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Ureilites are a common group of achondrites with a high abundance of carbon. They probably have a genetic relationship with chondrites, hence provide an insight into origin and evolution of terrestrial planets. A new meteorite-rich region, Grove Mountains (GRV), was found by the Chinese Antarctic Research Expedition, with discovery of 9834 meteorites. Of 2433 meteorites classified, 9 ureilites have been identified. In this paper, we report petrography of 6 of these ureilites. Four ureilites contain graphite and exhibit triangle conjunction and common reduced margins of olivine. GRV 052382 probably experienced heavy shock metamorphism followed by fast cooling, as indicated by mosaic texture or fine-grained granular texture of olivine. GRV 022931 was highly reduced of these ureilites, with olivine as isolated grains in abundant carbonaceous matrix. All 9 ureilites are monomict, and are classified into subtype II (with medium FeO content, Fa15-18) and subtype I (with high FeO content, Fa>18) based on compositions of the cores of olivine. The diverse mineral compositions and petrography of these ureilites suggest that they are not paired and reveal a multi-event history of the parent body. Partial melting of the parent body produced carbon-rich magma, followed by crystallization of graphite and silicates. Later, graphite was partially inverted to diamond by shock events. Reburial of the shocked debris experienced various degree of thermal metamorphism. Finally, these rocks were excavated from the parent asteroid and ejected into Earth-cross orbit by another impact event.  相似文献   

The first study of erratic boulder exposure ages in the Grove Mountains,interior Antarctica,indicates the two erratic boulders(060131-1 and 060131-2,collected from a typical nunataks,Zakharoff Ridge in the Grove Mountains) have 10Be minimum exposure ages of 1.24±0.11 Ma,1.37±0.12 Ma,and 26Al ages of 0.90±0.12 Ma,0.44±0.04 Ma,respectively.Meanwhile,another erratic boulder sample 060131-4,coming from vicinal ice surface,has 10Be and 26Al minimum exposure ages of 0.47±0.3 Ma and 0.44±0.04 Ma,respectively.The e...  相似文献   

The cold desert soll has been discovered at first time in southern ridge of Mount Harding, Grove Mountains of interior East Antarctica Ice Sheet. Based on the micro structural observation, dominant characteristics of quartz grains include: distinct surface stria and fractures, and clean features of frost action at both of crystal margins and micro crannies of quartz grains. These features show a pedogenesis environment of few water, short transportation and frost action, revealing a warmer climatic event existed in this re, on.  相似文献   

The Grove Mountains, located between the Zhongshan Station and Dome A, are a very important area in inland Antarctic research. China has organized five investigations of the Grove Mountains, encompassing the geological structure, ancient climate, meteorites, ice-movement monitoring, basic mapping, meteorological observations, and other multi-disciplinary observational studies. During the 26th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition in 2010, the Grove Mountains investigation team applied specialized ground-penetrating radar(GPR) to survey subglacial topography in the eastern kernel area of the Grove Mountains. In this paper, we processed GPS and GPR data gathered in the field and drew, for the first time, two subglacial topographic maps of the Grove Mountains kernel area using professional graphics software. The preliminary results reveal the mystery of the nunatak landform of this area, give an exploratory sense of the real bedrock landforms, and indicate a possible sedimentary basin under the Pliocene epoch fossil ice in the Grove Mountains area. Additionally, it has been proven from cross-sectional analysis between Mount Harding and the Zakharoff ridge that the box-valley shape between two nunataks has already matured. ′  相似文献   

Shock effects of 93 Grove Mountains (GRV) ordinary chondrites were studied in this work, including fracture, various types of extinction, and recrystallization of silicates observed under optical microscopy. Shock-induced veins and pockets show various microtextures, decomposition and phase transformation of minerals. The confirmed high-pressure polymorphs of silicates are ringwoodite, majorite, pyroxene glass and maskelynite. Based on the shock effects and assemblages of high-pressure minerals, shock stages of all of 93 GRV chondrites were classified. In comparison with literature, the Grove Mountains meteorites have a higher fraction (23 out of 93) of heavily shocked samples (S4-S5). Most of the heavily shocked meteorites are L group (22 out of 23), except for one H chondrite. The distinct shock metamorphism between H and L groups may indicate different surface properties of their parent bodies. In addition, there is relationship between petrologic types and shock stages, with most heavily shocked samples observed in equilibrated ordinary chondrites (especially Type 5 and 6).  相似文献   

The summer weather characteristics of the Grove Mountain, East Antarctica, are presented based on the data obtained by Chinese National Antarctic Expedition (CHINARE) in January 1999. The result shows that the pattern of daily variation of temperature and the prevailing wind direction in Grove is similar to that of Zhongshan Station. However, the daily range of temperature and strong wind frequency are much higher than those of Zhongshan Station. The change of wind direction is close to the weather system that impacted the Grove Mountain. The warm and wet air from northern parts often causes the precipitation. The clear weather appears when controlled by eastern winds in January.  相似文献   

Meteorites are the extraterrestrial rocks, which provide insights into the origin and evolution of the solar system. During the past half century, a great number of meteorites has been discovered on the Antarctic Ice Sheet, confirming that the Antarctica is the most important meteorite concentration area on the earth. Since the first four Antarctic meteorites were found in Grove Mountains in 1998, a total of 9834 meteorites have been collected by four subsequent expeditions. It opens a new field of meteorite study in China, and also accumulates a great deal of scientific samples for China. Recently, classification of Grove Mountains meteorites has been carried out for 6 years, and made following progresses: (1) 2433 meteorites, which include many special meteorites, e.g. Martian meteorites, ureilites and carbonaceous chondrites, have been classified. (2) the Antarctic meteorite curation and the sample sharing system are set up preliminarily. (3) the classification procedure, the management of meteorite samples, and the application procedure for the Antarctic meteorites are completed after the systematic classification during these years. (4) young generation researchers on meteorite are trained through the cooperation of many universities and institutes on meteorite classification.  相似文献   

南极Grove山自然保护区信息系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
位于东南极Grove山地区的天然地质和独特地貌有助于解决许多重大的科学问题.为了保护该地区特殊的科学价值、美学价值和荒野价值,中国提出了建立南极Grove山自然保护区的设想,如何有效管理该地区的信息资源,为保护区的设立和管理提供决策支持成了一个急需解决的问题.本文介绍了南极自然保护区的研究现状,分析了南极Grove山自然保护信息系统数据特点,以及功能和性能需求,设计了双重模式(C/S模式和B/S模式)三层体系框架(数据层、应用层和表现层)的南极Grove山自然保护区信息系统,在此基础上,采用组件式GIS和Web GIS技术实现了原型系统,从而为Grove山空间数据和专题数据的有效管理,以及自然保护区的决策支持管理,提供了保护区信息交流与共享的平台.  相似文献   

Glaciogene sedimentary rocks have been found in modem tills of the Grove Mountains, east Antarctica during the 1998 - 1999 Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition (CHNARE). Based on the lithilogic and sedimentary features, these sedimentary rocks are correlated with Cenozoic sedimentary strata of the Pagodroma Group in the neighboring Prince Charles Mountains and the Sorsdal Formation in VestFold Hills. Sedimentary clasts contain sparsely Late Tertiary spores and pollens, including : Toroisporis ( Lygodiaceae), Osmunda, Granulatisporites ( Pteridaceae?) , Polypodiaceae, Podocarpus , Araucariaceae, Artemisia , Rhus , Nothofagidites , Proteacidites (Proteaceae) , Quercus , Fraxinoipollenites ( Oleaceae ) , Oleoidearumpollenites( Oleaceae ), Operculumpollis, and Tricolpopollenites. Most of the pollen and spores contained in these samples originate from local sources according to the conditions of their preservations as well as correlations with the microfossil assemblages found in the neighboring areas. The majority of the pollen assemblages, as represented by Podocarpus and Nothofagus, belong to the Weddellian biogeocenose, however some exotic components from the old sedimentary basement rocks may have been included during erosion of the proximal ice sheet. If the source areas of glaciogenic sedimentary rocks that bear the pollen and spores are assumed to be local, or in the up glacier areas, the pollen assemblages in these samples might represent an inland flora during a warmer period of the ice-sheet evolutionary history. The finding of the Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae in the pollen assemblages implies that they may belong to late Tertiary (most probably Pliocene). The absence of diatoms in the samples analyzed may indicate that there are no Cenozoic marine strata in the interior of the east Antarctica beyond the Grove Mountains. The significances of the finding of the Nothofagus in these pollen assemblages are discussed on the basis of current knowledge about the age, distribution and ecological conditions of this kind of fossils found in Sirius Group or other strata outcropped in Antarctica. As a preliminary conclusion, we think that the existence of the Cenozoic glaciogenenic rocks and their pollen assemblages present new evidence for a large scale glacial retreat history in Grove Mountains of east Antarctica, and thus support a dynamic East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS). This is consistent with the interpretations of Webb et al. (1984).  相似文献   

Concentrations of Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Ga, Ge, As, Sb, W, Re, Ir, Pt and Au of two ungrouped iron meteorites, Grove Mountains (GRV) 98003 from Antarctica and Ujimqin, were measured using instrumental neutron activation analysis. According to the bulk chemistry, GRV 98003 is classified as a member of ⅠAB group, and Ujimqin as a unique one of ⅠAB iron meteorite complex. The elemental abundance pattern and correlation between elements (e. g. Ni-Au, Co-Au, As-Au, W- Au, Cu-Au, Sb-Au) of GRV 98003 are similar with those of NAW 468 (ⅠAB), but significantly depleted in refractory siderophile elements ( Re, It) and moderate volatile elements (Ca, Ge) relative to the latter. In addition, we reclassify Nantan (ⅢCD) as a member of ⅠAB main group (MG) and Yongning (ⅠA) as a unique iron meteorite related with IAB iron meteorite complex.  相似文献   

Thirty-two meteorites were collected in Grove Mountains area, Antarctica, by the 15th and 16th Chinese Antarctic Research Expeditions (CHINARE). Petrography and mineral chemistry of these meteorites are reviewed, among which there are one Martian lherzolite, one eucrite, one ungrouped iron meteorite, and six unequili-brated and twenty-three equilibrated ordinary chondrites. An equilibrated ordinary chondrite GRV 98004 ( H5 ) has an unusually low cosmic-ray exposure age. Meteorite concentrating processes in Grove Mountains area are discussed. In addition, future studies on Grove Mountains (GRV) meteorites are proposed.  相似文献   

Petrography and mineral chemistry of four carbonaceous chondrites (GRV 020017, GRV 020025, GRV 021579, GRV 022459) collected from the Grove Mountains (GRV), Antarctica, were reported here. All four chondrites are unequilibrated, as indicated by well shaped chondrules and the chemical variations of olivine and low-Ca pyroxene. The modal abundance ratio of matrix/chondrule are 2(GRV 020017), 2.8(GRV 020025), 1.2(GRV 021579), 1(GRV 022459). GRV 022459 has the largest chondrules(0.6-2.0mm). A total of 30 Ca-Al-rich inclusions were found in the four meteorites. Most inclusions were highly altered, with abundant phyllosilicates in the inclusions of GRV 020017 and GRV 020025. On the base of petrography and mineral chemistry, these chondrites are classified as CM2 (GRV 020017 and 020025), CO3 (GRV 021579) and CV3 (GRV 022459).  相似文献   

Petrography and mineral chemistry of ninety-eight ordinary chondrites from Grove Mountains (GRV), Antarctica, were presented and their.weathering effect, shock metamorphism and type distribution patterns were discussed in this study. Among them, six are unequilibrated ordinary chondrites, including 3 H3 and 3 L3; and 92 meteorites are equilibrated ordinary chondrites, including 24 H-group (13 H4, 10 H5, 1 H6), 64 L-group (2 L4, 44 L5, 18 L6) and 4 LL-group (3 LL4, 1 LL5). Most GRV chondrites (>90%) displayed minor weathering effect (W1 and W2). About half of the meteorites experienced severe shock metamorphism. They commonly contain shock-induced melt veins and pockets. These heavily shocked meteorites provide us with natural samples for study of high-pressure polymorphs of minerals. In addition, the Grove Mountains collection seems to have more abundant unequilibrated and L group ordinary chondrites compared to the US Antarctic meteorite collection which were mainly found along the Transantarctic Mountains.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper reports the results of field-based absolute gravity measurements aimed at detecting gravity change and crustal displacement caused by glacial isostatic adjustment. The project was initiated within the framework of the 53rd Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE53). Absolute gravity measurements, together with GPS measurements, were planned at several outcrops along the Prince Olav Coast and S6ya Coast of East Antarctica, including at Syowa Station. Since the icebreaker Shirase (AGB 5003) was unable to moor alongside Syowa Station, operations were somewhat restricted during JARE53. However, despite this setback, we were able to complete measurements at two sites: Syowa Station and Langhovde. The absolute gravity value at the Syowa Station IAGBN (A) site, observed using an FG-5 absolute gravimeter (serial number 210; FG-5 #210), was 982 524 322.7+0.1 ktGal, and the gravity change rate at the beginning of 2012 was -0.26 gGal.a-1. An absolute gravity value of 982 535 584.2~0.7 ktGal was obtained using a portable A-10 absolute gravimeter (serial number 017; A-10 #017) at the newly located site AGS01 in Langhovde.  相似文献   

Dome A is the highest ice feature in the Antarctica,up to now,little is known about surface topography at Dome A.The first Chinese ITASE expedition was carried out from Zhongshan station to Dome A during the 1996/1997 austral summer. During the 2004/2005 austral summer,the traverse was extended to the summit of Dome A which is 1228 km from Zhongshan Station by 21st Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition (CHINARE).The real-time kinematic (RTK) GPS survey was carried out in the summit of Dome A dur...  相似文献   

There are a number of ionospheric models available for research and application, such as the polynomial model, generalized trigonometric series function model, low degree spherical harmonic function model, adjusted spherical harmonic function model, and spherical cap harmonic function analysis. Using observations from more than 40 continuously operating stations across Antarctica in 2010, ifve models are compared with regard to their precision and applicability to polar regions. The results show that all the models perform well in Antarctica with 0.1 TECU of residual mean value and 2 TECU of root mean square error.  相似文献   

Investigations on plant community and micronutrient status of Schirmacher Oasis, East Antarctica have been presented in this paper. The dominant plant communities include moss and lichen. The frequency of species occurrence and changes in species composition at different location varied. Thirty-four soil samples were ana- lyzed for chemical properties of the soils of Schirmacher Oasis and Nunatak, East Antarctica. The most common plant species growing throughout the areas of Sehirmacher Oasis and Nunataks are: Candelariella tiara ( lichen ) and Bryum pseudotriquetrum (moss). Large variations were observed among different soil samples in all the nutri- ents and other measured soil chemical parameters. The soils are characterized by a-cidic pH ranging from 4.42 - 6.80. The mean organic carbon content was 0.62 and ranged from 0. 06 - 1.29%. The electrical conductivity in 1 : 2 soil water ratio ranged from 0.06 - 1.29. The average content of macronutrient cation, which are ammonium acetate extractable was in the order of Ca 〉 K 〉 Na 〉 Mg. The average content of DTPA extractable micronutrient cations was in the order of Fe 〉 Mn 〉 Cu 〉 Zn. Thirty one out of 34 samples contained less than 0.80 ppm DTPA extractable Zn. Correlation studies revealed that content of macronutrient cations significantly and positively correlated to that of chlorides. Electrical conductivity exhibited significant and positive relationship with pH, K, Ca, Mg, Na and chloride content. Sodium (r =0.876 * * ) exhibited highest correlation followed by K (r =0. 831 * * ) with chlo- ride content. The correlation coefficient for chlorides was higher with electrical conductivity (r=0.732* * ) than pH (r =0. 513 * * ). Organic carbon content of the soil was positively correlated with Fe ( r = 0. 442 * ). The nutrient status did not appear to be a limiting factor in growth of plants. Lichen and moss community structure and composition in the study area were not related with fertility status o  相似文献   

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