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The current interest in the ‘clean and green’ that has become part of urban governmentality in Indonesia's metropolis is illustrative of the practice of becoming a citizen of Jakarta today. The ongoing demand to reclaim and produce green space, however, entails the displacement of those who are considered to be blocking the success of urban green initiatives. This paper points to ways in which contemporary forms of power are built on the premise that a green environment requires individuals to reconfigure themselves to gain social legitimacy. It shows how the greening of Jakarta can be understood as part of the evolving technology of governance associated with postauthoritarian Indonesia.  相似文献   

面向不确定性:新发展阶段中国社会治理的困境及其应对   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文军  刘雨航 《地理科学》2022,42(3):390-400
中国正处于全面建设社会主义现代化国家、向第二个百年奋斗目标进军的新发展阶段,所面临的直接风险逐渐向潜在的不确定性转变。研究发现,发展环境、发展主体和发展方式等方面的不确定性因素同时增长,共同推动着不确定性成为新发展阶段中国社会的整体性特征。这对当前的中国社会治理实践产生冲击,使其遭遇价值、行动、方法和结果等层面的多重困境。对此,需要在树立不确定性思维的基础上,从主体赋能、机制创新、制度创设等维度入手,推动“韧性治理”方式的建构,以此走出新发展阶段中国社会治理的困境,提升治理效能。  相似文献   

Two fundamental pillars of what it is to be a contemporary NGO and ‘do’ development work are being a part of and promoting civil society, and extending ‘good governance’. This article will provide insights into how supposedly universally applicable concepts and models for NGOs to ‘improve’ post-conflict ‘developing countries’ are incorporated into different social and cultural landscapes. Ethnographic fieldwork highlights some of the particularities of governance, as well as everyday challenges of doing NGO work in a remote province of north-eastern Cambodia. In the context of an authoritarian government, where kinship relations cross-cut all aspects of society, NGOs can be understood as embedded in neo-patrimonial networks rather than as a separate and autonomous realm of society as classic liberal theory understands ‘civil society’. Fear also plays a significant role in configuring peoples’ attitude towards authority and is rarely acknowledged in the project of ‘good governance’ which simplistically tends to see post-colonial governments situated on a linear trajectory which will eventually, with significant NGO interventions, reach advanced liberal democracy status.  相似文献   

詹美旭  刘倩倩  黄旭  李琬  王建军 《地理科学》2021,41(10):1718-1728
首先探索了城市体检治理的新模式,明确了涵盖“市?区?镇街?社区”不同尺度行政主体纵向传导、横向联动的规范化城市体检组织模式。其次,基于“指标设计?征求意见?指标筛选?指标确认”4个步骤完善城市体检指标体系,提出了数据收集的标准化、模块化工作思路。再次,城市体检的指标评价应坚持多维度、差异性、定量定性相结合等原则,以六维分析法为基础对城市问题进行识别与诊断。另外,城市体检的公众参与过程需要充分体现市民的知情权、参与权和监督权。城市政府需要搭建市民深度参与的常态化、共治型治理平台,各部门需要以问题为导向,开展协同式、全周期系统治理,最终推动建立全社会共建共治共享的常态化工作机制。  相似文献   


Urban greening is a buzz term in urban policy and research settings in Australia and elsewhere. In a context of settler colonial urbanism, like Australia, a first fact becomes clear: urban greening is always being practiced on unceded Indigenous lands. Recognising this requires some honest reckoning with how this latest urban policy response perpetuates dispossessory settler-colonial structures. In this paper, we listen to the place-based ontologies of the peoples and lands from where we write to inform understanding the city as an always already Indigenous place – a sovereign Aboriginal City. In so doing, the paper tries to practice a way of creating more truthful and response-able urban knowledge practices. We analyse three distinct areas of scholarly research that are present in the contemporary literature: urban greening and green infrastructure; urban political ecology; and more-than-human cities. When placed in relationship of learning with the sovereign Aboriginal City, our analysis finds that these scholarly domains of urban greening work to re-organise colonial power relations. The paper considers what work the practice and scholarship of ‘urban greening’ might need to do in order to become response-able and learn to learn with Indigenous sovereignties and ontologies.  相似文献   

The article shows that although a large literature has been produced on the concept of urban governance, its meaning remains ambiguous. The aim of the article is not to ‘prove’ that there is confusion in the concept or to rectify that confusion, but rather to consolidate, categorise, and synthesise the many meanings of urban governance. The article argues that when the concept of ‘urban governance’ is regarded as a cluster of meanings, particularly as decentralisation, entrepreneurialism, and democratisation (DED) and repositioned in a broad political-economic and socio-cultural framework, its full tenor can be grasped for future research.  相似文献   

史培军  汪明  胡小兵  叶涛 《地理学报》2014,69(6):863-876
在综合风险防范“凝聚力”概念的基础上,从社会—生态系统综合风险防范的“凝聚力”基本原理、凝聚力形成中的协同效能、凝聚力实现手段、凝聚力优化对提高系统抗打击能力的作用等方面系统研究了“凝聚力”的科学内涵,并初步建立了“凝聚力”的模式,以期完善现有综合风险防范理论体系。结果表明:协同宽容、协同约束、协同放大和协同分散四个基本原理阐述了社会—生态系统综合风险凝聚力在协同运作上的四种表现,同时也是凝聚力在“凝心”和“聚力”具体问题上的4 种优化目标的阐释;凝聚力模式将四个协同原理及其优化目标转化为社会认知普及化、成本分摊合理化、组合优化智能化、费用效益最大化等一系列手段,实现了社会—生态系统综合风险防范产生的共识最高化、成本最低化、福利最大化以及风险最小化;运用复杂系统建模和仿真的方法,通过设计社会—生态系统结构和功能的表达,验证了随着系统凝聚力的提高,系统抵抗局部和全局打击的能力均得以增强,而且,可通过优化社会—生态系统中节点的结构和功能,以达到提升系统凝聚力的目的;凝聚力模式补充了灾害系统中脆弱性、恢复性、适应性等概念在阐释社会—生态系统综合风险防范问题上存在的缺陷。  相似文献   


The green city is being elevated to the status of a self-evident good in the theory and practice of urban sustainability. A large literature documents the linked environmental, economic and well-being benefits associated with vegetating urban systems to maximise the ecosystem function. Contemporary urban greening seeks to challenge attempts to expel nature from the city in a quest for order and control. However, by imagining nature as a new mode of urban purification, much effort in the name of the green city inverts and reproduces dualistic understandings of natural and built space. In response, we disrupt the normative dialectics of purity and dirt that sustain this dualism to expose the untidy but fertile ground of the green city. We draw together Ash Amin’s four registers of the Good City – relatedness, rights, repair and re-enchantment – with the artworks of the Australian visual ecologist Aviva Reed. Our work seeks to enrich the practice of more-than-human urbanism through ‘dirt thinking’ by imagining the transformative possibilities in, of and for the dirty green city.  相似文献   

孙九霞  陈景  黄秀波 《地理科学》2020,40(9):1468-1475
以大理洱海环境治理事件为典型案例,基于半结构式访谈、观察法等质性方法,从环境正义视角切入分析洱海环境治理中的主体博弈与权益协商议题。研究发现,洱海的环境治理是一种以环境名义开展地社会治理与目的地管理过程,逐渐从治理水环境延伸至环境、民生、产业升级等多方面的综合治理;洱海治理隐含权力张力与利益冲突,本地村民、旅游经营者及地方基层政府三方基于合情、合理与合法性原则,围绕“情、理、法”逻辑进行利益博弈与协商;乡村旅游中的环境治理应置于乡村与社会治理框架体系下进行,关照民生与发展。环境正义理论可解释乡村旅游中的环境治理与冲突现象,为揭示环境治理背后的利益冲突与社会问题提供独特视角。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2012,33(10):1568-1595

This article examines traders’ resistance practices in Kumasi, Ghana and their significance for changing urban governance in Africa. Conceptually, we introduce “activism” as a new variable into the present concept of urban governance as decentralization, entrepreneurialism and democratization (DED). From an empirical study in Kumasi, Ghana, findings reveal that activism by non-state actors does not only occur at the crucial earlier phases of the urban regeneration process, but extends into the subsequent phases, because urban governance is a continuous process. We demonstrate that activism and a multiplicity of resistance practices are embedded and significant dimensions of everyday urban governance in Africa. This paper argues that the additional dimension – activism – is necessary in rethinking urban governance in Ghana and Africa. This conceptualization views non-state actors not as resisters of urban governance but as activists whose resistance practices and innovations produce tangible and far-reaching changes in city governance. We learn that non-state actors do not rely on the state to control all aspects of urban governance but invent new practices to secure their socio-economic interests and provide them with leverage where they have to negotiate with or stand up to authorities. The study shows that successful change in urban governance is a function of the complementary and strategic adoption of contention, subversion and co-production. When the state perceives that the intervention of other key stakeholders legitimizes the grievances of non-state actors, it responds positively.  相似文献   


Global enthusiasm for nature in cities is at high point. Australia is no exception, where there is a great deal of policy momentum and research interest in urban greening. The challenges presented by increasing urban heat associated with climate change, greater awareness of the potential social, physical and psychological benefits of exposure to ecologies for people, and recognition of cities as vital habitats for more-than-humans are central tenants of urban greening enthusiasm. Yet, there is a need for a more critical lens on urban greening in Australia. One that interrogates the purported normative, apolitical and instrumental benefits of greening, to position greening within a trajectory of the power relations, settler-colonialism, socio-ecological processes and capital flows that constitute the urban. This editorial introducing the special issue on urban greening politics explores how different conceptions of urban natures – green space, urban forestry and green infrastructure – have been put to work, before outlining the potential of ‘urban greening’ as the terminology for a more politically sensitive and process-orientated framing. The editorial concludes with a summary of the contributions to the special issue.  相似文献   


Urban spaces have long been places to think through human relationships with nature. The recent shift in thinking from urban green space as outcome to urban greening as a process provides an opportunity to consider more explicitly how we engage with more-than-human worlds in urban spaces, in more differentiated ways, and for what ends. In this paper we contribute to growing interest in improved urban sustainability and well-being by bringing human geography perspectives on more-than-human worlds into conversation with the literature on urban greening. Drawing on key examples oriented around urban trees, we consider two main themes: sensibilities and belonging. We argue for an understanding of urban places as collective achievements that not only involve knowing and living with diverse humans and non-humans but also involve the re/making of sensibilities and belongings. Through this paper, we aim to open dialogue about how more-than-human geographies might help us to differently understand urban trees, contemporary urban greening, and people–plant relations.  相似文献   

黄晓星  马凌 《地理研究》2019,38(9):2148-2161
领域化是当前政治地理研究的核心概念和理论。城市化将农村区域划入“城市”之中,城市局限往往通过土地扩张来解决,地方和国家等不同行动者呈现出不同尺度的领域化和去领域化的策略。本文以广州一个正在城市化的村落为例展开历时态研究,并得出以下结论:首先,城市化中的“领域化”和“去领域化”第一层次为土地,国家根据法律以及城市依据自身发展需要将土地纳入城市范畴;其次,第二层次为围绕利益空间的“领域化”和“去领域化”,伴随着地方政府、企业、村集体、村民等的策略,不同主体和话语开始进入并协商博弈;第三层次为地方认同,竞争性的“再领域化”促成地方认同的产生和变化。这三个层次的不一致性导致了不同时期治理方式的差异和治理困境的产生。本文从领域化理论视角深入探究尺度政治如何在城市化过程中产生和得以体现,以及不同城市化发展时期和城市空间转变中的城乡边界动态变化、村落自我调整的复杂过程以及城乡融合过程中的治理挑战,最后给出政策思考和建议。  相似文献   

刘筱  闫小培 《地理研究》2006,25(5):814-824
公共服务业的产业化在近20年中发展迅速,现代城市在公共服务业发展中面临着经济、体制和不同地域管治等诸多问题。本文以广州市典型调查、访谈为基础,总结了公共服务业供应的4种模式,并且从城市管治和地区差异角度对其特征进行了分析。针对我国目前公共服务业发展状况,提出了公共服务业管治的五项基本原则。  相似文献   


Underground urban development is rapidly expanding. Like all forms of ‘development’, utilising the underneath of cities can present a range of possibilities and problems. Much underground urban development, however, has been conceptualised through a technical rather than a broader social lens. This is problematic, not least as these developments are usually financed with public money, while their governance is often realised through complicated and opaque public–private partnerships. In this context, the urban underground is often present as sub terra nullius: an epistemologically blank slate waiting to be exploited with the necessary technology and funding. In this paper, the author presents four analytical strata to help us to rethink how urban undergrounds are conceptualised and developed. Drawing on examples from Australia, she presents how we need to appreciate the more-than-human geographies of the underground (stratum 1); critically understand the dynamics of volumetric dispossession (stratum 2); question who owns the underground and how (stratum 3); and rethink how the underground is accessed (stratum 4). By engaging with these themes, we can explore ways to move subterranean urban development away from a technoscientific tunnelling decision-making process to one that engages with the social, political and economic implications of urban infrastructural projects.  相似文献   


Urban greening, the improvement or increase of green spaces in cities, has purported environmental, individual, social and cultural benefits. The extent and qualities of urban green spaces, and our opportunities to engage with them, reflect and shape human responses to those spaces. Planning scholars recognise the traditional role and obligation of planning to help reduce social problems and see the potential for the public to be leaders in defining responses. However, use of technical, scientific and economic approaches by urban land managers can limit recognition of diverse connections to urban green and advance narrow conceptions of nature. We sample people’s responses to different forms of urban green and greening in three case studies from Melbourne, Australia. We show that modern connections and expressions are personal, social and dynamic. Human experiences are embedded in nature and connections develop from interactions with and about nature, in formal and informal spaces. Diverse connections prompt responses to nature, and actions affecting nature itself. Accordingly, we propose ways to develop more receptive, responsive, inclusive and connected forms of urban greening. These include recognising diverse connections and expressions, encouraging dynamic relationships with nature, and providing varied ways of engaging with urban green spaces that foster stewardship.  相似文献   


Multi-stakeholder sustainability certification schemes have become a favorite instrument for applying good governance, though studies indicate their inefficiency at the producer level. In this study, we used a mixed-method approach to first, map the institutional context of independent oil-palm smallholders in rural Sumatra while, second, reflecting upon the impact of the Smallholder Standard proposed by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil on smallholder management practices. We hold that non-recognition of micro-scale perspectives within governance processes may partially explain noncompliance with certification principles among smallholders. The Smallholder Standard appears unable to mitigate challenges important for smallholders, who in turn cannot properly comply with it, due to problems including weather instability and high management costs. We suggest that certification schemes need to work on some overlooked but essential preconditions of good governance, namely gaining micro-level visibility and acceptance.  相似文献   

As a multifunctional activity and land use, urban agriculture supports a range of objectives, from urban greening to food security. However, it is often left out of urban policy. As a result of the highly contextual and cross-cutting nature of urban agriculture, there are relatively few comprehensive and formalized regulatory tools to draw from. Different cities around the world are now deciding how to fit urban agriculture into the urban agenda; however, in many places urban agriculture continues to operate in the absence of legitimization due to its relatively mobile and dynamic nature. This article looks at the importance of local and central governments in promoting sustainable urban agriculture. Through participatory action research, it examines the cases of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Copenhagen, Denmark to understand stakeholder interactions, as well as present and future barriers to the conservation of existing urban agriculture and future initiatives. The findings suggest that municipal recognition and institutional support for urban agriculture is an important component in increasing the sustainability of related initiatives. Local and central government plays a role in the legitimization and institutionalization of urban agriculture through the facilitation of multi-stakeholder processes, policy development and the conservation and allocation of land.  相似文献   


The zone of intersection between land and sea within an urban context has long been viewed as a special type of urban commons. The well-researched port-city interface, however, tells a rather tragic story about the use and management of this valuable resource. This study asks how four major regulatory-institutional issues in the interface – land ownership, activities allowed in port area, planning autonomy, and public access – affect the ability of ports and cities to preserve elements of “commons” in urban coasts? Furthermore, it assesses if and how Elinor Ostrom’s principles for overcoming commons-related tensions, could contribute to the management of port-city conflicts over land-uses in the Mediterranean urban coastline and the various questions that may derive from such an application. For these purposes the study combines a comprehensive literature review with the analysis of planning regulation and in-depth, semi-structured interviews of key-stakeholders in seven port cities across three Mediterranean countries. The common experience in these different cases suggests that through a strategy involving scaling-down spatial decisions or governance, and built-in mechanisms for spatial cooperation, ports and the cities that host them can find a new joint path, which will strengthen local synergies and the quality of urban, public space.  相似文献   

本文从“城市生活空间质量观”的角度,首次运用城市空间公正的“社会论”观点,通过分析中外国家城市郊区化的社会内涵和机制以及由此引发的社会空间分异,揭示了中国快速郊区化过程中大城市郊区社区碎化的现状和原因,并提出对应空间治理措施。  相似文献   

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