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Joyce Davidson 《Area》2000,32(1):31-40
Summary Drawing on individual and group interviews with agoraphobic women, this paper explores sufferers' accounts of agoraphobia as entailing apparent dysfunctions in spatial awareness. In particular, it examines the effects of agoraphobic anxiety on the lived boundaries of body and self and relates this to agoraphobics' contrasting experiences of the relative 'security' of the home and the unheimlich and disturbing architecture of the shopping mall.  相似文献   

Out-migration from rural areas and generational shifts create conditions whereby increasing numbers of private forest owners live at a distance from their forestland. Geographical distance and non-residency have been raised as issues that may possibly weaken these owners’ relationships with their properties. Drawing on the “sense of place” concept as a frame of analysis for 51 qualitative interviews with resident and nonresident private forest owners from two areas in Sweden, this study provides in-depth understanding of how geographical distance and place of residency shape owners’ feelings about their forest properties. The study shows that sense of place is constructed in complex and multifaceted ways over time and that social and historical contexts and processes beyond the forest environment can make owners feel closeness to their distant properties. Thus, geographical distance or residency alone does not explain variations in these forest owners’ feelings of distance or closeness to their properties.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate whether marriage‐related migration promotes socioeconomic mobility and how class belonging and educational background affects Thai women's migration experience and socioeconomic mobility. Drawing on qualitative interviews, supported by a questionnaire survey with Thai women living in Austria and who are in a relationship with a Western male citizen, we seek to dismantle simplistic notions about hypergamy and question common assumption about marrying up or down in migration contexts. We compare socioeconomic indicators such as formal education, occupation, and income before and after the migration and analyse migrants’ experiences in Austria. The results show a complex picture of upward and downward socioeconomic mobilities. Two distinct scenarios of paradoxical mobilities have been identified. On the one hand, some migrants feel empowered (when experiencing economic downward mobility) as they enjoy the freedom of living in Austria, while on the other hand, those migrants experiencing upward mobility feel a loss of their personal autonomy.  相似文献   

国外地理学对公共卫生问题的研究与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐云帆  黄贤金 《地理研究》2021,40(9):2638-2656
在工业化、城镇化、信息化持续发展,全球变化和全球事件轮番冲击的背景下,公共卫生研究不断深化,已发展为全球性的跨学科议程及研究热点。回顾相关文献发现,国内外地理学对公共卫生问题的研究在数量上均经历了缓慢上升、加速上升和当前的快速上升阶段,但切入角度和关注议题存在差异。本文通过梳理国外地理学对公共卫生问题的研究,对这一领域概念、理论、方法的发展及热点进行归纳总结和综合评述,探讨健康老龄化、健康不平等、融合健康考量的城市规划等议题下现有研究的主要争议、前景及其对国内研究的启示,尤其指出气候变化和传染病大流行等外部压力下暴露出的地理学研究契机,以期拓展视野、聚焦问题,为国内地理学者参与公共卫生研究提供参考。  相似文献   

随着旅游业的发展,古村落在旅游的外力作用下发生着一系列变化.对于这些影响,本研究尝试以空间概念为观察视角,理解和认识古村落内部空间转化现象发生的类型.通过对西递案例的研究发现,旅游发展前后其空间构成发生了5种类型的转化:私人空间转化为游客公共空间、私人空间转化为半公共-私密空间、社区公共空间转化为私人空间、社区公共空间转化为半公共-私密空间、社区公共空间转化为游客公共空间;而这些转化背后实际上体现了空间权属与空间功能之间的对应转换关系.  相似文献   

以我国民营企业500强为研究样本,基于2005、2011、2018年企业总部数据和CEO空间经历数据,运用ArcGIS 10.2软件进行空间可视化分析,揭示中国民营企业总部的空间格局特征,并解释了CEO的空间经历与企业总部区位布局之间的地理空间关联。研究发现:(1)我国民营企业500强总部主要分布在长三角、京津冀以及珠三角等沿海3大城市群,呈现高度密集分布特征。(2)我国民营企业500强总部主要集聚在高行政级别的城市,即集中在直辖市、副省级和省会城市。(3)从CEO空间经历与民营企业500强总部布局的地理空间关联来看,CEO的出生地、就学地与企业总部所在地在城市、省域及区域空间尺度上相同的比重较高,关联性显著。其中,CEO最后学历就学地相同数占比均达到30%以上;但不同行业关联性差异明显,制造业CEO最后学历就学地和企业总部位于同一座城市的比重小于其他产业,关联性相对较弱。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):160-185
Informed by feminist debates about the distinction between public and private in western urban societies, this article examines some urban landscapes created or transformed in recent decades with a view to assessing the extent to which emancipatory conceptions of gender are apparent. Evidence drawn from the city of Edinburgh shows how divisions between public space and private space operate at different scales and take different forms in different neighborhoods. These forms illustrate how gender and class are interwoven in demarcations between and connotations of public and private spaces. In one of the neighborhoods examined, some breaking down of traditional gender connotations of public and private spaces is detected, a process that is closely associated with privileged middle-class lifestyles.  相似文献   

Junxi Qian 《Urban geography》2017,38(5):771-794

In this paper, I examine relationships between public space, gay people’s cruising and construction of gay subjectivity in People’s Park, Guangzhou, China. In particular, I interrogate the complex dynamics between the performance of homosexual identity and the dominant heteronormative ideologies in China’s cultural–political sphere. I articulate how public cruising can be mobilized as a space of alternative socio-spatial ordering and simultaneously a closeted space to experience and reassert hegemonic divides of public/private, normal/abnormal. This paper employs an analysis of self-disciplining and the production of docile bodies to examine how gay cruisers construct gayness as deviant identity and thus attempt to reconcile gay subjects with dominant norms and values. The production of self-disciplining subjects is centered on the discursive formulation that gay men in public need to act in self-regulated and “low-profile” ways. This paper intends to enrich our understanding of the intrinsically dialectical relationships between public space and sexual subjectivity in concrete time spaces.  相似文献   


The aim of the article is to present and discuss functions of public monuments in relation to different dimensions of geographical space. The authors discuss public spaces, monuments, public art, based on a mixed-method approach and an analysis of scientific literature as the main research method. The theoretical discussion is supplemented with the results of Internet searches and an analysis of media supplements, and specific examples are given, including some from Poland. An additional method was autoethnography, which involved an analysis of cultural phenomena based on the authors’ experience. The analysis revealed that monuments were part of public art and thus enriched public spaces in cities. They fulfilled different important functions: artistic, symbolic, commemorative, political, social, religious, marketing, and mixed. Additionally, the monuments reflected the contemporary transformation of ideas and social orders and therefore also reflected contemporary urban debates. They were products of social relations, powers, ideas, identities, and the collective memory reflected in the urban spatial structure of cities. The authors conclude that the examples presented in the demonstrate that monuments perform various functions in urban public spaces. From a spatial perspective, the role of monuments depends on their different impacts on people’s perceptions and interpretations of space.  相似文献   

研究聚焦于“地理想象”这一典型的文化地理现象,借助鲍曼的“流动的现代性”概念工具,分析了两种多元空间在同一时空进程中的混杂状态,尝试从流动性的视角重新阐释西藏地方意义的多元互构方式。以西藏为例,研究初步验证了如下两个理论猜想:① 未到西藏之前,人们的惯常思维是以经历过或正在经历的现实空间来对未经历的西藏空间加以想象,因为这种现实“在场”与想象“不在场”的时刻混杂,从而引发了一些改变人地关系的流动,如“我要去西藏亲眼看看”和“我想去真实地感受那里”等;② 真实到达西藏以后,“身体触摸”下的陌生西藏空间却不同于原本接近于诗意化表达下的那个想象空间,多元空间在同一时空进程下的混杂使得旅游者这一典型的现代人群体产生某种错觉,仿佛又置身于另一个新的现代性进程,于是在一个新的“第三空间”中通过与地方联结开始反思现代性之于个体的生命价值与存在意义。研究结论揭示了西藏地方意义的构成背后所隐藏的现代人对于流体化现代性生活的反身性思考,同时从学理上赋予地理想象概念以新的流动性解释。  相似文献   

赵莹  柴彦威  Martin DIJST 《地理研究》2013,32(6):1068-1076
家被认为是具有保护性和排他性的私人空间,是个人寻求归属感和安全感的场所。但由于东西方文化差异,家的意义以及家庭关系的重要性存在着明显差异。基于活动—移动行为分析,以家空间利用和家庭关系为突破点,讨论由传统文化价值观及社会经济发展水平影响的社会人际交往模式的不同。实证研究部分基于中国北京和荷兰乌特勒支在2007年进行的活动日志调查,围绕“谁会被允许进入家空间”的问题,将活动空间划分为“自己家—他人家—公共空间”三个层次,分析活动同伴对见面地点选择的影响。结果表明,北京居民通常在家会见亲属,而在公共场所会见朋友;乌特勒支居民对亲属和朋友共同活动地点选择并没有明显差异。这与中国较强的家庭观念以及家庭保护意识相一致。活动地点的选择也受到性别、家庭结构等社会经济属性的影响。进而讨论了中国传统家庭观念对中西方和谐社会建设及老龄社会保障等的现实意义。  相似文献   

沈阳市居住就业结构的地理空间和流空间分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
修春亮  孙平军  王绮 《地理学报》2013,68(8):1110-1118
以沈阳市为案例,使用"六普"居住人口数据和"二经普"就业数据,通过因子分析方法进行居住和就业一体的综合空间分析。在城市尺度上的地理空间与"流变量"视角下"流空间"的比较分析发现:在城市地理空间表达上,居住功能的作用明显重于就业,但就业功能对城市地理空间也有所表达,居业一体的空间分析仍然是有意义的;在社会构成要素的分布上,传统地理空间仍有基本的规定性,居业空间结构中居住空间差异的分层明显,而就业的集中度则高很多;文化精英在居住和就业方面与大众已经有所分化,由大学的建设和布局所致,"单位"仍然是扩张中的大城市空间结构特征之一;居住的空间扩展几乎是全方位的,而就业的扩张范围则小得多,精英层的就业空间主要集中于市中心和"金廊"一带,导致居住与就业空间不匹配;城市空间结构中形成了"居住扇"、"就业廊"、"流动圈"等几大空间构造;大学和大学城、行政机关、金融等生产者服务业是"流空间"的主要因子;在"流变量"空间格局中,就业功能分布变化的"去中心化"或"多中心化"的趋势还不明显。  相似文献   

赵莹  刘方宇 《地理科学进展》2022,41(12):2370-2382
方法与技术的前沿性是行为地理学的学科特色,技术视角的学科梳理有助于认识行为地理的自身价值与优势。论文回顾了实时定位、环境监测与神经生理3项技术的发展脉络,围绕行为背景、行为环境、行为体验的技术应用进行了综述,并总结了空间—行为互动、地理背景不确定性、批判神经地理的理论推进与批判反思;进一步构建了融合动态背景—精细环境—实时体验的全面技术框架,形成了从背景到环境再到体验的行为地理综合研究体系,并提出了神经生理技术融入行为地理学研究的理论提升方向。论文旨在贡献地理流动性背景下的行为地理学创新路径,服务于行为地理学的知识生产与理论发展。  相似文献   

Public space is a feature of the urban built environment that has received increasing attention in recent years. Discussion has focused on the theoretical decline of public space, as private and institutional forces take on increasing influence. At the same time, many such “in-between spaces,” even privately owned ones, are used and experienced as public on a daily basis. Few studies, however, have explored how spaces understood as public are used and practised as such. To address this gap in the literature this paper draws upon ethnographic data collected on the “South Bank” in London (United Kingdom) to argue that “play” is a recurrent trait of sociospatial practices enacted in public space. Three interrelated typologies of playful practices in public space are discussed: child's play, plays on meaning, and play as simulation.  相似文献   

Andreas Cebulla 《Area》1999,31(2):111-121
Summary Proposed welfare reform in Great Britain advocates joint public and private provision of insurance. Using omnibus survey data, this paper projects the availability and geographical coverage of private unemployment insurance in Britain among currently employed persons, on the basis of actuarial risk assessment criteria. It compares actuarial risk assessments with the respondents' subjective job risk assessments and their declared intention to take out private unemployment insurance. The paper identifies the extent and geography of structural/self-exclusion from insurance.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In the public‐space discourse Los Angeles is usually portrayed as more “anti‐city” than city. Its landscape is overrun by houses, “private‐public” squares and plazas, theme parks, shopping malls, and so on and lacks inclusive public places. Yet this discourse has essentially disdained to contemplate a major public space that contradicts its general thesis: the Los Angeles coast. The coast is meaningful public place in two specific senses. First, it symbolizes Los Angeles as a whole and therefore provides a basis for regional public identity. Second, Angelinos themselves take the coast seriously as a public place, and they have striven to make it inclusive in practice.  相似文献   

采用定性分析和灰色关联分析相结合的方法,对河南农村居民人均纯收入和衣食住行私人消费与医疗保健、交通运输邮电、文教娱乐用品及服务等公共消费之间的关系进行分析。结果表明,河南农村公共产品的消费受农村居民的收入影响;在当前农民整体收入不高时,其消费倾向主要先满足于基本生活消费;随着收入的提高,公共产品消费倾向明显提高。所以,政府要拓宽农村公共资源的配置渠道,真正提高农民生活水平。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationships between employment growth, human capital and regional development. To understand the spatial development of employment growth, we distinguish between the public and the private sector. The public sector has a major role in Denmark in the form of a large share of total employment and employment growth across space. We examine in particular the uneven geography of human capital and the relationships between the growth of human capital and total employment growth by Danish municipalities. It is moreover analysed, whether there is a concentration of human capital in the largest city-regions, and how such concentrations contribute to the uneven geography of employment growth. The paper concludes that both the public and private sectors are important regarding employment growth in Danish municipalities. Further, public and private human capital contributes to employment growth, and the public sector contributes, over time, to diminishing the uneven spatial distribution of human capital while the private sector increases the spatial inequality. Moreover, urbanisation has a significant effect on employment growth and human capital formation, both when it comes to the large city regions, and, in general, the distance to city centres.  相似文献   

地理空间的尺度-结构分析模式探讨   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
本文以地理学、景观生态学有关尺度的研究为基础,应用层次理论,在大、中、基本三种尺度上,就有关地理空间研究的一个重要方面-地理空间的尺度-结构分析模式进行了探讨.初步建立了一种有关地理空间结构与功能表达的空间等级序列,该等级序列能够反映地球表层在不同尺度上的空间结构组成以及它们之间的相互转换关系,以其为基础开展地理空间研究有利于发现不同地理现象的内在成因及其发生机理(在基本尺度上),有利于发现区域不同地理现象的表现形式及其变化过程的动力学机制(在中尺度上).与传统地理学对于地理空间研究的宏观有余而微观不足的特点相比,该等级序列能够实现地理学的"宏观机制"研究与"微观机理"研究的结合,是现代地理科学有关"定性与定量综合集成"研究的基础.  相似文献   

社会感知视角下的若干人文地理学基本问题再思考   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:11  
刘瑜 《地理学报》2016,71(4):564-575
近年来,不同类型大数据在地理研究中得到了越来越多的重视,许多学者基于手机、社交媒体、出租车等数据开展了大量实证研究。社会感知概念刻画了地理空间大数据基于大量人的行为时空模式获取地理环境特征的的技术手段,该手段有助于重新审视地理学研究中的一些基本问题,因而本文选择了空间分布和空间交互这两个基本地理概念以及定性方法和定量方法这两个人文地理基本研究方法展开讨论。大数据从微观个体和宏观群体两个层面同时感知空间分布和空间交互,可以定量分析其中的距离以及尺度效应。进而,由于小样本访谈人群和场所是定性研究的基础,而大数据可以通过定量方法识别特定人群和场所并进行刻画,因此,社会感知手段为集成定性和定量研究方法,构建混合地理学奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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