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Volcanic rocks collected from the Solomon Sea Basin are mostly ferrobasalt lavas similar to evolved MORB; an exception is a single sample of basaltic crystal tuff invaded by later basalt. The rocks contain labradorite, aluminous diopsidic augite, and titanomagnetite, with olivine and pigconite in the more vitrophyric samples, and segregation vesicles in some. Cobbles dredged from Gudaraba Canyon, south of the Solomon Sea Basin, include both MORB-like glassy lava and K-metasomatised basalt and andesite(?). Two small pieces of volcanic glass from the southern Bismarck Sea are more primitive MOR-type basalts.  相似文献   

Magnetic anomalies measured in the central to western half of the Solomon Sea, when considered with other magnetic data, reveal the existence of linear patterns. Magnetic lineation anomaly models of the Cenozoic, 65 to 0 Ma, suggest that an age between 34 and 28 Ma and a half-rate spreading speed of 5.8 cm/yr for the northern flank of a former spreading center best fits our present magnetic data in the Solomon Sea Basin. Heat flow and bathymetry data support this preferred model.  相似文献   

Rock fragments dredged from four R/VNatsushima stations contain Tertiary foraminifera. The oldest sample is an upper bathyal biomicrite of Early Eocene age (52 to 53.5 Ma) from the the Trobriand Platform. Upper Oligocene-Lower Miocene neritic limestones were located off the Trobriand Platform and on the inner wall of the New Britain Trench. Miocene bathyal sediments come from the Trobriand Platform; similar Pliocene rocks were recovered here as well as from the inner wall of the New Britain Trench and the central part of the Solomon Sea Basin. No reworked pre-Tertiary foraminifera are present in any sample.  相似文献   

Magnetic anomalies measured in the central to western half of the Solomon Sea, when considered with other magnetic data, reveal the existence of linear patterns. Magnetic lineation anomaly models of the Cenozoic, 65 to 0 Ma, suggest that an age between 34 and 28 Ma and a half-rate spreading speed of 5.8 cm/yr for the northern flank of a former spreading center best fits our present magnetic data in the Solomon Sea Basin. Heat flow and bathymetry data support this preferred model.  相似文献   

Rock fragments dredged from four R/VNatsushima stations contain Tertiary foraminifera. The oldest sample is an upper bathyal biomicrite of Early Eocene age (52 to 53.5 Ma) from the the Trobriand Platform. Upper Oligocene-Lower Miocene neritic limestones were located off the Trobriand Platform and on the inner wall of the New Britain Trench. Miocene bathyal sediments come from the Trobriand Platform; similar Pliocene rocks were recovered here as well as from the inner wall of the New Britain Trench and the central part of the Solomon Sea Basin. No reworked pre-Tertiary foraminifera are present in any sample.  相似文献   

Typical abyssal tholeiites occur on both north and south walls of the Puerto Rico Trench. Probably they were erupted in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in Cretaceous time and afterwards were moved to the present position. In addition, doleritic basalts containing phenocrysts of pigeonite rimmed by augite were found from the north wall, and these rocks presumably represent a new type of abyssal tholeiites characterized by CaONa2O ratios lower than those of ordinary abyssal tholeiites.A new analysis of serpentinite from the north wall is also recorded here.  相似文献   

Sedimentary rocks from the northern margin of the Trobriand Platform, the north wall of the New Britain Trench, and the floor of the Solomon Sea Basin are volcaniclastics, mudrocks, and neritic and bathyal limestones. Arc-volcanic debris from calc-alkaline or high-K magmatic sources is present at each locality. A minor metamorphic component occurs at one site on the Trobriand Platform which yielded Early Eocene to Middle Miocene material, and at the New Britain Trench site, which yielded Miocene or older and post-Miocene samples. Solomon Sea Basin samples are mudrocks which are apparently no older than Late Pliocene.  相似文献   

Multichannel seismic reflection profiles recorded in the northern Red Sea show structures that we interpret to be a result of the intrusion of uppermost Miocene salt. We believe that the evaporites are underlaid by attenuated continental crust and the flow of salt is due to renewed faulting of basement in the Pliocene when sea floor spreading began between latitudes 21°N and 15°30°N.  相似文献   

Seven tholeiitic basalts from the Puerto Rico Trench walls (three from the south wall and four from the north wall) were investigated for rare-earth abundances. All these rocks, with the exception of a pigeonite-bearing rock (RC8-RD1–12), were found to possess similar rare-earth features. Their rare-earth patterns resembled those of usual abyssal basalts, and showed no Eu anomalies. There is no difference between the rare-earth abundances of fine-grained and coarse-grained rocks. It is clear that the pigeonite-bearing rock (RC8-RD1 type 2) differs in origin from the abyssal basalts. The rocks with rare-earth patterns similar to that of RC8-RD1–12 are found among the Japanes “geosynclinal” basalts (Tanaka and Sugisaki, 1973).A serpentinite from the same trench was also analyzed for the same elements. The resultant rare-earth pattern suggests that the relevant original rock was separated from a magma having the same relative rare-earth abundances as a chondritic meteorite. The markedly high Eu positive anomaly of this serpentinite is also discussed.  相似文献   

中国海及邻近海域卫星观测资料同化试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用1个基于POMgcs海洋模式和多重网格三维变分同化方法建立的中国海及邻近海域海面高与三维温盐流数值预报模型,通过一系列数值试验,研究了同化卫星测高和卫星遥感海面温度观测资料对该模型预报能力的影响。试验结果表明,同化卫星测高资料可明显改善海面高度与三维温度和盐度的分析预报效果,使1 200 m以上的温度预报误差减小0.16℃,并能有效提高对海洋中尺度现象的预报能力;同化卫星遥感海面温度对100 m以上的温度和盐度的预报效果有所改善,可使海面温度的预报误差减小10%。  相似文献   

OBS’s were deployed for 26 to 29 days in the eastern Bismarck Sea to investigate the back-arc spreading. Hypocenters of 186 shallow earthquakes were determined using P- and S-waves from at least five stations. In the western survey area, a transform fault zone is marked by a linear micro-earthquake activity striking N65°W and less than 5 km wide. The predominant type of their focal mechanisms is strike-slip. In the eastern area, several intermittent zones of micro-earthquakes and their strike-slip type focal mechanisms suggest the location of short-length transform faults separating en-echelon spreading ridges.  相似文献   

The depth distributions of the radiolarian fauna in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, marginal seas of the western Arctic Ocean, were examined quantitatively in depth-stratified plankton tows from 4 or 5 intervals above 500 m and in surface sediments from various depths between 163 and 2907 m. The radiolarian assemblage from the water column in September 2000 was dominated by Amphimelissa setosa and followed by the Actinomma boreale/leptoderma group, Pseudodictyophimus gracilipes and Spongotrochus glacialis. These species are related to the Arctic Surface Water shallower than 150 m. This assemblage is similar to that in the Greenland Sea relating to the ice edge, but did not contain typical Pacific radiolarians in spite of the flow of water of Pacific origin in this region. The living depth of Ceratocyrtis historicosa was restricted to the relatively warm water between 300 and 500 m corresponding to the upper Arctic Intermediate Water (AIW) originating from the Atlantic Ocean. Radiolarian assemblages in the surface sediments are similar to those in the plankton tows, except for common Cycladophora davisiana in sediment samples below 500 m. C. davisiana is probably a deep-water species adapted to the lower AIW or the Canadian Basin Deep Water ventilated from the shelves.  相似文献   

OBS's were deployed for 26 to 29 days in the eastern Bismarck Sea to investigate the back-arc spreading. Hypocenters of 186 shallow earthquakes were determined using P- and S-waves from at least five stations. In the western survey area, a transform fault zone is marked by a linear micro-earthquake activity striking N65°W and less than 5 km wide. The predominant type of their focal mechanisms is strike-slip. In the eastern area, several intermittent zones of micro-earthquakes and their strike-slip type focal mechanisms suggest the location of short-length transform faults separating en-echelon spreading ridges.  相似文献   

The floor of the western Solomon Sea (for new bathymetric map see inside back cover of this issue) is dominated by the arched and ridged basement of the Solomon Sea Basin, the partly-sediment-filled New Britain Trench, and a more completely filled trench, the Trobriand Trough. There is a deep basin where the trenches join (149° Embayment), and a silled basin west of the New Britain Trench (Finsch Deep). Submarine canyons descend from the west and south to the 149° Embayment. Abyssal fans and plains are structurally defined and locally disturbed by young faults. Probable submerged pinnacle reefs stand in water depths as great as 1,200 m.  相似文献   

Extinct volcanic islands in the Bismarck volcanic arc are fringed by well-developed coral reefs. Drowned platforms offshore from these islands provide evidence for subsidence in the central section of the arc, north of the Finisterre Terrane–Australia collision. Bathymetric and backscatter data collected onboard the R/V Kilo Moana in 2004 reveal regularly spaced (~200 m interval) drowned platforms at depths as much as 1,100 m below sea level. However, the adjacent mainland coast has well documented raised terraces indicating long-term uplift. Local subsidence may be due to cessation of magmatic activity and cooling, flexural loading by the uplifting Finisterre Range, loading by nearby active volcanic islands, and/or sediment loading on the seafloor north of the Finisterre Range. We present some simple models in order to test whether flexural loading can account for local subsidence. We find that volcanic and sedimentary loading can explain the inferred relative subsidence.  相似文献   

The floor of the western Solomon Sea (for new bathymetric map see inside back cover of this issue) is dominated by the arched and ridged basement of the Solomon Sea Basin, the partly-sediment-filled New Britain Trench, and a more completely filled trench, the Trobriand Trough. There is a deep basin where the trenches join (149° Embayment), and a silled basin west of the New Britain Trench (Finsch Deep). Submarine canyons descend from the west and south to the 149° Embayment. Abyssal fans and plains are structurally defined and locally disturbed by young faults. Probable submerged pinnacle reefs stand in water depths as great as 1,200 m.  相似文献   

The Solomon Sea Plate was widely developed during late Oligocene, separating the proto-West Melanesian Arc from the proto-Trobriand Arc. Spreading in the Bismarck Sea and in the Woodlark Basin resulted from interaction between the Pacific and Australian Plates, specifically from the collision of the proto-West Melanesian Arc with north New Guinea, which occurred after arc reversal. This model explains the extensive Miocene, Pliocene, and Quaternary volcanism of the Papua New Guinea mainland as it related to southward subduction of the Trobriand Trough. Our interpreted plate motions are concordant with the geological evidence onshore and also with complex tectonic features in the Solomon Sea Basin Region.  相似文献   

The western Solomon Sea is bounded by the Paleogene collision complex of the Papuan Peninsula to the south, and land masses constructed by Cainozoic volcanism to the north and cast. Oblique collision of two trenches in the western Solomon Sea, and concomitant collision of upper plates, have produced structural complexities that may include the local doubling of crustal thickness, coincident with a strong negative gravity anomaly west of 149°E. Lateral flexing of the subducted plate in the New Britain Trench may have caused flexure of the upper plate; this flexure is expressed in the gravity field, faults, dip-slopes, exposure of basement, and alignment of volcanoes.  相似文献   

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