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L. Allan James   《Geomorphology》2003,55(1-4):283
Pleistocene glacial erosion left a strong topographic imprint in the northwestern Sierra Nevada at many scales, yet the specific landforms and the processes that created them have not been previously documented in the region. In contrast, glaciation in the southern and central Sierra was extensively studied and by the end of the 19th century was among the best understood examples of alpine glaciation outside of the European Alps. This study describes glacially eroded features in the northwest Sierra and presents inferred linkages between erosional forms and Pleistocene glacial processes. Many relationships corroborate theoretical geomorphic principles. These include the occurrence of whalebacks in deep ice positions, roches moutonnées under thin ice, and occurrence of P-forms in low topographic positions where high subglacial meltwater pressures were likely. Some of the landforms described here have not previously been noted in the Sierra, including a large crag and tail eroded by shallow ice and erosional benches high on valley walls thought to be cut by ice-marginal channels.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the use of a Geographic Information System (GIS) to develop timber thinning strategies on the Kyburz Planning Area of the Tahoe National Forest in northeastern California. The primary criteria used in an assessment of selective thinning potential were forest health and fire hazard ratings. By eliminating environmentally sensitive, economically unfeasible, or low fire hazard areas from consideration, the use of GIS reduced the area that was considered appropriate for thinning by approximately 58%. GIS offers considerable potential for improving resource management strategies.  相似文献   

Thirty-three lakes in the Sierra Nevada range of California were investigated as part of a paleoecological study of the potential effects of acid deposition on sensitive lake/watershed ecosystems. Chrysophyte cysts from surface sediment samples were analyzed and compared with data on pH and alkalinity. This paper identifies the twenty-five dominant chrysophyte cyst taxa and provides information on their morphology, abundance, distribution and ecology.Chrysophycean cysts were generally abundant and well-preserved in lake sediments of our study sites. Twelve taxa occurred in more than twenty of the thirty-three lakes; these taxa were often quite abundant. In contrast, only nine taxa occurred in ten or fewer lakes. Abundance Weighted Mean (AWM) pH varied from 6.45 to 8.34 and AWM alkalinity varied from 46 to 588 eq/L. We delineated pH preference categories, based on AWM pH values and frequency diagrams of cyst abundance vs. lake-water pH. We classified five taxa as acidophilous, nine as circumneutrals, six as alkaliphilous and five as indifferent. Given that the cyst types differ greatly in their abundance relative to pH and alkalinity, it is clear that they have potential for paleolimnological studies of Sierra lakes biogeochemistry.  相似文献   

We investigated relationships among modern diatom species composition and physical and chemical characteristics of high-elevation lakes of the Sierra Nevada (California), to develop transfer functions that can be used to infer historic lake conditions. Data were collected from 50 lakes in National Parks and Forests of the central and southern Sierra Nevada. Multivariate statistical methods revealed that acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) and nitrate accounted for significant variation in diatom taxa. A training set with 242 modern diatom taxa from a subset of 41 lakes was used to develop transfer functions for ANC and nitrate using weighted averaging techniques. ANC and nitrate calibration ranges were 23.0–137 μEq/L and 0.18–9.5 μM, respectively. Coefficients of determination for the models were: ANC: R2 = 0.76, and R jackknife 2  = 0.44; NO3: R2 = 0.67, and R jackknife 2  = 0.27. The ANC model was applied to the top 50 cm of sediments in Moat Lake to reconstruct ANC from ca. AD 350 to 2005. The reconstruction suggests that ANC declined by about 40 % (101–60 μEq/L) between the 1920s and the 1960s and then recovered to pre-1920s levels during 1980–2000. The magnitude of this ANC excursion was the largest observed during the past 1,600 years. We hypothesize that temporal variations in ANC were influenced by: (1) changes in rates of acid deposition, especially nitric acid and (2) variations in the timing and magnitude of snowmelt runoff.  相似文献   

Physical, chemical, and biological data were collected from a suite of 57 lakes that span an elevational gradient of 1360 m (2115 to 3475 m a.s.l.) in the eastern Sierra Nevada, California, USA as part of a multiproxy study aimed at developing transfer functions from which to infer past drought events. Multivariate statistical techniques, including canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), were used to determine the main environmental variables influencing diatom distributions in the study lakes. Lakewater depth, surface-water temperature, salinity, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, and total phosphorus were important variables in explaining variance in the diatom distributions. Weighted-averaging (WA) and weighted-averaging partial least squares (WA-PLS) were used to develop diatom-based surface-water temperature and salinity inference models. The two best diatom-inference models for surface-water temperature were developed using simple WA and inverse deshrinking. One model covered a larger surface-water temperature gradient (13.7 °C) and performed slightly poorer (r2 = 0.72, RMSE = 1.4 °C, RMSEPjack = 2.1 °C) than a second model, which covered a smaller gradient (9.5 °C) and performed slightly better (r2 = 0.89, RMSE = 0.7 °C, RMSEPjack = 1.5 °C). The best diatom-inference model for salinity was developed using WA-PLS with three components (r2 = 0.96, RMSE = 4.06 mg L–1, RMSEPjack = 11.13 mg L–1). These are presently the only diatom-based inference models for surface-water temperature and salinity developed for the southwestern United States. Application of these models to fossil-diatom assemblages preserved in Sierra Nevada lake sediments offers great potential for reconstructing a high-resolution time-series of Holocene and late Pleistocene climate and drought for California.  相似文献   

Surface lake sediment was recovered from 57 lakes along an elevation gradient in the central, eastern Sierra Nevada of California. The surface sediment was analysed for subfossil chironomid remains in order to assess the modern distribution of chironomids in the region. The lakes sampled for the calibration dataset were between 2.0 and 40.0 m in depth, spanned an altitudinal gradient of 1360 m and a surface water temperature gradient of approximately 14 °C. Redundancy analysis (RDA) identified that five of the measured environmental variables – surface water temperature, elevation, depth, strontium, particulate organic carbon – accounted for a statistically significant amount of the variance in chironomid community composition. Quantitative transfer functions, based on weighted-averaging (WA), partial least squares (PLS) and weighted-averaging partial least squares (WA-PLS), were developed to estimate surface water temperature from the chironomid assemblages. The best model was a WA model with classical deshrinking, which had a relatively high coefficient of determination (r2 = 0.73), low root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP = 1.2 °C) and a low maximum bias (0.90 °C). The results from this study suggest that robust quantitative estimates of past surface water temperature can be derived from the application of these models to fossil chironomid assemblages preserved in late-Quaternary lake sediment in this region.  相似文献   

This study examines the development of a conceptual model of sediment processes in the upper Yuba River watershed; and we hypothesize how components of the conceptual model may be spatially distributed using a geographical information system (GIS). The conceptual model illustrates key processes controlling sediment dynamics in the upper Yuba River watershed and was tested and revised using field measurements, aerial photography, and low elevation videography. Field reconnaissance included mass wasting and channel storage inventories, assessment of annual channel change in upland tributaries, and evaluation of the relative importance of sediment sources and transport processes. Hillslope erosion rates throughout the study area are relatively low when compared to more rapidly eroding landscapes such as the Pacific Northwest and notable hillslope sediment sources include highly erodible andesitic mudflows, serpentinized ultramafics, and unvegetated hydraulic mine pits. Mass wasting dominates surface erosion on the hillslopes; however, erosion of stored channel sediment is the primary contributor to annual sediment yield. We used GIS to spatially distribute the components of the conceptual model and created hillslope erosion potential and channel storage models. The GIS models exemplify the conceptual model in that landscapes with low potential evapotranspiration, sparse vegetation, steep slopes, erodible geology and soils, and high road densities display the greatest hillslope erosion potential and channel storage increases with increasing stream order. In-channel storage in upland tributaries impacted by hydraulic mining is an exception. Reworking of stored hydraulic mining sediment in low-order tributaries continues to elevate upper Yuba River sediment yields. Finally, we propose that spatially distributing the components of a conceptual model in a GIS framework provides a guide for developing more detailed sediment budgets or numerical models making it an inexpensive way to develop a roadmap for understanding sediment dynamics at a watershed scale.  相似文献   

This paper provides an analysis of relationships between drainage patterns and fractures in the part of Sierra Nevada, California, north of the Yosemite Valley. Bedrock is Cretaceous granite and cut by numerous lineaments of various orientation, length and geomorphic expression. We have mapped fractures and drainage lines from aerial photographs, 1:40 000 scale, in four test areas ranging in size from 32.5 to 266 km2. Azimuths are shown on rose diagrams for fractures and drainage lines and then visually and statistically compared. The coincidence of drainage and fracture patterns is strong, which implies causal relationships. In plan, the majority of valleys follow fractures even if this locally means a different orientation in respect to the regional slope arising from tectonic tilt of the range. Main streams occupy deeply incised troughs coincident with ‘master fractures’ of regional extent. Among two principal fracture directions, SSW–NNE to SW–NE and WSW–ENE, the former exerts more control on the drainage lines. The presence of a central zone of structural weakness within the major valleys provided significant constraints for the course of glacial erosion and may explain why multiple Pleistocene glaciers did not succeed in transforming valley cross-sections into expected U-shapes.  相似文献   


A statistical model for automated mapping of the spatial distribution of permafrost in the area of Corral del Veleta in south-east Spain (3703' N, 322' W; 3398 m a.s.l.) was developed and applied. The model uses a relationship between permafrost occurrence as indicated by BTS measurements, and variables such as altitude, solar radiation and summer snow cover. The model was implemented within a geographical information system (GIS) and determines the spatial distribution of probable permafrost in Corral del Veleta. Validation was achieved by comparing the predicted permafrost distribution with the results of recent fieldwork, such as geomorphic mapping, geophysical soundings and ground temperature logging.  相似文献   

We have completed a paleolimnological analysis of sediment cores from four lakes in the Sierra Nevada Range of California (USA). The diatom-inferred pH profile from Harriet Lake in Yosemite National Park (present pH=6.52) indicates no significant trends over the last 250 years. Inferred pH from Emerald Lake in Sequoia National Park (present pH=6.10) indicates a very small increase (<0.1 pH unit) over the past 60 years and perhaps another small increase (ca. 0.15 pH unit) since 1976. Eastern Brook Lake in Inyo National Forest (present pH=7.06) shows evidence of both long-term alkalinification (ca. 0.3 pH unit over the last 200 years) and pH fluctuations since 1970. Lake 45 in King's Canyon National Park (present pH=5.16) appears to have acidified slightly (ca. 0.2 pH unit) over the last 60 years. Factors causing the observed trends are uncertain, but a role for acidic deposition cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Ronald I. Dorn   《Geomorphology》2003,55(1-4):155
An April–May 2000 “Coon Creek Fire” burned 37.5 km2 of the Sierra Ancha Mountains, 32.3 km miles north of Globe, AZ—including 25 sandstone and 19 diorite boulders surveyed in 1989 and resurveyed after the burn, after the summer 2000 monsoon season, and after the winter 2001 season. When viewed from the perspective of cumulative eroded area, both sandstone and diorite displayed bimodal patterns with 79% of sandstone boulder area and 93% of diorite boulder area undergoing either no fire-induced erosion or fire-induced erosion >76 mm. When stretched over cumulative boulder areas, erosion due to the fire averaged >26 mm for sandstone and >42 mm for diorite. Post-fire erosion from thunderstorm summer rains averaged <1 mm for 5 diorite and 1 mm for 10 sandstone boulders. While only a single diorite boulder eroded an average of 1.2 mm after the winter, winter erosion removed an average of 5.5 mm from 14 sandstone boulders. Thus, fire appears to increase a rock's susceptibility to post-fire weathering and erosion processes, as predicted by Goudie et al. [Earth Surf. Process. Landf. 17 (1992) 605]. In contrast to experimental research indicating the importance of size in fire weathering, no statistically significant relationship exists between erosion and boulder height or boulder surface area—a result similar to Zimmerman et al. [Quat. Res. 42 (1994) 255]. These data exclude 12 original sites and 85 boulders at sites impacted by the fire that could not be relocated, with a reasonable cause for the lack of relocation being boulder obliteration by the fire. Given evidence from 10Be and 26Al cosmogenic nuclides [Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 186 (2001) 269] supporting the importance of boulders in controlling evolution of nonglaciated, bouldered landscapes [Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull. 76 (1965) 1165], fire obliteration of boulders could be an important process driving drainage evolution in nonglaciated mountains.  相似文献   

山东中低山丘陵古冰川遗迹质疑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,有关山东中低山丘陵“古冰川遗迹”时有报道,使中国东部第四纪冰川问题在某种意义上再起纷争。为作澄清,通过实地考察对业已报道的“古冰川遗迹”进行质疑,指出其列举的“冰碛垄”“古冰斗”“擦痕”“颤痕”等不符合冰川地貌证据的专有属性和判别标准,冰期划分和雪线重建不符合科学发现与科学事实确证所需的充分条件,即不满足“将古论今”、地貌组合三要素系统配套、成因-环境一致性的判别原则和方法。因此认为,山东中低山丘陵不存在第四纪冰川遗迹。部分学者提出“低海拔型古冰川”的论断,是基于例外主义的泛冰川论,必然会引致“雪球地球”事件进而颠覆第四纪为灵生纪的科学基础。  相似文献   

Topographic change in regions of active deformation is a function of rates of uplift and denudation. The rate of topographic development and change of an actively uplifting mountain range, the Santa Monica Mountains, southern California, was assessed using landscape attributes of the present topography, uplift rates and denudation rates. Landscape features were characterized through analysis of a digital elevation model (DEM). Uplift rates at time scales ranging from 104 to 106 years were constrained with geological cross-sections and published estimates. Denudation rate was determined from sediment yield data from debris basins in southern California and from the relief of rivers set into geomorphic surfaces of known age. First-order morphology of the Santa Monica Mountains is set by large-scale along-strike variations in structural geometry. Drainage spacing, drainage geometry and to a lesser extent relief are controlled by bedrock strength. Dissection of the range flanks and position of the principal drainage divide are modulated by structural asymmetry and differences in structural relief across the range. Topographic and catchment-scale relief are ≈300–900 m. Mean denudation rate derived from the sediment yield data and river incision is 0.5±0.3 mm yr?1. Uplift rate across the south flank of the range is ≈0.5±0.4 mm yr?1 and across the north flank is 0.24±0.12 mm yr?1. At least 1.6–2.7 Myr is required to create either the present topographic or the catchment-scale relief based on either the mean rates of denudation or uplift. Although the landscape has had sufficient time to achieve a steady-state form, comparison of the time-scale of uplift and denudation rate variation with probable landscape response times implies the present topography does not represent the steady-state form.  相似文献   


Accurately mapping a region’s ground water quality depends upon the spatial sampling strategies employed, including where and how often field data are collected. This study compares the relative values of three field sampling strategies for mapping a known migrating plume of volcanic ground water in Sierra Valley, California. The first strategy sampled wells once each year during 1957, 1972, and 1980 (n=63, 45, and 57, respectively) and portrayed spatial–temporal changes in ground water quality more clearly on maps than did two alternative sampling strategies. One of these alternatives, Strategy 2, sampled one well per township per year during 1957, 1972, and 1980 (n=11) and did not detect the migrating plume, despite being a recommended strategy. The other alternative, Strategy 3, frequently sampled in time a small, fixed group of indicator wells (n=13) every four years for the same period, again producing maps with little correlation to the original pattern detected by Strategy 1.  相似文献   

Accurately mapping a region’s ground water quality depends upon the spatial sampling strategies employed, including where and how often field data are collected. This study compares the relative values of three field sampling strategies for mapping a known migrating plume of volcanic ground water in Sierra Valley, California. The first strategy sampled wells once each year during 1957, 1972, and 1980 (n=63, 45, and 57, respectively) and portrayed spatial–temporal changes in ground water quality more clearly on maps than did two alternative sampling strategies. One of these alternatives, Strategy 2, sampled one well per township per year during 1957, 1972, and 1980 (n=11) and did not detect the migrating plume, despite being a recommended strategy. The other alternative, Strategy 3, frequently sampled in time a small, fixed group of indicator wells (n=13) every four years for the same period, again producing maps with little correlation to the original pattern detected by Strategy 1.  相似文献   

Sediment cores from Lake Tahoe permit the discrimination of turbidites initiated by seismic-induced debris flows from those generated by severe storms and associated hyperpycnal currents over the last 7000 years using integrated textural, magnetic, and geochemical signatures. Relative to fine-grained ‘background’ sediments, the majority of Tahoe turbidites exhibit coincident trends of increased mean grain size, increased magnetic susceptibility, decreased TOC, higher δ13Corg and variable C/N. We interpret these characteristics to record the rapid influx of terrigenous sediments within runoff from the watershed triggered by high-intensity storms. Correlation of multiple, individual turbidites between cores suggests a synchronicity of occurrence, supporting the model of extreme hydrologic events as the trigger for most turbidity currents into Lake Tahoe. In contrast, turbidites generated by seismic collapse of steep lake margins would have textural, magnetic and geochemical signatures that would reflect a homogenized mix of autochthonous biogenic debris and multiple older turbidites. Only one of the turbidites in the cores appears to be seismically generated. A second component of this study tested the hypothesis that turbidite clustering reflects phases of increased storminess, paleoprecipitation and lake level. We correlated broad patterns of turbidite frequency in the Tahoe cores with climate proxies from (1) elsewhere in the Tahoe watershed, (2) the western Great Basin (primarily Pyramid Lake) and (3) the San Francisco bay estuary. The reasonable degree of temporal overlap suggests that apparent trends in severe storm frequency recorded by clusters of turbidites provides a measure of long-term regional paleoprecipitation and lake level. A key finding is an extended phase of dryness and a near absence of major storms between ~3000 and ~900 cal yr B.P. in the Tahoe watershed.  相似文献   

Small lakes and wetlands from high elevation within the Sierra Nevada Range (southern Spain) preserve a complete post-glacial Holocene record. Isotopic, TOC and C/N analyses, carried out on a sediment core, show various stages in the evolution of the Borreguiles de la Virgen, which today constitute a small bog at about 2,950?m above sea level. Glacial erosion generated a cirque depression, which became a small lake during the first phase of infilling (from?8,200 to 5,100?cal?yr BP), as suggested by sedimentary evidence, including an atomic C/N ratio generally below 20, low TOC values and the highest ??13C and ??15N values of the record. These results imply significant algal productivity, which is confirmed by the microscopic algal remains. Drier conditions became established progressively in this area from?5,100 to 3,700?cal?yr BP. Subsequently, the lake evolved into a bog as shown by geochemical evidence (C/N ratios above 20, high TOC content and low ??13C values). Unstable conditions prevailed from?3,600 to 700?cal?yr BP; an extremely low sedimentation rate and scarcity of data from this period do not allow us to make a coherent interpretation. Fluctuating conditions were recorded during the last?~700?cal?yr BP, with wetter conditions prevailing during the first part of the interval (with C/N rate below 20) up to 350?years ago. In general, a gradual trend toward more arid conditions occurred since?~6,900?cal?yr BP, with a further increase in aridity since?~5,100?cal?yr BP. This evidence is consistent with other contemporaneous peri-Mediterranean records.  相似文献   

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