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Zusammenfassung Der Niederschlagsindikator bewirkt bei einem normalen elektrischen Schreiber einen Ausschlag, durch den Beginn, Ende und Dauer eines Niederschlages festgelegt sind und der darüber hinaus bei schwachen Niederschlägen auch deren Intensität anzeigt.
Summary By a simple measuring equipment beginning, ending and duration of precipitations are recorded with a common recorder. Furthermore, the intensity of weak precipitation is measured.

Résumé Un appareil simple donne le commencement, la fin et la durée des précipitations en registrant ces moments avec un enrégistreur usuel. Il mesure en plus l'intensité des précipitations très faibles.

Summary The picture shows the algae-catcher in open view, constructed out of a conventional rat-trap. T=cloth, B=stirrup, S=closing mechanism, A=releasing mechanism (touching bottom); dotted area=lead weight.   相似文献   

The toxic effects of alkali cyanide, complex cyanide-containing heavy metal salts—as of iron, cadmium, copper, nickel and mercury—were investigated according to standard methods with the aid of the test organisms Poecilia reticulata (guppy) as well as the green alga Ankistrodesmus falcatus (β- bis α-mesosaprobic). Since various complex compounds can be photolytically decomposed, also discontinuous light-dark phases were used. As discussed equilibrium calculations have shown, inter alia also the pH-value is important in the fish organisms used with different reactions to ions and molecularly dissolved compounds. The results are summarized in tables and graphic representations, the substances investigated being classified into groups with “strong” and “high” toxic actions.  相似文献   

Samples taken from the influent and effluent of a biological wastewater treatment plant were immediately analysed and investigated at different intervals within four weeks after sampling. They were stored in the dark at 277 and 293 K and at pH 2 and pH 12 each. None of the measures resulted in a correct stabilization or preservation of the samples: orthophosphate cannot be stabilized by any measure, the total phosphate needs not be stabilized, the COD gives values which are still useful only at pH 2 and 277 K, TOC and DOC do not show useful results with none of the applied techniques, equally insufficient are the results for ammonium- and nitrate-ions. In addition, differences occur in the behaviour of the samples taken from the influent and effluent. In agreement with the results published in the literature, the chemical analysis has to be carried out within 6 h after sampling.  相似文献   

A Competitive Immunoassay for the Determination of the Herbicide Fluazifop in Drinking Water and Groundwater A competitive solid-phase enzyme immunoassay using rabbit polyclonal antibodies was developed for the detection of the herbicide fluazifop [(RS)-2-[4-(5-trifluoromethyl-2-pyridyloxy)phenoxy]propionic acid] in drinking water and groundwater. Present regulatory limits for drinking water in Germany were taken as the critical level. The carrier protein was bovine serum albumin; horseradish peroxidase was used as marker enzyme with 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine as substrate. A high concentration of high-affinity antibodies in the serum, optimization of test conditions (antibody and enzyme tracer concentration, incubation time etc.), and very low cross reactivities to substances of similar structures led to a highly sensitive and specific ELISA with a detection limit below 0.1 μg/L for fluazifop as free acid. On testing the suitability of the assay's use as a screening test with one hundred drinking-water samples, the three samples which had been spiked in the laboratory were recognized as positive with respect to their fluazifop content. Confirmation by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry showed the test results of two other samples to be false positive. False negative results did not appear. The concentration was in the detection limit region of 0.1 μg/L.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein neues Schlammprobenahmeger?t beschrieben, das auf einfache und einwandfreie Weise gestattet, bodennahes Wasser und die jüngsten Schlammablagerungen zu erfassen. Dadurch wird die M?glichkeit geboten, den Chemismus der Sedimente, die Austauschvorg?nge zwischen Schlamm und Wasser und die Biologie der Kontaktzonen zu studieren. Ferner wird eine neue Methode zur Messung des Sedimentabsatzes beschrieben, welche durch eine spezielle Bearbeitung der Schlammstechr?hre aus Plexiglas erm?glicht wird. Zur Messung der biologischen Aktivit?t der Ablagerungen in bezug auf Zellulose- und Eiweissabbau wird vorgeschlagen, halbkreisf?rmige Schnitzchen aus Rohbaumwolle (Zellulose) und Rohseide (Eiweiss) w?hrend einer bestimmten Zeit und Temperatur in einem Halter in Plexiglasr?hren auf die Schlammoberfl?che zu legen.
Summary A core sampling device is described in the preceding work. It allows to take out water lying just above the sediments as well as the youngest core layers. This gives the possibility to study the chemical properties of the sediments, the convertible process between sediment and water, and the biology of the zones of contact. Furthermore, a new method is brought up to measure depositions of sediments with a special device of the core sampling apparatus made of Plexiglas. The following method is proposed to measure the biological activity of the deposits with respect to the cellulose and protein degradation: Slices of raw cotton (cellulose) and raw silk (protein) having the form of half a circle are placed in a container which, in turn, is introduced in the Plexiglas tube above the surface of the sediments. The container remains there during a certain length of time and at a certain temperature.

Temperature, discharge, and chemical parameters were studied in the upper reach of a Black Forest stream over a three-year period. Additionally, investigations of the upstream tributaries and of downstream sites were conducted at some occasions. While monthly and annual means of water temperature exhibited only little year-to-year variations, average annual discharge differed considerably. Total suspended organic matter was correlated to total supended solids and discharge, orthophosphate and ammonium to temperature. Phosphorus was the only nutrient with a strong seasonal dynamic. Cumulative surface runoff of the upstream tributaries was inversely correlated to total discharge at the gauging station. Concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg2+ and accordingly specific conductivity increase in the longitudinal course of the stream, due to tributaries originating in the adjacent shell limestone and red marl formations.Mit finanzieller Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, Az. Schw. 63/27-1, 2, 3.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird ein exakter Seismograph beschrieben.
Summary An exact seismograph is described.

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