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A simple effective method of inverse estimation provided by model Green’s functions is examined to calibrate tides in a regional circulation model for the East Asian marginal seas. The Green’s function optimization derived by perturbing the model parameters significantly improves the estimate relative to observation as compared with baseline integration. Among the optimized model parameters, the largest effects on cost function reduction come first from the harmonic constant of M2 along the open boundaries with the optimized values of 89.7 ± 0.8% for amplitude, and second from the bottom friction with the optimized value of (3.06 ± 0.08) × 10−3.  相似文献   

Study of the major Asian rivers discharge to the ocean reveals variations of their water discharges and sediment loads.and local characteristics of river sediment concentrations.On the basis of this,the Asian rivers fall into three regions,including Eurasia Arctic,East Asia,Southeast and South Asia Regions.The Eurasia Arctic Region is characterized by the lowest sediment concentration and load,while the East Asia Region is of the highest sediment concentration and higher sediment load,and the South-East and South Asia Region yields Higher Sediment concentration and highest sediment load. The sediment loads of these regions are mainly controlled by climate,geomorphology and tectonic activity.The Eurasia Arctc rivers with large basin areas and water discharge,drain low relief which consists of tundra sediment,thus causing the lowest sediment load.The East Asia rivers with small basin areas and lowest water discharges,drain extensive loess plateau,and transport most erodible loess material,which results in highest sediment concentration.The SE and South Asia rivers originating from the Tibet Plateau have large basin areas and the largest water discharges because of the Summer Monsoon and high rainfall influence,causing the highest sediment load.In Asia,tectonic motion of the Tibet Plateau Plays an important role.Those large rivers originating from the Tibet Plateau trasport about 50% of the world river sediment load to ocean annually,forming large estuaries and deltas,and consequently exerting a great influence on sedimentation in the coastal zone and shelves.  相似文献   

DivisionofhydroclimaticareaoverChinaseas──Ⅰ.Principalcomponentanalysis¥ChenShangjiandYaoShiyu(ReceivedAugust1,1993;acceptedSe...  相似文献   

Marine governance in European seas is at a crossroad aiming towards implementation of eco-system based marine management (EBMM) through integration of different EU policies or directives to protect the environment, while at the same time expected to facilitate growth and employment in support of the blue economy. This article shows that the governance landscape at the regional sea level is very complex, fragmented and faced with several dilemmas. It examines the present governance structures in the four European seas (Baltic, Black, and Mediterranean Seas and North East Atlantic Ocean). It is argued that the implementation of EBMM at the regional sea level is characterized by a highly fragmented European governance system where there is lack of coordination between relevant DGs within the European Commission, between EU, International organisations, Regional Sea Conventions and the Member States and between sectoral governance arrangements that should provide sectoral management measures that support EBMM. The article develops suggestions for a nested governance system in which institutions, policies, laws and sectors are nested into a tiered, internally consistent and mutually re-enforcing planning and decision-making system. Developing institutional interaction and soft modes of governance between the EU, the Regional Sea Conventions, Member States and the governance arrangements of the different marine sectors will be crucial in evolving towards such a nested governance system for EBMM. Moreover, there is no one size fits all approach in implementing EBMM, which means that for each European Sea a context-dependent nested governance system should be developed.  相似文献   

NumericalstudiesofupwellingincoastalareasoftheEastChinaSea-ⅠThetide-inducedupwellingLuoYiyong,YuGuangyao,HuangZuke(ReceivedOc...  相似文献   

DoubleKelvinwavesalongtheOkinawaTroughintheEastChinaSea-ⅠAnalyticsolutionsandobservations¥WangJiaandYuanYeli(ReceivedOctober2...  相似文献   

The ocean fishery and the corresponding environment are highly interrelated according tothe production experiences of ocean fishing population. The spatial cluster patterns are constructed using the remote sensed data and long-time series fishery production data under the uniform coordinate based on GIS techniques. Thus, the hidden information of distribution regularities between ocean-hydrologic factors and central fishing ground can be extracted from these patterns. It is important to forecast the ocean fishery production.  相似文献   

Conservation and management of transboundary fisheries must account for diverse national interests while adopting compromises necessary to develop and implement robust conservation and management measures. The United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement requires states to ensure that conservation and management measures for straddling and highly migratory fisheries do not transfer a disproportionate burden of conservation action onto developing states. However, fulfilling this obligation in transboundary fisheries is undermined by the lack of agreed transparent frameworks for assessing the impact of alternative conservation and management measures, and distributive decision making processes for adopting measures that meet scientific and equity obligations. A new informal and multi-disciplinary research partnership, the Fisheries Equity Research Network, has been established to encourage international research into the equitable distribution of conservation limits in trans-boundary oceanic fisheries. The Fisheries Equity Research Network will research transparent and equitable rules and frameworks for assessing and distributing conservation burdens in transboundary fisheries.  相似文献   

Ocean current forecasting is still in explorative stage of study. In the study, we face some problems that have not been met before. The solving of these problems has become fundamental premise for realizing the ocean current forecasting. In the present paper are discussed in depth the physical essence for such basic problems as the predictability of ocean current, the predictable currents, the dynamical basis for studying respectively the tidal current and circulation, the necessity of boundary model, the models on regions with different scales and their link. The foundations and plans to solve the problems are demonstrated. Finally a set of operational numerical forecasting system for ocean current is proposed.  相似文献   

Wave energy resources assessment is a very important process before the exploitation and utilization of the wave energy. At present, the existing wave energy assessment is focused on theoretical wave energy conditions for interesting areas. While the evaluation for exploitable wave energy conditions is scarcely ever performed.Generally speaking, the wave energy are non-exploitable under a high sea state and a lower sea state which must be ignored when assessing wave energy. Aiming at this situation, a case study of the East China Sea and the South China Sea is performed. First, a division basis between the theoretical wave energy and the exploitable wave energy is studied. Next, based on recent 20 a ERA-Interim wave field data, some indexes including the spatial and temporal distribution of wave power density, a wave energy exploitable ratio, a wave energy level, a wave energy stability, a total wave energy density, the seasonal variation of the total wave energy and a high sea condition frequency are calculated. And then the theoretical wave energy and the exploitable wave energy are compared each other; the distributions of the exploitable wave energy are assessed and a regional division for exploitable wave energy resources is carried out; the influence of the high sea state is evaluated. The results show that considering collapsing force of the high sea state and the utilization efficiency for wave energy, it is determined that the energy by wave with a significant wave height being not less 1 m or not greater than 4 m is the exploitable wave energy. Compared with the theoretical wave energy, the average wave power density, energy level, total wave energy density and total wave energy of the exploitable wave energy decrease obviously and the stability enhances somewhat. Pronounced differences between the theoretical wave energy and the exploitable wave energy are present. In the East China Sea and the South China Sea, the areas of an abundant and stable exploitable wave energy are primarily located in the north-central part of the South China Sea, the Luzon Strait,east of Taiwan, China and north of Ryukyu Islands; annual average exploitable wave power density values in these areas are approximately 10–15 k W/m; the exploitable coefficient of variation(COV) and seasonal variation(SV)values in these areas are less than 1.2 and 1, respectively. Some coastal areas of the Beibu Gulf, the Changjiang Estuary, the Hangzhou Bay and the Zhujiang Estuary are the poor areas of the wave energy. The areas of the high wave energy exploitable ratio is primarily in nearshore waters. The influence of the high sea state for the wave energy in nearshore waters is less than that in offshore waters. In the areas of the abundant wave energy, the influence of the high sea state for the wave energy is prominent and the utilization of wave energy is relatively difficult. The developed evaluation method may give some references for an exploitable wave energy assessment and is valuable for practical applications.  相似文献   

An example of diagenesis and reservoir quality of buried sandstones with ancient incursion of meteoric freshwater is presented in this study. The interpretation is based on information including porosity and permeability, petrography, stable isotopic composition of authigenic minerals, homogenization temperatures (Th) of aqueous fluid inclusions (AFIs), and pore water chemistry. These sandstones, closely beneath or far from the regional unconformity formed during the late Paleogene period, are located in the thick Shahejie Formation in the Gaoliu area of Nanpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, East China. Early-diagenetic calcite cements were leached to form intergranular secondary pores without precipitation of late-diagenetic calcite cements in most sandstones. Feldspars were leached to form abundant intragranular secondary pores, but with small amounts of concomitant secondary minerals including authigenic quartz and kaolinite. The mass imbalance between the amount of leached minerals and associated secondary minerals suggests that mineral leaching reactions occurred most likely in an open geochemical system, and diagenetic petrography textures suggest that advective flow dominated the transfer of solutes from leached feldspars and calcites. Low salinity and ion concentrations of present pore waters, and extensive water rock interactions suggest significant incursion of meteoric freshwater flux in the sandstones. Distances of the sandstones to the regional unconformity can reach up to 1800 m, while with significant uplift in the Gaoliu area, the burial depth of such sandstones (below sea level) can be less than 800–1000 m during the uplift and initial reburial stage. Significant uplift during the Oligocene period provided substantial hydraulic drive and widely developed faults served as favorable conduits for downward penetration of meteoric freshwater from the earth's surface (unconformity) to these sandstone beds. Extensive feldspar leaching has been occurring since the uplift period. Coupled high Th (95∼115 °C) of AFI and low δ18O(SMOW) values (+17∼+20‰) within the quartz overgrowths show that quartz cementation occurred in the presence of diagenetic modified meteoric freshwater with δ18O(SMOW) values of −7∼−2‰, indicating that authigenic quartz only have been formed during the late reburial stage when meteoric fresh water penetration slowed down. Secondary pores in thin sections and tested porosity suggest that meteoric freshwater leaching of feldspars and calcite minerals generated approximately 7–10% enhanced secondary porosity in these sandstones. Meteoric freshwater leaching reactions cannot be ignored in similar sandstones that located deep beneath the unconformity, with great uplift moving these sandstones above or close to sea level and with faults connecting the earth's surface with the sandstone beds.  相似文献   

Ocean currents are a key element in ocean processes and in meteorology, affecting material transport and modulating climate change patterns. The Doppler frequency shift information of the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) echo signal can reflect the dynamic characteristics of the sea surface, and has become an essential sea surface dynamic remote sensing parameter. Studies have verified that the instantaneous Doppler frequency shift can realize the SAR detection of the sea surface current. However, the validation of SAR-derived ocean current data and a thorough analysis of the errors associated with them remain lacking. In this study, we derive high spatial resolution flow measurements for the Kuroshio in the East China Sea from SAR data using a theoretical model of shifts in Doppler frequency driven by ocean surface current. Global ocean multi observation (MOB) products and global surface Lagrangian drifter (GLD) data are used to validate the Kuroshio flow retrieved from the SAR data. Results show that the central flow velocity for the Kuroshio derived from the SAR is 0.4–1.5 m/s. The error distribution between SAR ocean currents and MOB products is an approximate standard normal distribution, with the 90% confidence interval concentrated between –0.1 m/s and 0.1 m/s. Comparative analysis of SAR ocean current and GLD products, the correlation coefficient is 0.803, which shows to be significant at a confidence level of 99%. The cross-validation of different ocean current dataset illustrate that the SAR radial current captures the positions and dynamics of the Kuroshio central flow and the Kuroshio Counter Current, and has the capability to monitor current velocity over a wide range of values.  相似文献   

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