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近年来,在青岛地区对第四纪断裂的空间展布、结构面和地貌特征及其与第四纪地层的关系等进行了较为详细的研究,并采用热释光(TL)及电子自旋共振(ESR)法对断层物质及断裂带上覆的第四纪堆积物的年龄进行了测定。文中对上述研究成果进行了初步总结,认为青岛及邻区内的NE向断裂在空间展布、地貌特征及最新活动时代等方面具有相似性,它们的最新活动时代为中更新世中晚期,晚更新世以来不活动。除此以外未见其它方向的晚更新世以来活动的断裂,结合历史地震及现代小震活动特点分析,认为该区域内无≥6级地震的发生条件,但有发生5级左右地震的可能性。  相似文献   

上海地区断裂活动性与地震关系初析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
章振铨  刘昌森  王锋 《中国地震》2004,20(2):143-151
以浅层地震勘探结果为主,研究了上海地区的断裂活动性。结果表明,上海地区NW向断裂的活动性要较其它方向强,最新活动时间一般为中更新世,有的可延续至晚更新世,但整体仍属弱活动性断裂。上海地区的地震活动性与所揭示的断裂活动性也相吻合。通过分析现有资料,认为上海地区不具备发生≥6级地震的构造条件,但有发生5级左右地震的构造环境。  相似文献   

本文根据青岛市活断层探测与地震危险性评价项目初查阶段第四纪地层分析、遥感影像解译、地球化学探测、地质地貌调查与探槽开挖、浅层地震勘探与钻孔探测、地质年代测定等获得的丰富的第一手资料,对青岛沧口断裂的地质构造特征和第四纪活动性进行了详细分析与综合研究,结果表明:沧口断裂经历多期构造变动,是本区的重要断裂之一,它由多支断层组成,控制了中生代的火山活动、盆地沉积和岩浆侵入以及晚第四纪的盆地沉积、山体隆升和水系发育;第四纪以来,沧口断裂的主要活动发生于中更新世晚期至晚更新世早期,表现出中高角度向南东倾的逆冲活动特点,错断了上更新统底面1—6m,而最新活动时代为晚更新世中期,以走滑活动为主,垂直错距0.2—1.1m。  相似文献   

苏锡常断裂是长三角地区一条重要的NW向隐伏断裂。文中利用浅层地震勘探和钻孔联合剖面探测方法,对苏锡常断裂的展布特征及其第四纪活动性进行了系统研究。浅层地震勘探成果表明:在苏州地区,苏锡常断裂南支整体倾向NE,倾角约60°,基岩断距3~5m,以正断活动为主;在常州地区,苏锡常断裂北支以正断活动为主,倾向S,倾角约55°~70°,基岩断距4~12m。在地震剖面上,苏锡常断裂的各个断点都以断错基岩面为特征,第四系内部层位断错不明显。苏州东桥镇场地上,苏锡常断裂南支断错的最新地层为下更新统上部;常州朝阳路场地上,苏锡常断裂北支断错的最新地层为中更新统底部。综合判断苏锡常断裂的最新活动时代为中更新世早期。苏锡常断裂在前第四纪总体以左旋正断活动为主,早更新世后则在多处转变为左旋逆断性质,第四纪内部层位断错量约3m,判断苏锡常断裂最大潜在地震震级为6. 0级。  相似文献   

深圳市观澜断裂第四纪活动性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
观澜断裂是深圳陆域地区规模最大的北北西向断裂。通过地质地貌调查、联合钻孔探测及地质年代测定等技术方法对观澜断裂的第四纪活动性进行了详细考察与综合研究。结果表明:穿越低丘陵台地地貌区的观澜断裂两侧未见地貌差异或现代构造形变现象;4个典型地质露头和2条钻孔联合剖面显示断裂没有扰动上覆第四系.观澜大布巷钻孔探测剖面还获得了断裂上覆冲洪积砂层底部12.6±2.4Ka的光释光测年数据;断裂物质主要由碎裂岩、构造角砾岩、硅化岩等组成.可见硅质被膜及半固结岩屑或岩粉状物质;7个断层样品的电子自旋共振测试结果显示断裂的最新活动年龄为距今21.1±2.1万年。结合12条浅层地震测线探测未发现断裂错移第四纪覆盖层底界的事实.得出了观澜断裂最新一次活动发生在中更新世晚期.自晚更新世中期以后没有新的近地表活动的结论。  相似文献   

五峰山-西来桥断裂和丹徒-建山断裂是镇江地区2条主要的NW向断裂,可能与镇江多次破坏性地震相关.文中通过浅层地震勘探和钻孔联合剖面探测方法,对五峰山-西来桥断裂和丹徒-建山断裂的展布特征及第四纪活动性进行了系统研究.五峰山-西来桥断裂在浅层地震剖面上倾向NE,倾角约为60°,断距约为5~9m,以正断活动为主;大路镇场地...  相似文献   

通过野外地质调查、浅层地震勘探和钻孔联合剖面探测等方法,对废黄河断裂的第四纪活动性进行了研究。浅层地震勘探结果表明,废黄河断裂由南北两条主干断裂组成,南支断裂倾向NE,北支断裂倾向SW,总体为一地堑形式,断裂宽度为1~2km。在地震剖面上,废黄河断裂的各个断点都是以断错基岩面为特征,并未断错第四系内部层位。钻孔联合剖面探测结果显示,废黄河断裂断错了中更新统层位,但未断错其顶面。在凤山一带发现1条废黄河断裂的次级断层出露,结合断层泥胶结程度、测年结果和地貌特征等判断,该断层最新活动为中更新世中期。综合以上研究工作成果,判断废黄河断裂早期为左旋活动,第四纪以来表现为张性活动,其最新活动时代为中更新世中期。受构造背景的控制,徐州地区发育的NW向断裂明显较相邻的鲁西南地区的NW向断裂活动性弱。  相似文献   

冠县断裂是馆陶凸起的东边界断裂,在石油地震勘探剖面给出目标断裂空间位置的基础上,采用浅层地震、钻孔联合剖面等方法获得了冠县断裂的空间展布位置、断层上断点埋深,并综合判定断裂最新活动时代,推测出冠县断裂第四纪仍存在活动迹象,其最新活动时代为中更新世.  相似文献   

吴章明  叶建青 《地震地质》1993,15(1):28-31,T001

吴章明  汪一鹏  任金卫  叶建青 《地震地质》1993,15(1):28-31,T001
前言经中外地学工作者多年的研究,青藏高原形成的过程现已经比较清楚。目前比较普遍的看法是青藏高原是由多个小板块碰撞增生而成的。主要的缝合线有祁连山、昆仑山、金沙江、澜沧江缝合线和班公错-怒江、雅鲁藏布江等6条。并且,各缝合线的形成先后顺序有从北向南由老变新的特点。然而,由于客观上的困难及工作任务所限,对这几条缝合线晚第四纪活动研究程度差别很大。除祁连山和昆仑山两条缝合线的晚第四纪活动有过不同程度的研究报道之外,其它4条缝合线晚第四纪新活动均只  相似文献   

赵瑞斌 《内陆地震》1996,10(2):134-138
在野外地质调查的基础上,通过研究秦皇岛市F1、F2、F3断裂断层泥中石英颗粒表面的SEM特征,认为F1断裂最末一次活动时间在早更新世至中更新世;F2断裂最末一次活动时间在晚更新世中晚期;F3断裂最末一次活动时间在晚更新世末或全新世初。  相似文献   

冯希杰 《华南地震》1991,11(2):47-51
本文将断裂活动的年龄值做为断裂活动的事件,通过长江三峡春邻区断层活动年龄的统计,建立了该区断裂活动的时间序列,将其同中国大陆地壳活动节变化相对化,讨论了两者之间的对应关系,获得若干新认识。  相似文献   

The 2014 Jinggu M6.6 earthquake attacked the Jinggu area where few historical earthquakes had occurred and little study has been conducted on active tectonics. The lack of detailed field investigation on active faults and seismicity restricts the assessment of seismic risk of this area and leads to divergent view points with respect to the seismotectonics of this earthquake, so relevant research needs to be strengthened urgently. In particular, some studies suggest that this earthquake triggered the activity of the NE-trending faults which have not yet been studied. By the approaches of remote sensing image interpretation, structural geomorphology investigation and trench excavation, we studied the late Quaternary activity of the faults in the epicenter area, which are the eastern margin fault of Yongping Basin and the Yixiang-Zhaojiacun Fault, and drew the conclusions as follows: (1)The eastern margin fault of Yongping Basin originates around the Naguai village in the southeastern margin of Yongping Basin,extending northward across the Qiandong, Tianfang, and ending in the north of Tiantou. The fault is about 43km long, striking near SN. The linear characteristic of the fault is obvious in remote sensing images. Structural geomorphological phenomena, such as fault troughs, linear ridges and gully dislocations, have developed along the faults. There are several dextral-dislocated gullies near Naguai village, with displacements of 300m, 220m, 146m, 120m and 73m, respectively, indicating that the fault is a dextral strike-slip fault with long-term activity. In order to further study the activity of the fault, a trench was excavated in the fault trough, the Naguai trench. The trench reveals many faults, and the youngest strata offseted by the faults are Holocene, with 14C ages of(1 197±51)a and(1 900±35)a, respectively. All those suggest that it is a Holocene active fault. (2)The Yixiang-Zhaojiacun Fault starts at the southeast of the Jinggu Basin, passes through Xiangyan, Yixiang, Chahe, and terminates at the Zhaojiacun. The total length of the fault is about 60km, and is a large-scale NE-trending fault in the Wuliangshan fault zone. Four gullies are synchronously sinistrally dislocated at Yixiang village, with the displacements of 340m, 260m, 240m and 240m, indicating that the fault is a long-term active sinistral strike-slip fault. A trench was excavated in a fault trough in Yixiang village. The trench reveals a small sag pond and a fault. The fault offsets several strata with clear dislocation and linear characteristic. The thickness of strata between the two walls of fault does not match, and the gravels are oriented along fault plane. The offset strata have the 14C age of(2 296±56)a, (3 009±51)a, and(4 924±45)a, respectively, and another two strata have the OSL age of(1.8±0.1)ka, (8.6±0.5)ka respectively, by which we constrained the latest paleoearthquake between(1.8±0.1)ka(OSL-Y01)and(378±48)a BP(CY-07). This again provides further evidence that the fault is a Holocene fault with long-term activity. (3)Based on the distribution of aftershocks and the predecessor research results, the 2014 Jinggu M6.6 earthquake and the M5.8, M5.9 strong aftershocks are regarded as being caused by the eastern margin fault of Yongping Basin, which is part of the Wuliangshan fault zone. The seismogenic mechanism is that the stress has been locked, concentrated and accumulated to give rise to the quakes in the wedge-shaped area near the intersection of the SN and NE striking faults, which is similar to the seismogenic mechanism in the southwest of Yunnan Province.  相似文献   

上海两条隐伏第四纪断裂的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以浅层地震勘探为主要方法 ,研究了上海两条主要断裂 (太仓 -奉贤断裂和枫泾 -川沙断裂 )的第四纪活动性。结果表明 ,断裂的最新活动一般在早更新世 -中更新世 ,个别区段的活动可延续至晚更新世  相似文献   

长江口海域断裂第四纪活动性特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过浅层人工地震勘察获知,长江口海域断裂构造发育,以北东、北西向断裂为主. 断裂以上新世-早更新世活动为主,最新活动可至中更新世. 断裂的最大断距一般为几十米,往上断距变小,中更新统底界的断距在12~13 m. 断裂平均垂直位移速率为10-3mm/a量级.  相似文献   

上海两条隐伏经四纪断裂的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
章振铨  刘昌森 《地震地质》2001,23(4):545-555
以浅层地震勘探为主要方法,研究了上海两条主要断裂(太仑-奉贤断裂和枫泾-川沙断裂)的第四纪活动性,结果表明,断裂的最新活动一般在早更新世-中更新世,个别区段的活动可延续至晚更新世。  相似文献   

Based on the 1︰50000 geological and geomorphologic mapping of active fault, the structural geomorphic features and activity of Hancheng Fault are investigated in detail. In the study, we divide the fault into three sections from north to south: the section between Xiweikou and Panhe River, the section between Panhe River and Xingjiabao and the section between Xingjiabao and Yijing, the three sections show different characters of tectonic landform. The section between Xiweikou and Panhe River is a kind of typical basin-mountain landform, where diluvial fans spread widely. In the north of Yumenkou, the fault deforms the diluvial fans, forming scarps, along which the fault extends. In the south of Yumenkou, the fault extends along the rear edge of the diluvial fans. In the section between Panhe River and Xingjiabao the fault extends along the front of the loess mesa. In the section between Xingjiabao and Yijing the fault forms scarp in the loess and extends as an arc shaped zone, and the landform is formed by the accumulative deformation of the fault. The activity of the fault becomes weak gradually from northeast to southwest. The fault activity of the section between Xiweikou and Panhe River is the strongest, and the latest age of activity is Holocene. The slip rate since the mid-Holocene is bigger than 0.8mm/a at Yumenkou. The fault activity of the section between Panhe River and Xingjiabao is weaker than the north part, the fault's latest active age is identified as the later period of Late Pleistocene and the activity becomes weak gradually from northeast to southwest. At the estuary of the Jushui River the slip rate of the fault is about 0.49mm/a since late Late Pleistocene. The fault activity of the section between Xingjiabao and Yijing is the weakest. There is no evidence of paleosol S1 deformed in fault profiles, and only some phenomena of fracture and sand liquefaction in the earlier Late Pleistocene loess. The activity of the fault is in line with the fault landform feature. At macro level, the relationship between the uplifted side and the thrown side of the fault switches gradually from the Ordos uplifting region and the rifted basin to the interior blocks of the rifted basin, which maybe is the regional reason why the activity of the Hancheng Fault becomes weak from the northeast to the southwest.  相似文献   

本文通过对辽宁东港地区地震地质条件和主要断裂活动性的调查,讨论了该区主要断裂活动性与地震的关系,指出鸭绿江断裂南段是主要的地震构造,该段的中强地震活动是造成东港地区地震危险性较高的主要原因。  相似文献   

青岛沧口-温泉断裂的空间展布及现代活动性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
以野外地质观察和断裂的地质剖面为依据 ,阐述了青岛沧口 -温泉断裂的空间展布和构造特征。并应用区域地貌、地震地质、第四纪地质方法和断裂活动的绝对年龄资料对青岛沧口 -温泉断裂现代活动性进行了研究 ,认为上述断裂自晚更新世以来 ,其活动趋向稳定状态 ,属于晚第四纪不活动断裂  相似文献   

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