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About two hydrological years of continuous data of discharge, temperature, electrical conductivity and pH have been recorded at the Glarey spring in the Tsanfleuron glaciated karst area in the Swiss Alps, to understand how glaciated karst aquifer systems respond hydrochemically to diurnal and seasonal recharge variations, and how calcite dissolution by glacial meltwater contributes to the atmospheric CO2 sink. A thermodynamic model was used to link the continuous data to monthly water quality data allowing the calculation of CO2 partial pressures and calcite saturation indexes. The results show diurnal and seasonal hydrochemical variations controlled chiefly by air temperature, the latter influencing karst aquifer recharge by ice and snowmelt. Karst process-related atmospheric CO2 sinks were more than four times higher in the melting season than those in the freezing season. This finding has implication for understanding the atmospheric CO2 sink in glaciated carbonate rock terrains: the carbon sink will increase with increasing runoff caused by global warming, i.e., carbonate weathering provides a negative feedback for anthropogenic CO2 release. However, this is a transient regulation effect that is most efficient when glacial meltwater production is highest, which in turn depends on the future climatic evolution.  相似文献   

The relationship between subglacial chemical weathering processes and the Sr isotope composition of runoff from Robertson Glacier, Alberta, Canada, is investigated. This glacier rests on predominantly carbonate bedrock of Upper Devonian age, but silicate minerals are also present. The provenance of solute in meltwaters is found to vary systematically with solute concentration and, by inference, subglacial water residence time. In dilute waters, the principal process of solute acquisition is calcite dissolution fueled by protons derived from the dissolution of CO2 and subsequent dissociation of carbonic acid. At higher solute concentrations, dolomite dissolution coupled to sulfide oxidation is more important. Sr concentration is found to increase with total solute concentration in two separate meltwater streams draining from the glacier, but 87Sr/86Sr only increases in the eastern melt stream. Carbonate and K-feldspar sources are shown to dominate the Sr content of the western stream, irrespective of concentration. They also dominate the Sr content of the eastern stream at low and intermediate concentrations, but at higher concentrations, muscovite (with high 87Sr/86Sr) is also an important Sr source. This reflects the outcrop of muscovite-bearing lithologies in the catchment of the eastern stream and an increase in the rate of weathering of K-silicates relative to that of carbonates as more concentrated solutions approach saturation with respect to carbonates. Nonstoichiometric release of 87Sr/86Sr and preferential release of Sr over K from freshly ground K-silicate surfaces may also occur. This may help to explain the radiogenic nature of runoff from distributed subglacial drainage systems, which are characterized by long water:rock contact times and water flow through environments in which crushing and grinding of bedrock are active processes.Although the exchangeable Sr in tills has higher 87Sr/86Sr than local carbonate bedrock, only the more concentrated meltwaters from the eastern stream display similarly high values. The most dilute waters, which probably transport the bulk of the dissolved Sr flux from the glacier, have 87Sr/86Sr characteristic of local carbonate bedrock. Thus, the results suggest that although enhanced weathering of silicate minerals containing radiogenic Sr (such as muscovite) does occur in glaciated carbonate terrains, it is unlikely to contribute to any enhanced flux of radiogenic Sr from glaciated continental surfaces to the oceans.  相似文献   

Filtered subglacial meltwater samples were collected daily during the onset of melt (May) and peak melt (July) over the 2011 melt season at the Athabasca Glacier (Alberta, Canada) and analyzed for strontium-87/strontium-86 (87Sr/86Sr) isotopic composition to infer the evolution of subglacial weathering processes. Both the underlying bedrock composition and subglacial water–rock interaction time are the primary influences on meltwater 87Sr/86Sr. The Athabasca Glacier is situated atop Middle Cambrian carbonate bedrock that also contains silicate minerals. The length of time that subglacial meltwater interacts with the underlying bedrock and substrate is a predominant determining factor in solute concentration. Over the course of the melt season, increasing trends in Ca/K and Ca/Mg correspond to overall decreasing trends in 87Sr/86Sr, which indicate a shift in weathering processes from the presence of silicate weathering to primarily carbonate weathering.Early in the melt season, rates of carbonate dissolution slow as meltwater approaches saturation with respect to calcite and dolomite, corresponding to an increase in silicate weathering that includes Sr-rich silicate minerals, and an increase in meltwater 87Sr/86Sr. However, carbonate minerals are preferentially weathered in unsaturated waters. During the warmest part of a melt season the discharged meltwater is under saturated, causing an increase in carbonate weathering and a decrease in the radiogenic Sr signal. Likewise, larger fraction contributions of meltwater from glacial ice corresponds to lower 87Sr/86Sr values, as the meltwater has lower water–rock interaction times in the subglacial system. These results indicate that although weathering of Sr-containing silicate minerals occurs in carbonate dominated glaciated terrains, the continual contribution of new meltwater permits the carbonate weathering signal to dominate.  相似文献   

This study interprets deformations of indurated 10s of metres thick bedrock strata by subglacial meltwater pressures at maximum levels, resulting in types of hydrodynamic structures not previously recognized. The structures provide insights into the range of extreme pressures possible with the backup of meltwaters sufficient to deform multi‐metre thick indurated beds, unlike elsewhere. Subglacial meltwater flows into the subsurface below the 50–100 m thick bitumen platform aquiclude of the Cretaceous Athabasca Oil Sands deposit were driven by the hydraulic head of the 1.5‐km‐thick Laurentide Ice Sheet. These meltwaters over‐pressured the regional Devonian aquifer waters, but the low permeability of the aquifer below the site of the Muskeg River Mine was insufficient to accommodate the voluminous influxes of subglacial meltwater. The resulting meltwater flows backed‐up, resulting in elevating aquifer pressures to maximum levels along the margins of the underlying Devonian Keg River reef mound and within water‐saturated Cretaceous sand beds offset to the east. The meltwater pressure build to extreme levels hydrofractured strata at sites along the margins of the Keg River mound preconditioned by dissolution‐induced subsidence in underlying salt beds. Release of the confining pressure upon withdrawal of the Laurentide Ice Sheet resulted in 45‐m‐high open blowout structures that punctured the bitumen platform at sites above the northern margin of the Keg River mound. Other blowout chimney sites above the southern margin of the mound were plugged because of insufficient pressure build to clear vents of all ejecta. Concurrently, pressured meltwater flows along the eastern margin resulted in dykes that cross‐cut and buckled Devonian limestone beds. Some dykes extended into overlying water‐saturated unconsolidated Cretaceous sand beds, channelling pressured water and hydroplastic mudflows that dissipated the extreme meltwater flow pressures and prevented puncturing of the overlying bitumen platform. These unusual deformation structures in western Canada resulted from catastrophic failure of hydrofractured rock zones responding to extreme meltwater pressures, in contrast to unconsolidated sediment deformations resulting from only moderately elevated meltwater pressures commonly observed elsewhere.  相似文献   

Nick Eyles   《Sedimentary Geology》2006,190(1-4):257-268
Water plays a dominant role in many glacial processes and the erosional, depositional and climatic significance of meltwaters and associated fluvioglacial processes cannot be overemphasized. At its maximum extent c. 20,000 years ago, the volume of the Laurentide ice sheet was 33 × 106 km3 (about the same as the volume of all ice present today on planet Earth). The bulk of this was released as water in little more than 10,000 years. Pulses of meltwater flowing to the Atlantic Ocean from large ice dammed lakes altered thermohaline circulation of the world's oceans and global climate. One such discharge event via Hudson Bay at 8200 years BP released 160,000 km3 of water in 12 months. Global sea levels recovered from glacial maximum low stands reached at about 20,000 years ago at an average rate of 15 m per thousand years but estimates of shorter term rates suggest as much as 20 m sea level rise in 1000 years and for short periods, rates as high as 4 m per hundred years. Meltwaters played a key role in lubricating ice sheet motion (and thus areal abrasion) across the inner portions of the ice sheet where it slid over rigid crystalline bedrock of the Canadian Shield. The recharge of meltwater into the ice sheets bed was instrumental in generating poorly sorted diamict sediments (till) by sliding-induced shearing and deformation of overpressured sediment and soft rock. The transformation of overpressured till into hyperconcentrated slurries in subglacial channels may have generated a highly effective erosional tool for selective overdeepening and sculpting of bedrock substrates. Some workers credit catastrophic subglacial ‘megafloods’ with the formation of drumlins and flutes on till surfaces. Subglacial melt river systems were instrumental in reworking large volumes of glaciclastic sediment to marine basins; it has been estimated that less than 6% of the total volume of glaciclastic sediment produced during the Pleistocene remains on land. Fluvioglacial and glaciolacustrine sediments and landforms dominate large tracts of the ‘glacial’ landscape in North America. The recharge of subglacial meltwater into underlying bedrock and sediment aquifers created transient reversals in the long-term equilibrium flow directions of basinal fluids. With regard to pre-Pleistocene glacial record, meltwaters moved enormous volumes of terrestrial ‘glaciclastic’ sediment to marine basins and thus played a key role in preserving a record of glaciation, a record otherwise almost entirely lost on land.  相似文献   

气候变暖背景下,冰雪、冻土剧烈消融引起的寒区径流成分改变对流域径流演变规律及水循环机制产生了深刻影响。对长江源区各水体水化学特征及其生态水文学研究进行归纳总结,主要进展包括:长江源区的大气降水的水汽来源主要受西风环流和季风环流的控制。冰雪融水的水化学特征受到消融强度、消融持续时间和新雪融水的影响,同时在冰雪融水、积雪以及冰川融水之间可能存在化学离子的交换。冻土层上水受到降水、冰雪融水、地下冰融水等的混合补给,造成水化学特征变化的随机波动。海拔在4 500 m的地区是冻土层上水水化学特征对研究区离子控制源较为敏感的区域。随着海拔高度的增加,降雨直接补给对河水中化学离子的稀释作用逐渐减弱,同时,海拔从4 500 m到5 000 m的降水对河水中离子浓度的稀释效果最大,而在海拔5 000 m以上河水主要受冰雪融水的补给,降水和消融期的变化对河水水化学的影响很小。研究结果为更系统地认知寒区下垫面变化所引起的水文效应提供科学依据,为流域水资源的合理开发利用提供决策依据。  相似文献   

We provide evidence for the subglacial to ice‐marginal successive deposition of the Lohtaja?Kivijärvi ice lobe margin esker influenced by the changes in the meltwater delivery and proglacial water depth within the Finnish Lake District lobe trunk during the last deglaciation in Finland. The study is mostly based on the sedimentological data from the 100 km long esker chain with 15 logged sites. The long breaks in the lobe margin esker and the re‐emerged deposition along the stable position of the subglacial meltwater route were related to the discontinuities and reappearances of the neighbouring eskers. This considerable variability in the meltwater discharge and debris transport under the described deglacial conditions cannot be explained by markedly decreased meltwater production due to palaeoclimatic factors or lack of debris within the trunk region. The primary control on the changes in meltwater availability and related esker deposition was thus due to the spatial and temporal changes in ice mass properties and shifting of the meltwater flow paths within the trunk. These changes were initiated by the topographically higher and partly supra‐aquatic Suomenselkä watershed area with subsequent deepening of the proglacial water during the deglaciation. The understanding of the long‐lived esker deposition along the former ice‐stream trunk margin adds to the evaluation of palaeoglaciological reconstructions and geomorphologically based spatial models for ice‐stream landscapes.  相似文献   

I-DtjcrONAlpine environment enjoys a distinct set of physicochemical conditions asl compared to other aqueous systems. Thehydrochemical characteristics of meltwater draining from thisenvironment are different from the other aqueous ecosystemsdue to their mountainous nature and extreme cold climatic conditions. The high concentration of various chemical constitu.ents in meltwater shows the intensive chemical weathering inthe basin. The rapid physical weathering due tO grinding actionof the gl…  相似文献   

We present a weathering mass balance of the presently glaciated Rhône and Oberaar catchments, located within the crystalline Aar massif (central Switzerland). Annual chemical and physical weathering fluxes are calculated from the monthly weighted means of meltwater samples taken from July, 1999 to May, 2001 and are corrected for precipitation inputs. The meltwater composition issuing from the Oberaar and Rhône catchments is dominated by calcium, which represents 81% and 55% of the total cation flux respectively (i.e. 555 and 82-96 keq km−2 yr−1). The six to seven times higher Ca2+ denudation flux from the Oberaar catchment is attributed to the presence of a strongly foliated gneissic zone. The gneissic zone has an elevated calcite content (as reflected by the 4.6 times higher calcite content of the suspended sediments from Oberaar compared to Rhône) and a higher mechanical erosion rate (resulting in a higher flux of suspended sediment). The mean flux of suspended calcite of the Oberaar meltwaters during the ablation period is 7 times greater than that of the Rhône meltwaters. Taking the suspended calcite as a proxy for the total (including sub-glacial sediments) weathering calcite surface area, it appears that the available surface area is an important factor in controlling weathering rates. However, we also observe an increased supply of protons for carbonate dissolution in the Oberaar catchment, where the sulphate denudation flux is six times greater. Carbonic acid is the second important source of protons, and we calculate that three times as much atmospheric CO2 is drawn down (short term) in the Oberaar catchment. Silica fluxes from the two catchments are comparable with each other, but are 100 kmol km2 yr−1 lower than fluxes from physically comparable, non-glaciated basins.  相似文献   

The snowball Earth hypothesis describes episodes of Neoproterozoic global glaciations, when ice sheets reached sea‐level, the ocean froze to great depth and biota were decimated, accompanied by a complete shutdown of the hydrological cycle. Recent studies of sedimentary successions and Earth systems modelling, however, have brought the hypothesis under considerable debate. The Squantum ‘Tillite’ (Boston Basin, USA), is one of the best constrained snowball Earth successions with respect to age and palaeogeography, and it is suitable to test the hypothesis for the Gaskiers glaciation. The approach used here was to assess the palaeoenvironmental conditions at the type locality of the Squantum Member through an analysis of sedimentary facies and weathering regime (chemical index of alteration). The stratigraphic succession with a total thickness of ca 330 m documents both glacial and non‐glacial depositional environments with a cool‐temperate glacial to temperate non‐glacial climate weathering regime. The base of the succession is composed of thin diamictites and mudstones that carry evidence of sedimentation from floating glacial ice, interbedded with inner shelf sandstones and mudstones. Thicker diamictites interbedded with thin sandstones mark the onset of gravity flow activity, followed by graded sandstones documenting channellized mass gravity flow events. An upward decrease in terrigenous supply is evident, culminating in deep‐water mudstones with a non‐glacial chemical weathering signal. Renewed terrigenous supply and iceberg sedimentation is evident at the top of the succession, beyond which exposure is lost. The glacially influenced sedimentary facies at Squantum Head are more consistent with meltwater dominated alpine glaciation or small local ice caps. The chemical index of alteration values of 61 to 75 for the non‐volcanic rocks requires significant exposure of land surfaces to allow chemical weathering. Therefore, extreme snowball Earth conditions with a complete shutdown of the hydrological cycle do not seem to apply to the Gaskiers glaciation.  相似文献   

格陵兰冰盖表面消融研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
杨康 《冰川冻土》2013,35(1):101-109
冰盖表面消融是格陵兰冰盖物质平衡的重要组成部分, 已成为近年来格陵兰冰盖研究的热点. 格陵兰冰盖表面消融研究的关键在于理解冰盖融水的产生、 运移和释放等水文过程, 需要解决如下关键科学问题: 1) 冰盖表面产生了多少融水;2)冰盖表面水文系统具有什么特征; 3)冰盖表面融水如何影响冰盖运动; 围绕这些科学问题, 总结了格陵兰冰盖表面消融的研究进展. 冰盖表面消融建模、 冰盖表面湖的信息提取与面积特征变化、 深度反演与体积量算等是目前研究冰盖表面融水量的主要途径, 冰盖表面湖、 冰盖表面径流、 锅穴与冰裂隙等表面水文要素的空间分布规律研究则可用于揭示冰盖表面水文系统特征, 冰盖表面融水与冰盖运动速率的关系、 表面融水进入冰盖内部与底部的水文过程是目前揭示表面融水如何影响冰盖运动的主要手段.  相似文献   

The detailed hydro-chemical study of meltwater draining from Khangri glacier Arunachal Pradesh has been carried out to evaluate the major ion chemistry and weathering processes in the drainage basin. The investigative results shows that the meltwater is almost neutral to slightly acidic in nature with Mg–HCO3-dominated hydro-chemical facies. In glacial meltwater, Ca+?2 is the most dominated cation followed by Mg+2, Na+, and K+, while HCO3? is the most dominant anion followed by SO42?, NO3?, and Cl?. The dominant cations such as Ca+2 and Mg+2 show a good relation with the minerals abundance of the rocks. Calcite (CaCO3) and biotite [K(Mg,Fe)3AlSi3O10(F,OH)2] are the most abundant minerals in the deformed carbonate-rich metasedimentary rocks near to the snout with some K feldspar (KAlSi3O8) and quartz (SiO2). This suggests Ca+2 have definitely entered into the water due to the dissolution of calcite and Ca feldspar (CaAl2Si2O8), while one of the source of Mg+2 is biotite. Na feldspar (NaAlSi3O8) has contributed towards the availability of sodium ion, while potassium ion is derived from the chemical weathering of K feldspar and biotite. The chemical weathering is the foremost mechanism controlling the hydro-chemistry of the Khangri glacier because of the least anthropogenic interferences. The mineralogy of surrounding rocks is studied to understand better, the rock–water interaction processes, and their contribution towards ionic concentration of meltwater. The meltwater discharge and individual ion flux of the catchment area have also been calculated, to determine the ionic denudation rate for the ablation season. The high elemental ratio of (Ca?+?Mg)/(Na?+?K) (7.91?±?0.39 mg/l) and low elemental ratio of (Na?+?K)/total cations (0.11?±?0.004) indicate that the chemical composition of meltwater is mainly controlled by carbonate weathering and moderately by silicate weathering. The scatter plot result between (Ca?+?Mg) and total cations confirms that carbonate weathering is a major source of dissolved ions in Khangri glacier meltwater. In addition, the statistical analysis was also used to determine the correlation between physical parameters of glacier meltwater which controlled the solute dynamics.  相似文献   

Pleistocene lateral meltwater channels are commonly used as evidence of cold-based or polythermal ice. However, lateral meltwater channel formation has been observed for >40 years along the margins of a rapidly thinning temperate glacier in Glacier Bay, Alaska. Flights of nested linear lateral meltwater channels and in-and-out channels have formed on the sides of emerging nunataks. Nested channels at Burroughs Glacier are up to 200 m long; they are good proxies for the slope of the ice margin along the land surface and are terminated by subglacial chutes. A perched water table associated with precipitation and high ablation rates in the temperate ice causes surface meltwater to flow toward the margin above less permeable ice. The water flows along the margin and erodes lateral meltwater channels until a subglacial chute carries the water into the subglacial water system. Rates of channel formation range from 0 to 8 channels/year. Spacing and rates of channel formation are controlled by the land-surface slope, ablation rate, erodibility of the substrate and stream discharge. Because lateral meltwater channels have been observed forming along a temperate glacier margin, care must be exercised when using the presence of lateral meltwater channels as definitive evidence of cold-based or polythermal ice.  相似文献   

Subglacial erosional forms are commonly found on bedrock substrates inside the Late Weichselian ice margin in County Donegal, northwest Ireland, and can be used to provide detailed information on subglacial processes and environments. The erosional forms occur on spatial scales from whalebacks (tens of metres in scale), to asymmetric and channelized bedrock-cut scours (tens of cm in scale) and striations (mm scale). Processes responsible for development of subglacial erosional forms occur along a continuum, from free meltwater existing as a laterally extensive sheet at the ice-bed interface, to abrasion by basal ice. Channelized bedrock-cut scours are particularly common in County Donegal, and show asymmetric and meandering thalwegs, U-shaped cross-profiles and steep lateral margins. Innermost parts of the scours are highly polished and have striations that follow thalweg direction. In places, bedrock surfaces are overlain by a delicate polish and thin calcite cement, and are buried beneath glacial till. Based on their morphology, the bedrock scours are interpreted as s-forms caused by high-pressure subglacial meltwater erosion. Striations within the scoured channels reflect periods of ice-bed coupling and subglacial abrasion. The range of features observed here was used to consider relationships between subglacial topography, hydraulic processes and ice-bed coupling. Precipitation of calcite cement took place in depressions on the bedrock surface by CO2 degassing. Infilling of depressions by glacial till formed a new type of 'sticky spot' related to spatial variations in subglacial water pressure. The temporal evolution of sticky spots reflects interactions within the subglacial environment between subglacial relief, hydraulic regime and ice-bed coupling.  相似文献   

The geochemical evolution of groundwater in the Ordovician-Cambrian aquifer system in the northern part of the Baltic Artesian Basin (BAB) illustrates how continental glaciations have influenced groundwater systems in proglacial areas. The aquifer system contains water that has originated from various end-members: recent meteoric water, glacial meltwater and relict Na-Cl brine. The saline formation water that occupied the aquifer system prior to the glacial meltwater intrusion has been diluted by meltwaters of advancing-retreating ice sheets. The diversity in the origin of groundwater in the aquifer system is illustrated by a wide variety in δ18O values that range from −11‰ to −22.5‰. These values are mostly depleted with respect to values found in modern precipitation in the area. The chemical and isotopic composition of groundwater has been influenced by mixing between waters originating from different end-members. In addition, the freshening of a previously saline water aquifer due to glacial meltwater intrusion has initiated various types of water-rock interaction (e.g. ion exchange, carbonate mineral dissolution).  相似文献   

Source, type, and quantity of various components of groundwater, as well as their spatial and temporal variations were determined by different hydrochemical methods in the alluvial aquifer of the upper Rhone River valley, Bois de Finges, Wallis Canton, Switzerland. The methods used are hydrochemical modeling, stable-isotope analysis, and chemical analysis of surface water and groundwater. Sampling during high- and low-water periods determined the spatial distribution of the water chemistry, whereas monthly sampling over three years provided a basis for understanding seasonal variability. The physico-chemical parameters of the groundwater have spatial and seasonal variations. The groundwater chemical composition of the Rhone alluvial aquifer indicates a mixing of weakly mineralized Rhone River water and SO4-rich water entering from the south side of the valley. Temporal changes in groundwater chemistry and in groundwater levels reflect the seasonal variations of the different contributors to groundwater recharge. The Rhone River recharges the alluvial aquifer only during the summer high-water period. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The hydrochemical characteristics and quality of groundwater in Lokoja basement area have been evaluated based on different indices for assessing groundwater for drinking and irrigation purposes. Twenty groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for physicochemical parameters, major ions and heavy metals. The results revealed that the groundwater is slightly alkaline, with little variations in chemical composition. For example, electrical conductivity (EC) ranges from 242μS/cm to 1835μS/cm. The abundance of the major ions is in the order of Ca2+ >Na+>Mg2+>K+> Fe2+/3+ = HCO3 >Cl? >NO3 >SO4 >PO4. Based on the hydrochemical data, four hydrochemical facies were identified namely, Ca-Mg-HCO3, Na-K-HCO3, Na-K-Cl-SO4 and Ca-Mg-Cl-SO4 and these facies depict groundwater recharge zone, transition flow zone, deep flow zone and mixed water zone respectively. Groundwater from the area is unsuitable for drinking and domestic purposes as some of the ions and heavy metals of health concerns are well above the stipulated guideline values. Irrigation water quality indicators (salinity, Na % and Mg %), reveal that the groundwater is unsuitable for irrigation purposes. Interpreted statistical analysis reveals that the groundwater chemical compositions are controlled predominantly by weathering of litho units of the basement rocks and by drainage from domestic wastes.  相似文献   

七一冰川消融末期融水化学日变化特征   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
武小波  王宁练  李全莲 《冰川冻土》2009,31(6):1080-1085
2006年9月1-8日在祁连山七一冰川作用区水文总控点逐时采集河水样, 并分析水样的主要可溶离子含量、电导率以及pH, 研究冰川作用区水化学组成日变化特征. 结果表明: 消融末期河水中pH的平均值约为7.60, 与离子浓度时间变化过程一致, 说明是偏碱性物质的输入增加了融水中化学物质的含量;SO~(2-)_4, Ca~(2+)分别是浓度最大的阴、阳离子, 属于SO~(2-)_4+HCO~-_3-Ca~(2+)+Mg~(2+)型水. 河水中可溶性离子浓度日变化过程具有不对称性, 表现为快速降低和缓慢的增加过程, 与流量变化呈显著反相关, Pearson相关说明流量是冰川区水化学特征随时间变化的控制性因素;阳离子通量计算显示, 在七一冰川区达54.7 t·km~(-2)·a~(-1), 其日变化过程与流量正相关, 与离子浓度成反相关, 说明径流量也是控制离子通量的主要因素.  相似文献   

Investigation of water sources and flow pathways is crucial to understand and evaluate the characteristics of surface water and groundwater systems. This article aims to identify the hydrochemical and hydrological processes in different landscape zones based on hydrochemical analyses of various samples, including samples from glacier, snow, frozen soil meltwater, surface water, groundwater, and precipitation, in the alpine cold region of China. Hydrochemical tracers indicated that chemical compositions are characterized by the Ca-HCO3 type in the glacier-snow zone; the Mg-Ca-SO4 type in the alpine cold desert zone; the Ca-HCO3-SO4 type in the marsh meadow zone; the Ca-Mg-HCO3 type in the alpine shrub zone; and the Ca-Na-SO4 type in the mountain grassland zone. An end-member mixing model was used for hydrograph separation. The results showed that the Mafengou River in the wet season was recharged by groundwater in the alpine cold desert and alpine shrub zones (67%), surface runoff in the glacier-snow zone (11%), surface runoff in the alpine cold desert zone (8%), thawed water from frozen soil in the marsh meadow and mountain grassland zones (9%), and direct precipitation on the river channel (5%). This study suggests that precipitation from the whole catchment yielded little direct surface runoff; precipitation was mostly transformed into groundwater or interflow and was then concentrated into the river channel. This study provides a scientific basis for evaluation and management of water resources in the basin.  相似文献   

Strontium isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) are routinely measured in hydrochemical studies to determine sources and mixing relationships. They have proved particularly useful in determining weathering processes and quantifying end-member mixing processes. A number of routine case studies are presented which highlight that Sr isotopes represent a powerful tool in the geochemists toolbox helping to constrain weathering reactions, weathering rates, flow pathways and mixing scenarios. Differences in methodologies for determining the weathering component in natural environments, inherent differences in weathering rates of different minerals, and mineral heterogeneity often cause difficulties in defining the weathering component of different catchments or aquifer systems. Nevertheless, Sr isotopes are useful when combined with other hydrochemical data, to constrain models of water–rock interaction and mixing as well as geochemical processes such as ion-exchange. This paper presents a summary of recent work by the authors in constraining the sources of waters and weathering processes in surface catchments and aquifers, and indicates cases where Sr isotopes alone are insufficient to solve hydrological problems.  相似文献   

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