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基于离散单元法的裂隙岩体渗流应力耦合分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
文章从离散单元法的基本原理和岩体裂隙网络渗流的特点出发,以节理开度变化为纽带,对裂隙岩体渗流场与应力场耦合的离散网络模型进行分析,并用离散元数值方法结合算例分别进行了渗流场与应力场的耦合、非耦合计算。结果表明:耦合计算所得到的应力、位移和渗流量与非耦合计算得到的结果相比,都有不同程度的增大。因此,应从渗流场应力场两场耦合的角度考虑,才能提供更加符合实际的满足安全性的解答。 相似文献
岩体抗剪强度参数现场测试新方法及工程应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
岩体抗剪强度参数的确定是进行岩体工程稳定性分析中最基本和最重要的,也是最困难的一项工作。由于室内和现场试验方法的局限性以及经验准则的人为性,快速、简易和较可靠确定岩体抗剪强度参数的原位测试手段一直是岩石工程界关注的热点。采用引进美国生产的岩石钻孔剪切仪,在实验室混凝土空心圆柱体和向家坝水电站坝基岩体中进行了尝试,取得了有益的试验成果。将主要从钻孔剪切仪的工作原理、数值模拟分析和工程应用等几方面对其进行全面的阐述和总结。试验成果和数值分析结果显示,岩石钻孔剪切仪是一种适用于软岩~中硬岩的原位试验设备,其试验成果总体钻孔剪切试验得到的c、 小于传统三轴和直剪试验成果,但钻孔剪切试验的 值在 <40?的范围内略低于传统三轴和直剪试验成,而钻孔剪切试验的c值较传统三轴和直剪试验的c 值降低较多,一般为25%~50%。 相似文献
The strength and deformability of rock masses transected by non-persistent joints are controlled by complex interactions of joints and intact rock bridges. The emergence of synthetic rock mass (SRM) numerical modelling offers a promising approach to the analysis of rock masses, but has not been rigorously compared with actual physical experiments. In this work, SRM modelling by the discrete element software PFC3D is used to investigate the effect of geometric parameters of joints on the rock mass failure mechanism, unconfined compressive strength and deformation modulus. Firstly, a validation study is undertaken to investigate the ability of SRM modelling to reproduce rock mass failure modes and strength as determined by uniaxial and biaxial compression testing in the laboratory. The numerical analyses agree well with physical experimentation at low confining pressure. A sensitivity study is then undertaken of the effect of joint configuration parameters on the failure mode, unconfined compressive strength and deformation modulus of the rock mass. Five failure modes are predicted to occur: intact rock, planar, block rotation, step-path and semi-block generation. It is found that the failure mode is determined principally by joint orientation and step angle and the joint orientation with respect to principal stress direction is the parameter with the greatest influence on rock mass properties. 相似文献
为了揭示不同裂纹贯通模式的细观演化机理,采用颗粒流程序(PFC)模拟含平行双裂隙石膏试样的单轴压缩试验。对双预制裂隙在不同相对位置时试样内出现的裂纹贯通模式进行分类,并对不同贯通模式形成过程中预制裂隙周围的力链和颗粒位移场进行分析。研究发现预制裂隙的相对位置会改变压缩过程中其周围的接触力分布以及颗粒位移趋势,进而影响预制裂隙端部以及岩桥区域裂纹的扩展路径。当两预制裂隙几乎共面时,在岩桥区域存在接触力集中情况,岩桥区域首先出现微张拉裂纹,随着加载,这些微张拉裂纹逐渐演化为宏观剪切带并连接两个预制裂隙端点,形成Ⅰ型贯通。当岩桥倾角较大且两个预制裂隙不重叠时,岩桥区域的接触力集中程度增大,岩桥区域首先出现竖向的微张拉裂纹并演化为竖向的宏观裂纹连接两个预制裂隙端点,导致Ⅱ或Ⅶb型贯通。当两个预制裂隙的端部部分重叠时,由于应力屏蔽效应,重叠端部的压缩接触力集中程度小于未重叠端部,导致翼裂纹成为主导贯通的裂纹。当两个预制裂隙在竖直方向完全重叠时,两预制裂隙同侧端点之间的接触力集中导致出现由压致拉的张拉裂纹连接预制裂隙同侧端点,形成Ⅴ型贯通。出现Ⅱ、Ⅴ和Ⅶb型贯通试样的微裂纹数量曲线呈现阶梯状增长的趋势,表明这3类贯通中宏观裂纹的扩展是由应变能的突然释放导致的。 相似文献
针对非贯通裂隙岩体工程结构中的受荷岩体,提出受荷细观损伤与裂隙宏观损伤的概念。以完整岩石的初始损伤状态作为基准损伤状态,综合考虑裂隙宏观缺陷的存在、微裂纹细观缺陷在受荷下的损伤扩展以及宏细观缺陷在受荷过程中的耦合,基于Lemaitre应变等效假设,推导了考虑宏细观缺陷耦合的复合损伤变量,并给出同时考虑试件尺寸、裂隙几何与力学特性的宏观损伤变量的计算公式,从而建立了基于宏细观缺陷耦合的非贯通裂隙岩体在荷载作用下的损伤本构模型。用宏细观损伤耦合的本构模型来描述非贯通裂隙岩体在受荷过程中的细观损伤演化与宏观损伤行为,与非贯通裂隙岩体实际受荷情况符合较好。研究结果表明:(1)完整岩样和裂隙岩样的应力-应变行为在峰值强度之前差异较大,峰值强度以后差异逐渐减小,最后趋于一致,二者具有相近的残余强度;(2)裂隙岩体强度随裂隙贯通率的增加而增大,随裂隙倾角的变化具有明显的各向异性,同时还与裂隙面的内摩擦角有关;(3)裂隙倾角为90°时,裂隙岩样的峰值强度最高;张开型裂隙岩样的裂隙倾角为45°时,峰值强度最低;(4)非贯通裂隙岩体工程结构中的受荷岩体,其力学性能由受荷细观损伤与裂隙宏观损伤及其耦合效应所决定,基于宏细观损伤耦合的复合损伤变量可以较好地反映非贯通裂隙岩样的力学特性。 相似文献
神经网络在岩体力学参数和地应力场反演中的应用 总被引:13,自引:7,他引:13
BP神经网络已广泛地应用于岩体力学参数和初始应力场的反演分析,但在实际应用中,BP网络存在着网络训练易于过度、收敛速度慢、易陷入局部极小以及隐层节点数难于确定等缺点。采用RBF网络和改进的BP网络,利用基于有限差分格式的快速拉格朗日算法进行正分析计算,依据若干测点的正应力数据,反演了计算区域的岩体力学参数以及初始应力场。算例表明,RBF神经网络与快速拉格朗日算法相结合,在样本容量相同的情况下,反演分析的精度、网络的拓扑结构以及学习、收敛速度,均优于采用BP网络的反演算法。 相似文献
通过对块体形成机制的讨论,根据岩体内节理面间距分布的随机性,分析了不同尺寸块体的出现概率。在计算块体的可靠度时,考虑了结构面的产状,粘结系数,磨擦系数等多个随机因素的影响。 相似文献
含顺层断续节理岩质边坡地震作用下的破坏模式与动力响应研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于二维颗粒流软件PFC2D的人工合成岩体技术(SRM),研究了岩桥倾角和节理间距不同组合形式的含顺层断续节理岩质边坡在地震作用下的破坏模式与动力响应规律。研究结果显示:在地震动力作用下,含单潜在滑动面的顺层断续节理岩质边坡呈现出滑移-倾倒的混合破坏特征,含多潜在滑动面的顺层断续节理岩质边坡则主要发生倾倒破坏;由顺层断续节理以及岩桥交替连接所组成的潜在滑动面是控制边坡动力稳定性的关键因素。在地震动力作用下,最靠近坡脚的岩桥段首先萌生翼裂纹,使得拉应力得到释放,随后各节理相继萌生裂纹并扩展、贯通,最终导致坡体发生阶梯状整体失稳。裂纹扩展受顺层断续节理控制,萌生裂纹中以张拉裂纹为主,且裂纹数量与输入地震波的加速度曲线具有同步性。另一方面,节理面的存在对边坡动力响应产生明显影响,沿坡表以及沿水平方向上的峰值速度、峰值位移随着岩桥倾角的增大、节理间距的减小而增大,同时节理间距和岩桥倾角对于峰值加速度(PGA)放大系数的影响范围主要集中在坡表、坡肩;沿竖直方向上,峰值位移随着岩桥倾角、节理间距的增大而减小,PGA放大系数曲线随高程变化总体呈现U型分布特征。 相似文献
岩体初始地应力场分析方法研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
初始地应力场是影响岩土工程稳定性的重要因素之一,如何合理地模拟初始地应力场一直是岩体力学中的重要研究课题。以国内某大型水利水电工程构筑区域实测空间地应力资料为基础,以边界位移为控制对象,采用有限元(无界元)方法对工程区大范围内的岩体初始地应力场进行了分析和研究。尝试在实际边界上满足无穷远处位移为0的模型边界上引入了无界单元,实测点上的应力拟合结果有较明显的改善,这表明所采用的方法是切实可行和有效的。 相似文献
Francois E. Heuze 《Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering》1980,12(3-4):167-192
SummaryScale Effects in the Determination of Rock Mass Strength and Deformability An extensive literature search was conducted, to investigate the effect of the scale of testing on the measurement of strength and stiffness of rock masses. The results are presented for bearing capacity tests, compression tests, and several types of deformability tests.Field strength values are generally several times smaller than laboratory values. Field moduli generally appear to be between 20 per cent to 60 per cent of laboratory measured moduli.All strength and deformability results reviewed point to the great need for more field tests. Specific suggestions are given.
With 22 Figures 相似文献
ZusammenfassungMastabeffekte bei der Bestimmung mechanischer Eigenschaften von Fels Ein eingehendes Literaturstudium wurde durchgeführt, um den Maßstabeffekt auf die Festigkeits- und Verformbarkeitsmessungen im Fels zu untersuchen. Es werden Resultate von Plattendruckversuchen, Druckversuchen und mehreren Verformungsversuchen aufgeführt. Die in-situ gemessene Festigkeit ist im allgemeinen ein Bruchteil derjenigen, die bei Laborversuchen festgestellt wird. Die Verformbarkeiten in-situ betragen meistens 20 bis 60 Prozent der im Labor erhaltenen Werte. Alle Resultate zeigen, daß mehr In-situ-Versuche notwendig sind. Der Autor macht dazu einige Vorschläge.
RésuméL'effet d'échelle dans les mesures de propriétés mécaniques des massifs rocheux. On a fait une recherche bibliographique détaillée, pour étudier l'effet d'échelle sur les mesures de résistance et de déformabilité des masses rocheuses. On présente des résultats concernant les essais de résistance à la plaque, les essais de compression, et plusieurs types d'essais de déformabilité en place.Les résistances mesurées in-situ sont généralement une fraction de celles mesurées au laboratoire. Les déformabilités mesurées en place sont généralement entre 20 et 60 pour cent des valeurs au laboratoire.Tous les résultats que l'on a examiné indiquent la nécessité d'effectuer plus d'essais en place. L'auteur offre un certain nombre de suggestions.
With 22 Figures 相似文献
A numerical study on 2-D compressive wave propagation in rock masses with a set of joints along the radial direction normal to the joints 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
An explosion in a borehole or an accidental explosion in a tunnel will generate a two-dimensional (2-D) compressive wave that travels through the surrounding rock mass. For the problem of 2-D compressive wave propagation in a rock mass with parallel joints in the radial direction normal to the joints, parametric studies on the transmission ratio and the maximum rebound ratio are performed in universal distinct element code. The variation of the transmission ratio with the ratio of joint spacing to wavelength is generalized into a characteristic curve, which can be used as a prediction model for estimating the transmission ratio. The relationship between the maximum rebound ratio and the influence factors is obtained in charts. The charts can be used as a prediction model for estimating the maximum rebound ratio. The proposed prediction models for estimating the transmission ratio and the maximum rebound ratio are applied to a field explosion test, Mandai test in Singapore. The minimum possible values of peak particle velocity (PPV) at the monitoring points are estimated by using the proposed prediction model for estimating the transmission ratio along the radial direction normal to the joints. On the other hand, the maximum possible values of PPV are estimated by using the proposed prediction model for estimating the maximum rebound ratio along the same radial direction. The comparison shows a good agreement between the field-recorded PPVs and the estimated range of PPVs given by the minimum possible PPVs and the maximum possible PPVs at the monitoring points in Mandai test. The good agreement between the estimated and field-recorded values validates the proposed prediction models for estimating peak particle velocity in a rock mass with a set of joints due to application of a compressive wave at the boundary of a tunnel or a borehole. 相似文献
分形节理岩体强度与变形尺度效应的试验研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
根据强度与变形尺度效应的研究需要,试验研究了脆性岩石相似模拟材料的配比,提出了预置材料产生模拟节理的方法,解决了随机分布节理试件的制作问题。采用分形分布节理模拟材料试件,研究了脆性岩体轴向抗压强度与变形的尺度效应,获得的规律与实际岩体尺度效应规律一致,并发现岩体变形的尺度效应并非完全由节理闭合和剪切破坏引起,在节理剪切破坏之前,主要是由节理的剪切变形增大引起的。 相似文献
通过采用均匀化方法,研究了圆形隧洞的锚杆支护特性,将高密度支护模式下的岩石和锚杆复合体考虑成均匀、连续、强度参数增强的等效材料,简化了岩石和锚杆间复杂的力学耦合问题。通过定义锚杆密度参数来反映不同支护模式的特性,建立锚杆密度参数与Mohr-Coulomb屈服准则中主要参数之间的关系,推导出等效弹性模量、等效黏聚力和等效内摩擦角的表达式,并分析比较了隧洞在支护前后的位移情况。结合可靠性理论,采用容许极限位移量作为失稳判据,分析了隧洞在支护前后的可靠性指标与破坏概率,结果表明,文中提出的方法简单可靠,锚杆支护对隧洞的位移限制效果明显,可显著提高隧洞的可靠性。 相似文献
地表剥蚀作用对地应力场反演的影响 总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2
岩体自重和剥蚀作用都是形成岩体初始应力场的重要因素。在地应力回归分析中,反演所得岩体重度往往大于实测重度。通过算例说明,地表剥蚀作用因素是导致该结果的主要原因,并分析了由此产生的一些工程应用问题。 相似文献
The effect of weathering on pore geometry and compressive strength of selected rock types from Turkey 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
Atiye Tu
rul 《Engineering Geology》2004,75(3-4):215-227
Weathering processes cause important changes in rock porosity. Besides porosity, distribution of pore sizes is significant for the identification of changes due to rock weathering and its effects on fabric. The formation of secondary porosity in different types of rock taken from different parts of Turkey was examined and the results are presented in this paper. The aim of this study was to observe changes in porosity due to weathering. Effective porosity, mercury intrusion porosimetry, and optical and scanning electron microscopy were used to evaluate the changes in pore geometry of the rocks. Additionally, the dry density, water absorption and uniaxial compressive strength of the rocks at different weathering stages were determined. Analysis of experimental data showed that microstructure of the rocks in relation to weathering is the main feature, which controls their physical and mechanical properties. The study revealed that fabric characteristics, particularly the pore and fracture geometry are very important characteristics for assessment of the behaviour of weathered rock. 相似文献
Prof. M. Oda T. Yamabe Y. Ishizuka H. Kumasaka H. Tada K. Kimura 《Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering》1993,26(2):89-112
Summary An elastic stress-strain relation is formulated in terms of crack tensors which makes it possible to take into account explicitly the effect of joints on elastic behavior of rock masses. The present study is to discuss some related topics which may be encountered in its practical application. Two problems are solved by incorporating the elastic stress-strain relation into a program for three-dimensional finite element analyses; i. e., stress concentration by surface loading and displacement by excavation of an intersecting tunnel. Validity of the results is checked by comparing them with a laboratory model test and a field test, with the following conclusions: The overall distribution of stress definitely depends on a joint stiffness ratio (i. e., normal stiffness to shear stiffness). If the ratio is chosen as unity, the stress concentration occurs mainly in the direction parallel to major joints. If the ratio is high, say 10, then the stress concentrates along the perpendicular as well as the parallel directions to major joints. It can be said, on the basis of the fairly good agreement of the calculations using the high stiffness ratio with the field and laboratory measurements, that the elastic solution by crack tensors provides a practical tool for estimating the stress and strain in strongly jointed rock masses. 相似文献