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Flume experiments were conducted using four different gravel beds (D50 + 12–39 mm) and a range of marked particles (10–65 mm). The shear stresses were evaluated from friction velocities, when initial movement of marked particles occurred. Two kinds of equations were produced: first for the threshold of initial movement, and second for generalized movement. Equations of the type 0c + a(Di/D50)b, as proposed by Andrews (1983) are applicable even if the material is relatively well sorted. However, the values of a and b are lower (respectively 0·050 and -0·70) for initial movement. Generalized movement requires a higher shear stress (a + 0·068 and b + -0·80). D90 of the bed material and y0 (the bed roughness parameter) were also used as reference values in place of D50. They produced lower values than in natural streams, mainly owing to the fact that the material used in the flume is better sorted: clusters are less well developed and the bed roughness is lower.  相似文献   

The current work focuses on locally resolving velocities,turbulence,and shear stresses over a rough bed with locally non-uniform character.A nonporous subsurface layer and fixed interfacial sublayer of gravel and sand were water-worked to a nature-like bed form and additionally sealed in a hydraulic flume.Two-dimensional Particle Image Velocimetry(2 D-PIV) was applied in the vertical plane of the experimental flume axis.Runs with clear water and weak sediment transport were done under slightly supercritical flow to ensure sediment transport conditions without formation of considerable sediment deposits or dunes.The study design included analyzing the double-averaged flow parameters of the entire measurement domain and investigating the flow development at 14 consecutive vertical subsections.Local geometrical variabilities as well the presence of sediment were mainly reflected in the vertical velocity component.Whereas the vertical velocity decreased over the entire depth in presence of sediment transport,the streamwise velocity profile was reduced only within the interfacial sublayer.In the region with decelerating flow conditions,however,the streamwise velocity profile systematically increased along the entire depth extent.The increase in the main velocity(reduction of flow resistance)correlated with a decrease of the turbulent shear and main normal stresses.Therefore,effects of rough bed smoothening and drag force reduction were experimentally documented within the interfacial sublayer due to mobile sediment.Moreover,the current study leads to the conclusion that in nonuniform flows the maximum Reynolds stress values are a better predictor for the bed shear stress than the linearly extrapolated Reynolds stress profile.This is an important finding because,in natural flows,uniform conditions are rare.  相似文献   

Determination of sediment stability in the field is challenging because bed shear stress (BSS), a determining factor of sediment erosion, can’t easily be directly measured. To tackle this challenge and reliably assess sediment erodibility in a fast flowing river, a standalone underwater camera system and a new insitu flume (ISF) were developed and applied in this study. The camera system was used to record sediment movement and the new ISF was used for measuring critical bottom shear stress (CBSS). The camera can be deployed alone in water to record videos or take pictures with light emitting diode (LED) lighting and flexible schedule settings. The ISF is based on the concept that the amount of force needed to erode the same particle under different flow conditions should be similar. Two high resolution Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) also were deployed in the field to collect velocity-depth profiles which are used by conventional methods to calculate BSS with the law of the wall. The sediment erodibility was then assessed based on the comparison between the obtained CBSS and BSS and then further verified with the recorded observations from the deployed camera. The results reveal that the widely used conventional method can produce large uncertainties and is not adequate to provide meaningful conclusion under these conditions.  相似文献   

Simulations of both currents and waves were performed throughout the year 2001 to assess the relative contribution of each to their overall erosive potential on the Gulf of Lions shelf. Statistical analysis of bottom shear stress (BSS) was compared to sediment grain-size distribution on the bottom. The hydrodynamic features of the bottom layer coincide with the distribution of surficial sediments, and three areas with different hydro-sedimentary characteristics were revealed. (i) The sandy inner shelf (<30 m) area is a high-energy-wave dominated area but may be subjected to intense current-induced BSS during on-shore winds along the coast and during continental winds mainly in the up-welling cells. (ii) The middle shelf (30–100 m) is a low-energy environment characterised by deposition of cohesive sediments, where the wave effect decreases with depth and current-induced BSS cannot reach the critical value for erosion of fine-grained sediments. (iii) The outer shelf, which has a higher bottom sand fraction than the middle shelf, may be affected by strong south-westward currents generated by on-shore winds, which can have an erosive effect on the fine-grained sediments.  相似文献   

Soil erodibility is an essential parameter used in soil erosion prediction. This study selected the Liangshan town watershed to quantify variation in the vertical zonality of rill erodibility (kr) in China's ecologically fragile Hengduan Mountains. Soil types comprised of yellow–brown (soil A), purple (soil B), and dry-red (soil C) in a descending order of occurrence from the summit to the valley, which roughly corresponds to the vertical climate zone (i.e. cool-high mountain, warm-low mountain, and dry-hot valley sections) of the study area. With elevation, vertical soil zonality varied in both soil organic matter (SOM) content and soil particle-size fractions. A series of rill erosion-based scour experiments were conducted, using water discharge rates of 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600 mL min-1. Additionally, detachment rates (Dr) were measured under three hydrological conditions (the drainage, saturation, and seepage treatments). Results show that both Dr and flow shear stress (Ʈ) values increased as discharge increased. As elevation increased, the kr values decreased, while the vertical zonality of critical shear stress (Ʈc) values showed no obvious variation. The highest kr values were observed during the seepage treatment, followed by the saturation treatment then drainage treatment, indicating that variation in vertical hydraulic gradients could significantly alter kr values. This study also found that land-use types could also alter kr and Ʈc values. Further research, however, is necessary to better quantify the effects of subsurface hydrological conditions and land-use types on kr under different soil zonalities in China's Hengduan Mountains. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparison between two methods for estimating shear stress in an atmospheric internal boundary layer over a beach surface under optimum conditions, using wind velocities measured synchronously at 13 heights over a 1.7 m vertical array using ultrasonic anemometry. The Reynolds decomposition technique determines at‐a‐point shear stresses at each measurement height, while the Law‐of‐the‐Wall yields a single boundary layer estimate based on fitting a logarithmic velocity profile through the array data. Analysis reveals significant inconsistencies between estimates derived from the two methods, on both a whole‐event basis and as time‐series. Despite a near‐perfect fit of the Law‐of‐the‐Wall, the point estimates of Reynolds shear stress vary greatly between heights, calling into question the assumed presence of a constant stress layer. A comparison with simultaneously measured sediment transport finds no relationship between transport activity and the discrepancies in shear stress estimates. Results do show, however, that Reynolds shear stress measured nearer the bed exhibits slightly better correlation with sand transport rate. The findings serve as a major cautionary message to the interpretation and application of single‐height measurements of Reynolds shear stress and their equivalence to Law‐of‐the‐Wall derived estimates, and these concerns apply widely to boundary layer flows in general. © 2015 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Introduction The stress status of the earths crust is closely related to global structure, the direction of plate movement, the drive mechanism of plate, earthquake cause, etc. Therefore the researches of the stress status of the earths crust and the process of dynamic evolution are paid a great attention to by many people around the world (Zoback, Zoback, 1980; Zoback, et al, 1989; Zoback, 1989; Spence, 1997; Fuchs, 1997; Plenefish, Bonjer, 1997; Muller, et al, 1997; XU, et al, 1989; WAN…  相似文献   




根据环境应力场方法确定地震危险区的3年实践检验   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
地震是在剪应力作用下发生的岩石大规模破裂过程。因此,环境剪应力值τ0是控制地震发生的主要因素,我们根据环境应力场确定大震危险区,经过3年的时间检验,结果表明,大约70%的地震都发生在我们事先确定的危险区内。  相似文献   

基于弹性波解耦延拓方程的波场分离方法不仅可以得到解耦的纵、横波质点振动速度场,还可以获得纵、横波应力场.针对横波纯应力场在利用单一分量成像时不具有明确物理意义的问题,本文将应力偏张量引入到横波应力场中,基于应力偏量第二不变量构建得到横波应力不变量并将其用于应力场的逆时偏移成像中,获得了可完整表征横波应力场的成像结果.模型试算表明,本文构建的横波应力不变量可以有效利用横波应力张量中的波场信息,并得到准确的弹性逆时偏移成像结果.  相似文献   

把环境应力增高,作为将要发生强震的前兆。根据陈培善导出的利用地震波资料直接计算环境剪应力τ_0值的公式,计算了1987─1991年全国范围内的环境剪应力值,并据此预测了1992年以后3年内可能发生6级以上地震的5个强震危险区。实际验证结果是:从1992年5月至今,中国境内共发生M≥6.0的地震7次,6次均落在预先划定的危险区内。根据进一步的研究,计算了1992─1993年全国环境应力值,结合1991年以前的资料,对未来1993年11月─1996年3年内可能发生强震的危险区进行了预测,提出了6个值得注意的强震危险区。  相似文献   

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