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Accretionary complex histories are broadly understood. Sedimentation in seafloor and trench environments on drifting subducting plates and in associated trenches, followed by (1) deformation and metamorphism in the subduction zone and (2) subsequent uplift at the overriding plate edge, result in complicated stratigraphic and structural sequences in accretionary complexes. Recognizing, defining, and designating individual terranes in subduction complexes clarify some of these complicated relationships within the resulting continent-scale orogenic belts. Terrane designation does not substitute for detailed stratigraphic and structural mapping. Stratigraphic and structural mapping, combined with radiometric and palaeontologic dating, are necessary for delineation of coherent, broken, and dismembered formations, and various mélange units, and for clarification of the details of subduction complex architecture and history. The Franciscan Complex is a representative subduction complex that has evolved through sedimentation, faulting, folding, and low-temperature metamorphism, followed by uplift, associated deformation, and later overprinted deformation. Many belts of Franciscan rocks are offset by strike-slip faults associated with the dextral San Andreas Fault System. In the Franciscan Complex, among the terrane names applied widely, are the ‘Yolla Bolly Terrane’ and the ‘Central Terrane’. Where detailed mapping and detrital zircon ages exist, data reveal that the two names have been applied to rocks of similar general character and age. In the northeastern Diablo Range, Franciscan Complex rocks include coherent units, broken and dismembered formations, and various types of mélanges, all assigned at various times to the Yolla Bolly and other terranes. The details of stratigraphic and structural history revealed by large-scale mapping and radiometric dating prove to be more useful in clarifying the accretionary complex history than assigning a terrane name to the rocks. That history will assist in resolving terrane assignment issues and allow discrimination of subduction-associated and post-subduction events, essential for understanding the overall history of the orogen.  相似文献   

Melanges play three principal, overlapping roles in the architecture of subduction accretionary complexes (SACs) during and after SAC formation. First, tectonic melanges serve as zones of concentrated deformation within and below the accreted rocks that are assembled during the subduction-accretion process. These melanges facilitate preservation of inter-melange, less deformed, accretionary units (AUs). Beneath the trench side of the SAC, the initial deformation zone along the decollement at the top of the down-going plate is marked by non-melange, tectonically dismembered formations or thinner units of scaly rock and breccia that separate accreted rocks above from the subducting rocks below. Olistostromal rocks may be incorporated into the decollement here. In the mid-arc to inner-arc areas of the SAC, exotic block-bearing mélanges develop in zones of tectonic fragmentation and mixing of accreting ocean plate stratigraphy, in mud diapirs, and along out-of-sequence faults, some of which facilitate uplift of high-pressure rocks and serpentinite-matrix mélanges. Second, after accretion, the sedimentary, tectonic, diapiric, and polygenetic mélange units serve as single block or sheet architectural AUs (or subunits within larger accreted AUs) of the SAC. Diapiric melanges and sedimentary olistostromal mélanges formed in and above SAC fault blocks, respectively, may become incorporated into the SAC during ongoing deformation and become architectural units, as well. Third, melanges serve as post-subduction stress guides that focus shear strain during continuing and post-accretion deformation of SACs, allowing ongoing modification of the SAC during progressive deformation of the orogen. Examples of each type of role reveal the importance of all three processes in the current architecture of outer orogenic belts.  相似文献   

Block-in-matrix formations in the Variscan foreland of Spain (Cantabrian Zone) occur in two different geological settings. The major block-in-matrix formations are mélanges, which appear as carpets beneath or ahead of submarine thrust systems. These mélanges may reach up to kilometric thickness and are mostly composed of broken formations (boudinaged sequences) of late Carboniferous age and scattered ‘exotic’ blocks derived from older Palaeozoic formations. Moreover, the mélanges in the Cantabrian Zone also include subordinate debris flow deposits with a chaotic block-in-matrix fabric (olistostromes). The source of the mélange blocks was the front of advancing nappes, chiefly the upper part of the nappe stacks. Therefore, the Cantabrian mélanges are interpreted as originated through submarine sliding and slumping associated with steep slopes at the orogenic front. The different types of rock bodies of these mélanges may be related to the degree of lithification of the sediments or rocks during slumping. So, broken formations are boudinaged sequences where the boudins or blocks resulted from extensional faults developed in lithified or semilithified limestones and sandstones, whereas the unlithified muddy matrix underwent continuous deformation. The scattered ‘exotic’ blocks ranging in age from early Cambrian to early Carboniferous were incorporated into the mélanges as individual blocks from competent well-lithified formations, originally located in the lower part of the nappe stacks. Although the Cantabrian Zone mélanges include olistostromic intervals, most of the olistostromes of this zone occur in a different geological setting. They are usually intercalated in the normal marine deposits of the Variscan foreland basin and, in contrast to the mélanges, they are mostly related to the margins of carbonate platforms, ahead of moving nappes. Finally, other instances of olistostromes are related to slopes generated by limb rotation of growth folds, which developed on submarine wedge-top successions.  相似文献   


The Franciscan Complex comprises the largely sedimentary basement of the California Coast Ranges. This classic trench deposit has undergone a series of superimposed tectonic events since the end of Jurassic time, involving accretion, high-pressure (HP) recrystallization, buoyancy and wedge-driven exhumation, and transcurrent slip. Processes reflect plate convergence, transpressive-orthogonal subduction, and transpressive–transtensive offset. Besides stratigraphically intact strata, the Franciscan displays widespread mélanges of four main types: diapiric serpentinite intrusions, sedimentary olistostromes, broken formations, and tectonic block-in-matrix units. In the northern Coast Ranges, mélanges are especially prevalent in the Central Belt, but also occur in the Eastern and Coastal belts. Diapirs show upward, buoyant flow relative to wall rocks, but some also appear to have involved wedge-driven thrusting. Many serpentinite diapirs and tectonic mélanges contain exotic metamafic inclusions rimmed by actinolite–chlorite reaction rinds. Olistostromes include gravity slump blocks and conglomeratic lenses; petrologically similar to larger slide blocks, pebble layers document a surficial, sedimentary origin, as does the presence of volcanic arc clasts. Broken formations grade by degrees from intact stratal continuity to disrupted units; they only contain cognate boudins of rocks present in the ductile matrix. Some tectonic mélanges are simply intensely disaggregated broken formations, and include rock types of the stratigraphic host. Other tectonic mélanges carry exotic HP blocks of diverse lithologies, generally reflecting higher pressures than attended recrystallization of the low-density matrix. The four mélange types formed through diverse convergent plate-tectonic processes. Many were subjected to a multi-stage overprint; most are strongly deformed, obscuring original textures and structures. Broken formations are the most common disrupted units, accompanied by lesser amounts of tectonic mélanges, olistostromes, and ductile-matrix diapirs. In aggregate, these units reflect the operation of contrasting processes that attest to plate-tectonic evolution of the Franciscan Complex. Strong deformation accompanied oceanic plate underflow, but also took place during coeval HP metamorphism and surfaceward return of accretionary packets, then transitioned to long-sustained, chiefly dextral slip.  相似文献   

The western margin of Myanmar is the northern extension the active Sunda (India-Eurasia) subduction zone. Coastal regions and offshore islands have remarkable exposures of chaotic rock terranes along wave-cut terraces that allow characteristics of tectonic, sedimentary and diapiric mélanges to be recognized. Tectonic shear zones (tectonic mélanges) contain fragments of Cretaceous ophiolites (chrome-spinel-bearing peridotites and radiolarian cherts) that are in contact with thrust packets of Eocene turbidite units (broken formations). The turbidites contain shale-rich beds that have been sheared during soft-sediment deformation (sedimentary broken formations) and are sandwiched between undeformed thick sandy beds. These are mass transport deposits (MTDs) that most likely formed during deposition of the initial detritus of the Himalayan orogenic zone, probably trench slope basins on the accretionary prism. The ophiolitic and turbiditic thrust slices have been exhumed and are currently being intruded by active mud volcanoes that bring fragments of units up from depth to the surface, forming diapiric mélanges. These diapiric mélange bodies contain only small fragments (<50 cm) that are randomly oriented and do not exhibit shear fabrics. Because the region lacks superimposed deformation characteristic of most orogenic belts, the origins of all three rock bodies can easily be distinguished.  相似文献   

In the Inner Western Alps, three different types of block-in-matrix structures (BIMs) formed sequentially through time at a convergent plate margin. These show the superposition of progressive deformation from (i) subduction to eclogite-facies depths, (ii) collision, accretion, and exhumation of oceanic crust, represented by the Monviso Meta-ophiolite Complex, to (iii) collision, accretion, and exhumation of the continental Dora Maira units. The Type 1 occurs in the metasedimentary cover of the Dora Maira Unit and consists of a map-scale broken formation with boudinaged ‘native’ blocks of marble (Early Jurassic) in a calcschist matrix. It results from the tectonic overprinting of exhumation-related folding (D2-stage) on an earlier subduction-related dismembered succession (D1-stage). Type 1 also includes ‘non-mappable’ BIMs with ‘exotic’ blocks, resulting from the gravitational collapse of the Triassic carbonate platform of European Continental Margin, triggered by the Early Jurassic rifting. In the Monviso Meta-ophiolite Complex, Types 2 and 3 represent tectonically induced broken and dismembered formations, respectively. They differ from each other in the degree of stratal disruption of primary interbedded horizons of mafic metabreccia (Type 3) and mafic metasandstone (Types 2 and 3) sourced by the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous denudation of an oceanic core complex. Dismembered interbeds (Type 2) and isolated blocks were mixed together (Type 3) by the overlap of D2 tectonics and late- to post-exhumation extensional shearing (D3-stage). Development of these types of BIMs may be common in many exhumed convergent plate margins, where severe tectonics and metamorphic recrystallization under high-pressure conditions normally prevent the reconstruction of BIMs or mélange-forming processes. Our findings show that documenting the mode and time of the processes forming BIMs is highly relevant in order to reconstruct the oceanic seafloor morphology and composition of associated stratigraphic successions, and their control in the evolution of those convergent plate margins.  相似文献   

Ocean plate stratigraphy (OPS) is essential to understanding accretionary wedges and complexes along convergent plate margins. Mélanges within accretionary wedges and complexes are the products of fragmentation and mixing processes during and following OPS accretion. A new term, ‘OPS mélange’, is proposed here for mélanges composed mostly of blocks of OPS with an argillaceous matrix, and for a mixture of mélanges of multiple origins with either broken or coherent formations. An OPS mélange results from the fragmentation and disruption of OPS, without admixing of other components. Three major types of OPS mélange can be distinguished on the basis of their components: turbidite type, chert–turbidite type, and limestone–basalt type. These three types potentially form similar mélanges, but they are derived from different parts of the OPS, depending on the level of the decollement surface. The concept of ‘OPS mélange’ can be applied to most of the mélanges in accretionary prisms and complexes worldwide. In addition, this proposal recognizes a distinction between processes of fragmentation and mixing of OPS components, and mixing of ophiolite components, the latter of which results in serpentinite mélanges, not OPS mélanges. Mélanges composed of OPS sequences occur worldwide. The recognition of OPS mélanges is a key aspect of understanding tectonic processes at convergent margins, which result in mélange formation in orogenic belts globally.  相似文献   

The Franciscan Complex of California is better understood now than in 1972, when Berkland et al. defined it as a complex and divided it into three geographic belts. A re-evaluation is needed. Belts first served as major architectural units, but they have been abandoned by some and renamed as and subdivided into tectonostratigraphic terranes by others. The Franciscan Complex – considered to be the archetypical accretionary complex by many – is the folded, faulted, and stratally disrupted rock mass comprising the supramantle basement of the California-Southern Oregon Coast Ranges exposed east of the Salinian Block and west of and structurally below principal exposures of the Coast Range Fault, Coast Range Ophiolite, Great Valley Group, and Klamath Mountains. The Complex is dominated by sandstones and mudrocks, but contains mafic oceanic crustal fragments with chert, limestone, and other rock types, and zeolite, prehnite-pumpellyite, blueschist, and rare amphibolite and eclogite facies metamorphic rocks. Review of historical precedence, new data, available large-scale maps, and fundamental definitions suggest now (1) that the Belt terminology as applied to the entire Franciscan Complex conflicts with current knowledge of Franciscan rocks and architecture; and (2) that most named Franciscan terranes and nappes are inconsistent with basic definitions of those unit types. The major architectural units into which the Franciscan Complex can be divided are accretionary units – mélanges and underthrust sheets. Underthrust sheets can be subdivided into smaller units, e.g. broken formations and olistostromal mélanges, mappable using traditional lithostratigraphic and structural mapping techniques. Unresolved controversies in reconstruction of the nature and history of the accretionary complex relate to specific mélange origins; megathrust versus subduction channel mélange models; chert conundrums; delineation of the ages, subdivisions, and regional architecture of Franciscan units; palinspastic reconstruction of the pre-Late Cenozoic architecture; and reconstruction of the complete histories of accretionary units.  相似文献   

Multiple episodes of deformation during the tectonic evolution of orogenic belts and ancient subduction-accretion complexes cause obfuscation of primary block-in-matrix fabric of mélanges, and thereby making the recognition of their tectonic, sedimentary or diapiric origin difficult. Here we present a comprehensive overview and synthesis of a diverse set of field-based stratigraphic and structural criteria, which are at the base of geological mapping rules, to differentiate between various mélange types, developed by disparate geological processes and mechanisms. We first define the current concepts of mélange and mélange nomenclature, and describe the most diagnostic features of tectonic, sedimentary and diapiric mélanges at different scales. We discuss some of the main issues complicating the application of these diagnostic criteria, such as: (i) similarities between the block-in-matrix fabric of different mélange types formed in partially lithified sediments at shallow structural levels, (ii) transformation of fabric elements with increased depth due to tectonic reworking and recrystallization processes, (iii) significance of “exotic” versus “native” blocks in mélange matrix, and (iv) age relationships between blocks and matrix in a mélange. We introduce two additional criteria in approaching these complexities and in recognizing different processes of polygenetic mélanges formation in the field when primary diagnostic fabrics were reworked by multiple deformational events. These new criteria are based on (i) the coherence between lithological compositions of mélange components (blocks and matrix) and characteristics and tectonic evolution of the geodynamic setting of their formation (“tectonic environment criterion”), and (ii) specificity and kinematic coherence in the distribution of deformation between blocks and the matrix (“deformation criterion”). The discussed diagnostic criteria can be applied to all field-based investigations of mélanges and broken formations in orogenic belts and exhumed subduction-accretion complexes around the world, regardless of their location, age, and tectonic history.  相似文献   

The Humber Arm Allochthon was structurally emplaced onto the Laurentian margin in western Newfoundland during Taconian (Ordovician) and Acadian (Devonian) deformation. On Port au Port Peninsula, disrupted allochthonous rocks previously mapped as mélange and scaly shale include three mappable, variably disrupted, stratigraphic units; in addition, mixed rocks constitute mélange with much smaller area than previously mapped. At outcrop scale, a qualitative assessment of disruption distinguishes broken, but coherent stratigraphy from a more disrupted and mixed mélange unit. Within coherent regions, three generations of folds are probably related to Taconian, Acadian and Carboniferous deformation events. More disrupted regions show an average of ~24% blocks to 76% matrix with block sizes 0.5–158 cm. A new sampling technique allowed recovery of oriented mélange samples for thin-section. Multiple orientations of extensional fractures suggest approximately coaxial extension. Abundant carbonate and less common bitumen-filled veins suggest that high fluid pressure played a role in the emplacement of the Allochthon. High fluid pressure was probably also responsible for dewatering structures, sandstone dykes and partially brecciated carbonate beds. Map relationships, outcrop and thin-section scale observations lead to a reinterpreted structural history for western Newfoundland in which an early, Taconian, West Bay Thrust Sheet was rapidly emplaced onto the Laurentian margin. During emplacement, debris flows initially contributed igneous blocks to the allochthon, but the majority of fragmentation took place in an environment of horizontal tectonic extension promoted by high fluid-pressure that encouraged brittle fracture. The West Bay thrust sheet was subsequently overridden by the out-of-sequence Lourdes Thrust. Parts of the allochthon were probably re-imbricated in later events, but because of previous disruption, an organized imbricated thrust belt was not developed. At the tip of an advancing thrust wedge, a clear distinction between tectonic and surficial processes of mélange formation may not be possible.  相似文献   

How ophiolitic mèlanges can be defined as sutures is controversial with regard to accretionary orogenesis and continental growth.The Chinese Altay,East junggar,Tianshan,and Beishan belts of the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB) in Northwest China,offer a special natural laboratory to resolve this puzzle.In the Chinese Altay,the Erqis unit consists of ophiolitic melanges and coherent assemblages,forming a Paleozoic accretionary complex.At least two ophiolitic melanges(Armantai,and Kelameili) in East Junggar,characterized by imbricated ophiolitic melanges,Nb-enriched basalts,adakitic rocks and volcanic rocks,belong to a Devonian-Carboniferous intra-oceanic island arc with some Paleozoic ophiolites,superimposed by Permian arc volcanism.In the Tianshan,ophiolitic melanges like Kanggurtag,North Tianshan,and South Tianshan occur as part of some Paleozoic accretionary complexes related to amalgamation of arc terranes.In the Beishan there are also several ophiolitic melanges,including the Hongshishan,Xingxingxia-Shibangjing,Hongliuhe-Xichangjing,and Liuyuan ophiolitic units.Most ophiolitic melanges in the study area are characterized by ultramafic,mafic and other components,which are juxtaposed,or even emplaced as lenses and knockers in a matrix of some coherent units.The tectonic settings of various components are different,and some adjacent units in the same melange show contrasting different tectonic settings.The formation ages of these various components are in a wide spectrum,varying from Neoproterozoic to Permian.Therefore we cannot assume that these ophiolitic melanges always form in linear sutures as a result of the closure of specific oceans.Often the ophiolitic components formed either as the substrate of intra-oceanic arcs,or were accreted as lenses or knockers in subduction-accretion complexes.Using published age and paleogeographic constraints,we propose the presence of (1) a major early Paleozoic tectonic boundary that separates the Chinese Altay-East Junggar multiple subduction system  相似文献   

As one of the mélanges in the southern side of the Yarlung-Zangbo suture zone, the Saiqu mélange in southern Tibet is important for understanding the evolution of the Neo-Tethys ocean. The age of the Saiqu mélange, however, has been debated due to the lack of reliable fossil evidence in matrix strata. Based on lithological similarities with platform strata in southern Tibet and limited fossils from exotic blocks, previous studies variously ascribed the Saiqu mélange to be Triassic in general, Late Triassic, or Late Cretaceous. Here we reported planktonic foraminiferal faunas from the matrix strata of the Saiqu mélange. The new fossils yield a Late Cretaceous age, which is so far the best age constraint for the mélange. Regional stratigraphic correlation indicates that the Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds (CORBs) in Saiqu may be time equivalent to the CORBs of the Zongzhuo Formation in neighboring regions. Thus the Saiqu mélange should be correlated to the Upper Cretaceous Zongzhuo Formation rather than the Triassic Xiukang Group, as previously suggested.  相似文献   

The Cretaceous-Palaeocene Casanova Complex occurs in two thrust sheets of the eugeosynclinal Ligurids of the Northern Apennines. It is a sedimentary mélange with ophiolitic and quartzose turbidites or limestone-shale olistostrome (submarine debris flows) as matrix. Exotic blocks of ophiolite and granite, serpentinite breccias and lenticular ophiolitic breccias and olistostromes contribute to the mélange character of the complex. Deformational structures include soft-sediment slump folds (indicating a SW-dipping palaeoslope) and boudins, a gradational slumped top to the mélange, small-scale faults in chert blocks and deformation associated with the emplacement of the exotic slide blocks. The blocks were shed as rotational slides from submarine fault scarps and are surrounded by haloes of debris created by submarine weathering. The stacking pattern of the blocks, with the originally stratigraphically highest ophiolite lithologies lowest in the pile of blocks, is explained by a diverticulation model with progressively deeper erosion. Mechanical analysis shows that the blocks were stable when partly exposed resting on a soft sediment substratum. Criteria which distinguish the Casanova Complex from a tectonic mélange, and which may be of value in other mélanges, are discussed. Previous interpretations of the complex as a precursor olistostrome to northeastward nappe emplacement (the Bracco ridge model) are rejected. The mélange is believed to have formed on ocean crust as a result of turbidite and debris flow sedimentation, soft sediment deformation, block faulting, gravity sliding and submarine erosion at the distal edge of a uniformly SW-dipping continental margin.  相似文献   

Zildat Ophiolitic Mélange (ZOM) of the Indus Suture Zone, Himalaya, represents tectonic blocks of the fragmented oceanic metasediments and ophiolite remnants. The ZOM is sandwiched between the Zildat fault adjacent to a gneissic dome known as Tso Morari Crystalline (TMC) and thin sliver of an ophiolite called as the Nidar Ophiolitic Complex. The ZOM contain chaotic low-density lithologies of metamorphosed oceanic sediments and hydrated mantle rocks, in which carbonates are present as mega-clasts ranging from 100 meters to few centimeters in size. In this work, calcite microstructures, fluid inclusion petrography and stable isotope analyses of carbonates were carried out to envisage the emplacement history of the ZOM. Calcite microstructure varies with decreasing temperature and increasing intensity of deformation. Intense shearing is seen at the marginal part of the mélange near Zildat fault. These observations are consistent with the mélange as a tectonically dismembered block, formed at a plate boundary in convergent setup. The δ18O and δ13C isotope values of carbonates show bimodal nature from deeper (interior) to the shallower (marginal, near the Zildat fault) part of the mélange. Carbonate blocks from deeper part of the mélange reflect marine isotopic signature with limited fluid–rock interaction, which later on provide a mixing zone of oceanic metasediments and/or hydrated ultramafic rocks. Carbonates at shallower depths of the mélange show dominance of syn-deformation hydrous fluids, and this has later been modified by metamorphism of the adjacent TMC gneisses. Above observations reveal that the mélange was emplaced over the subducting Indian plate and later on synchronously deformed with the TMC gneissic dome.  相似文献   

This paper compares features of unambiguous tectonic serpentinite mélanges (TSM) or serpentinite shear zones in the Coast Range ophiolite, Franciscan subduction complex, of coastal California and Sierra City Mélange of the northern Sierra Nevada of northeastern California with undisputed sedimentary serpentinite mélange (SSM) of the Great Valley Group (GVG) forearc basin deposits of coastal California, and with Franciscan serpentinite mélanges of disputed (sedimentary versus tectonic) origin. The GVG sedimentary serpentinite mélanges and disputed Franciscan serpentinite mélanges share strongly similar matrix textures and block-matrix relationships at scales from tens of meters or more to petrographic scale but differ significantly from serpentinite shear zones and TSM. This comparison suggests shared (non-diagnostic) and distinguishing features of TSM versus SSM. Internal bedding or foliation in blocks is oriented subparallel to mélange boundaries and matrix foliation for both TSM and SSM both may have strongly foliated matrix and both may feature localized shearing in matrix around block borders, especially if an SSM underwent significant post-depositional deformation. The same holds true for deformation and dismemberment of blocks, which is the block-forming and mixing mechanism in TSM but variably exhibited in SSM. In contrast only SSM have blocks or clasts whose internal foliation or bedding terminates abruptly along clast/block boundaries with a mismatch in mineralogy and/or lithology across such boundaries. Matrix foliation cuts blocks/clasts in TSM but not in SSM. SSM may show block/grain size grading but not TSM. SSM have exotic blocks and blocks may span a range of metamorphic grade, whereas TSM lack exotic blocks and blocks are isofacial.  相似文献   


The NE-SW-trending Burdur–Fethiye fault zone is one of the major active fault zones of southwestern Turkey and the ancient city of Cibyra is located on this zone. Segments of the Burdur–Fethiye fault zone have ruptured in the historical period and during the 20th century. A detailed investigation in the ancient city of Cibyra showed the presence of faults sinistrally offset sitting rows of the stadium up to 50 cm. In addition, there are broken corners of blocks, collapsed walls, broken columns, and tilted and toppled blocks in existing major buildings in the city centre. Field observations showed that fractures and associated damage at Cibyra Produced by a post-Roman earthquake, possibly during the 417-A.D.-earthquake which had an intensity of 9 on the MSK scale. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS.  相似文献   

The origin of block-in-matrix mélanges has been the subject of intense speculation by structural and tectonic geologists working in accretionary complexes since their first recognition in the early twentieth century. Because of their enigmatic nature, a number of important international meetings and a large number of publications have been devoted to the problem of the origin of mélanges. As mélanges show the effects of the disruption of lithological units to form separate blocks, and also apparently show the effects shearing in the scaly fabric of the matrix, a tectonic origin has often been preferred. Then it was suggested that the disruption to form the blocks in mélanges could also occur in a sedimentary environment due to the collapse of submarine fault scarps to form olistostromes, upon which deformation could be superimposed tectonically. Subsequently it has proposed that some mélanges have originated by overpressured clays rising buoyantly towards the surface, incorporating blocks of the overlying rocks in mud or shale diapirs and mud volcanoes.Two well-known examples of mélanges from the Banda and Sunda arcs are described, to which tectonic and sedimentary origins were confidently ascribed, which proved on subsequent examination to have been formed due to mud diapirism, in a dynamically active environment, as the result of tectonism only indirectly. Evidence from the Australian continental Shelf to the south of Sumba shows that large quantities of diapiric mélange were generated before the diapirs were incorporated in the accretionary complex. Comparable diapirs can be recognised in Timor accreted at an earlier stage. Evidence from both Timor and Nias shows that diapiric mélange can be generated well after the initial accretion process was completed.The problem is: Why, when diapirism is so abundantly found in present convergent margins, is it so rarely reported from older orogenic belts? Many occurrences of mélanges throughout the world to which tectonic and/or sedimentary and origins have been ascribed, may in future investigations prove to have had a diapiric origin.It is emphasised that although the examples of diapiric mélange described here may contain ophiolitic blocks, they were developed in shelf or continental margin environments, and do not contain blocks of high grade metamorphic rocks in a serpentinous matrix; such mélanges originate diapirically during subduction in a mantle environment, as previous authors have suggested.  相似文献   

付长垒  闫臻 《地球学报》2017,38(S1):29-32
祁连造山带是原特提斯洋闭合过程中, 阿拉善和柴达木地块在青藏高原东北缘拼合的产物。它是由蛇绿岩残片、海山、岛弧、弧前/弧后盆地等多个构造单元构成的典型增生型造山带, 表现出在多个元古代微陆块周围分布有蛇绿岩和岛弧火山岩的特征。蛇绿混杂带广泛分布于北祁连和南祁连中, 在南祁连主要出露寒武纪玄武岩、安山岩、辉长岩、超基性堆晶岩、硅质岩、灰岩、砂岩和少量地幔橄榄岩, 呈现出蛇绿混杂带的典型特征, 其中拉脊山蛇绿混杂带是该蛇绿混杂带的最大组成部分。因此, 拉脊山蛇绿混杂带的来源和形成构造背景对研究祁连造山带构造演化具有重要的意义。由于构造的复杂性以及系统的野外和岩石学方面研究的缺乏, 拉脊山蛇绿混杂带的岩石组合、同位素年龄和构造背景仍然不清楚, 从而严重制约了区域构造演化的认识。例如, 前人根据灰岩中三叶虫化石将拉脊山地区火山-沉积岩系划归于寒武纪, 然而其它岩石单元的同位素年龄和来源信息相对缺乏, 而且灰岩究竟是本地岩块还是老的异地岩块仍有待进一步研究。岩石地球化学分析结果显示表明寒武纪玄武岩具有MORB、WPB或者OIB的特征, 且部分玄武岩具有岛弧亲缘性。因此, 大陆裂谷、弧后盆地、多阶段抬升构造窗或俯冲-增生杂岩等模式相继被提出。这些分歧严重影响了我们对祁连造山带和原特提斯洋构造演化的认识。究其根本原因, 是由于缺乏将蛇绿岩和岛弧形成视为沟-弧-盆体系演化过程中一个具有成因联系的有机体对其进行综合分析。  相似文献   


Blocks of metamorphic rock designated as ‘high-grade’ blocks, commonly less than 100 m in diameter, consisting of garnet-glaucophane- and hornblende-schists and gneisses and rare eclogite, are widely distributed within mélanges of the Franciscan (accretionary) Complex of California. Eclogite-glaucophane schist blocks present at Jenner, California, have been studied for petrographic, geochemical, structural, and age characteristics, but their relationship to associated Franciscan rocks is poorly understood. The studied blocks are not in situ, but rather occur in landslide deposits and beach sands. The landslide deposits overlie the low to middle slope exposures of sandstone-rich broken formations of the Franciscan Complex that are not known to contain high-grade blocks. Geochemical studies suggest a serpentinite host for the blocks. Upslope, a serpentinite-matrix mélange contains numerous high-grade blocks, including rare retrograded eclogite, and is the likely block source. The Jenner terrain as a whole was uplifted relative to rocks to the north and south near Annapolis and Freestone, respectively, by uplift along the post-Pliocene Russian River (anticlinal) Arch, as indicated by the regional distribution of arching, wave-cut, post-Franciscan surfaces with overlying Miocene/Pliocene marine sedimentary rocks. Local uplift increased landsliding and colluvial downslope movement of the blocks. In addition, local, wave-influenced transportation of smaller blocks, together with the downslope mass movements, brought the high-grade blocks to their present positions. The high-grade blocks are thus displaced from upslope exposures of the original serpentinite-matrix mélange host, in which the blocks likely experienced the metasomatism that converted eclogite to glaucophane schist. In general, the relationship of blocks to the original serpentinite host is a critical element of subduction zone architecture related to subduction zone processes and history, and should be analysed, in any studies that seek to explain the architecture and history of any accretionary complex with similar high-grade blocks.  相似文献   

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