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深部地层地质条件复杂,随钻探向纵深发展,钻遇弱面地层导致井孔围岩失稳将严重影响工程进程。本文总结分析具有弱面地层岩石物理力学特性,探讨强度各向异性孔壁围岩稳定模型的适用性;考虑流体向弱面渗透存在渗透各向异性和传热各向异性,发展了具有弱面地层井孔围岩稳定理论。研究发现,某些强度各向异性模型在特定情况下可能失去其适用性;在深部高温环境下忽略弱面地层渗透和热传的各向异性特征可能会导致井孔围岩压力、破坏区域以及坍塌压力产生较大误差。  相似文献   

钻探工程中可以遇到各种岩石。按物理力学性质来说,岩石可是均质(各向同性)和非均质(各向异性)的。多数情况下,在深孔钻进时,岩石可能受地质条件的影响,是各向异性的。各向异性岩石的特点之一是,不同受力方向上的强度不同,因此钻孔容易弯曲,直接影响钻探效率和质量。俄罗斯科研人员对各向异性岩石中钻进时使用的钻头和孔底装置进行了大量研究,取得了较好的效果,值得我们参考。  相似文献   

地应力作用下的钻孔孔壁会发生一定程度的变形,导致钻孔横截面形状会发生变化,变形后的钻孔几何形态也反映了钻孔受力状态。在经典岩石力学理论的基础上,研究钻孔在平面二维应力作用下的几何形态,建立应力与变形后圆孔几何参数的关系,实现基于钻孔椭圆参数的应力解算,并提出钻孔椭圆参数的测量方法和测量技术,形成一种新的基于钻孔形态分析的地应力测量方法。结果表明,(1)在平面二维应力作用下圆孔变形后的几何形态为椭圆,推导了椭圆参数与应力的关系表达式;(2)利用3个不同方向的孔径值可以实现椭圆参数的解算,研发触头式显微光学孔径测量技术,实现了钻孔形态的测量,从原理上分析了技术实现的可行性,并就该技术进行地应力测量过程中可能存在的问题进行了探讨;(3)通过室内模拟试验,验证了技术原理的可行性,并通过误差分析和实例计算对该方法测量结果的准确性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

一次套钻确定三维地应力的新型钻孔变形计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡斌  章光  李光煜 《岩土力学》2006,27(5):816-822
基于岩体初始地应力测量的套钻应力解除方法,在36-2型钻孔变形计的基础上增加8个轴向变形测量装置,优化设计加工成12分量新型钻孔变形计。该变形计具有8个轴向变形测量元件和4个径向变形测量元件。试验室内元件标定的结果表明,每个测量元件的分辨率可达0.000 1 mm,精度达到2 ‰;多项室内整体标定试验表明,该变形计应力测量稳定性和可靠性较好,分辨率可达0.028 MPa(当E=30 GPa时),实测误差小于10 %;在利用设计出的专用金刚石钻头钻取的钻孔中,安装该变形计,只需要一次套钻应力解除试验就可以确定测点部位的三维地应力状态。该地应力测试设备和方法解决了传统的利用3个钻孔套钻解除确定三维地应力的弊端,并可进行深孔测试。具有操作方便、精度高、可靠性好的特点。  相似文献   

以定向钻进基础理论为依据,结合煤矿井下近水平随钻测量定向钻进技术特点,研究煤矿井下定向钻孔轨迹设计内容、计算方法及设计流程。通过定义钻孔轨迹基本参数,建立钻孔设计坐标系以及规定钻孔轨迹图形表示方法,形成一套包括钻孔轨迹平面设计、剖面设计及轨迹参数校核等关键环节的钻孔轨迹设计和计算方法。实践证明,该设计和计算方法满足了定向钻孔设计的精度要求,为定向钻孔施工起到了良好的指导作用。  相似文献   

章定文  韩文君  刘松玉 《岩土力学》2010,31(Z2):104-108
采用静止土压力系数K0描述土体初始应力各向异性程度,建立了压力控制边界条件的柱孔扩张数值模型,分析压力为边界条件的圆柱孔扩张特性。计算结果表明,初始应力条件各向异性时,柱孔周围的土体的径向位移是不相等的,扩张后的柱孔呈椭圆形,初始应力各向异性是柱孔非对称扩张的内在原因;塑性区的分布具有明显的方向性,塑性区最大半径位于柱孔周围初始大主应力方向上;在相同的扩张压力下,随不排水抗剪强度增加,土体的塑性区减小,且土体初始应力各向异性造成的土体塑性区分布各向异性程度也随之减小;在相同的扩张压力下,柱孔初始应力越大,其塑性区范围越大,且土体初始应力各向异性造成的土体塑性区分布的各向异性程度也越大。  相似文献   

The paper presents closed‐form solutions for stress and displacement influence functions for stress discontinuity (SD) and displacement discontinuity (DD) elements, for a two‐dimensional plane‐strain elastic, transversely anisotropic medium. The solutions for SD elements are based on Kelvin's problem and for DD elements on the concept of dipoles. Stress and displacement influence functions are derived for the following elements: constant SD, linear SD, constant DD, linear DD, square root DD, parabolic DD, constant DD surface, and linear DD surface elements. The formulations are incorporated into FROCK, a hybridized boundary element method code, and are validated by providing comparisons between the results from FROCK and the finite element code ABAQUS. A limited parametric analysis shows the effects of slight anisotropy on the stress field around the tip of a crack and of the orientation of the crack with respect to the axes of elastic symmetry. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Influence functions, that permit us to determine stresses and displacements at an arbitrary point in an infinite, homogeneous, linear elastic, anisotropic medium due to different three-dimensional (3-D) stress or displacement discontinuities distributed on infinite, flat, band-type elements, are presented. Any straight-line segment on the band, which is perpendicular to its infinite side, has the same distribution of the discontinuities. Along with the functions, their Taylor series approximations are also provided. The last can be useful to analyse stresses and displacements at points distant from the elements. The functions allow us to avoid procedures of numerical integration in the Indirect Boundary Element Method and/or the Displacement Discontinuity Method computer codes that are able to solve complete plane-strain problems with 3-D boundary conditions for an elastic, anisotropic medium. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Borehole failure under anisotropic stresses in a sandstone is analyze numerically for various borehole sizes using a nonlinear elastic–plastic constitutive model for a Cosserat continuum. Borehole failure is identified as macroscopic failure of the borehole through the development of shear bands and breakouts. The results compare well both qualitatively and quantitatively with experimental results from polyaxial tests on Red Wildmoor sandstone. They show that the hole size effect of the borehole failure strength is independent of the far‐field stress anisotropy and follows a ? power law of the hole size. A similar scale effect equation with a ? power law is proposed for the scale effect of the maximum plastic shear strain at failure. This equation can be useful for better predicting hole‐size‐dependent failure with standard codes based on classical continua. The effect of stress anisotropy on the borehole failure stress is found to be independent of the hole size. The failure stress decreases linearly to 40% as the stress anisotropy increases. However, the maximum plastic shear strain at failure is stress anisotropy independent and therefore the critical plastic shear strain for failure is only hole‐size dependent. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

李德忠  李冲 《岩土力学》2005,26(4):596-599
在井巷支护技术的研究中,如何确定岩石巷道二向压力方向及量值是解决支护问题的关键之一。从实测、理论、地质三个方面着重研究了利用巷道断面变形系数估算巷道上大小压力量值的方法,可用于岩石巷道断面上二向压力的近似计算,其方法简单,计算方便,适用于二次支护施工要求,具有工程实用价值。  相似文献   

一般认为地应力的形成主要与地球的各种动力运动有关,且构造应力场与重力场是地应力的主要组成部分。以某黄金矿山为例,以地球物理学的基本观点及地球重力场理论为指导,得出重力所致竖向地应力和水平地应力的表达式;认为地下应力产生的最根本原因在于重力(地心引力),重力不仅可以产生竖向地应力,而且还可以产生水平地应力。计算证明黄金矿山(地下工程)水平地应力远大于竖向地应力。地壳内黄金矿山采掘巷道所受的各种压力均来源于地心对岩土(石)的引力。  相似文献   

各向异性初始应力状态下圆柱孔扩张理论弹塑性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
章定文  刘松玉  顾沉颖 《岩土力学》2009,30(6):1631-1634
传统的圆柱孔扩张理论假定初始应力为各向同性的。在城市地下管道的铺设、隧道工程等的水平掘进施工过程中,圆柱孔受到的初始竖向应力不等于初始水平应力,并不满足各向同性初始应力条件。考虑土体的各向异性初始应力条件,假定土体满足Mohr-Coulomb屈服准则,推导了各向异性初始应力状态下的圆柱孔扩张问题弹塑性解答。算例计算结果表明:土性参数一定时,在相同内压力作用下,各向异性初始应力状态下的圆柱孔扩张形成的塑性区半径大于各向同性初始应力状态下的圆柱孔扩张的塑性区半径,但前者的极限扩孔压力小于后者。  相似文献   

井底应力场对气体钻井井斜的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
王敏生  唐波 《岩土力学》2009,30(8):2436-2441
建立了油气井钻井过程中的井底力学模型,该力学模型考虑了井眼内压力、岩石节理、井眼深度、地应力、岩石材料特性、井眼直径等影响因素,并讨论了各个因素对井底应力场的影响,阐明了气体钻井时井底应力场分布变化对井眼井斜的影响。气体钻井时井眼内的压力远小于井眼周围的围压,井底会出现很大的拉应力,岩石容易破坏,因此,气体钻井时钻井速度远远大于钻井液钻井,但拉应力越大,井眼与岩石节理面交接处产生的应力集中越大,应力集中处岩石更容易破坏,也更易产生井斜。气体钻井时井底的应力状态对地层倾角、材料特性、井眼直径、井眼深度及初始地应力的变化较钻井液钻井时更敏感。  相似文献   

白鹤滩水电站是仅次于三峡水电站的第二大水电站,位于中国西南地区川滇菱形块体内的金沙江上。通常地壳应力状态是影响地下工程安全的重要地质因素,对地下硐室稳定性分析具有重要意义。在水电站右岸厂房建设过程中,为了水电站的长期安全运营,采用超声波井下电视录井测试系统对白鹤滩右岸厂房锚固洞内7处钻孔进行测试,基于钻孔崩落数据计算了现今白鹤滩右岸厂房区域上方工程岩体的主应力方向。研究结果表明:白鹤滩右岸厂房区域最大水平主应力(SH)方向为北北东—南南西方向,主要受到构造应力、自重应力、河流剥蚀作用以及岸坡卸荷作用的共同影响,属于局部构造应力场。  相似文献   

The determination of in situ stresses is very important in petroleum engineering. Hydraulic fracturing is a widely accepted technique for the determination of in situ stresses nowadays. Unfortunately, the hydraulic fracturing test is time-consuming and expensive. Taking advantage of the shape of borehole breakouts measured from widely available caliper and image logs to determine in situ stress in petroleum engineering is highly attractive. By finite element modeling of borehole breakouts considering thermoporoelasticity, the authors simulate the process of borehole breakouts in terms of initiation, development, and stabilization under Mogi-Coulomb criterion and end up with the shape of borehole breakouts. Artificial neural network provides such a tool to establish the relationship between in situ stress and shape of borehole breakouts, which can be used to determine in situ stress based on different shape of borehole breakouts by inverse analysis. In this paper, two steps are taken to determine in situ stress by inverse analysis. First, sets of finite element modeling provide sets of data on in situ stress and borehole breakout measures considering the influence of drilling fluid temperature and pore pressure, which will be used to train an artificial neural network that can eventually represent the relationship between the in situ stress and borehole breakout measures. Second, for a given measure of borehole breakouts in a certain drilling fluid temperature, the trained artificial neural network will be used to predict the corresponding in situ stress. Results of numerical experiments show that the inverse analysis based on finite element modeling of borehole breakouts and artificial neural network is a promising method to determine in situ stress.  相似文献   

魏星  黄茂松 《岩土力学》2007,28(9):1811-1816
剑桥模型只适用于正常固结软黏土,不能描述不等向固结土的应力-应变行为的各向异性特性。基于剑桥模型,在其椭圆屈服面中引入各向异性张量和一个形状参数,建立了一个各向异性屈服面,提出了一个适用于等向和不等向固结软黏土的本构模型。各向异性张量的初始值由初始固结应力状态确定,其演化过程由一个与塑性剪应变和塑性体应变都有关的硬化法则描述。形状参数的引入保证了各向异性屈服面的灵活性和适应性。通过对Boston Blue黏土、高岭土和Otaniemi黏土的三轴试验结果的模拟,验证了模型的模拟能力。  相似文献   

深部岩体处于三维应力场中受开挖扰动影响钻孔、巷道围岩处于明显的真三轴应力状态。钻孔抽采技术是煤矿广泛用于瓦斯治理的重要措施,钻孔周围塑性区是瓦斯流动的优质通道,研究钻孔围岩塑性区特性对于抽采钻孔的优化布置至关重要。为研究钻孔围岩的塑性区特性,基于广义平面应变理论分析围岩应力分布,比较几种常用强度准则(MC、Mises、D-P、MLC、SMP)的适用性和精确性,对比试验结果表明,MLC准则能较好地表征岩石的真三轴强度特性。基于MLC准则推导了围岩塑性区半径公式,分析偏应力、中间主应力、岩石内摩擦角、岩石黏聚力和钻孔半径对增透半径的影响,结果表明,增透半径随着偏应力的增大而增大,随中间主应力的增加先减小后增大,随岩石内摩擦角、岩石黏聚力的增加而逐渐减小,随钻孔半径的增加而线性增大。研究结果可为实际工程中巷道支护、煤层瓦斯抽采等技术的参数设计等提供重要参考。  相似文献   

This paper presents a boundary element method (BEM) procedure for a linear elastic fracture mechanics analysis in two‐dimensional anisotropic bimaterials. In this formulation, a displacement integral equation is only collocated on the uncracked boundary, and a traction integral equation is only collocated on one side of the crack surface. A fundamental solution (Green's function) for anisotropic bimaterials is also derived and implemented into the boundary integral formulation so that except for the interfacial crack part, the discretization along the interface can be avoided. A special crack‐tip element is introduced to capture the exact crack‐tip behavior. A computer program using FORTRAN has been developed to effectively calculate the stress intensity factors of an anisotropic bimaterial. This BEM program has been verified to have a good accuracy with previous studies. In addition, a central cracked bimaterial Brazilian specimen constituting cement and gypsum is prepared to conduct the Brazilian test under diametral loading. The result shows that the numerical analysis can predict relatively well the direction of crack initiation and the path of crack propagation. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

对中国大陆科学钻探主孔的岩心进行了声发射测量,确定了301~1531m深度的最大主应力。并与钻孔崩落法(深度1269~1655m)测量结果进行了对比,结果表明,声发射测量所得测值基本上落在钻孔崩落法测值的趋势线上,两种方法所得结果一致,说明测量结果可信。测量结果表明科学钻探主孔地应力大小随深度增加,在浅部301m最大主应力为13.4MPa,在深部1655m为55.2MPa。随深度的增加率为0.0279MPa/m。最大主应力方向为N54°±3.3°E,且方向不随深度变化。  相似文献   

The backfilling materials of borehole heat exchangers (BHE), particularly the grout material, must provide a suitable thermal contact and ensure durability to the induced thermal stresses because of the heat loading. In this paper, the thermal stresses that occurred in BHEs because of heat injection or extraction is investigated with an analytical solution of a hollow cylinder model that is adapted for time‐dependent heat loading, the geometry of a BHE, and the thermo‐mechanical properties of surrounding ground conditions. Firstly, the hollow cylinder model is solved with the considered boundary conditions in 2D plane stress. Secondly, the temperature differences at the inner and outer circles of the cylinder are evaluated with the heat line source models for continuous and discontinuous loading to observe the impact of the heat loading schedule. The developed analytical solution for thermal stress investigation is validated with numerical models. It is demonstrated that the analytical solutions agree well with numerical results for two types of BHE configurations (co‐axial and single U‐shaped pipes). Furthermore, the calculated maximum stresses are compared with the tensile strength of grout materials obtained from Brazilian tests. It is predicted that the thermal contraction of the grout, partially constrained by the surrounding rock, generates tensile stresses that may lead to cracking in the BHE. According to the results, the stiffness of rock has a primary role on the developed tensile stresses, and the relationship between the thermal conductivity of the ground and of the grout induces a proportional impact on the magnitude of thermal stresses. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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