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In this paper, I reflect on the impact that my embodiment and the sexed subject positions that I took up at various moments in the field had on my research on cross-cultural sexual encounters between Thai men and tourist women. I explore the negotiation of sexed subjectivity and positionality and the implications that these negotiations had for research ethics in the project. The issue of research ethics is bound up in the conceptualisation of power relationships between researcher and researched. Here I argue that power is not necessarily already distributed between researcher and researched; rather, that power can shift in different contexts.  相似文献   

Most people in Britain today work in jobs dominated very markedly by either women or men. Sex-typing occurs in many other activities. For example, child care and domestic work, whether paid or unpaid, are generally considered to be tasks for women. However, with the exception of domestic work and child care, the allocation of activities to women or men varies between societies. For example, in much of sub-Saharan Africa, women work in fields, growing basic subsistence crops for their families, whereas in much of Latin America, women's agricultural work is confined to tending animals and food processing. Inequality arises because the role of women is generally associated with inferior status, socially, politically and/or economically. When mapping the geography of gender, an example shows that female life expectancy at birth is highest in the developed countries and lowest in the poorest countries of the Third World. Regarding the relationship between gender divisions and various aspects of spatial organization within societies most attention has focused on differences in ethnic group, social class, and stage in the life cycle. In mid-19th century Britain large-scale factory production precipitated a spatial separation between home and work and created the possibility of separate spheres of life for women and men. A particular social form, namely a nuclear family with a dependent wife, can operate as a factor contributing to changes in the spatial organization of urban areas in the form of suburban growth. After decades of outward movement by affluent social groups, a return to small pockets within inner-urban areas is now evident. This process is known as gentrification. An additional factor of significance in connection with gentrification is the increasing success of middle-class women in obtaining well-paid career jobs.  相似文献   

Land use classification has benefited from the emerging big data, such as mobile phone records and taxi trajectories. Temporal activity variations derived from these data have been used to interpret and understand the land use of parcels from the perspective of social functions, complementing the outcome of traditional remote sensing methods. However, spatial interaction patterns between parcels, which could depict land uses from a perspective of connections, have rarely been examined and analysed. To leverage spatial interaction information contained in the above-mentioned massive data sets, we propose a novel unsupervised land use classification method with a new type of place signature. Based on the observation that spatial interaction patterns between places of two specific land uses are similar, the new place signature improves land use classification by trading off between aggregated temporal activity variations and detailed spatial interactions among places. The method is validated with a case study using taxi trip data from Shanghai.  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to describe the noticeable similarities in the development of rural research and geography-close gender studies. Both research fields have developed greatly since 1970. Rural research has its roots in geography, while models and theories in gender research emanate from other disciplines. This article primarily treats the development of Nordic research and describes the development and different phases of each research field. The purpose is to draw attention to the parallel routes of development that characterize these fields, although in Swedish research they have not influenced each other much. Rural gender research, an area where the two research fields are interrelated, is the one exception. This focus, mainly developed by feminist geographers, has been largely invisible within the mainstream of both fields and has probably hindered new paths of development. Finally, I describe a route towards the development of a gender research based on the concept of space influenced by both fields of research.  相似文献   

Exploring urban commuting imbalance by jobs and gender   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous findings support that distance matters for job access. Typically, long distances act negatively on job access either due to the lack of information about the opportunities or the cost (time, transportation, etc.). Disparities in job access are explained with the workers’ demographic and socioeconomic characteristics and their spatial condition. Nevertheless, job access was not fully explored in multi-dimensional ways because of data and computational limitations. Recently, the wealth of commuting data, combined with the growing capacity of computation and methodological development, enables us to examine more commuting pattern details than what existing data provide at an aggregate level. This study uses a disaggregate journey-to-work model on 2000 Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP) commuting data to investigate access to job by gender and occupation, in a more localized context. To explore this varying degree of job access and associated explanation, we analyzed disaggregate commuting flows and ran a regression model on them. This study has three main objectives: (1) to disaggregate journey-to-work flows by gender and occupation to estimate the number of commute trips between census tracts, (2) to explore the variations in job access by gender and occupation, and (3) to draw relationships between job access and various worker’s situations. The results show the details of commuting patterns, suggesting that some occupations have more gender imbalance than others. Further, the findings indicate that the same demographic, socioeconomic and spatial conditions have different effects on workers, and the effect is related to the workers’ demographic-socioeconomic status in complex ways. Unlike conventional research in which a particular worker group is compared to a control group of opposite characteristics, our methodology makes it possible to examine an overview of all the job and gender groups, providing advantages in 2-way comparisons between gender and occupation groups beyond a conventional comparison between two groups. Therefore, our study adds an additional dimension to the conventional comparison.  相似文献   

Visual exposure modelling establishes the extent to which a nominated feature may be seen from a specified location. The advent of high-resolution light detection and ranging (LiDAR)-sourced elevation models has enabled visual exposure modelling to be applied in urban regions, for example, to calculate the field of view occupied by a landmark building when observed from a nearby street. Currently, visual exposure models access a single surface elevation model to establish the lines of sight (LoSs) between the observer and the landmark feature. This is a cause for concern in vegetated areas where trees are represented as solid protrusions in the surface model totally blocking the LoSs. Additionally, the observer's elevation, as read from the surface model, would be incorrectly set to the tree top height in those regions. The research presented here overcomes these issues by introducing a new visual exposure model, which accesses a bare earth terrain model, to establish the observer's true elevation even when passing through vegetated regions, a surface model for the city profile and an additional vegetation map. Where there is a difference between terrain and surface elevations, the vegetation map is consulted. In vegetated areas the LoS is permitted to continue its journey, either passing under the canopy with clear views or partially through it depending on foliage density, otherwise the LoS is terminated. This approach enables landmark visual exposure to be modelled more realistically, with consideration given to urban trees. The model's improvements are demonstrated through a number of real-world trials and compared to current visual exposure methods.  相似文献   

This article presents a deterministic model for sub-block-level population estimation based on the total building volumes derived from geographic information system (GIS) building data and three census block-level housing statistics. To assess the model, we generated artificial blocks by aggregating census block areas and calculating the respective housing statistics. We then applied the model to estimate populations for sub-artificial-block areas and assessed the estimates with census populations of the areas. Our analyses indicate that the average percent error of population estimation for sub-artificial-block areas is comparable to those for sub-census-block areas of the same size relative to associated blocks. The smaller the sub-block-level areas, the higher the population estimation errors. For example, the average percent error for residential areas is approximately 0.11 percent for 100 percent block areas and 35 percent for 5 percent block areas.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine how the researcher's body can be used as a tool for data collection in the process of ethnographic fieldwork. We focus in particular on the tensions inherent in undertaking embodied ethnographic research in the sexualized setting of a queer women's bathhouse event in Toronto, Canada. Our discussion addresses three moments within the research process: preparing our bodies to attend the bathhouse; positioning our bodies within the spaces of the bathhouse; and interacting with our bodies during the event. Through this discussion we argue that the body of the researcher is a contested site of knowledge production.  相似文献   

Observations assigned to any two classes in a choropleth map are expected to have attribute values that are different. Their values might not be statistically different, however, if the data are gathered from surveys, such as the American Community Survey, in which estimates have sampling error. This article presents an approach to determine class breaks using the class separability criterion, which refers to the levels of certainty that values in different classes are statistically different from each other. Our procedure determines class breaks that offer the highest levels of separability given the desired number of classes. The separability levels of all class breaks are included in a legend design to show the statistical likelihood that values on two sides of each class break are different. The legend and the associated separability information offer map readers crucial information about the reliability of the spatial patterns that could result from the chosen classification method.  相似文献   

A variant of shift‐share analysis is applied to manufacturing wages data for 22 districts in New Zealand for 1980 and 1984, to test, via three models, the explanatory power of components representing the gender split and industrial structure of the workforce separately and in combination. These first three components provide a surprisingly low level of explanation in many districts, and, overall, their national performance has declined over time. The consequent rise of a fourth, ‘residual’ element is examined in more detail, and suggestions offered for its observed geography.  相似文献   


This paper examines how to incorporate a feminist pedagogy into teaching World Regional Geography in order to empower students to seek social change. This paper also addresses the fragile relationships that develop in the feminist classroom, such as challenging students' inherent prejudices in a safe and comfortable setting.  相似文献   

基于遗传支持向量机的城市扩张非线性组合模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张豪  罗亦泳  张立亭 《地理学报》2010,65(6):656-664
在分析当前城市扩张模拟模型优缺点的基础上,利用支持向量机能有效表达、拟合复杂非线性系统的功能,将多个单项城市扩张模型进行非线性组合,有机融合各单项模型优点,最后构建支持向量机的城市空间扩张非线性组合模拟模型。利用遗传算法优化支持向量机的参数,减小参数设置不合理对支持向量机建模精度引起的影响,有效提高支持向量机模型精度。通过分析组合模型误差和各参与组合的单项模型之间的关系,总结出提高支持向量机的城市扩张非线性组合模型精度的方法是:① 提高参与组合的各单项模型精度;② 增加单项模型之间的差异性。以长沙市为例,分别构建多元回归、GM(1,8)、BP网络和LS-SVM单项城市空间扩张模拟模型,并在此基础上建立线性组合城市扩张模型和遗传支持向量机非线性组合城市扩张模型。通过各模型精度对比分析证明,遗传支持向量机的城市扩张非线性组合模型精度远优于各单项模型,并且优于线性组合模型,是一种有效的城市扩张新模型。  相似文献   


This paper proposes a new classification method for spatial data by adjusting prior class probabilities according to local spatial patterns. First, the proposed method uses a classical statistical classifier to model training data. Second, the prior class probabilities are estimated according to the local spatial pattern and the classifier for each unseen object is adapted using the estimated prior probability. Finally, each unseen object is classified using its adapted classifier. Because the new method can be coupled with both generative and discriminant statistical classifiers, it performs generally more accurately than other methods for a variety of different spatial datasets. Experimental results show that this method has a lower prediction error than statistical classifiers that take no spatial information into account. Moreover, in the experiments, the new method also outperforms spatial auto-logistic regression and Markov random field-based methods when an appropriate estimate of local prior class distribution is used.  相似文献   

Like the former Soviet Union, Russia is home to many ethnic groups. The Russian Federal Treaty of March 1992 was signed by 18 ethnically-based republics and 17 non-Russian ethnic districts. Ethnic groups within Russia vary considerably in levels of socioeconomic achievement, with groups having had unequal access to political resources and differing in their ability to take advantage of economic opportunities. The author analyzed newly available occupational data from the 1989 census in his study of ethnic and gender differences in the work force of Russia. Measurements are presented showing differences between the occupations of Russians and the next largest 11 ethnic groups, producing a clear hierarchy of groups. The extent of occupational gender differences within each ethnic group is measured and contrasted with the level of differences between ethnic groups. These data are important for showing potential sources of group conflict and for providing a baseline to measure changing forms of inequality which have been promoted by post-Soviet developments. Preliminary findings point to the existence of highly significant differences between Russia's ethnic groups, with the level of the differences closely paralleling measures of socioeconomic achievement. To determine more precisely the significance of group differences in employment, detailed occupational categories must be examined more closely. Currently available data, however, do not permit more rigorous measurements of discrimination. It is nonetheless clear that ethnicity in contemporary Russia is strongly related to occupational differences. The aggregate segregation of men from women was found to be very stable despite the substantial socioeconomic and cultural differences between ethnic groups. As a group, Jews were found to have extremely high levels of educational and occupational achievement and a comparatively far older age structure.  相似文献   

区域旅游合作是整合旅游产品、优化旅游产品空间结构、实现区域旅游可持续发展的主要措施之一。文章在研究文献综述的基础上,从旅游资源、空间结构、客源市场等方面论证了贵池旅游区融入“两山一湖”旅游区的可行性.揭示了贵池旅游区与黄山、九华山等“两山一湖”重点景区合作的演化关系,最后提出强化旅游交通基础设施建设、加强旅游产品开发与客源市场共享是贵池区成功融入“两山一湖”旅游区的3种基本策略。  相似文献   

Abstract: Teaching secondary school geography students about different perspectives on the way knowledge is produced can be challenging. The forms of critical thinking that are prompted by interrogating the ways in which knowledge are produced equips students with intellectual tools for independent learning; an attribute which is a key feature of successful learners. This article provides an overview of the ways in which gender/feminist perspectives have been generated over time; how the teaching of these perspectives has been included in one New Zealand school, as well as suggesting useful resources.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The restricted influence of geographers in the policy arena has been the source of some angst. This paper reports on a new initiative at the University of Canterbury, which aims to strengthen geography's contribution to health policy debates in New Zealand. The GeoHealth Laboratory is a joint initiative between the Department of Geography and Public Health Intelligence group at the Ministry of Health that seeks to provide a pathway for the integration of health geography research into policy development. This new facility aligns the expertise in health geography, GIS and other spatial analytical methods with policy-relevant research priorities. An overview of the strategic aims of the GeoHealth Laboratory is provided along with some examples of recent research activities that are contributing to understandings of the health landscape in New Zealand. It is argued that such partnerships provide important opportunities for geographers to engage with policy-relevant issues.  相似文献   

Predictive vegetation modeling can be used statistically to relate the distribution of vegetation across a landscape as a function of important environmental variables. Often these models are developed without considering the spatial pattern that is inherent in biogeographical data, resulting from either biotic processes or missing or misspecified environmental variables. Including spatial dependence explicitly in a predictive model can be an efficient way to improve model accuracy with the available data. In this study, model residuals were interpolated and added to model predictions, and the resulting prediction accuracies were assessed. Adding kriged residuals improved model accuracy more often than adding simulated residuals, although some alliances showed no improvement or worse accuracy when residuals were added. In general, the prediction accuracies that were not increased by adding kriged residuals were either rare in the sample or had high nonspatial model accuracy. Regression interpolation methods can be an important addition to current tools used in predictive vegetation models as they allow observations that are predicted well by environmental variables to be left alone, while adjusting over‐ and underpredicted observations based on local factors.  相似文献   

This paper employs interview narratives alongside participant-led photography and caption writing to examine the different daily geographies of 15 HIV-positive gay men in Auckland, New Zealand. Difference for these men is rooted in both their HIV status and their sexuality, and this difference has implications for their engagement with the world at a range of spatial and temporal scales. Giving voice to such experiences begins to answer calls for geographers to consider more deeply the connections between health, sexuality and place.  相似文献   

The differences in knowledge of biological resource use between societal and demographic groups are often poorly understood; yet they are an important element of sustainability. Differences in gender and generational knowledge of locally useful woody plant species in South African savannas are examined. The results showed that young people and middle-aged females were highly knowledgeable. Over half of the total 267 woody plant species in nine use categories (i.e., medicinal, fruits–seeds, fuelwood, beverage, cultural, furniture, craft, fencing and housing poles) had multiple uses. Therefore, differences in knowledge of resource selection and use between social or demographic groups (for example based on gender and age) may appropriately inform conservation prioritisation, planning and monitoring.  相似文献   

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