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In the current study, 108 flume experiments with non-uniform, cohesionless sediments have been done to investigate the local scour process around four pairs of side-by-side bridge piers under both open channel and ice-covered flow conditions. Similar to local scour around bridge piers under open channel conditions and a single bridge pier, it was observed in the experiments that the maximum scour depth always occurred at the upstream face of the pier under ice-covered conditions. Further, the smaller the pier size and the greater the spacing distance between the bridge piers, the weaker the horseshoe vortices around the bridge piers, and, thus, the shallower the scour holes around them. Finally, empirical equations were developed to estimate the maximum scour depth around two side-by-side bridge piers under both open channel and ice-covered flow conditions.  相似文献   

The local scour around bridge abutments has been an active research topic for many decades. But very few studies have been conducted regarding the impacts of ice cover on the local scour phenomenon aro...  相似文献   

Experimental study has been carried out under a clear-water scour condition to explore the local scour around semi-elliptical model bridge abutments with armor-layer bed, compared with the local scour process around semi-circular abutment. Two types of model bridge abutments, namely semi-elliptical and semi-circular abutments have been used in this experimental study. The model abutments had a ratio of streamwise length of abutment to the length of abutment transverse to the flow of 2 for semi-circular abutments and 3 for semi-elliptical abutments. In total, 50 Experiments have been designed and conducted under different flow conditions such as bed shear velocities, flow depth, and dimensions of bridge abutment model, as well as grain size of the bed material. Based on these experiments, the scour process around bridge abutments has been assessed. The dependence of the equilibrium scour depth of the scour hole on hydraulic variables has been studied. Empirical equation describing the equilibrium scour depth of the scour hole around bridge abutments has been developed.  相似文献   

The current study aims to investigate the characteristics of scour topography around High-Rise Structure Foundations(HRSFs)via physical modeling tests.Clear-water scour tests with a uniform non-cohesive bed are modeled under the action of unidirectional steady flows.Time variations of the erosion and deposition topography are measured.The results show that deposition downstream of the first dune behind the HRSF is not located on the centerline of the wake.The deposition pattern indicates that a long steady wake region exists behind the permeable foundation.The scour depth around an HRSF is much less than that around a monopile because of the structural permeability,which gives rise to the bleed flow and a weakened downflow and horseshoe vortex.Additionally,the asymmetry of the HRSF affects the scour rate but not the final equilibrium scour depth.The average scour slope decreases along the direction of the flow.On the contrary,the scour radial distance increases along the direction of the flow,with the average value changing from 1.36De to 2.35De(where De is the equivalent diameter of the foundation).Furthermore,the scour hole around the HRSF is serrated rather than smooth owing to the presence of multiple piles.Empirical formulae are suggested for estimating the evolution of scour depth and volume.These laboratory experiments provide reference information for relevant numerical modeling studies and can be applied to guide engineering designs in an ocean area.  相似文献   

In this paper reduction of scour around group of two and three piers using circular collar has been carried out for the case of clear-water flow over uniform sediment. The efficiency of collars, with different sizes and spaces between piers is studied through experiments in group of two and three piers. The result reveals that collar has more influence in reduction of scour depth in rear piers than the first pier. Also, when the spacing between the piers increases the area without protection between the piers is washed away resulting deeper scour holes at the rear piers.  相似文献   

Flow past wall-mounted cylindrical structures is commonly encountered in natural rivers where piers of bridge crossings or vegetation stalks are common within channels.In the current study,the influence of cylindrical structures on flow/bathymetric alterations for three different permeabilities is explored via two-dimensional numerical modeling.In model construction processes,the structure permeability is varied with the surface void ratio along the perimeter of the cylinder,i.e.the density of e...  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of comprehensive laboratory experiments to investigate the effects of hooked-collar on the scour development around a vertical pier with a lenticular cross section. The flow around the pier was uniform, steady, and under the clear-water condition. The axial scour profiles for cases without and with a lenticular hooked-collar were measured and the effects of hooked-collar dimensions and elevation from the bed were examined. To compute the efficiency of hooked-colla...  相似文献   

Spur dikes are river training structures that have been extensively used worldwide for towards enhancing flood control and the stability of embankments and riverbanks.However,scour around spur dikes can be a major problem affecting their stability and hydraulic performance.The precise computation of temporal scour depth at spur dikes is very important for the design of economical and safe spur dikes.This study focuses on experimentally assessing the temporal variation of scour depth around a vertical wall spur dike and identifying the parameters,which mostly influence spur dike performance for a channel bed surface comprised of sand-gravel mixtures.In the current study,the authors did physical experiments in a flume based study to obtain new data,aimed at deriving a new predictive model for spur dike scour and comparing its performance to others found in the literature.It was found that the dimensionless temporal scour depth variation increases with an increase in(i)the threshold velocity ratio,(ii)the densimetric Froude number of the bed surface sediment mixture,(iii)the flow shallowness(defined as the ratio of the approach flow depth,y,to the spur dike’s transverse length,l),and(iv)the flow depth-particle size ratio.It is also concluded that the temporal scour depth variation in the sediment mixture is influenced by the non-uniformity of sediment and decreases with an increase in the non-uniformity of the sediment mixture.A new mathematical model is derived for the estimation of temporal scour depths in sand-gravel sediment mixtures.The proposed equation has been calibrated and validated with the experimental data,demonstrating a good predictive capacity for the estimation of temporal scour depth evolution.  相似文献   

The turbulent flow in the local scour hole around a single non-submerged spur dyke is investigated with both experimental and numerical methods. The experiments are conducted under clear-water scour regime with an impermeable spur dyke. The scour geometry and flow velocities are measured in details with a high-resolution laser displacement meter, electro-magnetic velocimetries and PIV (Particle image velocimetry). A 3D non-linear k-ε model is developed to simulate the complex local flow field around the scour area. The numerical model is formulated using FVM (Finite volume method) on a collocated unstructured mesh, capable of resolving complex geometries and boundaries. It is found that the simulation results are reasonably consistent with those of the experimental measurements. Based on the study results, the nature of the flow structure around a spur dyke with local scour hole is analyzed.  相似文献   

The scouring around bridge foundations is a significant concern in civil engineering. Several research has been conducted experimentally and numerically to study the maximum scour depth around the foundations of a bridge in open channel conditions. In cold regions, where ice forms on lakes, reservoirs, and rivers, the interaction between ice and hydraulic structures is further complicated. The flow distribution varies significantly leading to deeper and larger scouring around bridge foundations....  相似文献   

The effect of scour countermeasures on the mechanism of local scour around a cylinder requires clarification in order to develop design methodology for use in practice. Previous investigations on countermeasure performance, though useful, have not provided adequate measurements to support this understanding. In the present investigation, particle image velocimetry(PIV) measurements were acquired at several streamwise-vertical planes in the flow field surrounding a submerged circular cylinder wit...  相似文献   

Recent investigations on the dynamics of the turbulent horseshoe vortex system (THV) around cylindrical piers have shown that the rich coherent dynamics of the vortical structures is dominated by low-frequency bimodal fluctuations of the velocity field. In spite of these advances, many questions remain regarding the changes of the flow and sediment transport dynamics as scour progresses. In this investigation we carry out laboratory experiments to register the development of the scour hole around a cylindrical pier in a fine-sand bed (d 50 = 0.36 mm). We use the bathymetry measured in the experiment to simulate the flow field employing the detached-eddy simulation approach (DES), which has shown to resolve most of the turbulent stresses around surface-mounted obstacles. From these simulations we compare the dynamics of the THV to the flat-bed case, and analyze the effects on particle transport and sediment flux using the Lagrangian particle model of Escauriaza and Sotiropoulos (2011b) to study the impact of the changes of the flow on the sediment dynamics.  相似文献   

Analysis and interpretation of monitoring data for the seabed bathymetry local to offshore windfarm foundations has shown how the scour develops in time and highlighted variations between sites with different seabed sediment characteristics, i.e. sands and clays. Results from European offshore windfarms have generated a unique dataset for comparison with previously published data. Where surficial sediment is underlain by a marine clay the scour (to date) has been limited, whilst those with unconstrained depths of sandy sediments show scour as deep as 1.38 times the monopile diameter. Scour protection has been installed at some sites for structural stability of the foundation or for cable protection. The flow interaction with the protection causes edge scour or secondary scour in the seabed around the protection. In some cases this scour is deeper than the unprotected case. The analysis has resulted in an improved evidence base for scour in the marine environment.  相似文献   

In this work, investigation on the development of local scour around an oblong pier in a 180 degree flume bend is presented. Scour hole can cause failure of the bridge especially during the river floods. In this study, the use of oblong collars for reducing the effects of local scour at a bridge pier is presented together with the time aspect of the scour development. Tests were conducted using one oblong pier in positions of 60degree under one flow conditions. The study was conducted using a physical hydraulic model operated under clear-water conditions in cohesionless bed material. In this study, the time development of the local scour around the oblong pier fitted with and without collar plates was studied. Investigated was the effect of size and elevation collar on the time development of scour and its efficacy at preventing scour at a bridge pier. The time development of the scour hole around the model pier with and without a collar installed was compared with similar studies on bridge piers. The results of the model study indicated that the maximum depth of scour is highly dependent on the experimental duration. It was observed that, as the minimum depth of scour occurs for the square collar at width of 3B placed at elevation of 0.1B below the bed and the size of a collar plate increases, the scour decreases. Measuring depth of scouring based on experimental observation, an empirical relation is developed with regression coefficient 95%.  相似文献   

This study performed a bridge pier collar comparison for the purpose of reducing scour,while introducing a new collar design.The new collar,referred to as Collar Prototype Number 3,was designed based on an equilibrium scour hole and provides a method of controlling the horseshoe vortex.Numerical modelling was utilized to show the flow field and bed shear stress as a result of using Collar Prototype Number 3.A prototype model of Collar Prototype Number 3 and a flat plate collar were constructed f...  相似文献   

A scour monitoring system with a micro camera tracking the bed-level images is proposed in this study.Two image recognition algorithms have been developed to support the bed-level image tracking approach.Through the laboratory experiments of pier scour,this study demonstrates that the proposed system is able to accurately monitor the scour-depth evolution in real time.In addition,five commonly-used temporal scour models are employed to simulate scour-depth evolution and their results are compared with monitoring data.In general,the results indicate that the proposed scour monitoring system has the potential for further applications in the field.  相似文献   

Results of an experimental study on the countermeasure of scour depth at circular piers are presented. Experiments were conducted for pier scour with and without a splitter plate under a steady, uniform clear-water flow condition. The results of pier scour without splitter plate were used as a reference. Different combinations of lengths and thicknesses of splitter plates were tested attaching each of them to a pier at the upstream vertical plane of symmetry. Two different median sediment sizes (d 50 = 0.96 and 1.8 mm) were considered as bed sediment. The experimental results show that the scour depth consistently decreases with an increase in splitter plate length, while the scour depth remains independent of splitter plate thickness. In addition, temporal evolution of scour depth at piers with and without a splitter plate is observed. The best combination is found to be with a splitter plate thickness of b/5 and a length of 2b. Here, b denotes the pier diameter. An empirical formula for the estimation of equilibrium scour depth at piers with splitter plates is obtained from a multiple linear regression analysis of the experimental data. The flow fields for various combinations of circular piers with and without splitter plate including plain bed and equilibrium scour conditions were measured by using an acoustic Doppler velocimeter. The turbulent flow fields for various configurations are investigated by plotting the velocity vectors and the turbulent kinetic energy contours on vertical and horizontal planes. The splitter plate attached to the pier deflects the approach flow and thus weakens the strength of the downflow and the horseshoe vortex, being instrumental in reducing the equilibrium scour depth at piers. The proposed method of pier scour countermeasure is easy to install and cost effective as well.  相似文献   

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