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初论地质信息有序系列   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
信息有序系列是笔者提出的一个新概念,是指具有非随机性定义的信息,非周期性,存在于大量无序中的有序部分特征的有序性。IOS的理论是应用基于较少假设的,较为简单的数字或几何模式去研究地质体客观存在的复杂性,减少类似概率分布,周期性,平稳性,遍历理论等假设要求。  相似文献   

本文通过对新疆觉罗塔格地区的卫星遥感图片判读和野外验证,认为该区近东西向弧形断裂带是在前中生代北西西和北东东向断裂格局基础上经有序演化而形成。近东西向、北西西和北东东向3组断裂构成V型构造,它是中生代以来近北西向构造应力作用的产物,并在新第三纪以后有强烈活动。该V型构造的形成,在时间上表现为有序过程,空间上表现为排列方式和演化方向等的有序性,是信息有序系列特性在断裂构造演化过程中的表征。  相似文献   

沉积地层旋回性记录中几个理论问题的认识   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
层序地层学及旋回地层学的大量研究成果表明,浅海相地层的旋回性记录是一种普遍现象。在进行露头层序地层研究中,不能机械地识别层序界面及进行体系域划分,岩性、岩相、相序及其有序叠加形式才是研究的基础和关键。旋回层序的界面有两种类型:暴露间断面及加深饥饿间断面。不管是间断面还是凝缩段均存在一个级别归属问题。判断一个旋回层序是否存在的标准,是看组成它的“成因相关的相序”是否存在空间上的有序性及时间上的同步性  相似文献   

黄伟纶 《水文》1994,(5):56-59
“水文”词源初探黄伟纶(水利部水文司)“水文”是指有关地球上各种形态水体的起源、存在、分布、循环、运动等的变化规律。认识和运用这些规律为人类生活、生产服务,则是水文学者的任务 ̄[1]。水文现象和水文规律是自然环境中的客观存在,不为人类所创造,而只能为...  相似文献   

朱裕生 《矿床地质》2006,25(Z1):59-62
矿产预测理论研究始于20世纪50年代,在近60年的预测实践中,始终是研究的热门课题。中国学者在全国第一、二轮区划的实践和相关研究成果基础上,完善了矿产预测理论的基本内容,形成矿产预测的理论体系,推动了区域成矿学向矿产勘查延伸新领域的探索。矿产预测理论概括为:矿床成矿作用“异相定位”预测理论;矿床成矿系列“缺位”预测理论;多元信息“类比-求同”预测理论和地质体“对等求异”预测理论。认为成矿作用的“异相定位和矿床成矿系列”缺位预测理论是矿产预测的地质理论依据,又是对成矿学理论的补充;多元信息“类比-求同”理论是传统的预测理论,本文赋以新的内含;地质体“对等求异”理论补充了“类比-求同”理论的不足,是前三项理论内容无可比拟的。矿产预测理论已受矿产勘查实践的检验,证明是有效的,在当前已经成为提高矿产预测成果的准确性和勘查效益的科学依据。  相似文献   

华南及邻区有序变形及其动力学初探   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
龙门山断裂带以东、江南雪峰隆起带以西的华南地区,在断裂、褶皱变形等构造形迹上存在非常规律的有序性。其构造形迹(断裂、褶皱等)大都沿NE-NNE排列,并且变形强度从SE向NW逐渐减弱。这种有序变形规模巨大,仅川东的隔挡式褶皱-冲断带规模就超过了著名的侏罗山式褶皱。这种变形的有序性是与基底存在多层次的倾向SE的拆离滑脱面密切相关的,它们起始于印支-早燕山期,定型于晚燕山-喜马拉雅期,其形成动力来自于华南板块向NW方向的运动。  相似文献   

王龙  张瑞  华柑霖  张磊 《沉积学报》2018,36(6):1059-1074
自20世纪70年代以来,随着多重地层划分理论的提出和各种测试方法、手段的应用,一系列地层学分支学科开始出现。众多的地层学的分支学科极大地开阔了地层学研究领域,使地层学理论百家争鸣,向着多侧面、多层次和多尺度的方向发展,但较为专一的研究对象也使其趋向碎片化。因而,重新回顾地层学的发展历程,发现依据不同特征和属性建立的地层单位之间的关联,将趋向碎片化的地层学作为一个整体进行思考很有必要。就此从时空有序性的角度,系统总结和梳理了地层记录的不完备性、穿时性、旋回性、非渐变性和不可逆性。发现在地层记录中,尽管岩性变化、生物变化、物理变化和化学变化并不是严格地统一到时间变化中,但它们在时间和空间中的分布是有序和有规律的,是虽然不具备等时性但具备时间秩序性的沉积体。从下老上新的斯坦诺地层三定律,到空间上毗邻关系可以转化为时间上相随历史的瓦尔特相律,地层学不仅用上、下、左、右表达空间概念,也揭示其时间属性;不整合刚提出时仅仅是一个构造概念,是褶皱幕或造山幕导致的地层关系在空间上的不协调,但现今却包含了更多的时间属性,定义为地层记录的长时间缺失;地层旋回一开始是对地层重复性的描述,但随着第四纪米兰科维奇旋回的研究,证实它与沉积层序都是天文节律(时间)的产物。在复杂的地层记录中发现和恢复其有序的时空关系,揭示地层记录的时空有序性成为了地层学所有分支学科共同面临的主题,也使其相互交融。  相似文献   

地质系统是一开放、非平衡和非线性的复杂系统,这就决定了组成该系统的内部物质在时空上的非平衡有序性。了解此类有序现象形成的动力学机理乃是揭示复杂地质系统本质的一把钥匙。研究表明,从平衡或线性非平衡的角度并不能圆满解释此类有序现象的成因机理,只能借助于其它手段和方法,动力学分析法(Dynamic Analysis Method)乃是揭示此类有序现象成因的十分有效的手段。该手段对于从有序现象中提取与成岩成矿作用有成生联系的信息也有  相似文献   

癌细胞与正常的人体细胞不同。根据体细胞突变理论(SMT),癌细胞是基因突变的结果。该理论还采用达尔文主义的基本原理,假设癌细胞生长是自然选择下“适者生存”的结果。与此相反,我们采用Margulis的演化理论来解释癌症的起源,并提出癌细胞由遗传而来:癌基因组起源于寄生在原核生物宿主中的细菌;在大约20亿年前的“氧气革命”期间,癌基因组与原核生物基因组因内共生作用而融合;后来宿主演化成为真核生物(原生生物、真菌、植物和动物),每种真核生物都具有其独特的基因组;经过同样的时间间隔,原寄生细菌基因组则演化成为真核生物内的癌干细胞基因组。当前SMT假设人类基因组的突变导致癌症,但该理论无法识别编码肿瘤生长的基因组序列,也无法解释:突变为何会造成癌细胞失控性生长及复制?癌症为何是一种代谢性疾病?癌症死亡率为何与亚硝酸盐污染有关?中国用不含亚硝酸盐的公共供水源的试验为何竟可以拯救许多癌症患者的生命?SMT没能充分回答许多“神秘”的癌症问题。相反,我们提出的生物演化理论可以回答这些相关事实,包括那些SMT不能充分解释的问题。我们的理论根据是:癌基因组图谱(TCGA)的科学家未能在正常的人类基因组序列中发现突变或未突变的癌基因组。是癌基因组编码了癌细胞的生长及复制和一种不同的代谢模式。我们的理论假设,癌症起源于“休眠中”的癌干细胞因为受亚硝酸盐的影响而被激活,其中一个癌基因组编码了厌氧或缺氧的代谢模式,为癌细胞的生长及复制提供能量和生物量,其他基因组则编码了癌细胞的失控性生长及复制和其他癌症特征。亚硝酸盐以10-9 级别的浓度干扰人体正常的代谢和复制等机能。事实说明,亚硝酸盐可被定义为一种毒药。识别慢性中毒的困难可以用孟加拉国公共供水造成的砷中毒作为例证。癌症应被视为由亚硝酸盐中毒引起的疾病来进行治疗是一个假说,它可以解释为什么当中国部分地区的正常公共供水改用标准化深井水(SDWW)时,癌症死亡率可以减半。这个假说需要另一个假设来解释亚硝酸盐中毒并不影响所有饮用公共供水的人,而只影响其中一部分人。我们必须假设癌症的产生是由于干细胞,其中包括一个癌干细胞,被召唤去以修复细胞的损伤。将这些打破常规的假说放在一起,很多专家认为我们的生物演化理论是天方夜谭而不予理会。实际上,这个假说已由中国过去的SDWW实验所证实。一些医院的试验也证实,若癌症晚期患者每天饮用不含亚硝酸盐的水,癌症可以被治愈。我们对癌症晚期不可治愈这一论断提出质疑,并假定癌症是慢性亚硝酸盐中毒所致。我们呼吁其他科学家进行实验和临床试验来验证这一假说,使至少一半的晚期癌症患者,当他们的饮用水供应源不含亚硝酸盐时,可以被治愈。与此同时,我们应该将过去半个世纪以来献身医学的科学家们的成果,整合为一个“新的体系”。  相似文献   

非金属矿物和岩石除少数能够直接应用于生产和生活外,绝大多数需经一定程度的加工处理,才能成为可直接应用的材料。因此,以研究非金属矿物和岩石性能及加工处理方法为重点的“矿物岩石材料学”便应运而生。 1.矿物岩石材料的定义:“矿物材料”一词早已被广泛使用,但其确切定义却还没有统一。  相似文献   

董瀚 《地层学杂志》2004,28(1):59-63
在南秦岭西段文县北部三河口地区 ,广泛出露一套变质沉积岩系——三河口群 ,根据最新 1/5万区域地质调查成果 ,认为三河口群属一套总体有序、局部无序的构造混杂岩型非史密斯地层体 ,故而建议将三河口群解体 ,对前人以零星化石所代表的年代建立相对规整有序的地层系统予以重建。现据空间叠覆关系 ,将前人划分的桥头组、屯寨组和羊汤寨组三个地层单位重新厘定 ,认为该套变质沉积岩系由两个不同时代的岩片组成 ,分别相当于晚震旦世雪花太坪岩群和早泥盆世桥头岩组、羊汤寨岩组 ,两者是印支期构造混染带的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

The exponential growth of geophysical information must lead inevitably to a better access to geophysical information for science and education, especially if the resources shrink and the cost-efficiency ratio needs to be improved predominantly for the (non commercial and insufficient rich) users, who suffer from the fast rising information retrieval costs, now charged by nearly all major information systems. (This is, however, different in the U.S.A. because of the “freedom of information act”). That a better access means essentially more than just faster and more information is demonstrated with the DUST-2 CD-ROM (Data Utilization Software Tools). As a result of an international MPAe pilot project (FKZ.: 50 EE 98038) this CD-ROM has been published in September 2000 under ISBN 3-9804862-3-0. It was conceived predominantly for scientific technical purposes and can be regarded as a continuation of the work which was started in 1985 at MPAe to edit a Landolt-Börnstein data handbook “The Upper Atmosphere”. The DUST-2 concept is an example for an interactive, flexible interface and qualifying filter, although only a first step-matching several different non uniformly formatted data sources. The DUST-2 CD provides graphical methods of qualified information retrieval. It allows a synergetic combination of selected information of the Earth's atmosphere, texts and relevant numerical data for the topics ozone and water vapour. The software tools can be applied in principle to any data base. In the first chapter of this introductory paper 9 other papers are briefly described that show the scientific-technical background of the new and upgraded classical information processing DUST-2 “tools”. They still need to be stronger interrelated. The “joint retrieval method” allows an optimal, value added, data validation. This is demonstrated with a combination of temperature data from the Millimeterwave Atmospheric Sounder (MAS) with corresponding ones from a GRAS sensor (GRAS: Combined GPS-GLONASS receiver). The impressively good results strongly support the concept of a relevant technologically feasible MAS Followon/GRAS experiment on the International Space Station (ISS). See paper 4. The (dynamic) DUST-2 concept will contribute — from a qualitative and temporal aspect — to a reduction of the insufficient supply of (general, actual) understandable geophysical information. It has been successfully demonstrated with 8 posters at the 25th General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society (EGS). The DUST-2 CD-ROM can be ordered via Copernicus Gesellschaft e.V., Max-Planck Str. 13, D-37191 Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany; shipping & handling 12 EUR or via URL: www.copernicus.org. The ADLATUS concept — still in the planning and fundraising phase — supplements the DUST-2 concept and puts special emphasis on educational aspects. It will also provide links to the Geographic Information System (GIS). In context with this enlarged ADLATUS concept an essential continuation of the earlier discontinued Landolt-Börnstein “ Upper Atmosphere” activities is possible and should lead to an “ADLATUS Atmosphere”.  相似文献   

The largest rift zone of Europe and Asia is located in the region of Lake Baikal. In 1968–1970 deep seismic measurements were carried out along a number of profiles with a total length of about 2000 km within the rift zone and in the adjacent parts of the Siberian platform and the region of the Baikal Mountains. These investigations were of a reconnaissance nature, and therefore the point sounding method was used.A low-velocity region for compressional waves (7.6–7.8 km/sec) has been found and could be traced over a large area in the upper parts of the mantle. The width of this anomalous zone is 200–400 km. The Baikal rift lies in its northwestern part. Within the studied part of the Siberian platform the thickness of the earth's crust is 37–39 km, while in the rift zone it is 36 km, and further to the southeast the crust-mantle boundary lies at a depth of 45–46 km. The Baikal rift proper is bounded in the northwest by a deep fracture zone and does not seem to be associated with any significant “root” or “antiroot” in the relief of the Mohorovi?i? discontinuity.The reduced compressional velocity in the upper parts of the mantle beneath the Baikal zone is considered to correspond to the same phenomena found under the mid-oceanic ridges and the extended rift system in the Basin and Range province of North America. The Baikal rift in the narrow sense of the word lies over the northwestern edge of the anomalous mantle region. This asymmetric position seems to be its main peculiarity.  相似文献   

Geological events, such as emplacement of granite or growth of slaty cleavage, may be ordered into a sequence by two methods. One is to assign each event a place in a time scale, such as years before the present, which amounts to assigning events an age designation from the set of real numbers. In ordering such a list, the algebra of real numbers applies. A second method is to determine the time relations of events in pairs, such as a fold is of type (S1, S2) or granite intrudes conglomerate. These binary relations between events may be used to order events into a sequence using the transitive properties of the relation “older than.” It is shown, however, that the binary relations between events do not follow the familiar rules for the algebra of real or integral numbers and it is necessary to erect a new system of relations called the “algebra of events.” The fundamental relation is “older than or equivalent to” and this may be used to define the relations “older than”, “younger than”, “equivalent to”, “incomparable to”, and “covers.” The essential difference from the algebra of integers is that the reflexive relation (“equal to”) is replaced by two such relations (“equivalent to” and “incomparable to”) in the algebra of events. A number of binary relations between events may be assembled into an event matrix which is basically a truth table for the relation “older than.” This may be ordered and stacked by operations termed ORDER and STACK. The relationship of each event to every other event may be determined by simple inspection of an ordered, stacked matrix, and from this a geological history may be assembled. If there are contradictions in the field data, ordering into a proper sequence is impossible and may be detected. If there are ambiguities in the field data, there are several different orders that are proper sequences so that the event matrix may be ordered. However, the ambiguities occur as voids in the stacked matrix.  相似文献   

The topographic surface is a measure of static equilibrium from the actual density distribution within the outmost Earth's lithosphere. The natural height reference of this surface, known as geoid, reflects the mixed mass-density effects, caused by the same sources, without the contribution of topographic mass. Geoid undulation and topography are output signals, which carry in common a large part of the contribution from the causal “sources”. This contribution appears in both types of signal. Comparisons between the signals depict the geographical location and an estimation of the depth occurrence of areas with geophysical and tectonic formations depending on their correlation rate. We present results from the Greek region, known for its complex diversity in topography, tectonics and dynamics. The tests are in point and “surface” concept, from local and global signals of geoid and topography. Local geoid is represented at 91 GPS points and EGM 96 coefficients compute its global representation. The topography is point values within the area, and the ETOPO5 5′X5′ data within the geographical frame.  相似文献   

大地震发生的网络性质——兼论有关地震预测的争论   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
徐道一 《地学前缘》2001,8(2):211-216
现有地震形成机制的假说大多是仅考虑震源及其邻近地区的事实依据。文中提出 :大地震的形成机制具有网络特性 ,把大地震看成是多层次网络的节点。一个地震的发生是多种动力 (包括天文因素 )作用的结果。地震形成机制的网络假说能较好地综合已有概念 ,解释地震预测研究中发现许多新现象。从网络假说看近年来“地震能否预测”的争论可有许多新启示。如果应用网络假说 ,至少一部分地震应是可以预测的。  相似文献   

The spatial motion of a star in the vicinity of a globular cluster located in an inhomogeneous, rotating elliptical galaxy (EG) is considered. Perturbations due to the gravitation of the galaxy are taken into account, taking it to be a two-layer system together with its halo: an inner ellipsoid, representing the lumious part of the galaxy, and a homeoid, representing space filled with dark matter between inner and outer ellipsoidal boundaries. The ellipsoids are taken to be homothetic and to have a common center, with the boundary of the outer ellipsoid coincident with the boundary of the galactic halo. The luminous part of the EG and the homeoid have different densities. The motion of the star near a globular cluster occurs outside the luminous part of the EG, but inside the homeoid. The concept of the “vicinity of the globular cluster” is concretized using the concept of a “sphere of influence” (and the gravitational sphere and Hill gravitational sphere). Stellar motions inside and outside the sphere of influence of the globular cluster are considered, and the region of possible motions is determined. A quasi-integral and surfaces of minimum energy are found, which under certain conditions can be transformed into an analog of the Jacobi integral and surfaces of zero velocity. The Lyapunov stability of the stationary solutions obtained is established. The results are applied to model EGs whose parameters coincide with those of NGC 4472 (M49), NGC 4636, and NGC 4374, which contain a large number of globular clusters, and are presented in the form of figures and tables. Using these galaxies as examples, it is shown that studying stellar motions, and also determining the libration points and establishing their stability, requires use of an exact, rather than an approximate, expression for the potential of the luminous part of the elliptical galaxy.  相似文献   

Most recent scholarship on moral economies or religious markets argues for the compatibility of economies/markets and religious practices in particular national or regional contexts. However, over the last couple of decades or so religious markets have entered a new phase characterized by new forms of regulation, certification and standardization on a global scale. Building on research on global kosher (a Hebrew term meaning “fit” or “proper”), halal (an Arabic word that literally means “permissible” or “lawful”) and Hindu vegetarianism this paper argues that these economies or markets to a large extent are conditioned by and themselves condition forms of transnational governmentality, that is, new and often overlapping practices of government and grassroots politics. I explore religious economies and markets at three interrelated levels of the social scale: state and non-state regulation, the marketplace and consumers. Epistemologically, comparison is used as a powerful conceptual mechanism that fixes attention on kosher, halal and Hindu vegetarian similarities and differences.  相似文献   

The simple yet powerful steady state data analysis algorithm and software described herein have proven most useful in industrial grinding circuit studies at ANAMAX. Examples are drawn from that work. A process configuration can include up to 50 process streams connecting up to 30 pieces of equipment. “Steady state” plant data (e.g., solids, water, slurry flow rates, percent solids; sieve analyses) are collected where feasible, input, analyzed for consistency and, if the process is “overdefined”, adjusted in a least squares sense to achieve overall mass balance as well as mass balance within each size fraction. The combined sampling and analysis errors are assumed random with a weighting factor based upon whether the specific data point is believed to be “fair”, “good” or “excellent”. Extension of the technique to overall plant material balances is straightforward.  相似文献   

Calcian dolomite from the Devonian Lost Burro formation has been investigated with electron microscopy techniques. Electron diffraction shows evidence for “c” and “d” type reflections which may occur independently and are indicative of ordered superstructures. High resolution electron microscopy combined with selected area optical diffraction is the basis for models to explain the superstructures in calcian dolomite. It is proposed that “c” reflections are due to ordered substitution of Mg by Ca in basal cation layers. “d” reflections result when the rhombohedral stacking of basal layers is interrupted by intercalation of additional Ca layers. During electron irradiation at 1 MeV the Mg-Ca distribution becomes disordered and the crystal structure attains calcite symmetry. The arrangement of CO3 groups remains ordered.  相似文献   

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