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《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(11-12):1377-1386
The heavy metal contamination and seasonal variation of the metals in soils, plants and waters in the vicinity of an abandoned metalliferous mine in Korea were studied. Elevated levels of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were found in tailings with averages of 8.57, 481, 4,450 and 753 mg/kg, respectively. These metals are continuously dispersed downstream and downslope from the tailings by clastic movement through wind and water. Thus, significant levels of the elements in waters and sediments were found up to 3.3 km downstream from the mining site, especially for Cd and Zn. Enriched concentrations of heavy metals were also found in various plants grown in the vicinity of the mining area, and the metal concentrations in plants increased with those in soils. In a study of seasonal variation on the heavy metals in paddy fields, relatively high concentrations of heavy metals were found in rice leaves and stalks grown under oxidizing conditions rather than a reducing environment (P<0.05).  相似文献   

Reflectance spectroscopy covering the visible and near-infrared ranges (400–2,400 nm) is known as a rapid and nondestructive method in the characterization and quantitative analysis of many components of interest. In this study, the potential use of spectral absorption feature parameters (SAFPs) in the range of 400–2,400 nm was investigated in terms of the prediction of heavy metals and mapping of their distribution. Parameters such as absorption depth, area, and peak ratio were derived from variations in spectral absorption shape associated with concentrations of heavy metals. Heavy metals were quantified from SAFPs using stepwise multiple linear regression (SMLR) and enter multiple linear regression (EMLR). The EMLR model showed qualitative prediction performance for As and Cu, with R 2 values of 0.60 and 0.81, respectively. A contour map of As and Cu concentrations based on EMLR-derived values showed similar spatial patterns to a map based on measured values.  相似文献   

The Jabali Zn–Pb–Ag deposit is located about 110 km east of Sana'a, the capital of Yemen, along the western border of the Marib-Al-Jawf/Sab'atayn basin. The economic mineralization at Jabali is a nonsulfide deposit, consisting of 8.7 million tons at an average grade of 9.2% zinc, derived from the oxidation of primary sulfides. The rock hosting both primary and secondary ores is a strongly dolomitized carbonate platform limestone of the Jurassic Shuqra Formation (Amran Group). The primary sulfides consist of sphalerite, galena and pyrite/marcasite. Smithsonite is the most abundant economic mineral in the secondary deposit, and is associated with minor hydrozincite, hemimorphite, acanthite and greenockite. Smithsonite occurs as two main generations: smithsonite 1, which replaces both host dolomite and sphalerite, and smithsonite 2, occurring as concretions and vein fillings in the host rock. At the boundary between smithsonite 1 and host dolomite, the latter is widely replaced by broad, irregular bands of Zn-bearing dolomite, where Zn has substituted for Mg. The secondary mineralization evolved through different stages: 1) alteration of original sulfides (sphalerite, pyrite and galena), and release of metals in acid solutions; 2) alteration of dolomite host rock and formation of Zn-bearing dolomite; 3) partial dissolution of dolomite by metal-carrying acid fluids and replacement of dolomite and Zn-bearing dolomite by a first smithsonite phase (smithsonite 1). To this stage also belong the direct replacement of sphalerite and galena by secondary minerals (smithsonite and cerussite); 4) precipitation of a later smithsonite phase (smithsonite 2) in veins and cavities, together with Ag- and Cd-sulfides.The δ18O composition of Jabali smithsonite is generally lower than in other known supergene smithsonites, whereas the carbon isotope composition is in the same range of the negative δ13C values recorded in most supergene nonsulfide ores. Considering that the groundwaters and paleo-groundwaters in this area of Yemen have negative δ18O values, it can be assumed that the Jabali smithsonite precipitated in different stages from a combination of fluids, possibly consisting of local groundwaters variably mixed with low-temperature hydrothermal waters. The carbon isotope composition is interpreted as a result of mixing between carbon from host rock carbonates and soil/atmospheric CO2.The most favorable setting for the development of the Jabali secondary deposit could be placed in the early Miocene (~ 17 Ma), when supergene weathering was favored by major uplift and exhumation resulting from the main phase of Red Sea extension. Low-temperature hydrothermal fluids may have also circulated at the same time, through the magmatically-induced geothermal activity in the area.  相似文献   

The Drenchwater shale-hosted Zn–Pb–Ag deposit and the immediate vicinity, on the northern flank of the Brooks Range in north-central Alaska, is an ideal example of a naturally low pH system. The two drainages, Drenchwater and False Wager Creeks, which bound the deposit, differ in their acidity and metal contents. Moderately acidic waters with elevated concentrations of metals (pH ? 4.3, Zn ? 1400 μg/L) in the Drenchwater Creek drainage basin are attributed to weathering of an exposed base-metal-rich massive sulfide occurrence. Stream sediment and water chemistry data collected from False Wager Creek suggest that an unexposed base-metal sulfide occurrence may account for the lower pH (2.7–3.1) and very metal-rich waters (up to 2600 μg/L Zn, ? 260 μg/L Cu and ?89 μg/L Tl) collected at least 2 km upstream of known mineralized exposures. These more acidic conditions produce jarosite, schwertmannite and Fe-hydroxides commonly associated with acid-mine drainage. The high metal concentrations in some water samples from both streams naturally exceed Alaska state regulatory limits for freshwater aquatic life, affirming the importance of establishing base-line conditions in the event of human land development. The studies at the Drenchwater deposit demonstrate that poor water quality can be generated through entirely natural weathering of base-metal occurrences, and, possibly unmineralized black shale.  相似文献   

The generation of acid rock drainage (ARD) is a biogeochemical process that causes severe ecological impacts, threatening human health worldwide. Microbes involved in acid drainage reactions are generally considered autotrophic but heterotrophic and mixotrophic microorganisms have often been identified at ARD sites. This raises questions about the role of organic matter naturally present at these sites, such as mature hydrocarbons, in promoting the microbial processes underpinning ARD generation. To investigate this, aerobic microcosm experiments were carried out using ARD samples collected at a well-characterised site in northern England (Mam Tor, Derbyshire). Organic analyses indicated the presence of substantial amounts of mature, petroleum-derived hydrocarbons and microbial analyses indicated that the sediment hosts acidophilic bacteria with the capability of degrading petroleum-derived compounds. However, the aerobic microcosm experiments indicated that these petroleum-derived hydrocarbons were not used by the bacterial community and, therefore, are not involved in the reactions that ultimately lead to ARD generation. These observations support a primary role for autotrophs in ARD generation.  相似文献   

In this study, geochemical characteristics of acid mine drainage (AMD) and its sediments from the Malan and Sitai coalmines, Shanxi Province, China, were investigated. Many analytical approaches such as IC, ICP-MS, XRD, XRF, and modeling calculation of hydrogeochemistry using PHREEQCI software were employed. The AMD is characterized by higher concentrations of iron and sulfate, a low pH, and elevated concentrations of a wide variety of heavy metals. The results of modeling calculation by PHREEQCI software demonstrate the metals in AMD are present mainly as Me^n+ and MeSO4^n-2 species. The sediments of AMD are composed mainly of iron-beating minerals such as goethite and schwertmannite, which are controlled by pH, Fe and SO4^2- concentrations. The schwertmannite mineral has been found for the first time in China.  相似文献   

Tailings deposited over the Castanheira, a stream which flows through the old Ag–Pb–Zn Terramonte mine area, showed a great potential environmental risk due to sulphide weathering, facilitated by the tailings–water interaction. The high concentrations of Al, Fe, Pb and Zn in the tailings are associated with the exchangeable, reducible and sulphide fractions and suggest sphalerite and pyrite occurrences. Oxidation of pyrite is responsible for the low pH values (3.38–4.89) of the tailings. The water from the Castanheira stream is not suitable for human consumption due to high concentrations of SO4 2?, Mn, Al, Cd, Ni, and Pb. The lowest concentrations of metals and metalloids were detected in downstream stretches of the Castanheira. However, As, Fe and Zn in deeper sediments tend to increase downstream. Significant concentrations of trivalent forms of arsenic were detected in water samples. In downstream stretches of the Castanheira, some free ions (Fe2+, Mn2+ and Zn2+) also predominate and the water is saturated with ferrihydrite, goethite, hematite, lepidocrosite and magnetite.  相似文献   

Zhaxikang is one large Sb–Pb–Zn–Ag deposit located in the North Himalaya of southern Tibet. To date, the genesis of this deposit still remains controversial. Here, we present new pyrite Fe and sphalerite Zn isotopic data for the first three stages of mineralization, Fe–Zn isotopic data for Mn–Fe carbonate that formed during the first two stages of mineralization, and Zn isotopic data for the slate wall rocks of the Jurassic Ridang Formation to discuss the genesis of the Zhaxikang deposit. The overall δ56Fe and δ66Zn values range from −0.80‰ to 0.43‰ and from −0.03‰ to 0.38‰, respectively. The δ56Fe values of Mn–Fe carbonates are lighter than those of associated pyrite in six mineral pairs, indicating that the iron carbonates are preferentially enriched in light Fe isotopes relative to pyrite. The sphalerite has lighter δ66Zn values than associated Mn–Fe carbonates in three mineral pairs.The δ56Fe values of pyrite that formed during the first three stages of mineralization gradually increase from stage 1 (−0.33‰ to −0.09‰) through stage 2 (−0.30‰ to 0.19‰) to stage 3 (0.16‰–0.43‰). In comparison, the sphalerite that formed during these stages has δ66Zn values that gradually decrease from stage 1 (0.16‰–0.35‰) through stage 2 (0.09‰–0.23‰) to stage 3 (−0.03‰ to 0.22‰). These data, in conjunction with the observations of hand specimens and thin sections, suggest that the deposit was overprinted by a second pulse of mineralization. This overprint would account for these Fe–Zn isotopic variations as well as the kinetic Rayleigh fractionation that occurred during mineralization. The temporally increasing δ56Fe and decreasing δ66Zn values recorded in the deposit are also coincident with an increase in alteration, again supporting the existence of two pulses of mineralization. The δ56Fe values of the first pulse of ore-forming fluid were calculated using theoretical equations, yielding values of −0.54‰ to −0.34‰ that overlap with those of submarine hydrothermal solutions (−1‰ to 0‰). However, the δ56Fe values of the stage 3 pyrite are heavier than those of typical submarine hydrothermal solutions, which suggests that the second pulse of mineralization was probably derived from a magmatic hydrothermal fluid. In addition, the second pulse of ore-forming fluid has brought some Fe and taken away parts of Zn, which results the lighter δ66Zn values of sphalerite and heavier δ56Fe values of pyrite from the second pulse of mineralization. Overall, the Zhaxikang deposit records two pulses of mineralization, and the overprint by the second pulse of mineralization causes the lighter δ66Zn values and heavier δ56Fe values of modified samples.  相似文献   

This study appraised the use of phosphate fertilisers in immobilising metals in mine tailings to prevent their uptake into Curly Mitchell grass (Astrebla lappacea), when grown on capped, phosphate-amended tailings. Leaching experiments showed that Pb mobility was reduced by both bone meal and superphosphate amendment. Bone meal amendment also reduced Cd mobility. By contrast, Cd, Mn and Zn mobility increased in superphosphate-amended tailings due to increased acid production and, Cu was mobilised in bone meal-amended tailings possibly through the formation of soluble metal-complexing organic compounds. Arsenic and Sb were mobilised in both treatments due to phosphate ligand exchange. Greenhouse trials used Curly Mitchell grass grown on 1-m-high columns stacked with waste materials and different amendments overlain by clean topsoil. Curly Mitchell grass showed substantial uptake of Cd, Mn, Pb and Zn from unamended tailings and waste rock, where these were penetrated by the plant’s root system. Addition of phosphate fertilisers to the surface of tailings did not result in reduced metal uptake by Curly Mitchell grass. In tailings capped with limestone, the limestone layer formed an effective physical barrier preventing root penetration into the tailings and led to substantially reduced metal uptake in grass. The study demonstrates that thorough mixing of waste materials and fertilisers as well as irrigation may be required for successful phosphate immobilisation of metals in base metal tailings. Alternatively, the placement of a thin layer of crushed limestone on top of the tailings pile prior to capping may lead to the formation of a chemical and physical barrier and prevent the transfer of environmentally significant elements into the above-ground biomass of Mitchell grasses.  相似文献   

A study of agricultural lands around an abandoned Pb–Zn mine in a karst region was undertaken to (1) assess the distribution of heavy metals in the agricultural environment, in both dry land and paddy field; (2) discriminate between natural and anthropogenic contributions; and (3) identify possible sources of any pollution discovered. Ninety-two samples of cultivated soils were collected around the mine and analyzed for eight heavy metals, pH, fluoride (F?), cation exchange capacity, organic matter, and grain size. The eight heavy metals included Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, As, and Hg. The average concentrations (mg/kg) obtained were as follows: Cd 16.76 ± 24.49, Cr 151.5 ± 18.24, Cu 54.28 ± 18.99, Ni 57.5 ± 14.43, Pb 2,576.2 ± 1,096, Zn 548.7 ± 4,112, As 29.1 ± 6.36, and Hg 1.586 ± 1.46. In a site where no impact from mining activities was detected, the mean and median of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, As, and Hg concentrations in investigated topsoils were higher than the mean and median of heavy metal concentrations in reference soils. An ensemble of basic and multivariate statistical analyses was performed to reduce the multidimensional space of variables and samples. Two main sets of heavy metals were revealed as indicators of natural and anthropogenic influences. The results of principal component analysis (PCA) and categorical PCA demonstrated that Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, and Hg are indicators of anthropogenic pollution, whereas Cr, As and Ni concentrations are mainly associated with natural sources in the environment. The contamination from Pb–Zn mining operations, coupled with the special karst environment, was a key contributing factor to the spatial distribution of the eight heavy metals in the surrounding soil. The values of heavy metals in the soil samples suggested the necessity of conducting a rigorous assessment of the health and environmental risks posed by these residues and taking suitable remedial action as necessary.  相似文献   

The Transfiguration Cu–Pb–Zn–Ag deposit, enclosed within reduced grey sandstone, is associated with continental red beds of the Lower Silurian Robitaille Formation in the Quebec Appalachians, Canada. The Robitaille Formation rests unconformably on foliated Cambro-Ordovician rocks. The unconformity is locally cut by barite veins. The basal unit of the Robitaille Formation comprises green wacke and pebble conglomerate, which locally contain calcite nodules. The latter have microstructures characteristic of alpha-type calcretes, such as “floating” fabrics, calcite-filled fractures (crystallaria) and circumgranular cracks. Massive, grey sandstone overlies the basal green wacke and pebble conglomerate unit, which is overlain, in turn, by red, fine-grained sandstone. Mineralisation occurred underneath the red sandstone unit, chiefly in the grey sandstone unit, as disseminated and veinlet sulphides. Chalcopyrite, the most abundant Cu sulphide, replaced early pyrite. Calcrete, disseminated carbonate and vein carbonate have stable isotope ratios varying from −7.5‰ to −1.1‰ δ13C and from 14.7‰ to 21.3‰ δ18O. The negative δ13C values indicate the oxidation of organic matter in a continental environment. Sulphur isotope ratios for pyrite, chalcopyrite and galena vary from −19‰ to 25‰ δ34S, as measured on mineral concentrates by a conventional SO2 technique. Laser-assisted microanalyses (by fluorination) of S isotopes in pyrite show an analogous range in δ34S values, from −21‰ to 25‰. Negative and positive δ34S values are compatible with bacterial sulphate reduction (BSR) in systems open and closed with respect to sulphate. We interpret similarly high δ34S values for sulphide concentrates (25.1‰) and for vein barite (26.2‰) to result from rapid and complete thermochemical reduction of pore-water sulphate. Two early to late diagenetic stages of mineralisation best explain the origin of the Transfiguration deposit. The first stage was characterised by the ponding of groundwater over the Taconian unconformity, recorded by calcrete and early pyrite formation via BSR in grey sandstone. Early pyrite contains up to 2 wt.% Pb, which is consistent with Pb fixation by sulphate-reducing bacteria. The second stage (II) is defined by the replacement of early pyrite by chalcopyrite, as well as by sulphide precipitation via either BSR or thermochemical sulphate reduction (TSR) in grey sandstone. This event resulted from the synsedimentary fault-controlled percolation and mixing of (1) an oxidising, sulphate-bearing cupriferous fluid migrating per descensum from the red-bed sequence and (2) a hydrocarbon-bearing fluid migrating per ascensum from the Cambro-Ordovician basement. Mixing between the two fluids led to sulphate reduction, causing Cu sulphide precipitation. The positive correlation between Cu and Fe3+/Fe2+ bulk rock values suggests that Fe acted as a redox agent during sulphate reduction. Stage II diagenetic fluid migration is tentatively attributed to the Late Silurian Salinic extensional event.  相似文献   

The Guanajuato epithermal district is one of the largest silver producers in Mexico. Mineralization occurs along three main vein systems trending dominantly northwest–southeast: the central Veta Madre, the La Luz system to the northwest, and the Sierra system to the east. Mineralization consists dominantly of silver sulfides and sulfosalts, base metal sulfides (mostly chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, and pyrite), and electrum. There is a broad zonation of metal distribution, with up to 10 % Cu+Pb+Zn in the deeper mines along the northern and central portions of the Veta Madre. Ore occurs in banded veins and breccias and as stockworks, with gangue composed dominantly of quartz and calcite. Host rocks are Mesozoic sedimentary and intrusive igneous rocks and Tertiary volcanic rocks. Most fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures are between 200 and 300 °C, with salinities below 4 wt.% NaCl equivalent. Fluid temperature and salinity decreased with time, from 290 to 240 °C and from 2.5 to 1.1 wt.% NaCl equivalent. Relatively constant fluid inclusion liquid-to-vapor ratios and a trend of decreasing salinity with decreasing temperature and with increasing time suggest dilution of the hydrothermal solutions. However, evidence of boiling (such as quartz and calcite textures and the presence of adularia) is noted along the Veta Madre, particularly at higher elevations. Fluid inclusion and mineralogical evidence for boiling of metal-bearing solutions is found in gold-rich portions of the eastern Sierra system; this part of the system is interpreted as the least eroded part of the district. Oxygen, carbon, and sulfur isotope analysis of host rocks, ore, and gangue minerals and fluid inclusion contents indicate a hydrothermal fluid, with an initial magmatic component that mixed over time with infiltrating meteoric water and underwent exchange with host rocks. Mineral deposition was a result of decreasing activities of sulfur and oxygen, decreasing temperature, increasing pH, and, in places, boiling.  相似文献   

Pollution by heavy metals presents an environmental concern, and their toxicity threats soil, water, animals and human health. Phytoremediation can be used as a solution to remediate contaminated soils. The aim of this study was to identify native plants collected from tailings: material of Pb–Zn mine sites of Fedj Lahdoum and Jebel Ressas (two abandoned mines located, respectively, in the northwest of Tunisia and in the south of Tunis City). The tolerance of plant to heavy metals (lead, zinc and cadmium) is evaluated. Soil samples were collected and analyzed for Pb, Zn and Cd concentration. The total soil Pb, Zn and Cd are, respectively, reached 6132 mg kg?1, 11,052 mg kg?1 and it doesn’t exceed 479 mg kg?1 for Cd. The highest content of Zn in plants was detected in shoots of Rumex bucephalophorus (1048 mg kg?1), and the highest Pb concentration was detected in roots of Chrysopogon zizanioides (381 mg kg?1), while for Cd Silene colorata it accumulated the highest content in roots (51 mg kg?1). From all plants, only 12 have a translocation factor for Pb which is higher than one. Among all plants, only 17 have a translocation factor that is higher than one for Zn, while for Cd only 13 plants indicate TF > 1. As for the biological absorption coefficient, all samples indicate a rate which is lower than one. These plants can be primarily hyper accumulators and useful in remediation of lead- and zinc-contaminated soils after further biochemistry researches in mechanism of accumulation and translocation of heavy metals in plants.  相似文献   

The Dapingzhang volcanogenic Cu–Pb–Zn sulfide deposit is located in the Lancangjiang tectonic zone within the Sanjiang region, Yunnan province of southwestern China. The deposit occurs within a felsic volcanic dome belonging to a mid-Silurian volcanic belt stretching for more than 100 km from Dapingzhang to Sandashan. The mineralized volcanic rocks are predominantly keratophyre and quartz keratophyre with subordinate spilite. The Dapingzhang deposit is characterized by well-developed vertical zonation with stockwork ores in the bottom, disseminated sulfide ores in the middle, and massive sulfide ores in the top, overlain by a thin layer of chemical sedimentary exhalative rocks (chert and barite). The Re–Os age of the pyrites from the deposit is 417 ± 23 Ma, indistinguishable from the age of the associated felsic volcanic rocks. The associated felsic volcanic rocks are characterized by negative Nb–Ta anomalies and positive εNd(t) values (+ 4.4–+6.5), similar to the coeval calc-alkaline volcanic rocks in the region. This observation supports the interpretation that the felsic volcanic rocks associated with the Dapingzhang deposit are the derivatives of arc basaltic magma by extensive fractional crystallization. The δ34S values of the sulfides from the deposit vary from − 1.24 to + 4.32‰, indicating a predominantly magmatic source for the sulfur. The sulfides are also characterized by homogeneous and relatively low radiogenic Pb isotope compositions (206Pb/204Pb = 18.310–18.656, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.489–15.643 and 208Pb/204Pb = 37.811–38.662), similar to the Pb isotopic compositions of the associated volcanic rocks. The Pb isotopic data indicate that mantle-derived Pb is more prevalent than crust-derived Pb in the deposit. The S–Pb isotopic data indicate that the important ore-forming materials were mainly derived from the associated volcanic rocks. The δ13CPDB and δ18OSMOW values of the associated hydrothermal calcite crystals vary from − 2.3‰ to + 0.27‰ and from + 14.6 to + 24.4‰, respectively. These values are between the mantle and marine carbonate values. The narrow range of the δ13CPDB values for the calcite indicates that carbon-bearing species in the hydrothermal fluids were primarily derived from marine carbonates. The δ18O values for the hydrothermal fluids, calculated from the measured values for quartz, are between − 2.1‰ and + 3.5‰. The corresponding δD values for the fluids range from − 59‰ to − 84‰. The O–H isotopic data indicate mixing between magmatic fluids and seawater in the ore-forming hydrothermal system. Similar to a typical volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposit, the ore-forming fluids contained both magmatic fluids and heated seawater; the ore metals and regents were derived from the underlying magma as well as felsic country rocks.  相似文献   

The Nicholas-Denys Pb–Zn–Ag deposit, located in the Bathurst Mining Camp (New Brunswick), consists of several pyrrhotite–sphalerite–galena sulfide lenses hosted by black mudstone of the Millstream Formation of the Fournier Group, deposited in an Ordovician backarc basin. The Nicholas-Denys sulfide lenses and hydrothermal alteration are conformable to the bedding-parallel S1 regional foliation, and are sheared parallel to the Rocky Brook-Millstream shear zone, indicating a pre-Devonian deformation timing for mineralization. Reduced sulfur for Nicholas-Denys sulfides comes from bacterial reduction of Ordovician seawater sulfates in a system open to sulfates under partially oxygenated bottomwater conditions, with addition of magmatic sulfur from underlying mafic volcanic rocks. Lead was leached from the backarc basin sediments of the Millstream Formation mudstone and from underlying synvolcanic gabbros. The mineralizing fluid for Nicholas-Denys sulfides was reduced and acidic, favorable for precipitation of a pyrrhotite-rich mineralization. Characteristics of the Nicholas-Denys deposit are compatible with a SEDEX-type classification.  相似文献   

The Hakkari nonsulfide zinc deposit is situated close to the southeastern border of Turkey. Here both sulfide and nonsulfide Zn  Pb ores are hosted in carbonate rocks of the Jurassic Cudi Group with features typical of carbonate-hosted supergene nonsulfide zinc mineralization. The regional strike extent of the mineralized district is at least 60 km. The age of the supergene deposit has not been determined, but it is probable that the main weathering happened during Upper Tertiary, possibly between Upper Miocene and Lower Pliocene. The Hakkari mineralization can be compared to other carbonate-hosted Zn–Pb deposits in Turkey, and an interpretation made of its geological setting. The zinc mineral association at Hakkari typically comprises smithsonite and hemimorphite, which apparently replace both sulfide minerals and carbonate host rock. Two generations of smithsonite are present: the first is relatively massive, the second occurs as concretions in cavities as a final filling of remnant porosity. Some zinc is also hosted within Fe–Mn-(hydr)oxides. Lead is present in cerussite, but also as partially oxidized galena. Lead can also occur in Mn-(hydr)oxides (max 30% PbO). The features of the supergene mineralization suggest that the Hakkari deposit belongs both to the “direct replacement” and the “wall-rock replacement” types of nonsulfide ores. Mineralization varies in style from tabular bodies of variable thickness (< 0.5 to 13 m) to cross-cutting breccia zones and disseminated ore minerals in pore spaces and fracture planes. At Hakkari a As–Sb–Tl(≫ Hg) geochemical association has been detected, which may point to primary sulfide mineralization, quite different from typical MVT.  相似文献   

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