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祁连山拉水峡铜镍硫化物矿床矿物学、地球化学及成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢燮 《地质与勘探》2014,50(4):617-629
拉水峡中型铜镍矿床几乎全岩矿化。矿石矿物学、矿床地球化学的研究表明,矿石中金属硫化物以紫硫镍铁矿、黄铁矿、黄铜矿为主,热液作用使原生硫化物组合发生了改变,低温热液特征的元素As、Se、Ag、Te富集; 矿石中Ni含量远高于Cu含量,不同类型矿石均属轻稀土富集型,反映了相同的岩浆成因,部分熔融来源特点。热液改造致使块状矿石中Cu/Ni、Ni/Co比值较高,REE分馏程度明显高于原生浸染状矿石;矿石中铂族元素含量平均为2460.5×10-9,具有较高的Ir含量和低的Pd/Ir比值特点,铂族元素与岩浆深部融离作用密切相关,块状矿石Pd/Ir比值和(Pt+Pd)/(Os+Ir+Ru)比值均高于原生浸染状矿石,表明热液作用对Cu、Pt、Pd金属元素富集具有一定作用;岩浆期后流体属中低温度(180~244℃)、中等盐度(8.81~14.67%NaCl)、中等密度(0.86~0.95g/cm3)范围, CH4+N2+CO2成分组合,具有岩浆流体成分特征。综合分析认为,拉水峡矿床主体成因可能仍以岩浆深部曾有过较彻底的硫化物不混熔作用为主,后期经历了热液作用改造。  相似文献   

The Aguablanca Ni–(Cu) sulfide deposit is hosted by a breccia pipe within a gabbro–diorite pluton. The deposit probably formed due to the disruption of a partially crystallized layered mafic complex at about 12–19 km depth and the subsequent emplacement of melts and breccias at shallow levels (<2 km). The ore-hosting breccias are interpreted as fragments of an ultramafic cumulate, which were transported to the near surface along with a molten sulfide melt. Phlogopite Ar–Ar ages are 341–332 Ma in the breccia pipe, and 338–334 Ma in the layered mafic complex, and are similar to recently reported U–Pb ages of the host Aguablanca Stock and other nearby calc-alkaline metaluminous intrusions (ca. 350–330 Ma). Ore deposition resulted from the combination of two critical factors, the emplacement of a layered mafic complex deep in the continental crust and the development of small dilational structures along transcrustal strike-slip faults that triggered the forceful intrusion of magmas to shallow levels. The emplacement of basaltic magmas in the lower middle crust was accompanied by major interaction with the host rocks, immiscibility of a sulfide melt, and the formation of a magma chamber with ultramafic cumulates and sulfide melt at the bottom and a vertically zoned mafic to intermediate magmas above. Dismembered bodies of mafic/ultramafic rocks thought to be parts of the complex crop out about 50 km southwest of the deposit in a tectonically uplifted block (Cortegana Igneous Complex, Aracena Massif). Reactivation of Variscan structures that merged at the depth of the mafic complex led to sequential extraction of melts, cumulates, and sulfide magma. Lithogeochemistry and Sr and Nd isotope data of the Aguablanca Stock reflect the mixing from two distinct reservoirs, i.e., an evolved siliciclastic middle-upper continental crust and a primitive tholeiitic melt. Crustal contamination in the deep magma chamber was so intense that orthopyroxene replaced olivine as the main mineral phase controlling the early fractional crystallization of the melt. Geochemical evidence includes enrichment in SiO2 and incompatible elements, and Sr and Nd isotope compositions (87Sr/86Sri 0.708–0.710; 143Nd/144Ndi 0.512–0.513). However, rocks of the Cortegana Igneous Complex have low initial 87Sr/86Sr and high initial 143Nd/144Nd values suggesting contamination by lower crustal rocks. Comparison of the geochemical and geological features of igneous rocks in the Aguablanca deposit and the Cortegana Igneous Complex indicates that, although probably part of the same magmatic system, they are rather different and the rocks of the Cortegana Igneous Complex were not the direct source of the Aguablanca deposit. Crust–magma interaction was a complex process, and the generation of orebodies was controlled by local but highly variable factors. The model for the formation of the Aguablanca deposit presented in this study implies that dense sulfide melts can effectively travel long distances through the continental crust and that dilational zones within compressional belts can effectively focus such melt transport into shallow environments.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Re-Mo-Cu-Os sulphide from the Ekojoki Ni-Cu deposit,SW Finland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary This short communication reports the discovery and composition of the first Os-bearing rhenium sulphide. It occurs as a single euhedral crystal in the early Proterozoic Ekojoki Ni-Cu deposit in Finland, being enclosed by interstitial magmatic Fe-Ni sulphides. Electron microprobe analyses are most consistent with a general formula of Cu(Re,Os,Mo)5S9. The Re-Os model age calculations indicate that approximately 2/3 osmium is "common" Os that was accommodated by the sulphide at the time of crystallisation, 1/3 being produced via post-crystallisation decay of187,Re to18 7Os. We propose that this sulphide crystallised from an immiscible sulphide liquid that was unusually rich in rhenium due to extensive assimilation of black schist sulphides by the magma.With 2 Figures  相似文献   

滇东南建水普雄铌稀土矿床矿物学和元素地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
普雄铌稀土矿床位于滇东南建水县,是新发现赋存于长岭岗碱性岩体风化壳中的一个超大型富铌稀土矿床。目前,该矿床探获稀土矿石量3.6亿t,稀土氧化物量47万t,铌金属量5.7万t,以轻稀土元素富集为特征。本文通过对具有代表性的15号勘探线60号钻孔20件各种类型铌稀土矿石样品进行分析测试,初步查明了该矿床的矿物学和元素地球化学特征。显微镜下鉴定和XRD、SEM分析结果显示,该矿床Ⅰ号和Ⅱ号矿体残留造岩矿物主要有正长石、斜长石、霞石、云母和磁铁矿等,次生矿物主要为高岭石、三水铝石和蒙脱石等,主要稀土矿物及含稀土矿物为独居石、氟碳铈矿、铅锰铈矿和方钍石等。稀土矿物和含稀土矿物主要呈他形粒状、针状和板状等分布于高岭石、云母和正长石的裂隙和解理中,部分独立分布。ICP-MS分析结果显示,稀土元素含量变化范围较大,但相对球粒陨石均有不同程度富集,总体表现为Ⅰ号矿体样品∑REE(766×10-6~8942×10-6)高于Ⅱ号矿体(1029×10-6~6043×10-6)。全部样品轻稀土(∑LREE)总量(748×10...  相似文献   

陕西太白金矿含金角砾岩中铂族元素特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
采用硫镍火法试金(NiS-FA)结合电感耦合等离子质谱(ICP-MS)分析了太白金矿硫化物和含金角砾岩中铂族元素的含量,结果显示,与秦岭地区八卦庙相比铂族元素含量较高,而低于原始地幔,其中铂(Pt)、钯(Pd)、钌(Ru)富集,并结合前人研究资料对铂族元素的来源和迁移机制进行探讨。铂族元素可能受深源的影响,IPGE(Ir、Os、Ru)可能主要以硫化物形式存在而PPGE(Rh、Pt、Pd)可能主要以单质存在。  相似文献   

This paper documents the solid phases associated to acid mine drainage (AMD) at the Tharsis mines (SW Spain). It provides an inventory of the AMD-precipitates, describing their main modes of occurrence and mineral assemblages. Results indicate that iron, aluminum and magnesium sulfates predominate in the assemblages. They occur as efflorescences composed of complex mixtures of metallic salts, and as ochres (jarosite combined with goethite). Also, their distributions illustrate two hydrochemical environments: the open pits, which reflect a proximal secondary paragenesis; and the downstream river banks (Meca River), which represent a more evolved paragenesis, resulting from the evolution of AMD produced throughout the system. These environments can be differentiated by composition and variety of minerals, which is considerably lower along the Meca River.The newly-formed minerals have monitoring significance and proved capable of participating in cycles of retention–liberation of hydrogen ions, sulfate, and metals. In a semi-arid climate, the importance of the AMD-precipitates as environmental indicators is stressed. They may help to understand the response of the system to the episodic rainfall events that occur after prolonged dry periods.  相似文献   

Ongoing underground exploration in the giant Jinchuan Ni-Cu sulfide deposit in western China is beginning to emphasize the potential for Cu-, Pt-, and Pd-rich sulfide ores that may have formed by sulfide liquid fractionation. The success of such an effort relies on whether or not fractional crystallization of sulfide occurred in the Jinchuan system. In this paper, we used available PGE data to evaluate such a process. We found that about two thirds of the 126 samples analyzed to date exhibit significant decoupling not only between Pt and Pd but also between Ru, Rh, and Ir. The best explanation for the decoupling is postmagmatic hydrothermal alteration, which affected not only silicates but also sulfides. The effects of postmagmatic alteration must be considered when using metal and isotopic ratios to evaluate primary mineralization. PGE variations in the remaining one third of the samples with Ir/(Ir + Ru) = 0.3–0.7, Ir/(Ir + Rh) = 0.4–0.8, and Pt/(Pt + Pd) = 0.3–0.7 indicate variable R-factors within individual ore bodies as well as the entire deposit, consistent with the interpretation that multiple sulfide-bearing magmas from depth were involved in the formation of the Jinchuan deposit. The mantle-normalized PGE patterns of the least-altered samples from the Jinchuan deposit are similar to the picrite-related Pechenga Ni-Cu sulfide deposit in Russia. PGE variations that can be related to sulfide liquid fractionation are observed in orebody-1 and orebody-24 but not in orebody-2 at Jinchuan. Exploration for Cu-, Pt-, and Pd-rich sulfide ores that may have been expelled into fractures in the footwalls of orebody-1 and orebody-24 appears to be justified.  相似文献   

拉水峡铜镍矿床位于化隆基性—超基性岩带中,岩体几乎全岩发生铜、镍硫化物矿化,且已遭受强烈蚀变,以角闪岩为主。岩浆期主要金属硫化物矿物组合为磁黄铁矿、黄铜矿、镍黄铁矿;热液蚀变期主要有紫硫镍矿、黄铁矿、黄铜矿、针镍矿等;氧化表生期主要为含镍高岭石、含镍绿泥石、孔雀石等。矿石轻稀土元素富集和负Eu异常明显,说明岩浆演化过程中发生了大量斜长石等的分离结晶作用。∑PGE含量平均为2460.46×10-9,(Pd+Pt)/(Os+Ir+Ru)值为0.40~2.00,表明铂族元素与岩浆深部熔离作用密切相关;但Pt/Pd(0.01~2.62)、Pd/Ir(0.91~8.77)说明热液作用对铂族元素具有一定的富集作用。S同位素组成变化范围很小,δ34S平均值为2.24‰,硫化物中的S以地幔S为主。拉水峡矿床的形成经历了岩浆融离贯入、热液叠加改造及表生氧化作用3个阶段。  相似文献   

The Morro dos Seis Lagos niobium deposit (2897.9 Mt at 2.81 wt% Nb2O5) is associated with laterites formed by the weathering of siderite carbonatite. This iron-rich lateritic profile (>100 m in thickness) is divided into six textural and compositional types, which from the top to the base of the sequence is: (1) pisolitic laterite, (2) fragmented laterite, (3) mottled laterite, (4) purple laterite, (5) manganiferous laterite, and (6) brown laterite. All the laterites are composed mainly of goethite (predominant in the lower and upper varieties) and hematite (predominant in the intermediate types, formed from goethite dehydroxylation). The upper laterites were reworked, resulting in goethite formation. In the manganiferous laterite (10 m thick), the manganese oxides (mainly hollandite, with associated cerianite) occur as veins or irregular masses, formed in a late event during the development of the lateritic profile, precipitated from a solution with higher oxidation potential than that for Fe oxides, closer to the water table. Siderite is the source for the Mn. The main Nb ore mineral is Nb-rich rutile (with 11.26–22.23 wt% Nb2O5), which occurs in all of the laterites and formed at expense of a former secondary pyrochlore, together with Ce-pyrochlore (last pyrochore before final breakdown), Nb-rich goethite and minor cerianite. The paragenesis results of lateritization have been extremely intense. Minor Nb-rich brookite formed from Nb-rich rutile occurs as broken spherules with an “oolitic” (or Liesegang ring structure). Nb-rich rutile and Nb-rich brookite incorporate Nb following the [Fe3+ + (Nb, Ta) for 2Ti] substitution and both contain up to 2 wt% WO3. The laterites have an average Nb2O5 content of 2.91 wt% and average TiO2 5.00 wt% in the upper parts of the sequence. Average CeO2 concentration increases with increasing depth, from 0.12 wt% in the pisolitic type to 3.50 wt% in the brown laterite. HREE concentration is very low.  相似文献   

The Aley Nb deposit in northern British Columbia, Canada, is hosted by metamorphosed calcite and dolomite carbonatites of anorogenic affinity emplaced in Lower Paleozoic sedimentary carbonate rocks in the Devonian. Primary Nb mineralization consists of pyrochlore (commonly comprising a U–Ta-rich and F-poor core) and ferrocolumbite developed as discrete crystals and replacement products after the pyrochlore. These phases and associated heavy minerals (apatite ± magnetite ± zircon ± baddeleyite) precipitated early in the magmatic history and probably formed laterally extensive cumulate layers up to at least 1.5 m in thickness. Fractionation of copious amounts of pyrochlore is reflected in the chemical composition of the carbonatites and their constituent minerals, which show large variations in Nb/Ta value, but a near-chondritic Zr/Hf ratio. Alkali-rich metasomatic rocks (in particular, fenites and glimmerites) associated with the carbonatites are barren; the bulk of Nb in these rocks is contained in rutile, phlogopite and, to a much lesser extent, amphibole. When the passive margin of North America became the zone of plate convergence in the Cretaceous, the host carbonatites were strongly deformed, which is manifested in structures and textures indicative of grain comminution, ductile flow, folding and, locally, brecciation. The structure and continuity of the cumulate units enriched in Nb minerals were profoundly affected by these processes. Interaction of the carbonatites with crustal fluids of complex chemistry resulted in extensive dolomitization, replacement of the pyrochlore and ferrocolumbite by fersmite, and development of hydrothermal parageneses consistent with the lower greenschist-facies conditions. At these late evolutionary stages, Nb was mobilized only to a very limited extent and sequestered in a variety of minerals (fersmite, euxenite, Mg-rich ferrocolumbite and Nb-bearing rutile) typically occurring as scarce minute crystals associated with hydrothermal dolomite, quartz and chlorite. Progressive enrichment of the deformed dolomite carbonatites in heavy C and O isotopes relative to primary calcite, coupled with changes in the trace-element composition of Nb phases, indicate that the fluids were equilibrated with the wall-rock sedimentary rocks hosting the Aley deposit and were capable of transporting F, (PO4)3 , U, Th and rare-earth elements, but not Nb.  相似文献   

Platinum-group element (PGE) geochemistry combined with elemental geochemistry and magnetite compositions are reported for the Mesoproterozoic Zhuqing Fe–Ti–V oxide ore-bearing mafic intrusions in the western Yangtze Block, SW China. All the Zhuqing gabbros display extremely low concentrations of chalcophile elements and PGEs. The oxide-rich gabbros contain relatively higher contents of Cr, Ni, Ir, Ru, Rh, and lower contents of Pt and Pd than the oxide-poor gabbros. The abundances of whole-rock concentrations of Ni, Ir, Ru, and Rh correlate well with V contents in the Zhuqing gabbros, implying that the distributions of these elements are controlled by magnetite. The fractionation between Ir–Ru–Rh and Pt–Pd in the Zhuqing gabbros is mainly attributed to fractional crystallization of chromite and magnetite, whereas Ru anomalies are mainly due to variable degrees of compatibility of PGE in magnetite. The order of relative incompatibility of PGEs is calculated to be Pd?<?Pt?<?Rh?<?Ir?<?Ru. The very low PGE contents and Cu/Zr ratios and high Cu/Pd ratios suggest initially S-saturated magma parents that were highly depleted in PGE, which mainly formed due to low degrees of partial melting leaving sulfides concentrating PGEs behind in the mantle. Moreover, the low MgO, Ni, Ir and Ru contents and high Cu/Ni and Pd/Ir ratios for the gabbros suggest a highly evolved parental magma. Fe–Ti oxides fractionally crystallized from the highly evolved magma and subsequently settled in the lower sections of the magma chamber, where they concentrated and formed Fe–Ti–V oxide ore layers at the base of the lower and upper cycles. Multiple episodes of magma replenishment in the magma chamber may have been involved in the formation of the Zhuqing intrusions.  相似文献   

拉水峡铜镍矿床位于化隆基性—超基性岩带中,岩体几乎全岩发生铜、镍硫化物矿化,且已遭受强烈蚀变,以角闪岩为主。岩浆期主要金属硫化物矿物组合为磁黄铁矿、黄铜矿、镍黄铁矿;热液蚀变期主要有紫硫镍矿、黄铁矿、黄铜矿、针镍矿等;氧化表生期主要为含镍高岭石、含镍绿泥石、孔雀石等。矿石轻稀土元素富集和负Eu异常明显,说明岩浆演化过程中发生了大量斜长石等的分离结晶作用。∑PGE含量平均为2460.46×10-9,(Pd+Pt)/(Os+Ir+Ru)值为0.40~2.00,表明铂族元素与岩浆深部熔离作用密切相关;但Pt/Pd(0.01~2.62)、Pd/Ir(0.91~8.77)说明热液作用对铂族元素具有一定的富集作用。S同位素组成变化范围很小,δ34S平均值为2.24‰,硫化物中的S以地幔S为主。拉水峡矿床的形成经历了岩浆融离贯入、热液叠加改造及表生氧化作用3个阶段。  相似文献   

高永宝    李文渊  谢燮  张照伟    郭周平  张江伟  李侃 《地质通报》2012,31(05):763-772
拉水峡铜镍矿床位于化隆基性—超基性岩带中,岩体几乎全岩发生铜、镍硫化物矿化,且已遭受强烈蚀变,以角闪岩为主。岩浆期主要金属硫化物矿物组合为磁黄铁矿、黄铜矿、镍黄铁矿;热液蚀变期主要有紫硫镍矿、黄铁矿、黄铜矿、针镍矿等;氧化表生期主要为含镍高岭石、含镍绿泥石、孔雀石等。矿石轻稀土元素富集和负Eu异常明显,说明岩浆演化过程中发生了大量斜长石等的分离结晶作用。∑PGE含量平均为2460.46×10-9,(Pd+Pt)/(Os+Ir+Ru)值为0.40~2.00,表明铂族元素与岩浆深部熔离作用密切相关;但Pt/Pd(0.01~2.62)、Pd/Ir(0.91~8.77)说明热液作用对铂族元素具有一定的富集作用。S同位素组成变化范围很小,δ34S平均值为2.24‰,硫化物中的S以地幔S为主。拉水峡矿床的形成经历了岩浆融离贯入、热液叠加改造及表生氧化作用3个阶段。  相似文献   

The Tangganshan manganese ore deposit is a typical sedimentary-magmatic hydatopneumatogenic superimposed ore deposit. In this paper this deposit is discussed in more detail from the following aspects: geology, ore mineralogy, and geochemistry. On the basis of its occurrence, mineral assemblage, element geochemistry, isotopic geochemistry, and characteristics of organic matter and fluid inclusions, the Tangganshan manganese ore deposit has proved to be a new-type manganese ore deposit that has been enriched by magmatic-pneumatolic solutions. Most of the ore-forming elements were derived from the ore deposit itself, and the rest from the magmatic-pneumatolitic solutions.  相似文献   

Tourmaline-rich rocks associated with clastic metasedimentary rocks of Carboniferous age occur in the Cinco Villas massif, western Pyrenees. Three types of tourmaline-rich rocks were distinguished: (1) Fine-grained stratiform tourmaline-rich rocks, which are associated with carbonaceous metapelites (TR1); (2) stratabound tourmaline-rich rocks, associated with metapelites in the contact aureole of the Aya granitoid pluton (TR2); (3) stratabound to massive tourmaline-rich rocks, associated with psammopelites in contact with granites and pegmatites (TR3). Tourmalines belong to the schorl–dravite solid solution series and have a wide compositional range, from nearly end-member dravite for TR1 tourmalines to schorl for TR3 tourmalines; TR2 tourmalines have intermediate compositions. The Fe/(Fe+Mg) typically varies between 0.02 and ≈0.55, increasing from TR1 to TR3. The TR1 tourmalines commonly display a discontinuous chemical zoning with Fe-rich green cores (8–8.5% FeO) and Mg-rich colorless rims (10–11% MgO). In contrast, crystals that exhibit fine growth lamellae appear to lack significant chemical zoning. Oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions also reveal major differences between TR1 and TR3 tourmalines, the former displaying heavier δ18O values (17.7–19‰) and δD values (−35 to −42‰) than TR3 tourmalines 11 to 13‰ and −47 to −76‰, respectively. The TR2 tourmalines show intermediate values of 11.3 to 14.6‰ for δ18O and −40 to −55‰ for δD. Linear and continuous chemical variations obtained for major and trace elements of the whole rocks reflect mixing between clay-rich and quartz-rich end-members, indicative that some tourmaline-rich rocks contain a significant detrital component. Chondrite normalized REE (rare earth element) patterns of tourmaline-rich rocks are similar to those of surrounding unaltered clastic metasediments, except for some TR1 rocks which are characterized by low contents of ΣREE. Mass-balance calculations show that tourmaline-forming processes plus metamorphism led to mass and volume changes at mesoscopic scales (≈10% for the TR1 tourmalinites). Silicon, Fe, Mn, and REE elements were partially lost from sedimentary rocks, whereas Mg and particularly B were added to pelitic sediments. Available data, nevertheless, do not allow an assessment of the boron source. Formation of the TR1 tourmaline-rich rocks probably was the net result of several processes, including direct precipitation from B-rich hydrothermal fluids or colloids, early diagenetic reactions of carbonaceous pelitic sediments with these fluids, and subsequent recrystallization during regional metamorphism. The TR2 tourmaline-rich rocks mainly developed by metamorphic recrystallization of TR1. Tourmaline-rich rocks and veins adjacent to pegmatites and granitic rocks (TR3) are the result of boron metasomatism; the primary boron having been recycled from stratiform tourmalinites during regional metamorphism and magmatism. Received: 18 November 1996 / Accepted: 25 April 1997  相似文献   

This study investigates the stratigraphical sequence of Cocina Cave (Spain) employing and testing for the first time the capability of rare earth elements as markers of human activities in caves. Located in Dos Aguas (Valencian Community, Spain), Cocina Cave is characterized by the presence of several Holocene archaeological deposits from the final Mesolithic to the present day and is a pivotal site for understanding the socio-ecological dynamics of the last hunter-gatherer inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula and the transition to pastoral and agricultural economies in the Western Mediterranean. However, the identification of strata from particular time-periods in the cave is often difficult due to the homogeneity of layers, the poor archaeological record in some strata and the presence of severe disturbance phenomena. The methodological approach of this study consisted of cross-referencing rare earth elements and other chemical markers with the archaeological stratigraphical interpretation, in an attempt to not only support the identification of the anthropic contribution to the formation of Cocina Cave strata, but also to characterize and confirm different natural and occupational episodes, particularly those associated with hunter-gatherer, early agriculturalist, and shepherd activities. Sediments were collected from different excavation areas and analysed for major elements, trace elements, rare earth elements (REE), soil organic matter (SOM) amounts and pH. Multivariate statistics were employed to group samples according to their elemental profile, and these were then compared to the archaeological temporal interpretation. The obtained results showed that REE amount and fractionation geochemical processes were regulated by carbonates, phosphates and pH. The use of REE as markers was particularly useful as their concentrations and their calculated ratios and anomaly distributions were demonstrated to be highly consistent with the archaeological stratigraphical interpretation.  相似文献   

Numerous tholeiitic mafic-ultramafic intrusions occurring in the Avalon and the Gander terranes of the Appalachian Orogen host magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide accumulations. The sulfide occurrences of the Gander terrane are depleted in the platinum-group elements (PGE). Total PGE abundances in these intrusions do not exceed several hundreds of ppb. The Mechanic intrusion occurring in the Avalon terrane, on the other hand, has PGE concentrations as high as 2400 ppb. Low PGE levels in the Gander terrane can be explained by equilibration of the immiscible sulfide melt with a low proportion of silicate magma. One possible explanation would be that the parental magmas for these intrusions were sulfur saturated before leaving their source region. An early sulfide fractionation during migration to the upper crustal levels, or immediately after entering the magma chamber is another possibility. Differences in the PGE geochemistry of the two groups can be explained by the different source region characteristics and different environments in which the magmas evolved.  相似文献   

文章系统地测定了墨江金镍矿床中的金镍矿和镍矿矿石中的PGE含量,结果均较低,∑PGE为(2.58~109.66)×10-9,与超基性岩的∑PGE〔(14.58~50.48)×10-9〕相差不大,且矿石与超基性围岩PGE Au的球粒陨石标准化模式基本一致,均为Pt和Ir相对亏损和Ru及Rh相对富集的M型,显示墨江金镍矿PGE来源较为一致,主要来自超基性岩体;墨江金镍矿Pd/Ir比值为0.18~10.0,远低于典型热液型镍矿的Pd/Ir值(>100),而与岩浆型镍矿相近,说明其中的镍主要为岩浆成因,后期热液改造并不是Ni成矿的主导因素,因此墨江应为早期岩浆型Ni矿和晚期热液型Au(Ni)矿叠加形成的复合矿床。墨江金镍矿的超基性围岩直接来自地幔,是由经历了基性岩浆抽提和交代作用形成的亏损地幔发生程度不同的部分熔融形成的,其原始岩浆中硫已达到饱和。  相似文献   

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