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琼东南盆地中新统梅山组海底扇是南海北部天然气勘探的重要目标, 对其沉积机理、储层主控因素等进行深入研究对该区天然气增储上产有重要意义。根据海平面变化、海底地形地貌、同生断裂组合等因素, 本文将琼东南盆地海底扇分为陆棚扇、斜坡扇和盆底扇3大类。根据大量的钻井岩心及分析测试资料, 对该区海底扇储层进行了系统分析。研究表明, 不同物源以及不同地貌单元海底扇储层物性差异较大, 其中来自西部越东物源和西北部宁远河物源的盆底扇储层明显好于北部陵水河和万泉河物源的陆棚扇和斜坡扇。单一海底扇储层受到物源、海平面变化、扇体类型及内部构成以及底流改造等因素控制, 其中海底扇类型及其内部组成、底流改造等是影响和控制深水沉积体储层品质的主要因素。相比而言, 低位时期的缓坡断阶盆底扇、开阔洼地盆底扇和峡谷切割盆底扇是好-优质储层较为发育的深水沉积体, 是重要勘探目标; 而陡坡根部盆底扇和缓坡末级断阶盆底扇由于储层物性较差或储层不发育, 勘探风险较大。因此, 基于物源体系及地貌单元的海底扇储层研究成果可广泛应用于深水海底扇储层预测。


This study, based on 3.5 kHz SBP, 3D seismic data and long piston cores obtained during MD179 cruise, elucidated the timing and causes of pockmark and submarine canyon formation on the Joetsu Knoll in the eastern margin of the Sea of Japan. Gas hydrate mounds and pockmarks aligned parallel to the axis on the top of the Joetsu Knoll are associated with gas chimneys, pull-up structures, faults, and multiple bottom-simulating reflectors (BSRs), suggesting that thermogenic gas migrated upward through gas chimneys and faults from deep hydrocarbon sources and reservoirs. Seismic and core data suggest that submarine canyons on the western slope of the Joetsu Knoll were formed by turbidity currents generated by sand and mud ejection from pockmarks on the knoll. The pockmark and canyon formation probably commenced during the sea-level fall, lasting until transgression stages. Subsequently, hydropressure release during the sea level lowering might have instigated dissociation of the gas hydrate around the base of the gas hydrate, leading to generation and migration of large volumes of methane gas to the seafloor. Accumulation of hydrate caps below mounds eventually caused the collapse of the mounds and the formation of large depressions (pockmarks) along with ejection of sand and mud out of the pockmarks, thereby generating turbidity currents. Prolonged pockmark and submarine canyon activities might have persisted until the transgression stage because of time lags from gas hydrate dissociation around the base of the gas hydrate until upward migration to the seafloor. This study revealed the possibility that submarine canyons were formed by pockmark activities. If that process occurred, it would present important implications for reconstructing the long-term history of shallow gas hydrate activity based on submarine canyon development.  相似文献   

李华  李崇标  刘云鹏  韩刚  赵其华 《岩土力学》2016,37(Z1):482-488
基于西南地区10个大型水电工程95点空间应力测试数据与50点硐壁应力恢复法测试数据,统计分析了边坡地应力场随垂向、水平向深度变化规律,根据主应力量级、倾角变化规律分析边坡浅表部地应力场特征,探讨了西南深切峡谷地区边坡地应力场分布规律。研究表明,(1)边坡应力场在宏观上可划分为浅表部区(0~300 m)与深部区(>300 m);(2)浅表部区主应力量级、倾角波动较为剧烈,而深部区主应力量级、倾角较为稳定,其最大主应力介于15~30 MPa,中间主应力介于10~20 MPa,最小主应力介于5~12 MPa,最大、最小主应力倾角介于0°~30°,最大主应力约为最小主应力的1.5~3.5倍;(3)浅表部区地应力场具有由主应力较小、最大主应力倾角与坡角近平行转变为主应力急剧增高、最大主应力倾角变化不明显,继而转变为主应力量级、最大主应力倾角剧烈波动,最后逐渐转变与深部应力场近于一致的特征。  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(4):241-251
The bottom and edges of the Congo submarine canyon are made of deposits which show morphologies of superposed terraces associated with lense side slope. Using 3D seismic, 3.5 kHz acoustic profiles and core datas, these geometries are interpreted as being mainly the result of the polyphase processes due to the activity of turbidity currents. All the turbidite deposits located below the canyon floor and the actual Congo fan belong to a unique depositional sequence which begun at the early Pliocene. Probably, this sequence has been initiated by an important uplift of the West Africa margin.  相似文献   

南海具有复杂的地质构造背景,扩张结束以后,新构造运动活跃,但各区域新构造运动发生的时间及运动特征有较大差异。本文综合分析了南海各区域构造演化事件、现今构造格局及新构造运动的基本特征,认为南海新构造运动的起始时间为中中新世(约15 Ma)较合理。在此基础上,收集和整理了南海及邻区最新的地质和地球物理资料,对南海海域新构造期地层差异升降、活动断裂、天然地震以及岩浆活动等新构造表现形式进行了综合分析,系统总结了南海新构造运动特征,并根据活动断裂、天然地震以及岩浆活动等特征和分布规律分析,认为南海海域新构造的表现形式之间存在较大的耦合性。本文根据新构造运动表现形式在空间分布的不平衡性,将南海及邻区划分为1个强构造活动区、3个中等强度构造活动区以及1个弱构造活动区,并结合研究区应力场特征分析,认为南海新构造运动主要受控于东部菲律宾海板块和太平洋板块对东亚大陆边缘的持续俯冲碰撞作用。  相似文献   

Abstract. The aseismic Palawan microcontinental block is an oceanic bathymetric high that has collided with the seismically-ac-tive Philippine Mobile Belt since the Early Miocene. Consequently, tectonic microblocks immediately north (Luzon) and south (Western Visayas Block) of the collision front rotated in opposite senses. The rotation led the microblocks to onramp adjacent strike-slip faults, and converted these to subduction zones, namely, the current Manila and Negros Trenches. In addition, the collision also initiated the southward propagation of a major left-lateral strike slip fault, the Philippine Fault Zone, and the Philippine Trench, which bounds the Philippine archipelago along its eastern boundary. Based on onshore and offshore data, the Philippine Fault Zone and the East Luzon Trough - Philippine Trench appears to also propagate northward. Furthermore, the opposite direction of propagation is also noted for the Manila and Negros Trenches from the locus of the collision in the Central Philippines to their northern and southern extensions, respectively. The ages of initiation of the Manila Trench (Early Miocene), Philippine Fault Zone (Middle Miocene) and Philippine Trench (Pliocene) as encountered along a west to east transect in the Central Philippines are consistent with the collision and subsequent indentation of Palawan with the rest of the Philippine Mobile Belt.  相似文献   

南海北部陆坡分类及成因分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陆坡形态隐含了丰富的地质信息,其差异性是大陆边缘沉积、侵蚀过程长期交互作用的结果。利用横跨南海北部的二维地震测线,采取曲线拟合的研究手段,在南海北部识别出了下凹型、平直型、"S"型等三种类型的陆坡。下凹型陆坡发育在莺歌海-琼东南西部、珠江口中部两个陆坡区,但其成因不同,前者主要受控于快速的沉积物供给,而后者受到陆架边缘三角洲进积和海底峡谷侵蚀的联合作用;平直型陆坡仅见于琼东南东部地区,其主控因素为弱的沉积物供给和较快的构造沉降;"S"型陆坡发育在珠江口地区的两翼,其形成明显受到海流和内波等外作用的改造。不同类型的陆坡具有特定的地层叠置样式、陆架坡折迁移轨迹类型和沉积体系分布特征。对陆坡类型的研究有助于建立沉积过程和产物的预测模式,从而指导古代陆坡的深水油气勘探。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2019,2(3):276-286
In this paper, the mechanical properties of gas hydrate-bearing sediments (GHBS) were summarized and the instability mechanism of submarine hydrate-bearing slope (SHBS) was analyzed under the background of the test production of gas hydrate in the northern part of the South China Sea. The strength reduction finite element method (SRFEM) was introduced to the stability analysis of submarine slopes for the safety of the test production. Two schemes were designed to determine the physical and mechanical parameters of four target wells. Through the division of the hydrate dissociation region and the design of four working conditions, the range and degree of hydrate dissociation at different stages during the test production were simulated. Based on the software ABAQUS, 37 FEM models of SHBS were set up to analyze and assess the stability of the submarine slopes in the area of the test production. Necessary information such as safety factors, deformation, and displacement were obtained at different stages and under different working conditions. According to the calculation results, the submarine slope area is stable before the test production, and the safety factors almost remains the same during and after the test production. All these indicate that the test production has no obvious influence on the area of the test production and the submarine slopes in the area are stable during and after the test production.  相似文献   

The Beikang Basin is located in the southern part of the South China Sea(SCS), which is one of most tectonically complex sea areas. It is a deepwater sedimentary basin that was mainly deposited during the Cenozoic era. Owing to data restrictions, the research on carbonate platforms of this area is still in its infancy. High-resolution seismic data are analyzed to identify the Miocene carbonate platforms and reconstruct the architecture and growth history. The carbonate platforms of Beikang Basin...  相似文献   

叠前时间偏移技术在南海水合物地震资料处理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
叠前时间偏移处理技术是复杂地区地震资料高精度成像处理的有效手段。从偏移技术方法原理和处理流程入手,讨论了偏移参数选择和速度分析等关键技术,并将其应用于南海水合物地震资料处理中,获得了准确的叠前时间偏移速度场,提高了研究区水合物层段的地震成像质量。处理效果显示,叠前时间偏移剖面较叠后偏移剖面成像精度明显提高,剖面波组特征突出,地层反射信息丰富,有效地提高了水合物解释的准确性。  相似文献   

雷超  任建业  张静 《地球科学》2015,40(4):744-762
为了系统认识新生代南海沉积盆地形成演化过程和成盆机制, 在对南海及其周缘区域构造和沉积研究进展调研的基础上, 利用覆盖南海主要盆地新近采集和重处理的地震剖面开展详细的构造-地层分析.基于盆地结构构造、演化特征和成盆动力学的差异性, 以红河-越东-Lupar线大型走滑构造带为界, 将南海及其周缘沉积盆地划分为古南海俯冲拖拽构造区沉积盆地群和挤出-逃逸构造区沉积盆地群, 前者主要是古南海俯冲及其所引起的区域构造变形形成的盆地, 包括北部湾、琼东南、珠江口、曾母、北康、文莱-沙巴和礼乐等盆地, 后者是印度-欧亚大陆碰撞导致印支地块挤出和旋转形成的盆地, 如莺歌海、湄公、中建南、万安等盆地.最后, 结合周缘板块动力学事件和本次对盆地构造研究的成果, 特别是盆地中重要界面属性的重新厘定, 建立了南海及其周缘沉积盆地演化过程.   相似文献   

南海东北陆坡断裂特征及其对盆地演化的控制作用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
南海东北陆坡断裂发育,主要有北东、北西、近南北和近东西向的4组断裂,按性质分则有张性、压性和走滑等。主干基底断裂有F1、F2、F3、F4、F5、F6、F7、F8、F9、F10等,这些断裂规模较大并决定了珠江口盆地白云凹陷、尖峰北盆地、笔架盆地和台西南盆地发育和演化。受主干断裂的控制,尖峰北盆地经历了断陷、坳陷、区域沉降3期演化,发育两套构造层;而笔架盆地则经历了渐新世断陷、渐新世末—中中新世坳陷和晚中新世—全新世构造反转3期演化,发育两套构造层。  相似文献   

南海重力异常特征及其显著的构造意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在南海地区地震测深数据有限的情况下,利用重力异常可以研究南海大范围的深部地壳结构及地质构造展布特征。基于空间重力异常,结合最新的地形、沉积物厚度及地震测深等数据,分别从地震约束的莫霍面反演和无约束的三维相关成像两个视角研究南海的地壳结构,利用壳幔界面起伏、地壳厚度及三维等效密度分布来探讨地壳结构的纵横向变化。同时,联合采用延拓、水平梯度及线性构造增强滤波方法聚焦重力异常中的区域线性特征,突出显示了反映地壳横向变化的深断裂、洋陆转换边界、海盆扩张轴等线性构造的展布。重力解释与贯穿南海南北的广州-巴拉望地学断面对比表明,重力异常反演及异常的区域线性特征,较好地揭示了南海海域大范围的地壳结构与区域构造展布。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Whatmechanismresultedinthespreadingof SouthChinaSeabasin(SCSB)?Wasitreallypro ducedbytheinteractionofperipheralplatesofthe SCSBorAilaoshan RedRiversinistralfault(Fig.1)? Figure1.AnoutlinetectonicmapofSouthChinablockandIndochinablock(modified…  相似文献   

We examine slope profile types and variations in slope gradient and slope relief with depth for both passive and active margins in the northern most South China Sea.The passive South China margin is characterized by an exponential slope profile,mainly assodated with clustered slope-confined canyons.The active Taiwan margin shows a linear-like shape with great variations along the lower slope.Fewer eanyom occur on the Taiwau margin,and hence the influence of canyon incision on slope morphology is relatively less significant.Quantitative analyses of slope curvature,slope gradleut and square root of relief variance are useful statistical parameters to explain characteristics and variability of morphology of the slope of the South China margin,but not for the Kaoping slope on the Talwan side.On the active Taiwan margin,tectonic activities are dominant over sediment deposition and surface erosion,producing a slope profile quite different from those of passive margins of the Middle Atlantic,KwaZulu-Natal,South Africa where failure on slope and accompanying canyon incision are the dominant processes shaping the slope morphology.  相似文献   

通过对中国东部陆上及海域大量地质地球化学资料的分析,重点对CO2成因及运聚成藏规律与主控因素进行了深入地探讨,并在此基础上对有利CO2分布区进行了初步预测。研究表明,中国东部陆上诸断陷盆地与东南沿海海域的东海盆地及南海北部大陆架琼东南盆地和珠江口盆地CO2气藏及高含CO2油气藏中,CO2均属典型的火山幔源型成因,其运聚富集主要受控于幔源型火山活动与沟通深部气源的基底深大断裂的导气配置作用,CO2气源主要来自地壳深部幔源火山活动伴生的大量CO2;南海北部大陆架西区莺歌海盆地CO2气藏及含CO2油气藏中的CO2,属于壳源型及壳幔混合型成因,主要受控于泥底辟热流体晚期分层分块多期的局部上侵活动与沉积巨厚海相含钙砂泥岩的物理化学作用,其运聚分布具多期和分层分区的特点。因此,根据不同成因类型CO2运聚成藏规律,可以追踪气源,分析和预测天然气尤其是CO2的运聚分布,评价其资源潜力,为天然气勘探部署及决策提供依据,降低勘探风险。  相似文献   

研究了地下水中铜元素迁移富集的主要控制因素及其分布规律。结果表明,地下水铜元素的迁移富集与含水介质及其上覆土层中的铜元素含量、地下水的酸碱度、地下水的径流条件和氧化还原环境等有密切的关系。  相似文献   

The timing of the Palaeo-Pacific Plate (PPP) subduction in East Asia, following the amalgamation of the North and South China Blocks (NCB and SCB), remains equivocal despite several investigations on the widespread subduction-related Mesozoic magmatism in this region. Here we report newly discovered granodiorites in the East China Sea Basin (ECSB) from deep boreholes (2945–2983 m), which yield SHRIMP zircon U–Pb age of 174 ± 1.1 Ma. The rock shows relatively high Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios, low contents of Ni, Cr, and MgO, and markedly negative values of εHf(t) (21.0 to ?27.0). These geochemical and isotopic features are similar to those of the tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) suites produced by the partial melting of the thickened lower continental crust. Our data, together with the ca. 190–180 Ma I-type granites reported from the eastern Zhejiang–Fujian and Taiwan areas, lead us to conclude that the continental crust in the coastal areas of South China underwent some degree of thickening during the Early Jurassic. A comparison with the coeval magmatic rocks in South Korea and Japan suggests that a large NE-trending continental arc (ca. 190–170 Ma) might have been constructed along the eastern margin of Asia at this time. Our study provides insights into the initiation of the Palaeo-Pacific tectono-magmatic cycle immediately following the consolidation of the SCB and NCB.  相似文献   

Typical of Mediterranean countries, the Lebanese shoreline is well known for its littoral and offshore groundwater discharges, the so-called submarine springs. The tectonic framework of the terrain explains its interruption by dense geologic structures, i.e., fracturing, faulting, karstic routes, as well as acute dips of rock strata seaward. All of these structures serve as hydrologic agents transporting groundwater to the sea. The study aims to locate these groundwater discharges, and to interpret their geologic controls on land. For this purpose, two major lines of approach were followed. The first is an airborne thermal infrared (TIR) survey using radiometers to identify thermal anomalies, thereby determining the exact location of submarine groundwater discharges (SGDs). The second line of approach is the analysis of satellite images (Landsat 7ETM+) to delineate the geologic features that govern the mechanism of water flow, thereby determining their sources on land. Twenty-seven major SGDs were identified, 10 of these being offshore springs, the others littoral springs. The springs show a large variety of discharge configurations and extents, mainly parallel or perpendicular to the shoreline or rounded. Three major structural controls were identified to contribute to the transport of groundwater to the sea. These are karstic galleries, faults, and tilted rock strata, their contributions being 48, 37, and 15%, respectively. The SGDs associated with linear passageways, i.e., karstic galleries and faults, are connected with land aquifer formations several kilometers away from the shoreline. Moreover, the presence of impervious rock formations at many localities along the coastline results in a confined hydrologic system, promoting the flow of SGDs into the sea.  相似文献   

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