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扬子地块东南缘沉积岩的Nd同位素研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
周泰禧  徐祥 《沉积学报》1995,13(3):39-45
扬子地块东南缘上溪群分布区及其周边沉积岩的Nd同位素研究结果,支持存在一条苏浙皖古生代裂陷槽(或江南深断裂)的观点。上溪群以北直至长江边所分布的震旦系-古生代的盖层沉积岩,其Nd模式年龄有两组,表明物源区不同。裂陷槽以北,沉积岩的物源区为Nd模式年龄约2.0~2.1Ga的扬子物源区;以南的沉积岩表现出明显的幔源物质混染,显示出元古代岩浆活动的影响,而上溪群分布区以南直到江绍断裂附近主要表现上溪物源区的影响,华夏地块古老基底岩石则无显著贡献。  相似文献   

扬子南缘沉积岩的Nd同位素演化及其大地构造意义   总被引:41,自引:5,他引:36  
李献华 《岩石学报》1996,12(3):359-369
本文系统分析了扬子块体南缘中元古代到二叠纪各个时代地层中泥质沉积岩的Sm-Nd同位素组成。中元古代(1.6~1.OGa)沉积岩具有一致的Nd模式年龄(tDM)(≈1.8Ga);晚元古代早期(0.9~0.77Ga)沉积岩的tDM年龄从≈1.8Ga急剧降低至。1.3Ga;震旦纪晚期到二叠纪(0.66~0.27Ga)沉积岩的tDM年龄又恢复到大约1.8Ga。晚元古代早期沉积岩tDM年龄的显著降低,表明这个时期扬子南缘的沉积物源区加入了大量新的幔源物质。沉积岩的Nd同位素结果对中国东南部的大地构造演化提供了新的制约。地质、地球化学和年代学资料均表明扬子南缘的板溪群是一正常的元古代地层单位。华南一扬子晚元古代(晋宁期)碰撞造山运动导致了上述沉积岩的“Nd同位素漂移”。  相似文献   

Systematic results of major and trace element geochemistry and Sm-Nd isotopic geochemistry on detrital sedimentary rocks of Precambrian to Triassic in the Ganzi-Songpan block and Longmen Mountains are presented. The rocks are classified into greywackes or feldspar sandstones, grains of which are the mixtures of mafic rocks, felsic rocks, and quartz+calcite. Total rare earth elements (REE) contents of the rocks increase gradually and negative Eu anomalies become more obvious from Precambrian to Triassic, which may indicate intensifying crustal anatexis. Tectonic setting was stable during the Late Paleozoic, therefore there are obvious negative Ce anomalies. Nd model ages are between 1.6 Ga and 2.4 Ga, which are very similar to those of the Yangtze craton, South Qinling and North Qinling belts and quite different from those of the North China craton. Therefore, provenance of the sedimentary rocks in the Ganzi-Songpan block and Longmen Mountains was the Yangtze craton and/or the Qinling orogen, which evolved on the basis of the Yangtze craton. The correlation between provenances and tectonostratigraphic strata of the western Yangtze craton shows that the source materials should be primarily from Neoproterozoic. Secondary sources were Archean and Paleoproterozoic strata. Triassic clastic sedimentary rocks contain Late Paleozoic mantle-derived materials, represented by the Emeishan Permian flood basalts. Spatial distribution of initial Nd isotopic compositions indicates that denudating areas were in the east and the north and depositing areas of deep water were in the west and the south for the Ganzi-Songpan basin during Triassic. Translated from Geology in China, 2006, 33(1): 109–118 [译自: 中国地质]  相似文献   

出露于扬子地块西南缘的盐边群为一套火山-沉积岩系,其深入研究对探讨扬子西缘新元古代构造环境具有重要意义.本文对盐边群中碎屑沉积岩进行了较系统的岩石学、碎屑物质组成和地球化学研究,并从小坪组和乍古组中各选取了1件变质砂岩样品进行锆石U-Pb年龄和Hf同位素分析.变质砂岩主要由棱角状-次棱角状火山岩岩屑、石英和长石矿物碎屑组成.碎屑沉积岩Al2O3/SiO2值为0.12~0.4,K2O/Na2O值范围为0.14 ~9.45(其中板岩K2O/Na2O值多大于1.0,而变质砂岩中多数样品的K2O/Na2O值小于1.0).所有样品具有轻-中等程度的轻重稀土元素分异((La/Yb)N=1.6 ~9.37),多数样品具有明显的负Eu异常.εNd(t)值范围为-1.77~ +5.01.变质砂岩碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄峰值为900~ 910Ma,同时存在少量太古代-古元古代碎屑锆石.小坪组和乍古组变质砂岩中年轻碎屑锆石206pb/238U年龄加权平均值分别为888±8Ma和884±14Ma.碎屑物质组成、地球化学和锆石U-Pb年龄结果共同表明,盐边群碎屑沉积为近源沉积,物源区主要为岛孤中酸性火山岩和花岗岩.结合关刀山岩体(857Ma)和荒田组玄武岩(880~830Ma)研究结果,进一步限定盐边群的时代为880~830Ma,形成于弧后盆地环境,其沉积物源区为华夏地块向扬子地块俯冲过程中,扬子西南缘形成的火山岛孤.  相似文献   

通过对松潘—甘孜地块与龙门山区的前寒武纪—三叠纪碎屑沉积岩的主量与微量元素地球化学及Sm-Nd同位素地球化学的系统研究,确定这些碎屑岩应属于杂砂岩与长石砂岩,其物质来源上应是镁铁质与长英质及石英 碳酸盐的混合物。从前寒武纪到三叠纪稀土总量增高、铕负异常更为明显,反映了壳内深熔作用的不断加强。晚古生代处于相对稳定的构造环境,而出现铈负异常。Nd模式年龄在1.6~2.4Ga之间,分布特征类似于扬子克拉通、南秦岭、北秦岭,而完全不同于华北克拉通,从而证明物质来源主要是扬子克拉通,是在扬子克拉通的基础上发展而成的构造单元。源区对比分析表明新元古代构造层应是沉积盆地的主要物源,其次是太古宙与古元古代,三叠纪的碎屑沉积岩中应含有晚古生代的幔源物质。三叠纪碎屑沉积岩的Nd同位素组成的空间分布特征说明北、东是剥蚀区,西、南为深水沉积区。  相似文献   

New Nd and Sr isotope data are presented in this paper for sediments from the Yellow and Yangtze River drainage basins. The average 143Nd/144Nd isotope compositions of fine-grained sediments from two drainage basins seem similar. The T DMNd ages of sediments from the two drainage basins are relatively uniform but exhibit subtle differences. This reflects the different underlying bedrocks, in association with the unique tectonic terranes that comprise central and southeastern China, including the North China Block, the Yangtze Block, the South China Block, the Tibet Plateau and the Qinling-Dabie Orogenic Belt. In contrast, there is an obvious difference in the 87Sr/86Sr ratios between fine-grained sediments of the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers, which actually reflects an increase in chemical weathering intensity from northwestern to southeastern China.  相似文献   

寻找扬子板块西南地区古老结晶基底一直是众多地质学者追寻的目标,其涉及扬子板块在Nuna超大陆重建中的位置和演化过程,也是前寒武纪研究的重要课题。继在扬子板块西南部中国云南石屏撮科村首次报道2.35Ga花岗片麻岩结晶基底后,又在撮科村—高家坡一带3个花岗岩样品中分别获得了2347.3±4.9Ma、2324.3±8.6Ma和2329.4±5.9Ma的SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄,进一步确认扬子板块西南部中国境内存在2.32~2.35Ga的岩浆事件,其应为Nuna超大陆汇聚期Arrowsmith造山事件在扬子板块的响应。另在1件糜棱岩化花岗闪长岩样品中获得了1909.8±5.7Ma和1843.1±7.6Ma两组年龄,在扬子板块西南部中国境内首次发现1.90Ga和1.84Ga的构造或变质事件。结合前人研究成果,确定扬子板块西南部存在2.91~2.84Ga,2.36~2.32Ga,2.28~2.19Ga的岩浆事件,以及1.97~1.95Ga,1.90Ga,1.84~1.83Ga的变质事件,为确定扬子板块在Nuna超大陆重建中的位置提供了更多证据。  相似文献   

长江水下三角洲层序地层学研究有助于全面了解长江三角洲地层特征和沉积环境演化模式。通过对长江水下三角洲下切河谷区YD0901和YD0903孔岩心的详细沉积物粒度、特征元素比值(Cl/Ti和Zr/Rb)、沉积相对比分析,恢复了冰后期以来长江水下三角洲层序地层格架。研究区冰后期以来自下而上依次出现河流相、潮汐河流相、河口湾相、浅海相和三角洲相的沉积相序。末次冰期海平面下降,古长江形成下切河谷,古河间地发育硬黏土层,构成五级Ⅰ型层序界面。之后海平面回升,分别于15 cal ka BP和8.0 cal ka BP形成最大海退和最大海侵界面,水下三角洲区域最大海侵发生时间略滞后于平原区,约为7.5 cal ka BP。据此3个层序界面将冰后期地层划分为低位体系域、海侵体系域和高位体系域。钻孔岩心记录揭示了14.8 cal ka BP海侵到达研究区;14.8~13 cal ka BP期间,受MWP-1A冰融水事件影响海平面快速上升,海岸线向陆推进速率可达71.9,km/ka;海退期间各钻孔沉积速率较低,直至2 cal ka BP开始,沉积速率明显增加。  相似文献   

扬子地块南缘晚古生代洋壳存在的Nd同位素证据   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
总结我国扬子地块南缘新元古代—早中生代沉积岩目前已发表的Nd同位素资料发现,这些沉积岩具有随时间变化而其Nd同位素组成发生漂移的现象。在绝大多数时间里,它们具有2000Ma左右的Nd模式年龄,但在1000~700Ma的新元古代和<400Ma的晚古生代—早中生代时间段中,Nd同位素模式年龄急剧降低,反映在此时间段内,新生地幔物质已经进入沉积物的物源区。1000~700Ma期间的Nd同位素变化归因于晋宁期的碰撞造山作用而晚古生代-早中生代沉积岩的Nd同位素变异起因于海盆发育阶段洋壳的出现。即扬子地块南缘在晚古生代—早中生代期间曾经存在过洋壳,且该洋盆可能是古特提斯大洋分支的一部分。  相似文献   

西昆仑-塔西南坳陷晚古生代以来的沉积构造演化   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
方爱民  马建英  王世刚  赵越  胡健民 《岩石学报》2009,25(12):3396-3406
自柯克亚深层油气勘探取得突破以来,塔西南坳陷一直受到各类地质学家的广泛关注,有关该盆地的形成和演化历史及其油气资源评价近年来更是成为人们的研究热点.本文在总结前人资料的基础上,探讨塔西南和西昆仑地区自晚古生代以来所经历的构造及沉积格架的演变过程,对塔西南坳陷性质及其演化阶段划分所存在的争议进行了归纳,分析了塔西南-西昆仑这一盆山体系形成和演化中的构造变形和沉积记录.总体来说,根据现有沉积和构造变形资料,中生代之前西昆仑和塔西南坳陷分别处于同一构造背景下的不同沉积单元;二者之间盆山体系的形成主要自晚侏罗世-早白垩世,中-上新世是造盆造山作用机制发生重大转折的时期,或者说早更新世末的构造运动基本上奠定了西昆仑.塔里木盆地南缘现今的盆-山构造格架.  相似文献   

右江盆地晚古生代深水相地层沉积构造演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
陈丛林  史晓颖 《中国地质》2006,33(2):436-443
在对测自桂西地区的田林八渡、那坡坡荷、百色平圩、阳圩等地晚古生代的深水相沉积地层的沉积特征、玄武岩地球化学分析以及重要的构造地质事件研究的基础上.对右江盆地晚古生代盆地沉积演化做了阐述,提出了右江盆地自早泥盆世晚期开始出现大陆边缘裂离,先后经历了裂谷盆地形成阶段(早泥盆世晚期-中三叠世早期)、洋壳盆地形成阶段(晚泥盆世-早石炭世)、洋壳盆地强烈扩张阶段(晚石炭世-中二叠世)、洋壳盆地收缩阶段(晚二叠世-中三叠世早期)-洋盆封闭快速充填阶段(中三叠世晚期)的完整沉积盆地演化序列。  相似文献   

缪宇  田瑜峰  吴亮  吕晓春  李仕忠  宋文婷 《地质学报》2021,95(12):3739-3757
晚二叠世以来受印支造山运动及峨眉山玄武岩喷发事件的影响,上扬子西南缘地区沉积物源及沉积模式发生了重大改变,引发学术界热议。本文以上扬子西南待补地区下三叠统飞仙关组碎屑岩为例,从岩相学、岩石地球化学和碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学等方面对飞仙关组源岩属性、物源、沉积及构造环境进行约束。飞仙关组碎屑岩整体成熟度较低,岩石风化程度中等,源区曾经历过持续的构造抬升剥蚀,并于早三叠世扬子西南缘浅海-滨海相的氧化环境中沉积。其碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄主要集中在257±2.9 Ma,与晚二叠世峨眉山玄武岩主喷发时限一致,岩石地球化学特征表现出与峨眉山高钛玄武岩高度一致,指示飞仙关组主要物源区为近源的峨眉山大火成岩省,源岩主要为板内拉张环境形成的峨眉山高钛玄武岩,并在玄武质岩浆上涌过程中混染了少量扬子陆块古老结晶基底成分。此外,康滇古陆及扬子克拉通也提供了部分物源,主要为Rodinia超大陆汇聚及裂解背景下产生的岩浆岩。年代学证据显示,Rodinia超大陆汇聚及裂解事件在区内具有较好的沉积物源响应,为全球性Rodinia超大陆汇聚及裂解事件的时限约束提供了重要参考依据。  相似文献   

杨红  刘平华  孟恩  王舫  肖玲玲  刘超辉 《岩石学报》2014,30(10):3021-3033
扬子地块西缘近年报道了大量古元古代晚期的地层和侵入岩体,这些地层和岩体的构造环境多数被认为与大陆裂谷相关,而位于扬子西缘的~1.7Ga大红山群一直缺少相关的地球化学证据。本研究对大红山群两种变质基性岩——石榴(斜长)角闪岩(A组)和绿帘斜长角闪岩(B组)的主微量元素进行了地球化学分析,并对其构造环境进行了判别。A、B两组变质基性岩基本具有相似的地球化学性质:主量元素SiO2含量集中于46%~50%,MgO含量较低(5%~6%),但A组FeOT(平均14.28%)远高于B组FeOT(平均3.26%),可能与A组后期发生铁矿化作用有关;两组角闪岩的REE配分模式较一致:A组(La/Yb)N=1.52~4.67和B组(La/Yb)N=1.34~4.50,显示LREE轻微富集,Eu异常、Ce异常均不明显:Eu/Eu*=0.82~1.24,Ce/Ce*=0.93~1.05,两组样品稀土元素特征均具有类似富集型洋中脊玄武岩(E-MORB)的特征;二者的微量元素配分模式也基本一致:相容元素Cr、Co、Ni含量变化较大,不相容元素相对富集,Nb、Ta、Ti负异常不明显,Zr、Hf轻微负异常,其微量元素配分模式区别于岛弧玄武岩和OIB,而与E-MORB较一致。大红山群变质基性岩的地球化学性质可与东川群的基性侵入岩进行类比。A、B两组变质基性岩的原岩为拉斑玄武岩,通过不活动元素构造判别图解推断其构造属性为与富集地幔有关的大陆裂谷环境。变质基性岩中未受陆壳混染样品(Nb/La≈1)的微量、稀土元素地球化学特征显示其岩浆源区可能为富集地幔,结合前人已发表的相关εNd(t)推测大红山群变质基性岩的岩浆源区为不均匀的岩石圈地幔。同样,据扬子西缘相关火山岩的εNd(t)、εHf(t)值推测,扬子西缘1.8~1.5Ga变质火成岩的岩浆源区可能为不均匀的岩石圈地幔。本研究为扬子西缘1.8~1.5Ga大陆裂谷环境的构造岩浆活动提供了新的地球化学证据,大红山群与其同时代火成岩及地层的存在,共同表明了扬子西缘曾在古-中元古代发生了一系列与大陆裂解有关的构造岩浆事件,这期事件是哥伦比亚大陆裂解在扬子西缘的响应。  相似文献   

Through a systematic study on trace elements and REE geochemistry of mudstone deposited in the basin and lower slope environments during Upper Proterozoic to Triassic in the Southwest Yangtze Mssif,three geochemical abnormal horizons of which the geochemical characteristics are quite different from those of other horizons have been established for the first time.They are the Lower Cambrian,the Upper Devonian and the Upper Permian,As compared with the crustal evolution in this area.these three geochemical abnormal horizons are corresponding to the pulling-apart periods of geotectonic cycles.which illustrates that uncommon depositional sources puring into the basin from the earth‘s interior may be one of the most important causes to originate the geochemical anomalies in these lhrizons.Thus it can be realized that the geochemistry of post-Archean sedimentary rocks has a great deal to do with the crustal evolution and it can be used as a tracer to analyze the crustal evolution.The elements in this area are mainly concentrated in these geochemical abnormal horizons,and the degree of enrichment and deficiency of trace elements in other horizons is very limited.A series of research on mineralization indicates that the main strata-bound ore deposits discovered in the Southwest Yangtze Massif occur in the Cambrian,Devonian and Permian-Trassic strata.The results of isotope tracer resarch have also proved that most of the metallogenic elements in these ore deposits came from the host strata.which illustrates that the geochemical abnormal horizons may have made great contributions to these ore-forming processes.Thus it can be concluded that it is only the particular horizons corresponding to the particular periode of earth‘s evolution that can they be the significant source beds because only in these uncommon horizons there can be highly enriched metallogeinc elements.which may be one of the most important reasons for explaining the time-bound nature of mineralization.  相似文献   

The SE margin of the Yangtze Block, South China is composed of the Mesoproterozoic Lengjiaxi Group and the Neoproterozoic Banxi Group, with Sinian- and post-Sinian-cover. A geochemical study was undertaken on the Mesoproterozoic–Neoproterozoic clastic sediments in order to delineate the characteristics of the sediment source and to constrain the tectonic development and crustal evolution of South China.Our results show that the Mesoproterozoic clastic sediments have a dominant component derived from a metavolcanic-plutonic terrane, with a large of mafic component. There is a minor contribution of mafic rocks and older upper crustal rocks to the provenance. Strong chemical weathering in the source area occurred before transport and deposition. The provenance for the Neoproterozoic clastic sediments was most likely old upper continental crust composed of tonalite–granodiorite-dominated, tonalite–granodiorite–granite source rocks, which had undergone strong weathering and/or recycling. A minor component of older K-rich granitic plutonic rocks and younger volcanogenic bimodal rocks is also indicated.Based on the regional geology, the geochemical data and the inferred provenance, the Mesoproterozoic Group is interpreted as a successive sedimentary sequence, deposited in an extensional/rifting back-arc basin, adjacent to a >1.80 Ga continental margin arc-terrane. The progressive extension/rifting of the back-arc basin was followed by increasing subsidence and regional uplift during continental marginal arc-continent (the Cathaysian Block) collision at 1.0 Ga caused the deposition of the Neoproterozoic Group into back-arc to retro-arc foreland basin. Therefore, the depositional setting of the Proterozoic clastic sediments and associated volcanic rocks within the back-arc basin reflected basin development from an active continental margin (back-arc basin), with extension or rifting of the back-arc basin, to a passive continental margin.  相似文献   

This article presents Sm-Nd and geochemical data on fine-grained sediments of the northern margin from the Yangtze block, China, to understand the variations of Nd isotopic compositions and crustal evolution history in this area. The results are as follows: (1) Nd isotopic compositions for clastic sedimentary rocks of the Middle-Late Proterozoic have relatively positive Nd(t) values ( 2.72 to 0.69), with Nd model ages from 1.38 Ga to 1.55 Ga, corresponding to the contemporaneous volcanic rocks from the Xixiang (西乡) Group. This indicates that the arc-related materials from Middle-Late Proterozoic dominate the provenances of the Middle-Late Proterozoic periods. (2) The gradual decrease in εNd(t) during the Cambrian-Carboniferous periods is likely to reflect the progressively increasing proportion of erosion materials from the Foping (佛坪) and Qinling (秦岭) complexes, corresponding to a gradually decreasing trend in the La/Th ratios. (3) A prominent increase in the εNd(t) value of the Late Permian strata probably reflects the significant incorporation of the mantle-derived materials. The trace element data are compared with data of the Emeishan (峨嵋山) flood basalts. These data indicate that the volcanic dust has been added to the Late Permian strata during the Late Permian, represented by periods of extremely high Emeishan flood basalt activity in the south-eastern margin of the Yangtze block.  相似文献   

长江安庆段NE向河谷中发育河流相与山麓相两套沉积体系。文章基于实测第四系钻孔资料,通过构建NW向、NNE向钻孔对比剖面,揭示了该区长江冲积平原、岗地等地质地貌单元地层组合特征;结合区域新构造运动特征、气候变化等资料分析,探讨了长江河谷古河道演化历程。研究结果表明:长江安庆段河谷区发育了至少2个由含砾粗砂到含粉砂黏土的河流沉积旋回,两侧岗地同期沉积了下蜀组及戚家叽组山麓相地层;第四系沉积物由河流冲积、风成堆积等多种成因类型组成,经历了早中更新世冲洪积,中晚更新世风成堆积、河流下切侵蚀与充填等地质过程;新构造运动、冰期-间冰期气候旋回波动、海平面升降等因素共同影响了长江安庆段古河道演化历程。  相似文献   

扬子克拉通保存的独特拉伸纪晚期碎屑岩建造为研究新元古代中期演化提供了绝佳素材,内部丰富的凝灰岩夹层和同位素年龄也为扬子克拉通新元古代中期演化提供有效的年代学约束。然而扬子克拉通拉伸系莲沱组内部演化缺少年代学约束,制约了拉伸纪晚期扬子克拉通的沉积演化研究。本研究通过野外地质调查,采用LA-ICP-MS技术获取莲沱组底界(神农架)凝灰岩锆石U-Pb谐和年龄为763.1±6.2 Ma,莲沱组下部陆相地层中获得(鹤峰)的凝灰岩锆石U-Pb谐和年龄761.8±7.1 Ma,莲沱组中下部海陆过渡段获得通山(764.1±3.5 Ma)、长阳(751.5±6.3 Ma)、神农架(752.1±6.5 Ma)三组凝灰岩锆石U-Pb谐和年龄。莲沱组顶部海相地层获得729.6±9.2 Ma(皖南休宁组)、722.4±4.5 Ma(神农架)凝灰岩锆石U-Pb谐和年龄,以及城口龙潭河组凝灰岩锆石U-Pb谐和年龄(712.4±6.4 Ma)。这些凝灰岩锆石年龄数据和地层序列表明:820~770 Ma扬子克拉通普遍处于暴露剥蚀环境,770~750 Ma开始沉积陆相-海陆过渡相莲沱组,750 Ma之后扬子克拉通过渡到海...  相似文献   

Nd data from the Paleoproterozoic magmatic rocks of Vila Riozinho and Jamanxim (Tapajós gold province) indicate that original magmas were not produced exclusively by the remelting of Archean sialic crust and point to dominant Paleoproterozoic sources. εNd(T) values preclude derivation from mantle sources for the ca. 2.0 Ga Vila Riozinho volcanics and older São Jorge granite. They may represent a subduction-related magmatic arc with magmas modified by interaction with crust or a post- to late-orogenic remelting of an older Paleoproterozoic juvenile arc with minimal contribution from the Archean crust. The origin of the 1.88 Ga Parauari, Maloquinha, Iriri, and Moraes Almeida igneous associations and the Jamanxim rhyolites has been attributed to large-scale taphrogenesis that marked the breakup of a large Paleoproterozoic continent. Derivation of the original magmas from the remelting of crustal sources older than ca. 1.9 Ga is consistent with geochemical and Nd isotopic data. Archean remnants probably occur between the Paleoproterozoic terrains of the Ventuari-Tapajós province. Archean terrains of the Amazon craton extend from the Xingu to the Itaituba region but have not been identified in the southern Guyana shield. Thus, data reveal that the boundaries between the central Amazon and Ventuari-Tapajós provinces need better definition and more detailed field and geochronological work.  相似文献   

Provenance data from Paleoproterozoic and possible Archean sedimentary units in the central eastern Gawler Craton in southern Australia form part of a growing dataset suggesting that the Gawler Craton shares important basin formation and tectonic time lines with the adjacent Curnamona Province and the Isan Inlier in northern Australia. U–Pb dating of detrital zircons from the Eba Formation, previously mapped as the Paleoproterozoic Tarcoola Formation, yields exclusively Archean ages (ca 3300–2530 Ma), which are consistent with evolved whole-rock Nd and zircon Hf isotopic data. The absence of Paleoproterozoic detrital grains in a number of sequences (including the Eba Formation), despite the proximity of voluminous Paleoproterozoic rock units, suggests that the Eba Formation may be part of a Neoarchean or early Paleoproterozoic cover sequence derived from erosion of a multi-aged Archean source region. The ca 1715 Ma Labyrinth Formation, unconformably overlying the Eba Formation, shares similar depositional timing with other basin systems in the Gawler Craton and the adjacent Curnamona Province. Detrital zircon ages in the Labyrinth Formation range from Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic, and are consistent with derivation from >1715 Ma components of the Gawler Craton. Zircon Hf and whole-rock Nd isotopic data also suggest a source region with a mixed crustal evolution (εNd –6 to –4.5), consistent with what is known about the Gawler Craton. Compared with the lower Willyama Supergroup in the adjacent Curnamona Province, the Labyrinth Formation has a source more obviously reconcilable with the Gawler Craton. Stratigraphically overlying the Eba and Labyrinth Formations is the 1656 Ma Tarcoola Formation. Zircon Hf and whole-rock Nd isotopic data indicate that the Tarcoola Formation was sourced from comparatively juvenile rocks (εNd –4.1 to + 0.5). The timing of Tarcoola Formation deposition is similar to the juvenile upper Willyama Supergroup, further strengthening the stratigraphic links between the Gawler and Curnamona domains. Additionally, the Tarcoola Formation is similar in age to extensive units in the Mt Isa and Georgetown regions in northern Australia, also shown to be isotopically juvenile. These juvenile sedimentary rocks contrast with the evolved underlying sequences and hint at the existence of a large-scale ca 1650 Ma juvenile basin system in eastern Proterozoic Australia.  相似文献   

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