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对大别造山带双河超高压榴辉岩和片麻岩Sm-Nd和Rb-Sr等时线矿物进行了O同位素地质测温。尽管Sm-Nd等时线给出一致的三叠纪年龄(213~238 Ma),同一样品Rb-Sr等时线却给出侏罗纪年龄(171~174 Ma)。片麻岩、榴辉岩和榴闪岩矿物对O同位素测温得到600~720℃和420~550℃两组温度,分别对应于约225±5 Ma榴辉岩相变质和约175±5 Ma角闪岩相退变质条件下停止同位素扩散交换的温度。同一样品三叠纪Sm-Nd等时线年龄的保存、侏罗纪Rb-Sr等时线年龄的出现以及有规律的O同位素温度,表明在角闪岩相退变质过程中,Sr和O在含水矿物(如黑云母和角闪石)中的扩散速率在手标本尺度上比石榴石Nd和多硅白云母Sr的扩散速率快。  相似文献   

对于变质岩 Sm-Nd 和 Rh-Sr 同位素年代学来说,其中一个重要问题是等时线矿物之间在一特定的变质事件过程中是否达到并在随后保持同位素平衡。矿物 O 同位素地质测温也是如此。由于许多情况下 Nd、Sr 和 O 在变质矿物中的扩散速率具有可比性,变质矿物之间 O 同位素平衡状况能够为矿物 Sm-Nd 和 Rb-Sr 内部等时线定年结果的有效性提供制约。为了验证其适用性,本文对大别造山带双河超高压榴辉岩和片麻岩 Sm-Nd 和 Rh-Sr 等时线矿物进行了 O 同位素地质测温。尽管Sm-Nd 等时线给出一致的三叠纪年龄(213~238Ma),同一样品 Rb-Sr 等时线却给出侏罗纪年龄(171~174Ma)。片麻岩、榴辉岩和榴闪岩矿物对 O 同位素测温得到600~720℃和420~550℃两组温度,分别对应于约225±5Ma 榴辉岩相变质和约 175±5Ma 角闪岩相退变质条件下停止同位素扩散交换的温度。同一样品三叠纪 Sm-Nd 等时线年龄的保存、侏罗纪 Rh-Sr 等时线年龄的出现以及有规律的 O 同位素温度,表明在角闪岩相退变质过程中,Sr 和 O 在含水矿物(如黑云母和角闪石)中的扩散速率在手标本尺度上比石榴石 Nd 和多硅白云母 Sr 的扩散速率快。在退变质作用过程中,等时线矿物之间的初始同位素比值均一化速率主要受扩散速率慢的矿物控制,而矿物等时线时钟的启动主要受具有高母/子体比值的矿物控制。只有当高母/子体比值矿物具有快的放射成因同位素扩散速率时,才能够应用合理的矿物等时线确定变质再造的时间。  相似文献   

报道了大别山北部三个榴辉岩样品的矿物 Sm- Nd等时线年龄,它们分别为 (210± 6) Ma或 (214± 6) Ma、 (208± 38) Ma和 (208± 4) Ma。氧同位素研究表明,这些样品中的石榴子石与绿辉石之间处于氧同位素平衡状态,因此,该 Sm- Nd等时线定年结果可靠。本区榴辉岩的高压麻粒岩相退变质阶段的冷却年龄为 210 Ma左右;榴辉岩的钕同位素初始比ε Nd(t)(两个样品一个为- 10左右,另一个为- 2)基本上表现为陆壳岩石特征,可能类似于南部超高压带中的榴辉岩,为印支期扬子陆壳俯冲变质成因。它们的全岩δ 18O值较低,为+ 2.4‰~+ 3.6‰,可能指示其原岩同大别山南部超高压带中榴辉岩一样,在板块俯冲之前,经受过高温地表水热液蚀变。年代学结果表明,大别山北部榴辉岩在 230~ 210 Ma期间经历的是一等温或升温过程,这与大别山南部含柯石英榴辉岩在这一时期的快速冷却过程形成强烈对比,这对理解俯冲陆壳中不同构造岩片折返过程的差异有重要意义。  相似文献   

为探讨花岗质岩石中矿物O同位素平衡与Rb Sr矿物等时线年龄有效性之间的关系 ,测定了皖东屯仓与横山两个石英二长岩体中单矿物的Rb Sr和O同位素组成以及角闪石和黑云母的Ar Ar年龄。屯仓岩体的石英 -角闪石对温度为 5 4 5± 2 5℃ ,石英 -黑云母对温度为 4 6 0± 2 0℃ ,石英 -斜长石对温度 385± 4 0℃。横山岩体的石英 -角闪石对温度为 5 30± 2 5℃ ,石英 -黑云母对温度为 390± 15℃和石英 -斜长石对温度 2 85± 35℃。反映封闭体系中矿物在冷却过程中的退化交换再平衡。矿物间的氧同位素平衡对应于有地质意义的Rb Sr矿物等时线年龄。屯仓岩体的全岩 -角闪石 -斜长石Rb Sr等时线年龄 (12 8.4± 4 .7Ma)与角闪石的Ar Ar年龄 (12 5 .5 1± 0 .5 5Ma)在误差范围内一致 ,全岩 -角闪石 -斜长石 -黑云母Rb Sr等时线年龄 (12 0 .3± 2 .6Ma)与黑云母的Ar Ar年龄 (118.0± 0 .1Ma)一致。横山岩体的全岩 -角闪石 -斜长石Rb Sr矿物等时线年龄 (10 8± 15Ma)比角闪石的Ar Ar年龄 (12 5 .7± 1.8Ma)低 ,全岩 -角闪石 -斜长石 -黑云母Rb Sr等时线年龄 (118.6± 1.2Ma)小于黑云母的Ar Ar年龄 (12 0 .0± 0 .2Ma)。Rb Sr等时线年龄小于Ar Ar年龄是由于长石的蚀变引起的。大的等时线误差是由于Rb/Sr比值变化范围太小  相似文献   

鲁东前寒武纪结晶基底的年代学及Sm-Nd同位素地球化学   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
陆松年 《地学前缘》1998,5(4):275-283
在郯庐断裂以东的鲁东地区前寒武系主要出露在以栖霞为核部的胶北地区和沿黄海西岸的胶南地区。胶北的前寒武纪岩层包括太古宙胶东岩群和大面积分布的TTG岩系、古元古代荆山群/粉子山群和新元古代蓬莱群,而胶南则有太古宙大山沟岩组和与荆山群相似的胶南岩群。在近山东边界的苏北赣榆县出露的石桥群可能属于晚震旦世地层。文章集中讨论由深部地质作用形成的前寒武纪结晶基底。通过鲁东前寒武纪结晶基底地质学、年代学和同位素示踪研究,揭示鲁东地区胶北和胶南两个地质体前寒武纪热构造事件的时序和特点,并对胶南的大地构造属性提出分析和讨论。  相似文献   

对苏鲁超高压变质带内诸城桃行地区榴辉岩及其花岗片麻岩围岩进行了单矿物氧同位素组成分析和锆石U-Pb定年。氧同位素组成显示出不均一亏损~(18)O的特征。石英-石榴石等高温矿物对的氧同位素温度为600~950℃,指示它们在榴辉岩相变质条件下达到并保存了氧同位素平衡。而部分石英-长石和白云母-金红石等矿物对的氧同位素温度为350~570℃,指示它们在峰期变质之后的角闪岩相退变质过程中达到并保存了同位素退化交换再平衡。锆石氧同位素组成低达-1.3‰~4.2‰,对这种低δ~(18)O值进行锆石U-Pb定年,分别得到762~834Ma的原岩年龄和202~249Ma的变质年龄。因此,桃行低δ~(18)O值锆石形成于新元古代(700~800Ma)的低δ~(18)O值岩浆。这种低δ~(18)O值岩浆是由于变质岩原岩经历新元古代高温大气降水热液蚀变后再部分熔融所形成。对于在角闪岩相退变质之后保存了封闭体系的花岗片麻岩样品(石英-长石矿物对温度为355~405℃),石榴石在榴辉岩相变质温度下达到并保存了氧同位素平衡(石英-石榴石矿物对温度为685℃),指示石榴石中Sm-Nd体系在同样的变质务件下也达到了平衡。因此,花岗片麻岩中石榴石-斜长石-全岩的Sm-Nd等时线年龄215±11Ma与锆石变质边的三叠纪年龄(202~249Ma)一样,代表了榴辉岩相峰期变质后的冷却年龄。而花岗片麻岩中石英-钾长石和石英-斜长石矿物对处于氧同位素不平衡状态,同时钾长石和斜长石相对于样品中其它矿物异常亏损~(18)O,指示在角闪岩相退变质之后体系曾经开放,岩石受到低~(18)O流体在低温和中温下(200~400℃)的热液蚀变。这种奈件下矿物氧同位素的退化交换是由表面反应机制控制,与Nd的扩散机制不同,因此氧同位素平衡无法制约Sm-Nd矿物等时线的有效性。  相似文献   

北秦岭榴辉岩Sm-Nd同位素年龄   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
采自陕豫交界秦岭群中的榴辉岩主要由石榴子石和绿辉石组成,同时还含有少量的角闪石和金红石。本工作由四个单矿物和全岩五个样,测得Sm-Nd等时年龄为400±16Ma,(r=0.997575),εNd=十3.6,说明在加里东期北秦岭造山带发生过高压变质事件。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地北缘大柴旦榴辉岩同位素年代学测定结果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

郑永飞  赵子福 《岩石学报》2011,27(2):345-364
在特定的地质事件过程中,矿物等时线放射体系是否达到并且保持了平衡是变质岩Sm-Nd和Rb-Sr同位素年代学中的一个重要问题。在这个问题上矿物对O同位素测温与矿物等时线定年相似,因此两者之间可以相互制约。在岩浆岩和变质岩中,矿物中Sm-Nd、Sr和O之间的扩散速率在无水的条件下一般具有可比性,因此矿物之间O同位素的平衡状态可以用来对Sm-Nd和Rb-Sr定年的有效性进行检验。对大别-苏鲁造山带超高压变质岩的Sm-Nd和Rb-Sr等时线矿物进行O同位素测温,得到Sm-Nd等时线有时给出三叠纪年龄,有时给出非三叠纪年龄;对应的矿物O同位素分馏分别处于平衡和不平衡状态。对于引起非三叠纪等时线年龄的原因,一方面可以是由于榴辉岩相变质过程中同位素体系没有达到平衡,另一方面则可能角闪岩相退变质作用打破了平衡。等时线矿物中初始同位素比值的均一化速率主要受慢扩散矿物的影响,而矿物等时线时钟的启动主要受高母/子比值矿物控制。因此在变质作用过程中,只有当高母/子比值矿物同时具有快的放射成因同位素扩散速率,才可能得到有效的矿物等时线来用于变质年龄的测定。根据不同矿物中不同元素在扩散速率上的差异,能够定量估计大陆碰撞过程中榴辉岩相变质的持续时间。应用增量方法和离子孔隙度经验模型,不仅分别能够从理论上准确计算所有固体矿物的氧同位素分馏系数和获得不同矿物中元素的扩散参数,而且分别能够定量预测热力学平衡条件下共生矿物之间的18O富集顺序和相同条件下矿物中元素扩散速率的相对快慢。  相似文献   

矿物氧扩散与氧同位素退化交换作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从理论上解论上解析了同位素封闭体系内的矿物氧扩散性质,火成岩从冷却为质岩从高峰变质温度冷却过程中的所发生的扩散作用会层致矿物晶体内部及晶粒间的氧同位素重新分配,两种不同的矿物氧扩散-同位素交换模式都可以用来模拟这种性质。实例研究进一步阐明了扩散对氧同位素组成的影响。  相似文献   

Sm-Nd and oxygen isotope analyses were carried out for mineral separates of ultrahigh pressure eclogites from the Sulu terrane in eastern China. The results show a direct correspondence in equilibrium or disequilibrium state between the oxygen and Sm-Nd isotope systems of eclogite minerals. The omphacite-garnet pairs of oxygen isotope equilibrium at eclogite-facies conditions yield meaningful Triassic Sm-Nd isochron ages, whereas those of oxygen isotope disequilibrium give non-Triassic ages of geological meaninglessness. This can be reasonably interpreted by the fact that the rates of oxygen diffusion in garnet and pyroxene are lower than, or close to, those of Nd diffusion, and thus attainment of isotopic equilibrium in the omphacite-garnet O system suggests achievement of Nd isotope equilibrium in the same mineral pairs. The presence or absence of fluid in the eclogite protoliths is a major rate-controlling factor for isotopic equilibration during high-grade metamorphism. It appears that the state of oxygen isotope equilibrium between cogenetic minerals can provide a critical test for the validity of the Sm-Nd mineral chronometer. In addition, the exact timing of the ultrahigh pressure metamorphism in the Dabie-Sulu terranes is constrained at Early Triassic rather than Late Triassic.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope fractionation in TiO2 polymorphs has been calculated by the modi-fied increment method .The results that rutile is enriched in ^18O relative to brookite but depleted in ^18O relative to anatase.Due to the same crystal structure ,oxygen isotope partitioning in the TiO2 polymorphs is determined by the cation-oxygen inter-atomic distances.The theoretical calibrations involving rutile are in fair agreement with known experimental measurements and empirical estimates.Application of the theoretic-cal quartz-rutile calibration to geothermometry of natural eclogite assemblages indicates the preservation of isotopic equilibrium at high temperatures.The isotopic temperatures calculated are only slightly lower than the non-isotopic temperatures,indicating the slow rates of exchange for oxygen diffusion in rutile.The kinetics of exchange for oxygen diffu-sion in rutile is accordingly estimated by reconciling the differences between the isotopic and the non-isotopic temperatures.The rates of exchange for oxygen diffusion in rutile should be smaller than those for hornblende,but may be equal to or greater than those for diopside.  相似文献   

报道了大别造山带西南部湖北红安榴辉岩和罗田麻粒岩的氧同位素组成,并讨论了氧扩散作用对矿物氧同位素平衡的影响,结果得到,红安榴辉岩的全岩δ^18O值为6.4-7.3‰,罗田黄土岭麻粒岩的全岩δ^18O值为6.6-7.8‰,罗田惠兰山麻粒岩的全岩δ^18O值为3.9‰,这些榴辉岩和麻粒岩全岩的氧同位素组成保持了峰期变质条件下的平衡分馏特征,得到的氧同位素温度对于红安榴辉岩425-620度,对于罗田麻粒岩为740-945度。根据快速颗粒边界扩散模型计算的矿物对氧同位素温度不仅与大多数实测氧同位素温度一致,而且与岩石学测温结果相吻合,因此,这些岩石与东大别榴辉岩一样在形成后经历了快速冷却过程,退变质反应过程中没有外来流体加入。  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope exchange and closure temperatures in cooling rocks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Retrograde exchange of oxygen isotopes between minerals in igneous and metamorphic rocks by means of diffusion is explored using a finite difference computer model, which predicts both the zonation profile of δ18O within grains, and the bulk δ18O value of each mineral in the rock. Apparent oxygen isotope equilibrium temperatures that would be observed in these rocks are calculated from the δ18O values of each mineral pair within the rock. In systems which cool linearly from a sufficiently high temperature or at a low enough cooling rate, such that the final oxygen isotope values are not dependent upon the initial oxygen isotope values ('slow cooling'), the apparent oxygen isotope temperature derived for a rock composed of a single mineral pair can be shown to be simply related to the Dodson closure temperatures ( T c) for the two phases and the mode of the rock. Adding a third phase into a system which undergoes 'slow' cooling will cause the apparent temperature derived for the two minerals already present to differ from the simple relationship for a two-phase system. In some systems oxygen isotope reversals can be developed. If cooling is not 'slow', then the mineral δ18O values resulting from cooling will be partly dependent upon the initial temperature of the system concerned. The model successfully simulates the mineral δ18O values that are often observed in granitic rocks. Application of the model will help in assessing the validity of oxygen isotope thermometry in different geological settings, and allows quantitative prediction of the oxygen isotope fractionations that are developed in cooling closed systems.  相似文献   

Ultra-high-pressure eclogites from the Dabie orogen that formed over a range in temperatures (∼600 to > 700 °C) have been investigated with combined Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd geochronology. Three eclogites, sampled from Zhujiachong, Huangzhen and Shima, yield Lu–Hf ages of 240.0 ± 5.0, 224.4 ± 1.9 and 230.8 ± 5.0 Ma and corresponding Sm–Nd ages of 222.5 ± 5.0, 217.6 ± 6.1 and 224.2 ± 2.1 Ma respectively. Well-preserved prograde major- and trace-element zoning in garnet in the Zhujiachong eclogite suggests that the Lu–Hf age mostly reflects an early phase of garnet growth that continued over a time interval of c. 17.5 Myr. For the Huangzhen eclogite, despite preserved elemental growth zoning in garnet, textural study reveals that the Lu–Hf age is biased towards a later garnet growth episode rather than representing early growth. The narrow time interval of <6.6 Myr defined by the difference between Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd ages indicates a short final garnet growth episode and suggests a rapid cooling stage. By contrast, the rather flat element zoning in garnet in the Shima eclogite suggests that Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd ages for this sample have been reset by diffusion and are cooling ages. The new Lu–Hf ages point to an initiation of prograde metamorphism prior to c . 240 Ma for the Dabie orogen, while the exact peak metamorphic timing experienced by specific samples ranges between c . 230 to c. 220 Ma.  相似文献   

Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic studies were carried out for metamorphic rocks in the Namaqualand Metamorphic Complex, South Africa. The metamorphic rocks give the Rb-Sr mineral isochron ages (whole-rock - biotite - felsic fractions) of 844±85 Ma and 811.6±6.6 Ma for the lower granulite zone and of 776.5±5.4 Ma for the upper granulite zone. The rocks yield the Sm-Nd mineral isochron ages of 1071±18 Ma (whole-rock - garnet - felsic fractions) and 1067±158 Ma (whole-rock - hornblende - biotite rich fraction - felsic fractions) for the lower granulite zone and of 1052.0±3.6 Ma and 1002.5±1.4 Ma (whole-rock - garnet - felsic fractions) for the upper granulite zone. These age data suggest that the granulite facies metamorphism took place at 1060-1000 Ma, and that the rocks cooled down at 850-780 Ma. The Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of metamorphic rocks are different between the lower and upper granulite zones.  相似文献   

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