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基于光学技术的水下气泡探测实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
热液/冷泉溢出含有硫化氢、甲烷、二氧化碳等化学成分的气泡。实验室模拟海底热液/冷泉资源溢出气泡环境搭建了实验平台,以甲烷气体为实验气体,在黑暗环境下用高速光电探测器对气泡后向散射光进行接收,用拉曼光谱仪实现甲烷气体气泡后向散射光的拉曼检测,并与计算拉曼光谱比较。由结果可知激光拉曼光谱可以探测到气泡后向散射光,并识别气泡中含有的气体成分。通过探测气泡成分,从而判定这些气泡是否来自海底热液/冷泉等甲烷资源溢出。这样的探测方式,探测准确率高,缓解探测深度,同时避免探测设备直接与海底资源直接接触而造成的寿命缩减,为将来的海洋探测与实际应用打下了良好的基础。  相似文献   

软体动物腹足纲分类学研究进展——从近海到深海   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着科学技术的不断进步和研究的不断深入,我国关于海洋的研究已由浅海逐步向深海发展,不断取得新的发现和认知。自2014年4月起,中国科学院海洋研究所依托先进的"科学"号海洋科学综合考察船,搭载"发现"号水下机器人(remotelyoperated vehicle,ROV),先后对冲绳海槽热液区、南海冷泉区、雅浦海山区以及马努斯热液区等深海区域进行了综合性科学考查,采集到了大量深海腹足纲(Gastropoda)标本,其中有一些为未经发现和描述的新种,极大地推动了我国关于深海软体动物物种多样性研究,实现了深海环境和软体动物资源的新认知。本文对近年来从深海采集到的腹足类标本进行了整理分类,对其中的11属13种进行描述,并对深海特殊环境中腹足纲物种多样性进行了总结,对中国软体动物腹足纲从近海至深海的分类现状进行研究论述。  相似文献   

细菌通过趋化系统感知和响应外界环境变化并进行趋利避害, 因此很多细菌进化出了非常复杂多样的趋化系统以适应不同的生态位。Epsilon-变形菌广泛存在于自然界中, 能适应不同的生态环境, 特别是深海Epsilon-变形菌能适应深海热液口和冷泉等极端环境, 其趋化系统可能有其独特之处。通过BlastP和MIST数据库分析, 我们发现大部分深海Epsilon-变形菌拥有F3类型趋化系统且具有单拷贝的双功能域融合蛋白CheV。此外, 一种特殊结构域CZB (C-terminal Zinc-Binding) 存在于深海Epsilon-变形菌的趋化受体蛋白中, 而且在部分深海Epsilon-变形菌的趋化受体中还发现并鉴定了一种新的结构域CZB-like结构域。文章以Epsilon-变形菌的模式菌株空肠弯曲杆菌(Campylobacter jejuni 81-176)为研究对象, 用细菌双杂交试验证实了CheV能与所有含MA结构域的趋化受体相互作用。用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-Mass)技术证实了CZB-like结构域不能结合Zn离子, 但细菌双杂交试验证实它能介导趋化受体Tlp9与CheV的互作。  相似文献   

This study provides an analysis of vesicomyid bivalve–symbiont community distribution across cold seep and hydrothermal vent areas in the Guaymas Basin (Gulf of California, Mexico). Using a combination of morphological and molecular approaches including fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), and electronic microscopy observations, vesicomyid clam species and their associated symbionts were characterized and results were analyzed in light of geochemical conditions and other on‐site observations. A greater diversity of vesicomyids was found at cold seep areas, where three different species were present (Phreagena soyoae [syn. kilmeri], Archivesica gigas, and Calyptogena pacifica). In contrast, A. gigas was the only species sampled across the hydrothermal vent area. The same haplotype of A. gigas was found in both hydrothermal vent and cold seep areas, highlighting possible contemporary exchanges among neighboring vents and seeps. In either ecosystem, molecular characterization of the symbionts confirmed the specificity between symbionts and hosts and supported the hypothesis of a predominantly vertical transmission. In addition, patterns of clams could reflect potential niche preferences for each species. The occurrence of numerous traces of vesicomyid movements on sediments in the sites colonized by A. gigas seemed to indicate that this species might have a better ability to move. Furthermore, variation in gill sulfur content could reveal a higher plasticity and sulfur storage capacity in A. gigas. Thus, the distribution of vesicomyid species across the chemosynthetic areas of the Guaymas Basin could be explained by differences in biological traits of the vesicomyid species that would allow A. gigas to more easily exploit transient and punctual sources of available sulfide than P. soyoae.  相似文献   

Bathymodiolus属贻贝是广泛分布于全球深海冷泉和热液生态系统的优势种,在深海化能生态系统的物质循环和能量流动中起着重要作用。本文以我国南海北部冷泉的主要优势种平端深海偏顶蛤(Bathymodiolus platifrons)为研究对象,采用常规生化测定方法,研究了其主要生化成分和氨基酸组成的特征,并就特定组织中主要生化成分的含量与生活在热液区的平端深海偏顶蛤和近岸的远东偏顶蛤(Modiolus kurilensis)进行了对比。结果表明,南海冷泉平端深海偏顶蛤软体部含水量84.28%,粗蛋白含量7.18%,粗脂肪含量1.23%,糖类含量2.75%,与已报道的深海贝类组成相近。虽然主要生化成分含量在3种贻贝的鳃、外套膜、闭壳肌和消化腺4个组织中总体差异不大,但是冷泉平端深海偏顶蛤和热液平端深海偏顶蛤的外套膜糖类含量(25.20%、30.66%)显著高于远东偏顶蛤(6.97%,P0.05),这表明平端深海偏顶蛤的主要储存物质为外套膜中的糖类。在氨基酸组成上,冷泉平端深海偏顶蛤鳃中氨基酸总量为44.55%(干质量),外套膜中为34.83%(干质量),其中必需氨基酸分别占比41.73%和40.52%,总体与其他贝类相似。然而,在平端深海偏顶蛤中,与渗透压调节相关的甘氨酸和与硫代谢相关的牛磺酸含量较高,这与其适应深海高盐度高硫化氢浓度的环境相关。综上所述,南海冷泉平端深海偏顶蛤在常规生化组分和氨基酸组成上与近岸常见双壳类具有一定差异,这些差异与其特殊生境的关系还需要更加深入的研究。  相似文献   

基因组大小(或称C值)作为生物单倍体细胞中全套染色体的DNA总量,在一定程度上是恒定的,因而C值可以作为生物物种的一个特定参数。深海热液和冷泉为更好地理解C值与不同环境之间的关系提供了一个特征性的模型。本文采用流式细胞术,测定了来自热液和冷泉环境中的10种深海无脊椎动物的C值,其分布范围从0.87 pg到12.28 pg,其中,相比于软体动物和多毛类,甲壳生物基因组大小及变异均较大。对比热液和冷泉两个群落中共有种(深海偏顶蛤Bathymodiolus platifrons、柯氏潜铠虾Shinkaia crosnieri以及长角阿尔文虾Alvinocaris longirostris)的基因组大小,发现C值差异并不显著。同时,综合已有的数据,对深海化能极端环境与其他环境条件下的物种C值进行对比分析,结果显示深海化能极端环境下生物的基因组大小并没有发现明确的变化趋势。  相似文献   

The discovery of deep-sea hydrothermal vent fauna, kilometres deep in the oceans, is a great achievement of 20th-century marine biology. The deep-sea hydrothermal food web does not directly depend on the sun's energy. Vent communities rely primarily on trophic associations between chemoautotrophic bacteria and consumers. A small number of endemic taxa are adapted to the inhospitable vent environments that are distributed along ridge crests. Where these vent communities originated and how they dispersed are among the important questions ecologists must answer. Here, by statistical analysis of the most comprehensive database ever assembled about deep-sea hydrothermal fauna, we delineate six major hydrothermal provinces in the world ocean and identify seven possible dispersal pathways between adjacent provinces. Our model suggests that the East-Pacific Rise may have played a pivotal role as a centre of dispersal for the hydrothermal fauna. Our data-driven conclusion will have to be tested by phylogenetic studies and completed by surveys of less-explored fields.  相似文献   

杨梅  李新正 《海洋科学》2017,41(6):126-133
深海热液口及其生物群落自1977年发现以来,受到海洋生物学界的广泛关注。近年来伴随深海调查技术的进步,大量热液生物群落相继被发现,并在生物地理学、生态学和生物多样性方面取得了显著的进展。目前,受采样不足及分类学研究的限制,针对深海热液口的遗传多样性研究多集中于大型底栖生物。本文拟对该领域的研究成果进行简要综述,以期加深对深海热液口大型底栖生物的物种分布模式、扩散途径及群体连通性的认识,为深海热液口生物多样性的研究提供新视角。  相似文献   

Estimations of biodiversity and species richness in deep-sea marine ecosystems are impeded by time-consuming methods of species identification. In conservation biology, in environmental monitoring, and in paleontology, a higher-taxon approach (e.g., identification to genera or families) can be used as a surrogate for species richness. We applied a higher-taxon approach to well-documented chemosynthetic communities associated with seep and vent mussel beds to test its applicability in these systems. Significant positive correlations between cumulative number of species and cumulative number of higher taxa were found at the generic, family, and order levels. The number of these higher taxa can be used to predict species richness in vent and seep mussel beds.  相似文献   

华志励  刘波 《海洋科学》2019,43(9):94-103
为了准确理解冷泉水体中甲烷气体的分布规律,综合运用单波束测深数据和冷泉水体流场数据,建立了冷泉气泡上升、溶解速率的定量反演方法,利用现场海试资料对反演方法进行了验证,并对海试区域的冷泉气体溢出、溶解通量以及冷泉水体的甲烷浓度进行了估算。计算结果表明,考察船航向与冷泉水体流向的差异会对声学探测结果产生影响,当航向与流向的夹角大于±60°时,声学成像中冷泉倾角的误差将超过50%。同时,冷泉气泡上升速率的衰减与溢出口水深显著相关,相关系数可达0.9,并且冷泉上升流对上升速率的提升效果明显。水合物稳定带的分布对冷泉气泡的收缩速率影响显著,稳定带内、外收缩速率的差异可达3~4倍。冷泉气体通量的计算结果表明,调查区域内冷泉的溢出强度整体较大,同时溶解通量与水深之间呈现明显的分段效应。根据冷泉气体溶解通量估算的冷泉水体甲烷浓度与色谱分析结果具有较好的一致性。相关研究有助于实现对冷泉水体中甲烷气体分布的定量评估,为潜在海底冷泉区的圈划和海域天然气水合物的调查提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

为了解海山生物多样性研究领域的研究现状和研究热点,本文采用文献计量学的方法对1991~2014年海山生物多样性相关的SCI论文产出进行了分析。结果表明,美国是该领域发文量最多的国家,新西兰水和大气国家研究所是发文量最多的机构。关键词分析的结果显示,海山生物多样性领域的研究热点主要集中在新物种发现和分类学,涉及"hydrothermal vent"(热液喷口)、"mitochondrial DNA"(线粒体DNA)及"conservation(保护)"等关键词的研究近几年逐渐增多。研究结果同时表明我国在该领域的研究较少,研究力度有待加强。  相似文献   

冷水珊瑚也称为深水珊瑚, 在生物多样性、生态资源和科研价值等方面具有重要意义。文章对采自南海北部冷泉区的冷水珊瑚骨骼碎屑进行测定, 鉴定出冷水珊瑚2个种(Crispatotrochus sp.1和Crispatotrochus sp.2), 以及4个属[Balanophyllia (Balanophyllia)、Balanophyllia (Eupsammia)、LochmaeotrochusEnallopsammia]。测定的冷水珊瑚的δ13C为-7.36‰~-1.15‰, δ18O为-1.38‰~3.67‰, 与全球冷水珊瑚碳氧同位素组成相似, 但明显不同于南海暖水珊瑚、冷泉碳酸盐岩及低温热液成因碳酸盐岩的碳氧同位素组成。  相似文献   

曾志刚 《海洋与湖沼》2021,52(6):1333-1349
海底热液活动调查研究是深海进入、深海探测和深海开发的切入点之一。近十年来,中国在西太平洋弧后盆地、东太平洋海隆、大西洋洋中脊和印度洋脊,发现了一批新的海底热液活动区,围绕着热液活动区的硫化物、流体、热液柱、生物等热液产物开展了调查研究,构建了海底热液地质学,提出了热液活动、冷泉及天然气水合物的同源异汇假说,出版了《海底热液地质学》、《现代海底热液硫化物成矿地质学》、《现代海底热液活动》、《东太平洋海隆热液地质》专著,获得了一批调查研究成果。未来,聚焦海底热液活动的深部过程及其资源环境效应关键问题,发展海底热液活动探测技术,拓展极地海底热液活动调查研究新领域,围绕烟囱体、热液柱、含金属沉积物、流体以及热液区生物等热液产物,开展深入、系统的调查研究工作,无疑将推动海底热液地质学取得新的进展。  相似文献   

Several hundred hydrothermal vent complexes were formed in the Vøring Basin as a consequence of magmatic sill emplacement in the late Palaeocene. The 6607/12-1 exploration well was drilled through a 220-m-thick sequence of Eocene–Miocene diatomites with carbonate nodules above the apex of one of these vent complexes. Analysed calcites and dolomites from this interval have isotopic signatures typical for methane seep carbonates, with low 13C signatures of –28 to –54 PDB. The data suggest that the vent complex acted as a fluid migration pathway for about 50×106 years after its formation, leading to near-surface microbial activity and seep carbonate formation.  相似文献   

现代海底超镁铁质岩系热液系统与地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代海底热液循环与洋中脊地质过程一直是国际洋中脊计划研究的热点.海底热液系统多数都与海底玄武岩及其水-岩反应直接相关,而一类与深海橄榄岩的产出及其蛇纹石化作用有关的海底热液系统——超镁铁质岩系热液系统,以具有高浓度H2和CH4异常而低SiO2浓度为显著特征,主要分布在慢速扩张大西洋中脊和超慢速扩张北冰洋Gakkel洋脊和西南印度洋中脊.超镁铁质岩系热液系统在流体组成、构造背景和硫化物成矿方面与玄武岩热液系统有很大差异,主要表现在地幔来源超镁铁质岩石的普遍出露、喷口流体高的H2和CH4异常以及硫化物中高Co/Ni比值.超镁铁质岩系热液系统的发现丰富了全球洋中脊热液系统的研究内容,对洋中脊地质过程、海底热液活动及其成矿作用研究具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Macro- and meiofaunal communities were examined at four geomorphologically distinct sites with different gas- and oil-bearing fluid characteristics in the northern, central and southern basins of Lake Baikal. All sites had elevated concentrations of bicarbonate, nitrate, sulphate and chloride ions in pore fluids, with highest values at the Frolikha vent. Elevated levels of iron ions were found in pore waters of the St. Petersburg methane seep and the Gorevoy Utes oil seep. The chemical composition of pore waters at the Malenky mud volcano was similar to that reported in earlier work. Consistent with published data, the Frolikha vent (northern basin) and the St. Petersburg methane seep (central basin) were characterised by methane of mixed genesis (thermogenic + biogenic), whereas the methane source was mainly thermogenic at the Gorevoy Utes oil seep (central basin) and biogenic at the Malenky mud volcano (southern basin). In contrast to marine seep ecosystems, the macrofauna was dominated only by amphipods, giant planarians and oligochaetes, whereas bivalves were absent; the meiofauna was similar to its marine counterpart, being dominated by nematodes, cyclops, harpacticoids and ostracods. A statistically significant positive relationship was revealed between faunal abundance and the availability of bacterial mats on seep sediments. Moreover, ANOVA tests showed significant increases in both meiozoobenthic and macrozoobenthic densities at “hot spot” vent/seep sites relative to discharge-free reference sites. The isotopic composition of carbon and nitrogen at various trophic levels of these benthic vent/seep communities was found to differ markedly from that reported by earlier studies for the pelagic and other benthic food webs in Lake Baikal. As in marine seeps, the macrofauna had variable isotopic signatures. Light δ13C and δ15N values suggest the utilization of chemosynthetically fixed and/or methane-derived organic matter. By contrast, the heavy δ13C signatures of some mobile amphipods likely reflect consumption of photosynthetically derived carbon. These findings would at least partly explain why Lake Baikal is a notable outlier in global temperature–biodiversity patterns, exhibiting the highest biodiversity of any lake worldwide but at an extremely cold average temperature.  相似文献   

平端深海偏顶蛤(Gigantidasplatifrons)是广泛分布于西太平洋深海热液和冷泉生态系统中的优势种和共有种,也是深海化能生态系统中重要的生境营造种。以南海F冷泉平端深海偏顶蛤为研究对象,基于贝壳日生长轮方法,分析了平端深海偏顶蛤的年龄与生长速率,建立了其年龄与贝壳壳长关系的生长方程。同时,结合获得的生长方程,分析了南海F冷泉采样点(119.285 6°E,22.115 4°N)平端深海偏顶蛤种群的年龄结构。研究结果表明,采样获得的平端深海偏顶蛤种群的最大壳长为11.4 cm,最大寿命为13.5龄。研究区域的贝壳长度分布集中在4~7 cm,占比60%;年龄分布集中在2~4龄,占比49.7%。相关研究结果为进一步开展平端深海偏顶蛤的生长研究提供了基础数据,有助于深入了解冷泉区域的种群动态变化规律。  相似文献   

Near the Azores Triple Junction as the Azores Plateau is approached, the ridge axis becomes shallower; its depth decreases from ca. 2400 m in the Rainbow vent field (36°13′N) to ca. 850 m in the Menez Gwen vent field (37°35′N). In this area, extensive mussel beds of the mytilid Bathymodiolus azoricus dominate the hydrothermal vent fauna, along with populations of three shrimps (Rimicaris exoculata, Mirocaris fortunata and Chorocaris chacei). The main physical and chemical characteristics of the vent habitat were studied by discrete sampling, in situ analysis and sediment trap moorings. The vent fauna is distributed along a variable band where the vent fluids and seawater mix, with R. exoculata living in the most concentrated areas and Bathymodiolus azoricus in the most diluted zones. Various non-endemic species live at the border of the vent field. The variations observed in structure and composition of the communities along the depth gradient are most likely due to changes in vent fluid toxicity (metallic and sulphide content) and suspended mineral particles, which render the fluids harsher for species living there. The main faunal differences observed between Lucky Strike and Menez Gwen hydrothermal fields are due to an impoverishment in the hydrothermal endemic species and to the penetration of bathyal species. The comparison of the three studied vent fields suggests the existence of a succession of several biogeographic islands rather than a single province.  相似文献   

The vestimentiferan tubeworm Ridgeia piscesae is an ecosystem-structuring organism in the hydrothermal vent environments of the Northeast Pacific. During this study, a single representative aggregation of the long-skinny morphotype of R. piscesae from the main endeavor segment was monitored for 3 yr before being collected in its entirety with a hydraulically actuated collection device manipulated in situ by a research vehicle. Vestimentiferan growth rates in this aggregation were determined by staining the exterior of the tubes and measuring newly deposited tube sections. The average growth rate of R. piscesae in this aggregation was very low in both years of the growth study (3.2 mm yr−1). Although the incidence of plume damage from partial predation was very high (>95%), mortality was very low (<4% yr−1). The distribution and the very tight clustering of recently recruited individuals indicated gregarious settlement behavior that is hypothesized to be partly due to biotic cues from settled larvae. Coupled measurements of vent fluid sulfide concentration and temperature were used to calculate the exposure of the vestimentiferans to sulfide from short- and long-term temperature monitoring. Plume-level temperature records indicate that most of the time individuals in this aggregation were exposed to extremely low levels of vent fluid, and therefore sulfide (<0.1 μM), while their posterior sections were consistently exposed to sulfide concentrations in the 100 μM range. A rootball-like structure formed the common base of the aggregation. In contrast to the anterior sections of the tubeworm tubes, the portions of the tubes within the “rootball” were freely permeable to sulfide. The results of this study show that R. piscesae, unlike vestimentiferans from the East Pacific Rise, can survive and grow in areas of low diffuse vent flow with very low plume-level exposure to sulfide. We propose that this morphotype of R. piscesae has the ability to acquire sulfide from sources near their posterior ends, similar to some species of cold seep vestimentiferans from the Gulf of Mexico. The ability of this single species of vestimentiferan to survive low exposure to vent flow with low mortality coupled with sulfide uptake across posterior tube sections may help explain the occurrence of a single vent vestimentiferan species in a wide variety of habitat conditions at hydrothermal vent sites in the Northeast Pacific.  相似文献   

以Web of Science信息平台的SCIE数据库为数据源,利用文献计量方法,分析国际冷泉系统研究的年度变化、期刊分布、主要研究国家、机构的影响力及合作情况以及国际研究热点领域。研究结果发现:国际冷泉系统研究论文产量一直呈增长趋势;美国论文产出数量最多、合作中心性最强。德国亥姆霍兹国家研究中心联合会发文最多。中国近三年发文比例和第一国家发文比例均排名第一,其中发文最多的机构为中国科学院。微生物甲烷厌氧氧化、冷泉区生物多样性以及冷泉碳酸盐岩的矿物学和地球化学是研究热点。  相似文献   

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