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The fractional convective flux πF c (x c /πF) is computed for the effective level x c = logτ c = 0.125, using bi-dimensional co-spectra for relative continuum-brightness fluctuations ΔI and radial velocity fluctuations ΔV measured for the C i 5052.16 spectral line. A more uncertain flux for x Fe ≈ - 0.9 is obtained for the Fe i 5049.83 line. Since the results (Figure 1) incorporate current uncertainties in RMS ΔI , RMS ΔV and RMS ΔT (x), where ΔT are photospheric temperature fluctuations, they must be considered qualitative until these uncertainties are appreciably reduced. The requirement that the fractional convective flux < 1, places restrictions on these uncertainties which suggest that current RMS ΔT (x)'s are too large. The results confirm the importance of overshoot at the top of the solar hydrogen convection zone and suggest a non-negligible fractional convective flux throughout the lower photosphere. Qualitatively, they do not agree with the predictions of the generally-used, local, mixing-length theory or those of Parsons' (1969) modified mixing-length theory. However, qualitative agreement with the predictions of the non-local, generalized mixing-length theory of Spiegel (1963) and with the non-local theory of Ulrich (1970) cannot be considered as observational confirmation of these theories.  相似文献   

The velocity of microturbulent motions in the solar photosphere at the level of formation of weak Fraunhofer lines (h 150 km) is found to be 0.1 ± 0.2 km s–1. The observations have been performed with the double-pass spectrometer in Kiev. Apart from thermal motions and damping effects we have taken into account convective and wave motions when calculating the broadening of absorption lines.  相似文献   

We cross-correlate pairs of Mt. Wilson magnetograms spaced at intervals of 24–38 days to investigate the meridional motions of small magnetic features in the photosphere. Our study spans the 26-yr period July 1967–August 1993, and the correlations determine longitude averages of these motions, as functions of latitude and time. The time-average of our results over the entire 26-yr period is, as expected, antisymmetric about the equator. It is poleward between 10° and 60°, with a maximum rate of 13 m s–1, but for latitudes below ±10° it is markedly equatorward, and it is weakly equatorward for latitudes above 60°. A running 1-yr average shows that this complex latitude dependence of the long-term time average comes from a pattern of motions that changes dramatically during the course of the activity cycle. At low latitudes the motion is equatorward during the active phase of the cycle. It tends to increase as the zones of activity move toward the equator, but it reverses briefly to become poleward at solar minimum. On the poleward sides of the activity zones the motion is most strongly poleward when the activity is greatest. At high latitudes, where the results are more uncertain, the motion seems to be equatorward except around the times of polar field reversal. The difference-from-average meridional motions pattern is remarkably similar to the pattern of the magnetic rotation torsional oscillations. The correspondence is such that the zones in which the difference-from-average motion is poleward are the zones where the magnetic rotation is slower than average, and the zones in which it is equatorward are the zones where the rotation is faster.Our results suggest the following characterization: there is a constant and generally prevailing motion which is perhaps everywhere poleward and varies smoothly with latitude. On this is superimposed a cycle-dependent pattern of similar amplitude in which the meridional motions of the small magnetic features are directed away from regions of magnetic flux concentration. This is suggestive of simple diffusion, and of the models of Leighton (1964) and Sheeley, Nash, and Wang (1987). The correspondence between the meridional motions pattern and the torsional oscillations pattern in the magnetic rotation suggests that the latter may be an artifact of the combination of meridional motion and differential rotation.  相似文献   

It is shown that sunspots as tracers can give the same results for the differential rotation of the solar photosphere as the Doppler-shift measurements, if the sunspots used have only insignificant motion relative to their immediate photospheric surroundings.  相似文献   

The longitudinal magnetic field measured using the Fe I λ 525 and Fe I λ 524.7 nm lines and global magnetic field of the sun differ depending on the observatory. To study the cause of these discrepancies, we calculate the H (525)/H (524.7) ratios for various combinations of magnetic elements and compare them with the corresponding observed values. We use the standard quiet model of the solar photosphere suggesting that there are magnetic fields of different polarities in the range between zero and several kilogauss. The magnetic element distribution is found as a function of magnetic field strength and the parameters of this distribution are determined for which the calculated H (525)/H (524.7) ratio agrees with the observed one. The sigma-components are found to be shifted differently for various points of the Fe I λ 525 nm profile calculated for the inhomogeneous magnetic field. The farther the point is from the line center, the larger the sigma-components shift. Such a peculiarity of the profiles may be responsible for the discrepancies in the measured values of the global magnetic field obtained at different observatories. The increase in modulus of the global magnetic field during the maxima of solar activity can be due to a larger fraction of magnetic elements with kilogauss magnetic fields.  相似文献   

Time-sequences of line profile data have been subjected to a unique analysis which produces an amplitude and phase of the velocity and intensity at several line depths for each time sample and spatial point on the Sun. The data have been filtered to pass only the frequencies and spatial wavenumbers of the 5-min band. Yet, a secondary oscillation emerges, the phase of which propagates downward. Empirical eigenfunctions for velocity and intensity are given, and the kinetic energy flux is computed.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

A model of the solar photosphere incorporating a simple two-stream representation of granulation is found to give a small but significant improvement in the continuous radiation field over a homogeneous model. It is common to assume that the pressure does not vary with horizontal position; however, this assumption cannot be valid if the material is in hydrostatic equilibrium, so horizontal pressure differences between the hot and cold columns are allowed. This has a major effect on the structure, and one of the consequences is that temperature fluctuations at equal optical depths are greater than those at equal geometric depths.Now at Georgetown College Observatory, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.  相似文献   

A consideration of the dissociation equilibrium of diatomic molecules in the Utrecht Reference Photosphere leads us to conclude that SH, SiO, CS, HF and HCl may show up in enough concentrations in the solar atmosphere. The number above photosphere for these molecules is comparable with or more than that of MgH.  相似文献   

Falciani  R.  Rigutti  M.  Roberti  G. 《Solar physics》1974,35(2):277-280
From the variations in equivalent width of a selected set of Fraunhofer lines, we derived the variation of effective temperature and microturbulence velocity between the equator and the regions at heliographic latitude of - 72°. The reliability of the results (T/T = 0 ± 0.6%, / = 6% ± 13%) needs further investigations, but from the analysis of our data we can state that temperature variations, if any, are very small. Some suggestions for more fruitful measurements are also given.  相似文献   

Horizontal macroscopic velocities V hor in the photosphere are studied. High-resolution spectrograms of quiet regions are analyzed for center-limb variation of rms Doppler shifts. The data are treated to assure that the observed velocities refer to constant size volumes on the Sun (800 × × 3000 × 250 km), independent of μ. Using known height variation of vertical velocities and calculated line formation heights, the height dependence of 〈V hor〉 is obtained. From a value around 450 m s?1 it decreases rapidly with increasing height. To study also small-scale velocities, the time evolution of subarcsecond size elements in the photospheric network (solar filigree) is studied on filtergrams. It is concluded that they show proper motions implying 〈V hor〉 about 1 km s?1.  相似文献   

In paper I of this series it was shown that Edmonds' center-limb rms intensity fluctuation data provided strong evidence for the existence of a maximum in the horizontal temperature fluctuation near 250 km (optical depth 0.7). The data also gave a much less reliable indication of a second temperature fluctuation maximum approximately 100 km below this level. Two models, model 1 exhibiting a single temperature fluctuation maximum and model 2 which has two temperature fluctuation maxima, were put forward as worthy of further investigation. In this paper the theoretical mean limb-darkening for these models is compared with the observed limb-darkening. Neither is satisfactory and several modifications are discussed. Models of the first type can be made to fit these data only by making adjustments which appear to be inconsistent with convection as an explanation of the temperature fluctuations. Further, the agreement with the fluctuation data is now less satisfactory. However, a modified model of the second type is developed which is consistent with the convection hypothesis, which is in good agreement with the mean limb-darkening and is in qualitative agreement with the fluctuation data. This is interpreted as providing some evidence that the photospheric granulation arises from a shallow convection layer at the base of the photosphere.  相似文献   

We reproduced the observed center-to-limb variations of 11 weak line profiles with the HSRA and the microturbulence distribution given by Lites (1973), introducing an anisotropic macroturbulence (vertical component of 1.5 km/sec and horizontal one of 2.3 km/sec).The variations of the profiles with the heliographic latitude cannot be explained with temperature variations (it comes out that T/T 10–3), but we need instead a very small dependence on of the photospheric turbulence velocity field, the maximum of which, situated around - 40°–60°, is of about 3–4%, above the equatorial value. With the present measurements, however, we are not able to distinguish between variations of the micro- and macroturbulence components of the total velocity field.  相似文献   

The general problem of interpreting granulation data, in particular Edmonds' r.m.s. intensity fluctuation distribution against heliocentric angle , is discussed.A method is developed for investigating a variety of models of inhomogeneous departures from radiative equilibrium using two dimensional solutions of the equation of radiative transfer, and theoretical r.m.s. intensity fluctuation distributions are computed. It is found that only a very narrow range of models yields distributions which exhibit the essential features of Edmonds' distribution (a center-of-disk value of 14 % and a maximum value of 20.5 % at a heliocentric angle of 53°). The feature of these models is a maximum in the temperature fluctuations of about 660 K r.m.s., which represents a temperature difference between hot and cold regions of 2000 K, at a depth of about 250 km below 5000= 0.03. Below this the temperature fluctuations decrease rapidly in the next 70 km.These results are interpreted in terms of convective and radiative transport of energy. Velocities of the order of 8 km/sec are deduced in the essentially convective regime near 320 km, decreasing through 4 km/sec near the temperature fluctuation maximum to negligible values in the radiative region above 200 km.These features are shown to be consistent with modern theoretical and laboratory studies of convection in incompressible fluids. Further, these studies indicate that a second temperature fluctuation should occur at the bottom of a convective layer. For this reason, further photospheric models are studied in which, below the region of small temperature fluctuations near 320 km, the fluctuations increase sharply. For one of these models a theoretical intensity r.m.s. distribution is obtained which closely fits not only the maximum at = 53° in Edmonds' observed distribution but also the initial decrease and smaller minimum near 24°.Of the National Bureau of Standards and the University of Colorado.  相似文献   

We made detailed LTE calculations of the sensitivities of some Fraunhofer lines to local variations of the effective temperature of the Sun, taking also into account the effects of local variations of the microturbulence. The temperature sensitivities we got show a clear dependence upon the mean optical depth at which lines originate and upon the binding energy of the lower level involved in the transition.A list of some selected lines is given, in view of possible measurements either of any pole equator-variation of the effective temperature or of such local effects as those connected with the presence of strong non-spot magnetic fields.Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory, Florence, Italy.  相似文献   

High precision center-limb spectrograms of the K i resonance doublet line at λ 7699 Å were used to study the line formation and to determine the abundance of potassium in the solar atmosphere. The LTE assumption is not valid for these lines. Synthetic profiles computed in NLTE reproduce very well the observed center-limb line behaviour and yield log? K = 5.14±0.10 for the solar abundance of potassium (on the scale of log? H = 12 for Hydrogen).  相似文献   

Liu  Sou-Yang 《Solar physics》1974,39(2):297-300

Time-averaging technique is performed on a set of white light pictures obtained at μ=0.87. After eliminating short-lived granulations, the time-averaged pictures show some large scale but longlived brightness patterns which are not recognizable in any of the single frame snapshots. The patterns are brighter than the background and are co-spatial with the upper photospheric emissions and magnetic fields. We define these patterns as the white light network.


Observational data on solar irradiance oscillations from the VIRGO (SOHO) and DIFOS-F (CORONAS-F) experiments are used to obtain stratifications of perturbed hydrogen concentrations that produce isothermal oscillations in the solar photosphere. The study reveals the nodes and antinodes of the oscillations in the solar photosphere. A simulation of long-period isothermal oscillations from the DIFOS data shows that the nodes and antinodes of Δn/n tend to shift towards lower photosphere layers with a decrease in the oscillation frequency.  相似文献   

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