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A high-resolution multichannel seismic reflection river profiling campaign was completed in July 2002 in the southern Upper Rhine graben (URG), along the River Rhine. Preliminary results show apparent Quaternary vertical slip rates, on intra-graben faults that are relatively slow, of the order of a few thousandths to a few hundredths of mm/yr. Moreover, kinematical data from the Ludwigshafen area show decreasing vertical slip rates since the Middle Pleistocene and/or a migration of tectonic activity. While still preliminary, these data show inhomogeneous and relatively slow tectonic activity in the URG that could probably not alone have shaped the Quaternary graben morphology. To cite this article: G. Bertrand et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

Bedforms of the Surtainville area, off the Cherbourg peninsula, include subtidal sandwaves, which are a good example of mega-structures associated with the strong tidal currents prevailing in the English Channel. A fine-scale study using a high-accuracy echo-sounder and side-scan sonar shows that some of these sandwaves have a crescentic shape and a strong asymmetry indicating a sand movement toward the north. The sandwaves range in height from about 3.5 m to 7.5 m, in width from 100 m to 500 m and in length from 70 m to 200 m; their internal structure, revealed by the simultaneous use of a high-resolution seismic source, is characterized by large 'foreset' beds dipping in the same direction as the lee sides of the sandwaves. Groups of foresets are limited by reactivation surfaces which we interpret as erosional surfaces created by subordinate tides. The presence of horizontal erosional reflectors inside the sandwaves and the truncation of the present-day profiles may reflect the effects of storms. The asymmetry of the tide in the area studied, shown by long-term current measurements, indicates that these sandwaves belong to classes III or IV of Allen's (1980a) classification; the observed structures correspond very well to the prediction of Allen's conceptual model, but we suggest that long term phenomena like equinox cyclicity, associated with storms, may be responsible for their origin rather than the neap-spring-neap tidal cycles responsible for the internal structure of intertidal bedforms.  相似文献   

Application of a syntactic pattern recognition technique, seismic skeletonization, to deep crustal seismic reflection data allows attributes such as energies, lengths and dips to be associated with individual reflection events. Some of these attributes exhibit fractal properties, e.g. the relationship between seismic event lengths and their spatial distribution throughout the crust. This approach provides a new technique to analyse complex geometry on seismic reflection data.Dedicated to Professor William George Laidlaw on his SIXTIETH birthday  相似文献   

燕山造山带深地震反射剖面启动探测研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高锐  赵越 《地质通报》2002,21(12):905-907
板块构造本质的刚性定义,认为变形只发生在板块的边缘,板块内部不会也不可能发生与板缘相当的造山带[1].  相似文献   

We present a series of high-resolution seismic reflection lines across the Yizre'el valley, which is the largest active depression in Israel, off the main trend of the Dead Sea rift. The new seismic reflection data is of excellent quality and shows that the valley is dissected into numerous small blocks, separated by active faults. The Yizre'el valley is found to consist of a series of half grabens, rather than a single half graben, or a symmetrical graben. The faults are generally vertical and appear to have a dominant strike-slip component, but some dip-slip is also evident. A marked zone of compression near Megido is associated with the intersection of the two largest faults in the valley, the Carmel fault and the Gideon fault. Variable trend of the faults reflects the complexity of the local geology along the boundary between the wide NW–SE trending Farah–Carmel fault zone and the E–W trending basins and ranges in the Lower Galilee. This tectonic complexity is likely to result from a highly variable stress pattern, modified by the structures inside it. Normal faulting in the valley occurred at an early stage of its development as a tectonic depression. However, strike-slip motion on the Carmel fault, and possibly also on some of the other faults, appears to have started together with the onset of normal faulting. Earthquake hazard in the area appears to be uniform as faults are distributed throughout the Yizre'el valley.  相似文献   

Five seismic refraction and five high-resolution seismic reflection (HRSR) profiles were carried out in northeastern part of Riyadh city to investigate depth of the weathering layer. Results obtained from seismic refraction survey reveal the depths of weathering layer at 12, 25, 17, 12, and 16?m, respectively. On the other hand, HRSR stack sections illustrate the depths of weathering layer at 14, 28, 20, 13, and 18?m, respectively. The weathering layer is composed of alluvial sediments and gravel, which is underlain by a sequence of limestone and dolomite layer. Seismic results from site no. 2 have been found to be in good agreement with lithological information reported from the adjacent water well. The HRSR data generally reveal better signal-to-noise ratio and enhanced resolution compared to the refraction data. Although, the HRSR data failed in achieving high-quality common midpoint (CMP) stacking profile at site no. 3, it provide an improved image of the subsurface features than the refraction data, recognizing it as a potential seismic technique.  相似文献   

The question of whether single- or multi-layers of sedimentary rocks will fault or fold when subjected to layer-parallel shortening is investigated by means of the theory of elastic-plastic, strain-hardening materials, which should closely describe the properties of sedimentary rocks at high levels in the Earth's crust. The most attractive feature of the theory is that folding and faulting, intimately related in nature, are different responses of the same idealized material to different conditions.When single-layers of sedimentary rock behave much as strain-hardening materials they are unlikely to fold, rather they tend to fault, because contrasts in elasticity and strength properties of sedimentary rocks are low. Amplifications of folds in such materials are negligible whether contacts between layer and media are bonded or free to slip for single layers of dolomite, limestone, sandstone, or siltstone in media of shale. Multilayers of these same rocks fault rather than fold if contacts are bonded, but they fold readily if contacts between layers are frictionless, or have low yield strengths, for example due to high pore-water pressure. Faults may accompany the folds, occurring where compression is increased in cores of folds. Where there is predominant reverse faulting in sedimentary sequences, there probably were few structural units.  相似文献   

羌塘盆地石油地震反射新剖面及基底构造浅析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
针对羌塘盆地地表地质条件复杂,地震资料信噪比低,取得高质量的地震剖面存在很大困难等问题,中国地质调查局在羌塘布设了总长约52km的试验剖面,初步摸索出一套适用于羌塘地区地震资料采集与处理的方法技术。处理后的地震叠加剖面上反射信息丰富,揭示出盆地基底以上各构造层的空间展布特征,为查明构造圈闭和构造界面,确定地层的组合等方面,提供了高质量数据。文中在对地震反射特征分析的基础上对两条剖面显示的盆地基底的埋深、形态等方面进行了初步研究。  相似文献   

During late May and early June of 1993, we conducted two shallow, high-resolution seismic reflection surveys (Mini-Sosie method) across the southern escarpment of the Benton Hills segment of Crowleys Ridge. The reflection profiles imaged numerous post-late Cretaceous faults and folds. We believe these faults may represent a significant earthquake source zone.

The stratigraphy of the Benton Hills consists of a thin, less than about 130 m, sequence of mostly unconsolidated Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary sediments which uncomfortably overlie a much thicker section of Paleozoic carbonate rocks. The survey did not resolve reflectors within the upper 75–100 ms of two-way travel time (about 60–100 m), which would include all of the Tertiary and Quaternary and most of the Cretaceous. However, the Paleozoic-Cretaceous unconformity (Pz) produced an excellent reflection, and locally a shallower reflector within the Cretaceous (K) was resolved. No coherent reflections below about 200 ms of two-way travel time were identified.

Numerous faults and folds, which clearly offset the Paleozoic-Cretaceous unconformity reflector, were imaged on both seismic reflection profiles. Many structures imaged by the reflection data are coincident with the surface mapped locations of faults within the Cretaceous and Tertiary succession. Two locations show important structures that are clearly complex fault zones. The English Hill fault zone, striking N30°–35°E, is present along Line 1 and is important because earlier workers indicated it has Pleistocene Loess faulted against Eocene sands. The Commerce fault zone striking N50°E, overlies a major regional basement geophysical lineament, and is present on both seismic lines at the southern margin of the escarpment.

The fault zones imaged by these surveys are 30 km from the area of intense microseismicity in the New Madrid seismic zone (NMSZ). If these are northeast and north-northeast oriented fault zones like those at Thebes Gap they are favorably oriented in the modern stress field to be reactivated as right-lateral strike slip faults. Currently, earthquake hazards assessments are most dependent upon historical seismicity, and there are little geological data available to evaluate the earthquake potential of fault zones outside of the NMSZ. We anticipate that future studies will provide evidence that seismicity has migrated between fault zones well beyond the middle Mississippi Valley. The potential earthquake hazards represented by faults outside the NMSZ may be significant.  相似文献   

藏北羌塘盆地反射地震剖面与叠加速度研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文主要阐述藏北羌塘盆地龙尾错区块的二维反射地震试验的数据采集和处理的过程.分析两条剖面的反射特征,并对叠加剖面进行了初步解释:羌塘盆地中央隆起北侧存在大规模的深凹陷构造;盆地浅部不同方向的构造变形存在较大差异;出现较强的基底反射特征;中生代、古生代地层的反射特征差异较大.文中尝试对数据处理过程中的叠加速度变化进行研究,获得了与叠加剖面较一致的结果,并进一步对某探井的构造背景提出见解.  相似文献   

Parke  Minshull  erson  White  McKenzie  Ku&#;çu  Bull  Görür  & &#;engör 《地学学报》1999,11(5):223-227
Turkey is moving westward relative to Eurasia, thereby accommodating the collision between Arabia and Eurasia. This motion is mostly taken up by strike-slip deformation along the North and East Anatolian Faults. The Sea of Marmara lies over the direct westward continuation of the North Anatolian Fault zone. Just east of the Sea of Marmara, the North Anatolian Fault splits into three strands, two of which continue into the sea. While the locations of the faults are well constrained on land, it has not yet been determined how the deformation is transferred across the Sea of Marmara, onto the faults on the west coast of Turkey. We present results from a seismic reflection survey undertaken to map the faults as they continue through the three deep Marmara Sea basins of Çlnarclk, Central Marmara and Tekirdag, in order to determine how the deformation is distributed across the Sea of Marmara, and how it is taken up on the western side of the sea. The data show active dipping faults with associated tilting of sedimentary layers, connecting the North Anatolian Fault to strike-slip faults that cut the Biga and Gallipoli Peninsulas.  相似文献   

盆地的古地形及构造坡折带的形态和类型决定其沉积充填的特征和储集层砂体的分布。根据对蒙 古国东部塔木察格盆地南部地区南贝尔凹陷和塔南凹陷的盆地边缘的古地貌结构特征分析,将南贝尔凹陷和塔 南凹陷白垩纪发育的古构造坡折带划分为4种类型,分别控制着4种类型沉积相的形成和分布。断崖型坡折带 控制近岸水下扇相及前方的远岸湖底扇相的形成和分布;断阶型坡折带控制扇三角洲相和近岸水下扇相的形成 和分布;缓坡型坡折带控制扇三角洲相的形成和分布。在基准面下降阶段,盆内坡折带控制着远岸湖底扇的形 成和分布。  相似文献   

戈木错地区地处羌塘盆地中央隆起带北缘,在该区开展的区域地质调查表明结果表明,该区是天然气水合物成藏的有利地区.为了探测天然气水合物,在该地区开展了高分辨率地震反射探测技术试验,地震数据采集采用中间激发两边对称的观测系统,长排列、小道间距的接收方式,大吨位可控震源激发方式,获得了高质量的原始地震数据.在地震数据处理过程中,针对高原永冻土区的特点,进行了大量的处理参数试验,采用多种处理手段相结合的方式,获得了高信噪比的反射地震时间剖面.剖面上地震反射波组的形态清楚地反映了地下地质构造特征,依据天然气水合物成藏理论和木里地区天然气水合物表现出的频率高、振幅弱、速度低等地球物理特征,对戈木错地区天然气水合物成藏有利靶区进行了探讨和圈定.试验结果表明,高分辨率地震反射探测技术是一种非常有效的探测天然气水合物的手段,对今后在高原永冻土区开展天然气水合物地震探测有一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

逆序断裂的发育特征与地震反射识别   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在具有盆地基底和未固结盖层的双层结构的盆地里,由于松散盖层对基底断裂应变的吸收,晚期发育的基底断裂在进入盖层后,应变会逐渐减小甚至消失,形成下部错动大、上部错动小的特点,本文把这样的后期断裂称之为逆序断裂。当基底断裂为走滑断裂时,逆序断裂具有双层空间构造样式,即在盆地基底发育主干走滑断裂、而在盖层优先发育另外走向的次级雁行断裂。逆序断裂在渤海湾盆地普遍发育,本文以歧口凹陷的张北断裂带和白水头断裂带为例(这两处断裂带都在下构造层发育北东向基底走滑断裂、而在上构造层发育近东西向盖层次级正断裂),运用三维地震资料,结合沿层属性和垂直剖面,阐述了逆序断裂的发育特征和对地震反射剖面的识别。由于之前晚期的逆序断裂一般被当作早期同沉积生长断裂对待,本文希望能帮助重新认识渤海湾地区的区域断裂期次和构造发育演化过程。  相似文献   

在具有盆地基底和未固结盖层的双层结构的盆地里,由于松散盖层对基底断裂应变的吸收,晚期发育的基底断裂在进入盖层后,应变会逐渐减小甚至消失,形成下部错动大、上部错动小的特点,本文把这样的后期断裂称之为逆序断裂。当基底断裂为走滑断裂时,逆序断裂具有双层空间构造样式,即在盆地基底发育主干走滑断裂、而在盖层优先发育另外走向的次级雁行断裂。逆序断裂在渤海湾盆地普遍发育,本文以歧口凹陷的张北断裂带和白水头断裂带为例(这两处断裂带都在下构造层发育北东向基底走滑断裂、而在上构造层发育近东西向盖层次级正断裂),运用三维地震资料,结合沿层属性和垂直剖面,阐述了逆序断裂的发育特征和对地震反射剖面的识别。由于之前晚期的逆序断裂一般被当作早期同沉积生长断裂对待,本文希望能帮助重新认识渤海湾地区的区域断裂期次和构造发育演化过程。  相似文献   




王冠  熊小松  高锐  陈宣华 《中国地质》2019,46(5):1146-1160
深地震反射方法是探测地壳深部结构的先锋技术,能获取到莫霍面和上地幔的反射图像,成为揭示岩石圈结构、解决深部地质构造问题的有效手段。花海盆地位于河西走廊盆地群西部,处于不同大地构造单元的交汇部位,地层发育较全,但出露和发育程度差异较大,除白垩系为大面积连续分布外,其他各时代的地层均出露不全,常表现为被侵入岩分割破坏的残块状,为了确定深地震反射在花海盆地适合的采集参数,在采集前开展点试验,进行小、中、大炮炸药井炮激发参数对比优选,最终得到最优化的采集参数。在小炮实验中,36 kg药量取得的反射信息没有48 kg和60 kg的丰富,而且在MOHO反射的清晰度上48 kg和60 kg药量更为清晰,单井激发比组合井激发效果好;在中炮和大炮实验中,不同组合井对比差异不大,随着药量增大,激发能量增大,面波、折射波等干扰波能量也在增大,小炮干扰波能量最弱,反射信息最丰富的,中炮和大炮干扰波较发育,但通过后期去噪处理,也能得到中浅层反射信息。  相似文献   

The archaeology of caves is best served by including a study of natural effects prior to and during anthropogenic input. This is especially true for the Cave of Hearths because not only has erosion determined the area of occupation, but also subsequent undermining has caused collapse of some of the rearward parts of the site during Early Stone Age (Acheulian) and later times; and this had a major impact on excavation. The key to understanding the nature of the collapsed layers was the rediscovery of a lower part of the cavern below the whole site. This lower cavern is no longer accessible, but the evidence for it was revealed in a swallow hole by R.J. Mason, and in archived material at the Department of Archaeology, University of Witwatersrand. The creation and dissolution of dolomite fragments in the upper layers has resulted in the formation of thick, carbonate‐cemented breccia that has preserved underlying layers and prevented further collapse. We agree with Mason that further archaeological and hominid finds await excavation under the proximate Historical Cave west entrance. This area has the potential for archaeological and palaeoanthropological material that predates the layers in the Cave of Hearths. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Lower Cretaceous series, in the Western Saharan Atlas, shows important detritic deposits, particularly continental to nearshore red sandstones. Lithologically, it is an alternation of red clay and sandstone intercalated with some carbonate levels at the lower part of the series. These series can be subdivided into three lithostratigraphic units corresponding to Valanginian-Hauterivian, Barremian, and Aptian-Lower Albian. The lithostratigraphic analysis used to reconstitute the important subsidence in the Lower Cretaceous period, particularly in the Lower Albian. The Lower Cretaceous series could be considered as a geodynamic model characterized by individualization of independent depocenter filled with different detritic material and separated by Jurassic structures. This new situation appeared in the beginning of Lower Cretaceous (Valanginian-Hauterivian), following the Neocimmeriean tectonic phase, and it is increasing in the Early Albian, where differences of thicknesses are more important and allow the distinction of the depocenter. The biostratigraphic analysis of the clay samples yielded some foraminifera and palynomorphs. Benthic and planktonic foraminifera confirmed the Hauterivian age of the basal formation, also, two dominant forms of palynomorphs were recognized; according to the large stratigraphic distribution of the identified forms, it can be attributed to the Lower Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The brittle-plastic transition and the depth of seismic faulting   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A simple rheological model of shearing of the lithosphere that has gained wide acceptance is a two layer model with an upper brittle zone in which deformation takes place by frictional sliding on discrete fault surfaces and a lower plastic zone in which deformation takes place by bulk plastic flow. The two are separated by an abrupt brittle-plastic transition, which is assumed to be indicated by the lower limit of seismicity. Experimental studies, however, as well as the deformation structures of mylonites, indicate that a broad transitional field of semi-brittle behavior lies between these extremes. This is a field of mixed mode deformation with a strength that can be expected to be considerably higher than that predicted from the extrapolation of high temperature flow laws. For quartzofeldspathic rocks the semi-brittle field lies between T1, the onset of quartz plasticity at about 300 °C and T2, feldspar plasticity at about 450 °C. A model is presented in which the transition T1 does not correspond to a transition to bulk flow but to a change from unstable, velocity-weakening friction to stable, velocity-strengthening friction. T1 thus marks the depth limit of earthquake nucleation, but large earthquakes can propagate to a greater depth, T3, (T32) which corresponds to the lower limit of dynamic frictional behavior in the semi-brittle field and approximately to the peak in strength. The zone between T1 and T3 is one of alternating behavior, with flow occurring m the interseismic period and with co-seismic dynamic slip occurring during large earthquakes. This zone is characterized by mylonites interlaced by pseudotachylytes and other signs of dynamic faulting. The transition T1 is also marked by a change in the generation mechanism of fault rocks, from abrasive wear above which produces cataclastites, to adhesive wear below, which is proposed as an important generation mechanism of mylonites in the upper part of the semi-brittle field.
Zusammenfassung Ein einfaches rheologisches Modell für Schervorgänge in der Lithosphäre, das eine weite Akzeptanz erreicht hat, ist das Zweilagenmodell mit einer oberen spröden Zone, in der Deformation über Reibungsgleitung entlang diskreter Störungsflächen stattfindet, und einer unteren duktilen Zone. Hier erfolgt die Deformation durch plastisches Fließen. Beide Zonen werden durch einen abrupten spröd-plastischen Übergang voneinander getrennt, der vermutlich durch die untere Grenze der nachweisbaren Seismizität angezeigt wird. Experimentelle Untersuchungen wie auch die Deformationsgefüge in Myloniten zeigen hingegen, daß ein breites Übergangsfeld mit semisprödem Verhalten zwischen diesen beiden Extremen liegt. Hier befindet sich ein Bereich »gemischter« Deformation, deren Ausmaß beträchtlich über den aus der Extrapolation von Hochtemperatur-Fließ-Gesetzmäßigkeiten ableitbaren Werten liegen dürfte. Für Quarz-Feldspat-Gesteine liegt das halbspröde Feld zwischen T1 dem Beginn der plastischen Deformation des Quarzes bei ca. 300 °C, und T2, dem Beginn der Feldspatplastizität bei ca. 450 °C. Hier wird ein Modell vorgestellt, in dem der Übergang bei T1 nicht dem Übergang zum Gesamtfließen, sondern dem Wechsel von instabiler, geschwindigkeitsreduzierender Reibung zu stabiler, geschwindigkeitskonstanter Reibung entspricht. T1 markiert damit die Tiefengrenze der Erdbebenbildung, stärkere Beben können dagegen in größere Tiefe reichen T3 (T32), die dann der unteren Grenze dynamischen Reibungsverhaltens im semispröden Bereich und angenähert dem Stärkemaximum entspricht. Die Zone zwischen T1 und T3 zeigt alternierendes Verhalten mit plastischem Fließen während interseismischer Perioden und dynamischem Gleiten während größerer Erdbeben. Diese Zone wird charakterisiert durch Mylonite und dicht zwischengepackten Pseudotachyliten sowie anderen Anzeigern dynamischer Faltung. Hinzu kommt im Bereich des Überganges T1 ein Wechsel im Bildungsmechanismus gestörter Gesteine. Er geht von durchgreifender Ermüdung, die zu Kataklasiten führt, bis zu adhesiver Ermüdung, die als wichtiger Bildungsmechanismus für Mylonite im oberen Abschnitt des semispröden Feldes angesehen wird.

Résumé Le modèle rhéologique de cisaillement de la lithosphère le plus largement accepté comporte deux couches superposées: une couche supérieure cassante, siège de déformations le long de surfaces discrètes, les failles, et une zone inférieure ductile ou s'opère un fluage plastique d'ensemble. La transition entre ces deux domaines est brusque et considérée comme la limite inférieure de la séismicité.L'étude des structures mylonitiques ainsi que les mesures expérimentales indiquent cependant qu'un large champ de transition à caractère «semi-cassant» s'étend entre ces deux extrêmes. Ruptures et fluage plastique sont présents dans cette zone, dont la compétence peut être considérée comme bien supérieure à celle qui résulte de l'extrapolation des lois de fluage à haute température. Pour les roches quartzofeldspathiques, ce champ «semi-cassant» s'étend de T1, seuil de plasticité du quartz (environ 300 °C) à T2, celui du feldspath (environ 450 °C). Dans ce modèle, la température T1 ne correspond pas au seuil de fluage d'ensemble, mais à la frontière entre une région de frictions «instables» qui diminuent avec la vitesse, et une région de frictions «stables» qui augmentent avec la vitesse. Elle correspond donc à la profondeur limite de genèse des séismes. Les grands séismes peuvent cependant se propager jusqu'à une profondeur T3 (T32) qui correspond à la limite inférieure du comportement dynamique des forces de frottement dans le domaine «semicassant». T3 peut être considérée approximativement comme le point de résistance maximale de cette zone de transition. La zone comprise entre T1 et T3 peut donc être le siège alternativement soit de processus de fluage, soit de glissements le long de surfaces de rupture à l'occasion de séismes de forte magnitude. Cette zone se caractérise par des mylonites entremêlées de pseudotachylites et autres signes de rupture dynamique. La transition T1 est également marquée par une modification du mécanisme de transformation des roches dans les zones de faille. Audessus de cette limite, un mécanisme d'usure «abrasif» produit des cataclasites, par opposition à un mécanisme d'usure «adhésif» en-dessous. Ce dernier mécanisme est proposé comme fort probable lors de la genèse de mylomtes dans la partie supérieure du champ «semi-cassant».

() , . , , . . - , , . , , , , , . « » , , . - T1 — 300° T2 — 450°. , T1 , , , . . . T1 , , . — 3 (3 > 2), . . , . t1 2 . , . , t1 . , , ; .

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