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A numerical solution and computer program developed to analyse undersea flexible cable problems is presented. The cable is subject to hydrodynamic loads from a surrounding fluid medium. The object is to determine the cable profile and tensile forces developed. The cable equations and boundary conditions result in a classical two-point boundary value problem. An iteration ‘shooting method’ is used for solution. The program has been written to analyse a class of towing and anchoring problems. However the analysis is general and applicable to most steady-state cable problems.  相似文献   

Work on the development of passive-vision sensing capabilities that can increase the autonomy of an undersea vehicle is reported. Two classic machine-vision problems for recovering motion and the shape of objects from their images are considered, in light of formulations that incorporate effects due to the illumination attenuation and nonuniform lighting commonly encountered in undersea environments. Based on the formulations, methods are proposed for recovering the orientation of a planar patch from its image shading and for estimating the image motion, a useful tool in dynamic scene analysis  相似文献   

To perform geophysical and multidisciplinary real-time measurements on the ocean floor, it has been attempted to reuse decommissioned submarine cables. The VENUS project reuses the TPC-2, which is one of these systems and runs across the entire Philippine Sea Plate between Guam Island and Okinawa Island. The VENUS system comprises an ocean floor observatory, a submarine cable, and a land system. The major components of the ocean floor observatory are geophysical instruments and a telemetry system. There are seven scientific instrument units including broadband seismometers and a hydrophone array. Digital telemetry using the old analog telephone cable obtains high data accuracy and real-time accessibility to data from a laboratory on land. The bottom-telemetry system and a part of sensor units were installed at a depth of 2157 m on the landward slope of the Ryukyu (Nansei-Syoto) Trench on August 29, 1999. The data from the hydrophone array and tsunami gauge have been correctly transmitted to the data center. The rest of the scientific instruments will be deployed by deep-tow equipment and a remotely operated vehicle. Using a decommissioned submarine cable will greatly reduce construction costs compared to using a new cable system  相似文献   

Marine Geophysical Research - After the twenty-first century, the Global Navigation Satellite System-Acoustic ranging (GNSS-A) technique detected geodetic events such as co- and postseismic effects...  相似文献   

Electrical conductivity measurements provide useful geotechnical information, particularly porosity data, and are well suited for use in conjunction with acoustic profiling techniques. A proposed conductivity measurement system for surveying the seabed is characterized by a towed inductive multifrequency probe operating underwater. It is integrated with a shipboard data acquisition and processing system.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for tracking a distant moving target using only bearing measurements obtained from a tracking platform. The method is an improvement of the Hinich-Bloom passive tracking approach presented in [1]. The target is assumed to be moving at constant speed on a fixed heading, whereas the platform maneuvers during the measurement period. The direction cosines of the bearings are computed with respect to a rotation of the coordinate system that places 0° at the mean estimated target bearing. This is done to minimize the approximation bias due to the linearization of sine bearing as a function of inverse range and time. The coordinate system is rotated back to estimate the target coordinates. When the noise is Gaussian, the estimates of target range and heading are approximately maximum likelihood when the target's relative range is slowly varying during the observation period. In this case the mean square errors of the target parameter estimates are the smallest achievable within the order of the approximation.  相似文献   

It is possible to localize a nonmaneuvering moving source radiating a constant frequency tone from measurements of the Doppler-shifted frequency at several sensors. Due to the nonlinear nature of the problem, it is necessary to find the solution by grid searches. However, if measurements of the rates of frequency changes are available, the search is only in three dimensions instead of the normal five in source frequency, its x-y positions, and speeds. The validity of combining frequency and frequency-rate measurements is confirmed with simulation studies. The overall system includes a least-squares track-sort algorithm to differentiate the true track from the extraneous track, and a Kalman tracker for the prediction of future source positions, thereby reducing the grid search size. An error analysis relating localization accuracy to uncertainties in frequency measurements and sensor positions is also given  相似文献   

CODAR, a high-frequency (HF) compact radar system, was operated continuously over several weeks aboard the semisubmersible oil platform Treasure Saga for the purpose of wave-height directional measurement and comparison. During North Sea winter storm conditions, the system operated at two different frequencies, depending on the sea state. Wave data are extracted from the second-order backscatter Doppler spectrum produced by nonlinearities in the hydrodynamic wave/wave and electromagnetic wave/scatter interactions. Because the floating oil rig itself moves in response to long waves, a technique has been developed and successfully demonstrated to eliminate to second order the resulting phase-modulation contamination of the echo, using separate accelerometer measurement of the platform's lateral motions. CODAR wave height, mean direction, and period are compared with data from a Norwegian directional wave buoy; in storm seas with wave heights that exceeded 9 m, the two height measurements agreed to within 20 cm RMS, and the mean direction to better than 15° RMS  相似文献   

In this paper a technique is discussed for analyzing multi-modal directional wave spectra from tri-orthogonal measuring methods. The technique is illustrated for measurements, made with a three-dimensional acoustic current meter in the southern part of the North Sea.The examples given are discussed in the light of the meteorological situation prior to and during the time of recording. The method can be used for the separation of sea and swell, which is of importance for the calculation of wave loads on structures as will be shown finally.  相似文献   

An electromagnetic sounding system has been developed to map the shallow electrical conductivity structure of the deep sea floor. The instrument consists of a magnetic source and several colinear magnetic receivers forming an array which is towed along the seafloor. The source generates a time varying magnetic field; the shape of the resulting magnetic field waveform at the receivers depends on the electrical conductivity below the seafloor between the receivers and the source. The instrument can be towed systematically over a study area under acoustic transponder or GPS navigation to construct a map of the electrical conductivity. Towing speeds of greater than 1 m s–1 (2 knots) can be achieved without adversely effecting data quality. The instrument is sufficiently robust to survive continual contact with thinly sedimented, abrasive basalt. We present the first results from a deployment in August, 1990 near the Cleft Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge along an 8 km track to the west of the spreading center. Unforeseen problems with the instrument restricted the utility of the measurements for constructing detailed vertical conductivity profiles, but the measurements were adequate to determine an average conductivity in the upper 25 m, at more than 70 stations. The conductivity was found to vary from 0.1 to 0.4 S/m along the track.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of wind velocities at two different sites, one over the sea and the other over land, can differ substantially and therefore cannot be interchanged. In situations where the wind data at an offshore site are missing while simultaneous measurements from a land-based station exist, a linear mean-square estimation (LMSE) technique can be used to estimate the missing data. This technique relies on past wind data gathered simultaneously at the two locations, and it generates from the associated correlation a set of four transfer functions capable of predicting one data set from the other. In the present case, the LMSE technique is outlined briefly, and is then applied to construct seasonal transfer functions between a land-based station and two coastal/offshore sites in Kuwait. Comparisons between the actually observed wind characteristics and those predicted by the LMSE technique are favorable, and thus tend to confirm the applicability of the technique under appropriate conditions.  相似文献   

The relations between the volume transport and the sea level difference across the Tsushima Straits have been investigated using current data provided by ADCP mounted on the ferry Camellia, plying between Hakata and Pusan. Empirical formulas to deduce the volume transports using the sea level differences across the eastern and western channels are proposed, considering the seasonal variation of the vertical current structure. The interannual variation of volume transport through the Tsushima Straits for 37 years from 1965 to 2001 is estimated using the empirical formulas. The total volume transport through the Tsushima Straits, averaged for 37 years, is 2.60 Sv and those of the eastern and western channels are 1.13 Sv and 1.47 Sv, respectively. The total volume transport through the Tsushima Straits tends to decrease with a roughly 15 year variation until 1992, then begins to increase.  相似文献   

The position and strength of the surface Kuroshio Extension Front (KEF), defined as the sea surface temperature (SST) gradient maximum adjacent to the Kuroshio Extension (KE) axis (approximated by a specific SSH contour consistently located at, or near, the maximum of the SSH gradient magnitude), have been studied using weekly, microwave SST measurements from the later 1997 to early 2008. The mean KEF meanders twice around ∼36°N between the east coast of Japan and 153°E. It then migrates southeast to ∼34°N, just before reaching the Shatsky Rise (∼158°E), then progresses mostly eastward. Spatially, the KEF is strongest near the Japan coast, while it is seasonally strongest in winter and weakest in summer. Low-frequency variations of its strength, most notably in its upstream region, can be related to the known bimodal states of the KE. During 2003–2005, when the KE was in its stable state, the winter KEF SST gradient exceeded 10°C/100 km.  相似文献   

A source that emits a constant frequency tone and moves at a constant course and speed can be localized through measurements of the Doppler shifted frequencies (DSF). With five unknowns, namely, the rest frequency and the positions and speeds in the x-y directions, five separate sensors would normally be necessary to give five DSP measurements for instantaneous localization. The equations are nonlinear, and the standard solution is by grid search or iteration. The high dimensionality leads to a large computational requirement. By incorporating DSF rates, a quantity available from frequency line trackers, a one-dimensional grid search solution is possible which requires only three sensors and reduces the computational load. The derivation of the grid search technique is given, together with simulation results. The conclusion is that at high signal-to-noise ratios (SNR), the scheme reaches the three-sensor Cramer-Rao lower bound; at lower SNR's or with increased sensors, the grid search answer is a good initializer for a nonlinear optimization algorithm that gives a maximum likelihood estimate  相似文献   

Results from radar backscatter experiments conducted over the North Sea in Project Noordwijk in the years 1977, 1978, and 1979 are reported. For these measurements a short-rangeX-band FM/CW scatterometer was used. Data obtained were the average normalized backscattergamma(sigmadeg)of the sea as a function of grazing angle, windspeed, and look direction. The fading spectra and the autocorrelation function ofgamma(t)were also determined and compared with the output of the oceanographic sensors of the platform.  相似文献   

A nine-year-long record of the northeastward volume transport (NVT) in the region southeast of Okinawa Island from 1992 to 2001 was estimated by an empirical relation between the volume transport obtained from the ocean mooring data and the sea surface height anomaly difference across the observation line during 270 days from November 2000. The NVT had large variations ranging from −10.5 Sv (1 Sv ≡ 106 m3s−1) to 30.0 Sv around its mean of 4.5 Sv with a standard deviation of 5.5 Sv. This large variation was accompanied by mesoscale eddies from the east, having a pronounced period from 106 to 160 days. After removal of the eddy, NVT was found to fluctuate from 2 Sv to 12 Sv with a quasi-biennial period.  相似文献   

Dissolved copper concentrations in surface waters of the Bering Sea ranged from 106 to 882 ngl–1. Higher concentrations were found in continental shelf waters. In the northwestern North Pacific dissolved copper ranged from 54 to 140 ngl–1. Particulate copper concentrations varied regionally and seasonally from 6 to 79 ngl–1. Regionally averaged particulate copper concentrations decreased from 175 to 33g g–1 against an increase in suspended materials because of the dilution effects of biological fractions. Apparent sporadic increases in copper concentrations were found in the mixing area of the Kuroshio and the Oyashio waters. The feature is attributed to the lateral distribution of different water types rather than to the upwelling of deeper waters by eddies. In the same area west of 160E, waters with high concentrations of dissolved copper (96±9 ngl–1) were found. Their origin appears to be the continental shelf of the Bering Sea. In spite of intensive biological activity, a considerable fraction of copper added to shelf waters was transported to the area off Japan via the circulation in the Bering Sea and the Oyashio current.  相似文献   

A numerical and experimental modeling is presented for studying the transport of waste heat from a nuclear power plant into coastal water by using a full-field physical model with scale distortion, a local physical model with normal scale and a depth-averaged k turbulence model with a modified second-order upwind scheme. Field investigations are also used to provide the calibration and validation of the modeling. A case study simulating the turbulent tidal flow and waste heat transport in the coastal water near Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant in Southern China was conducted. The experimental result of the case study shows that the water temperature in coastal water was a little oversimulated near the surface and was a little undersimulated near the bottom of heated-water layer by the full-field physical model. The numerical study shows that the depth-averaged k turbulence model presented a satisfied prediction of turbulent tidal flow and far-field temperature distribution in coastal water, although the near-field stratification due to the heated water effluent was not accounted for. The result of the effect of scale distortion on physical model shows that a full-field physical model with a scale distortion of 10 produced a satisfied result of temperature distribution in the present case study.  相似文献   

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