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人口急剧增长,生物多样性减少和气候变化促使人们重新思考农业和生物多样性的未来,而传统农业的智慧与经验值得借鉴。2002年,联合国粮农组织(FAO)发起的全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)项目,旨在通过保护这些具有价值的传统农业系统来促进农村地区可持续发展。旅游被认为是动态保护途径之一,不但能促进遗产地的经济发展,还能为游客提供认知与学习农业文化遗产的机会。然而,不当的旅游发展将会影响当地的文化与生活方式,不但会威胁旅游的可持续发展,而且会对这些独特的农业系统带来潜在的破坏。因此,农业文化遗产地旅游发展的适宜模式应当是以农业为基础的。本文基于农业多功能性构建了农业文化遗产地旅游发展框架,通过对农业多功能性的定量评估和农业和旅游业间关系的定性分析,提出了我国的4个遗产地旅游发展建议。同时,该框架还能为不同利益相关者决策其农业文化遗产的多种功能提供了一种方法。  相似文献   

全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)项目是2002年由联合国粮农组织(FAO)发起,旨在建立全球重要农业文化遗产及其有关的景观、生物多样性、知识和文化保护体系,并在世界范围内得到认可与保护,使之成为可持续管理的基础。农业文化遗产地往往被认为比非遗产地更具经济价值,但目前还没有经济学分析来证明这一点,也没有任何针对农业文化遗产地的复杂的经济性能标准来长期监测其经济功能。本研究的目的在于建立一个经济评价方法,可用于遗产地与非遗产地之间比较。为此,本文选择了成本效益分析(CBA)方法。鉴于数据可得性的限制,经济分析的框架应该包括分析的方向、假设和数据要求,由此指导未来对GIAHS的经济评价。本研究选择中国青田稻鱼共生系统作为案例,根据数据可得性并针对不同活动(旅游,国内和国际市场的销售产品)以及相似系统间比较进行计算。  相似文献   

兴化垛田传统农业系统具有典型的水土利用方式,于2014年4月被联合国粮农组织评选为全球重要农业文化遗产。基于文献资料和实地调研,本文分析了兴化垛田传统农业系统的历史与发展、结构与特征、以及功能与价值。兴化垛田传统农业系统具有悠久的历史、丰富的生物多样性、重要的生态服务功能、传统农业技术和文化、以及独特水土利用方式形成的优美景观,并对当地农民的生计安全做出了重要的贡献。然而,这一宝贵的全球重要农业文化遗产系统面临着一系列威胁和挑战。本文的研究一方面可以更深入地认识兴化垛田传统农业系统,为其保护与发展提供科学支持,另外一方面也为我国及世界上的类似地区提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

近年来,随着气候变化影响的不断加剧,农业发展也正承受着强大的生态环境压力的胁迫,严重威胁到粮食安全及农业的可持续发展。当今农业依托现代化生产技术虽在短期内可以有效降低甚至避免环境胁迫对农业生产的限制和影响,但是,从长期及系统角度考虑也给农业生态系统带来了许多生态危机。为实现农业可持续发展,环境胁迫应对措施必须充分考虑生态保护这一重要前提。农业文化遗产地的传统农业系统依托其独特的农业系统结构,包括土地利用方式、水利设施、传统作物等,较好实现了农业系统与当地自然条件尤其是胁迫因子之间的匹配。基于灾害系统理论,对比分析了农业文化遗产地农业系统及普通农业系统的环境胁迫应对措施。敖汉旱作农业系统(2012年被联合国粮农组织列为全球重要农业文化遗产)的种植结构以与当地水分条件匹配较好的谷黍等耐旱型作物为主,通过降低承灾体(农作物)的脆弱性,较好地在承灾体一环实现了防灾减灾的目的,实现了干旱半干旱地区农业生产与缺水环境的共存。云南红河哈尼稻作梯田系统(2010年被联合国粮农组织列为全球重要农业文化遗产)依托于独特的水土利用方式和林—寨—田—河垂直分布的景观格局,通过重塑孕灾环境,有效避免了旱灾的发生。此外,农业文化遗产地传统农业系统凭借丰富的田间作物多样性、遗产地品牌效应及农业景观资源等,极大地提升了农业系统的经济价值,进而削弱了灾害对生产生活的影响。通过对比分析可见,传统农业系统的胁迫因子应对措施充分考虑了系统的自然调节和自发性,既可较好地避免灾害的发生,又保证了系统生态安全,是立足生态保护基础上实现农业可持续发展的典范。  相似文献   

农业文化遗产是世界遗产的重要类型,存在于特有的生态系统和文化系统之中。它是一种活态的遗产,因此,需要在发展中对其进行保护。作为农业文化遗产动态保护的有效途径之一,合理的旅游开发能够兼顾遗产的保护与发展,实现对传统农业生产系统的可持续管理。本文在对目前联合国粮农组织命名的全球重要农业文化遗产和列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产中的农业遗产进行梳理归纳的基础上,辨析此类遗产地旅游的概念范畴,总结了农业文化遗产旅游的研究的主要内容。当前,我国的相关研究主要集中在资源评价与开发、产品设计与市场营销、旅游感知以及旅游开发影响等方面。今后农业文化遗产地旅游研究可以在遗产地旅游利益共享机制、旅游演化机理、旅游的生态环境影响以及研究方法上进一步深入和完善,以启发理论并服务于实践。  相似文献   

全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)保护与适应性管理(英文)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
世界各地世代居住的农牧民,以多样化的自然资源为基础,通过因地制宜的生产实践活动,创造、形成并保持着许多独具特色的农业系统和景观。这些在本土知识和传统经验基础上所建立起来的农业文化遗产巧夺天工,充分反映了人类及其文化多样性和与自然环境之间深刻关系的演进历程。这些系统不仅维持并适应了具有全球重要意义的农业生物多样性,形成了丰富的本土知识体系,而且更为重要的是,还为人类持续提供了多样化的产品和服务,保障了食物安全和生计安全,提高了人们的生活质量。但是,许多这样的农业生产系统正面临着包括全球化在内的多种影响因素的威胁。2002年,联合国粮农组织发起了一个国际合作计划"全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)保护与适应性管理"。这一全球性倡议旨在建立这些农业文化遗产及其有关的生物多样性、食物与生计安全、景观与文化的保护体系,并在世界范围内得到认可,实现动态保护和可持续管理。  相似文献   

在日本石川县能登半岛的"能登里山和里海系统"是在人类长期影响之下形成并维持的与高产的沿海地区互联的社会生态生产景观,不仅支撑了传统而多样的农业、林业和渔业产业,同时也维持了当地的生计和丰富的生物多样性。自2011年"能登里山和里海系统"成为全球重要农业文化遗产,地区政府、当地社区、学者、国际机构和私营部门都为其保护和复兴工作积极努力。已采取一些举措如成立"石川里山创成基金"、促进维持与保护石川的里山的点数换礼券制度、"能登米"品牌建设、大学培训课程等等。本文通过近期新计划和已有框架下的保护与复兴工作的案例研究来讨论能登全球重要农业文化遗产的发展。本文还将介绍联合国大学高等研究所石川金泽分所进行的可持续第一产业(SPI)研究项目中有关能登全球农业文化遗产的研究成果和未来方案。  相似文献   

云南红河哈尼稻作梯田系统是全球重要农业文化遗产保护试点之一。土壤养分是土壤肥力的重要标志,对遗产地土地的可持续利用具有重要作用。运用GIS和地统计学相结合的方法,对红河县迤萨镇的土壤p H、有机质、全氮、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾的空间变异及分布特征进行了分析。研究结果表明,该区域内的土壤p H、有机质、全氮、碱解氮、速效钾显示出中等变异,其变异系数分别为12.54%、40.14%、40.00%、34.89%、50.48%;有效磷显示出强变异,其变异系数为102.13%;土壤p H、有机质、全氮和速效钾的理论模型为指数模型,有效磷的理论模型为球状模型;土壤全氮、有效磷和速效钾的空间分布状况主要受结构性因子的影响,p H、有机质和碱解氮的空间分布状况受结构性因子和随机因子的共同影响;Kriging插值图较为直观地描述了迤萨镇土壤养分的空间分布状况。通过对土壤各种养分的空间分布状况,对于及时调整施肥等农业管理措施具有一定的指导作用,是进行精准施肥研究的基础工作。  相似文献   

禾本科物种(例如银草、芦苇)在日本传统的地膜覆盖农业中普遍使用,西阿瓦地区是全球重要的农业遗产系统(GIAHS)所在地。传统上,这里的农民使用银草覆盖农业土壤。但当地农民从长期的经验中了解到,日本虎杖覆盖更适合该地区茄科作物的种植。目前尚不清楚日本虎杖覆盖物为何对茄科作物的种植有益。在本项研究中,我们假设日本虎杖覆盖物可能会有效避免连续种植马铃薯的危害。因为过去每年都会种植两次本地马铃薯,因此,我们调查了日本虎杖覆盖对连续种植马铃薯以及番茄种植后对马铃薯产量的影响。在2018年进行的田间试验中,我们首先在连续马铃薯栽培的土壤和未耕种的土壤中比较了日本虎杖覆盖、银草覆盖和无草覆盖(对照)对马铃薯产量的影响,结果表明日本虎杖覆盖减少了马铃薯产量的降低程度。其次,我们比较了番茄种植后的土壤和未耕种的土壤中的虎杖覆盖和无草覆盖对马铃薯产量的影响,结果再次表明了日本虎杖覆盖减少了马铃薯生长和产量下降的程度。这些发现表明用日本虎杖覆盖有助于避免连续种植马铃薯的风险。  相似文献   

文章探讨了对农业遗产进行旅游开发的特殊性,确定了在保护遗产的使命之下进行旅游开发的方式。文章认为:青田农业遗产旅游是一种综合型的生态旅游,而且以社区旅游的模式来组织旅游活动较合理。最后还提出了具体的开发思路和建议:通过典型生态旅游社区的构建,展示一个世外山村和谐的生产生活方式,让游客在村民生活和自然环境的充分接触中感受生活,营造现代人精神回归的心灵家园。在人与自然和谐系统之下,梳理出景区的旅游产品体系,包括研修教育、山村风情体验、乡土娱乐、山水休闲和文艺部落休闲等5个主要部分.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the developmental conditions and trends of the biodiversity at agricultural heritage sites, the structure and function of the ecosystem and ecological environment in Qingtian Rice-Fish Culture System is examined in the decade since the implementation of the GIAHS project. Through the collection of historical data and sample-plot survey, this study collates the data from 2005 to 2013 related to the heritage site to evaluate the ecological benefit of the Agricultural Heritage System conservation. The results show that: (1) Since the implementation of heritage conservation, the variety of traditional rice grown at the heritage sites basically remains stable, the varieties of other crops basically remain unchanged and the varieties of fruit trees and medicinal plants have developed at faster rates. As the ecological environment at the heritage sites gradually improved, the species and richness of the biodiversity in the ecosystem have increased, especially the increasing growth of egrets and boars. (2) From 2005 to 2013 in the Fangshan Town of Qingtian County, the ecosystem areas identified as river, forest, urban and bare land have increased. The increased area of the urban ecosystem is the largest one of them, which is up to 20.30 ha; while the area of the forest ecosystem has increased to 7.29 ha. The areas of wetland, reservoir, farmland and grassland have been reduced, and the area of grassland ecosystem has been reduced the most with a reduction of 28.87 ha. From the changes in the values of the ecosystem services of different ecosystem types, the values of forest ecosystem services have achieved the most growth, reaching up to 92000 yuan yr-1 and the growth of the river and bare land ecosystem service values are not obvious. (3) Over nearly a decade, the soil nutrients and the water quality of rice fields at the heritage site have not obviously changed and the plant diseases and insect pests in the rice fields have not been aggravated. The monitoring indexes are far better than the standard values. With the great support of the local government, the production and living conditions and the living environments of farmers in the villages of the heritage sites have been greatly improved through road reconstruction, water improvement, toilet enhancements and the greening, brightness and beautification of the villages.  相似文献   

中国农业文化遗产研究的进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国农业文明历史悠久,勤劳智慧的劳动人民在长期的生产实践过程中一直在探索适应不同自然条件的农业生产方式,创造了灿烂的农业文化遗产。当今农业发展所面临的面临生态系统退化、面源污染严重、遗传资源丧失、食品安全问题严重等问题,促使人们转而学习传统农业的智慧与经验。本文从基于文献的传统农业文化遗产研究和基于实践的动态保护与适应性管理研究两个方面,较为系统地回顾了中国农业文化遗产研究的主要进展。指出,积淀深厚、成果丰富的农业历史和农业考古研究,为农业文化遗产保护实践和发展生态农业奠定了坚实的基础。2002年联合国粮农组织(FAO)发起的全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)项目,则极大地提高了人们对农业文化遗产价值的认识,使农业文化遗产保护研究与实践进入了一个新阶段,在农业文化遗产的概念与内涵、农业生物多样性、多重价值、替代产业发展以及法律与政策保障等方面都有新的探索。未来研究中应进一步丰富研究内容,改进研究方法,深入开展农业文化遗产的保护和利用的探索等。  相似文献   

Traditional agricultural heritage research has a very long history. Programme on “The conservation and adaptive management of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)” initiative launched by FAO in 2002, aimed at not only preserving agricultural heritage system, but also applying the principle of dynamic conservation to promote rural development to benefit local community, to assure food security and maintaining the ecosystem. Since then, many more scientists have been enrolled in the new field focusing on the function and value, application and management, conservation and development and other aspects of these traditional agricultural systems which facilitate an emerging cross-discipline. In this paper, based on the concepts and characteristics of GIAHS and China Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (China-NIAHS), the author specifies that Agri-cultural Heritage is a compound heritage that integrates the characteristics of natural, cultural and intangible cultural heritage, and a typical social-economic-natural complex ecosystem composed of economic, biological, technological, cultural and landscape components. For their conservation and development, the joint efforts of scientists from economics, ecology, geography, history, management sciences, culturology, ethnology, sociology and other subjects are needed. Based on progresses studies and perspectives of the field, the author felt that although a good start of the research on Agri-cultural Heritage has been made, there is still much room for development which show a steady growth trend and suggested 32 priority areas in research; a new subject of Agroheritology could emerge in the near future.  相似文献   

The scientific evaluation of tourism resources is not only an important prerequisite for the development of agri-cultural heritage tourism (AHT), but it can also promote the conservation and management of Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (IAHS). With the goal of providing scientific support for the sustainable management of tourism resources, this review systematically analyzes the overall situation, research regions, developmental timeline trends, key fields and hot topics of resource evaluation research related to AHT over 2005-2020. With a comprehensive perspective that incorporates both traditional literature review and quantitative literature review, the study revealed four important aspects of AHT research. (1) Relevant articles could be divided into two phases, a development-oriented period (2005-2012) and a conservation-oriented period (2013-2020). (2) GIAHS accounts for the absolute majority (about 66.7%) of relevant studies. In particular, Longji Terraces System, Hani terraces system and Dong’s Rice-Fish-Duck System were the research hotspots IAHS, and Yunnan, Zhejiang and Guangxi were the research hotspot provinces. (3) Terraced landscapes and tea culture were the most popular themes in tourism resource evaluation, while sports tourism, tea culture tourism and study tours are becoming the new trends in IAHS sites. (4) Research methods have undergone a shift from qualitative to quantitative approaches, and a combination of these two in an interdisciplinary manner is becoming a new research trend. By reviewing and prospecting the relevant literature, this study not only makes a unique contribution to the tourism resource evaluation of IAHS, but also helps to enrich the relevant evaluation theories and further promote the sustainable development of heritage tourism from theoretical and methodological perspectives.  相似文献   

包括联合国粮农组织(FAO)认定的全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)和一些国家农业部认定的国家重要农业文化遗产(NIAHS)在内的农业文化遗产是一种新的遗产类型,通常具有丰富的生物多样性、多元的传统知识、独特的资源利用技术、杰出的文化景观,是一个典型的社会-生态系统。文化关键种作为塑造了一个地区的社会文化特征的重要物种,可以作为研究社会-生态系统保护与恢复力提升的一种独特视角和方法。本文通过系统梳理文化关键种概念的起源与内涵,分析了它们与生物文化多样性和社会-生态系统保护之间的关系,并结合农业文化遗产的基本特征和保护需求,尝试对农业文化遗产地文化关键种给出了定义,即"在农业文化遗产系统内,由生物资源和文化实践紧密结合,对当地社会文化的稳定性产生重要影响且能够促进农业文化遗产保护目标实现的生物文化复合体"。在此基础上,进一步分析了识别农业文化遗产文化关键种对农业文化遗产保护的主要意义:一是通过文化关键种的识别与保护有助于遗产地关键要素的识别和保护;二是利用文化关键种社区认同度高的优势可以调动社区参与遗产保护的积极性;三是以文化关键种的识别与保护为切入点,有助于更好地实现全球或国家重要农业文化遗产保护目标,即保障食物与生计安全、保护生物多样性、促进传统知识与技术体系传承以及维持景观特征等。  相似文献   

Scientific and effective heritage monitoring can not only realize the conservation of the heritage itself and the maintenance of its values, but it can also realize the sustainable development of the heritage site. In order to promote the conservation and management of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS), this study proposed a design for the annual report of GIAHS monitoring under the overall framework of the GIAHS monitoring system, and explored the application of the annual report in the first GIAHS site in China: the Qingtian Rice-Fish Culture System. In the design scheme of this study, the GIAHS annual monitoring report is composed of 24 monitoring items, with each of them logically related. It is to be filled in by the bureaus of the heritage site and reported through the GIAHS dynamic monitoring system. The results of an analysis of the annual reports of Qingtian Rice-Fish Culture System for four years showed that Qingtian County has taken a series of conservation and development measures which have reduced the area of abandoned paddy, enhanced the unit benefit of agri-products, and increased the farmers’ income. At the same time, the heritage site is faced with various challenges and threats, such as the weakening of the tourism attraction, the aging of the heritage practitioners, and the limitation of the heritage-themed agri-products and tourism income, which need to be addressed with proper measures. The results can also provide guidance for other GIAHS based on indications that heritage sites should improve the development of cultural products, the construction of social organization and the cultivation of spontaneous publicity, and an exchange and learning mechanism should be established among them in the future. The design and application of the GIAHS annual monitoring reports can not only provide specific guidance for conducting the GIAHS monitoring, but also lay the foundation for evaluating the effectiveness of GIAHS conservation and management. This study is expected to help enrich the theory of GIAHS monitoring, further promote China’s GIAHS monitoring work, and also provide China’s experience for the benefit of international GIAHS monitoring efforts.  相似文献   

Based on the basic selection criteria of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) and food and livelihood security research trends, this paper established an evaluation framework and indicator system for food and livelihood security in GIAHS and selected the first GIAHS site in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau as a case for empirical evaluation. The results demonstrate that the food and livelihood security of farmers at this site was at a medium level, with an average evaluation value of 2.91, which still lagged behind the level of better food and livelihood security. Specifically, the average values of farmers’ evaluation of food security and livelihood security were 1.43 and 1.48, respectively, which show that farmers’ food security in the study area was at a medium level and that of livelihood security was relatively good. Simultaneously, the more simple a farmers’ economic activities (i.e., agriculture-oriented economic activities or non-agriculture-oriented economic activities), the worse their food and livelihood security; while the more diversified the economic activities (i.e., engaged in part-time economic activities), the better the food and livelihood security.  相似文献   

In the context of climate change, research on extreme climates and disaster risk management has become a crucial component of climate change adaptation. Local communities, which have been facing extreme climates for a long time in their production and daily life, have developed some locally applicable traditional knowledge that has played an important role in their adaptation to extreme climate and disaster risk management. Therefore, this research aims to link Local knowledge (LK) to community extreme climate disaster risk management in order to construct a conceptual model. It then takes the extreme climate adaptation strategy of traditional nomads in a temperate grassland of China as an example to analyze the role of LK in extreme climate adaptation using the proposed theoretical framework. The main research objectives of this study are: (1) To construct a conceptual model to illustrate the relations among extreme climate events, risk management, LK, and farmers' adaptation strategies; (2) To apply the theoretical framework to a field case to reveal context-specific extreme climate adaptation mechanisms with LK as a critical component; (3) To test the framework and provide suggestions for the extreme climates adaptation, and the conservation of LK related to climate change adaptation. The results show that from the perspective of disaster risk management, local communities could manage extreme climates as a disaster risk through adaptation strategies formed from LK, because as a knowledge system, LK contains relevant knowledge covering the whole process of disaster risk management.  相似文献   

Although the urgency of their conservation has been recognized, Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) designated by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) since 2002 and China Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (China- NIAHS) certified by the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) of China since 2012 are faced with questions as to why to conserve them, what is to be conserved, who should conserve them, and how? This paper attempts to clarify and respond to such questions focusing on the conservation of agricultural heritage systems in China based on a review of both theoretical and practical progress. Agricultural heritage systems exhibit a multitude of values for sustainable and equitable development and therefore should be conserved for both present and future generations. Unlike most conventional heritages, the conservation of agricultural heritage systems is a complex, systematic “engineering” in which both physical and biological components and associated socio-cultural processes should be conserved in a dynamic way. Farmers and heritage sites must benefit from the continuance of traditional agricultural production under the premise of ecological functions being sustained and traditional culture being inherited. For a more effective conservation, a multi- stakeholder process should be established involving governments at different levels, multi-disciplinary scientists, communities and farmers, and business enterprises as well as social organizations. As has been demonstrated, the conservation of agricultural heritage systems aims to promote the regional sustainable development, to improve the livelihood, food security and well-being of farm people, and to provide references for the development of modern agriculture in China.  相似文献   

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