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Three sets of bottom sediment samples, totalling 563, were collected in the Atchafalaya Bay, Louisiana. Cluster analysis was applied to each set of data based on grain‐size distribution. Comparison between resulting clusters and depositional environments indicates that the results of cluster analysis are sedimentologically meaningful and environmentally significant. A follow‐up discriminant analysis shows the stability of the classification system. The system then, in turn, can be used to classify sediments from unknown sources in the study area.  相似文献   

The strong coupling between hydrodynamics and seafloors on shallow muddy shelves, and resulting bed reworking, have been extensively documented. On these shelves, spectral wave transformation is driven by a complex combination of forcing mechanisms that include nonlinear wave interactions and wave energy dissipation induced by fluid-mud at a range of frequencies. Wave-mud interaction is investigated herein by using a previously validated nonlinear spectral wave model and observations of waves and near-bed conditions on a mildly-sloping seafloor off the muddy central chenier-plain coast, western Louisiana Shelf, United States. Measurements were made along a cross-shelf transect spanning 1 km between 4 and 3 m water depths. The high-resolution observations of waves and near-bed conditions suggest presence of a fluid mud layer with thickness sometimes exceeding 10 cm under strong long wave action (1 meter wave height with 7 s peak period at 4 meter depth). Spectral wave transformation is modeled using the stochastic formulation of the nonlinear Mild Slope Equation, modified to account for wave-breaking and mud-induced dissipation. The model is used in an inverse manner in order to estimate the viscosity of the fluid mud layer, which is a key parameter controlling mud-induced wave dissipation but complicated to measure in the field during major wave events. Estimated kinematic viscosities vary between 10−4-10−3 m2/s. Combining these results of the wave model simulations with in-depth analysis of near-bed conditions and boundary layer modeling allows for a detailed investigation of the interaction of nonlinear wave propagation and mud characteristics. The results indicate that mud-induced dissipation is most efficient when the wave-induced resuspensions of concentrations  > 10 g/L settle due to relatively small bottom stresses to form a fluid mud layer that is not as thin and viscous as a consolidated seafloor in absence of wave action but also not as thick and soft as a near-bed high concentration layer that forms during strong wave action.  相似文献   

陆架沙丘(波)活动量级和稳定性标志研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陆架底流包含定时变向的潮流、定时定向的洋流和偶发性的暴风浪流,水下沙丘的塑造和运动是潮、浪动力共同作用的结果.用水文计算法计算沙丘迁移速率时应充分考虑陆架各动力要素的作用,并与定位观测速率相对照.按陆架水下沙丘的运动量级和发育过程可划分为强运动、弱运动、不运动(残留)和消亡(或埋藏)沙丘等4种类型,它们的稳定性标志,表现于海底状况、外部形态、粒度结构、水动力和迁移速率等方面.  相似文献   

Three sediment cores were collected off the Mississippi River delta on the Louisiana Shelf at sites that are variably influenced by recurring, summer-time water-column hypoxia and fluvial loadings. The cores, with established chronology, were analyzed for their respective carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur elemental and isotopic composition to examine variable organic matter inputs, and to assess the sediment record for possible evidence of hypoxic events. Sediment from site MRJ03-3, which is located close to the Mississippi Canyon and generally not influenced by summer-time hypoxia, is typical of marine sediment in that it contains mostly marine algae and fine-grained material from the erosion of terrestrial C4 plants. Sediment from site MRJ03-2, located closer to the mouth of the Mississippi River and at the periphery of the hypoxic zone (annual recurrence of summer-time hypoxia >50%), is similar in composition to core MRJ03-3, but exhibits more isotopic and elemental variability down-core, suggesting that this site is more directly influenced by river discharge. Site MRJ03-5 is located in an area of recurring hypoxia (annual recurrence >75%), and is isotopically and elementally distinct from the other two cores. The carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of this core prior to 1960 is similar to average particulate organic matter from the lower Mississippi River, and approaches the composition of C3 plants. This site likely receives a greater input of local terrestrial organic matter to the sediment. After 1960 and to the present, a gradual shift to higher values of δ13C and δ15N and lower C:N ratios suggests that algal input to these shelf sediments increased as a result of increased productivity and hypoxia. The values of C:S and δ34S reflect site-specific processes that may be influenced by the higher likelihood of recurring seasonal hypoxia. In particular, the temporal variations in the C:S and δ34S down-core are likely caused by changes in the rate of sulfate reduction, and hence the degree of hypoxia in the overlying water column. Based principally on the down-core C:N and C:S ratios and δ13C and δ34S profiles, sites MRJ03-3 and MRJ03-2 generally reflect more marine organic matter inputs, while site MRJ03-5 appears to be more influenced by terrestrial deposition.  相似文献   

Hummocky megaripples occur on Sable Island Bank, Scotian Shelf. Submersible observations show that the megaripples form during winter storms and are subsequently obliterated through bioturbation and fair-weather reworking. The megaripples of this study were underlain by a storm bed composed of: (A) a basal scoured and infilled gravel lag facies; (B) low-angle tangential crossbedding in gravel to coarse sand; (C) anisotropic hummocky stratification in medium sand; and (D) wave ripple cross-lamination in medium/fine sand. This sequence forms a tempestite bed created by a winter storm during our sampling program. Numerical simulation of bed conditions during the storm suggests that the hummocky megaripples and hummocky stratification formed together during late stages of storm decay from conditions of sheet flow. Near-bed wave motion during deposition exceeded steady currents by an order of magnitude.  相似文献   

Normal operation of oil well platforms results in the discharge of produced formation water (PFW). The expression of CYP1A, CYP2M1- and 2K1-like proteins was examined for use as possible biomarkers of PFW exposure. A pilot study on the Northwest Shelf of Australia had indicated that PFW contamination possibly contributes to induction of CYP1A-like proteins in Gold-Spotted Trevally (Carangoides fulvoguttatus). The pilot study samples were re-examined for CYP1A, and, in addition, CYP2K1/2M1-like proteins. In a subsequent caged fish study in the same location a second species, Stripey seaperch (Lutjanus carponotatus), caught at a clean site, were distributed to three caging sites in a PFW gradient from the Harriet A production platform: A (near-field), B (far-field) and C (a non-impacted reference site). Fish were sampled at time (T) T = 0, T = 3 and T = 10 days. Significant increases of CYP1A, one CYP2K1- and two CYP2M1-like proteins were noted at Site A at T = 10d. For another CYP2K1-like protein, a significant increase was observed at Site A only at T = 3d. These results support a previous study indicating that CYP1A protein is sensitive to PFW exposure. Importantly, statistically significant environmental induction of both CYP2M1- and CYP2K1-like proteins in tropical fish due to PFW exposure had not previously been described and induction of enzymes in the CYP2 family suggest new biomarkers for PFW. In addition, the novel response of one CYP2K-like protein requires further verification, but offers promise for improved monitoring of sub-lethal responses in marine organisms.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton variability on the Faroe Shelf   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  

Side-scan sonar records collected over an area of the North Aleutian Shelf, approximately 250 km west of the head of Bristol Bay, Alaska, identified widespread evidence of active sea floor erosion processes, including sediment transport. Thousands of sea floor depressions, many linear and some containing rippled floors, were identified in water depths of 30 to 90 m. The depressions cover approximately 40 percent of the area surveyed. The sea floor depressions are interpreted to be erosional features, and in conjunction with a field of sand waves, exemplify the dynamic nature of the ocenographic processes active on this area of the sea floor.  相似文献   

The effects of hypoxic bottom water, an annual event, were documented on the inner shelf off Cameron, Louisiana during the summer of 1981. Populations of most species of macrobenthos were dramatically reduced. In an area of fine sediment that was numerically dominated by polychaetous annelids, the most severely affected populations were those of tube-dwelling and surface-feeding species. Burrowing species were less influenced by the hypoxia.  相似文献   

The Chandeleur Islands lie on the eastern side of the modern Mississippi River delta plain, near the edge of the St. Bernard Delta complex. Since abandonment approximately 2,000 years b.p., this delta complex has undergone subsidence and ravinement as the shoreline has transgressed across it. High-resolution seismic-reflection, sidescan-sonar, and bathymetry data show that seafloor erosion is influenced by locally variable shallow stratigraphy. The data reveal two general populations of shallow erosional depressions, either linear or subcircular in shape. Linear depressions occur primarily where sandy distributary-channel deposits are exposed on the seafloor. The subcircular pits are concentrated in areas where delta-front deposits crop out, and occasional seismic blanking indicates that gas is present. The difference in erosional patterns suggests that delta-front and distributary-channel deposits respond uniquely to wave and current energy expended on the inner shelf, particularly during stormy periods. Linear depressions may be the result of the sandy distributary-channel deposits eroding more readily by waves and coastal currents than the surrounding delta-front deposits. Pits may develop as gas discharge or liquefaction occurs within fine-grained delta-front deposits, causing seafloor collapse. These detailed observations suggest that ravinement of this inner shelf surface may be ongoing, is controlled by the underlying stratigraphy, and has varied morphologic expression.  相似文献   

Municipal wastes discharged through deepwater submarine outfalls since 1937 have contaminated sediments of the Palos Verdes Shelf. A site approximately 6–8 km downcurrent from the outfall system was chosen for a study of the diagenetic fate of organic contaminants in the waste-impacted sediments. Concentrations of three classes of hydrophobic organic contaminants (DDT+metabolites, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and the long-chain alkylbenzenes) were determined in sediment cores collected at the study site in 1981 and 1992. Differences between the composition of effluent from the major source of DDT (Montrose Chemical) and that found in sediments suggests that parent DDT was transformed by hydrolytic dehydrochlorination during the earliest stages of diagenesis. As a result, p,p′-DDE is the dominant DDT metabolite found in shelf sediments, comprising 60–70% of ΣDDT. The p,p-DDE/p,p′-DDMU concentration ratio decreases with increasing sub-bottom depth in sediment cores, indicating that reductive dechlorination of p,p′-DDE is occurring. Approximately 9–23% of the DDE inventory in the sediments may have been converted to DDMU since DDT discharges began ca. 1953. At most, this is less than half of the decline in p,p′-DDE inventory that has been observed at the study site for the period 1981–1995. Most of the observed decrease is attributable to remobilization by processes such as sediment mixing coupled to resuspension, contaminant desorption, and current advection. Existing field data suggest that the in situ rate of DDE transformation is 102–103 times slower than rates determined in recent laboratory microcosm experiments (Quensen, J.F., Mueller, S.A., Jain, M.K., Tiedje, J.M., 1998. Reductive dechlorination of DDE to DDMU in marine sediment microcosms. Science, 280, 722–724.). This explains why the DDT composition (i.e. o,p′-, p,p′-isomers of DDE, DDD, DDT) of sediments from this site have not changed significantly since at least 1972. Congener-specific PCB compositions in shelf sediments are highly uniform and show no evidence of diagenetic transformation. Apparently, the agents/factors responsible for reductive dechlorination of DDE are not also effecting alteration of the PCBs. Two types of long-chain alkylbenzenes were found in the contaminated sediments. Comparison of chain length and isomer distributions of the linear alkylbenzenes in wastewater effluent and surficial sediment samples indicate that these compounds undergo biodegradation during sedimentation. Further degradation of the linear alkylbenzenes occurs after burial despite relatively invariant isomer compositions. The branched alkylbenzenes are much more persistent than the linear alkylbenzenes, presumably due to extensive branching of the alkyl side chain. Based on these results, p,p′-DDE, PCBs, and selected branched alkylbenzenes are sufficiently persistent for use in molecular stratigraphy. The linear alkylbenzenes may also provide information on depositional processes. However, their application as quantitative molecular tracers should be approached with caution.  相似文献   

During more than 60 years, sedimentation on the Palos Verdes Shelf has been dominated by time-varying inputs of municipal wastewater from the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts (LACSD) and debris from the Portuguese Bend Landslide (PBL). The present study examines the depositional history of wastewater-derived organic contaminants at a site approximately 6–8 km downcurrent from the outfall system. Sediments at this location are impacted by contributions from both sources, but the relative influence of the sources has changed over time. Two classes of hydrophobic organic contaminants (chlorinated hydrocarbons, long-chain alkylbenzenes) were determined in sediment cores collected in 1981 and 1992. Using molecular stratigraphy, we determined average sedimentation rates (cm/year) and mass accumulation rates (g cm−2 year−1) for the following periods: 1955–1965, 1965–1971, 1971–1981 and 1981–1992. The results show that sedimentation and mass accumulation rates increased from 1955 to 1971 and decreased from 1971 to 1981. These trends are consistent with historical information on the emission of suspended solids from the outfall system, indicating that the discharge of wastes dominated sedimentation at the site during this period. In the 1980s and early 1990s, however, mass accumulation rates increased in spite of continually decreasing emissions of wastewater solids. Several lines of evidence indicate that this increase was due to mobilization of debris from the PBL during and after unusually strong winter storms in the 1980s. As a result, heavily contaminated sediments deposited during the years of greatest waste emissions (i.e. 1950–1970) have been buried to greater sub-bottom depths, thereby reducing their availability for mobilization to the overlying water column. These results highlight the dynamic nature of sedimentation in contaminated coastal ecosystems and its importance to the long-term fate and effects of toxic substances.  相似文献   

The oft-cited general correlation between net sediment accumulation and preservation of organic matter, while revealing in many ways, can be a misleading indicator of general elemental cycling processes and controls on storage of biogenic material at the continental-ocean boundary. Deltaic environments are characterized by the highest rates of net sedimentation and are the single most important class of depocenters on Earth. Available data indicate that sedimentary organic C (Corg) of both terrestrial and marine origin is efficiently decomposed in deltaic areas, with decomposition percentages reaching ≥70% and ≥90%, respectively, the latter percentage (marine) being quite comparable to deep-sea, low sedimentation environments. Despite high primary productivity associated with most deltas and evidence of substantial deposition of fresh planktonic debris, patterns of SO4= reduction indicate that the reactivity of organic material being buried is low, and that a larger proportion of Corg is often degraded compared to other marine deposits of similar net accumulation rate. As indicated by properties of the surficial Amazon delta and downdrift coastal region of northeast South America (1600-km extent), the primary reasons for efficient remineralization are related to intense and massive physical reworking of sediment associated with estuarine fronts, upwelling, tidal oscillation, and wind-driven waves. Fluid muds and mobile surface material cause the seafloor and continental boundary to act as a massive, suboxic, fluidized bed reactor dominated in some cases by bacterial rather than macrofaunal biomass. Reoxidation, repetitive redox successions, metabolite exchange, and continual mixing-in of fresh planktonic debris with refractory terrestrial components, result in an efficient decomposition system largely decoupled from net accumulation. Similar processes occur on smaller scales in most estuarine-shelf systems, but appear to be most dramatically expressed off the major rivers forming deltas.  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2005,219(4):207-218
A vertical succession of five composite sequences has been identified within the upper 100 m of the outer Bengal Shelf by means of high-resolution multi-channel seismic data. Each sequence consists predominantly of up to 100 km long and some 10 m thick forced regression systems tracts. The internal reflection pattern of the regressive units show mainly prograding oblique clinoforms. Intervening transgressive systems tracts are represented by seismically transparent or chaotic layers. On the outer shelf three of the sequences cause shelf aggradation and retrogradation, and two of them cause mainly shelf progradation. Based on the hierarchy of systems tracts, their calibration by comparison with eustatic sea-level curves and reconstructed paleoshoreline positions the composite sequences are interpreted as eccentricity driven eustatic 4th order (Milankovitch) cycles with a periodicity of about 100 ky. Internal unconformities mark cycles of 5th or higher order. An average subsidence of the outer shelf is estimated to be less than 0.4 mm/year during the last 345 ky. The correlation between the shelf growth pattern and sea-level fluctuations is consistent with the enhanced deposition on the eastern Bengal submarine fan from 465 to 125 ky B.P., as was observed by other authors.  相似文献   

风暴浪导致的黄河口水下土体破坏试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文试验利用取自黄河水下三角洲的样品 ,重塑后铺设水槽底床进行水槽试验 ,并利用原状土进行动三轴试验 ,2种试验均测定土体内的孔隙水压力。根据各种情况下孔隙水压力的变化记录 ,表明土体破坏同时其孔隙水压力产生骤变。将本文试验结果与在黄河水下三角洲不稳定区的原位沉积动力学试验孔隙水压力测试结果对照 ,说明黄河三角洲水下斜坡某些土体的破坏 ,未出现波浪循环荷载作用下孔隙水压力积累升高所导致的土体液化破坏 ,而是风暴浪对海底的强切应力作用致使土体产生剪切破坏  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the elkhorn coral Acropora palmata is genetically separated into two distinct provinces in the Caribbean, an eastern and a western population admixing in Western Puerto Rico and around the Mona Passage. In this study, the genetic structure of A. palmata sampled at 11 Puerto Rican localities and localities from Curaçao, the Bahamas and Guadeloupe were examined. Analyses using five microsatellite markers showed that 75% of sampled colonies had unique genotypes, the rest being clone mates. Genetic diversity among genets was high (HE = 0.761) and consistent across localities (0.685–0.844). FST ranged from ?0.011 to 0.047, supporting low but significant genetic differentiation between localities within the previously reported eastern and western genetic provinces. Plots of genetic per geographic distances and significant Mantel tests supported isolation‐by‐distance (IBD) within Puerto Rico. Analysis with the software STRUCTURE favored a scenario with weak differentiation between two populations, assigning Eastern Puerto Rican locations (Fajardo and Culebra), Guadeloupe and Curaçao to the Caribbean eastern population and Western Puerto Rican locations (west of Vega Baja and Ponce), Mona and the Bahamas to the Caribbean western population. Vieques and San Juan area harbored admixed profiles. Standardized FST per 1000 km unit further supported higher differentiation between localities belonging to different STRUCTURE populations, with IBD being stronger within Puerto Rico than on larger regional scales. This stronger genetic transition seems to separate localities between putative eastern and western provinces in the Eastern Puerto Rican region, but not around the Mona Passage.  相似文献   

基于IDW 的埕岛海域水下三角洲地形演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究埕岛海域水下三角洲地形演变,利用1958—2014年间埕岛海域7个不同时期水深点的数据,采用 不同插值方法开展适用性比较,确定选用反距离加权法进行数据插值,生成研究海域范围内7期水深地形图。通过栅格计算对不同时期的水深地形进行研究,分析比较了各个时期的地形特征,总结出区域内地形演变规律。研究表明,埕岛海域内整体地形呈西南高东北低走势,3~12 m 等深线间水下岸坡地带地形最为复杂且变化剧烈,走河期淤积中心不断向东北方向推进,最大淤积厚度超过12 m,废弃后侵蚀中心逐步向岸移动,且后期侵蚀速率明显降低,形成了“陡-缓-陡”的地形特征。  相似文献   

The data accumulated by a measuring complex equipped with a gradient-distributed temperature sensor in the course of towing in the shelf zone near the South Coast of the Crimea and in the region where the flow of the Rim Current crosses the shelf edge are used to analyze the energy and space characteristics of internal waves formed when the flow runs through the shelf edge and to study the process of their propagation both to the coast and to the open part of the sea.  相似文献   

为了明确东海陆架盆地西部瓯江凹陷的构造单元属性,指导下步油气勘探部署,本文在前人中生代构造单元划分和构造演化的研究基础上,开展了地震剖面解释、平衡剖面分析、海陆对比研究等工作。综合研究认为,瓯江凹陷为白垩纪断陷红盆,缺少侏罗纪地层,其断裂构造特征、白垩纪沉积建造和火山岩活动等类似于浙闽隆起带,而瓯江凹陷以东的闽江凹陷为白垩纪和侏罗纪的断坳转换盆地,沉积环境为海陆过渡相—海相。地震剖面上闽江凹陷与其东侧的基隆凹陷构成一个向东倾斜的整体。海陆对比显示,瓯江凹陷与浙闽隆起侏罗纪时均处于隆升剥蚀,白垩纪时均处于断裂拉张。因此,推测瓯江凹陷与浙闽隆起带具有相似的构造单元属性,属于浙闽隆起带的一部分,其中生代的油气资源潜力可能比闽江凹陷差。  相似文献   

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