalize the evaluation processes. As an example, the 1999 debris‐flow event in the San Julian River, Venezuela, is chosen for discussion. The paper also proposes a method of evaluating the control function of a series of check dams as well as the criteria for the selection of their sizes, numbers and locations. It is hoped that this work will help to determine which combinations of check dams will fit best together for the optimal control of debris flows and available resources in any river basin. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, a finite element limit analysis method is developed to assess the seismic stability of earth-rock dams. A pseudo-static approach is employed within the limit analysis framework to determine the lower and upper bounds on the critical seismic coefficients of dams. The interlocking force in the soil is considered, and the rockfill material is assumed to follow the Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion and an associated flow rule. Based on the native form of the failure criterion, the lower and upper bound theorems are formulated as second-order cone programming problems. The nonlinear shear strength properties of rockfill materials are also considered. The developed finite element limit analysis is applied to two different types of earth-rock dams. The results indicate that the rigorous lower and upper bounds are very close even for rockfill materials with large internal friction angles. The failure surfaces are easily predicted using the contour of the yield function and the displacement field obtained by the limit analysis method. In addition, the pore water pressures are modelled as external forces in the limit analysis to assess the seismic stability of earth-rock dams in the reservoir filling stage.  相似文献   

Globally, between 1950 and 2011 nearly 80,000 debris flow fatalities occurred in densely populated regions in mountainous terrain. Mitigation of these hazards includes the construction of check dams, which limit coarse sediment transport and in the European Alps number in the 100,000s. Check dam functionality depends on periodic, costly maintenance, but maintenance is not always possible and check dams often fail. As such, there is a need to quantify the long-term (10–100 years) geomorphic response of rivers to check dam failures. Here, for the first time, a landscape evolution model (CAESAR-Lisflood) driven by a weather generator is used to replicate check dam failures due to the lack of maintenance, check dam age, and flood occurrence. The model is applied to the Guerbe River, Switzerland, a pre-Alpine catchment containing 73 check dams that undergo simulated failure. Also presented is a novel method to calibrate CAESAR-Lisflood's hydrological component on this ungauged catchment. Using 100-year scenarios of check dam failure, the model indicates that check dam failures can produce 8 m of channel erosion and a 322% increase in sediment yield. The model suggests that after check dam failure, channel erosion is the remobilization of deposits accumulated behind check dams, and, after a single check dam failure channel equilibrium occurs in five years, but after many check dam failures channel equilibrium may not occur until 15 years. Overall, these findings support the continued maintenance of check dams.  相似文献   

Based on raw data from dams damaged in the Wenchuan earthquake, including many that were severely damaged, characteristics and factors that influenced the damage are discussed in this paper. Findings from this study include: severely damaged dams were densely distributed along the seismologic fault; small dams, especially small earth-rock dams, had the most serious damage that was caused by a variety of factors; the most serious damage was caused by seismic waves; damage was aggregated by aftershocks; and the extent of the damage patterns increased with the seismic intensity. Damage patterns varied in different intensity zones and cracking was the most common type of damage. Most of the dams had a good base with relatively high bearing capacity, and the walls of the earth-rock dams were mostly of clay soil. This type of base and body material mitigated some of the damage to dams. Reservoir maintenance and other factors also have a significant impact on the seismic safety of the dam. Finally, some recommendations to reduce seismic damage to dams are proposed.  相似文献   

高坝抗震设防问题的探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文探讨了高坝抗震设防的决策问题。分别从高坝设计使用年限及高坝的功能2个角度出发,探讨了进行高坝抗震设防标准决策的2种不同方法。从高坝设计使用年限出发,提出同样重要性的结构在不同的设计使用年限应具有相同的可靠度水平,以此来进行抗震设防烈度的决策。从基于功能分析的角度出发,提出应使总的期望损失最小为准则来进行最优抗震设防烈度的决策。  相似文献   

Uncertainties in structural engineering are often arising from the modeling assumptions and errors, or from variability in input loadings. A practical approach for dealing with them is to perform sensitivity and uncertainty analysis in the framework of stochastic and probabilistic methods. These analyses can be statically and dynamically performed through nonlinear static pushover and IDA techniques, respectively. Of the existing structures, concrete gravity dams are infrastructures which may encounter many uncertainties. In this research, probabilistic analysis of the seismic performance of gravity dams is presented. The main characteristics of the nonlinear tensile behavior of mass concrete, along with the intensity of earthquake excitations are considered as random variables in the probabilistic analysis. Using the tallest non‐overflow monolith of the Pine Flat gravity dam as a case study, its response under static and dynamic situations is reliably examined utilizing different combinations of parameters in the material and the seismic loading. The sensitivity analysis reveals the relative importance of each parameter independently. It will be shown that the undamaged modulus of elasticity and tensile strength of mass concrete have more significant roles on the seismic resistance of the dam than the ultimate inelastic tensile strain. In order to propagate the parametric uncertainty to the actual seismic performance of the dam, probabilistic simulation methods such as Monte Carlo simulation with Latin hypercube sampling, and approximate moment estimation techniques will be used. The final results illustrate the possibility of using a mean‐parameter dam model to estimate the mean seismic performance of the dam. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Suitable materials for use as shell of embankment dams are clean coarse-grained soils or natural rockfill. In some sites these materials may not be available at an economic distance from the dam axis. The use of in-situ cohesive soils reinforced with geotextiles as the shell is suggested in this study for such cases. Dynamic behavior of reinforced embankment dam is evaluated through fully coupled nonlinear effective stress dynamic analysis. A practical pore generation model has been employed to incorporate pore pressure build up during cyclic loading. Parametric analyses have been performed to study the effect of reinforcements on the seismic behavior of the reinforced dam. Results showed that reinforcements placed within the embankment reduce horizontal and vertical displacements of the dam as well as crest settlements. Maximum shear strains within the embankment also decreased as a result of reinforcing. Furthermore, it was observed that reinforcements cause amplification in maximum horizontal crest acceleration.  相似文献   

A direct finite element (FE) method for nonlinear response history analysis of semi-unbounded dam-water-foundation systems has recently been presented. The analysis procedure employs standard viscous-damper absorbing boundaries to model the semi-unbounded foundation and fluid domains and specifies the seismic input as effective earthquake forces—determined from a control motion defined at the foundation surface—at these boundaries. Presented in this paper are several simplifications to this direct FE method that greatly facilitates its implementation in commercial FE software. Also addressed is the modeling of the principal nonlinear mechanisms for concrete dams, calibration of damping in the numerical model to ensure consistency with values measured at actual dams, and practical procedures for implementation of the direct FE method with a commercial FE program.  相似文献   

Concrete dams suffering from alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) exhibit swelling and deterioration of concrete or even cracking over a long period. The deterioration of concrete may significantly affect the dynamic behavior of the structures, and it is necessary to estimate seismic safety of the deteriorated dams subjected to strong earthquakes. A unified approach is presented in this paper for long-term behavior and seismic response analysis of AAR-affected concrete dams by combining AAR kinetics, effects of creep and plastic-damage model in the finite element method. The proposed method is applied to a gravity dam and an arch dam. The long-term behavior of the AAR-affected dams is first predicted in terms of anisotropic swelling, spatially non-uniform deterioration of concrete, and cracking initiation and propagation with the development of AAR. The seismic response of the deteriorated dams is subsequently analyzed based on the state of the structures at the end of the long-term analysis. The AAR-induced expansion displacements obtained from the proposed method are in good agreement with the measured ones in the long-term operation. The simulated cracking patterns in the dams caused by the continuing AAR are also similar to the field observation. The results from the seismic analysis show that AAR-induced deterioration of concrete and cracking may lead to more severe damage cracking in the dams during earthquake. The dynamic displacements are also increased compared with the dams that are not suffering from AAR. The seismic safety of the AAR-affected concrete dams is significantly reduced because of the AAR-induced deterioration of concrete and cracking.  相似文献   

Subsurface dams are rather effective and used for the prevention of saltwater intrusion in coastal regions around the world. We carried out the laboratory experiments to investigate the elevation of saltwater wedge after the construction of subsurface dams. The elevation of saltwater wedge refers to the upward movement of the downstream saltwater wedge because the subsurface dams obstruct the regional groundwater flow and reduce the freshwater discharge. Consequently, the saltwater wedge cannot further extend in the longitudinal direction but rises in the vertical profile resulting in significant downstream aquifer salinization. In order to quantitatively address this issue, field-scale numerical simulations were conducted to explore the influence of various dam heights, distances, and hydraulic gradients on the elevation of saltwater wedge. Our investigation shows that the upward movement of the saltwater wedge and its areal extension in the vertical domain of the downstream aquifer become more severe with a higher dam and performed a great dependence on the freshwater discharge. Furthermore, the increase of the hydraulic gradient and the dam distance from the sea boundary leads to a more pronounced wedge elevation. This phenomenon comes from the variation of the freshwater discharge due to the modification of dam height, location, and hydraulic gradient. Large freshwater discharge can generate greater repulsive force to restrain the elevation of saltwater wedge. These conclusions provide theoretical references for the behaviour of the freshwater–seawater interface after the construction of subsurface dams and help optimize the design strategy to better utilize the coastal groundwater resources.  相似文献   

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